Unit Plan - Revised

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Rosalinda Zavala


(Adapted from Keys to Planning Unit Template)
Language and Course Level Proficiency Level
Language proficiency levels 1, 2, and 3. There are
Spanish 3 non-native speakers three students who are heritage speakers but misplaced
in the class.
Stage 1 Desired Results
Standards (CA, World Readiness, CCSS ELA/Literacy Tech Subjects) and Skill Sets (21st Century)
California Standards CCSS College and Career Readiness
World Readiness Standards 21st Century Skill(s)
(WL or ELD) Anchor(s) (CCRA)

1.1 Students engage in CCSS.ELA- Critical Thinking

A.2.0 Students acquire conversations, provide LITERACY.CCRA.RL.3 Technology
information about legends and obtain information, Students can speak and Analytical thinking
and myths of Latin express feelings and listen in Spanish. Creativity and
America, recognize emotions, and exchange innovation
distinctive viewpoints opinions. CCSS.ELA- Pre-Advance placement
regarding culture, and 1.2 Students interpret LITERACY.CCRA.W.3 Social and Cross-
further their knowledge of written and spoken Students can write in Cultural skills
other disciplines on world language on a variety of Spanish. Global awareness
history. topics
1.3 Students present
B.2.0 Students use information, concepts,
planned language and ideas to an audience
(paragraphs and strings of of listeners or readers on
paragraphs). a variety of topics.
B.2.1 Engage in oral
and written conversations. 2.1 Students
B.2.2 Interpret written demonstrate an
and spoken language. understanding of the
B.2.3 Present to an relationship between the
audience of listeners practices and
and readers. perspectives of the
B.2.4 Describe, narrate, culture studied.
explain, and state an 2.2 Students
opinion. demonstrate an
B.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of the
understanding of the main relationship between the
idea and key details in products and
authentic texts. perspectives of the
culture studied.
C.2.1 Use products,
practices, and 3.1 Students reinforce
perspectives in culturally and further their
appropriate ways. knowledge of other
C.2.2 Describe disciplines through the
similarities and foreign language.
differences in the target
cultures and between 4.2 Students
students own cultures. demonstrate
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understanding of the
D.2.1 Use paragraph-level concept of culture
discourse (text structure) through comparisons of
to produce formal the cultures studied and
communications. their own.

E.2.0 Students use 5.1 Students use the

language in informal and language both within
some formal settings. and beyond the school

Unit Theme Essential Question(s)

What is the significance of having legends?
Why did the indigenous people use legends?
Culture: Legends and myths
How do individuals develop values and beliefs?
Do we need beliefs and values?
Unit Communicative Learning Objectives for:
Knowledge Communication Accuracy
(Linguistic and cultural understandings) (About what will they communicate and how? (Language functions and structures)
Students will learn how the
indigenous and people from the
modern century explain the life
from their point of view.
Students will recognize how the
Interpretive mode of
indigenous expressed the origin of
communication when reading
things through legends and myths.
and interpreting legends. Students will be able to identify
Students will be able to
Interpersonal mode of the differences between a real life
demonstrate cultural
communication when talking to event and myths/legends.
understanding through formal and
a partner or in groups to answer Students will describe events that
informal assessments, that is,
questions about the legends happened in the past or in their
writing and speaking.
either from everyday life or imagination to create their own
Students will be able to historical events. myth/legend.
demonstrate linguistic
Presentational mode of Students will be able to express
understanding through various
communication when working the cause and effects of the
forms of assessment, formal and
on a project and presenting their legends read.
informal in all three modes of
own legend.
Through language and culture,
students will make comparisons
between the language we use
when narrating versus verbally
Stage 2 Summative Assessment
IPA Overview
(Brief Summary FOR STUDENTS of all IPA Tasks Describing Each Task and Interrelating Them)
First five days (interpretive mode)
We will start the unit by listening to an introduction to myths and legends. The teacher will introduce the new topic by
asking checking on prior knowledge. Then, students will interpret the texts (legends) by reading and answering
questions. Students will read and understand a story based on historical facts.

