MARQUIS 2010 Hastings Center Report
MARQUIS 2010 Hastings Center Report
MARQUIS 2010 Hastings Center Report
Donation after cardiac death protocols are subject to two constraints. The first is that organ removal
must occur as soon as possible after cardiac arrest. The second is that it must not occur so soon that the donor
is not yet dead. Can both constraints be satisfied at once? DCD protocols are widely accepted, so arguments
for them have apparently been persuasive. But this does not mean they are sound.
ver since brain death came to be understood as The typical DCD case goes like this: The pro-
death of the whole human being in the 1970s, spective donor, although not brain dead, has suffered
organ transplantation has, for the most part, extensive neurological damage and is on life sup-
been closely linked to it. The typical donor has been port.1 Following a decision from the persons family,
somebody declared brain dead while on life sup- life support is withdrawn and cardiac arrest results. If
port and while the heart continues to beat, thereby the heart does not resume beating on its own within
keeping the organs suffused with oxygen. However, two to five minutes, it will never resume beating on
because relatively few healthy peoplepeople with its own. In a DCD protocol, after one of these in-
suitable organshave died in just this way, the num- tervals, death is declared. Consent for organ dona-
ber of organs available for transplantation has been tion has been obtained from the donor or his family,
much less than the number of people needing them. and after death is declared, the donors organs are
One strategy for making up the difference has been removed for transplantation as quickly as possible.
the introduction of donation after cardiac death pro- DCD protocols are subject to two major con-
tocols, which provide for vital organ donation from straints. On the one hand, organ removal must oc-
people declared dead on the basis of cardiac death. cur as soon as possible after cardiac arrest to prevent
organ damage. The point of organ transplantation
Don Marquis, Are DCD Donors Dead? Hastings Center Report 40, is to provide the recipient with healthy organs,
no. 3 (2010): 24-31. but because the donors circulation has stopped,
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One could argue that because cessa- The Appeal to Permanence if the condition is never actually re-
tion of cardiac function was actually versed. A condition is irreversible if
reversed in these cases, cessation of
cardiac function was reversible. Since
cessation of cardiac function was re-
T he DCD protocol has been de-
fended on the grounds that
because the cessation of circula-
the condition never could be reversed.
In short, irreversibility entails perma-
nence; permanence does not entail
versible, the DCD donors were not tory function in a DCD donor is irreversibility. Therefore, given the
really dead, even though death was permanent, such donors are really plain meanings of the terms, the per-
pronounced. Since the donors were dead. John Robertson has defended manence of the cessation of circula-
not really dead, donation of any vital the DCD protocol by appealing to tory function in DCD donors does
organ would, in these cases, violate commonsense views of death, for not entail its irreversibility. Accord-
the dead donor rule. the person is not now breathing and ingly, if a patient is pronounced dead
Veatchs objection can be ex- never will again.7 James Bernat, who solely on the basis of the permanent
panded even more. Consider cases of has defended the orthodox defini- cessation of circulatory function,
DCD donation in which the heart is tion of death on many occasions, has then, unless the patient is brain dead,
not one of the organs transplanted. argued that we should understand the sufficient conditions for being de-
Bouceks transplants suggest that in death as the permanent cessation of clared dead have not been met.
