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Cutting Edge Products

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SKU Product Name Wholesale Price 5% Discount Orders

Access Control
DJ002RP Door Jammer: Portab $17.99
DJAM Door Jammer (EXCL $17.99
KA3112 Franklin Double Cyli $4.14 $3.93
SWPTA Streetwise PRO-TEC $4.90 $4.66
9V 9V Energizer Batter $1.75 $1.66
AA AA Energizer Batter $0.70 $0.66
AAA AAA Energizer Batte $0.70 $0.66
CR123A Camelion 3 Volt Lith $1.84 $1.75
CR2 Camelion 3 Volt CR2 $1.84 $1.75
Li26650 26650 Lithium-ion 4 $4.75 $4.51
SW14500LI Streetwise 14500 Lit $1.75 $1.66
SW18650LI Streetwise 18650 Lit $2.25 $2.14
UF37V UltaFire 3.7V li-ion $2.25 $2.14
Car Safety & Security
CRVWBC Cyclecam Rearview $59.90 $56.90
RMC03R Extra Remote Contro $5.50 $5.22
SWNAPZ Streetwise Nap Zapp $2.99 $2.84
Counterfeit Detectors
DP323BL Mini Money Detector $4.96 $4.71
UVD549 IDetector: UV Protec $7.06 $6.71
Diversion Safes
BS Book Safe (DEFAULT $7.75 $7.36
BSD Bottle Safe - Dasani $11.75 $11.16
CCS Can Safe- Coffee Ca $19.60 $18.62
CSAJAX Can Safe- Ajax (DEF $6.75 $6.41
CSAT Can Safe Arizona Ic $7.65 $7.27
CSB32 Can Safe - Beer 32 $8.90 $8.46
CSCCP Can Safe-Rug & Roo $8.40 $7.98
CSCM Can Safe Coffee Mu $7.75 $7.36
CSCORN Can Safe Corn (DEF $7.95 $7.55
CSCT Can Safe Country Ti $3.95 $3.75
CSDF Can Safe- Dog Food $9.99 $9.49
CSED Can Safe Engine De $11.25 $10.69
CSGA Can Safe Ginger Ale $3.95 $3.75
CSGB Can Safe - Green B $8.95 $8.50
CSHP Can Safe Hawaiian $3.95 $3.75
CSP Can Safe Peanuts ( $6.75 $6.41
CSPQ Can Safe Paint QUA $16.00 $15.20
CSSC Can Safe Shaving C $11.25 $10.69
HWS Hidden Wall Safe (D $3.70 $3.52
QS24B Quick Shelf Safe wi $169.99
QS24N Quick Shelf Safe wit $169.99
QS24W Quick Shelf Safe wi $169.99
QS24WN Quick Shelf Safe wi $169.99
QVSRFID Quick Vent Safe wit $159.99
SCSURGE Diversion Safe-Surge $12.90 $12.25
SWBSK Streetwise Locking $9.25 $8.79
SWBSNY Streetwise New York $11.85 $11.26
Dog Control
SAC5465 Sonic Animal Chaser $11.75 $11.16
Metal Batons
12TKR Police Force12" Exp $7.97 $7.57
16C 16 Inch Expandable $7.95 $7.55
16T Police Force 16" Ex $9.47 $9.00
21C 21 Inch Expandable $8.50 $8.07
21HTT Police Force 21" Hea $16.97 $16.12
21T Police Force 21" Ex $10.22 $9.71
26C 26 Inch Expandable $9.15 $8.69
26T Police Force 26" Ex $10.97 $10.42
31T Police Force 31" Ex $11.75 $11.16
PFET21T Police Force 21" Ex $14.97 $14.22
SWHHBL16 Heavy Hitter Aluminu $19.60 $18.62
SWHHBL16H Heavy Hitter with He $22.05 $20.95
Fake Cameras
SWDC1100B 5 Inch IR Dummy Ca $8.50 $8.07
SWDC1100S 5 Inch IR Dummy Cam $8.50 $8.07
SWDC7MSSP Streetwise 7 inch I $16.50 $15.67
SWDC7SP Dummy Camera in Ou $10.50 $9.97
SWDDCL Dome Dummy Camera $2.95 $2.80
SWDDL7 Streetwise Large D $7.75 $7.36
Home Safety
SWFI Streetwise Find It ( $12.50 $11.88
SWSZMAK Streetwise SafeZone $10.50 $9.97
SWSZSL20 Streetwise SafeZone $6.90 $6.55
WB528 WindoBully Window / $6.00 $5.70
Home & Business Security
671 Safety Beam (DEFAU $23.50 $22.32
DP Driveway Patrol (DE $14.50 $13.77
FSB Fake Security Beam - $6.48 $6.16
SP130B Intermatic Magnetic $2.65 $2.52
SWDS85 Streetwise Door Sto $3.95 $3.75
