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Year 2017-18 (Semester: II) (W.E.F. Academic Year 2017-18)


Subject Code: 3529205 Subject Credits: 3 Total Marks: 150

1. Course Objectives:
a) The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with different domains of Human
Resources Management and to develop in them the ability to utilize the skills in practice.
b) The course also intends to develop theoretical foundation of human resource practices.
c) The course will help the students in understanding the current trends of handling the
dynamic workforce.

2. Course Duration: The course duration is of 36 sessions of 75 minutes each.

3. Course Contents:
Module No. of Marks
Modules with its Contents/Chapters
No. Sessions (out of 70)
Introduction to Human Resource Management:
Meaning, Objectives, Scope and Functions of HRM, Role of
HR executives, Changing environment of HRM in India,
Globalization and its impact on HR;

Human Resource Planning: Significance, Benefits and

I 08 14
Process, Factors affecting Human Resource Planning;

Recruitment: Definition, Process and Sources of

Recruitment, Factors governing the Recruitment Policy;
Selection: Selection Process, Application Forms, Selection
Tests, Interviews, Evaluation, Placement, and Induction
Job Analysis and Design: Features, Process and Methods
of Job Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification,
Components of Job Design

II Job Evaluation: Concept, Objectives, Process, Methods,

10 21
Advantages and Limitations of job evaluation;

Training and Management Development: Steps in the

training process, Significance and Methods of Training,
Concept and Methods of Management Development,
Differences between Training and Development, Evaluation
of Training and Management Development
Performance Appraisal: Concept and Need for
Performance appraisal, Performance Evaluation Process,
Performance Evaluation Methods- 360-degree Feedback,
Management by Objectives (MBO)

Industrial Relations and Trade Union: Definition,

Characteristics and Objectives of Industrial Relations,
III 10 21
Features and Objectives of Trade unions, Overview of Trade
Union Act 1926

Dispute Resolutions and Grievance: Causes and Outcome

of Disputes, Methods of settling Industrial Disputes;
Characteristics and Sources of Grievance, Procedure of
Grievance Management
Employee Welfare and Social security:
Objectives of Employee Welfare, Statutory Welfare
Facilities as per Factories Act 1948 and Non-statutory
Welfare Facilities, Features of Social Security,
Classification of Social Security Benefits, Social Security
Schemes in India - Employee State Insurance, Maternity
IV Benefit, Payment of Gratuity, Employee Provident Fund 08 14

Current Trends in HRM: Employee Engagement,

Competency Mapping, Green Human Resource
Management, Employer Branding, Managing Diversity at
work place, Talent Management

Students may visit any company to understand the
application of the topics learned in Module I to IV and
may work on below given emerging topics in the field of
(30 Marks
of CEC
HR Analytics, HR Information System
Employee Retention
Handling of Employee Grievance and Harassment Evaluation)
related issue.
Glass ceiling and Gender Equality
Recruitment and Selection process of various industries
Performance appraisal system in public and private
sector companies
Identifying companies where best training and
management development practices are followed
4. Teaching Methods:
The course will use the following pedagogical tools:
(a) Selected cases covering major courses.
(b) Projects/Assignments/Quiz/Class Participation, etc.

5. Evaluation:
The evaluation of participants will be on continuous basis comprising of the following Elements:
Continuous Evaluation Component
comprising of Presentation, Projects, Class (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
test/ Quiz, MCQs etc)
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)

6. Text:
Sr. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Pravin Durai Human Resource Management Pearson Second Edition

2 Garry Dessler and Fundamentals of Human Pearson Latest Edition

BijuVarkkey Resource Management
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online
resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed.
7. Reference Books:
Sr. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Uday Kumar Haldar Human Resource
Oxford Latest Edition
& Juthika Sarkar Management
P. R. N. Sinha, S. P. Human Resource Cengage Latest Edition
Shekhar / Indu Bala Management
3 Sharon Pande & Human Resource Vikas Latest Edition
Swapnalekha Basak Management Text and

8. List of Journals/Periodicals/Magazines/Newspapers, etc.

Human Capital, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, HRM Review, Indian Journal of Training
and Development, South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management
9. Session Plan (36 sessions of 75 minutes):

Session Topics to be covered

1-2 Introduction to Human Resource Management: Meaning, Objectives, Scope
and Functions of HRM, Role of HR executives, Changing environment of HRM
in India, Globalization and its impact on HR;

Human Resource Planning: Significance, Benefits and Process, Factors

affecting Human Resource Planning;
Recruitment: Definition, Process and Sources of Recruitment, Factors governing
the Recruitment Policy;
Selection: Selection Process, Application Forms, Selection Tests, Interviews,
Evaluation, Placement, and Induction
Job Analysis and Design: Features, Process and Methods of Job Analysis, Job
Description, Job Specification ,Components of Job Design
Job Evaluation: Concept, Objectives, Process, Methods, Advantages and
Limitations of job evaluation;
15-16 Training: Steps in the training process, Significance and Methods of Training,
Management Development: Concept and Methods of Management
17-18 Development, Differences between Training and Development, Evaluation of
Training and Management Development
Performance Appraisal: Concept and Need for Performance appraisal,
19-22 Performance Evaluation Process, Performance Evaluation Methods, 360-degree
Feedback, Management by Objectives (MBO)
Industrial Relations and Trade Union: Definition, Characteristics and
23-26 Objectives of Industrial Relations, Features and Objectives of Trade unions,
Overview of Trade Union Act 1926
Dispute Resolutions and Grievance: Causes and Outcome of Disputes, Methods
27-28 of settling Industrial Disputes; Characteristics and Sources of Grievance,
Procedure of Grievance Management
Employee Welfare and Social security:
Objectives of Employee Welfare, Statutory Welfare Facilities (Factories
Act 1948) and Non-statutory Welfare Facilities, Features of Social Security,
Classification of Social Security Benefits
Social Security Schemes in India - Employee State Insurance, Maternity
Benefit, Payment of Gratuity, Employee Provident Fund
Emerging Trends in HRM: Employee Engagement, Green Human Resource
Management, Employer Branding
35- 36 Managing Diversity at work place, Talent Management


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