This research provides a fundamental understanding of the early stage hydration of Portland cement paste modified by 2 and
4 wt.% of sodium carbonate. An excess of CO32- ions retards the Ca(OH)2 development and enables an intensive rise and
growth of CaCO3 crystals in hydrated cement. This process lasts very intensively from 6 to 24 hours. A high conversion of
unreacted clinker minerals to hydration products in the cement - Na2CO3 pastes takes place rapidly between 1 and 24 hours.
Later the conversion of clinker minerals to the hydrate phase is reduced and higher contents of calcite and vaterite relative
to that of Ca(OH)2 in comparison with those found in the Portland cement paste are observed. As a consequence of this,
differences in strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity and porosity between hardened Portland cement paste and those
modified by Na2CO3 are found. The decrease in two-year compressive strength and elasticity modulus of cement - Na2CO3
pastes relative to Portland cement pastes is caused by the loss in binding capability due to preferential CaCO3 formation at
the early stage of cement hydration and consequent growth of CaCO3 crystals due to gradual carbonation, particularly in air
with 60 % of relative humidity. In this respect the higher volume of non-affected products of the hydration process by the
action of CO2, the better compressive strength and elasticity modulus the cement paste becomes.
The indications are that carbon dioxide reacts hydration [26]. Mechanism of the initial C3S hydration
principally with calcium hydroxide to form calcium in contact with carbonate has been explained already by
carbonate. Other hydration products are capable of follows [27 - 32]: a hydrate layer forming around the
reacting under certain conditions [11 - 14]. The C3S grain is after the contact with solution disintegrated
chemical reactions that characterise the carbonation are: by the excess of CO32- ions. This results in markedly
increased Ca2+ and OH- diffusion velocity through the
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O (5) hydrate phase layer. A dormant period is shortened and
the C3S hydration is consequently accelerated. However
This exothermic reaction reaction is accompanied this has a significant influence on pore structure
by the heat evolution 2436 J per gram of reacted CaO development. Due to the excess of CO32- ions at C3S
(7.7 kJ mole-1) [15] hydration amorphous CaCO3 particles are very quickly
precipitated in the supersaturating solution of Ca2+ and
C3SH3 + 3CO2 3CaCO3 + S2 + 3H2O (6) CO32-. In few minutes amorphous carbonate phase is
transformed to CaCO3 of crystalline nature. The results
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O Ca(HCO3)2 (7) show that well crystallised calcite with residual
amounts of amorphous calcite together with well-
Some of the bicarbonate is washed out but some of crystallised vaterite are present in C3S - carbonate
the solution penetrates to combine with Ca(OH)2 to system. The above carbonate phases together with
form calcium carbonate. carbonated C-S-H gel appear in hydrated C3S
carbonate system particularly at the ambient
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2CaCO3 + 2H2O (8) temperature and relative humidity (R.H.) of air 60 %.
Present paper is devoted to the study of the phase
For the carbonation of hydrated aluminates composition, porosity, strength and elasticity modulus
following formulae have been put forward [15]: development of Portland cement paste and those
modified by 2 wt.% and 4 wt.% of Na2CO3 hydrated 1
C3AH + CO2 CaCO3 + hydrous A (9) hour to 720 days at various curing conditions.
An important aspect of these descriptions is the Portland cement (CEM I 42.5) and pure sodium
role of water in the reaction mechanisms. It has been carbonate Na2CO3 were used in the tests. The cement
observed that carbonation will not proceed at low pastes were mixed with Portland cement to Na2CO3
relativity humidity levels [16 - 19]. ratio of 100 % / 0 % (control), 100 % / 2 % and
Upon mixing with water Portland cement 100 % / 4 % by weight and water to cement ratio of 0.5.
undergoes a five-stage sequence of microstructure Chemical composition, specific weight, specific surface
formation during setting and hardening summarised area, setting characteristics and strength development of
thus [20 - 25]: the cement are listed in table 1.
