1 - Catalogo Dos Disjuntores Da ABB
1 - Catalogo Dos Disjuntores Da ABB
1 - Catalogo Dos Disjuntores Da ABB
X1 by Emax
Printed in Italy
10.000 - CAL
Overview of the Emax family
Construction characteristics
A design dedicated to Quality and respect for the environment .......................................... 1/17
X1 E1 E2
Automatic circuit-breakers X1B X1N X1L E1B E1N E2B E2N E2S E2L
Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4 3-4
4p CB neutral current-carrying capacity [% Iu] 100 100 100
Iu (40 C) [A] 630-800- 630-800- 630-800- 800-1000- 800-1000- 1600-2000 1000-1250- 800-1000- 1250-1600
1000-1250- 1000-1250- 1000-1250- 1250-1600 1250-1600 1600-2000 1250-1600-
1600 1600 2000
1 Ue [V~] 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690
Icu (220...415V) [kA] 42 65 150 42 50 42 65 85 130
Ics (220...415V) [kA] 42 50 150 42 50 42 65 85 130
Icw (1s) [kA] 42 42 15 42 50 42 55 65 10
(3s) [kA] 36 36 42 42 42
Automatic circuit-breakers
with full-size neutral conductor
Poles [No.] Standard version Standard version Standard version
4p CB neutral current-carrying capacity [% Iu]
Iu (40 C) [A]
Ue [V~]
Icu (220...415V) [kA]
Ics (220...415V) [kA]
Icw (1s) [kA]
(3s) [kA]
Switch-disconnectors for
applications up to 1150 V AC * X1B/E MS E2B/E MS E2N/E MS
Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4 3-4
Iu (40 C) [A] 1000-1250- 1600-2000 1250-1600-
1600 2000
Ue [V~] 1000 1150 1150
Icw (1s) [kA] 20 20 30
Icm (1000V) [kA] 40 40 63
Switch-disconnectors for
applications up to 1000 V DC E1B/E MS E2N/E MS
Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4
Iu (40 C) [A] 800-1250 1250-1600-2000
Ue [V-] 750 (3p)-1000(4p) 750 (3p)-1000(4p)
Icw (1s) [kA] 20 25
Icm (750V) [kA] 42 52,5
(1000V) [kA] 42 52,5
Sectionalizing truck E1 CS E2 CS
Iu (40 C) [A] 1250 2000
Earthing truck E1 MT E2 MT
Iu (40 C) [A] 1250 2000
(*) 1000V for Emax X1.
3200 4000 6300
3200 4000 6300
Common data
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 690 ~
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12
Operating temperature [C] -25....+70
Storage temperature [C] -40....+70
Frequency f [Hz] 50 - 60
1 Number of poles
Fixed - Withdrawable
Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 C) Iu [A] 800 1250 1600
Mechanical life with regular ordinary maintenance [No. operations x 1000] 12,5 12,5 12,5
Operation frequency [Operations/hour] 60 60 60
Electrical life (440 V ~) [No. operations x 1000] 6 4 3
(690 V ~) [No. operations x 1000] 3 2 1
Operation frequency [Operations/hour] 30 30 30
Note: the breaking capacity Icu, by means of external protection relay, with 500ms maximum timing, is equal to the value of Icw (1s).
Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 C) Iu [A] 630 - 800 - 1000 - 1250 - 1600
Rated service voltage Ue [V ~] 1000
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V ~] 1000
Rated ultimate breaking capacity under short-circuit Icu 1000 V ~ [kA] 20
Rated service breaking capacity under short-circuit Ics 1000 V ~ [kA] 20
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 20
Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 C) Iu [A] 1000 - 1250 - 1600
Poles 3-4
Rated service voltage Ue [V ~] 1000
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V ~] 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 20
Rated making capacity under short-circuit (peak value) [kA] 40
Fixed version
1 Trademark and size of
11 2 PR331/P, PR332/P or PR333/P
trip units
1 2
3 Pushbutton for manual
4 Pushbutton for manual
5 Lever to manually charge
closing springs
1 6 Electrical rating plate
7 Mechanical device to signal
circuit-breaker open O and
5 6 closed I
8 Signal for springs charged or
8 7 9 Mechanical signalling of
overcurrent releases tripped
10 Racking-in/out device (for
3 4 withdrawable version only)
11 Terminal box (for fixed version
12 Sliding contacts (for
withdrawable version only)
13 Circuit-breaker position
indicator: racked-in/ test isolated
/racked-out / connected/test
isolated/disconnected (for
withdrawable version only)
Racked-in refers to the position in which
both the power contacts and auxiliary
contacts are connected; racked-out is the
Withdrawable version position in which both the power contacts
and auxiliary contacts are disconnected;
test isolated is the position in which the
power contacts are disconnected, whereas
the auxiliary contacts are connected.
5 6
8 7
3 13
Fixed circuit-breaker
Rear terminals (horizontal, vertical or adjustable) Front terminals Front extended terminals
Spreaded front terminals Multicable terminals for FC CuAl 4x240 mm2 Multicable terminals for FC CuAl 2x240 mm2
Withdrawable circuit-breaker
Adjustable rear terminals (horizontal or vertical) Front extended terminals Spreaded rear terminals
PR333/P PR333/P
Funzioni di protezione PR331/P PR332/P PR333/P
Protection against overload with
inverse long time-delay trip
Selective protection against short-circuit inverse
or definite short time-delay trip
Second selective protection against short-circuit inverse
1 or definite short time-delay trip
Protection against instantaneous short-circuit
with adjustable trip current threshold
Protection against earth fault residual
source ground return
Protezione differenziale (1) opt.(2)
MCR Protection against closing under short-circuit
D Protection against directional short-circuit with adjustable time-delay
U Protection against phase unbalance
OT Protection against overtemperature (check)
UV Protection against undervoltage with PR330/V
OV Protection against overvoltage with PR330/V
RV Protection against residual voltage with PR330/V
RP Protection against reverse active power with PR330/V
M Thermal memory for functions L and S
UF Underfrequency with PR330/V
OF Overfrequency with PR330/V
Currents (phases, neutral, earth fault)
Voltage (phase-phase, phase-neutral, residual) with PR330/V
Power (active, reactive, apparent) with PR330/V
Power factor with PR330/V
Frequency and peak factor with PR330/V
Energy (active, reactive, apparent, meter) with PR330/V
Harmonics calculation (display of wave forms and harmonics module)
Alarm and trip for release overtemperature
Check of the release status
Load control
Load connection and disconnection according to the current passing through the circuit-breaker
Zone selectivity
Can be activated for protection functions S, G and (PR333/P only) D
(1) requires a homopolar toroid for residual current protection; (2) with residual current toroid and PR333/P LSIG; (3) with communication unit BT030 or PR010T; (4) with PR330/D-M
Rating plugs
Type of Rated In [A]
circuit-breaker current Iu 400 630 800 1000 1250 1600
X1B 1000
1250 1
X1N 1000
Quality, environment, health and safety have always been ABB SACEs major commitment. This
commitment involves every function of the company, and has allowed us to achieve prestigious
recognition internationally.
The companys quality management system is certified by RINA, one of the most prestigious in-
ternational certification boards, and complies with ISO 9001-2000 Standards; the ABB SACE test
facility is accredited by SINAL; the plants in Frosinone, Patrica, Vittuone and Garbagnate Monastero
are also certified in compliance with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards for health and safety
in the workplace. 1
ABB SACE, Italys first industrial company in the electro-mechanical sector to achieve this, has been
able to reduce its raw material consumption and machining scrap by 20% thanks to an ecology-centred
revision of its manufacturing process. All of the companys Divisions are involved in streamlining raw
material and energy consumption, preventing pollution, limiting noise pollution and reducing scrap
resulting from manufacturing processes, as well as in carrying out periodic environmental audits of
leading suppliers.
ABB SACE is committed to environmental protection, as is also evidenced by the Life Cycle As-
sessments (LCA) of products carried out at the Research Centre: this means that assessments and
improvements of the environmental performance of products throughout their lifecycle are included
right from the initial engineering
stage. The materials, processes
and packaging used are chosen
with a view to optimising the
actual environmental impact of
each product, including its energy
efficiency and recyclability.
Installation in switchgear
Extremely reduced volumes ................................................................................................ 2/2
The Emax X1 circuit-breakers have been built according to modular design criteria for easier instal-
lation and integration in low voltage electrical switchgear, thanks to a significant reduction in their
overall installation dimensions, particularly in width and depth.
This allows the realization of switchgear dimensions particularly reduced, characteristic which makes
the Emax X1 especially suitable where spaces saving is needed: for example in applications as on
boards of ships, in mines, on drilling platforms and windmill turbine.
Emax circuit-breakers are suitable for Power Center switchgear and make it easy to comply with the
segregation requirements of the IEC 60439-1 Standards.
Number of poles
The choice of the number of poles for circuit-breakers that simultaneously provide switching, pro-
tection and isolation functions in three-phase installations depends on the type of electrical system
(TT, TN-S, TN-C, IT) and the type of user or, more generally, whether it features a distributed or
non-distributed neutral.
For TN-C systems (the neutral For users that do not use the neutral In all other instances, with Current transformers can be
cannot be interrupted because (e.g.: asynchronous motors) and, for exceptions for the IT system (see installed on the external neutral
it also acts as the protection systems with undistributed neutral CEI 64-8/473.3.2.2 Standards). of five-wire systems (TN-S) with
conductor). in general. 3-pole circuit-breakers.
Protection Degrees
A number of solutions have been adopted on Emax circuit-breakers to achieve IP22 degree of
protection for fixed or withdrawable circuit-breakers, excluding the terminals, and IP30 for their front
parts using a flange. Automatic shutters have been designed for the fixed parts of withdrawable
circuit-breakers which can be locked using padlock devices to allow maintenance on the load side
or on the power-supply side of the fixed part.
