STAGE 1: Desired Results: Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mind Map Lesson

Grade 6/7 Topic Wellness

Date Nov.27-Dec.8 Allotted Time 50min

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Cite sources used to develop this plan:

Inspired by activity done at retreat led by Paige Fisher.

Rationale: How is this lesson relevant at this time with these students? Why is it important?
This activity is important for students aged 11-13 to help give them insight on their strengths and
stretches. It is important to have a strong sense of self as they move into high school.

Curriculum Connections: What Big Ideas (Understand,) Core Competencies (Do), Content Standards (Know)
does this lesson develop?
Big Ideas: Physical and Health Education 6 - Learning about similarities and differences in individuals and groups
influences community health.
Language Arts 6 Exploring and sharing multiple perspectives extends our thinking. Developing our understanding of how
language works allows us to use it purposefully.

Essential or Guiding Questions: How can reflecting on our strengths and stretches support us as learners? How does
using a learning map help us to organize our thoughts in a different way? How can we use text features to highlight our

Curricular Competencies: Phys/Health Education 6 Students will explore strategies for promoting the health and
well-being of the school and community. Language Arts 6 Students will recognize and appreciate how different features,
forms, and genres of texts reflect various purposes, audiences, and messages. Students will recognize and identify the role
of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in texts.
Content Standards: Phys/Health Ed 6 - Explore and describe how personal identities adapt and change in different
settings and situations. Language Arts 6 Text features: how text and visuals are displayed. Metacognitive strategies:
talking and thinking about learning (reflecting, goal setting, self-evaluating) to develop ones awareness of self.

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Learning Intention: I can use a learning map to show my strengths and stretches.
What will students learn?

Student Name: Nadine Sexton
Evidence of Learning: Students will show their learning by creating a learning map and making it individual to suit
How will students show their their own style of thought. Students will also create a written response to reflect on the
learning? process and how they connected to it.

Criteria: I hope to see a reflection of self on my students learning map. The minimum criteria for our
What criteria will help arrows are 2-4 strengths, and atleast 1 stretch.
students know how to be

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required?
Blank Paper
Coloring Materials
Lesson plan.

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

Have supplies all ready at the students work tables. Choose one student to hand out the blank paper. Prepare ahead of time
examples of other learning maps from our classroom (with permission), to show on the Smart board to the students.

Lesson Development

Connect: Pacing
How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking?
Activate or build background knowledge, capture interest, share learning intention.
Teacher will remind the students about when we did Students will have a short discussion about the 10min
our All About Me lesson and how it started our thinking advantages to knowing our strengths and how they can
about individuality, similarities and connections. Talk help us in groups and community settings.
about retreat and my process of doing my own learning
map. Show examples on the Smart Board. Talk about how
every has different strengths and stretches (possibly
explain the term stretch)

Process: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students interact with new ideas, Pacing
build understanding, acquire and practice knowledge, skills and/or attitudes? In what ways have
you built in guided practice?
Teacher will talk about own thinking while making my Students will follow my directions to add the 30min
own mind map and will have shown pictures of examples appropriate criteria for the learning map. They will be
as guided practice. Explain about using fat and skinny given time between each instruction to work on their
arrows to represent Strengths and Stretches. own and discuss with their groups.
1. Start by drawing yourself or some form of
representation of self on the page.
2. Add atleast 2 fat arrows for some things you
are good at. This can be anything, not just
academic. What are their passions?
3. Add 1 skinny arrow to represent one stretch.

Student Name: Nadine Sexton
Why is this something you feel you need to
work on?
4. Have the students get up and do have a look at
their peers work. Do you see any similarities? Is
there something you find to be a stretch but a
friend has as a strength? Vice versa.

Transform: How will students apply or practice their learning? Can they show or represent their Pacing
learning in personalized ways?
Teacher will discuss with students at the end of the Students will create their mind map to their own 10min
lesson what are the benefits of knowing your own strengths and stretches therefore will be representative
strengths and stretches. Write on the white board some of their learning in personalized ways.
things the students felt about using this process. What
did you notice when looking at the others work?

Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process? Refer back
to the learning intention, connect to next learning.
I will ensure that learning has taken place by having a closing discussion and having students write ideas on
their graphic organizer (notes for next lesson)
Why is it useful to use a learning map to define our strengths and stretches?
Did you enjoy the process of using a learning map?
Was the process helpful to you?

Planning for diversity (adaptations, extensions, other): In what ways does the lesson meet the needs of diverse
learners? How will you plan for students who have learning/behaviour difficulties or require enrichment?
I believe that this activity is appropriate for all learners, even our ELL students and those with stretches in writing and reading. The
mind map activity is very open to individuality. Those who prefer writing can use their words and those who prefer to draw can
interpret their ideas through art. We can also utilize the EA in the classroom to assist with students who have a hard time organizing
their thoughts.

