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Silicone Materials

for Automobiles

Silicone Fluids and Secondary Products for Automotive Applications P2

Silicone Elastomers for Automotive Applications P4

Silicone Elastomers for Automotive Applications Application to Airbags P6

Thermal Interface Materials for Automotive Applications P8

LIMS Materials for Automobiles P10

Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Silicone Fluids and Secondary Products for Automotive Applications

The auto industry has been unremitting in its pursuit of development of automotive technologies to improve safety,
comfort, and fuel efficiency. Silicones have frequently been used as automotive materials, and Shin-Etsu has been using
the latest technologies to develop products to meet evolving needs. In these pages we will present examples of some
typical applications, mainly featuring silicone fluids and their secondary products.

Introduction adding heat-resistance improvers to dimethyl tires wore out quickly and were therefore not
In recent years, automakers have taken silicone fluid. They are used as fan coupling practical. Later, KBE-846 was developed by
efforts to make safer vehicles that are more fluids and in other torque transmission researchers who realized that sulfide silane
comfortable and eco-friendly by adding car applications, and as a heating medium in could be used to improve the wear life of
navigation systems, sensors and other automobiles (Table 1). silica-compounded tires.
features, while making vehicles lighter and
more fuel-efficient. In this article, we will 1-3. Modifier for synthetic leather seat materials 1-6. Plastic & rubber modifiers
discuss some of the places where silicone Double end-capped carbinol-modified fluids Master pellets and acrylic silicone powders
fluids and their secondary products Single end-capped diol-modified fluids Silicone master pellets are plastics compounded
(emulsions, oil blends) are used. We will also Carbinol-modified siloxanes can be used to with highly polymerized siloxanes (30-50% by
discuss auto chemicals and subsidiary improve the slickness and texture of mass). Blended into plastics at roughly 0.1-2%
materials used in the manufacture of auto urethane-based synthetic leather seats. The concentration, they improve mold release
parts. double end-capped carbinol types (KF-6001, properties, which helps boost molding speed. In
KF-6002, KF-6003) improve cold resistance addition, the silicone gradually bleeds out to
1. In-vehicle materials and texture, while the single end-capped provide a sustained lubrication effect. Acrylic
1-1. Sensor fill materials, damper materials diol-modified types (X-22-176 series) silicone powders have good miscibility with PVC
KF-96 improve slickness. resin, EPDM and other synthetic resins. Also, the
For years, dimethyl silicone fluid (KF-96) has silicone component on the powder surface acts
been used as a gloss enhancer for automotive 1-4. Weather strip coating agent to improve tribological properties and provide
waxes, as a fill material in rubber dampers, X-32-1291 anti-blocking properties, anti-wear properties
and a damping medium in instrument meters. X-32-1291 is a solvent-based coating agent and reduce noise created when parts rub
Today, it is used in more wide-ranging for sponge type rubber weather strips. It together (Photos 1 & 2).
applications, as a fill material in sensors and helps prevent wear and reduces squeaks
a damping medium for auto seats. when windows are opened and closed. 2. Automotive chemicals,
other applications
1-2. Power transmission components 1-5. Modifier for tires and rubbers 2-1. Glass water repellents
(fan couplings, etc.) KBE-846 X-24-9418
KF-967, KF-9006 Tires compounded with silica are known to help The fluorosilicone water repellent X-24-9418
These heat-resistant silicone fluids have boost fuel economy and provide better grip on is fluorosilicone in an isopropyl alcohol
enhanced oxidation stability, achieved by wet roads. Unfortunately, silica-compounded solution. Used to treat various substrates, at

Table 1: Silicone fluids for fan couplings Photo 1: Electron micrograph of acrylic silicone powder

Product name KF-967 KF-9006

Appearance Tan transparent liquid Tan liquid
Viscosity at 25C mm2 /s 1,000-15,000 6,000-20,000
For closed systems For closed systems
Good viscosity-temperature characteristics Good heat resistance
Base fluid type Dimethyl silicone Methylphenyl silicone
Heat-resistance improver Aromatic amine Aromatic amine
(Not specified values)

Table 2: Glass water repellents

Product name Photo 2: Silicone master pellets
Parameter X-24-9418
Appearance Colorless transparent liquid
Viscosity at 25C mm 2 /s 2.8
Specific gravity at 25C 0.794
Active ingredient % 3
Diluent Isopropyl alcohol
Water contact angle 105
Hexadecane contact angle 55
Water fall angle 15
On glass substrate, after drying for 1 day at room temperature. (Not specified values)

2 Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Table 3: Rubber & plastic molding release agents
Product name KM-862T KM-740T KM-742T KM-722T KM-244F
Appearance Creamy white liquid Creamy white liquid Creamy white liquid Creamy white liquid Pale yellow liquid
Active ingredient % 60 38 28 30 100
pH 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.5
Ionicity Nonionic Nonionic Nonionic Nonionic
High viscosity dimethyl Low viscosity dimethyl Low viscosity dimethyl Medium viscosity dimethyl
Features Polyether silicone
silicone emulsion silicone emulsion silicone emulsion silicone emulsion (contains xylene)
(Not specified values)