SWEWD Streetwise Electron $55.00 $52.25
SWMWA Mini Window Alarm $2.95 $2.80
SWSS Streetwise Security S $0.99 $0.94
SWSS1000 Streetwise Smart Se $5.75 $5.46
VSLNWP502 Nightwatcher Roboti $105.00
VSLNWP502B Nightwatcher Roboti $105.00
Key Hiders
RKH8 Rock Key Hider-San $1.95 $1.85
SKH Sprinkler Key Hider $4.50 $4.27
Metal Detectors
SWMD Streetwise Handheld $24.50 $23.27
Pepper Spray: Streetwise 18
SW11TL18 Lab Certified Street $4.80 $4.56
SW15FM18 Lab Certified Street $18.20 $17.29
SW16PG18 Lab Certified Streetw $29.50 $28.02
SW3A18 CASE Lab Certified Stree $348.00 $330.60
SW3BK18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3BL18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3HA18 CASE Lab Certified Stree $348.00 $330.60
SW3HBK18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3HBL18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3HPK18 Lab Certified Stree $3.15 $2.99
SW3HPR18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3HRD18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3HYL18 Lab Certified Stree $2.90 $2.75
SW3PC18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3PK18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3PR18 Lab Certified Street $2.90 $2.75
SW3SL18 Lab Certified Street $2.60 $2.47
SW4518 Lab Certified Stree $3.15 $2.99
SW718 Lab Certified Stree $3.40 $3.23
SW8TL18 Lab Certified Stree $3.75 $3.56
SW9FM18 Lab Certified Stree $8.80 $8.36
SW9FT18 Lab Certified Street $5.20 $4.94
SW9TL18 Lab Certified Street $4.40 $4.18
SWPF318 Lab Certified Stree $3.25 $3.09
SWPHBK18 Lab Certified SW 18 $5.10 $4.84
SWPHPR18 Lab Certified SW 18 $5.10 $4.84
SWPRBK18 Lab Certified SW 18 $4.65 $4.42
SWPRPK18 Lab Certified SW 18 $4.65 $4.42
SWPRPR18 Lab Certified SW 18 $4.65 $4.42
Pepper Spray: Streetwise 23
SW11FT23 Police Strength Stre $7.40 $7.03
SW11TL23 Police Strength Stre $5.90 $5.61
SW15FM23 Police Strength Str $22.20 $21.09
SW16PG23 Police Strength Str $34.50 $32.77
SW3BK23 Police Strength Stre $3.75 $3.56
SW3HBK23 Police Strength Stre $3.75 $3.56
SW3MPWZ23 Streetwise Fashion $4.50 $4.27
SW3MTBZ23 Streetwise Fashion $4.50 $4.27
SW3PK23 Police Strength Stre $3.75 $3.56
SW3SO23 Orphan Support Stre $3.75 $3.56
SW8FT23 Police Strength Stre $5.65 $5.37
SW8TL23 Police Strength Str $3.42 $3.25
SW9FM23 Police Strength Str $10.20 $9.69
SW9FT23 Police Strength Stre $6.60 $6.27
SWPF9FT23 Police Strength Str $6.70 $6.37
Personal Alarms
PSA1989 Personal Safety Hor $6.78 $6.44
SWIA Streetwise iAlarm ( $4.90 $4.66
SWKCAB Streetwise Key Chai $3.95 $3.75
SWPAB Streetwise Panic Al $3.45 $3.28
SWPAP Streetwise Panic Al $3.45 $3.28
SWPDAL Streetwise Personal/ $4.35 $4.13
SWPPA Streetwise Personal $2.75 $2.61
Safety Lights
Spy DVRs
DVRA8 USB-DVR with 4GB $37.80 $35.91
SWCCDVR Streetwise Cube Cl $90.00 $85.50
Spy Products
4005 WiFi Phone READ'R - $51.99 $49.39
500 SnakeEYE Camera fo $39.00 $37.05
CC308 Full Range Camera a $19.25 $18.29
DVR520 Spy Clock DVR with $36.90 $35.05
DVRMFC Digital Alarm Clock $49.80 $47.31
DVRTS Spy Thumbsize DVR w $28.00 $26.60
DVRWPIR WiFi PIR Camera (E $97.00
SSLBS Spy Specs Look Beh $7.50 $7.12