A transparent protective cover is also available on request, to completely segregate the front of the
circuit-breaker, reaching IP54 degree of protection. In any case, the front panel and protection trip
unit with the relative indications remain completely visible.
Iu [A]
1600 X1 1600
X1 1250
1000 X1 1000
800 X1 800
X1 630
10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
T [C]
Iu [A]
1600 X1 1600
X1 1250
1000 X1 1000
800 X1 800
X1 630
10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
T [C]
Emax X1 air circuit-breakers as well as the other sizes in the Emax family, do not undergo any changes
in their rated performance up to an altitude of 2000 meters.
As the altitude increases the atmospheric properties alter in terms of composition, dielectric capacity,
cooling power and pressure.
The performance of the circuit-breakers therefore undergoes derating, which can be measured
through the variation in significant parameters such as the maximum operating voltage and the rated
uninterrupted current.
The table below shows these values in relation to altitude.
The current-limiting capacity of a current-limiting circuit-breaker indicates its greater or lesser capac-
ity, under short-circuit conditions, to let through or make a current lower than the prospective fault
This characteristic is shown by two different curves which indicate the following, respectively:
the value of the specific energy I2t (in A2s) let through by the circuit-breaker in relation to the
uninterrupted symmetrical short-circuit current.
the peak value (in kA) of the limited current in relation to the uninterrupted symmetrical short-circuit
A peak limited Ik
B prospective Ik (peak value)
Current-limiting curves
lp peak current
l2t specific let-through energy
at the voltages indicated
Protection trip units and trip curves
SD-TestBus2......................................................................................................................... 3/46
PR331/P is the new basic and complete trip unit for the Emax series. The complete range of protec-
tion functions together with the wide combination of thresholds and trip times offered make it suit-
able for protecting a wide range of alternating current installation. In addition to protection functions
the unit is provided with multifunction LED indicators. Furthermore, PR331/P allows connection to
external devices enhancing its advanced characteristics like remote signaling and monitoring, or
remote supervision display.
17 16 6 5 1 7 2 8 3 9 4
13 14 15 10 11 18 12
1 LED signalling Alarm and prealarm 8 DIP switches for setting current 15 Rating plug
for protection function L threshold l3 16 Indication of the DIP switch
2 LED signalling Alarm for protection 9 DIP switches for setting current positions for the various current
function S threshold l4 thresholds values l1
3 LED signalling Alarm for protection 10 DIP switches for setting trip time t1 17 TEST connector for connecting or
function I (type of curve) testing the trip unit by means of an
4 LED signalling Alarm for protection 11 DIP switches for setting trip time t2 external device (PR030/B battery
function G (type of curve) unit, BT030 wireless communica-
tion unit and PR010/T unit).
5 DIP switches for fine setting current 12 DIP switches for setting trip time t4
threshold l1 (type of curve) 18 Info-test button
6 DIP switches for main setting cur- 13 Indication of the DIP switch position
rent threshold l1 for network frequency
7 DIP switches for setting current 14 Indication of the DIP switch position
threshold I2 for Neutral protection setting
t t
k k
t= t=
I2 I2
User interface
The user communicates directly with the trip unit in the trip parameter preparation stage by
means of the dip switches.
Up to four LEDs (according to the version) are also available for signalling.
These LEDs (one for each protection) are active when:
a protection is timing. For protection L the prealarm status is also shown;
a protection has tripped (the corresponding LED is activated by pressing the Info/Test pu-
a failure in connection of a current sensor or in the trip coil is detected. The indication is active
when the unit is powered (through current sensors or an auxiliary power supply)
wrong rating plug for the circuit-breaker.
The protection tripped indication works even with the circuit-breaker open, without the need for any
internal or external auxiliary power supply. This information is available for 48 hours of inactivity after
the trip and is still available after reclosing. If the query is made more than 48 hours later it is sufficient
to connect a PR030/B battery unit, PR010/T, or a BT030 wireless communication unit.
There is programmable contact in the device, which can be set using PR010/T, SD-Testbus2 or SD
Pocket and combined with numerous events.
3 By means of the BT030 wireless communication unit, PR331/P can be connected to a pocket PC
(PDA) or to a personal computer, extending the range of information available for the user. In fact,
by means of ABB SACEs SD-Pocket communication software, It is possible to read the values of
the currents flowing through the circuit-breaker, the value of the last 20 interrupted currents, and
the protection settings.
PR331/P can also be connected to the HMI030 unit, for the remote user interfacing.
Test Function
The Test function is carried out by means of the info/Test pushbutton and the PR030/B battery unit (or
BT030) fitted with a polarized connector housed on the bottom of the box, which allows the device
to be connected to the test connector on the front of PR331/P releases.
The PR331/P electronic trip unit can be tested by using the PR010/T test and configuration unit by
connecting it to the TEST connector.
PR331/P LI
MCR Protection against closing I5= 6.0 - 6.1 - 6.2 - 6.3 - 6.4 . . . 14.5 - 30 ms t=k
under short-circuit 14.6 - 14.7 - 14.8 - 14.9 - 15 x In
Tolerance (2) 10%
The following tolerance values apply in all cases not covered by the above:
Trip time
L 20%
S 20%
I 60ms
G 20%
Power supply
The unit does not require an external power supply either for protection functions or for alarm signal-
ling functions. It is self-supplied by means of the current sensors installed on the circuitbreaker.
For it to operate, it is sufficient for the three phases to be loaded at 70A. An external power supply
can be connected in order to activate additional features, and in particular for connection to external
devices as HMI030 and PR021/K.
Auxiliary power 24 V DC 20%
supply (galvanically insulated)
Maximum ripple 5%
Inrush current @ 24V ~1 A for 5 ms
Rated power @ 24V ~2 W
Functions L-S-I
t= k
Functions L-S-I
Function G
The PR332/P trip unit is a sophisticated and flexible protection system based on a state-of-the art
microprocessor and DSP technology. Fitted with the optional internal PR330/D-M dialogue unit,
PR332/P turns into an intelligent protection, measurement and communication device, based on
the Modbus protocol. By means of the PR330/D-M, PR332/P can also be connected to the ABB
EP010 Fieldbus plug adapter, which makes it possible to choose among several different networks,
such as Profibus and DeviceNet.
The new PR332/P is the result of ABB SACEs experience in designing protection trip units. The
exhaustive range of settings makes this protection unit ideal for general use in any type of installation,
from distribution to the protection of motors, transformers, drives and generators.
Access to information and programming using a keyboard and graphic liquid crystal display is ex-
tremely simple and intuitive. The interface is common to PR332/P and PR333/P in order to give to the
user maximum ease of use. An integrated ammeter and many other additional features are provided
over and above the protection functions. These additional functions can be further increased with
addition on board of the dialogue, signalling, measurement, and wireless communication units.
Functions S and G can operate with a time delay independent of the current (t = k) or with an inverse
time delay (constant specific let-through energy: I2t = k), as required. Protection against earth faults
can also be obtained by connecting the PR332/P trip unit to an external toroid located on the con-
ductor that connects the transformer star centre to earth (homopolar toroid).
All the thresholds and trip curve delays of the protection functions are stored in special memories
which retain the information even when no power is supplied.
1 2 10 8 3 6 4
9 7 11 5
1 Warning LED 7 Button to exit submenus or cancel 9 Rating plug
2 Alarm LED operations (ESC) 10 Serial number of protection trip unit
3 Rear-light graphic display 8 Test connector for connecting or 11 Info-test button
testing the release by means of an
4 Cursor UP button external device (PR030/B battery
5 Cursor DOWN button unit, BT030 wireless communica-
6 ENTER button to confirm data or tion unit and PR010/T unit)
change pages
(*) The setting I1 =1 indicates the maximum overload protection setting. The actual maximum setting allowable must take into account any derating
based on temperature, the terminals used and the altitude (see the Installations chapter)
and taking this signal to the zone selectivity input of the release
immediately to the supply side. Each circuit-breaker that detects
a fault communicates this to the circuit-breaker on the supply
side using a simple connection wire. Therefore the fault zone is
the zone immediately to the load side of the circuit-breaker that
Zone 2
detects the fault, but does not receive any communication from
those on the load side. This circuit-breaker opens without waiting
for the set time-delay.
ABB SACE provides calculation tools to facilitate the work of
Zone 3
The PR332/P range of trip units contains an electronic circuit which periodically checks the continu-
ity of internal connections (trip coil and each current sensor, including the Source Ground Return
when present).
In the case of a malfunction an alarm message appears directly on the display. The Alarm is high-
lighted by the Alarm LED as well.
Residual Current
Different solutions are available for integrated residual current protection. The basic choice is PR332/
P-LSIRc, which has all the characteristics of PR332/P-LSI and residual current protection as well.
When additional features are required, the solution is PR332/P-LSIG with an additional PR330/V
module (see next paragraph). Using this configuration, residual current protection is added to a unit,
having the features of PR332/P-LSI and all the add-ons described for the PR330/V module, such
as voltage protection and advanced measurement functions.
Residual current protection acts by measuring the current from the external dedicated toroid.
Test Functions
Once enabled from the menu, the info/Test pushbutton on the front of the trip unit allows correct
3 operation of the chain consisting of the microprocessor, trip coil and circuit-breaker tripping mecha-
nism to be checked.
The control menu also includes the option of testing correct operation of the display and signaling
By means of the front multi-pin connector it is possible to apply a PR010/T Test unit which allows the
functions of the PR331/P, PR332/P and PR333/P ranges of trip units to be tested and checked.
User interface
The human-machine interface (HMI) of the device is made up of a wide graphic display, LEDs, and
browsing pushbuttons. The interface is designed to provide maximum simplicity.
The language can be selected from among five available options: Italian, English, German, French
and Spanish.
As in the previous generation of releases, a password system is used to manage the Read or Edit
modes. The default password, 0001, can be modified by the user.