Table 4: Aluminum die-casting release agents

room temperature it forms a uniform film Product name
Parameter X-22-1877 X-52-8051 Silcast U
with exceptional water repellency, oil
repellency, release properties, and antifouling Appearance Pale yellow transparent liquid Creamy white liquid Creamy white liquid

properties (Table 2). Active ingredient % 100 50 32

Alkyl-aralkyl silicone Alkyl silicone
Features Alkyl-aralkyl silicone
Weakly ionic emulsion Weakly ionic emulsion
2-2. Car waxes and car wash detergents
Dimethyl silicone fluid (KF-96) has long been (Not specified values)

used as a gloss enhancer for car body waxes,

and more recently as a tire gloss enhancer.
For certain applications, it is mixed with when molding tires, radiator hoses, fuel automotive applications have been
fluids containing high-molecular-weight hoses, and other rubber parts (Table 3). Alkyl- developed in cooperation with automakers
silicone resin (KF-9021, KM-9717) or acrylic or alkyl-aralkyl-modified silicone fluids (or and auto parts manufacturers, and
silicone (X-22-8000, -8100 series) to improve their emulsions) are used as release agents Shin-Etsu is simply not at liberty to discuss
film durability. for aluminum die-casting (Table 4). them in this publication.
In car wash machines, the wax component is Without question, specially designed
often an amino silicone emulsion or other Conclusion silicones will continue to be used in places
silicone with amino groups, which improve Automobiles are complex machines with unique requirements. Shin-Etsu is
adsorption onto car body panels. (Polon manufactured using advanced plastics and committed to development of materials that
MF-14EC, X-52-800 series) fabrics, and sophisticated mechanical, meet diverse user needs, and we look forward
electric and electronic components. These to hearing your ideas and requests in this
2-3. Tire & hose mold release agents, parts have to last ten years or more. Most of regard.
aluminum die-casting release agents the materials that are currently under
Silicone emulsions are used as release agents development or that have been used for Information current as of Jan. 2007.

Automotive applications of silicone fluids and their secondary products

Synthetic leather seats

Weather strips

Fan couplings

Plastic modifiers

Rubber modifiers

Car waxes, car wash detergents

Dampers Other
Tire & hose molding release agents
Metal part molding release agents

Silicone Materials for Automobiles 3

Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Silicone Elastomers for Automotive Applications

With the quest for higher performance automobiles and the increased use of electronic components, the performance
requirements for silicones and other raw materials are becoming ever more diverse and sophisticated. In this article,
we will present liquid silicone rubbers designed for automotive applications, for the fixing and protection of parts,
thermal interface, and other functions.

Introduction as needs dictate (Table 1). 2. Thermal Interface Materials

As automobiles have become higher The transistors and ICs on circuit boards
performance products, the use of electronic Potting Materials generate considerable heat. Silicones with
components has also increased. In some Like conformal coatings, potting materials high thermal conductivity are used to
models today there are over 70 Electronic protect electronic components arranged on effectively radiate this heat. Because these
Control Units (ECU); silicone elastomers are circuit boards from moisture, condensation silicones are applied directly to electric and
used as sealing materials, adhesives and and dust. Potting also helps reduce electronic components, they have been
potting agents for these ECUs. Silicone mechanical stress on electronic components designed with minimal amounts of
elastomers provide exceptional durability and caused by extreme temperatures and low-molecular-weight siloxane, since this
stable performance over a wide temperature vibration. Regular silicone is called dimethyl substance can cause faulty conduction at
range. In this article, we'll focus on car silicone, and it features methyl groups electrical contacts. Our lineup of thermal
electronics as we present a number of liquid attached to the side chains of the polymer. interface materials includes greases,
silicone rubber products. This type of silicone cannot be used in places adhesives and sheets. The properties of some
where it will be directly exposed to gasoline typical thermal interface adhesives are shown
1. Protecting components or oils, but this weak point can be overcome in Table 4.
In this section, we will discuss products by introducing trifluoropropyl groups into the
designed for the protection of automotive side chains of the base polymer (Table 2). 3. Fastening of parts
components, including conformal coatings, Many adhesives are used for the fastening of
potting materials and sealing materials, plus Case Seal Materials electronic parts and structural bonding.
products designed to prevent sulfurization, Case seal materials are used for waterproofing, Some usage locations stay continually hot,
which are attracting interest throughout the to protect the electronic components inside while others are exposed to gasoline and
industry today. ECUs from damage. These silicones will be other substances. Shin-Etsu has developed a
exposed to the outdoor elements for years, and lineup of adhesives to meet the requirements
Conformal Coatings thus must provide high bonding durability. of diverse applications and manufacturing
Conformal coatings are dielectric materials What's more, by adding substances that processes, so the user can select a product of
applied to electric and electronic capture acidic gases from auto exhausts, the appropriate cure type for their specific
components to protect from moisture, which include NOx and SOx, we have needs (see 4. Curing mechanisms).
condensation and dust. Shin-Etsu has developed silicones that help ensure the
developed eco-friendly solventless products performance of components over years of
and low- and high-viscosity types. Different use (Table 3).
products can be applied in different spots,