SSMFA Spy Sunglasses Meta $7.50 $7.12
SWBCDVR Streetwise Block Ch $56.50 $53.67
SWBTC Streetwise Bluetoot $39.60 $37.62
SWUSBAR4 Covert USB Audio R $19.80 $18.81
SWWAADVR Streetwise WiFiHD $74.50 $70.77
SWWFCDVR Streetwise WiFi HD $78.50 $74.58
VSLNWP702 Nightwatcher Roboti $152.00
VSLNWP802 Nightwatcher LED Sec $195.00
VSLNWP802B Nightwatcher LED Sec $195.00
Streetwise Stun Batons
SWAAB13 Streetwise Attitude $25.95 $24.65
SWB6000R Peacemaker 6,000,00 $24.01 $22.81
SWB7000R Streetwise Lightning $20.75 $19.71
SWBAR9MINI Streetwise Mini Barb $19.50 $18.52
SWBAR9R Streetwise Barbarian $29.65 $28.17
Streetwise Stun Guns
SMK6000BK SMACK 6,000,000* S $10.95 $10.40
SMK6000PK SMACK 6,000,000* S $10.95 $10.40
SMKM20BK Streetwise Mini SMA $11.95 $11.35
SMKM20BL Streetwise Mini SMA $11.95 $11.35
SMKM20PK Streetwise Mini SMA $11.95 $11.35
SWBJ21BK Streetwise Black Ja $11.90 $11.30
SWLC21BWC Streetwise Ladies' $11.90 $11.30
SWLC21PK Streetwise Ladies' $11.90 $11.30
SWLC21WCQ Streetwise Ladies' $11.90
SWLG6500BK Life Guard 6,500,00 $9.50 $9.03
SWLG6500PK Lady Life Guard 6,5 $9.50 $9.03
SWLR26GB Streetwise Lightning $15.70 $14.91
SWPP3500RBK Streetwise Perfume P $10.95 $10.40
SWPP3500RPK Streetwise Perfume P $10.95 $10.40
SWPP3500RPR Streetwise Perfume P $10.95 $10.40
SWSAM6RB Streetwise SamStun $13.45
SWSF8800BK Small Fry 8,800,000* $10.75 $10.21
SWSF8800PK Small Fry 8,800,000* $10.75 $10.21
SWSF8800PR Small Fry 8,800,000* $10.75 $10.21
SWSG7200BK Streetwise Mini Secu $10.75 $10.21
SWSR18KB Streetwise Sting Ri $12.45 $11.83
SWSR18WCQ Streetwise Sting Rin $12.45 $11.83
SWSRG18BK Streetwise Sting Ri $12.45 $11.83
SWSRG18PK Streetwise Sting Rin $12.45 $11.83
SWT7500R Touchdown 7,500,00 $11.45 $10.88
SWVEC19B Streetwise Vaporizer $23.95 $22.75
SWVEC19P Streetwise Vaporizer $23.95 $22.75
Tornado Pepper Spray
BKR Break Away Key Rin $0.45 $0.43
CA8C Flashlight Car Adapt $1.00 $0.95
CC37VDBC Car Charger 3.7 V Li $3.25 $3.09
EDP2 Extra Disable Pin 2 $1.49 $1.42
EDP2-10 Extra Disable Pin 2 $12.90 $12.25
EDP4 Extra Disable Pin 4 $1.49 $1.42
EOFP1 Extra Optional Featu $1.49 $1.42
EOFP1-10 Extra Optional Featu $12.90 $12.25
ERC4 Extra Recharging Co $5.00 $4.75
ERC5 Extra Recharging Co $5.00 $4.75
ERCEB Extra Recharging Co $5.00 $4.75
EUPBAJS6 Extra USB Cable for $5.00 $4.75
HDHHH Heavy Duty Holster f $2.45 $2.33
Hol20 Holster for 9oz Pepp $6.50 $6.17
MSD16GB 16GB micro SD High $12.50 $11.88
MSD32GB 32GB micro SD High $23.90 $22.70
MSD4GB 4GB micro SD High $5.50 $5.22
MSD8GB 8GB Micro memory ca $6.95 $6.60
PFHDPS2 Police Force Heavy D $2.95 $2.80
PFHDPS3 Police Force Heavy D $3.20 $3.04
PFHDPS4 Police Force Heavy D $3.45 $3.28
Jolt Stun Guns
JMS36B JOLT 36,000,000* M $6.70 $6.37
JMS36P JOLT 36,000,000* M $6.70 $6.37
JMS46BK JOLT 46,000,000* $7.75 $7.36
JMS46PK JOLT 46,000,000* M $7.75 $7.36
JMS46PR JOLT 46,000,000* $7.75 $7.36
JPTS50R Jolt Police 50,000,00 $8.90 $8.46
JPTS55R Jolt Police 55,000,00 $12.36 $11.74
Police Force Stun Guns
PF8000BK Police Force 8,000,00 $16.50 $15.67
PF9200BK Police Force 9,200,0 $16.40 $15.58
PF9200GM Police Force 9,200,0 $16.40 $15.58