The protection parameters (curves and trip thresholds) can be set directly via the HMI of the device.
The parameters can only be changed when the release is operating in Edit mode, but the informa-
tion available and the parameter settings can be checked at any time in Read mode.
When a communication device (internal PR330/D-M modules or external BT030 device) is con-
nected, it is possible to set parameters simply by downloading them into the unit (over the network
for PR330/D-M, by using the SD-Pocket software and a PDA or a notebook for BT030). Param-
eterisation can then be carried out quickly and automatically in an error-free way by transferring data
directly from DocWin.
There is programmable contact in the device, which can be set using PR010/T, SD-Testbus2 or SD
Pocket and combined with numerous events.
Indicator LEDs
LEDs on the front panel of the release are used to indicate all the pre-alarms (WARNING) and
alarms (ALARM). A message on the display always explicitly indicates the type of event
Example of events indicated by the WARNING LED:
unbalance between phases;
pre-alarm for overload (L1>90%);
first temperature threshold exceeded (70 C);
contact wear beyond 80%;
phase rotation reversed (with optional PR330/V)
Data logger
By default PR332/P, as well as PR333/P, is provided with the Data Logger function, that automati-
cally records in a wide memory buffer the instantaneous values of all the currents and voltages. Data
can be easily downloaded from the unit by means of SD-Pocket or SD-TestBus2 applications and
can be transferred to any personal computer for elaboration. The dedicated application SD-Data
logger viewer shows clearly to the user all the relevant trip information provided by the data logger.
The function freezes the recording whenever a trip occurs in case of other events, so that a detailed
analysis of faults can be easily performed. SD-Pocket and SD-TestBus2 allow also reading and
downloading of all the others trip information.
Data logger is also very useful for network analysis in normal operating conditions.
Number of analog channels: 8
Maximum sampling rate: 4800 Hz
Maximum sampling time: 27 s (@ sampling rate 600 Hz)
64 events tracking
24 V DC auxiliary supply is required for this function.
When communication module PR330/D-M is present, data can be acquired and transferred through
the Modbus network.
Load control
Load control makes it possible to engage/disengage individual loads on the load side before the
overload protection L is tripped, thereby avoiding unnecessary trips of the circuit-breaker on the
supply side. This is done by means of contactors or relays (externally wired to the release), controlled
by the PR332/P through the contacts of an external unit.
The current thresholds and trip times are smaller than those available for selection with protection L,
so that load control can be used to prevent overload tripping.
An external accessory unit is required for Load Control. The function is only active when an auxiliary
power supply is available.
Measurement function
The current measurement function (ammeter) is present on all versions of the PR332/P unit.
The display shows histograms showing the currents of the three phases and neutral on the main
page. Furthermore, the most loaded phase current is indicated in numerical format. Earth fault cur-
rent, where applicable, is shown on a dedicated page.
The latter current value takes on two different meanings depending on whether the external toroidal
transformer for the Source Ground Return function or the internal transformer (residual type) is
The ammeter can operate either with self-supply or with an auxiliary power supply voltage. The display
is rear-lit and the ammeter is active even at current levels lower than 160A.
Accuracy of the ammeter measurement chain (current sensor plus ammeter) is no more than 1.5%
in the current interval of 0.3 - 6 In.
Currents: three phases (L1, L2, L3), neutral (Ne) and earth fault;
Instantaneous values of currents during a period of time (data logger);
Maintenance: number of operations, percentage of contact wear, opening data storage (last 20
trips and 80 events).
When the optional PR330/V is connected (see the accessory section) the following additional mea-
3 surement function are present:
Voltage: phase-phase, phase-neutral and residual voltage;
Instantaneous values of voltages during a period of time (data logger);
Power: active, reactive and apparent;
Power factor;
Frequency and peak factor;
Energy: active, reactive, apparent, counter.
Versions available
The following versions are available: 1SDC200536F0001
The following tolerance values apply in all cases not covered by the above:
Trip time
L 20%
S 20%
I 60ms
G 20%
Others 20%
3 Tolerance (1)
The better of the two figures:
10% or 100 ms
OF Overfrequency f13= x fn 0.01 x fn With current f > f13 0.1 s t=k
protection t10= 0.5 s....3 s
Tolerance (1) The better of the two figures:
5% 10% or 100 ms
Power supply
The PR332/P trip unit does not normally require any external power supplies, being self-supplied
from the current sensors (CS): to activate the protection and ammeter functions, it is sufficient for
three phases to have a current load at least at 70 A.
The unit ensures fully self-supplied operation. When an auxiliary power supply is present, it is also
possible to use the unit with the circuit-breaker either open or closed with very low current flowing
It is also possible to use an auxiliary power supply provided by the PR030/B portable battery unit
(always supplied), which allows the protection functions to be set when the trip unit is not self sup-
PR332/P stores and shows all the information needed after a trip (protection tripped, trip current,
time, date). No auxiliary supply is required for this functionality.
PR332/P PR330/D-M
Auxiliary power supply 24 V DC 20% from PR332/P
(galvanically insulated)
Maximum ripple 5%
Inrush current @ 24V ~1 A for 5 ms
Rated power @ 24V ~3 W +1 W
(*) PR330/V can give power supply to the trip unit when a three phase voltage is equal or higher
to 60V.
Functions L-S-I
t= k
I2 1SDC200110F0001
Functions L-S-I
Function G
t= k
k = 80
Function L
According to IEC 60255-3
k = 13,5
Function L
According to IEC 60255-3
k = 0,14
= 0,02
Function U
Function OV
Function RV
Function RP
The PR333/P protection trip unit completes the range of releases available for the Emax X1 family
of circuit-breakers.
It is a high-performance and extraordinarily versatile release, capable of offering a complete set of
functions for protection, measurement, signalling, data storage and control of the circuit-breaker, and
it represents the benchmark in low voltage protection units for circuit-breakers. The front interface
of the unit, common to PR332/P, is extremely simple thanks to the aid of the liquid crystal graphics
display. It can show diagrams, bar graphs, measurements and sine curves for the various electrical
PR333/P integrates all the features offered by PR332/P plus a series of evolute functionalitie. As
well as PR332/P it can be integrated with the additional features provided by internal modules and
external accessories.
1 2 10 8 3 6 4 12 3
9 7 13 5
1 Warning LED 7 Button to exit submenus or cancel 10 Serial number of protection trip unit
2 Alarm LED operations (ESC) 12 Switch-disconnector for insulating
3 Rear-lit graphic display 8 Test connector for connecting or tests, internal connection or con-
testing the trip unit by means of an nection to terminal box (external)
4 Cursor UP button external device (PR030/B battery 13 Info-test button
5 Cursor DOWN button unit, BT030 wireless communica-
6 ENTER button to confirm data or tion unit and PR010/T unit)
change pages 9 Rating plug
Protection functions
The PR333/P trip unit offers the following protection functions:
overload (L),
selective short-circuit (S),
instantaneous short-circuit (I),
earth fault with adjustable delay (G),
protection against closing under short-circuit (MCR),
directional short-circuit with adjustable delay (D),
phase unbalance (U),
protection against overtemperature (OT),
load control (K),
undervoltage (UV),
overvoltage (OV),
residual voltage (RV),
reverse power (RP),
underfrequency (UF),
3 overfrequency (OF),
phase sequence (alarm only).
Other Functions
PR333/P integrates all the features (in terms of protection, measurement, signaling and communica-
tion) described for PR332/P equipped with PR330/V.
Undervoltage U8= x Un 0.01 x In With current U < U8; t8= 0.1 s.5 s 0.1 s t=k
protection The best of the two data:
Tolerance (2) 5% 20% o 100 ms
OV Overvoltage U9= x Un 0.01 x In With current U > U9; t9= 0.1 s.5 s 0.1 s t=k
protection The best of the two data:
Tolerance (2) 5% 20% o 100 ms
RV Residual voltage U10= x Un 0.05 Un With current U0 > U10; t10= 0.5 s.30 s 0.5 s t=k
protection The best of the two data:
Tolerance (2) 5% 10% o 100 ms
RP Reverse With current P < P11
power P11= -0.3.-0.1 x Pn 0.02 Pn t11= 0.5 s..25 s 0.1 s t=k
protection The best of the two data:
Tolerance (2) 10% 10% o 100 ms
UF Underfrequency f11 = x fn 0.01 fn With current f < f12; t9= 0.5 s.3 s 0.1 s t=k
protection The best of the two data:
Tolerance (2) 5% 10% o 100 ms
Overfrequency f12 = x fn 0.01 fn With current f > f13; t10= 0.5 s.3 s 0.1 s t=k
protection The best of the two data:
Tolerance (2) 5% 10% o 100 ms
* Referring to the electronics The following tolerance values apply in all cases not covered by the above:
(1) The minimum trip value is 1 s, regardless of the type of curve set (self-protection)
(2) These tolerances hold in the following conditions:
- self-powered relay at full power and/or auxiliary power supply (without start-up) Trip time
- two- or three-phase power supply L 20%
- trip time set 100 ms
(3) Non intervention time S 20%
I 60ms
G 20%
Others 20%
PR333/P PR330/D-M
Auxiliary power supply 24 V DC 20% from PR333/P
(galvanically insulated)
Maximum ripple 5%
Inrush current @ 24V ~1 A per 5 ms
Rated power @ 24V ~3 W +1 W
PR330/V can give power supply to the release when a three-phase voltage is equal or higher to
Functions L-S-I
t= k
Functions L-S-I
t= k
Function L
k = 0,14
= 0,02
Function L
According to IEC 60255-3
k = 13,5
Function L
According to IEC 60255-3
k = 80
Function U
Function UV
Function OV
Function RP
voltage sockets.
