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Consumer Behaviour Assignment ON

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Prof Hersh Sharma Gagan Singh
Rohan Shrivastava
Shailesh Patel
Shubham Mohabe
Who is the decision making unit?
The decision can be taken by the end user or by any other individual. It normally depends on the
age of the consumer. A shirt is a product which is closely related with the user from his
childhood days to the end of his life. So the decision making unit changes from period to period
For Example : An adult guy will purchase a shirt of his taste and preferences whereas in the early
childhood the decision making unit will be parents.

Who brought the product or services?

The product can be purchased by any person it may be the consumer of the product or just a
buyer of the product. But mostly the consumer of the product is present at the time of purchase.

Identify all those who played the role in decision making process. What role
did they play?
People who influence the decision are:

 Parents: She decides which shirt to buy for her children (age below 10-15 yrs) especially
shirt which acts as a part of school uniform of the students. There role is crucial.
 Friends & Siblings: They suggest some brands, colors, type of shirt that suits the
consumer. But in this also the main dominance is over the brand decision and the
prevalent fashion rest depends mostly on the final consumer.
 Shop owners/ Salesman: Sometimes salesman may say appraise the consumer while
wearing that shirt, and consumer buys it.
 Celebrity: in some cases a celebrity who endorses that particular brand also has a great
influence to the customer. For example: Mr. Aamir Khan promoted brand named Van
Heusen in movie named Ghajini which resulted in a lot of attraction for that shirts of that
particular brand

What motivate to purchase?

Shirt is basically a product considered to be basic necessity. So to fulfill the basic necessity of
clothing motivates the consumer to purchase.

What problem did the product solve?

Clothes are necessity so it helped in solving the purpose. There still lies no substitute to the
product shirt.
What attributes seemed important?
Price, Quality, Purpose, Brand, Color, Availability, Design, Trend, Signals etc.

Characterize the decision?

The decision is taken according to the need, want and purpose. It’s a decision which is taken
once in a month or two and the decision takes time to conclude which product to purchase from
the various options available.

Was it a first time decision?

No, it was not a first time decision it was a casual decision and sometimes it can be a review of
the previous decisions.

Was the amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?

Depends on person to person, if person is choosy he/she can take more time to decide which
product to purchase.
Characterize the decision making process?
Process can be divided into following steps
 Need recognization
 Defining the purpose
 Selecting product

 Purchasing product
Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much
information was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was
information gathered?
No, usually there was no information search for the process of purchasing shirt but a consumer
gets information about the product through many ways like TV commercials, Radio, Reference
groups, Newspapers etc. The information is gathered to find out the price, offers, Discounts,
Location of the Stores. It could be gathered a few hours before the purchase or some days before.

Where is the consumer buy and why there?

Consumer buys this product from a particular market or store, because consumer wants variety
and wide range to make selection.
Which come first where to buy or what to buy?
In this decision first comes what to buy followed by where to buy. This purely depends on the
purpose if it’s an occasion or a royal party then it mostly matters where to buy but then also
firstly it’s what to buy and then location is determined.


Who is the decision making unit?

Process or decision can be made by anyone, it could be by family, society, culture most
importantly friends, or from an individual itself.

Characterize the decision making process?

The decision is taken according to the need, want and purpose. It is not an impulsive decision
that is, it is not like you see it start it, your thought process need to be put at work before you
start going to a Jim, because it involves various factors like time, cost, physical strain etc.

 Flow of idea from somewhere or from oneself, within.

 Thought process weather to join it or not if yes
 Choices & alternatives
 Selecting the best or suited one
 Start going

Who brought the product or services?

 The product can be purchased by any person it can be the consumer. Every one from
man, women, children’s, elders and younger’s ,professional ,politician, actors etc. Age is
no bar for consuming and availing the services. But it is important that the consumer of
the service is available at the time of purchase.

Identify all those who played the role in decision making process?
People who influence the decision are:

 Parents
 Friends & Siblings
 Shop owners/ Salesman through their marketing efforts
 Celebrity: They plays a most important role in the decision making process as they are
followed and admired by the youngsters infact every one wants to be look like them be fit
& healthy like them .Here we can take an example of a very lavish chain og gim called
gold gim which has been used & endorsed time to time by the celebrities.

What motivate to purchase?

 Going gym is not a question of necessity, it’s totally depending upon the choice which an
individual makes &differs from individual to individual. Now a days the world is to fast,
hectic, and in this pressure cooker like situation people are feeling pinch and need for
options like jim, yoga & stress relievers are becoming inevitable part of life. Mainly an
individual goes to gim is motivated by various factors like social status & dreams of
living life like a super star or because of health consciousness.

.What problem did the product solve?

 As I told before that it is an inevitable part of human life now a days, we can consider it
as a basic necessity product or as a life style product rather service.
 It plays various roles & solves various problems ranging from reducing your weight
therefore keeping you healthier & fitter and also acts as a social place where people can
interact and socialize with each other and not last but least fulfills the status quotient of
an individual as it gives signal that you belong to a well to do family.

What attributes seemed important?

Credibility, past recordPrice, Quality, Purpose, Brand,, Availability, swanky , Trend, Signals etc.

Was it a first time decision?

No, it was not a first time decision it was a casual decision and sometimes it can be a review of
the previous decisions.

Was the amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?

Depends on person to person, if person is choosy he/she can take more time to decide which
product to purchase.
Characterize the decision making process?
Process can be divided into following steps
 Need recognization
 Defining the purpose
 Selecting product
 Purchasing product
Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much
information was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was
information gathered?
 Yes, there is definitely a information search, information can be browsed from anywhere
like friends, t.v, society, internet, magazines, commercials etc.