Table 1: Conformal coatings Table 2: Potting materials

Product name Product name KE-200
KE-1870 KE-1871 KE-3470 KE-3420 KE-1056 FE-57 KE-1842
Parameter Parameter CX-200
Viscosity mPas 400 800 70 700 Condensation
Cure type Addition Addition Addition
Condensation Condensation (acetone)
Cure type Addition Addition
(acetone) (acetone) Rapid cure,
Cold-resistant, Cold-resistant
Low good deep
23C/50% RH 23C/50% RH Features high transparent section
Cure conditions 150C 0.5 h 150C 0.5 h hardness
7 days 7 days penetration gel curability
Hardness, Durometer A 15 27 35 19 Consistency Liquid Liquid Low viscosity Liquid
Volume resistivity Tm 10 10 20 60 Blue transparent,
Appearance Slightly Light
Relative dielectric constant, 50Hz 3.1 3.1 3 3 Color White pale yellow
hazy brown
Dielectric dissipation factor, 50Hz 1.0 10-3 1.0 10-3 0.1 10-3 3.0 10-3 translucent
(Not specified values) Viscosity mPas 800 2000 4000 2800
Density g/cm3 0.98 1.28 1.00 1.01
Cure conditions 130C 0.5 h 125C 2 h 120C 1 h 23C 72 h
Penetration 90 60
Hardness, Durometer A 13 25
Volume resistivity Tm 8.0 0.02 1 60
Dielectric breakdown voltage kV 14 20 20
Relative dielectric constant, 50Hz 3.0 7.0 3.5 2.9
Dielectric dissipation factor, 50Hz 5 10-4 1 10-2 5 10-3 3 10-3
Electronic components potted with silicone gel (Not specified values)

4 Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Table 3: Case seal materials Table 4: Thermal interface adhesives
Product name Product name
KE-1833 IO-SEAL-300 KE-1875 KE-3466 KE-3467 X-32-2020 KE-1867
Parameter Parameter
Cure type Addition Addition Addition Cure type Condensation (acetone) Addition
High heat- Releases less Reduced low- Reduced low- Flame resistant, Reduced low- Reduced low-
Features molecular-weight molecular- molecular-
resistant acidic gas siloxane Features high thermal molecular-
weight siloxane conductivity weight siloxane weight siloxane
UL certified UL certified
Appearance (after cure) Reddish brown White Black
Consistency Med. viscosity High viscosity High viscosity Med. viscosity
Color White White Gray Gray
Viscosity Pas 140 50 50
Viscosity Pas 50 80 100 60
Density g/cm3 1.36 1.23 1.06 Density g/cm3 2.80 2.95 2.83 2.92
Hardness, Durometer A 33 31 26 23C/50% RH 23C/50% RH
Cure conditions 120C 1 h 120C 1 h
Elongation at break % 350 270 380 7 days 7 days
Tensile strength MPa 3.4 2.8 2.5 Hardness, Durometer A 88 90 78 75
Glass 1.8 1.5 1.8 Tensile strength MPa 3.1 3.6 1.8 2.1
Aluminum 1.8 1.5 1.8 Elongation at break % 30 30 30 60
adhesive MPa
strength PBT 1.8 1.5 1.8 Volume resistivity Tm 2.9 2.5 1.0 1.2
PPS 1.8 1.5 1.8 Dielectric breakdown voltage kV/mm 24 25 23 23
Cure conditions 120C 1 h 100C 1 h 120C 0.5 h Thermal conductivity W/mK 1.9 2.4 1.9 2.2
Shear viscosity 101 (Not specified values) (Not specified values)

4. Curing Mechanisms can interfere with curing. To address this, in as little as one to three days.
There are four types of curing mechanisms Shin-Etsu developed dual-cure products
for silicone elastomers, each with distinctive based on a combination of platinum UV-cure products
characteristics (Table 5). addition/peroxide cure. These products cure rapidly through
irradiation with UV light.
Addition-cure products Condensation-cure products
Generally, the cure temperature is around These products cure by reacting with Conclusion
120C and cure time around one hour. moisture in the air so that, unlike with In the field of automotive components and
Recently, manufacturers are working to addition-cure products, heating devices are materials, there is steadily growing demand
develop products that cure more rapidly and unnecessary. These products are grouped for products that offer greater functionality
at lower temperatures. Virtually no according to the type of gas released in and environmental performance. Shin-Etsu is
byproducts are released during the curing minute quantities during the cure reaction. committed to ongoing development of
reaction. Acetone-cure (i.e. acetone is released) and materials to meet this demand, and we'd like
alcohol-cure types are used for electric and to hear from our customers regarding any
Dual-cure products electronic applications. Generally, curing ideas and requests they may have.
A drawback of addition-cure products is that tin, takes seven days, at 232C and 50% This is an edited version of the original article
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur compounds relative humidity, but some products cure released on Apr. 2007.