At the ordering stage, the code of the internal voltage socket can be specified in addition to the code
of the X1 circuit-breaker so as to guarantee the possibility to install even afterwards the PR332/P or
PR333/P trip unit equipped with the PR330/V module connected internally to the upper terminals.
When necessary, the connection of voltage pick-ups can be moved to any other points (i.e. lower
3 terminals), by using the alternative connection located in the terminal box and switching the voltage
selector in EXT position. For the dielectric test of the circuit-breaker, the selector must be switched
to TEST position.
PR330/V is also able to energize the PR332/P while line voltage input is above 85V. The use of Vol-
tage Transformers is mandatory for rated voltages higher than 690V.Voltage transformers shall have
burdens between 5VA and 10VA and accuracy class 0.5 or better.
In relation to the amount of use, battery life decreases if the PR030/B accessory is also used to
perform the Trip test & Auto test.
Interface from front of HMI030 multimeter
This accessory, suitable for all protection releases, is designed for the installation on the front side
of the switchboard. It consists of a graphic display where all the measurements and alarms/ events
of the release are shown. The user can browse the measurements by using the navigation pushbut-
tons, similarly to PR332/P, PR333/P, PR122/P and PR123/P. Thanks to the high precision level, the
same of the protection releases, the device can replace the traditional instrumentation, without the
need for current/voltage transformers. The HMI030 unit requires only a 24 V DC power supply, as it
is connected directly to the protection release via a serial line.
BT030 can provide the power supply needed to energize itself and the protection release by means
of a Li-ion rechargeable battery.
At least five complete tests can be stored in the memory. The report downloaded onto a PC allows
creation of an archive of tests carried out on the installation.
In automatic mode, the PR010/T unit with the PR332/P range tests the following:
protection functions L, S, I
G protection function with internal transformer
G protection function with toroid on the transformer star centre
monitoring of correct microprocessor operation.
The unit can also test the following protections of PR332/P, equipped with PR330/V, or PR333/P:
overvoltage protection function OV
undervoltage protection function UV
residual voltage protection function RV
phase unbalance protection function U.
The PR010/T unit is pocket-size and runs on rechargeable batteries and/or with an external power
supply (always supplied) with a rated voltage of 100-240V AC/12V DC.
The table below lists the characteristics of the signalling contacts available in the SACE PR021/K
automation I/O systems,
power meters and other measurement devices,
intelligent devices such as PLCs,
operator interfaces,
supervision and control systems.
And, if other communication protocols are required, the ABB Fieldbus Plug system is also available:
intelligent field bus protocols such as Profibus-DP and DeviceNet thus become immediately avail-
Remote control of circuit-breakers is possible: commands to open, close and reset alarms can be
issued to the circuit-breaker and protection trip unit. Close commands are executed only after a
security check (e.g., that there are no diagnostic alarms active on the release).
It is also possible to change the settings of the protection trip unit remotely by means of the com-
munication bus.
All remote commands can be disabled by a local configuration feature, for safety of operators and
Circuit-breakers with communication can easily be integrated with automation and supervision
systems. Typical applications include:
supervision of the installation with continuous data logging (values of currents, voltage, power)
and event logging (alarms, faults, trip logs). Supervision can be limited to low voltage devices or
include medium voltage and possibly other kinds of industrial apparatus;
predictive maintenance, based on number of operations of each circuit-breaker, interrupted cur-
rents and estimate of residual equipment life;
load shedding and demand side management under control of PLC, DCS or computers.
M.V. protection
Moulded case
with communication
network is easily wired up and configured by means of an RS485 physical layer. ABB SACE releases
work as slaves in the field bus network.
All information required for simple integration of PR330/D-M in an industrial communication system
are available on the ABB Web page (see www.abb.com).
EP010 - FBP
EP010 FBP is the Fieldbus Plug interface between the Emax protection trip units and the ABB
Fieldbus Plug system, allowing connection of Emax air circuit-breakers to a Profibus, DeviceNet, or
AS-I field bus network.
EP010 FBP can be connected to the new Emax PR332/P and PR333/P protection trip units (the
PR330/D dialogue module is required).
The ABB Fieldbus Plug concept is the latest development in industrial communication systems.
All devices feature a standard connection socket, to which a set of interchangeable smart con-
nectors can be plugged. Each connector is fitted with advanced electronics implementing the
communication interface towards the selected field bus. Selecting a communication system is
made as easy as selecting and connecting a plug. Communication systems currently available
are Profibus-DP, DeviceNet and AS-i. More are being developed.
Measuring functions
Phase currents
Neutral current
Ground current
Voltage (phase-phase, phase-neutral, residual) opt. (1) opt. (1) (2) opt. (2)
Power (active, reactive, apparent) opt. (1) opt. (1) (2) opt. (3)
Power factor opt. (1) opt. (4) opt. (4)
Frequency and peak factor opt. (1) opt. (4) opt. (4)
Energy (active, reactive, apparent) opt. (1) opt. (4) opt. (4)
3 Harmonic analisys opt. (4)
Signalling functions
LED: auxiliary power supply, warning, alarm
Indication for L, S, I, G and other protection
Programmable contact (5)
Available data
Circuit-breaker status (open, closed)
Circuit-breaker position (racked-in, racked-out)
Mode (local, remote)
Protection parameters set
Load control parameters
Protection L
Protection S
Protection I
Protection G
Fault release mechanism failure
Undervoltage, overvoltage and residual voltage
(timing and trip) protection opt. opt.
Reverse power protection (timing and trip) opt. opt.
Directional protection (timing and trip)
Underfrequency/overfrequency protection (timing and trip) opt. opt.
Phases rotation
Total number of operations
Total number of trips
Number of trip tests
Number of manual operations
Number of separate trips for each protection function
Contact wear (%)
Record data of last trip
Operating mechanisms
Circuit-breaker open/close
Reset alarms
Setting of curves and protection thresholds
Synchronize system time
Status changes in circuit-breaker, protections and all alarms
(1) with PR330/V (4) please ask ABB for further details
(2) no residual voltage (5) Typical contact: MOS photo Vmax = 48V DC / 30V AC
(3) no apparent power available Imax = 50 mA DC / 35 mA AC
System architecture
System architecture is based on the latest developments in personal computer and industrial com-
munication network technology.
SD-View 2000 is able to manage up to 8 serial lines, with a maximum of 31 devices each.
Up to 8 serial RS485 ports
Up to 31 devices for each serial port
9600 19200 Baud
Modbus RTU protocol
Tmax T1 ... T3 + AC31 Tmax T4 ... T6 Isomax S4 ... S7 Emax X1 Emax E1 ... E6
time. SD-View 2000 allows information from the installation to be received and send commands to
the circuit-breakers and the relative trip units.
In particular, it is possible to:
send opening and closing commands to the circuit-breakers
read the electrical installation values (current, voltage, power factor, etc.)
read and modify the trip characteristics of the protection units
determine the status of the apparatus (open, closed, number of operations,
Technical characteristics
Up to 4 serial ports
Up to 31 ABB SACE devices for each serial port
9600 or 19200 baud
Modbus RTU Protocol
BT030 is a device to be connected to the Test connector of PR331/P, PR332/P and PR333/P. It
allows Bluetooth communication between the Protection release and a PDA or a Notebook with a
Bluetooth port.
BT030 can also be used with Tmax moulded-case circuit-breakers equipped with PR222DS/P,
PR222DS/PD, PR223DS, PR223EF and PR232/P. This device is dedicated to use with the SD-Pocket
SD-Pocket is an application designed to connect the new protection trip units to a PDA or to a
personal computer. This means it is now possible to use wireless communication to:
configure the protection threshold function;
monitor measurement functions, including reading of data recorded in data logger (PR332/P or
verify the status of the circuit-breaker (i.e. number of operations, trip data, according to the trip
unit connected).
SD-Pocket application scenarios include:
during start-up of switchgear, with rapid and error-free transfer of the protection parameters to the
trip units (also using the dedicated exchange file directly from Docwin);
during normal installation service, gathering information on the circuit-breaker and load conditions
(last trip information, runtime currents, and other information).
To use all these functions, it is sufficient to have a PDA with MS Windows Mobile 2003 and BT in-
terface or a personal computer with MS Windows 2000/XP OS and new BT030 Bluetooth interface
SD-Pocket is freeware and it can be downloaded from the ABB SACEs website (http:// www.abb.
com). It is always provided with BT030 Bluetooth interface device, and its use does not require the
presence of dialogue units for the trip units.
SD-TestBus2 is the commissioning and diagnostic software of ABB SACE for all Modbus RTU
It can be used during system startup, or to troubleshoot an installed network.
SD-TestBus2 automatically scans the RS-485 bus, detects all connected devices and checks their
communication settings. All possible combination of device address, parity and baud rate are che-
A click on scan is enough to spot devices which are not responding, wrong addresses, misconfigu-
red parity bits, and so on. This function is not limited to ABB SACE is devices: all standard Modbus
RTU devices are detected and their configuration is displayed.
After the scan, the software displays warning messages about potential problems and configuration
errors, allowing complete diagnosis of a field bus network.
When ABB SACEs circuit-breakers are detected, additional functions can be used to check wirings,
send open/ close/reset commands, and retrieve diagnostic information.
This user-friendly tool makes commissioning of Modbus networks a breeze.
SD-TestBus2 can also communicate though a Bluetooth adapter (widcomm compatible) with all the
3 ABB SACE devices equipped
with BT030 wireless communi-
cation unit.
SD-TestBus2 is freeware and
can be downloaded from ABB
SACEs website (http:// www.
Functions of the accessories .......................................................................................... 4/2
Geared motor for the automatic charging of the closing springs ............................... 4/8
Signalling of electronic trip units tripped ....................................................................... 4/8
The table below lists a few functions that can be obtained by selecting the appropriate accessories
from among those provided.
Several of the functions listed may be needed at the same time, depending on how the circuit-breaker
is used. See the relative section for a detailed description of the individual accessories.
