Week 3 Program 7
Week 3 Program 7
Week 3 Program 7
There will be no deloading during this program. We will not be waving volume. Make
sure you have a light week or two before starting it, and then also once you complete it.
We cant completely dismiss periodization.
This program is meant to push you to the absolute limit of your ability to tolerate pain,
and for you to do things that you did not think was possible.
This program will be a 5 day a week program that will place extra emphasis on hams,
chest and back.
We will be implementing band work as well, but not in the traditional 6 week mid
program format that I used back in program 4 if you did that one. It is sprinkled in all
over the place now.
On occasion the short bands sell out, so this pack is temporarily taken off the site. If you
dont see this pack, just call in and ask to purchase all the bands that are available. They
are not expensive.
This is a 5 day a week program. Below is a sample split showing you how to set it up.
Day 1 Legs
Day 2 Chest/Shoulders (and odds and ends I throw in)
Day 3 Off
Day 4 Back
Day 5 Off
Day 6 Chest/Shoulders (pumping day)
Day 7 - Arms
*Calves and ab workout can be done up to 5 days a week! Use your level of soreness as
an indicator that the muscle is ready to be trained again.
Week 3
Legs 19 sets:
Lying leg curls 2-3 warm up sets. Do 4 sets of 12 with 60 second breaks. Nothing fancy here, just try and
get all your reps. I had to pause a few times mid-set to get to the 12 in sets 3 and 4. 4 total work sets.
Banded leg press Make sure you do plenty of warm ups. Do sets of 8 up until you are at a weight that is
a challenging 8. Once you get there, stay and do 3 sets of 8 with it. On your sets working up, explode p
with the weight against the band! 3 total work sets.
NOTE: Use two sets, 1 set of Pro minis (long red bands) and one set of monster minis (long green bands).
Smith machine lunges Here is how you do these. Do 4 reps on one leg, then quickly switch to the other
and do 4 reps. Then go back to the other leg and do 4 reps, and then 4 on the other. So each leg gets 8
total reps. That is so you dont have one leg that is significantly more annihilated than the other when you
squat, plus you can use heavier weight. Once you do that you are going to superset this with Smith
Squats. On each set you do, add some weight for the next set (of lunges). This will automatically add
weight for the squats as you are throwing a 45 on top of whatever you did for lunges.
Supersetted with
Smith machine squats Now throw a 45 on top and do 8 deep reps. 6 total work sets via 3 supersets.
So for example use a 25 on each side for first set of lunges, and then throw a 45 on top of that for your
deep squats. On your next set do 35 on each side for lunges, and then throw a 45 on top for squats, etc.
These are tough, and should burn like you know what.
If you dont have a Smith machine, find some kind of machine to squat in. I want you in something that
stabilizes you. The lunges you just do standing and stationary.
Leg extensions Do 4 sets of 8 on these. Go heavy. Kick the weight up and flex for 3 seconds on each set.
4 total work sets.
Barbell stiff legged deads Do 2 sets of 15 on these. Do not lockout. Go up of the way then come back
down. Keep constant tension on hams. 2 total work sets.
Banded hammer or machine press Do a few warm up sets to get started. I am not really concerned
about which machine you use (per my comments for last week on the light day). I want you to flex hard
though on every rep. Do 4 sets of 8. 4 total work sets.
Incline barbell press Pyramid up on these doing sets of 6 this week. Keep going until you can barely get
6. Well count the last 3 sets as work sets. Use continuous tension on these, no locking out, and take to 1-
2 inches above chest. Drive the weight up explosively. You will lose speed on the last set but that is ok. 3
total work sets.
Neutral grip flat dumbell press These are just flat dumbell presses, but I want you to have your palms
face each other the whole time ok. Let the dumbells come down low, and stretch real good, and lift your
sternum. Then drive up to almost lockout (but not quite), and come back down Do 3 sets of 10 like this. 3
total work sets.
Reverse band bench Do 5 sets of 5. Use a weight you can get all your reps with ok! 5 total work sets.
