Automobiles e
Automobiles e
Automobiles e
for Automobiles
Silicone Fluids and Secondary Products for Automotive Applications P2
Introduction adding heat-resistance improvers to dimethyl tires wore out quickly and were therefore not
In recent years, automakers have taken silicone fluid. They are used as fan coupling practical. Later, KBE-846 was developed by
efforts to make safer vehicles that are more fluids and in other torque transmission researchers who realized that sulfide silane
comfortable and eco-friendly by adding car applications, and as a heating medium in could be used to improve the wear life of
navigation systems, sensors and other automobiles (Table 1). silica-compounded tires.
features, while making vehicles lighter and
more fuel-efficient. In this article, we will 1-3. Modifier for synthetic leather seat materials 1-6. Plastic & rubber modifiers
discuss some of the places where silicone Double end-capped carbinol-modified fluids Master pellets and acrylic silicone powders
fluids and their secondary products Single end-capped diol-modified fluids Silicone master pellets are plastics compounded
(emulsions, oil blends) are used. We will also Carbinol-modified siloxanes can be used to with highly polymerized siloxanes (30-50% by
discuss auto chemicals and subsidiary improve the slickness and texture of mass). Blended into plastics at roughly 0.1-2%
materials used in the manufacture of auto urethane-based synthetic leather seats. The concentration, they improve mold release
parts. double end-capped carbinol types (KF-6001, properties, which helps boost molding speed. In
KF-6002, KF-6003) improve cold resistance addition, the silicone gradually bleeds out to
1. In-vehicle materials and texture, while the single end-capped provide a sustained lubrication effect. Acrylic
1-1. Sensor fill materials, damper materials diol-modified types (X-22-176 series) silicone powders have good miscibility with PVC
KF-96 improve slickness. resin, EPDM and other synthetic resins. Also, the
For years, dimethyl silicone fluid (KF-96) has silicone component on the powder surface acts
been used as a gloss enhancer for automotive 1-4. Weather strip coating agent to improve tribological properties and provide
waxes, as a fill material in rubber dampers, X-32-1291 anti-blocking properties, anti-wear properties
and a damping medium in instrument meters. X-32-1291 is a solvent-based coating agent and reduce noise created when parts rub
Today, it is used in more wide-ranging for sponge type rubber weather strips. It together (Photos 1 & 2).
applications, as a fill material in sensors and helps prevent wear and reduces squeaks
a damping medium for auto seats. when windows are opened and closed. 2. Automotive chemicals,
other applications
1-2. Power transmission components 1-5. Modifier for tires and rubbers 2-1. Glass water repellents
(fan couplings, etc.) KBE-846 X-24-9418
KF-967, KF-9006 Tires compounded with silica are known to help The fluorosilicone water repellent X-24-9418
These heat-resistant silicone fluids have boost fuel economy and provide better grip on is fluorosilicone in an isopropyl alcohol
enhanced oxidation stability, achieved by wet roads. Unfortunately, silica-compounded solution. Used to treat various substrates, at
Table 1: Silicone fluids for fan couplings Photo 1: Electron micrograph of acrylic silicone powder
Weather strips
Fan couplings
Plastic modifiers
Rubber modifiers
Dampers Other
Tire & hose molding release agents
Metal part molding release agents
4. Curing Mechanisms can interfere with curing. To address this, in as little as one to three days.
There are four types of curing mechanisms Shin-Etsu developed dual-cure products
for silicone elastomers, each with distinctive based on a combination of platinum UV-cure products
characteristics (Table 5). addition/peroxide cure. These products cure rapidly through
irradiation with UV light.
Addition-cure products Condensation-cure products
Generally, the cure temperature is around These products cure by reacting with Conclusion
120C and cure time around one hour. moisture in the air so that, unlike with In the field of automotive components and
Recently, manufacturers are working to addition-cure products, heating devices are materials, there is steadily growing demand
develop products that cure more rapidly and unnecessary. These products are grouped for products that offer greater functionality
at lower temperatures. Virtually no according to the type of gas released in and environmental performance. Shin-Etsu is
byproducts are released during the curing minute quantities during the cure reaction. committed to ongoing development of
reaction. Acetone-cure (i.e. acetone is released) and materials to meet this demand, and we'd like
alcohol-cure types are used for electric and to hear from our customers regarding any
Dual-cure products electronic applications. Generally, curing ideas and requests they may have.
A drawback of addition-cure products is that tin, takes seven days, at 232C and 50% This is an edited version of the original article
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur compounds relative humidity, but some products cure released on Apr. 2007.