Opening release
Remote control Closing release
Geared motor for automatic charging of the closing springs
Automatic opening of the circuit-breaker for undervoltage Instantaneous or time delay undervoltage release (2)
(for example, when operating asynchronous motors) Contact for signalling undervoltage release energized
(1) Examples: (2) The time-delay device is recommended when unwanted operation; due to temporary
circuit-breakers on Low Voltage side of parallel transformers that must open voltage drops, is to be avoided (for functional or safety reasons).
automatically when the Medium Voltage side device opens.
automatic opening for control by external relay (undervoltage, residual current, etc.).
The following standard accessories are supplied depending on the circuit-breaker version:
Fixed circuit-breaker:
flange for switchgear compartment door (IP30)
four auxiliary contacts for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open/closed (for automatic circuit-
breakers only)
terminal box for connecting outgoing auxiliaries
mechanical signalling of trip units tripped (*)
front terminals
(*) Not supplied with the switch disconnector. support plate for fixing on floor
Withdrawable circuit-breaker:
Moving part:
4 auxiliary contacts for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker and relative terminals open/closed
(only for automatic circuit-breakers)
Block of right-hand sliding contacts to connect the auxiliary contacts
Block of central sliding contacts to connect the protection releases
Mechanical signalling of protection release tripped (*)
CAPTION (1) For circuit-breakers, four auxiliary contacts for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker
open/closed are included in the supply as standard
Accessory on request for fixed circuit-breaker or moving part
(2) Incompatible with the range of circuit-breakers for applications up to 1000V AC
Accessory on request for fixed part
Accessory on request for moving part
The seat of the second shunt opening release is that of the undervoltage release, which is therefore
incompatible with this type of installation.
The technical specifications of the second shunt opening release remain identical to those of the
standard shunt opening release.
When used as a permanently powered closing release, it is necessary to momentarily de-energize
the shunt closing release in order to close the circuit-breaker again after opening (the circuit-breaker
operating mechanism has an anti-pumping device).
Power supply (Un): 24 V AC/DC 240-250 V AC/DC
30 V AC/DC 380-400 V AC
48 V AC/DC 415-440 V AC
60 V AC/DC
110-120 V AC/DC
120 ... 127 V AC/DC
220 ... 240 V AC/DC
Operating limits: (SOR-SOR2): 70% ... 110% Un
(IEC EN 60947-2 Standards) (SCR): 85% ... 110% Un
Inrush power (Ps): DC = 300 W
Inrush time ~100 ms AC = 300 VA
Continuous power (Pc): DC = 3.5 W
AC = 3.5 VA
Opening time (SOR- SOR2): (max) 20 ms
Closing time (SCR): (max) 50 ms
Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min)
Characteristics of device
Auxiliary power supply 24 V ... 250 V AC/DC
is therefore obtained on the supply side of the circuit-breaker or from an independent source. The
circuit-breaker can only be closed when the release is powered (closing is mechanically locked).
The release can operate with direct current (V DC) or alternating current (V AC).
The circuit-breaker is opened with release power supply voltages of 35-70% Un.
The circuit-breaker can be closed with a release power supply voltage of 85-110% Un.
It can be fitted with a contact to signal when the undervoltage release is energized (C. aux YU) (see
accessory 5d).
Power supply (Un): 24 V AC/DC 240-250 V AC/DC
30 V AC/DC 380-400 V AC
48 V AC/DC 415-440 V AC
60 V AC/DC
110-120 V AC/DC
120 ... 127 V AC/DC
220 ... 240 V AC/DC
Operating limits: IEC EN 60947-2 Standards
Inrush power (Ps):
Inrush time ~ 100 ms
DC = 300 W
AC = 300 VA
Continuous power (Pc): DC = 3.5 W
AC = 3.5 VA
Opening time (UVR): 30 ms
Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min)
With PR332/P (in the presence of PR330/V) and PR333/P trip units, instead of UVR utilization, the
opening could be obtained by activating the protection function UV.
Circuit-breaker closing is inhibited when it is not powered. The time-delay device must be used with
an undervoltage release with the same voltage.
Power supply (D): 24-30 V DC
48 V AC/DC
60 V AC/DC
110-125 V AC/DC
220-250 V AC/DC
Adjustable opening time (UVR+UVD): 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2 - 3 s
3) Geared motor for the automatic charging of the closing springs (M)
This automatically charges the closing springs of the circuit-breaker operating mechanism. After
circuit-breaker closing, the geared motor immediately recharges the closing springs.
The closing springs can, however, be charged manually (using the relative operating mechanism
lever) in the event of a power supply failure or during maintenance work.
It is always supplied with a limit contact.
Power supply 24-30 V AC/DC
48-60 V AC/DC
100-130 V AC/DC
220-250 V AC/DC
380-415 V AC/DC
Operating limits: 85%...110% Un (IEC EN 60947-2 Standards)
Inrush power (Ps): DC = 300 W
Inrush time ~200 ms AC = 300 VA
Rated power (Pn): DC = 100 W
AC = 100 VA
Charging time: 8-10 s
Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (for 1 min)
4a) Electrical signalling of electronic trip units tripped (AUX-SA)
This allows visual signalling on the operating mechanism (me-
chanical) and remote signalling (electrical using switch) that the
circuit-breaker is open following operation of the trip units. The
mechanical signalling pushbutton must be rearmed to reset the
5) Auxiliary contacts
Auxiliary contacts are available installed on the circuit-breaker, which enable signalling of the circuit-
breaker status. The auxiliary contacts are also available in a special version for application with rated
voltages Un < 24 V (digital signals).
* Standard supply
** for withdrawable versions (2 racked-in, 2 test isolated, 2 racked-out)
*** AUX-SA and AUX-RTC are available up to 250 V
ting Plug for Rc protection. In the former case, the residual current protection is obtained at all the
PR332/P LSI characteristics and the supplementary ones of the PR330/V module; in the latter case,
the residual current protection replaces the external G protection (the G protection remains active).
This accessory must be mounted on the busbars and is alternative to the homopolar sensor.
These devices can be controlled by:
8a - Key (KLC): a special circular lock with different keys (for a single circuit-breaker) or the same
keys (for several circuit-breakers). In the latter case, up to four different key numbers are avail-
8b - Padlocks (PLL): up to 3 padlocks (not supplied): 8 mm.
This device can be controlled by a special circular key lock with different keys (for a single circuit-
breaker) or the same keys (for several circuit-breakers - up to four different key numbers available)
and padlocks (up to 3 padlocks, not supplied - 4 mm).
It is only available for withdrawable circuit-breakers, to be installed on the fixed part.
The fixed part can be equipped with two different safety locks.
the circuit-breaker or of the relative fixed part. The cable door lock
must also be fitted with the interlock cable kit and the interlocking
plate corresponding to the combined circuit-breaker.
9) Transparent protective covers
9a) Opening and closing pushbutton protection (TPC)
These protections, applied over the opening and closing pushbuttons, prevent any circuit-breaker opera-
tions unless a special tool is used, or padlock opening (protection for pushbuttons - independent).
must be mounted on the moving part and the other on the fixed part. The following table shows the
possible combinations between sliding contact blocks and electrical accessories:
If at least one of the electrical accessories in the above table is mounted on the circuit-breaker, the
relative pair of blocks must be mounted on the moving part and on the fixed part.
The central and right-hand blocks are always supplied on the moving part of an Emax X1 circuit-
breaker as standard; on the other hand, the central and right-hand blocks must be ordered.
Right block
Central block
Left block
Central block
Right block
Left block
The mechanical interlocks possible are shown below, depending on whether two circuit-breakers
(any model and in any version) are used in the switching system.
These include:
the shunt opening release
the shunt closing release
the motor operator
the auxiliary contacts.
Switching can be automated by
means of a special electronically-
controlled relay circuit, installed by
the customer (diagrams provided by ABB SACE).
Mechanical interlocks between two or three circuit-breakers are
made by using cables which can be used both for circuit-breakers
side by side or superimposed.
the normal line voltage, in accordance with the delays set, the normal line circuit-breaker is opened,
the generator started and the emergency line circuit-breaker closed.
Similarly, when the normal line returns, the reverse switching procedure is automatically controlled.
It is especially suitable for use in all emergency power supply systems requiring a solution that is
ready to install, easy to use and reliable.
Some of the main applications include: power supply for UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) units,
operating rooms and primary hospital services, emergency power supply for civilian buildings, air-
ports, hotels, data banks and telecommunications systems and power supply of industrial lines for
continuous processes.
The switching system consists of the ATS010 unit connected to two motor-driven and mechanically
interlocked circuit-breakers. All the circuit-breakers in the SACE Emax series can be used.
The network sensor built into the SACE ATS010 device makes it possible to detect errors in the
network voltage. The three inputs can be directly connected to the three phases of the normal power
supply line for networks with rated voltage up to 500V AC. Networks with a higher voltage require
insertion of voltage transformers (TV), setting a rated voltage for the device that matches their sec-
4 ondary voltage (typically 100V).
Two changeover contacts for each circuit-breaker allow direct connection to the shunt opening and
closing releases. The circuit-breaker connection is completed by wiring the status contacts: Open/
Closed, Release tripped, Racked-in (for withdrawable/plug-in circuit-breakers).
That is why the following are included on every circuit-breaker connected to the ATS010 unit, in
addition to the mechanical interlock accessories:
spring charging motor,
opening and closing coil,
open/closed contact,
racked-in contact (for withdrawable versions),
signal and mechanical lock for protection trip unit tripped.
The ATS010 device is designed to ensure extremely high reliability for the system it controls. It contains
various safety systems intrinsically related to software and hardware operation.
For software safety, a special logic prevents unwarranted operations, while a constantly operational
watchdog system signals any microprocessor malfunctions via a LED on the front of the
Hardware safety allows integration of an electrical interlock via a power relay, so that there is no need
to use an external electrical interlock system. The manual selector on the front of the device can
also control the entire switching procedure, even in the event of a microprocessor fault, by working
electromechanically on the control trip units.
