IWA-MTC2017 Abstract Template 20160807

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(The title should be short, clear and concise, preferably not more than 10 words)

Author Name*, Author Name** (initials then surnames, separated by commas)

* representing organisation
** representing organisation

(A short clear description of the main facts or ideas of your paper)

Keywords: (max three keywords)

(12pt Times New Roman, justified)
(The maximum length is two A4 pages of text including figures and tables).
The Introduction section should clearly state the background and the objectives of your
work. No extensive literature review is needed for an outline paper but major
accomplishments with the respective literature influencing your work should be

Material and Methods

Please include a brief description of the methods/techniques used (the principles of
these methods should not be described if readers can be directed to easily accessible
references or standard texts).

Results and Conclusions

This section should summarise clearly the experimental results obtained or the major
outcomes of the performed study.
Any trends or points of interest should be highlighted.
All major results presented in the outline paper should be supported and/or proved by
graphical presentations or tabular results.
Please avoid statements that the results will be presented during the conference.
The review of your submission will be based mainly on the material provided at the
point of submission and will not consider any promised accomplishments to be
expected in the near future.
If you wish to present your results in a tabular form or by using graphical presentations
please use the following formats for tables and figures.
Figures and tables should appear in numerical order, be described in the body of the
text and be positioned close to where they are first cited. Make sure all figures and
tables will fit inside the text area.
Please ensure that all figures are clearly labelled and easily readable in black-and-white
Table 1.1 This is a style for Table Titles. Table 1.1, 1.2 etc should be in bold. Table captions should
appear above tables.

(Please include your table here.)

(Please include your figure here.)

Figure 1.1 This is a style for Figure legends. Figure 1.1, 1.2 etc should be in bold. Figure legends
should appear below figures.

For citation in the main text use surname of author and year of publication: Jones (2002)
or (Jones, 2002). Insert initials only if there are two different authors with the same
surname and same year of publication. The abbreviation "et al." should be used in the
text when there are more than two co-authors of a cited paper.
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the outline paper. Although "et
al." is preferable in the text, in the list of references all authors should be given.
Andrews, J. F. (1993), Modeling and simulation of wastewater treatment processes. Wat. Sci. Tech.,
28(11/12), 141150.
Billing, A. E. (1987), Modelling techniques for biological systems. M.Sc. thesis, Dept Chem. Eng., Univ.
of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa.
Billing, A.E. and Dold, P.L. (1988a), Modelling techniques for biological reaction systems. 1.
Mathematic description and model representation. Wat. S

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