Composition of Photius' Bibliotheca
Composition of Photius' Bibliotheca
Composition of Photius' Bibliotheca
safe and sound. The words KE'iOEV ~p.&.s avcxuwua.P.EVOV show that he did
not write in Bagdad or whatever the destination of his mission was.
But there is a phrase in the letter which has been taken to prove
that Photius was not in the capital when he wrote. Mme Ahrweiler 4
has drawn attention to his remark that he had to wait a little while
before he found a scribe to copy his work, claiming that such delays
would be inconceivable in the capital. I doubt myself if this argument
is more than specious. We know nothing of supply and demand in the
book trade at this time, but we can easily imagine that the demand
for books occasionally outran the capacity of high-class calligraphers
(or indeed the supply of parchment, though Photius does not seem to
be referring to that difficulty). It makes little difference whether
Photius wanted a competent amanuensis to take down from dictation
the master copy of the work or a calligrapher to prepare a presenta-
tion copy for his brother.
Mme Ahrweiler holds that Photius wrote on campaign in Asia
Minor, just before setting out on a mission further east on behalf of
the emperor Theophilus in 838. 5 She might perhaps have adduced in
favor of her case a passage of Anna Comnena (proremium 3.4), who
speaks of her husband drafting a history while on campaign in the
eastern provinces. But I doubt whether even this parallel is convinc-
ing. Byzantine princes travelled abroad in comfort and for obvious
reasons were accompanied by secretarial staff; but members of that
staff such as Photius may not have had either the leisure or the copious
supply of precious writing material which would have been necessary
if they were to indulge their literary tastes. Furthermore, those who
think that Photius needed a large library at hand for consultation
while he wrote have to explain how he succeeded in transporting the
books. One might suppose that if photius travelled by sea he had the
chance to take some books with him and spend part of the day writ-
ing; but there are objections to this hypothesis as well, and it cannot
be used in relation to the journey to Amorion.
Another objection to the traditional view is the knowledge of
caught his fancy without going through the process of consciously get-
ting it by heart. ... At one period of his life he was known to say that,
if by some miracle of vandalism all copies of Paradise Lost and the
Pilgrim's Progress were destroyed off the face of the earth, he would
undertake to reproduce them both from his recollection whenever a
revival of learning caITle. In 18l3, while waiting in a CaITlbridge coffee-
room for a post-chaise which was to take him to his school, he picked
up a county newspaper containing two such specimens of provincial
poetical talent as in those days might be read in the comer of any
weekly journal. One piece was entitled "Reflections of an exile"; while
the other was a trumpery parody on the Welsh ballad "Ar hyd y nos,"
referring to some local anecdote of an ostler whose nose had been
bitten off by a filly. He looked them once through, and never gave
them a thought for forty years, at the end of which time he repeated
them both without missing,-or, as far as he knew, changing,-a single
word." Elsewhere in the biography it is stated, "Macaulay thought it
probable that he could rewrite Sir Charles Grandison from memory."
Before convicting Photius of falsehood or exaggeration we should ask
ourselves whether he too was blessed with this astonishing faculty.H
October, 1968