Rated voltages settings available 100, 115, 120, 208, 220, 230, 240, 277,
347, 380, 400, 415, 440, 480, 500 V
Operating sequence
t2 t3
VN Network voltage
t5 t4
CB-N Normal line circuit-breaker closed CB-E
GE Generator
VE Emergency line voltage
CoCo Enabling switching to emergency line LOAD
CB-E Emergency line circuit-breaker
LOAD Disconnection of lower priority loads
Front panel
6 Caption
1 Status of the ATS010 unit and logic
2 Operating mode selector
3 Normal line check
4 Normal line circuit-breaker status
5 Voltage present on the emergency line
6 Emergency line circuit-breaker status
7 Generator status
1 Selectors to adjust the undervoltage and
overvoltage thresholds
2 Dip-switches for adjustment:
rated voltage
normal single-phase or three-phase line
network frequency
switching strategy
3 Switching delay time settings for t1... t5
Selectivity is normally actuated for tripping overcurrent protection devices in civil and industrial instal-
lations to isolate the part affected by a fault from the system, causing only the circuit-breaker im-
mediately on the supply side of the fault to trip. To guarantee selectivity for Emax X1 circuit-breakers,
equipped with electronic PR331/P, PR332/P and PR333/P type trip units, the following conditions
must be verified:
that there is no intersection between the time-current curves of the two circuit-breakers, tolerances
the minimum difference between the trip time t2 of the circuit-breaker Circuit diagram with selective
on the supply side and the time t2 of the circuit-breaker on the load coordination of protections
side, whenever it is an Emax circuit-breaker, must be:
- t2 supply side > t2 load side + 100 ms t = cost
- t2 supply side > t2 load side + 100 ms It = cost
(t2 load side < 400 ms)
- t2 supply side > t2 load side + 200 ms It = cost
(t2 supply side 400 ms)
the tolerances)
if function I of the supply side circuit-breaker is disabled (I3=off),
the short-circuit overcurrent for which selectivity is guaranteed
is equal to the selectivity limit Is indicated in the Coordination
Tables publication.
Double S
Thanks to the new PR333/P trip unit, which allows two thresholds of protection function S to be set
independently and be activated simultaneously, selectivity can also be achieved under highly critical
Dual Setting
Thanks to the new PR333/P trip unit, it is also possible to program two different sets of parameters
and, through an external command, to switch from one set to the other.
This function is useful, for example, when there is an emergency source (generator) in the system,
only supplying voltage in the case of a power loss on the network side.
We have to consider that the circuit-breakers receiving a signal from another trip unit will operate
according to the set time t2.
If, for any reason, when the selectivity time has elapsed, the circuit-breaker delegated to opening
has not opened, it makes the locking signal towards the other circuit-breakers cease to eliminate
the fault.
To realize correctly the zone selectivity the following settings are suggested:
To carry out the cabling, a shielded twisted pair cable (not supplied; ask ABB for information) can
be used. The shield should only be earthed on the trip unit of the circuit-breaker on the supply
side. The maximum length of the cabling for zone selectivity, between two units, is 300 meters.
The maximum number of the circuit-breakers which can be connected to the outputs (Z out) of
a trip unit is 20.
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Back-up protection is required by the IEC 60364-4-43 Standards and Annex A of the IEC 60947-2
Standard, which allow the use of a protection device with breaking capacity lower than the prospective
short-circuit current at the points where it is installed, provided that there is another protection device
on the supply side with the necessary breaking capacity. In this case, the characteristics of the two
devices must be coordinated in such a way that the specific energy let through by the combination
is not higher than that which can be withstood without damage by the device on the load side, and
by the protected conductors.
It is necessary to choose switchgear combinations that have been verified by laboratory tests for
this type of protection. The possible combinations are specified in ABB SACE documents and PC
programs (coordination tables, slide rule kits, DOCWin, etc.).
Back-up protection is used in electrical installations in which there is no essential need for continuous
operation: when the supply-side circuit-breaker opens, it also excludes loads that are not affected
by the fault.
Furthermore, use of this type of coordination allows a reduction in the size of the installation and
therefore limitation of the costs.
Back-up protection can also be implemented
on more than two levels: the figure above
shows an example of coordination on three
levels. In this case, the choices are correct
if at least one of the two situations below is
the circuit-breaker furthest on the supply
side A is coordinated with both circuit-
breakers B and C (coordination between
circuit-breakers B and C is not necessary); 5
Directional protection is based on the ability to correlate the circuit-breakers behavior with the direc-
tion of the fault current.
Two different trip times can be set on the PR333/P trip unit depending on the current direction:
a time (t7Fw) for a direction of current concordant (Fw) with the reference direction set;
a time (t7Bw) for a direction of current discordant (Bw) with the reference direction set.
A current threshold only (I7) can be set on the PR333/P trip unit.
If the fault current is discordant (Bw) with the reference direction, the protection shall trip when the
threshold I7 is reached within the set time t7Bw (provided that the functions S and I have not been
set as to intervene before function D).
If the fault current is concordant (Fw) with the reference direction, the protection shall intervene when
the threshold I7 is reached within the set time t7Fw (provided that the functions S and I have not
been set as to intervene before function D).
Moreover, if function I is active and the short-circuit current exceeds the set value I3, the circuit-
breaker will trip nstantaneously independently of the direction of the current.
The reference direction set by ABB is from the top of the circuit-breaker (the zone where the trip unit
is located) towards the bottom.
Load A
Forward Backward
power flow power flow
: Output enabled = 1
Double G
The Emax type circuit-breakers, equipped with the PR333/P electronic trip unit, allow two independent
curves for protection G: one for the internal protection (function G without external toroid) and one
for the external protection (function G with external toroid, as described in the above paragraph).
A typical application of function double G consists in simultaneous protection both against earth
fault of the secondary of the transformer and of its connection cables to the circuit-breaker terminals
(restricted earth fault protection), as well as against earth faults on the load side of the circuit-breaker
(outside the restricted earth fault protection).
General information
When choosing circuit-breakers to protect the LV side of MV/LV transformers, the following must
basically be taken into account:
the rated current of the protected transformer on the LV side, on which the circuit-breaker capacity
and protection settings both depend;
the maximum short-circuit current at the point of installation, which determines the minimum
breaking capacity that must be offered by the protection device.
5 2x1000 5 1443 2886 27.4 X1B 1600 In=1600 54.8 X1N800* X1N1000*X1N1250*X1N1600*E2N2000 E3N2500
The information for selecting the circuit-breakers is provided only in relation to the operating current and prospective short-circuit current. To make
the correct selection, other factors such as selectivity, back-up protection, the decision to use current-limiting circuit-breakers, etc. have to be
considered. It is therefore essential for designers to carry out precise verification.
The types of circuit-breakers proposed are all from the SACE Emax series. Positions marked by an asterisk (*) are suitable for other possible
selections from the Tmax series of moulded-case circuit-breakers. One also needs to bear in mind that the short-circuit currents
shown in the table have been calculated on the assumption of 750MVA power on the supply side of the transformers and without taking into
account the impedances of the busbars and of the connections to the circuit-breakers.
Transformer Circuit-breaker A
(LV side)
Circuit-breaker B
(Feeder circuit-breaker) 5
Sr Uk Transf Busbar Transf Type Trip unit Busbar
Ir Ib Feeder Ik
[kVA] % [A] [A] [kA] size [kA] 400A 630A 800 A 1000 A 1250 A 1600 A 2000 A 2500 A 3200 A
3x630 4 527 1581 24.8 X1B630 In=630 37.2 X1B630* X1B630* X1B800* X1B1000*X1B1250*
3x800 5 669 2008 25.2 X1B800 In=800 37.7 X1B630* X1B630* X1B800* X1B1000*X1B1250*X1B1600*
3x1000 5 837 2510 31.0 X1B1000 In=1000 46.5 X1N630* X1N630* X1N800* X1N1000*X1N1250*X1N1600*E2N2000
3x1250 5 1046 3138 38.0 X1B1250 In=1600 57.1 E2S800* E2S800* E2S800 E2S1000* E2S1200 E2S1600 E2S2000 E3N2500
3x1600 6.25 1339 4016 38.9 X1B1600 In=1600 58.3 E2S800* E2S800* E2S800 E2S1000* E2S1200 E2S1600 E2S2000 E3N2500 E3N3200
The information for selecting the circuit-breakers is provided only in relation to the operating current and prospective short-circuit current. To make
the correct selection, other factors such as selectivity, back-up protection, the decision to use current-limiting circuit-breakers, etc. have to be
considered. It is therefore essential for designers to carry out precise verification.
The types of circuit-breakers proposed are all from the SACE Emax series. Positions marked by an asterisk (*) are suitable for other possible
selections from the Tmax series of moulded-case circuit-breakers. One also needs to bear in mind that the short-circuit currents
shown in the table have been calculated on the assumption of 750MVA power on the supply side of the transformers and without taking into
account the impedances of the busbars and of the connections to the circuit-breakers.
Emax circuit-breakers are suitable for use with low-voltage generators employed in the following
A - back-up generators for primary loads
B - generators disconnected from the supply network
C - generators for small power stations connected in parallel with other generators and, possibly,
with the power supply network.
In cases A and B, the generator does not operate in parallel with the power supply network: the short-
circuit current therefore depends on the generator itself and, possibly, on the connected loads.
In case C, the breaking capacity must be determined by assessing the short-circuit current imposed
by the network at the point of circuit-breaker installation.
The main points to check for generator protection are:
the short-circuit current delivered by the generator; this can only be assessed if one is familiar with
the machines typical reactance and time constants. Here one can simply note that low short-circuit
protection device settings are normally required (2-4 times In);
the thermal overload limit of the machine. According to the IEC 60034-1 Standard, this value is
set at 1.5xIn for a period of 30 seconds for generators up to 1200 MVAr.
