of model turbines
Kristoffer Rundhaug
Mechanical Engineering
Submission date: July 2014
Supervisor: Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, EPT
Co-supervisor: Torbjrn K. Nielsen, EPT
This master thesis has been written at the Waterpower Laboratory, Department of Energy
and Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
during the spring semester of 2014. The aim of this thesis was to come up with a new me-
chanical design of a Francis model runner.
I would like to thank my supervisor Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug for his guideance and support
during this semester.
A special thanks to the PhD. candidates Bjrn Winther Solemslie and Peter Joachim
Gogstad for great support and discussions. They have also been very helpful with knowl-
edge of the CAD program Creo Parametric and the MATLAB design program Khoj.
In addition I would like to thank the rest of the staff at the Waterpower Laboratory, and
especially Trygve Opland for helping me weld the test rig, and Brd Aslak Brandstr and
Joar Grilstad for helping with parts needed for the testing.
I would also like to thank Anders Flaten at Protolab AS for taking time to meet and discuss
designs and manufacturing methods.
And at last, I would like to thank all my fellow students at the Waterpower Laboratory for
all good discussions and the great working environment.
Kristoffer Rundhaug
The production of model Francis runner to be used in the Waterpower laboratory at NTNU
is a length and costly process. Due to the production cost there are years between each
time a new Francis model is bought. The Tokke Francis model at Waterpower laboratory,
was given from the industry after they had run model tests in the laboratory when design-
ing the Tokke prototype.
In order to give the students at the Waterpower laboratory an opportunity to design their
own turbines and test, the production cost must be significantly reduced. To be able to do
that, new designs need to be developed and new production method used.
The objective of this thesis is to carry out a new mechanical design of a Francis model
runner and evaluate different mechanical designs of guide vanes and stay vanes. The new
alternative designs were made with a combination of standard production methods and
material, and new plastic materials from rapid prototyping such as selective laser sintering
(SLS) and rapid CNC machining.
To carry out the new mechanical runner design, the MATLAB design software Khoj was
used. From Khoj two sets of streamlines were generated, one set for the sucction side and
one for the pressure side. Then the streamlines were imported into the CAD program PTC
Creo Parametric and a 3D-model of the design was made.
Two test pieces in a polyamide material was made using selective laser sintering. One of
the test pieces was tested for pull-out strength using some self tapping thread inserts, the
results showed that the pull-out strength was more than good enough. The threaded insert
could be used to attach the runner vanes to the hub and ring.
The main focus of this thesis has been the new mechanical design of a model runner and
runner vanes. The model design was not produced and tested in the laboratory due to lack
of time and money.
For gi studenter ved Vannkraftlaboratoriet mulighet til prve seg p lage egne turbinde-
sign og test, m produksjonskostnadene reduseres kraftig. For kutte kostnadene m nye
design utvikles og nye produksjonsmetoder m tas i bruk.
Denne masteroppgaven har som ml komme opp med et nytt mekanisk design av en Fran-
cis modellturbin, og evaluere forskjellige mekaniske design av ledeskovler og stagskovler.
Disse nye alternative designene var produsert med en kombinasjon av standard materi-
aler og produksjonsmetoder, og ved ta i bruk nye plastmaterialer og rapid prototyping
metoder som selective laser sintering (SLS) og rapid CNC maskinering.
For utvikle det nye mekaniske lpehjul designet, ble MATLAB design programmet Khoj
brukt. Fra Khoj ble to sett med strmningslinjer generert, et sett for trykksiden og et sett
for sugesiden av skovlen. Strmningslinjene ble s importert inn i CAD programmet PTC
Creo Parametric, hvor de ble brukt til lage en 3D-modell av skovlen og det nye designet.
To test klosser laget av polyamid ble laget ved hjelp av SLS printing. En av klossene ble
testet for hvor stor uttrykkskraft som skulle til for dra ut en selvskruende gjengehylse.
Resultatet viste at styrken var mer enn god nok til at hylsene kunne brukes til innfesting
av skovlene mot hub og ring.
Hovedfokuset i denne masteroppgaven har vrt det nye mekaniske lpehjul og skovl de-
signet. Det ble uheldigvis ikke tid til produser det nye lpehjulet med ny hub og ring, og
skovler i plast. Dette var p grunn av mangel p tid og penger.
