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Other Reviewer
Other Reviewer
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 7 years
An increase in the value of a capital asset is
Ans. C called
Ans. A
A. Marketing
B. Accounting
The annual costs that are incurred due to the
C. Data processing
functioning of a piece of equipment is known D. Office supplies
Ans. A
A. General, selling and administrative
expenses One of the following is NOT a selling or
B. Prime cost marketing expense. Which one?
C. Operating and maintenance costs
D. Total cost A. Advertising
B. Commission
Ans. C C. Insurance
D. Transportation
The sum of the direct labor cost and the
direct material cost is known as Ans. C
Ans. D A. Solvency
B. Leverage
Which is not a factory overhead expense? C. Insolvency
D. Liquidity
A. Pension, medical, vacation benefits
B. Expediting Ans. A
C. Quality control and inspection
D. Testing What is considered as an index of short-term
paying ability?
Ans. D
A. Current ratio
Bookkeeping consists of two steps, namely B. Acid test ratio
recording the transactions and categorization C. Gross margin
of transactions. Where are the transactions D. Return of investment
(receipts and disbursements? Recorded?
Ans. A
A. Journal
B. Ledger An acid test ratio is a ratio of
C. Columnar
D. Statement of account A. Gross profit to net sales
B. Net income before taxes to net sales
Ans. A C. Quick assets to current liabilities
D. Net income to owners liabilities
The following are ledger accounts EXCEPT:
Ans. C
A. Asset accounts
B. Bank accounts
C. Liability accounts
D. Owners equity accounts
Ans. B
A. Price-earning ratio
The journal and the ledger together are known B. Profit margin ratio
simply as _____ of the company. C. Return of investment
D. Gross margin
A. Accounting system
B. The books Ans. C
C. Bookkeeping system
D. Balance sheet Payback period is the ratio of
Ans. B
The present worth of cost associated with an A. Economic order quantity
asset for an infinite period of time is B. Social order quantity
referred to as C. Public order quantity
D. Private order quantity
A. Annual cost
B. Capitalized cost Ans. A
C. Increment cost
D. Operating cost What is referred to as an individual who
organizes factors of production to undertake a
Ans. B venture with a view to profit?
A form of business firm which is owned and run A. The first day is included
by a group of individuals for their mutual B. The last day is excluded
benefit C. The first day is included and the last
day is excluded
A. Cooperative D. The first day is excluded and the last
B. Corporation day is included
C. Enterprise
D. Partnership Ans. D
A document which shows the legal ownership of A. The number of days in 1 year is 360 days
financial security and entitled to payments B. The number of days in 1 year is 365 days
thereon. C. The number of days in each month is 30
A. Coupon D. The number of days in 1 year is 366 days
B. Contract
C. Bond Ans. A
D. Consol
To discount an amount F for n conversion
Ans. A periods means
A government bond which have an indefinite A. To find the present value on a day which
life rather than a specific maturity is n periods after F is due
B. To find the present value on a day which
A. Coupon is n periods before F is due
B. T-bill C. To find the present value on a day which
C. Debenture is (n-1) periods before F is due
D. Consol D. To find the present value on a day which
is (n+1) periods before F is due
Ans. D Ans. B
Refers to the orders quantity that minimizes In the formula for compound interest, F= P
the inventory cost per unit time. (1+i)n, the value (1+i)n is called ____.
A. Discount factor What refers to the extinction of the debt by
B. Interest factor any satisfactory set of payments?
C. Accumulation factor
D. Increase factor A. Liquidation
B. Liability discharge
Ans. C C. Discharging debt
D. Amortization of debt
To find the present worth of a future amount
in compound interest, we use the formula Ans. D
P=F(1+i)-n. What do you call the factor (1+i)-
A. Discount
B. Accumulation factor
C. Interest factor
D. Reduction factor
Ans. A
What do you call a fund, usually by periodic
deposits, to insure the accumulation of money
to provide for possible large payments?
What refers to an equation stating that the
sum of the values, on a certain comparison A. Escrow fund
date, of one set of obligations is equal to B. Sinking fund
the sum of the value of another set of this C. Mutual fund
date? D. Corporate fund
Ans. A Ans. A
In the sale of a bond, the actual purchase The difference between the value of an asset
price on any day is called ____. and its salvage or scrap value at the end of
the year is called ____.
A. Face value
B. Quoted price A. Depreciation
C. Accrued price B. Accrued value
D. Flat price C. Book value
D. Wearing value
Ans. D
Ans. D
What do you call the difference between the
flat price of the bond and the quoted price What is a life annuity?
of the bond?