PFTB12R Police Force 12,000, $29.45 $27.98
PFTB9R Police Force 9,000,0 $29.95 $28.45
Neutralizer Pepper Spray
Police Force Defender
520090 Defender Inert Spray $13.70 $13.01
Self-Defense Keychains
002K Munio Self Defense $4.95
004K Munio Self Defense $4.95
006K Munio Self Defense $4.95
015K Munio Self Defense $4.95
031K Munio Self Defense $4.95
038K Munio Self Defense $4.95
041K Munio Self Defense $4.95
DGBK Brutus Self-Defense $3.60 $3.42
DGPK Brutus Self-Defense $3.60 $3.42
DGYE Brutus Self-Defens $3.60 $3.42
Retail Catalog & Displays
CAT17 Streetwise Security $0.75
CAT17-25 Streetwise Security $12.50
SWA3SGD Streetwise Acrylic 3 $7.80
SWABD Streetwise Acrylic B $19.95
SWCTD01 Streetwise Countert $3.45 $3.28
SWFD66 Streetwise 66 Inch F $25.00 $23.75
SWS18 Streetwise 18 Peppe $0.99 $0.94
SWS23 Streetwise 23 Peppe $0.99 $0.94
WCD36 36 Piece Countertop $266.40 $253.08
WFD60 60 Piece Assorted Wa $444.00 $421.80
EHK Pair of Extra Handcu $1.10 $1.04
PFSUQC Police Force Single $19.50 $18.52
PFTHK Police Force Tactica $3.85 $3.66
SWBSSH Streetwise Black Sol $8.55 $8.12
SWNPSSH Streetwise Nickel Pl $8.55 $8.12
Police Supplies
PFBCPHD Police Force Tactic $179.99 $170.99
PFDBL Police Force Duty Be $28.00 $26.60
PFDBM Police Force Duty Be $28.00 $26.60
PFDBXL Police Force Duty Be $28.00 $26.60
PFDBXXL Police Force Duty Be $28.00 $26.60
PFGH9 Police Force Gun Ho $14.60 $13.87
PFHCH Police Force Handcuf $4.50 $4.27
PFTP100 Police Force Tactica $10.70 $10.16
PFTV200 Police Force Tactica $49.75 $47.26
SWTP100P Streetwise Tactical P $10.70 $10.16
GF0010 GF Thunder Light wi $6.25 $5.94
GF13 Tactical 320 Lumens $45.50 $43.23
GFR8 GF Thunder 330 Lume $49.50 $47.02
GFR9 GF Thunder 785 Lume $54.99 $52.24
PFL2F53 Police Force Tactica $15.50 $14.72
PFMTF50 Police Force Mini Ta $7.59 $7.21
PFT6F52 Police Force Tactica $9.59 $9.11
SWBFS32 Streetwise LED Baton $11.80 $11.21
SWET6HL Extreme T6 LED Head $13.80 $13.11
SWFS31 Streetwise LED Flash $11.70 $11.11
SWFZ33 Streetwise Tactical $7.50 $7.12
SWKL25SB Streetwise Knight Li $15.20 $14.44
SWLFZ34 Streetwise Lantern L $8.70 $8.26
SWXLPB4 Streetwise Xtreme F $27.60 $26.22
Yellow Jacket
YJIP5 Yellow Jacket iPhon $69.00 $65.55
Fire Extinguisher
FG24247102 Fire Gone 24 Can Fl $166.80 $158.46
FGC1100 Fire Gone 16oz Can $6.95 $6.60
11027 Taser X26P Professio $1,093.42
26009 Taser X26C Kit (EX $740.73
26701 Taser X26C XDPM-Ex $42.50
34220 Taser M26C/X26C Car $60.00
37215 Taser Bolt, Pulse an $60.00
37217 Non Conductive Train $40.00
39011 LPM-Replacement Ta $35.00
39059 Taser Pulse Battery $18.51
39060 TASER Bolt (EXCLU $296.29
39061 TASER Pulse (EXCL $296.29
39063 Taser Pulse Holster $14.28
44952 Taser X26C Tek-Lok $33.95
SAP Gloves
PFHTGXL Police Force Hard Kn $15.95 $15.15
PFNHTGL Police Force Nomex H $21.95 $20.85
PFNHTGXL Police Force Nomex $21.95 $20.85
PFTSGL Police Force Tactica $13.97 $13.27
PFTSGXL Police Force Tactica $13.97 $13.27
49300 Recon Tactical Back $29.61 $28.13
LW2007 Leather Wallet Trifo $7.40 $7.03
LW2008 Leather Wallet Trifo $7.40 $7.03
LW2009 Leather Wallet Bifol $7.40 $7.03
LW2021 Leather Wallet Bifol $7.40 $7.03
