Advanced Algorithms Course. Lecture Notes. Part 2: Set Cover
Advanced Algorithms Course. Lecture Notes. Part 2: Set Cover
Advanced Algorithms Course. Lecture Notes. Part 2: Set Cover
Set Cover
This is a very fundamental problem abstracted from a variety of applications.
Given a set U of n elements, and m subsets Si of U with weights wi , find
a set cover with minimal total weight. A set cover is a selection from the
sets Si whose union is still the whole of U . Set Cover is NP-complete,
as it generalizes the Vertex Cover problem. (You should be able to give
a polynomial-time reduction from Vertex Cover.) Therefore we try again
some greedy approximation algorithm.
A natural greedy rule is to successively add sets Si to the solution, that
cover as many new elements as possible per unit of weight. More formally:
Let R denote the set of yet uncovered elements, initially R := U . In every
step we put some Si with minimal wi /|Si R| in the solution, until R = .
The natural the algorithm is, deriving a good bound for its approxima-
tion ratio is not so trivial. For the following analysis we use the so-called
Harmonic sum. It is defined as Hn := ni=1 1/i and behaves roughly as ln n.
Let C be the greedy solution, and C an optimal set cover, with weight w .
The key idea of the analysis is to charge the covered elements as fol-
lows. Let us define cs := wi /|Si R| for each s Si R. Intuitively, cs is
the cost paid by the element s for being covered: The total costs wi for the
step are shared between the newly covered elements. The weight of greedy
solution C obviously equals the sum of these costs:
cs = wi .
sU Si C
much is paid by the elements of Sk . Just before an element sj is covered we
|Sk R| d j + 1,
wk /|Sk R| wk /(d j + 1).
Let Si be the set that covers this sj in the greedy algorithm. Since the
algorithm always picks an Si with minimum weight-per-element ratio, this
wi /|Si R| wk /|Sk R| wk /(d j + 1).
Summation of all element costs in Sk now yields
cs H(|Sk |)wk .
Finally, if d denotes the maximum size of the sets Si , the previous in-
equality becomes X
H(d)wi cs
H(d)w = H(d)
wi cs cs = wi .
Si C Si C sSi sU Si C
This shows that the greedy algorithm has approximation ratio H(d)
ln d. It may be disappointing that the ratio is not constant and grows with
d. But it grows only logarithmically, it is constant when the size d is fixed
(a frequent case in applications), and ratio H(d) is also the best possible
for any polynomial Set Cover algorithm. (The latter fact is very hard to
prove. Such hardness-of-approximation results are far beyond the reach of
this course. But we mention the fact for your information.)
Weighted Vertex Cover The Pricing Method
As the name suggests, the problem is to find a vertex cover of minimum
weight in a graph where every vertex vi has a weight wi . This problem is a
special case of Weighted Set Cover (why?). Thus we can apply the previous
H(d) approximation, where the maximum vertex degree takes over the role
of d. But, luckily, we can obtain a better approximation ratio. It will be
the constant 2. This is not only a nice result as such, also the method we
present is of more general relevance in Optimization. Again we use prices,
but already in the algorithm itself, not only in the analysis. The technique is
called pricing method, also primal-dual method, because the given primal
problem is attacked using some dual problem. (You need not understand
the last remark right now. It will be explained soon.)
Every edge e will pay a price pe 0 for being covered. We will set these
prices later. Consider any vertex cover S. We say that the prices are fair
if e=(i,j) pe wi for all nodes i S. That is, the payments of all edges
inequality says that the sum of (any) fair prices is a lower bound for the cost
of any vertex cover, in particular, for the cost of an optimal vertex cover.
Thus, instead of tackling the problem directly, we may construct prices
that are fair but as large as possible (this is going to be our dual problem)
and then construct somehow a cheap vertex cover from these fair prices. In
fact, this is easier than you might expect:
We call a node i tight if e=(i,j) pe = wi . Initially let all pe = 0. Now we
take some e without tight endnodes and simply raise pe until one endnode
is tight. This step is repeated as long as possible. After that, let S be the
set of tight vertices.
This was the algorithm! Clearly S is a vertex cover, otherwise we could
do more steps. Moreover, e=(i,j) pe = wi for all i S, by definition of S.
at most twice in this sum, hence w(S) 2 eE pe . This shows that w(S)