1. Course Objectives:
a) To equip the students with the ability to apply cost concepts in managerial decision making.
b) To learn the methodology and techniques for application of cost and managerial accounting
and information in the formation of policies and in the planning and control of the
operations of the organization.
c) To understand various costing methods to take effective Strategic Managerial Decision
3. Course Contents:
Module No. of Marks
Modules with its Contents/Chapters
No. Sessions (out of 70)
Introduction to Management Accounting
Meaning, Definition and Scope of Management
Accounting, Difference between Cost Accounting and
Management Accounting, Users of Management
Accounting, Differences and Similarities between Financial
Accounting and Management Accounting, Management
Accounting in Service and Manufacturing Organisations
I 3
Cost Concepts and Classification
Meaning and Definitions of Expenses v/s Cost, Deferred
cost, Expired cost, Loss, Cost Incurrence and Cost
Recognition, Difference cost concepts and classification,
Cost flows in Manufacturing, Merchandising & Service
Costing Methods:
Understanding Various Product Segments and their Cost (30 Marks
Capturing of CEC
Green/Environmental Costing and Carbon Credit Internal
V Students should select Small & Medium Enterprise and Evaluation)
Perform cost analysis of any product/Service of that
company. Student has to prepare a report and give the
presentation in the class.
4. Teaching Methods:
The course will use the following pedagogical tools:
(a) Case discussions. (Appropriate cases may be used to teach all above modules)
(b) Discussion on issues and techniques
(c) Projects/Assignments/Quiz/Class Participation, etc.
5. Evaluation:
The evaluation of participants will be on continuous basis comprising of the following
Continuous Evaluation Component
A comprising of Projects/ Assignments/
(Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
Quizzes/ Individual or group Presentation/
Class participation/ Case studies etc
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)
6. Text Books:
Sr. No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
Advanced Management
1 Jawahar Lal Accounting: Text, S. Chand Latest Edition
Problems and Cases
Hilton, Maher and Cost Management: TMH Latest Edition
2 Selto Strategies for Business
V Rajshekharn & Cost Accounting Pearson Latest Edition
7. Reference Books:
Sr. No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
1 P C Tulsiyani Cost Accounting S Chand Latest Edition
Accounting for Oxford
2 S. Ramanathan 2016
Management University Press
M. N. Arora Cost and Management Himalaya
3 Accounting: Theory, Publishing Latest Edition
Problems & Solutions House
Khan and Jain Management TMH Latest Edition
Hansen & Cost and Management Thomson Latest Edition
5 Mowen Accounting and Publishers
Bamber, Braun, Managerial Person Latest Edition
Harrison Accountancy Education
Charles T Cost Accounting Pearson Latest Edition
7 Horngren, S M
Datar and Others
S K Bhattacharya Costing for Vikas Latest Edition
and John Management
9 P C Tulsiyani Cost Accounting S Chand Latest Edition
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online
resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed.