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Original papers



Institute of Construction and Architecture,

Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Dbravsk cesta 9, Bratislava, Slovakia

Submitted April 4, 2000; accepted June 6, 2000.

This research provides a fundamental understanding of the early stage hydration of Portland cement paste modified by 2 and
4 wt.% of sodium carbonate. An excess of CO32- ions retards the Ca(OH)2 development and enables an intensive rise and
growth of CaCO3 crystals in hydrated cement. This process lasts very intensively from 6 to 24 hours. A high conversion of
unreacted clinker minerals to hydration products in the cement - Na2CO3 pastes takes place rapidly between 1 and 24 hours.
Later the conversion of clinker minerals to the hydrate phase is reduced and higher contents of calcite and vaterite relative
to that of Ca(OH)2 in comparison with those found in the Portland cement paste are observed. As a consequence of this,
differences in strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity and porosity between hardened Portland cement paste and those
modified by Na2CO3 are found. The decrease in two-year compressive strength and elasticity modulus of cement - Na2CO3
pastes relative to Portland cement pastes is caused by the loss in binding capability due to preferential CaCO3 formation at
the early stage of cement hydration and consequent growth of CaCO3 crystals due to gradual carbonation, particularly in air
with 60 % of relative humidity. In this respect the higher volume of non-affected products of the hydration process by the
action of CO2, the better compressive strength and elasticity modulus the cement paste becomes.

INTRODUCTION As for C3S hydration, the formula given for C-S-H

is also only roughly approximate. Hydrated C3S is
In order to understand the chemistry of Portland principal contributor to early compressive strength
cement hydration, it is necessary to consider the whereas -C2S to long-term compressive strength. Less
hydration processes of all its individual clinker calcium hydroxide is formed during -C2S hydration
minerals. The results have been interpreted to indicate than when C3S is hydrated, which has certain
the occurrence of three distinct stages in the course of advantages to strength development [10].
hydration: a) the formation of a high CaO/SiO2 low area Tricalciumaluminate (C3A) hydrates very quickly
intermediate, b) the conversion of this to a low to form C2AH8 and C4AH13 which then convert with
CaO/SiO2, high area intermediate and c) the conversion time to stable C3AH6 [10].
of this to stable hydration products [1 9].
Tricalciumisilicate (C3S) is the major cementitious 2Ca3Al2O6 + 21H2O
component of Portland cement. Its hydration reaction is Ca2[Al(OH)5]2 . 3H2O + 2[Ca2Al(OH)7 . 3H2O]
represented by the following approximate chemical
equation [10]. 2{Ca3[Al(OH)6]2} + 9H2O (3)

2Ca3SiO5 + 6H2O Ca3Si2O7 . 3H2O + 3Ca(OH)2 (1) 2C3A + 21H

C2AH8 + C4AH13 2C3AH6 + 9H
or in cement nomenclature
These immediately follow a reaction between the
2C3S + 6 H C3S2H3 + 3CH calcium sulphate in solution and the calcium aluminate
hydrate to form ettringite C3A . 3CS . H32.
The products formed are a calcium silicate hydrate
known as C-S-H and calcium hydroxide. The formula 2[Ca2Al(OH)7 . 3H2O] + 3CaSO4 . 2H2O + 14H2O
given for C-S-H is only a very rough approximation Ca6[Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3 . 26H2O + Ca(OH)2
because also more than one variety of C-S-H is formed
during the hydration reaction. Dicalciumsilicate (-C2S) C4AH13 + 3CSH2 + 14H C3A . 3CS . H32 + CH (4)
hydrates much more slowly than C3S does, to form
similar type of C-S-H and Ca(OH)2. Calcium aluminoferrite is a solid solution within
the C2A - C2F system whose composition in Portland
2Ca2SiO4 + 4H2O Ca3Si2O7 . 3H2O + Ca(OH)2 (2) cements approximates to C4AF. The C4AF hydration is
very similar to that of C3A. Reaction is slower than for
2C2S + 4H C3S2H3 + CH C3A but increases with rising A/F ratio. C3A and C4AF
contribute little to the strength of Portland cement paste.