Reflection What was successful in this lesson? If taught again, what would you change to make this lesson
even more successful and inclusive for diverse and exceptional students?

Lesson was successful. Students were engagement and all students were capable in fully participating. It was
fun to see how all the students represented their own self and their strengths using a mind map. They were all
so different. If I were to teach this again, I would allow the students to use color as well. I would also avoid
looking at stretches on the first session as it shifted the focus for some students towards the negative.

Student Name: Nadine Sexton
Lesson Planning Guide (adapted from Thompson Rivers University)

The lesson plan template is designed as a guide for students to use when planning lessons. The plan may be adapted to
specific subject areas and modified as students gain experience or to suit their presentation style. The template is a basic
outline that can be used directly as printed or expanded from the electronic version. It is important that the lesson plan be
sufficiently clear and detailed so that another teacher could use the plan to teach the lesson.

Rationale: Why are you teaching this particular lesson at this time? One consideration is the context for the lesson (e.g. this
introductory lesson determines what students know and want to know about the topic, this lesson relates to previous and future
learning by ) Another consideration is student motivation (e.g. what are some reasons the learner might care about the
content/concepts/ skills for future learning, careers, or interests?).

Curricular Connections:
The curriculum asks you to plan what the students will DO, what they will KNOW, and then what they will UNDERSTAND. Big
ideas capture the big picture or general area of learning (e.g. interdependence of living things with the environment, stories
are a source of creativity and joy) and will be what students come to UNDERSTAND. Curricular competencies are what
students will DO in their learning activities (e.g. using comprehension strategies, sorting and classifying data, making ethical
judgments) that are related to each discipline. The learning standards for content or concepts are a more specific
consideration of what students will come to KNOW. Many of the standards are written in broad, general terms to allow flexibility.
You can, using the intention of the standard, make it clearer and more specific (e.g. learners will be able to describe the main
idea in a paragraph or story, learners will be able to classify leaves based on properties they identify). The lesson should make
a connection to both types of learning standards curricular competencies as well as content. A reminder that the direction of
new curriculum has identified core competencies of thinking, communication, and personal / social development as a foundation
for all curricula.

Learning Intentions: How can you make clear and share with your learners what they are going to learn or have learned or
accomplished? Statements like: I can add two fractions help frame their learning in positive student language.

Prerequisite Concepts and Skills: What concepts and skills are needed for students to be successful? This communication
helps connect lessons together in a logical sequence by building/scaffolding new knowledge onto previous learning. For
example, if students are going to be engaged in debate did you build or scaffold group work strategies, communication skills,
expected etiquette, criteria beforehand?

Materials and Resources /References List all materials and resources that you and the students will need. What things do
you need to do before the lesson begins? (e.g. prepare a word chart.) What things do the students need to do? ( e.g. read a
chapter in the novel.) Have you honoured the sources of ideas or resources? Disorganized materials can ruin a great lesson.

Student Name: Nadine Sexton
Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations): How will you accommodate for diverse learners in your class? How will
you allow for some variety in expression of learning? How can you modify the learning activities for success? How can you
provide engaging extra challenges for those that are ready? How might you alter the learning environment if needed? Have you
considered Aboriginal and cultural influences? IEPs?

Assessment and Evaluation: Did the students learn what you taught them? What tools might you use for assessment (e.g.
check list, rubric, anecdotal record). How will you provide formative feedback to students about their learning? The results of
the assessment should be directly connected to what your students were able to write say or do related to the learning intentions
and or curriculum. Strive for accuracy and build assessment into teaching and learning and not as an add on at the end.
Organizational/Management Strategies: Have you thought-out organizational management strategies to facilitate a proactive
positive classroom environment? Some examples are: organizing for movement, distributing and collecting materials, grouping
strategies, blended grade classroom logistics.

Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning: Are there any connections to Aboriginal or other cultural
knowledge, worldviews, or principles of learning?

Lesson Activities/Structure:
Connect: How will you get students interested/motivated/ hooked into learning? How will you connect this lesson to past and
future lessons? How can you share the learning intentions in student friendly language? How will you provide a lesson
Process: What sequence of activities will the students experience? What will you do? What will they do? Estimate how
much time will each activity take (pacing)? What are grouping/materials strategies? There are many ways to describe the
body (step by step, two columns dividing student and teacher activities, visual flow chart of activities and connections, others?)
Transform: How will students apply and personalize the learning? What will they do or create to show you that they have
Closure: How will the lesson end? (e.g. connecting back to learning intentions, summarizing learning, sharing of
accomplishments, connecting to next lessons). Google 40 ways to close a lesson.

Reflections: Complete the reflections section as soon as possible after teaching the lesson. What went well? What revisions
would you make to the lesson? Anything else ?

Student Name: Nadine Sexton

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