such DCD cases, cardiac donation critical functions of the organism as a An example also shows what is
may have been possible. If, in any whole.8 Plainly, the cessation of cir- wrong with the appeal to perma-
such case, the heart could have been culatory and respiratory function in nence. Suppose that Joe has a heart
transplanted successfully, then in any all DCD donors, even in Bouceks in- attack and his circulatory function
such donor, cessation of circulatory fant donors, is permanent. The point stops. Fred, a physician standing next
function could have been reversed. of pronouncing death after cardiac to Joe, refuses to perform cardiopul-
If cessation of circulatory function arrest only when autoresuscitation is monary resuscitation on Joe because
could have been reversed, then the no longer possible is to ensure that Joe is a rival for the affections of his
donor was not dead and the dead do- cessation of cardiac function is per- love interest. No one else resuscitates
nor rule was violated. manent. If irreversibility and perma- Joe. Suppose that cardiopulmonary
Reflection on Veatchs critique of nence are the same thing, then DCD resuscitation would have been suc-
Bouceks transplants ultimately leads organ donors are dead, or so goes the cessful, but because it was not per-
to a critique of any declaration of argument.9 formed, cessation of Joes circulatory
death in a DCD protocol. The cen- Are permanence and irreversibil- function was permanent. Was Freds
tral point is that the donors loss of ity the same? To say that a patients refusal to act wrong? Not if we un-
cardiac function is, for all we know, medical condition was permanent is derstand the irreversible cessation of
reversible. If the cessation of cardiac to say that after his medical condition circulatory function as equivalent to
function is reversible, then cardiac was acquired, the patient lived with the permanent cessation of circulatory
death has not occurred. If cardiac it his whole life. But a patient might function, for the cessation of circula-
death has not occurred, then there is live his whole life with a curable tory function in Joe was permanent
no basis for a declaration of death. I and, therefore, reversiblemedical as soon as his circulatory function
shall call this objection to the DCD condition. Many people in develop- stopped. On that understanding, Joe
protocol the reversibility objection. ing countries live their entire lives was dead as soon as he collapsed, and
Bouceks transplants make the with medical conditions that would Freds failure to perform resuscitation
reversibility objection vivid. How- have been eliminated had they lived was not wrong, for he had no obli-
ever, the reversibility objection has in the developed world. To say that gation to resuscitate a corpse. But of
long been implicit in discussions of a patients medical condition was ir- course this conclusion is absurd.
DCD protocols. Justifications of the reversible, however, is to say that after Consideration of Bouceks heart
DCD protocol can be understood as the medical condition was acquired, transplants provides an additional
responses to this reversibility objec- no known intervention could have reason for rejecting the appeal to per-
tion. The DCD protocol is justified eliminated it. Thus, it might well be manence. The cessation of circula-
only if at least one of these responses the case that a patients aortic steno- tory function in Bouceks donors was
is sound. There are two basic kinds of sis was a permanent condition of his permanent for the very simple reason
responses, which I shall call the ap- heart, for after he acquired it he lived that the donor heart was removed. In
peal to permanence and the appeal with it his whole life, but it does not these infants, the cessation of circula-
to a norm. follow that the patients aortic steno- tory function was permanent because
sis was irreversible, for perhaps the their hearts were removed, and the
patient could have undergone open- removal of their hearts was permis-
heart surgery and had the stenosis sible because the cessation of circula-
corrected. A condition is permanent tory function was permanent. This
ible . . . is best understood not as an patients declared dead on the basis of the
ontological or epistemic term, but as
DCD protocol.
an ethical one.10 According to John
a dispositional property in virtue of it does would be that, in general,
Because the patient had issued a having the capacity to exhibit a cor- when moral or legal norms apply,
prior directive against resuscita- responding occurrent property under terms that are ordinarily dispositional
tion or his family has lawfully re- certain conditions. We say that the acquire normative meaning.
quested a do not resuscitate order, table salt in your salt shaker is water- Let us test this assumption. Sup-
no resuscitation after cardiac ar- soluble, for example, not in virtue pose I am examining your gold ring.
rest would be morally and legally of it actually being dissolved in wa- It would be wrong for me to dissolve
acceptable in situations of poten- ter, but because it has the capacity to the ring by dropping it in aqua regia.
tial non-heart-beating donation dissolve when put in water. We say Because a norm applies in this case,
[DCD donation]. Therefore, the that something is fragile, not (typi- would anyone say that insoluble has
patient may legitimately be viewed cally) in virtue of its being actually an ethical meaning and that, there-
as having irreversibly lost all car- broken, but because it would break fore, the ring is insoluble in aqua re-
diopulmonary function when if not handled carefully. We say that gia? Suppose that I am holding a plate
death is pronounced on cardiopul- kindling is flammable, not (typically) of your fine china. It would be wrong
monary grounds.11 in virtue of its actually burning, but for me deliberately or carelessly to
because it has the capacity to burn if drop that plate. Because a norm ap-
Robertson is claiming that because ignited. Analogously, we say, in ordi- plies in this case, would anyone say
cessation of circulatory function in nary contexts, that some condition that not fragile has an ethical mean-
the donor should not be reversed, is reversible, not because the condi- ing in this case and that, therefore,
the appropriate sense of irreversible tion actually has been reversed, but your fine china is not fragile? In these
that applies to the cessation of circu- because the condition is such that contexts, in which moral norms ap-
latory function is normative. There- it would be reversed under circum- ply, ethical interpretations of these
fore, the cessation of circulatory and stances that could obtain.12 Thus, dispositional terms seem incorrect.