A. A sequence of payment for a certain
A. Par value person which stops when person dies.
B. Accrued interest
B. A sequence of payment intended for a Ans. B
life insurance of a person.
C. A sequence of payment for a certain The percentage of each peso of sales that is
person which continues indefinitely. net income is called ______.
D. It is the same as perpetuity.
A. Price-earning ratio
Ans. A B. Profit margin
C. Profit margin ratio
What term is usually used by the banks to D. Return of investment ratio
represent the effective interest rate per
period? Which one represents that price-earnings
A. Yield
B. Nominal rate A. Market price per share_
C. Fixed rate Earnings per share
D. Net rate
B. Earnings per share___
Ans. A Market price per share
The acid test ratio is also known as quick C. Net credit sales__
Average net receivables
ratio. Which one represents the quick ratio?
D. Gross profit_____
A. Quick assets_____ Current liabilities
Current liabilities
Ans. A
B. Net credit sales___
Average net receivables
The book value per share of common stock is
C. Gross profit____ the ratio of the common shareholders
Current liabilities equity to ______.
Ans A
A. Consortium
B. Cartel
C. Cooperative
D. Union
It is a series of equal payment occurring at
equal interval of time where the first
Ans. A
paymenyt is made after several periods, after
the beginning of the payment
a. Perpetuity
b. Ordinary Annuity
What refers to a market for buying and selling
c. Annuity due
of raw materials such as tea, coffee, iron d. Deferred annuity
ore, etc.?
A. Commodity market
The total income equals the total operating Additional information of prospective bidders
cost. on contract documents issued prior to bidding
a. Balance sheet date.
b. In-place value a. Delict
c. Check and balance b. Escalatory
d. Break even-no gain no loss c. Technological assessment
d. Bid bulletin
Ans. D
Ans. D
Kind of obligation which has no condition
attached. A series of uniform accounts over an infinite
a. Analytic period of time.
b. Pure a. Depreciation
c. Gratuitous b. Annuity
d. Private c. Perpetuity
d. Inflation
Ans. C
Ans. C
Direct labor costs incurred in the factory
The quantity of a certain commodity that is
and direct material costs are the costs of
offered for sale at a certain price at a
all materials that go into production. The
given place and time.
sum of these two direct costs is known as
a. Demand
a. GS and A expenses
b. Supply
b. Operating and maintenance costs
c. Stocks
c. Prime cost
d. Goods
d. O and M costs
Ans. B
Ans. C
Work-in process is classified as
An index of short term paying ability is a. An assets
called b. A liability
a. Receivable turn-over c. An expenses
b. Profit margin ratio d. An owners equity
c. Current ratio
d. Acid-test ratio Ans. A
Ans. D
Ans. A Ans. D
An association of two or more individuals for quantity even though the price varies
the purpose of operating a business as co- considerably.
owners for profit. a. Utilities
a. Sole proprietorship b. Necessities
b. Company c. Luxuries
c. Partnership d. Product goods and services
d. Corporation
Ans. B
Ans. C
A condition where only few individuals
We may classify an interest rate, which produce a certain product and that any action
specifies the actual rate of interest on the of one will lead to almost the same action of
principal for one year as the others.
a. Nominal rate a. Oligopoly
b. Rate of return b. Semi-monopoly
c. Exact interest rate c. Monopoly
d. Effective rate d. Perfect competition
Ans. D Ans. A
Ans. A
It is the amount which a willing buyer will
pay to a willing seller or a property where The worth of the property equals to the
each has equal advantage and is under no original cost less depreciation.
compulsion to buy or sell. a. Scrap value
a. Fair value b. Face value
b. Market value c. Market value
c. Book value d. Book value
d. Salvage value
Ans. D
Ans. B
Money paid for the use of borrowed capital.
This occurs in a situation where a commodity a. Discount
b. Credit
or service is supplied by a number of vendors
c. Interest
and there is nothing to prevent additional d. Profit
vendors entering the market.
a. Perfect competition Ans. C
b. Oligopoly
c. Monopoly Liquid assets such as cash and other assets
d. Elastic demand that can be converted quickly into cast such
as accounts receivable and merchandise are
Ans. A
These are product or service that are desired a. Total assets
b. Fixed assets
by human and will be purchased if money is a
c. Current assets
available after the required necessities have d. None of the above
been obtained.
a. Utilities Ans. C
b. Necessities
c. Luxuries The length of time which the property may be
d. Product goods and service operated at a profit.