Fixed circuit-breaker ........................................................................................................ 6/2
3 Poles 4 Poles
C 70 140
1 Front terminals
2 Busbars
3 Flange for the compartment door
4 Flange fixing screws
6 Drilling template for fixing onto
support sheet
7 Tightening torque 18 Nm
8 Key lock (optional)
9 Padlock (optional)
10 Tightening torque 21 Nm
1 Extended front terminals
2 Extended front spread terminals
3 Flange for the compartment door
14 Protection plate
3 Poles 4 Poles
15 Phase separators 100 mm
C 70 140
16 Phase separators 200 mm
1 Front terminals for CuAl cables
2 Tightening torque 43 Nm
1 Rear horizontal terminals
2 Rear vertical terminals
3 Flange for the compartment door
4 Flange fixing screws
6 Drilling template for fixing onto
support sheet
7 Tightening torque 20 Nm
8 Key lock (optional)
1 Rear horizontal terminals
2 Rear vertical terminals
3 Flange for the compartment door
4 Flange fixing screws
5 Tightening torque 1.5 Nm
support sheet
7 Tightening torque 21 Nm
8 Front terminals
1 Mechanical vertical interlock for
withdrawable circuit-breakers
2 Mechanical horizontal interlock
for withdrawable circuit-breakers
3 Mechanical vertical interlock for
fixed circuit-breakers
4 Mechanical horizontal interlock
for fixed circuit-breakers
5 Sheet drilling for wire passage of
the mechanical interlock
Insulation distances
Un<440V 50
440V<Un<690V 100
Use insulated cables or busbars, or carry out specific type tests on the installation.
For the insulation distances of the 1000V circuit-breakers, please ask ABB SACE.
Reading information - Circuit-breakers .......................................................................... 7/2
Circuit diagram symbols (IEC 60617 and CEI 3-14 ... 3-26 Standards) ........................ 7/5
Circuit diagrams
Before installing the circuit-breaker, carefully read notes F and O on the circuit diagrams.
Though the diagram shows a circuit-breaker in withdrawable version, it can be applied to a fixed version circuit-
breaker as well.
Fixed version
The control circuits are fitted between terminals XV (connector X12-X13-X14-X15 are not supplied).
With this version, the applications indicated in figure 31A cannot be provided.
Withdrawable version
The control circuits are fitted between the poles of connector X12-X13-X14-X15 (terminal box XV is not supplied).
Version without overcurrent trip unit
With this version, the applications indicated in figures 13A, 14A, 41A, 42A, 43A, 44A, 45A and 62A cannot be
Version with PR331/P electronic trip unit
With this version, the applications indicated in figures 42A, 43A, 44A, 45A cannot be provided.
Version with PR332/P electronic trip unit
With this version, the applications indicated in figure 41A cannot be provided.
Version with PR333/P electronic trip unit
With this version, the applications indicated in figure 41A cannot be provided.
= Circuit diagram figure number
* = See note indicated by letter
A1 = Circuit-breaker accessories
A3 = Accessories applied to the fixed part of the circuit-breaker (for withdrawable version only)
A4 = Example switchgear and connections for control and signalling, outside the circuit-breaker
A19 = PR330/R actuation unit
AY = SOR TEST UNIT Test/monitoring Unit (see note R)
D = Electronic time-delay device of the undervoltage trip unit, outside the circuit-breaker
K51 = PR331, PR332/P, PR333/P electronic trip unit with the following protection functions (see note G):
- L overload protection with inverse long time-delay trip - setting I1
- S short-circuit protection with inverse or definite short time-delay trip - setting I2
- I short-circuit protection with instantaneous time-delay trip - setting I3
- G earth fault protection with inverse short time-delay trip - setting I4
K51/GZin = Zone selectivity: input for protection G or reverse direction input for protection D (only with
(DBin) Uaux and PR332/P or PR333/P trip unit)
K51/GZout = Zone selectivity: output for protection G or reverse direction output for protection D (only with
7 (DBout)
Uaux. and PR332/P or PR333/P trip unit)
= Zone selectivity: input for protection S or direct input for protection D (only with Uaux. and
(DFin) PR332/P or PR333/P trip unit)
K51/SZout = Zone selectivity: output for protection S or direct output for protection D (only with Uaux. and
(DFout) PR332/P or PR333/P trip unit)
K51/YC = Closing control from PR332/P or PR333/P electronic trip unit with communication module
PR330/D-M and PR330/R actuation unit
K51/YO = Opening control from PR332/P or PR333/P electronic trip unit with communication module
PR330/D-M and PR330/R actuation unit
M = Motor for charging the closing springs
Q = Circuit-breaker
Q/1...6 = Circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts
S33M/1...3 = Limit contacts for spring-charging motor
S43 = Switch for setting remote/local control
S51 = Contact for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open due to tripping of the overcurrent trip unit.
The circuit-breaker may be closed only after pressing the reset pushbutton, or after energizing
the coil for electrical reset (if available)
S51/P1 = Programmable contact (as default it signals overload present - start)
S75E/1...2 = Contacts for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker in racked-out position (only with withdrawable
Descripton of figures
Fig. 1A = Motor circuit to charge the closing springs.
Fig. 2A = Circuit of shunt closing release.
Fig. 4A = Shunt opening release.
Fig. 6A = Instantaneous undervoltage release (see notes B and Q).
Fig. 7A = Undervoltage release with electronic time-delay device, outside the circuit-breaker (see notes B and Q)
Fig. 8A = Second shunt opening release (see note Q).
Fig.11A = Contact for electrical signalling of springs charged.
Fig.12A = Contact for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open, with springs charged, and ready to close.
Fig.13A = Contact for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open due to tripping of the overcurrent release. The
circuit-breaker may be closed only after pressing the reset pushbutton.
Fig.14A = Contact for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open due to tripping of the overcurrent release and
electrical reset coil. The circuit-breaker may be closed only after pressing the reset pushbutton or en-
ergizing the coil.
= Circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts.
= First set of contacts for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker in racked-in, test isolated, racked-out
Fig.41A = Auxiliary circuits of PR331/P trip unit (see note F).
Fig.42A = Auxiliary circuits of PR332/P and PR333/P trip units (see notes F and N).
Fig.43A = Circuits of the measuring module PR330/V of the PR332/P and PR333/P trip units internally connected
to the circuit-breaker (optional for the PR332/P trip unit; see note U).
Fig.44A = Circuits of the measuring module PR330/V of the PR332/P and PR333/P trip units externally connected
to the circuit-breaker (optional for the PR332/P trip unit; see notes O and U).
Fig.45A = Circuits of the PR332/P trip unit with communication module PR330/D-M connected to PR330/V actuation
unit (see notes E, F and N).
Fig. 46A = Circuits of the PR332/P or PR333/P release PR330/V measuring module connected internally to the
three-pole circuit-breaker with external neutral conductor (optional for PR332/P and standard for PR333/P
(see note U).
Fig.61A = SOR TEST UNIT Test/monitoring unit (see note R).
Fig.62A = Circuits of the PR021/K signalling module (outside the circuit-breaker) .
The circuits indicated in the following figures cannot be supplied simultaneously on the same circuit-breaker:
6A 7A 8A
13A 14A
41A 42A 45A
A) The circuit-breaker is only fitted with the accessories specified in the ABB SACE order acknowledgement.
Consult this catalogue for information on how to make out an order.
B) The undervoltage trip unit is supplied for operation using a power supply branched on the supply side of the
circuit-breaker or from an independent source. The circuit-breaker can only close when the trip unit is
energized (there is a mechanical lock on closing).
E) For the EIA RS485 serial interface connection see document ITSCE - RH0298 regarding MODBUS communica-
F) The auxiliary voltage Uaux allows actuation of all operations of the PR331/P, PR332/P and PR333/P trip units.
Having requested a Uaux insulated from earth, one must use galvanically separated converters in compliance
with IEC 60950 (UL 1950) or equivalent standards that ensure a common mode current or leakage current (see
IEC 478/1, CEI 22/3) not greater than 3.5 mA, IEC 60364-41 and CEI 64-8.
G) Earth fault protection is available with the PR332/P and PR333/P trip units by means of a current sensor
located on the conductor connecting to earth the star center of the MV/LV transformer.
The connections between terminals 1 and 2 (or 3) of current transformer UI/O and poles T7 and T8 of the X
(or XV) connector must be made with a two-pole shielded and stranded cable (see user manual), no more than
15 m long. The shield must be earthed on the circuit-breaker side and current sensor side.
N) With PR332/P and PR333/P trip units, the connections to the zone selectivity inputs and outputs must be
made with a two-pole shielded and stranded cable (see user manual), no more than 300 m long. The shield
must be earthed on the selectivity input side.
O) Systems with rated voltage of less than 100V or greater than 690V require the use of an insulation voltage
transformer to connect to the busbars.
P) With PR332/P and PR333/P trip units with communication module PR330/D-M, the power supply for coils YO and
YC must not be taken from the main power supply. The coils can be controlled directly from contacts K51/YO
and K51/YC with maximum voltages of 60 V DC and 240-250 V AC.
Q) The second opening release may be installed as an alternative to the undervoltage trip unit.
R) The SACE SOR TEST UNIT + opening release (YO) is guaranteed to operate starting at 75% of the Uaux of
the opening release itself. While the YO power supply contact is closing (short-circuit on terminals 4 and 5),
the SACE SOR TEST UNIT is unable to detect the opening coil status. Consequently:
- For continuously powered opening coil, the TEST FAILED and ALARM signals will be activated
- If the coil opening command is of the pulsing type, the TEST FAILED signal may appear at the same time.
