Financial Management - Syllabus
Financial Management - Syllabus
Financial Management - Syllabus
Course Description
In this course, the focus shifts from recording and analyzing the financial books to using the
accounting information efficiently for managerial effectiveness. While financial accounting
provides information for external users, financial management forms a useful tool for internal
users namely the managers. Students learn concepts of financial management such as time
value of money, cost of capital, capital structure, dividend policy and sources of finance and
further learn to use these concepts for decision making.
Learning Outcome
1. To understand the important elements of finance concepts for running a business.
2. To appreciate decision facilitating roles of accounting information.
3. To inculcate problem-solving skills with an application orientation to solve business
problems of the real world.
4. To appreciate the ethical and social dimensions of managing finance in business.
[Total 30 Hours]
Essential Reading
1. Brigham & Houston, (2015), 13th Edition, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Cengage Learning
2. Chandra, P. (2010). Fundamentals of Financial Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Khan, M. Y., & Jain, P. K. (2010). Financial Management. Tata Mac Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
4. Pandey,I M(2010) Financial Management.(10e)Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
Recommended Reading
1. Banerji, A.S.K. (2002). Financial Management and Policy. S.Chand & Co.
2. Brealey, R. A. (2007). Principles of Corporate Finance. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Madhu, V. (2002). Multinational Financial Management. Excell Books Publications.
4. Pandey, I.M. (2010). Financial Management (10th ed.). Vikas Publication House.
5. Shah, P. P. (2005). Financial Management ( with CD Indian text edition) Dreamtech Press.
6. Van, Horne James, C. (2002). Financial Management & policy (12th ed.). Pearson Education, India.
Evaluation Pattern:
2 CIAs
Mid Trimester: Part A, B and C
End Trimester: Part A, B, C and D