16 Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001)

Hydration of the cement paste with Na2CO3 addition

The indications are that carbon dioxide reacts hydration [26]. Mechanism of the initial C3S hydration
principally with calcium hydroxide to form calcium in contact with carbonate has been explained already by
carbonate. Other hydration products are capable of follows [27 - 32]: a hydrate layer forming around the
reacting under certain conditions [11 - 14]. The C3S grain is after the contact with solution disintegrated
chemical reactions that characterise the carbonation are: by the excess of CO32- ions. This results in markedly
increased Ca2+ and OH- diffusion velocity through the
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O (5) hydrate phase layer. A dormant period is shortened and
the C3S hydration is consequently accelerated. However
This exothermic reaction reaction is accompanied this has a significant influence on pore structure
by the heat evolution 2436 J per gram of reacted CaO development. Due to the excess of CO32- ions at C3S
(7.7 kJ mole-1) [15] hydration amorphous CaCO3 particles are very quickly
precipitated in the supersaturating solution of Ca2+ and
C3SH3 + 3CO2 3CaCO3 + S2 + 3H2O (6) CO32-. In few minutes amorphous carbonate phase is
transformed to CaCO3 of crystalline nature. The results
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O Ca(HCO3)2 (7) show that well crystallised calcite with residual
amounts of amorphous calcite together with well-
Some of the bicarbonate is washed out but some of crystallised vaterite are present in C3S - carbonate
the solution penetrates to combine with Ca(OH)2 to system. The above carbonate phases together with
form calcium carbonate. carbonated C-S-H gel appear in hydrated C3S
carbonate system particularly at the ambient
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 2CaCO3 + 2H2O (8) temperature and relative humidity (R.H.) of air 60 %.
Present paper is devoted to the study of the phase
For the carbonation of hydrated aluminates composition, porosity, strength and elasticity modulus
following formulae have been put forward [15]: development of Portland cement paste and those
modified by 2 wt.% and 4 wt.% of Na2CO3 hydrated 1
C3AH + CO2 CaCO3 + hydrous A (9) hour to 720 days at various curing conditions.

C4AF + CO2 CaCO3 + hydrous A + hydrous F (10) EXPERIMENTAL PART

C4AH13 + 4CO2 4CaCO3 + 2 Al(OH)3 + 10 H2O(11) Materials

An important aspect of these descriptions is the Portland cement (CEM I 42.5) and pure sodium
role of water in the reaction mechanisms. It has been carbonate Na2CO3 were used in the tests. The cement
observed that carbonation will not proceed at low pastes were mixed with Portland cement to Na2CO3
relativity humidity levels [16 - 19]. ratio of 100 % / 0 % (control), 100 % / 2 % and
Upon mixing with water Portland cement 100 % / 4 % by weight and water to cement ratio of 0.5.
undergoes a five-stage sequence of microstructure Chemical composition, specific weight, specific surface
formation during setting and hardening summarised area, setting characteristics and strength development of
thus [20 - 25]: the cement are listed in table 1.