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Second week (interpersonal mode)
The second week will focus on pair activities. To make connections, students will work in pairs or small groups to discuss
myths and legends of the U.S. and compare to one of Latin American. Students can choose to discuss about either myths
or legends. Lastly for this mode of communication, students will create a graphic organizer called a SQA chart where they
will write what they already know, what they want to know, and what they have learned and share with the class.

Third week (presentational mode)

Students will be creating a story. It can be their own, a myth or legend. Students will do a research on myths and legends
and write a brief summary. This will help students recognize the importance of mankind relationship to the natural
world through writing and story telling. They will then present their stories to a group of students.

Summative Interpretive Summative Interpersonal Summative Presentational

Assessment(s) (Collaborative) Assessment(s) (Productive) Assessment

For the summative presentational

assessment they will create their
own story, myth, or legend.
For the summative interpretive
Students will work individually to
assessment students will ask
create their presentation. Then they
questions when the others share
will present to their group using the
their stories. They will have to In pairs students will work
academic and content vocabulary
listen to the story to be able to together to answer all questions
from the unit.
interpret it. A series of questions about the legends. Since this is a
Lastly, they will interview each
will be assigned to answer per collaborative assessment, if absent,
other in groups using the following
presentation. They will use guided cannot make up the work.
questions: What would you have
questions for this. They will have to
changed? What did you most like
identity the main character, the
about the story? Why did you
conflict, and come up with a
choose a legend and not story or
solution to it. The people listening
vise versa and what was the
to the story will have to write a
motivation behind it?
brief summary of what has just
been narrated.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Toolbox (Section 3A)
Language Functions Vocabulary Expansion
Related Structures / Patterns
(Add rows as necessary) Tier 1
Compare es ms que, es menos que, el argumento (plot), contar
Compare these myths and legends with those es igual como, es parecido a (to tell a story), la leyenda,
they already know. mitos (myths) (legend), el
mensaje (message), la
narracin (narration), el
personaje (character)

Describing events/giving information Segn la leyenda Tier 2

En la leyenda analizar (analyze), enfocar
La leyenda dice (focus or central point),
Express opinions Es importante resumir (summarize),
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About the readings. Es necesario communicar
En mi opinin.. (communicate), expresar
(express), prrafo
(paragraph), tesis (thesis),
comparar y contrastar
(compare and contrast)

Tier 3
Ask and answer questions Interrogative pronouns and la lechuza (owl), el zopilote
about legends and myths they already know. adjectives (vulture), el ruiseor
(nightgale), la fuerza
natural (natural force), el
relato (tale), el ser
Describe quin, dnde, qu, cundo sobrenatural (supernatural
the story answering the questions: being), el smbolo (symbol)

Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments - This is where lesson planning begins (Section 3B)
How does this activity
Key Activity/Formative Assessment Mode of Self
support the unit goals
(representative samples from beginning to end of unit) Communication Community
or performance tasks?
Through a
Day 1: transcription of a
Transcription on a legend- 1st paragraph on textbook p.C3 legend, students
will be able to World
The students will be introduced to a new topic: Legends familiarize
and myths through a PowerPoint presentation, students themselves to
will follow with a graphic organizer. legends that they
will later develop.
Day 2:
Students will work in groups, reading the text and photo
captions of given legend. Students will then answer
questions of cultural comparisons from a legend they
The students will
know to the one they read about.
be able to
understand what
Students will choose a legend to investigate in
legends and myths
greater detail. They will do a jigsaw activity by
are while Interpretive/
breaking the class up into five base groups, one
developing Interpersonal World
for each legend presented. Students in each
group become experts on their assigned
skills. They will also
section by familiarizing themselves with their
be able to see
legend. The class then forms into new groups
with an expert from each of the sections in
every group. Each expert shares information
about his or her section with the rest of the
group. Then the teacher leads a discussion on
what they found most interesting and why.