Table 5: Cure mechanism & characteristics

Application of silicone elastomers in the field of automotive electronics
Cure mechanism Cure temp. Cure time Advantages
1-component 80C or higher about 60 min Rapid cure Passenger protection system ECUs
Addition Heating Sensors: G-force sensors, passenger detectors, acceleration, etc.
Room temp. unnecessary
2-component 1-3 days
or higher (rapid cure) Actuators: airbags (front, side), etc.

150C Resists cure

Dual-cure about 60 min
or higher inhibition
1-component 7 days
Conden- Oxime Heating
Room temp.
sation Acetic acid unnecessary
2-component 1-3 days
Acrylic Heating
UV-cure Room temp. 20 sec unnecessary
Mercapto (rapid cure) Drive system ECUs
Sensors: vehicle speed, pedal positions,
steering angle, wheel speed, etc.
Actuators: power steering, ABS, suspension, 4WD, 4WS, etc.
Engine control system ECUs
Sensors: temperature, pressure, flow rate, crank position, oxygen, NOx, water temperature, etc.
Actuators: air flow, injectors, valve timing, etc.

Silicone Materials for Automobiles 5

Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Silicone Elastomers for Automotive Applications Application to Airbags

Of all automotive technologies, those designed to help keep drivers and passengers safe in the event of an accident are
among the most critical. The properties of silicone materials have led to their use in numerous locations in modern
vehicles. This article will look at the use of silicones in automobiles, with a particular focus on safety.

wheel, instrument panel, windshield, etc.) 2. 2. Viscosity / strength

In recent years, industry focus has shifted The strength of silicone rubbers can be
to auto airbags made of 6,6-nylon, 6-nylon, enhanced by adding a larger proportion of
polyester and other fabrics coated with silica filler or increasing the polymerization of
silicone rubber. The silicone rubber coating the organopolysiloxane polymer. Normally,
materials are typically dissolved types, silicones are compounded with fumed silica
which are millable or liquid silicones to improve strength, because it is not
dissolved in a solvent, or emulsions. possible to obtain strength sufficient for
However, in the interest of enhancing the industrial products with siloxane polymers
properties required for airbag applications alone 3. See Table 2 for the correlation
and reducing environmental impact, between silica fill content and viscosity/tear
manufacturers are gradually switching to strength.
solventless silicone materials (Table 1). Increasing the silica fill ratio has a
Curtain airbags, which are fitted in spaces mechanical "volume effect", and a
along the roof extending back from the physicochemical "surface effect" (improved
Introduction front pillars, have to maintain inflation for adsorption of the organopolysiloxane
There were over 850,000,000 cars on the a longer period than the airbags installed in molecules to the particle surface, and
world's roads in 2004. With growth in the the driver and front passenger seats. Curtain increased intermolecular force, or chemical
Chinese market, this number is expected to airbags are designed to protect the head and bonding of organopolysiloxane molecules to
reach 1.2 billion by the year 2020 1. In help keep passengers from being ejected silanols on the silica surface), resulting in
automobiles, silicone elastomers have long from the vehicle in the event of an impact or increased tear strength (Fig. 1).
been used to manufacture spark plug boots rollover. The manufacture of curtain airbags Meanwhile, Table 3 illustrates the relationship
and connector seals, and more recently for requires liquid silicone rubber coating between viscosity and tear strength, as affected
such components as intake manifold gaskets agents that have characteristics of low by organopolysiloxane polymerization. With
(fluorosilicone), turbo charger hoses and viscosity, high strength, high adhesiveness, increased polymerization of the polymer, high
silicone wiper blades. moisture resistance, heat resistance, tear strength can be achieved, but it causes
A look at the trends 1 in research and low-temperature flexibility, and stability uneven crosslinking (maldistribution) known as
development of automotive materials reveals over time. "knock tear."
that, in addition to the quest for vehicles that
are lighter and more efficient and for new
sources of power collectively aimed at Table 1: Silicone rubber coating materials
reducing CO2 emissions automakers are Type Millable/
Emulsion Solventless silicone
also working to make vehicles safer. In the Parameter Liquid silicone solution
next section, we will discuss the connection Rubber strength X
between silicone elastomers and car airbags. Environmental properties X
1. Airbags

The first airbags were installed in vehicles in

Table 2: Correlation between silica fill content and viscosity/tear strength
the 1960s. Airbags were developed to reduce
head injuries to passengers wearing seatbelts Sample
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
in the event of a crash, specifically by
Silica content Low Medium High
mitigating secondary impacts (primary
Organopolysiloxane Medium chain Medium chain Medium chain
impact is that of the vehicle hitting another
Viscosity Low High
object, and the secondary impact is that of
Tear strength Low High
the passenger's body hitting the steering