soluble is a dispositional property; Therefore, the assumption that would
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justify Robertsons inference does not example, suppose her dead husband Fred had to Joe when Joe was alive
seem to be true. In the absence of this came back to life after another year. If Fred no longer has to Joes remains,
justification, Robertsons claim seems she had married another man in the not because death has an ethical
to be merely special pleading. meantime, then she would be guilty meaning, but because a necessary
Is there some other way of defend- of bigamy. Consider another exam- condition of Freds having an obliga-
ing the view that irreversible ac- ple. The obligation of my children tion to Joe is that both Fred and Joe
quires a normative meaning in DCD (who are my beneficiaries) to respect exist. Joes remains are not Joe. Put
situations? In fact, there are argu- my property rights will cease when I generally and abstractly, A has an
ments that being dead is special, and die. If my death were reversible, think obligation to B only if both A and B
that the judgment that someone is of the complications that could ensue exist.15 This claim is not based on a
dead, unlike judging that something after they had sold or begun to in- truth about obligations. Rather, it is
is soluble or that something is fragile, habit my house! Tomlinson is correct: basically about statements concern-
does have an ethical meaning. Rob- irreversibility is an important part of ing relational properties. When A is
ert Veatch has defended this view at our concept of death, and deaths ir- obligated to B, A stands in a moral re-
length.13 Tom Tomlinsons defense of reversibility has ethical consequences. lation to B. In order for A to stand in
the DCD protocol appeals to this un- Tomlinsons view of the nature any relation to B, both A and B must
derstanding of what death is: of the relationship between irrevers- exist. Similarly, statements like A is
ibility and ethical judgment is more taller than B and A is to the left of
the determination of death autho- problematic. The claim of irrevers- B can be true only if both A and B
rizes many decisions and actions ibility in DCD contexts is based on exist. Therefore, after an individual
that presume that the deceased has an individuals, or his surrogates, transitions into irreversible nonexis-
lost most of the interests which right to refuse careon a moral and tence (the colloquial term for this is
she had in life. This is a presump- legal norm. The irreversibility of dies), one can no longer have duties
tion necessary for supporting the death seems different. In the above to what is remaining because there is
ethical conclusion that our former examples, the ethical importance of no longer a him to whom one has
obligations to protect or account irreversibility depends on the actual duties, and never will be again.
for those interests have ended. If it nature of death. The dependency re- Tomlinson is mostly correct: The
were the case that her loss of those lation is reversed. death of an individual and our ob-
interests was not reasonably be- This reversal has an explanation. ligations to that individual are con-
lieved to be irreversible, then our The notion of irreversible nonex- nected. However, the connection is
obligations to protect those inter- istence is central to our notion of this. The fact that a person is dead is
ests could not have ended with death. Its centrality to our notion of the basis for a change in our obliga-
the determination of her death. death is based, not on moral norms, tions. The reason is that a necessary
Thus, if death has these ethical but on biological reality, whatever condition for having an obligation
implications for the demise of our moral norms might be. Although to someone is that there is some-
our obligations to the deceased, people can come back from a tough one to have the obligation to. And
its determination must include bout with pneumonia, people, as a the reason for this is that a neces-
a judgment of irreversibility suf- matter of fact, cant come back from sary condition for one individual to
ficiently secure to warrant the the dead. That is because corpses can- stand in a relation to another is that
ethical judgments that follow. A not be reconstituted into living indi- there are two individuals. Tomlinson
revealing translation of irrevers- viduals. The fact that corpses cannot claims (correctly) that the judgment
ible in criteria for determining be reconstituted into living individu- that an individual is dead depends
death, then, is the possibility of als explains why we have no moral on the judgment that his condition
reversal is not ethically significant qualms about cremation. Put collo- is irreversible. However, he claims
and this translation has useful ap- quially, when your life is over, it is re- (incorrectly) that the judgment that
plication to the Pittsburgh [DCD] ally over. Death is, as a matter of fact, an individuals condition is irrevers-
protocol.14 an irreversible state. Indeed, death ible depends on our obligation to an
is irreversible nonexistence. (Those individual not to resuscitate him if a
Almost everything that Tomlinson who are religious may want to add, DNR order was requested. Tomlin-
says about the irreversibility of death on this earth.) sons argument gets the dependency
is true. Some examples illuminate his The ethical significance of this has relation backwards. Therefore, it is
position. When a womans husband an explanation. We are essentially liv- unpersuasive.
dies, she no longer has the obligation ing human beings. At the moment There is another problem with the
not to marry another individual. If of a human beings death, that indi- appeal to a norm as a basis for the
her husbands death were reversible, vidual human being no longer exists judgment of irreversibility and, there-
then this would be problematic. For and never will again. The obligations fore, as a basis for pronouncing death.