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The students will
need to know these
Day 3:
two tenses well
Grammar: The teacher will review with the students the
because they will
future tenses and the subjunctive. The students will
be in the fable (the
continue to learn/review this for the entire week, with the
future to make
purpose that they learn how to write legends using the
promises and the
future and subjunctive tenses.
subjunctive to say
The teacher will then present the importance of legends Interpretive Self
what is good,
and its history.
important, or sad).
Therefore, the
students will need
to be able to
discuss how these
two tenses are
Day 4:
Reading Comprehension: Students will be
The students will read a Mayan fable from the textbook interpreting a fable,
but will be given a photocopied version of the text to have which meets the
them color-code the uses of the tenses. Before reading the standards on
teacher will talk about the Mayan civilization and about understanding Interpretive
legends as well as give them vocabulary words that they language, products
will find in the text and go over them before they start and perspectives,
reading. Then they will analyze the storys perspective on and knowledge of
humankind and nature. As they read they will answer other disciplines.
reflection and critical thinking questions.
Day 5: This assessment
The students will work in groups to rewrite La tristeza del meets the goal
maya in a modern-day setting. They will be encouraged to standards on
Interpersonal/ Self
be creative in altering the characters as well as the understanding
abilities or other gifts sought by the main character, language and
while maintaining a similar moral lesson. The groups will presenting
then perform their adaptations for the class. information.
Day 6:
This assessment
The students will have a Quiz on the importance and
will check for
significance of legends and myths, grammar (future and Interpretive Self
subjunctive), and the Mayan legend and comparing it to
one they already know.
This assessment
Day 7: will check for
Reading Comprehension: student
The students will read and interpret a legend on El understanding and World
leador and answer the questions with a partner and developing
then share with the class and have a class discussion about communication
each question to further their understanding. skills among
students as well as
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using critical
thinking to answer
the questions.
This assessment
will check for
Day 8: student
Reading Comprehension: understanding and
The students will read and interpret a legend on El len y developing Interpretive/
la nia and answer the questions with a partner and then communication Interpersonal
share with the class and have a class discussion about skills among
each question to further their understanding. students as well as
using critical
thinking to answer
the questions.
This assessment
will check for
Day 9: student
Reading Comprehension: understanding and
The students will read and interpret a legend on El lobo y developing Interpretive/
la zorra and answer the questions with a partner and communication Interpersonal World
then share with the class and have a class discussion about skills among
each question to further their understanding. students as well as
using critical
thinking to answer
the questions.
This assessment
will check for
Day 10: student
Reading Comprehension: understanding and
The students will read and interpret a legend on developing Interpretive/
Rapunzel and answer the questions with a partner and communication Interpersonal
then share with the class and have a class discussion about skills among
each question to further their understanding. students as well as
using critical
thinking to answer
the questions.
This assessment
will check for
Day 11: student
Reading Comprehension: understanding and
The students will read and interpret a legend on Rapunzel developing Interpretive/
ll and answer the questions with a partner and then communication Interpersonal World
share with the class and have a class discussion about skills among
each question to further their understanding. students as well as
using critical
thinking to answer
the questions.
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Day 12: This assessment
The students will have a Quiz and the comprehension will check for Interpretive Self
readings. understanding.
This formal
Day 13: assessment will
The students will be given a rubric on the final project and reflect students
Presentational Self
will have time to start it in class. The final project will knowledge on the
about making their own legend or story in a book. unit content and
the final results.
This formal
Day 14: assessment will
The students will continue the presentations. reflect students
Presentational Self
knowledge on the
unit content and
the final results.
This formal
Day 15: assessment will
The students will finish the presentations. reflect students
Presentational Self
knowledge on the
unit content and
the final results.

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