Table 3: Correlation between polymerization of organopolysiloxane and viscosity/tear strength

Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6
Silica content Medium Medium Medium
Organopolysiloxane Short chain Medium chain Long chain
Viscosity Low High
Tear strength Low High

6 Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Figure 1: Reinforcing effect of silica particles

Reinforcement factor: 40 times (organopolysiloxane 0.2-0.3 MPag10 MPa after reinforcement)

Mechanical volume effect
Physicochemical surface effect

As Tables 2 and 3 show, with increased Improved adsorption

strength there is an increase in viscosity. of organopolysiloxane
But to enable high-speed application of to the particle surface,
coating materials, researchers must increased
intermolecular force.
develop low-viscosity/high-strength
technologies. Chemical bonding of
Furthermore, when applying coating
molecules to silanols
materials at high speed, the shear viscosity of on the silica surface
the coating material is largely influenced by
the application conditions. Figure 2 shows the
viscosity behavior of Sample 2 and Sample 3
(shown in Table 2) at different shear speeds. It
is essential that the composition of the
coating material be designed such that shear typically like that shown in the following
viscosity meets the requirements of the structural formula 4. Conclusion
coating conditions. "X" represents an organic functional group, In the field of automotive components and
and "Y" a hydrolyzable group. materials, there is steadily growing demand
3. Adhesiveness The organic functional group "X" reacts with for products that offer greater functionality
The next important consideration for an or promotes miscibility with organic and environmental performance. Shin-Etsu
airbag coating is the adhesion of the coating materials. Various types of functional groups is committed to ongoing development of
to the fabric. Silane coupling agents can be are synthesized. materials to meet this demand, and we'd like
used to obtain the desired adhesive Meanwhile, for the hydrolyzable group "Y", to hear from our users regarding any ideas
properties for proper adhesion to the fabric. there are a number of possible functional and requests they may have.
The structure of a silane coupling agent is groups, but the methoxy groups, ethoxy
groups and alkoxy groups are most Information current as of Jul. 2007.
commonly used.
(CH3)n Silane coupling agents, whose molecules References:
contain functional groups, thus act as an 1 Shigeki Suzuki: Journal of the Society Of Rubber Industry,
adhesive auxiliary agent for better adhesion to Japan, Vol. 80 172 (2007)
XRSiY3n fabrics. This is thought to be the effect of 2 http://www.nissan.co.jp/COMPASS/ISF/3rd/PAPER
3 Kunio Ito: Silicone Handbook
hydrogen bonding, or wetting, or miscibilization 4 Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Silane Coupling Ganryo Kyokai
(Fig. 3). (Pigments Association)

Figure 2: Figure 3:

Sample 2
Sample 3 X: organic functional group
Shear viscosity (Pas)

100 Silicone X

50 promoter

0 Y: hydrolyzable group
1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02
Shear speed (1/s)

Silicone Materials for Automobiles 7

Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Thermal Interface Materials for Automotive Applications

Car electronics has progressed on a course that should lead to improvements in performance in terms of safety, comfort and the
environment. As electronic devices become smaller in size and higher in performance, thermal interface materials have become a
more and more important theme. Among silicone materials for heat dissipation, this paper discusses those developed for
automotive applications, for which performance requirements are especially strict.

Introduction applications. In light of this background, manifest pump out due to cold or heat shocks
At the same time that the automobile grows silicone thermal interface materials developed or other conditions. Consequently, this type
more and more sophisticated in performance, especially for automotive applications will be of grease has the disadvantage that its
extremely rapid progress is also being made introduced. thermal performance sometimes suddenly
in the electronification of automotive parts. becomes very poor. Nevertheless, given the
And as electronic devices become more 1. Silicone Thermal Interface product characteristics of this grease, it is
compact and more tightly integrated, the Materials extremely difficult to eliminate bleed out or
volumes of heat generated from them have Silicone thermal interface materials start with pump out phenomenon altogether.
risen dramatically. In consequence, materials a base of silicone polymer, which means they Nevertheless, this hurdle is being overcome
that provide outstanding thermal outperform other organic polymers in terms thanks to recent advances in research.
performance have come into strong demand. of heat and cold resistance, weatherability Let us consider an example. Table 2 presents
Automobiles are used in extreme and electrical properties. These special the results of pump out tests performed on
environments ranging from deserts to arctic silicone products excel in long-term reliability the very latest thermal conductive grease
regions, and are exposed to vibrations. It is and are thus used as thermal interface products to be developed and on conventional
imperative, therefore, that thermal interface materials in a wide array of applications. The predecessors. In the conventional products,
materials show durability against heat, cold products are available in sheet form and as as the number of heat cycles advances, pump
and vibrations. As a material that can satisfy paste compositions, and which is used will out and bleed out are slowly produced. In the
these requirements, silicone is ideal, and depend on the intended application (Table 1). very latest products, on the other hand, we
silicone thermal interface materials have see that there is absolutely no change in
proven to be highly reliable in automotive 2. Thermal Interface Grease configuration from the initial state. Newly
Initially, there were many developed grease that exhibits this property
Table 1: Properties and Applications of Silicone Thermal Interface Materials cases in which automakers does not require any additional heat
Property Type Applications used thermal conductive processing after it has been applied as a
Power transistor heat dissipation and insulation grease that can be applied in coating, and it demonstrates highly stabilized
Thermal conductive Power module heat dissipation and insulation mass-production methods performance. Another advantage of the latest
sheet Insulation and thermal conducting media based on automation. grease products is that in comparison to

