Nepf Lesson Plan Prep
Nepf Lesson Plan Prep
Nepf Lesson Plan Prep
Standard 1: Learning Purpose and Connections a) I will use kahoot in my classroom as a tool for my students make
a) What strategies will help students make connections to connections to previous knowledge and new knowledge.
previous learning? b) In order for my students to understand the purpose and
b) How will students know the purpose and relevance of the relevance of the lesson I will use piktochart to help them get a better
lesson? understanding.
c) How will students build their current knowledge? c) If I want my students to build their current knowledge I will have
them do a research project and use a son of a citation machine so
they have a better understanding of citing their sources.
Standard 2: Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands a) My future students will reach all levels in the learning tasks. I
a) What Depth of Knowledge [Level 1: Recall; Level 2: will help them reach this by using Quizlet
Building Skills; Level 3: Strategic Thinking; Level 4: Extended b) In order for my students to experience a deeper thinking I will
Thinking] levels will students experience in the learning tasks? have them use Timetoast to create a story using the information
b) How will students be supported to experience deeper learned in the previous lesson.
learning? c) To challenge my students to advance their thinking skills I will
c) How will students be challenged to advance their thinking have them use magnetic poetry to come up with a 7-10 sentence
and skills? poem.
Standard 3: Engagement a) I will have students find a youtube video and critique it and state
a) How will students develop their skills in argumentation, a claim or position based on the video.
explanation, and critique, using logic/evidence to support or refute b) I will have my students use Powerpoint to create a powerpoint
a claim or position? based on everything we learned in class. I will also have them
b) How will students use multiple representations of concepts c) I will have students use google docs or microsoft word to create
in their thinking? (i.e., graphic organizers, visuals, drawings, a paper based on things we learned.
concept maps, videos, simulations, data formats) d) I will allow students to work together to create a weebly page.
c) What opportunities will students have to use their personal
experiences and knowledge to connect to the new concepts and
d) How will students collaborate with each other?
Standard 4: Student Understanding of and Responsibility for a) For my students to truly understand the learning goal and
Learning purpose of the lesson I will have them use sketchpad to create
a) How will students know the learning goals, the performance something based on what they learned
criteria and purpose of the lesson? b) in order for my students to share their progress I will create a
b) How will students share their progress? google classroom so they will be able to post feedback on
c) How will students be supported in revising their learning assignments we did.
strategies based on their progress? c) My students will be supported in revising their learning
strategies by using thinglink to create a blog that I will have access to
and will be allowed to comment back.
Standard 5: Assessment Integrated Into Instruction a) I will have students play a kahoot game based on the lesson.
a) How were student pre-assessments or work samples used b) At the end of the lesson I will have my students use jing to
to plan this lesson? make a short summary video explaining what they learned.
b) What evidence of student learning will be generated during c) Along with my grading rubric I will have students use peergrade
the lesson? (i.e., writing one-on-one conferencing, discussion with to grade their fellow classmates on presentations.
peers, instructional tasks) d) in order to adjust students results I will use educational games
c) How will students receive formative feedback? to test how well the students are doing on the material.
d) How are instructional adjustments based on students
results from their formative assessments?