LW2024 Leather Wallet Bifol $7.40 $7.03
SWTSBW Streewise Tactical $4.86 $4.62
SWTSCB Streewise Tactical $4.86 $4.62
SWTSDS Streewise Tactical $4.86 $4.62
SWTSMG Streewise Tactical $4.86 $4.62
SWTSOD Streewise Tactical $4.86 $4.62
GF-3486 5 in 1 Survival Knife $11.75 $11.16
UA06CM 8" Spring Assisted $9.93
UA10BK Licensed US Army Ser $8.00 $7.60
UN13BK Licensed US Navy Re $10.50 $9.97
Smith & Wesson
SWP-1201 1/2oz Smith & Wesso $2.75
SWP-1403 1/2oz Smith & Wesso $3.50
Power Banks
PBAJS6 Streetwise 6k mAh P $34.90 $33.15
SW3N1C28 3N1 Charger 28,000, $22.55 $21.42
Gun: Safes & Accessories
1 ChildSafe1: Gun Tri $89.40
2000 Hand Gun Hider Boo $12.99
2001 Hand Gun Hider Boo $12.99
2003 Hand Gun Hider Boo $12.99
2004 Hand Gun Hider Boo $12.99
2005 Hand Gun Hider Book $12.99
ARBBGS Arms Reach Bedside $148.50 $141.07
RTG70 Rubber 7 Inch Train $7.75 $7.36
WGCK Winchester Gun Clea $16.16 $15.35
SKS160 SkySaver System 16 $514.30
SKS80 SkySaver System 80 $479.30
Gun: Concealed Carry
15024 Realtree Concealed $30.76 $29.22
49068 Cora Concealed Carr $42.00 $39.90
49069 Cora Concealed Carr $42.00 $39.90
49074 Belladonna Conceale $46.20 $43.89
49075 Belladonna Conceale $46.20 $43.89
49076 Aurora Concealed Car $46.20 $43.89
49077 Aurora Concealed Ca $46.20 $43.89
49081 Petal Concealed Carr $42.00 $39.90
49086 Radiant Concealed C $46.20 $43.89
49089 Utility Sling Concea $69.09 $65.64
49099 Aya Concealed Carry $39.06 $37.11
49109 Freya Concealed Car $42.00 $39.90
49110 Cora Concealed Carr $42.00 $39.90
49111 Aphrodite Concealed $42.00 $39.90
49112 Aya Concealed Carry $39.06 $37.11
49113 Belladonna Conceale $46.20 $43.89
49122 Radiant Concealed C $46.20 $43.89
49123 Coco Concealed Carr $46.20 $43.89
49124 Reptic Concealed Ca $39.06 $37.11
49127 Petal Single Strap C $42.00 $39.90
49130 Artemis Concealed C $50.40 $47.88
49131 Artemis Concealed C $50.40 $47.88
49134 Aztec Concealed Car $50.40 $47.88
49135 Aztec Concealed Car $50.40 $47.88
49136 Calypso Concealed C $56.70 $53.87
49137 Calypso Concealed C $56.70 $53.87
49139 Equinox Concealed Ca $61.85 $58.76
49206 Canvas Covert Conce $74.54 $70.81
LLCCHB Lethal Lace Conceal $33.00
LLCCHN Lethal Lace Conceal $33.00
P50105 US PeaceKeeper INC $18.00 $17.10
P50325 US PeaceKeeper IN $34.00 $32.30
P50505 US PeaceKeeper INC $13.00 $12.35
PFARSP Police Force AR (Alw $29.75 $28.26
ZCIWBH Zero Carry IWB Hols $12.00
ZCIWBH20 Zero Carry 2.0 WB Ho $13.00
Emergency Preparedness
01-160 Wise Company Emerg $85.71
01-621GSG Wise Company 5 Day $48.25
01-622GSG Wise Company 5 Day $48.25
Wi-Fi IP Camera
SWCCIPC Streetwise Cube Clo $90.00 $85.50
SWIPC Streetwise IP Wirele $64.90 $61.66
SWWSIPC Streetwise HD 1080P $130.00 $123.50
Bear Spray
CA12H30 Counter Assault 8.1 $27.90
Cycle Safety
ZAP Stun Guns
ZAPBK950 ZAP Blast Knuckles $25.75
ZAPBK950E ZAP Blast Knuckles $27.25
ZAPHS ZAP Hike 'n Strike W $46.95
ZAPLE Zap Light EXTREME $41.50
DRC-5P SABRE Drink Test Ki $4.99
FBAD-06 SABRE Frontiersman $22.49
SRP-KR-02 SABRE 3/4 oz. Prote $5.99
SRTB-01 SABRE 0.4 oz. Tacti $23.99
SST-01-BK-US SABRE 1/2 oz Pepper $11.99
10% Discount Orders > 15% Discount Orders > $1000