In this case, the TEST FAILED signal is actually an alarm signal only if it remains lit for more than 20s.
S) The connection cable shield must only be earthed on the circuit-breaker side.
T) The connections between the TO toroidal transformer and the poles of the X13 (or XV) connector of the circuit-
breaker must be made using a four-pole shielded cable with paired braided conductors (BELDEN 9696 paired
type), with a length of not more than 15 m. The shield must be earthed on the circuit-breaker side.
U) The measuring module PR330/V is always supplied with relay PR333/P.
# This diagram shows withdrawable version circuit-breakers but is also valid for fixed version circuit-breakers: the
auxiliary circuits of the circuit-breakers do not head to connectors X12-X15 but to terminal box XV; also connect
terminal 35 to 38 of the ATS010 device.
* This diagram shows circuit-breakers with overcurrent release but is also valid for circuit-breakers without overcurrent
release: connect terminal 18 with 20 and terminal 35 with 37 of the ATS010 device.
@ This diagram shows four-pole circuit-breakers but is also valid for two-pole circuit-breakers: only use terminals 26
and 24 (phase and neutral) for the voltmetric connections of the normal power supply of the ATS010 device; also
use two-pole auxiliary protection circuit-breaker Q61/2 instead of the four-pole one.
A = ATS010 device for automatic switching of two circuit-breakers
K1 = Auxiliary contact type VB6-30-01 for presence of emergency power supply voltage
K2 = Auxiliary contact type VB6-30-01 for presence of normal power supply voltage
K51/Q1 = Overcurrent relay of the emergency power supply line *
K51/Q2 = Overcurrent relay of the normal power supply line *
KC1-KC2 = BC6-30 type auxiliary contacts for closing the circuit-breakers
KO1-KO2 = BC6-30 type auxiliary contacts for opening the circuit-breakers
M = Motor for closing spring charging
Q/1 = Auxiliary contact of the circuit-breaker
Q1 = Emergency line power supply circuit-breaker
Q2 = Normal line power supply circuit-breaker
Q61/1-2 = Thermomagnetic circuit-breakers for isolation and protection of the auxiliary circuits @
S11...S16 = Signalling contacts for the inputs of the ATS010 device
S33M/1 = Limit switch contact of the closing springs
S51 = Contact for electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open due to overcurrent release trip *
S75I/1 = Contact for electrical signalling of withdrawable version circuit-breaker racked in #
TI/ = Current transformers for overcurrent release power supply
X12-X15 = Connectors for the auxiliary circuits of the withdrawable version circuit-breaker
XF = Delivery terminal box for the position of the withdrawable version circuit-breaker
XV = Delivery terminal box for the auxiliary circuits of the fixed version circuit-breaker
YC = Shunt closing release
YO = Shunt opening release
A) For the auxiliary circuits of the circuit-breakers see the relative diagrams. The applications indicated in the following
figures are compulsory: 1A - 2A - 4A - 13A (only if the overcurrent release is supplied) - 22A - 31A (only for withdrawable
version circuit-breakers).
Connection of conductors Position switch (limit switch), Current sensing
break contact element
(closing contact)
Operating status
Four-pole circuit-breaker with PR331/P, PR332/P or PR333P electronic trip Three-pole circuit-breaker with PR331/P, PR332/P or PR333P electronic
unit trip unit
not connected
Three-pole circuit-breaker with PR331/P, PR332/P or PR333/P electronic trip unit Three- or four-pole switch-disconnector
Signalling contacts
24 VCC OR 48 VCC
X1_cap_7_01.indd 14
Circuit diagrams
Automatic transfer-switch ATS010
3-04-2007 17:14:43
X1_cap_7_01.indd 15 3-04-2007 17:14:44
X1_cap_8_00.indd 2 4-04-2007 10:00:50
Ordering codes
General information .......................................................................................................... 8/2
Fixed parts and conversion kits for fixed circuit-breaker and fixed parts ................... 8/14
L Protection against overload with long inverse time-delay trip
S Selective protection against short-circuit with short inverse or definite time-delay trip
I Protection against instantaneous short-circuit with adjustable trip current threshold
G Protection against earth faults
Rc Protection against residual current earth faults
Iu Rated uninterrupted current of the circuit-breaker
In Rated current of the electronic trip unit current transformers
Icu Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity
Icw Rated short-time withstand current
AC AC applications
DC DC applications
/MS Switch-disconnector
The Emax X1 circuit-breakers in the standard version are identified by means of sales codes
to which the terminal kit codes can be added in modification for fixed the circuit-breaker (other
than front) and the extra codes for the rating plug. The, a series accessories can be added to
the basic circuit-breaker which can be ordered with their corresponding codes.
Some particularly interesting examples are given below for correct order loading.
Example n.1
3-pole fixed Emax X1 with vertical rear terminals (VR))
X1B 1000 PR332/P LSIG In=1000A 3p F F 062358
KIT VR T7-T7M-X1 6pcs 063126
Example n.2
4-pole fixed Emax X1 with top rear oriented terminals (R) and bottom front extended (EF)
X1B 1000 PR332/P LSIG In=1000A 4p F F 062367
KIT R T7-T7M-X1 4pcs 063117
KIT EF T7-T7M-X1 4pcs 063104
Example n.3
4-pole fixed Emax X1 with top rear vertical (VR) and bottom front (F) terminals
X1B 1000 PR332/P LSIG In=1000A 4p F F 062367
KIT VR T7-T7M-X1 4pcs (*) 063125
Example n.1
X1B 1000 PR331/P in withdrawable version, shunt opening release
POS1 X1B 1000 PR331/P LSI In=1000A 3p W MP 062372
Shunt opening release SOR 240250 V AC/DC 062070
POS2 Fixed part for withdrawable 3p X1 EF-EF 062045
Right-hand block FP X1 062169
Central block FP X1 062168
Example n.2
X1B 1000 PR331/P in withdrawable version, trip reset
POS1 X1B 1000 PR331/P LSI In=1000A 3p W MP 062372
TRIP RESET X1 24...30 V AC/DC 063554
POS2 Fixed part for X1 withdrawable 3p EF-EF 062045
Right-hand block FP X1 062169
Central block FP X1 062168
Left-hand block FP X1 062164
3 Poles 4 Poles
Extracode to be specified with the X1B 06 standard version circuit-breaker code (Ue = 690 V AC) page 8/5 and 8/8
Please ask ABB SACE for availability.
Extracode to be specified with the X1B 08 standard version circuit-breaker code (Ue = 690 V AC) page 8/5 and 8/8
Please ask ABB SACE for availability.
Extracode to be specified with the X1B 10 standard version circuit-breaker code (Ue = 690 V AC) page 8/6 and 8/9
Please ask ABB SACE for availability.
Extracode to be specified with the X1B 12 standard version circuit-breaker code (Ue = 690 V AC) page 8/6 and 8/9
Please ask ABB SACE for availability.
Extracode to be specified with the X1B 16 standard version circuit-breaker code (Ue = 690 V AC) page 8/7 and 8/10
Please ask ABB SACE for availability.
3 Poles 4 Poles
Fixed part
X1 FP W EF 062045 062049
X1 FP W HR/VR 062044 062048
X1 FP W HR-EF 062046 062050
X1 FP W EF-HR 062047 062051
Note: To order the HR/VR terminals installed vertically, the extra code 1SDA063571R1 must be specified. The sliding contact blocks for the
fixed part are never supplied as standard, but must be ordered separately (see page 4/12).
3 pieces 4 pieces
Sliding contacts
blocks Lef block - MP X1 062164
Central block - MP X1 062165
8 Right block - MP X1
Lef block - FP X1
Central block - FP X1 062168
Right block - FP X1 062169
Note: The moving part of a circuit-breaker fitted with electrical accessories foresees standard supply of the blocks needed for connection. On
the contrary, the blocks for the fixed part are never supplied as standard, but must be ordered separately.
Trip reset
Trip reset 24-30V AC/DC 063554
Trip reset 110-130V AC/DC 062118
Trip reset 200-240V AC/DC 062119
Note: the sliding contact blocks for the moving part and fixed part are needed in the withdrawable version (see page 4/12)
3 Poles 4 Poles
Separating partitions - PB
PB 100 low (H = 100 mm) - 4 pieces 3P 054970
PB 100 low (H = 100 mm) - 6 pieces 4P 054971
PB 200 high (H = 200 mm) - 4 pieces 3P 054972
PB 200 high (H = 200 mm) - 6 pieces 4P 054973
Rating plug
In=400A 063147
In=630A 063148
In=800A 063149
In=1000A 063150
In=1250A 063151
In=1600A 063152
In=400A for Rc protection (*) 063725
In=630A for Rc protection (*)\ 063726
In=800A for Rc protection (*) 063727
In=1000A for Rc protection (*) 063728
In=1250A for Rc protection (*) 063731
In=1600A for Rc protection (*) 063732
(*) for PR332/P LSIRc, PR332/P LSIG with PR330/V or PR333/P LSIG and toroid for residual current protection (see page 4/10)
In=400A 063153
rating plug In=630A 063154
In=800A 063155
In=1000A 063156
In=1250A 063157
In=400A for Rc protection (*) 063733
In=630A for Rc protection (*) 063734
In=800A for Rc protection (*) 063735
In=1000A for Rc protection (*) 063736
In=1250A for Rc protection (*) 063737
In=1600A for Rc protection (*) 064228
(*) for PR332/P LSIRc or PR332/P LSIG and toroid for residual current protection (see page 4/11)
Accessories for
PR010/T - Test and configuration unit for electronic trip units type PR33x 048964 (1)
electronic trip units EP010 - Module interface for PR33x 059469 (1)
PR021/K - Signalling unit 059146
(1) ask ABB SACE for PR010/T and EP010 availability
Single terminal
Single terminal for X1 062170
X1 by Emax
Printed in Italy
10.000 - CAL