Topology Final: N N N 0 N

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Topology Final

Math 131 Harvard University Fall 2013

Due Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 12:00 pm
Hand in your completed final to the staff in room 325 Science Center.

Aim for concise, clear answers. Refer only to Munkres, your class notes and
the course notes online. Do not collaborate; all work must be done on your
own. Do not consult any internet resources, except the course web page.
Part I. Do any 7 of the following 8 problems. Write the answer to each
problem on a separate sheet, and attach it to Part II.

1. Let fn : [0, 1] R be a sequence of polynomials such that lim fn (x) =

1 if x = 1/2 and lim fn (x) = 0 otherwise. Prove that

sup sup |fn0 (x)| = .

n x[0,1]

Give an example of such a sequence.

2. Show that the continuous functions C([0, 1]) are dense in the space
R[0,1] with the product topology. Given an example of a space X such
that C(X) is not dense in RX .

3. Let E, B and X be reasonable, connected spaces, let p : (E, e) (B, b)

be a covering map, and let f : (X, x) (B, b) a continuous map. We
say all lifts exist if for every e0 E with p(e0 ) = b, there exists a
map F : (X, x) (E, e0 ) satisfying p F = f . Give a necessary and
sufficient condition, in terms of fundamental groups, such that all lifts

4. Let X
= R2 /Z2 be the torus, with basepoint x. Let f : (X, x) (X, x)
be continuous map, and suppose f gives the identity map on 1 (X, x).
Prove that f is homotopic to the identity map on X.

5. Prove there is no retraction of the Mobius band onto its boundary.

6. Let [f ] 1 (B, b) be represented by a path f : [0, 1] B that begins

and ends at b. Let g : [0, 1] [0, 1] be a homeomorphism. Prove that
[f g] = [f ] or [f ]1 in 1 (B, b).

7. Compute the fundamental group of X = RP2 RP2 . (Here RP2 is the

real projective plane.) Draw a picture of the universal cover of X.

8. Let N F2 be a normal subgroup such that F2 /N

= Z. Prove that
N cannot be finitely generated.
Part II. Mark each of the following assertions True (T) or False (F).

If you choose 5 letters from the list A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, then two of your chosen letters must be homeomor-
phic. (We regard each letter as a 1-dimensional subset
of R2 , as printed.)

Let X be a complete metric space, and let D be a neigh-

2. borhood of the diagonal in X X. Then D contains
Ur = {(x, y) : d(x, y) < r} for some r > 0.

3. Every automorphism of Z is an inner automorphism.

If X and Y are homotopy equivalent, and X is compact,

then Y is compact.

Given points a 6= b in a Hausdorff space X, there exists

an f C(X) with f (a) = 0 and f (b) = 1.

If X is homotopy equivalent to a finite simplicial com-

6. plex, then it is homeomorphic to a subset of Rn for some

The exists a continuous function on U = C [0, 1] such

that f (z)2 = z 3 (z 1) for all z U .

Any topological space covered by the closed ball B 2 is

homeomorphic to B 2 .

Any noncompact topological space covered by the open

ball B 2 is homeomorphic to B 2 .

Let E and B be connected, reasonable spaces. If p :

10. E B is a covering map and q : B E is a covering
map, preserving basepoints, then p q = id.

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