Figure 2: Figure 3:
Sample 2
Sample 3 X: organic functional group
Shear viscosity (Pas)
100 Silicone X
50 promoter
0 Y: hydrolyzable group
1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02
Shear speed (1/s)
Introduction applications. In light of this background, manifest pump out due to cold or heat shocks
At the same time that the automobile grows silicone thermal interface materials developed or other conditions. Consequently, this type
more and more sophisticated in performance, especially for automotive applications will be of grease has the disadvantage that its
extremely rapid progress is also being made introduced. thermal performance sometimes suddenly
in the electronification of automotive parts. becomes very poor. Nevertheless, given the
And as electronic devices become more 1. Silicone Thermal Interface product characteristics of this grease, it is
compact and more tightly integrated, the Materials extremely difficult to eliminate bleed out or
volumes of heat generated from them have Silicone thermal interface materials start with pump out phenomenon altogether.
risen dramatically. In consequence, materials a base of silicone polymer, which means they Nevertheless, this hurdle is being overcome
that provide outstanding thermal outperform other organic polymers in terms thanks to recent advances in research.
performance have come into strong demand. of heat and cold resistance, weatherability Let us consider an example. Table 2 presents
Automobiles are used in extreme and electrical properties. These special the results of pump out tests performed on
environments ranging from deserts to arctic silicone products excel in long-term reliability the very latest thermal conductive grease
regions, and are exposed to vibrations. It is and are thus used as thermal interface products to be developed and on conventional
imperative, therefore, that thermal interface materials in a wide array of applications. The predecessors. In the conventional products,
materials show durability against heat, cold products are available in sheet form and as as the number of heat cycles advances, pump
and vibrations. As a material that can satisfy paste compositions, and which is used will out and bleed out are slowly produced. In the
these requirements, silicone is ideal, and depend on the intended application (Table 1). very latest products, on the other hand, we
silicone thermal interface materials have see that there is absolutely no change in
proven to be highly reliable in automotive 2. Thermal Interface Grease configuration from the initial state. Newly
Initially, there were many developed grease that exhibits this property
Table 1: Properties and Applications of Silicone Thermal Interface Materials cases in which automakers does not require any additional heat
Property Type Applications used thermal conductive processing after it has been applied as a
Power transistor heat dissipation and insulation grease that can be applied in coating, and it demonstrates highly stabilized
Thermal conductive Power module heat dissipation and insulation mass-production methods performance. Another advantage of the latest
sheet Insulation and thermal conducting media based on automation. grease products is that in comparison to
Adhesive surface:
Thermal conductive silicone rubber of low hardness (gray)
Table 5: General Properties of TC-SP-1.7 Series Table 6: General Properties of Phase Change Material
Product name Test method TC-100SP-1.7 Product name PCS-LT-30
Parameter Parameter
External appearance, Color tone Gray/Reddish brown Color Gray
Thickness mm 1.0 Initial thickness m 120
Density g/cm3 JIS K 6249 2.32 Bond line thickness2, 3 m 28
Hardness1, Asker C 2 Density at 25C g/cm3 2.4
Thermal conductivity W/mK ASTM E 1530 1.7 Softening point4 C 48
Thermal resistance2 K/W Shin-Etsu measurement method 1.00 Thermal conductivity1 W/mK 3.0
Insulation breakdown voltage kV JIS K 6249 20 Thermal resistance1, 3 cm2K/W 0.11
Flame retardancy UL94 V-0 Sheet size mm 300 400
Standard sheet thickness mm 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 1 Measured by laser flash method. (Not specified values)
1 Measurements taken with 2 overlapping sheets of 6-mm sheet of low hardness. (Not specified values) 2 Measured by Micro gauge.
2 Model heater (TO-3P type, 7 cm2), applied power: 28 W/Load 29.4 kPa (300 gt/ cm2) 3 After 1 hour compression, 200 psi/100C.
4 Measured by Shin-Etsu method.
4. Self-adhesive LIMS
Self-adhesive LIMS materials, which do not 10
5. Prospective Benefits
Figure 3: Points where harnesses are used
Users are solely responsible for exporting or importing the The Devel opment an d Manufac ture of
silicone products described herein, and complying with all Sh i n - Et s u Si l i c o n e s a re b a s e d o n t h e
applicable laws, regulations, and rules relating to the use of following registered international quality
such products. Shin-Etsu recommends checking each pertinent and environmental management standards.
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