Excerpt - 5e Abomination Dragonspawn

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by Ray Cordova, [email protected] last updated on December 16, 2017 at 09:12:39 AM Dragonspawn, Abomination Dragonspawn are twisted creations of the dragon ‘overlords that ruled over Ansalon for much of the early Fifth Age, fusing the mind and soul of a human (or half- ‘lven) victim with the shard of a draconian’s soul to ‘create a draconian-like creature. ‘Abomination dragonspawn result when the spawning process is attempted with a humanoid other than a human or half-elf. With such creatures, the spawning process always produces abomination dragonspawn, ‘creatures even more twisted (literally) than the more: ‘common dragonspawn, Mechanically, dragonspawn are represented by applying. the half-dragon template to a humanoid creature. ‘Abornination dragonspawn gain a number of mutations depending on the race of the humanoid to be altered. ‘Abomination Dragonspawn Mechanically, dragonspawn are represented by applying the half-dragon template to a humanoid creature. Abomination ragonspawn, in addition, gan a number of mutations depending on the race of the humanoid tobe altered, Each abomination dragonspawn gains one mutation based nits orginal race prior to applying the half-dragon template. Ifthe race isnot listed here, choose any ability from racial groups that best fits the original race (suchas grouping, halt-breeds with their parent race) or simply rll on the ‘general mutation table an addtional time. Due to the varying nature of abominations, traits of no two abominations are exactly the same. Roll d% on the Abomination Mutations table twice. All abominations Ability Score Decrease. Your Inteligence and Wisdom scores decrease by 4 ‘Minotaur or ogre Rage. The creature can rage like a barbarian. Ifthe abomination dragonspawn already has access to this ability, It canuse It one adsitiona time per day. af Limber Body. The creature gains proficiency with Dexterity (stealth) checks and Dexterity checks to wriggle free of bonds. ‘Keen Vision. The abomination dragonspawn's darivision ‘extends to 120 feet, and it gains proficiency with Wisdom (Perception) checks, ender Rosping Voice. the voice of the abomination dragonspawn is whenever the creature makes Wisdom (insight) checks to taunts, it treats all ols of 1 as alls of 2. sohorrd centour ‘Additional Legs. The abomination dragonspawn gains an ‘extra set of legs, granting it 2 hoof attacks for every attack action. Bone Spurs. Lengthy, rapié-growing bone spurs lie flat ‘against the creature's back. Itcan remove these and us ‘a arrows or short swords. The abomination dragonspawa has 2d bone spurs that grow back after one week. Dwarf or Gnome Burrow Speed. The abomination dragonspawn’s claws become suited for digging, granting ita burrow speed of 20 ft by Ray Cordova, [email protected] last updated on December 16, 2017 at 09:12:39 AM ‘Abomination Mutations 4% Mutation 15 Braeyes 610 Additional arm fxtrem 1245 = muscular fxtrem 1520 a agile fxcrem 22s “” ‘ough Adopted 2630 APH speed 3135 Noxious odor Frightul presence 3640 4245 Razor claws 4650. Tentaces carapace of ses OOP Animal sooo Resistant exes cero "hanced metabolism Effect Expertise wth Wisdom Perception) checks. 775 Attack twice whenever you take the Attack ation, 42 Stren 42 Dexterty 16-80 42 Constitution anas +10. ground speed Any creature other than the ee abomination dragonspawn ‘that startsits turn within 10, fect oft must succeed ata or Constitution saving throw (OC 8 + Strength bonus + proficiency Bonus) or be polsoned until the start ofthe abomination dragonspawn's ext turn. Ona successful 96-100 savin throw, the creatures Immune tothe stench ofthat particular abomination

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