porosity. To study the cement hydration X-ray and of Ca(OH)2 as the sum of mass weight loss over the
diffraction patterns and thermal curves were made. temperature range 450 600 C (endotherm
Strength characteristics of the specimens were corresponding to dehydroxylation of Ca(OH)2 ) and
estimated according to EN 196 1 Standard [33]. beyond 800 C (endotherm corresponding to decarbo-
Ultrasonic pulse velocities were measured on ultrasonic nation of CaCO3).
apparatus UNIPAN type 543. The dynamic modulus of
elasticity (DME) values were calculated by the formula: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Figure 1. The bound water content in the cement pastes cured Figure 4. The Ca(OH)2 content in the cement pastes cured in
in 20 C / 60 % R. H. - dry air. 20 C / 100 % R. H. - wet air.
- control-d, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d, S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-d - control-w (free), - 2 wt.% Na 2CO 3-w (free),
S - 4 wt.% Na 2CO 3-w (free), - control-w (total),
- 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w (total), z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w (total)
Figure 9. Relative content of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 in the Figure 10. Changes in dynamic modulus of elasticity of tested
cement pastes cured in 20 C / 100 % R. H. - wet air. specimens.
- control-w (Ca(OH)2), - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w (Ca(OH)2), - control-d, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d, S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-d,
S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w (Ca(OH)2), - control-w (CaCO3), - control-w, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w, z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w
- 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w (CaCO3), z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w (CaCO3)
Table 2. Specific gravity and volume density and porosity of cement pastes cured in dry (D) or wet (W) air.
with compressive strength (MPa) 0.2 4.3 11.3 11.6 10.6 17.6
admixture specific gravity (g cm-3) 2.803 2.704 2.521 2.256 2.605 2.439
of 4 wt.% volume density (g cm-3) 1.370 1.316 1.422 1.370 1.457 1.443
Na2CO3 porosity (vol.%) 51.13 51.30 43.60 39.29 44.10 40.86
Table 3. Flexural and compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity of cement pastes kept 720 days in dry (D) and wet (W) air.
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33. EN 196-1 Methods of testing cement; Determination of V druhej etape sa prejavuje detrukn inok
strength. karbonatcie evidentnou stratou na hodnotch dynamickho
modulu prunosti a pevnosti v tlaku skobnch vzoriek, o
Submitted in English by the author. zko svis na ase evidentne zvislm a vznamnm
zhorovanm provitosti cementovch ka s prdavkom
uhliitanu sodnho. Faktorom determinujcim rchlos
HYDRATCIA CEMENTOVEJ KAE karbonatcie a s ou svisiacu mechanick degradciu skob-
S PRSADOU NA2CO3 nch vzoriek sa v tejto etape stva difzia atmosferickho CO2
dovntra zatvrdnutch cementovch ka v zvislosti na v nich
IVAN JANOTKA vytvorenej provej truktre. V porovnvacej cementovej kai
s mikrotruktrou a celkovou provitosou vyvinutou bez
stav stavebnctva a architektry, vplyvu prsady sa v ase nezistila iadna mechanick
Slovensk akadmia vied, degradcia.
Dbravsk cesta 9, 842 20 Bratislava, Slovensk republika Dosiahnut stupe karbonatcie rozhodujco zvis od
vonkajch podmienok oetrovania v kadom asovom
Preetroval sa priebeh hydratcie cementu a zisovali sa momente po 24 hodinch poiatonej hydratcie ka vo
zmeny v celkovej provitosti, dynamickom module prunosti vlhkom vzduchu. Ni stupe karbonatcie sa preukzal vo
a pevnosti v tlaku kae z Portlandskho cementu a ka s pr- vetkch cementovch kaiach trvalo oetrovanch vo
sadou 2 hmotn.% a 4 hmotn.% Na2CO3 zhotovench s vodnm vlhkom vzduchu v porovnan s tmi uloenmi v suchom
siniteom 0,5 v ase od 1 hodiny do 720 dn. Skobn prostred.