1. An immediate reaction with Ca2+ ions passing into Experimental method

2. A dormant period specified by a slow rise in Ca2+ Cement pastes were prepared as prismatic
ion concentration up to the supersaturating of the specimens 20 20 120 mm and cubes 20 20 20
solution. mm in steel moulds on a vibration table (50 Hz, 0.35
3. An accelerated period characterized by the mm) with vibration time of 30 seconds. The specimens
formation of C-S-H deposits and rapid Ca(OH)2 were stored 24 hours in a climate chamber at 20 C and
crystallisation 100 % R. H., and subsequently at 20 C / 100 %
4. A deceleration period that is a consequence of R. H. wet cure for the next 27 days. Then they were
formed hydrate phase layers with decreased divided into two groups and kept either in 20 C / 100 %
porosity R. H. wet air or 20 C / 60 % R. H. dry air for 365
5. Diffusion controlled hydration process due to days (cubes) and 720 days (prisms) respectively. After
decreased porosity and decreased transport of ionic stopping the hydration with a mixture of acetone and
species in the system. ether and drying in a vacuum oven for 6 hours at 40 C,
the specimens were ground to the grain fineness
An admixture accelerating hydration of clinker 90 m. A dry powder was then stored in tightly closed
minerals may influence the setting. Sodium carbonate test tubes maintained over anhydrous CaCl2 filler in
belongs to the group of soluble inorganic salts dessicator until required testing.
according to the classification of accelerating ad- Cement pastes were tested on dynamic modulus of
mixtures influencing mainly the acceleration of C3S elasticity, flexural and compressive strength and total

Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001) 17

I. Janotka

Table 1. Composition and basic properties of the cement.

Chemical composition (wt.%) Mineralogical composition Bogue (wt.%)

Insoluble residue 1.34 C 3S 36.08

SiO2 21.90 C 2S 35.65
Al2O3 5.97 C 3A 11.43
Fe2O3 2.60 C4AF 7.90

CaO 61.87 3-days strength (MPa) 3.8 / 24.1

MgO 1.51 28 - days strength (MPa) 6.1 / 41.4

SO3 2.01 normal consistency (%) 29.0

K 2O 1.19 initial set (hours/minutes) 2 / 55
Na2O 0.31 final set (hours/minutes) 4 / 05
Ign. loss 1.21 specific gravity (kg m-3) 3166
CaO free 0.30 specific surface (m2 kg-1) 343.4

porosity. To study the cement hydration X-ray and of Ca(OH)2 as the sum of mass weight loss over the
diffraction patterns and thermal curves were made. temperature range 450 600 C (endotherm
Strength characteristics of the specimens were corresponding to dehydroxylation of Ca(OH)2 ) and
estimated according to EN 196 1 Standard [33]. beyond 800 C (endotherm corresponding to decarbo-
Ultrasonic pulse velocities were measured on ultrasonic nation of CaCO3).
apparatus UNIPAN type 543. The dynamic modulus of
elasticity (DME) values were calculated by the formula: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Ebu = VD . L2 . 10-6 (12) The percentage hydration of cement clinker

minerals specified by bound water content as a function
where Ebu - DME (MPa), VD - volume density (kg m-3), of time are plotted in figures 1 and 2. The explanation
L2 - impulse speed of longitudinal ultrasonic waves of the symbols inserted in figures 1, 2 and 3, 4, 8, 9, 10
(m s-1). is following: 1 - control - d, 2 wt.% Na2CO3 - d and
The volume density was estimated on the 4 wt.% Na2CO3 - d: the control cement paste and those
specimens of regular shape by weighting at calculated with 2 wt.% and 4 wt.% Na2CO3 addition cured in
volume of tested prisms. The specific gravity was 20 C / 60 % R. H. - dry air; 2 - control-w, 2 wt.%
ascertained by a pycnometric method as the weight of Na2CO3 - w and 4 wt.% Na2CO3 - w: the control cement
the volume unit of solid constituents of the cement paste paste and those with 2 wt.% and 4 wt.% Na2CO3
in powder stage. Total porosity was calculated on the addition cured in 20 C / 100 % R. H. - wet air. The time
basis of volume density and specific gravity values axes have been made logarithmic in all figures for the
using the formula: sake of convenient representation. The time of curing is
given in hours except of figure 10 where the days are
VD used. The time 672 hours and 8 760 hours is equal to 28
TP = 1 . 100 (13) days and 365 days respectively.
SG The bound water content is 2.2 times higher in the
paste with 4 wt.% of Na2CO3 relative to the control
where TP - total porosity as the content of pores and cement paste after 1-hour hydration. After 6 hours the
voids in the cement paste (%), SG - specific gravity content of bound water is 1.4 times higher in the paste
(kg m-3) with 2 wt.% of Na2CO3 and 1.5 times higher in the paste
The percentage hydration was determined by a with 4 wt.% Na2CO3 compared to the control paste.
X-ray quantitative analysis at the Research Institute of With the time of exposure, the bound water content is
Building Materials, Brno, Czech Republic. The content higher in the control cement paste. The data for the
of Ca(OH)2 was estimated by the sum of diffraction content of free and total Ca(OH)2 (figures 3, 4) obtained
lines heights at 4.91 A , 2.63 A and 1.93 A ; of C3S and in the same pastes as reported in figures 1, 2 show that
-C2S at 2.77 A and 2.78 A ; of calcite at 3.03 A and free and total Ca(OH)2 formation does not follows the
2.49 A and of vaterite at 3.30 A . The thermograms were degree of hydration found for the gel-like hydration
recorded on Derivatograph Q 1500, MOM Budapest. In products. The calculations were corrected by CO32-
general, 200 mg of samples were heated at 10 C per amount from Na2CO3. The formation of free and total
minute from 20 to 1 000 C in air. The amount of bound Ca(OH)2 is markedly influenced by the paste mixture
water was determined from TG curves as the mass composition. In time interval up to 24 hours of the
weight loss over the temperature range 100 - 450 C ; hydration phase composition of cement pastes with