Recently, however, the conventional sheet-formed thermal materials,


in temperature sensing components

Low-hardness thermal Semiconductor device heat dissipation performance requirements for they are much softer, so there is no need for
conductive sheet and insulation such thermal conductive concern about damage to electronic devices
Thermal conducting media between grease have been getting much resulting from stress.
Phase change sheet stricter.
heat-emitting elements and cooling materials
Power module heat dissipation In addition to improvements in 3. Thermal Interface Sheets
Thermal conductive the rate of thermal conductivity, Thermal interface sheets are categorized into

Heat dissipation from heat-generating ICs

demand has arisen for thermal three types: high-hardness rubber thermal

Semiconductor device heat dissipation

Thermal conductive For fixing heat dissipation from conductive grease that exhibits interface sheets, low-hardness rubber
gel, adhesive electronic components, for bonding no bleed out or pump out thermal interface sheets, and phase-change
phenomenon. Given that such materials that soften when heated. Here, we
Table 2: Pump out tests grease is a simple mixture of would like to introduce the latest products
Cycle count Newly developed product Conventional product polymer and thermal developed by Shin-Etsu.
conductive filler, depending on The TC-CA Series was developed using
Initial period
how it is used, it can gradually Shin-Etsus proprietary polymer technology
(0 cycle) Figure 1: Structure of TC-SP-1.7 Series
Photo 2: TC-SP-1.7 Series

Adhesive surface:
Thermal conductive silicone rubber of low hardness (gray)

149 cycles Separator film

457 cycles Non-adhesive surface:

Thermal conductive silicone rubber
that contains glass fiber cloth (reddish brown)

8 Silicone Materials for Automobiles

Table 3: General Properties
Product name TC-100CAS-10 TC-100CAB-10 TC-100CAD-10 TC-100CAT-20
Parameter 100 shows 1.0 mm in thickness. 100 shows 1.0 mm in thickness. 100 shows 1.0 mm in thickness. 100 shows 1.0 mm in thickness.

Appearance Dark gray Pink Light reddish purple Gray

Sheet size 300 400 300 400 300 400 300 400
Structure Single layer Single layer Single layer Single layer
Density g/cm3 1.9 2.2 3.0 3.2
Hardness, Asker C 103 103 103 20
Dielectric breakdown voltage, 1mm kV 22 22 15 15
Thermal conductivity1 W/mK 1.8 2.3 3.2 4.5
Thermal resistance2 C/W 0.87 0.64 0.58 0.32
Flammability, UL94 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0
0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
Thickness mm
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 2.5, 3, 4, 5 2.5, 3, 4, 5 2.5, 3, 4, 5
Photo 1: TC-CA Series
Operating temp. range C -40 to 150 -40 to 150 -40 to 180 -40 to 180
1 Based on ISO-22007-2 2 Based on Shin-Etsu method (Thickness: 1 mm) (Not specified values)
and filler compounding technology. These 3 Hardness 30 sheet can be supplied in case of less than 1.5 mm thickness.
low-hardness rubber thermal interface sheets
provide both high thermal conductivity and Table 4: Conventional Products
excellent electrical properties. Their low Conventional products TC-HSV-1.4 TC-THS TC-TXS
hardness also gives them good Thermal conductivity W/mK 1.2 2.1 3.3
compressibility and stress-relieving Based on ISO-22007-2 (Not specified values)
properties, plus excellent processing
characteristics, working properties and gaps of uneven size (Figure 2); 2) They provide components associated with car electronics.
reworkability. Another major feature is their improved resistance to pump-out (i.e. they With demand in the hybrid and electric
advantage in cost performance compared to dont become fluid even at high temperatures) vehicle segments expected to grow in the
conventional low-hardness products (Photo 1, (Photo 3); and 3) They have good transfer coming years, Shin-Etsu will intensify efforts
Table 3, Table 4). properties for greater ease of use. to develop new products and technologies
The TC-SP-1.7 Series is a line of adhesive based on ideas and insight gained from your
sheets which are ultra-soft adhesive sheets, Conclusion feedback as users.
which makes them and are thus highly Silicone thermal interface materials have This is an edited version of the original article
effective as thermal interface materials. The come into widespread use in all types of released on Jul. 2010.
non-adhesive face is reinforced with glass equipment power supplies, as well as in
fiber, so the sheets have outstanding physical computer CPUs and chip sets. In recent Figure 2: Image of Phase-change
strength and dielectric reliability, and excel in years, moreover, progress has been made in
ease of application and processing wide-area mounting of heat-dissipating
characteristics. Products in this series are
Photo3: Pump out in silicone versus olefin materials Heatsink
now being used in the electrical systems of
hybrid vehicles (Photo 2, Figure 1, Table 5). Silicone material Olefin material PCS-LT
Products in the PCS-LT-30 Series are
described as phase-change materials. They
consist of an adhesive substance (polymer)
that is solid at room temperature, but
undergoes phase change (softens with heat)
at high temperatures. The polymer is Initial size