$3.73 $3.52
$4.41 $4.17

$1.57 $1.49
$0.63 $0.59
$0.63 $0.59
$1.66 $1.56
$1.66 $1.56
$4.28 $4.04
$1.57 $1.49
$2.02 $1.91
$2.02 $1.91

$53.91 $50.91
$4.95 $4.67
$2.69 $2.54

$4.46 $4.22
$6.35 $6.00

$6.98 $6.59
$10.58 $9.99
$17.64 $16.66
$6.08 $5.74
$6.89 $6.50
$8.01 $7.57
$7.56 $7.14
$6.98 $6.59
$7.16 $6.76
$3.56 $3.36
$8.99 $8.49
$10.12 $9.56
$3.56 $3.36
$8.05 $7.61
$3.56 $3.36
$6.08 $5.74
$14.40 $13.60
$10.12 $9.56
$3.33 $3.15
$11.61 $10.96
$8.33 $7.86
$10.66 $10.07

$10.58 $9.99

$7.17 $6.77
$7.16 $6.76
$8.52 $8.05
$7.65 $7.22
$15.27 $14.42
$9.20 $8.69
$8.24 $7.78
$9.87 $9.32
$10.58 $9.99
$13.47 $12.72
$17.64 $16.66
$19.85 $18.74

$7.65 $7.22
$7.65 $7.22
$14.85 $14.03
$9.45 $8.92
$2.66 $2.51
$6.98 $6.59

$11.25 $10.62
$9.45 $8.92
$6.21 $5.87
$5.40 $5.10

$21.15 $19.97
$13.05 $12.32
$5.83 $5.51
$2.38 $2.25
$3.56 $3.36
$49.50 $46.75
$2.66 $2.51
$0.89 $0.84
$5.17 $4.89
$1.75 $1.66
$4.05 $3.82

$22.05 $20.82

$4.32 $4.08
$16.38 $15.47
$26.55 $25.07
$313.20 $295.80
$2.61 $2.46
$2.61 $2.46
$313.20 $295.80
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$2.83 $2.68
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$2.61 $2.46
$2.61 $2.46
$2.34 $2.21
$2.83 $2.68
$3.06 $2.89
$3.38 $3.19
$7.92 $7.48
$4.68 $4.42
$3.96 $3.74
$2.93 $2.76
$4.59 $4.33
$4.59 $4.33
$4.19 $3.95
$4.19 $3.95
$4.19 $3.95