 How much information was collected depends upon the source of information its
credibility, genuinity.In this case it is not a technical or very costly product so limited
information is except able.

 Alternatives in this case could be gim, yoga, swimming, cyclying, walking, power yoga
or any other sports which requires hard work and let you sweat.

 The information is gathered to find out the price, offers, Discounts, Location of the
Stores. It could be gathered a few hours before the purchase or some days before.

 Final choice depends on the purpose or objective of the individual, if somebody wants to
lose wait gimming under professional guidance will be most suggestible and preferred
one. And if somebody wants to be healthy than, yoga will do well & if

Where is the consumer buy and why there?

 Consumer buys or avail this service from a particular place, because consumer wants
variety and wide range to make selection. Now days it has become a huge business and
opportunities are endless in these fields. Organized & private sectors are jumping in to
cash the opportunities. They are offering specially designed and customized places to
attract the customers, it’s like jo dikhta hai vo bikta hai.

Which come first where to buy or what to buy?

In this decision first comes what to buy followed by where to buy. This purely depends on the
purpose of individual ,
Who is the decision making unit?
The decision can be taken by the end user or by any other individual. It normally & mostly
depends on the individual choice but if in a family decision maker is head of the family than it
may be having possible impact on the choice of the individual A shampoo is a product which is
closely related with the user from his childhood days to the end of his life..

Who brought the product or services?

 The product can be purchased by any person it may be the consumer of the product or
just a buyer of the product. Every one from man, women, children’s, elders and
younger’s, professional, politician, actors etc. Age is no bar for consuming and availing
the product..

Identify all those who played the role in decision making process. What role
did they play?
People who influence the decision are:

 Parents;they tell them what is right & what is wrong

 Friends & Siblings ; they tell them what others are doing,what trends are going
 Shop owners/ Salesman through their marketing efforts tells or compel or influence
decision making process by pushing those products which are earning greater margins for
 Celebrity: They plays a most important role in the decision making process as they are
followed and admired by the youngsters infact every one wants to be look like them.
They are the one who to a larger extent plays a role in the decision making process as
they are idealized by the youth.

What motivate to purchase?

Shampoos now a days is a necessity product rather is basically a product considered to be basic
necessity. Now various factors that motivates to purchase, these are:

Luring Advertisement & media efforts

Pollution & exhaust

Improving earning power

Dreams to look like celebrity

What problem did the product solve?

Shampoos are meant for dealing with hair problems. It conditioned the hair, it cleans &
strengthen the hairs, it cures & prevents the hair from dandruff and it also helps reducing or
control the hair fall.

What attributes seemed important?

Price, Quality, Purpose, Brand, Availability, Design, Trends, Signals etc.

Was it a first time decision?

No, it was not a first time decision it was a casual decision and sometimes it can be a review of
the previous decisions.

Was the amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?

As in case of shampoo it rarely depends.

Characterize the decision making process?

Process can be divided into following steps
 Need recognization
 Selecting product

 Purchasing product

Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much
information was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was
information gathered?
 Yes, there is definitely a information search, information can be browsed from anywhere
like friends, t.v, society, internet, magazines, commercials etc.
 The information is gathered to find out the price, offers, Discounts, Location of the

Where is the consumer buy and why there?

 Consumer buys or avail this service from a particular place, because consumer wants
variety and wide range to make selection.

Which come first where to buy or what to buy?

In this decision first comes what to buy followed by where to buy. This purely depends on the
purpose of individual .


Who is the decision making unit?

It solely depends on the choice of the individual that which Music system he will prefer.Many a
times people prefer a branded Music system over a non branded one.Which type of system to be
selected also differs from individual to individual according to his choices of the same.

Who brought the product or services?

In a music system the customer need not to be the consumer as it can be used by many persons at
the same point of time it can entertain many number of persons.

Identify all those who played the role in decision making process. What role
did they play?
Buyer : He plays the role of ultimate purchaser and may or may not be influenced by a set of

Friends and Relatives : The decision may be inspired by any of them.

Family Members : They collectively may influence the Decision choice.

Dealer : Key influencer my be the Dealer of the Music System as he may be considered as a
trusted person in this area.

Advertisements : Ads also have a great impact on the selection choice of the Buyer.

What motivate to purchase?

Love and passion for Music or self motivation here plays the key role.

What problem did the product solve?

 Mode of Entertainment
 Stress Relief
 Time Pass

What attributes seemed important?

Price, Quality, Purpose, Brand, Availability, Trend, etc.

Characterize the decision?

Its not a routine decision also not a Lifetime decision.Thus,it may require a moderate time period
may be of a Week or a few days to characterize the decision making process.

Was it a first time decision?

As mentioned its not a routine decision thus its not possible very easily to deviate from the
decision very early. Also the amount included may not be very less.

Was the amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?

Depends on person to person, if person is choosy he/she can take more time to decide which
product to purchase.
Characterize the decision making process?
Process can be divided into following steps
 Need recognization
 Defining the purpose
 Selecting product

 Purchasing product

Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much
information was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was
information gathered?
Yes, this is most likely to happen ie.information search as a matter of fact it depends on the
individuals choice to get impacted by them or not.Tv, Friends, Dealer and many other are the
sources of information search.This information does not require much time to get collected.

Where is the consumer buy and why there?

Consumer buys this product from a particular market or store and also from the trusted Dealer.

Which come first where to buy or what to buy?

In the purchase of Music system first comes the question of what to buy and then where to buy.As Market
is like flooded with various Music system Brands.Also there is a good demand for the Non Branded
Music Systems.Thus first a customer decides what to buy and then comes from where shouls he buy that

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