compounded with a high proportion of Heatsink

Inserted with clip via glass plate at a tightening force
thermally conductive fillers and manufactured
of 0.9 kg and subjected to thermal application thermal
in sheets (Table 6). These sheets outperform PCS-LT
compression bonding at 70C per hour. Heat cycle was
conventional products in various ways: 1) repeated once every 10 minutes (25 times) from 125 to
They can be applied to devices of varying 55C and the spread of phase change sheet was checked.
heights, providing a leveling effect by filling

Table 5: General Properties of TC-SP-1.7 Series Table 6: General Properties of Phase Change Material
Product name Test method TC-100SP-1.7 Product name PCS-LT-30
Parameter Parameter
External appearance, Color tone Gray/Reddish brown Color Gray
Thickness mm 1.0 Initial thickness m 120
Density g/cm3 JIS K 6249 2.32 Bond line thickness2, 3 m 28
Hardness1, Asker C 2 Density at 25C g/cm3 2.4
Thermal conductivity W/mK ASTM E 1530 1.7 Softening point4 C 48
Thermal resistance2 K/W Shin-Etsu measurement method 1.00 Thermal conductivity1 W/mK 3.0
Insulation breakdown voltage kV JIS K 6249 20 Thermal resistance1, 3 cm2K/W 0.11
Flame retardancy UL94 V-0 Sheet size mm 300 400
Standard sheet thickness mm 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 1 Measured by laser flash method. (Not specified values)
1 Measurements taken with 2 overlapping sheets of 6-mm sheet of low hardness. (Not specified values) 2 Measured by Micro gauge.
2 Model heater (TO-3P type, 7 cm2), applied power: 28 W/Load 29.4 kPa (300 gt/ cm2) 3 After 1 hour compression, 200 psi/100C.
4 Measured by Shin-Etsu method.

Silicone Materials for Automobiles 9

Silicone Materials for Automobiles

LIMS Materials for Automobiles

Liquid silicone rubber LIMS materials have attracted wide attention because they can facilitate stepped-up rationalization of formation processes.
Advances are also being made in the use of such materials for automobiles. In particular, products have been developed in which siloxane of low
molecular weight has been removed. This eliminates the need for secondary curing to remove such siloxane. Accordingly, LIMS materials can be
expected to find more widespread applications in automobiles, for which there are very strict requirements for stabilized performance.

Introduction 5. Eco-friendly siloxane are a type of material in which

Silicone elastomers are used in various Eco-friendly molding is made possible because low-molecular-weight siloxane has been
automotive parts because they are there are no curing reaction byproducts and no reduced, without secondary curing, to a
advantageous in terms of heat resistance, need to dispose of molding waste materials. level comparable to that in millable rubber
low-temperature characteristics and after it has been cured at 200C for 4 hours
electrical characteristics. Meanwhile, 2. Materials of Minimal (Fig. 2).
thanks to technological innovations in Low-Molecular-Weight Siloxane Table 1 lists products for which secondary
molding machines, metal molds and The silicone rubber products used around curing is not required (KE-2019 series).
materials, conventional millable or high electrical and electronic equipment can
consistency rubber is being replaced with damage electrical contact points through 3. Applications to Harnesses
liquid-type LIMS (Liquid Injection Molding volatilization of any low-molecular-weight The harnesses used with vehicle-mounted
System) materials, which facilitate siloxane that remains in mold products (Fig. 1). electrical components make up an
rationalization of molding. Normally, therefore, secondary curing is indispensable wiring system that transmits
The physical properties of cured substances performed, using ovens, so as to remove energy and diverse types of information. In
obtained by LIMS molding are in no way low-molecular-weight siloxane before the wake of recent advances toward high
inferior to those of millable rubber, and LIMS application. performance in automobiles, harnesses now
molding facilitates injection molding at low LIMS materials of minimal low-molecular-weight come in a much wider array of types, and
pressure. Moreover, with advances made in
molding machines and metal molds, molding Figure 1:Low-molecular- Mechanism of silica production by low-molecular-weight siloxane
cycles have been shortened. Still another weight siloxane
advantage is that products are flashless and CH3 R
runnerless, so waste produced during Electrical energy H2O+CO2+SiO2
Si O Si O +O2
molding has declined. (arc, spark) (+SiC etc.)
R n
This paper introduces materials recently CH3
developed using LIMS, for which there is no
need for secondary curing.