NOTE: If you cannot reverse band just do explosive benching on flat bench.
VBar pushdowns Do 1 warm up set to get feel. Do 4 sets of 12 with 30 second breaks between sets.
Dont flex at the bottom. Keep the weight moving, continuous tension. Try to go fairly heavy. 4 total work
Dumbell side laterals I want 5 sets of 10 with 20 second rest breaks. Crank on these. Fight through the
pain. If you need to lighten up a little on the 4th and 5th set you can. 5 total work sets.
Wide grip pulldown 4 sets of 10. Drive the weight down hard and flex. Stretch out good at the top! 4
total work sets.
Back - 24 sets
One arm barbell row Do a few warm up sets. Work up to a tough 8 and stay there for 4 sets of 8. 4 total
work sets.
Low rows Do sets of 10 with a hard flex in the contracted position. Use a grip where your palms face
each other, kind of close.
Supersetted with
Stretchers Hit 8 reps on these. Dont forget, duck your head and stretch!
Dumbell Shrugs Do 4 sets of 25 reps with the same weight you used for your sets of 12 w/ 3 second
pauses last week. No pauses this week, just up and down for 25 reps. 4 total work sets.
Supersetted with
Rack pulls (1/4 reps) These should be pulled from ABOVE your knees. Dont try to be a hero and go
lower or your back will crack in half. Just work the top quarter of the movement. These KILL after reverse
hypers. Sets of 6 reps.
If you dont have a reverse hyper machine, use banded hypers (sets of 15 reps).
Machine press Do a few warm up sets then pyramid up. Rep scheme is 15, 12, 9 and 6. Each set should
be tough. Dont lockout. On your last set, after you do 6, I want you to pump out 20 partials out of the
bottom/stretched position. 4 total work sets.
In between the chest exercises you are going to do over and backs with a band or rope.
Pec minor dips 4 sets to failure. Try to use some weight attached to you if you do over 15 reps. 4 total
work sets.
NOTE: Women do hex presses. See my YouTube for demonstration of form. Do 4 sets of 10.
NOTE: If you have chains, throw 1 or 2 across your back when doing these.
Machine rear delts (reverse peck deck) Hit 3 sets of 15. Go a little heavier on these today. On each rep
flex for a second in the contracted position. 3 total work sets.
Spidercrawls Use the red short monster mini. Go up and down a wall three times for each set. Do 3 sets
like this. After doing the destroyer set, your delts should be rocked. 3 total work sets.
Goal The strategy for arm training is for maximum pump. Take as many sets as you need
Triset #1
V-Bar pushdowns Do a few sets to get warmed up. Do 10 reps with a heavy weight. Dont worry about
flexing at the bottom, just keep the weight moving, constant tension.
Immediately followed by
Dumbell curl Do 8 reps on these with a 3 second descent. Use the Grip4orce attachments. I want you to
use the same weight you used last week for 6.
Immediately followed by
Barbell curl Do 8 reps on these with a 3 second descent. Use the Grip4orce attachments. Try to use a
little more weight than last week when you did these.
Immediately followed by
Reverse grip pushdown Look at my YouTube video on these. Notice how I bend over and let the bar
come behind my head for a really good stretch. Do sets of 15 on these.
Immediately followed by
EZ bar reverse curls Do 15 reps on these with the same weigh you used last week for 12.
Calves - 6 sets:
Standing calve raises - I want you to do a few warms then your sets should be like this. Do 10 full reps. A
the end of the 10th rep, stand on your toes and count to 10 (with weight still on your back), then come
back down and do 10 more reps, and then stand back up on your toes for another count of 10 seconds,
and finally 10 more reps for 30 total, followed by another 10 seconds of standing on your toes in the
Immediately followed by
Seated calve raises - I want you to do 10 nice and slow full range of motion reps here. It will sting a bit.
Do 3 rounds.
For abs these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4 sets of 15-25
reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the upper ab list, and do the
same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.