18 Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001)

Hydration of the cement paste with Na2CO3 addition

Figure 1. The bound water content in the cement pastes cured Figure 4. The Ca(OH)2 content in the cement pastes cured in
in 20 C / 60 % R. H. - dry air. 20 C / 100 % R. H. - wet air.
- control-d, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d, S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-d - control-w (free), - 2 wt.% Na 2CO 3-w (free),
S - 4 wt.% Na 2CO 3-w (free), - control-w (total),
- 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w (total), z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w (total)

carbonates opposite to that in the control cement paste.

After 24-hour hydration the curves cross each other
indicating a marked mixture composition dependence
on the phase composition development.
The above results are supported by phases detected
from next thermoanalytical curves (figures 5, 6, 7).
A preferential formation of the hydrate phase
(endotherm at peak maximum of 120 C corresponding
to gel-like products dehydration) particularly in time of
1 and 6 hours in cement pastes with 2 wt.% and 4 wt.%
of Na2CO3 relative to the control paste in figures 5, 6
and 7 is confirmed. On the contrary development of
Figure 2. The bound water content in the cement pastes cured Ca(OH)2 in the same time interval is slowed down. Free
in 20 C / 100 % R. H. - wet air. Ca2+ and CO32- ions preferably react in the supersa-
- control-w, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w, S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w turated solution firstly giving CaCO3 nuclei that are
later substituted to crystalline carbonates.
The curves in figures 8 and 9 show similar but not
identical courses than those in figures 3 and 4. This is
due to differences in evaluation principles of applied
methods. The results evaluation from thermal analysis
is based on thermal effects due to decomposition of
reaction products in the cement paste. Contrary
integration of the sums of diffraction lines heights is the
principal evaluation method for percentage determi-
nation of the degree of cement hydration at X-ray
quantitative analysis. After 6-hour hydration the curves
showing percentage Ca(OH)2 content cross each other.
A suppressed Ca(OH)2 formation in the control paste is
immediately replaced by its rapid development relative
to that in Na2CO3 modified cement pastes. In 20 C /
/ 100 % R. H. wet cure the curves again cross each
Figure 3. The Ca(OH)2 content in the cement pastes cured in other clearly indicating a mixture composition
20 C / 60 % R. H. - dry air. dependence, and to a large extent a positive wet cure
- control-d (free), - 2 wt.% Na 2CO 3-d (free), dependence on the Ca(OH)2 formation in tested pastes.
S - 4 wt.% Na 2CO 3-d (free), - control-d (total), Plots of CaCO3 content as a function of the
- 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d (total), z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-d (total) hydration time of cement pastes are shown in figures 8
and 9. There is an indication of markedly accelerated
CaCO3 formation in pastes with Na2CO3 at early stages
2 wt.% and 4 wt.% of Na2CO3 is characterised by of the hydration. The content of carbonation products is
reduced amount of Ca(OH)2 and increased formation of the least in the control paste after 365-day hydration in

Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001) 19

I. Janotka

Figure 5. Thermograms of the control cement paste cured 1, 6,

16 and 24 hours at 20 C and 100 % R. H. of air.