$6.66 $6.29
$5.31 $5.02
$19.98 $18.87
$31.05 $29.32
$3.38 $3.19
$3.38 $3.19
$4.05 $3.82
$4.05 $3.82
$3.38 $3.19
$3.38 $3.19
$5.09 $4.80
$3.08 $2.91
$9.18 $8.67
$5.94 $5.61
$6.03 $5.70

$6.10 $5.76
$4.41 $4.17
$3.56 $3.36
$3.11 $2.93
$3.11 $2.93
$3.91 $3.70
$2.48 $2.34

$34.02 $32.13
$81.00 $76.50

$46.79 $44.19
$17.32 $16.36
$33.21 $31.36
$44.82 $42.33
$25.20 $23.80

$6.75 $6.38
$6.75 $6.38
$50.85 $48.02
$35.64 $33.66
$17.82 $16.83
$67.05 $63.32
$70.65 $66.72

$23.36 $22.06
$21.61 $20.41
$18.68 $17.64
$17.55 $16.57
$26.68 $25.20

$9.86 $9.31
$9.86 $9.31
$10.75 $10.16
$10.75 $10.16
$10.75 $10.16
$10.71 $10.12
$10.71 $10.12
$10.71 $10.12

$8.55 $8.07
$8.55 $8.07
$14.13 $13.34
$9.86 $9.31
$9.86 $9.31
$9.86 $9.31

$9.68 $9.14
$9.68 $9.14
$9.68 $9.14
$9.68 $9.14
$11.21 $10.58
$11.21 $10.58
$11.21 $10.58
$11.21 $10.58
$10.30 $9.73
$21.55 $20.36
$21.55 $20.36

$0.41 $0.38
$0.90 $0.85
$2.93 $2.76
$1.34 $1.27
$11.61 $10.96
$1.34 $1.27
$1.34 $1.27
$11.61 $10.96
$4.50 $4.25
$4.50 $4.25
$4.50 $4.25
$4.50 $4.25
$2.21 $2.08
$5.85 $5.52
$11.25 $10.62
$21.51 $20.31
$4.95 $4.67
$6.25 $5.91
$2.66 $2.51
$2.88 $2.72
$3.11 $2.93

$6.03 $5.70
$6.03 $5.70
$6.98 $6.59
$6.98 $6.59
$6.98 $6.59
$8.01 $7.57
$11.12 $10.51

$14.85 $14.03
$14.76 $13.94
$14.76 $13.94
$26.50 $25.03
$26.95 $25.46

$12.33 $11.64

$3.24 $3.06
$3.24 $3.06
$3.24 $3.06

$3.11 $2.93
$22.50 $21.25
$0.89 $0.84
$0.89 $0.84
$239.76 $226.44
$399.60 $377.40

$0.99 $0.94
$17.55 $16.57
$3.47 $3.27
$7.70 $7.27
$7.70 $7.27

$161.99 $152.99
$25.20 $23.80
$25.20 $23.80
$25.20 $23.80
$25.20 $23.80
$13.14 $12.41
$4.05 $3.82
$9.63 $9.09
$44.77 $42.29
$9.63 $9.09

$5.62 $5.31
$40.95 $38.67
$44.55 $42.07
$49.49 $46.74
$13.95 $13.17
$6.83 $6.45
$8.63 $8.15
$10.62 $10.03
$12.42 $11.73
$10.53 $9.94
$6.75 $6.38
$13.68 $12.92
$7.83 $7.39
$24.84 $23.46

$62.10 $58.65

$150.12 $141.78
$6.25 $5.91
$14.36 $13.56
$19.75 $18.66
$19.75 $18.66
$12.57 $11.87
$12.57 $11.87

$6.66 $6.29
$6.66 $6.29
$6.66 $6.29
$6.66 $6.29
$6.66 $6.29
$4.37 $4.13
$4.37 $4.13
$4.37 $4.13
$4.37 $4.13
$4.37 $4.13

$10.58 $9.99

$7.20 $6.80
$9.45 $8.92

$31.41 $29.66
$20.30 $19.17

$16.20 $15.30
$30.60 $28.90
$11.70 $11.05

$81.00 $76.50
$58.41 $55.17
$117.00 $110.50

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