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It is useful to put the above because, as far as is known, the dead that organ donation is permissible if a
points in context. What was above donor rule is violated, or (2) the dead prospective organ donors neurologi-
called the reversibility objection to donor rule should be either jettisoned cal injuries are so severe that he lacks
the DCD protocol might seem to or carefully qualified or fudged. Nei- a future that would contain experi-
some to have force. According to the ther alternative seems appealing. If ences he would value, provided the
appeal-to-a-norm defense of DCD donation after cardiac death is uneth- appropriate consent is in place. One
death declarations, normative consid- ical, then a procedure that saves many might argue that, in such cases, an in-
erations bequeath a normative mean- lives ought to be halted. Rejecting or dividual is not harmed by the removal
ing to irreversibility. The point of revising the dead donor rule seems to of his vital organs, and ending his life
that appeal is to rebut the reversibility involve the wrongful ending of inno- therefore does not wrong him.20 Here
objection. Is the appeal-to-a-norm cent human life. is another strategy. According to or-
defense a bit of special pleading be- A number of strategies might be thodox Catholic doctrine, it is always
cause of the need for more transplant- offered to justify the moral permis- wrong intentionally to end the life
able organs, or can it be justified? sibility of violating the dead donor of an innocent human being. Some
How should we go about answer- rule in narrow circumstances. For leading scholars have tried to defend
ing this question? We can look at example, Franklin Miller and Robert this Catholic doctrine by appealing
contexts involving what we would say Truog have argued that withdrawing to the principle that it is wrong to
about other (ordinarily) dispositional life support from patients with devas- kill anyone with the basic natural ca-
properties when moral norms apply. tating neurological injuries with the pacity for rational agency.21 Because
We can also look at other medical valid consent of surrogates should be fetuses have the basic natural capac-
contexts in which moral norms ap- understood as the ethically permis- ity for rational agency, this principle
ply, to see what someone would say sible killing it really is. They have does support the view that abortion
about reversibility in them. Consider- gone on to defend the inference that is wrong. However, it is hard to see
ing these other contexts is important removing vital organs from the same how it could support the wrongness
because justification involves, either kinds of patients with the valid con- of killing a typical DCD donor. The
explicitly or tacitly, appeal to what sent of surrogates is no different in devastating neurological injuries that
is more general than that which is principle and is another instance of typically qualify one for candidacy
justified. ethically permissible killing.17 James for a DCD protocol have destroyed
The analysis in this essay has Bernat has argued that, although the basic natural capacity for rational
shown that both of the standard jus- there is a mismatch between a per- agency. Therefore, the principle on
tifications for DCD determinations manence standard and an irrevers- which, according to some authors,
of death are unconvincing. We have ibility standard for declaring death in Catholic doctrine is based is com-
good reasons for supposing that the DCD cases, a permanence standard is patible with DCD donation even if
reversibility objection to the DCD an acceptable compromise.18 Jerry DCD donors are not dead and killing
death declaration is sound. When a Menikoff has pointed out that even them is incompatible with Catholic
DCD donor is declared dead, it is not though the dead donor rule is vio- doctrine itself.
known that he has suffered irrevers- lated in DCD cases, removing livers Are any of these proposals accept-
ible loss of circulatory and respira- and kidneys from these not-yet-dead able? I have offered no more than a
tory functions. Therefore, given the donors does not kill them. This is sketch of any of them. To show any
standard legal definition of death, because removing their life supports, is acceptable would involve a far
the basis for declaring DCD donors not removing their livers and kidneys, more careful description of that par-
dead does not obtain. Furthermore, is the cause of their deaths. They do ticular proposal than I have offered.
because DCD donors are not brain not live long enough to die from liver Any such proposal requires a defense,
dead, they are not known to be dead or renal failure.19 Menikoff s point which I have also not offered. Fur-
at all. might be used to argue that excep- thermore, an argument is available
tions to the dead donor rule may be that none of these proposals is accept-
Removing Vital Organs made when the principle that appar- able. One might argue that to remove
ently justifies the rule does not apply. the vital organs of a living human be-
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