Figure 7. Thermograms of the cement paste with 4 wt.% of

Na2CO3 cured 1, 6, 16 and 24 hours at 20 C and 100 % R. H.
of air.

Figure 6. Thermograms of the cement paste with 2 wt.% of

Na2CO3 cured 1, 6, 16 and 24 hours at 20 C and 100 % R. H. Figure 8. Relative content of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 in the
of air. cement pastes cured in 20 C / 60 % R. H. - dry air.
- control-d (Ca(OH)2), - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d (Ca(OH)2),
S - 4 wt.% Na2CO 3-d (Ca(OH) 2), - control-d
both curing regimes. However experimental data (CaCO3), - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d (CaCO3), z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-d
indicate that the CaCO3 content is higher in cement (CaCO3)
pastes cured in 20 C / 60 % R. H. dry air relative to
those cured in 20 C / 100 % R. H. wet air. This shows
a positive dry cure dependence on the carbonation In the second stage of the hydration process
products development. carbonation initiated by the excess of CO32- ions at early
The results have been interpreted to indicate the stage of hydration in cement pastes with Na2CO3 is
occurrence of two distinct stages in the course of more intense in comparison with that in the control
hydration reactions of cement pastes with Na2CO3 cement paste in each followed time interval. A dense,
addition. The first concerns the formation of gel-like well developed network of CaCO3 crystalline nuclei
hydration products with consequent microcrystalline in the pore solution of Na2CO3 modified cement pastes
Ca(OH)2 particle development. High-lime products of at early stage of hydration results in a progressive
the hydration process are unstable with the respect to its formation of CaCO3 crystals per unit volume of
surroundings due to the excess of CO32- ions in the pore hydrated cement paste capable of gradual reacting with
solution and quickly are transformed to calcite and atmospheric CO2. The velocity of carbonation reaction
vaterite. This process lasts very intensively up to and the volume of developed carbonation products are
24 hours of the hydration, and then in a slower rate up higher in Na2CO3 modified cement pastes relative to the
to the 28th day of curing. control paste.

20 Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001)

Hydration of the cement paste with Na2CO3 addition

Figure 9. Relative content of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 in the Figure 10. Changes in dynamic modulus of elasticity of tested
cement pastes cured in 20 C / 100 % R. H. - wet air. specimens.
- control-w (Ca(OH)2), - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w (Ca(OH)2), - control-d, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-d, S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-d,
S - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w (Ca(OH)2), - control-w (CaCO3), - control-w, - 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w, z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w
- 2 wt.% Na2CO3-w (CaCO3), z - 4 wt.% Na2CO3-w (CaCO3)

Table 2. Specific gravity and volume density and porosity of cement pastes cured in dry (D) or wet (W) air.

hydration of cement pastes in time

type of property of
cement the cement paste 6h 24 h 28 days 28 days 365 days 365 days
paste at w/c = 0.5

control compressive strength (MPa) 1.8 10.4 19.7 23.6 32.6

specific gravity (g cm-3) 2.742 2.592 2.269 2.588 2.248
volume density (g cm-3) 1.366 1.476 1.398 1.548 1.549
porosity (vol.%) 50.17 42.67 38.27 40.18 31.10

with - compressive strength (MPa) 0 3.3 9.8 15.5 16.9 23.0

admixture specific gravity (g cm-3) 2.735 2.732 2.547 2.257 2.708 2.493
of 2 wt.% volume density (g cm-3) 1.222 1.343 1.464 1.336 1.571 1.452
Na2CO3 porosity (vol.%) 55.34 50.86 42.79 40.86 41.96 41.75

with compressive strength (MPa) 0.2 4.3 11.3 11.6 10.6 17.6
admixture specific gravity (g cm-3) 2.803 2.704 2.521 2.256 2.605 2.439
of 4 wt.% volume density (g cm-3) 1.370 1.316 1.422 1.370 1.457 1.443
Na2CO3 porosity (vol.%) 51.13 51.30 43.60 39.29 44.10 40.86