a. physical life
Ans. C b. Economic life
c. Operating life
These are product or services that are d. All of the above
required to support human life ad activities
that will be purchased in somewhat the same Ans. B
The provision in the contract that indicates
the possible adjustment of material cost and
labor cost.
a. Secondary clause
b. Esclatory clause
c. Contingency clause A market situation where there is one seller
d. Main clause and one buyer.
a. Monopoly
Ans. B b. Monopsony
c. Bilateral monopoly
d. Bilateral monopsony
Ans. C
The present worth of all depreciation over A market situation where there are only two
the economic life of the item is called buyers with many sellers.
a. Book value a. Duopoly
b. Capital recovery b. Oligopoly
c. Depreciation recovery c. Duopsony
d. Sinking fund d. Oligopsony
Ans. C Ans. C
Gross profit, sales less cost of goods sold, The cumulative effect of elapsed time on the
as a percentage of sales is called money value of an event, based on the earning
a. Profit margin power of equivalent investment funds capital
b. Gross margin should or will earn.
c. Net income a. Present worth factor
d. Rate of return b. Interest rate
c. Time value of money
Ans. B d. Yield
Ans. C Ans. B
The interest rate at which the present work An intangible value which is actually
of the cash flow on a project is zero of the operating concern has due to its operation.
interest earned by an investment. a. Book value
a. Effective rate b. Fair value
b. Nominal rate c. Goodwill value
c. Rate of return d. Going value
d. Yield
Ans. D
Ans. C
The value which a disinterested third party,
The ratio of the interest payment to the different from the buyer and seller, will
principal for a given unit of time and determine in order to establish a price
usually expressed as a percentage of the acceptable to both parties.
principal. a. Market value
a. Interest b. Good value
b. Interest rate c. Fair value
c. Investment d. Franchise value
d. All of the above
Ans. C
Ans. B
A type annuity where the payments are made at
The true value of interest rate computed by the end of each payment period starting from
equations for compound interest for a 1 year the first period.
period is known as a. Ordinary annuity
a. Expected return b. Annuity due
b. Interest c. Deferred annuity
c. Nominal interest d. Perpetuity
d. Effective interest
Ans. A
Ans. D
It is a series of time where the first
The intangible item of value from the payment is made after several periods, after
exclusive right of a company to provide a the beginning of the payment.
specific product or service in a stated a. Deferred annuity
region of the country. b. Delayed annuity
a. Market value c. Progressive annuity
b. Book value d. Simple annuity
c. Goodwill value
d. Franchise value Ans. A
Ans. D
The recorded current value of an asset is A type of annuity where the payments are made
known as at the start of each period from the first
a. Scrap value period.
b. Salvage value a. Ordinary annuity
c. Book value b. Annuity due
d. Present wort c. Deferred annuity
d. Perpetuity
Ans. C
Ans. B
Scrap value of an asset is sometimes known
as. Which is not an essential element of an
a. Book value ordinary annuity?
b. Salvage value a. The amounts of all payments are
c. Replacement value equal.
d. Future value b. The payments are made at equal
interval of time
Ans. B c. The first payment is made at the
beginning of each period
What is sometimes called second hand value?
d. Compound interest is paid on all c. Declining balance method
amounts in the annuity d. SYD method
Ans. C Ans. A
A is a periodic payment and I is the interest Which of the following depreciation methods
rate, then present worth of a perpetuity = cannot have a salvage value of zero?
a. Ai a. Declining balance method
b. Ai^n b. Sinking fund method
c. A^n/ i c. Straight line method
d. A/i d. SYD method
Ans. D Ans. A
A mathematical expression also known as the A method of depreciation where a fixed sum of
present value of one is called money is regularly deposited at compound
a. Load factor interest in a real or imaginary fund in order
b. Demand facetor to accumulate an amount equal to the total
c. Sinking fund factor depreciation of an asset at the end of the
d. Present worth factor assets estimated life.
a. Straight line method
Ans. D b. Sinking fund method
c. Declining balance method
As applied to a capitalized asset, the d. SYD method
distribution of the initial cost by a
periodic changes to operation as in Ans. B
depreciation or reduction of a debt by either
periodic or irregular prearranged program is
a. Annuity
b. Capital recovery
c. Annuity factor
d. Amortization
The function of interest rate and time
Ans. D determines the cumulative amount of a sinking
fund resulting from specific deposits.
a. Sinking fund factor
b. Present worth factor
c. Capacity
d. Demand factor
ans. C
Ans. A
By Tigers Review Center