The document discusses an upcoming spelling bee contest being held at a language faculty. It provides details on the contest format and rules. The contest will have a practice round, then eliminations to select 3 finalists from each class. Those finalists will compete against each other, and the winners will advance to the final round to determine an overall champion. Contestants must stand, spell the given word aloud, spell it correctly in English, and repeat the full word. Points are deducted for any errors. The practice is on November 11th, eliminations on November 18th, and the final contest on December 2nd.
The document discusses an upcoming spelling bee contest being held at a language faculty. It provides details on the contest format and rules. The contest will have a practice round, then eliminations to select 3 finalists from each class. Those finalists will compete against each other, and the winners will advance to the final round to determine an overall champion. Contestants must stand, spell the given word aloud, spell it correctly in English, and repeat the full word. Points are deducted for any errors. The practice is on November 11th, eliminations on November 18th, and the final contest on December 2nd.
The document discusses an upcoming spelling bee contest being held at a language faculty. It provides details on the contest format and rules. The contest will have a practice round, then eliminations to select 3 finalists from each class. Those finalists will compete against each other, and the winners will advance to the final round to determine an overall champion. Contestants must stand, spell the given word aloud, spell it correctly in English, and repeat the full word. Points are deducted for any errors. The practice is on November 11th, eliminations on November 18th, and the final contest on December 2nd.
The document discusses an upcoming spelling bee contest being held at a language faculty. It provides details on the contest format and rules. The contest will have a practice round, then eliminations to select 3 finalists from each class. Those finalists will compete against each other, and the winners will advance to the final round to determine an overall champion. Contestants must stand, spell the given word aloud, spell it correctly in English, and repeat the full word. Points are deducted for any errors. The practice is on November 11th, eliminations on November 18th, and the final contest on December 2nd.
2 amusement park 27 exotic 52 map 77 subway 3 arrival 28 ferry 53 means 78 suitcase 4 backpack 29 Flight attendant 54 motel 79 summer 5 beach 30 food 55 motorway 80 surfing Swimming 56 6 bell boy 31 go camping mountain 81 pool 7 boat 32 go hiking 57 nightlife 82 swimsuit 8 breaker 33 go shopping 58 package 83 take off 9 bus 34 guide 59 party 84 taxi 10 bus station 35 highway 60 passenger 85 tent 11 cafeteria 36 holiday 61 passport 86 ticket 12 camping 37 hostel 62 plane 87 tip 13 car 38 hostess 63 port 88 tour 14 charger flight 39 hotel 64 recepcionist 89 tourism 15 check-in 40 island 65 restaurant 90 tourist 16 comfortable 41 itinerary 66 road 91 traffic 17 country 42 journey 67 room service 92 train 18 cruise 43 key card 68 route 93 train station 19 currency 44 landing 69 sailing 94 travel 20 delay 45 landscape 70 schedule 95 travel agency 21 departures 46 laundry service 71 sea 96 trip 22 dessert 47 lifesaver 72 seafood 97 underground 23 destination 48 location 73 set off 98 vacation 24 Easter holiday 49 low season 74 ship 99 voyage 25 efficient 50 luggage 75 souvenirs 100 yatch Por medio de la presente se les informa que este ao llevaremos a cabo el concurso de *SPELLING BEE CONTEST 2017*, que se realizar por primera vez en nuestra facultad de idiomas, en el cul, los alumnos ponen en prctica las habilidades de listening, speaking y palabras de spelling aprendidas. El concurso consiste en una prctica, la eliminatoria y la etapa final, en el periodo donde todos participarn. En la segunda fase se obtendrn 3 finalistas de cada saln ( la etapa eliminatoria), los cuales se enfrentaran en la fase final en su mismo grupo y pasarn a la etapa final donde se decidir quin ser el ganador.
Dicho concurso se basa en el deletreo oral de las palabras de SPELLING
previamente aprendidas, que aparecen en la lista que se les proporcion a los alumnos. El concurso consiste en que se les dir de manera verbal una palabra seleccionada de las 100 de la lista asignada. El alumno deber ponerse de pie, repetir la palabra otorgada, deletrear en ingls dicha palabra sin equivocarse y finalmente repetir la palabra completa nuevamente. Cabe sealar que los alumnos deben conocer a la perfeccin la pronunciacin, la escritura, y desde luego el significado de las palabras para poderlas deletrear de manera fluida, y de saltarse uno de los pasos del concurso, quedar automticamente fuera de la competencia a pesar de que mencione la palabra correctamente.
Los puntos principales a tomar en cuenta en el concurso son los siguientes:
Los alumnos tienen derecho a pedir repeticin de la palabra, en caso
de no haberla escuchado bien. Can you repeat it, please?, de no comprenderla tendr la oportunidad de pedirla nuevamente pero esta ocasin por medio de un enunciado. Can you give me a sentence? La decisin del juez es inapelable Los observadores, concursantes y pblico debern permanecer en silencio absoluto. De escucharse sonido alguno, murmullo o bien que alguien intente ayudar al participante, esto ser causa de descalificacin para el concursante.
La prctica se realizar el sbado 11 de Noviembre del presente ao y la
eliminatoria se llevar a cabo el sbado 18 de Noviembre en cada saln y posteriormente el concurso final se efectuar el sbado 2 de Diciembre, a modo de salga un ganador por saln. La lista de palabras del concurso ya fue enviada para que la estudien.
Sin ms por el momento, les agradecemos su apoyo y participacin.