Table 3. Flexural and compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity of cement pastes kept 720 days in dry (D) and wet (W) air.

cement curing strength (MPa) elasticity modulus

paste flexural compressive (GPa)

control D 2.4 24.3 15.7

W 4.7 30.0 20.7

2 wt.% Na2CO3 D 1.1 18.9 5.6

W 3.2 22.2 17.9

4 wt.% Na2CO3 D 0.75 11.9 5.3

W 2.3 19.5 17.1

Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001) 21

I. Janotka

Bearing in the mind a previous discussion on Acknowledgement

proposed hydration mechanism in the Na2CO3 modified
cement pastes characterised by a preferential The author wishes to thank the Slovak Grant
carbonation of the bonding hydrate phase the results Agency VEGA (grant: 2/5105/20) for its support toward
given in table 2 offer a real picture of the dependence this work.
between the paste mixture composition and important
engineering properties. With time of hydration References
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and Katherine Mather International Conference American poas 24 hodn hydratcie cementu a neskr menej intenzvne
Concrete Institute Special Publication SP, p.100, 1915 a do 28. da veku skobnch vzoriek. Tento chemick proces
(1987). je zko spt s tvorbou vysokoprovitej mikrotruktry
32. Suryavanski A. K., Swamy R. N.: Advances in Cement cementovch ka s prsadou Na2CO3 v asovom intervale 1 a
Research 9, 35 (1997). 28 dn v obidvoch lonch prostrediach.
33. EN 196-1 Methods of testing cement; Determination of V druhej etape sa prejavuje detrukn inok
strength. karbonatcie evidentnou stratou na hodnotch dynamickho
modulu prunosti a pevnosti v tlaku skobnch vzoriek, o
Submitted in English by the author. zko svis na ase evidentne zvislm a vznamnm
zhorovanm provitosti cementovch ka s prdavkom
uhliitanu sodnho. Faktorom determinujcim rchlos
HYDRATCIA CEMENTOVEJ KAE karbonatcie a s ou svisiacu mechanick degradciu skob-
S PRSADOU NA2CO3 nch vzoriek sa v tejto etape stva difzia atmosferickho CO2
dovntra zatvrdnutch cementovch ka v zvislosti na v nich
IVAN JANOTKA vytvorenej provej truktre. V porovnvacej cementovej kai
s mikrotruktrou a celkovou provitosou vyvinutou bez
stav stavebnctva a architektry, vplyvu prsady sa v ase nezistila iadna mechanick
Slovensk akadmia vied, degradcia.
Dbravsk cesta 9, 842 20 Bratislava, Slovensk republika Dosiahnut stupe karbonatcie rozhodujco zvis od
vonkajch podmienok oetrovania v kadom asovom
Preetroval sa priebeh hydratcie cementu a zisovali sa momente po 24 hodinch poiatonej hydratcie ka vo
zmeny v celkovej provitosti, dynamickom module prunosti vlhkom vzduchu. Ni stupe karbonatcie sa preukzal vo
a pevnosti v tlaku kae z Portlandskho cementu a ka s pr- vetkch cementovch kaiach trvalo oetrovanch vo
sadou 2 hmotn.% a 4 hmotn.% Na2CO3 zhotovench s vodnm vlhkom vzduchu v porovnan s tmi uloenmi v suchom
siniteom 0,5 v ase od 1 hodiny do 720 dn. Skobn prostred.

Ceramics Silikty 45 (1) 16-23 (2001) 23

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