1. Features of Liquid LIMS materials of minimal low-molecular-weight siloxane

Silicone Rubber LIMS Material Table 1: General purpose, high strength type

1. Outstanding material characteristics Product name KE-2019-40A/B KE-2019-50A/B KE-2019-60A/B

These materials offer a number of outstanding Viscosity (0.9S-1) at 23C A/B Pas 320/300 840/710 720/810
characteristics including high strength, heat 130C: MDR T10/T90 s 23/52 27/69 38/65
resistance and electrical insulation. They also Density g/cm3 1.11 1.13 1.14
have excellent transparency, so they can be Hardness, Durometer A 42 52 62
easily colored with pigments, resulting in Tensile strength MPa 9.8 9.3 9.8
vividly colored mold products. Elongation at break % 655 538 470
2. Reduced processing times Tearing strength, Angle shape kN/m 35 44 47
Because liquid silicone rubber can be cured Compression set, 150C 70 h % 12 16 35
by means of addition reaction, the time Low-molecular-weight siloxane D3-D10 ppm 50 80 80
periods required for curing and molding can Curing conditions (Non post cure): 150C 15 min. (Not specified values)
be shortened. Table 2: Oil-bleed type
3. Improved productivity Product name KE-2017-30A/B KE-2017-40A/B KE-2017-50A/B
Molding can be executed at low injection
Viscosity (0.9S-1) at 23C A/B Pas 1840/1450 1800/1700 1700/1500
pressure and precision components can be
130C: MDR T10/T90 s 41/77 36/76 32/75
produced. High-quality molds can be realized
Density g/cm3 1.13 1.13 1.13
at good efficiency and with no contaminants.
Hardness, Durometer A 33 42 52
4. Automation of molding Tensile strength MPa 9.9 10.2 9.4
This material facilitates flashless and Elongation at break % 740 650 490
runnerless molding. It also allows molding Tearing strength, Angle shape kN/m 20 33 38
processes to be automated, since products Compression set, 150C 70 h % 16 18 18
can be easily demolded after curing. Low-molecular-weight siloxane D3-D10 ppm 100 80 80
Curing conditions (Non post cure): 150C 15 min. (Not specified values)

10 Silicone Materials for Automobiles

their performances greatly impact upon
reliability (Fig. 3). Figure 2: Comparisons of low-molecular-weight siloxane volumes based on solvent extraction method
Thanks to progress in car electronics,
demand for harnesses has trended upward.
Press cured

Low-molecular-weight siloxane volume (ppm)

At the same time, LIMS, which does not 150C 1 h
require secondary curing, is finding more 10000 200C 4 h
widespread use in harnesses so as to bolster
reliability and production efficiency. Listed in
Table 2 are oil-bleed type products used in

4. Self-adhesive LIMS

Self-adhesive LIMS materials, which do not 10

adhere to metal dies but only to plastic, can be

used with plastic to form integral molds.
Additionally, they allow molding at low KE-941-U KE-1950-40 KE-2017-40
pressure, so they can yield moldings in which (General purpose type) (General purpose LIMS material) (LIMS material of
resin deformations are minimized. What is minimal low-molecular-weight siloxane)

more, the level of precision in mold products

can be easily elevated.

5. Prospective Benefits
Figure 3: Points where harnesses are used

Because low-molecular-weight siloxane has

been minimized, metal dies will suffer much
less contamination during molding and they
will have to be cleaned far less frequently.
LIMS materials are eco-friendly, since the
volume of low-molecular-weight siloxane
produced by volatilization during curing is
minimal. What is more, fluctuations in
contraction rates during molding have been
reduced, making it possible to realize Waterproof connectors for harnesses
high-quality mold products.

Table 3: Self-adhesive LIMS materials Conclusion

Product name KE-2096-40A/B KE-2096-50A/B KE-2096-60A/B Eco-friendly products have been attracting
more and more attention recently. Against
Viscosity (0.9S-1) at 23C A/B Pas 540/620 610/840 550/800
this backdrop, great expectations have
130 C : MDR T10/T90 s 26/38 32/43 30/45
been put on LIMS materials because they
Density g/cm3 1.12 1.13 1.13
eliminate the need for disposal of waste
Hardness, Durometer A 36 50 61
materials and the need for removal of
Tensile strength MPa 8.2 8.5 8.7
low-molecular-weight siloxane through
Elongation at break % 670 470 430
secondary curing.
Curing conditions (Non post cure): 150C 5 min. (Not specified values)
LIMS materials can be expected to find
applications in a diverse array of fields.
Figure 4: Shearing adhesive strength on various materials (KE-2096-40A/B)
This is an edited version of the original article
released on Jan. 2008.
Shearing adhesive strength (MPa)


Silicone Materials for Automobiles 11

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