Table of Contents
Preface iii
Abstract iv
Sammendrag v
Table of Contents ix
List of Tables xi
Abbreviations xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Theory 3
2.1 High head Francis turbine design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Main Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Energy Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.3 Simplified calculations on a high head Francis runner . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Guide vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 Hydraulic force acting on guide vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Stay ring and Stay vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 CAD-Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5 Design software - Khoj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Selective Laser Sintering - SLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.7 Rapid CNC Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.8 Materials used in prototype and model turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Mechanical turbine design 17
3.1 New mechanical design of model turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 Francis model runner design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.2 Guide vane design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1.3 Stay vane and stay ring design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4 Methode 27
4.1 How to design a Francis runner to be used in the laboratory . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.1 Turbine design in MATLAB program Khoj . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.2 Drawing of a Francis runner vane in Creo Parametric . . . . . . . 31
4.1.3 Drawing hub and ring in Creo Parametric . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5 Experiment 37
5.1 Material tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.1.1 Test 1: Pull-out strength test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.1.2 Test 2: Compression test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.1.3 Test 3: Torque test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 Results from material tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6 Discussion 41
6.1 The new runner and runner vane designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.2 The new guide vane and stay vane designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.3 Manufacturing methods and materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.4 Production of runner blades and model test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.5 FEM analysis of the new runner design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7 Conclusion 45
7.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8 Further Work 47
8.1 Further Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Bibliography 49
A Appendix A i
A.1 Guide vane calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
A.1.1 Hydraulic force on guide vane in closed position . . . . . . . . . ii
B Appendix B iii
B.1 Price offer from Protolab AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
B.1.1 Price on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
C Appendix C ix
C.1 Material properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
D Appendix D xiii
D.1 Drawings and documents from Tokke model turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
E Appendix E xix
E.1 Product informastion sheets for the fixing parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
List of Tables
List of Figures
4.8 Bondary Blend at leading edge and merging hub and ring . . . . . . . . . 32
4.9 Drawing of the hub and shroud sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.10 How to make a "slice" of the hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.11 Drawings of hub in Creo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.12 Finish hub from Design 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.13 Axial view of the ring sketch in Creo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.14 Finish ring from Design 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.1 Showing pull-out strength for Kerb Konus Ensat with different thread di-
ameter in different plastic materials [9]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B.1 Price offer for a full set of runner vanes to the Tokke model runner . . . . iv
B.2 Price offer for a couple of test vanes to the Tokke model runner . . . . . . v
B.3 Price offer for test piece in SLS material DuraForm HST . . . . . . . . . vi
B.4 Price offer for test pice in SLS material DuraForm PA . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Symbol Definition Unit
A Area [m2 ]
B Vane hight [m]
D Diameter [m]
F Force [N ]
g Gravity [m/s2 ]
H Head [m]
h Head [m]
IP Polar moment of inertia [m4 ]
Ix Moment of inertia [m4 ]
n Rotational speed [RP M ]
M Moment [m/s]
P Power [W ]
p Pressure [P a]
Q Flow rate [m3 /s]
q Load [N ]
R Radius [m]
r Radius [m]
T Torque [N m]
t Thickness [m]
U Peripheral velocity [m/s]
W Relative velocity [m/s]
Z Number of pole pairs, runner vanes, guide vanes [m/s]
Greek Symbols
Symbol Definition Unit
Guide vane angle [ ]
Blade angle [ ]
Efficiency [ ]
Density [kg/m3 ]
Speed number [ ]
! Angular velocity [rad/s]
Refers to best efficiency point
A Refers to available
atm Atmospheric pressure
e Refers to effective
g Refers to guide vane
h Refers to hydraulic
m Refers to meridional direction
max Refers to maximum value
min Refers to minimum value
P Refers to generator pole pairs
R Refers to required
r Refers to runner
sv Refers to stay vanes
u Refers to peripheral direction
va Vapor
0 Refers to
1 Refers to runner inlet
2 Refers to runner outlet
AM = Additive Manufacturing
BEP = Best Efficiency Point
CAD = Computer-Aided Design
CNC = Computer Numerical Control
FEM = Finite Element Methode
NPSH = Net Positive Suction Head
NTNU = Norwegian University of Sience and Technology
OS = Operating System
PA = Polyamide
PTC = Parametric Technology Corporation
RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
SLS = Selective Laser Sintering
VKL = Vannkraftlaboratoriet (Waterpower Laboratory)
Chapter 1
In Norway about 99% of all the electricity production is coming from hydropower. There
are power plants all over the country, and a lot of them are built back in the 60s and 70s,
the need for upgrading and replacing of old turbines is coming. The low electricity prices
in Norway have made it hard for the energy producers to conduct new profitable develop-
ment projects and larger maintenance project on old power plant. In order to keep the cost
down, better and cheaper technologies and manufacturing methods need to be developed.
To be able to do that a lot of research needs to be done.
When new development projects and larger maintenance projects are being conducted, a
model turbine is often manufacture and model tests are conducted to find the best design
for the prototype runner. Sometimes the industry uses the Waterpower laboratory at NTNU
to run their model tests, and if they do not need the model afterwards they are giving it to
NTNU. The Tokke model runner was given to NTNU from the industry.
1.1 Objectives
The main objectives for this thesis is come up with new mechanical designs of Francis
model runners, guide vanes and stay vanes. The new designs should combined parts made
by traditional manufacturing methods and new methods like rapid prototyping.
1.2 Background
Turbines and pumps consist of complex geometries that are expensive to manufacture. The
production of model Francis turbines to be used in the Waterpower laboratory at NTNU
is a lengthy and costly process. The arrival of rapid prototyping opens for new designs of
pumps and turbine.
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Tokke model turbine and prototype have been the basis for the development of the
new mechanical Francis model turbine design. The Tokke model test report with all the
results from tests and drawings of the Francis model runner in the Waterpower laboratory,
have been very helpful.
If the students at the Waterpower laboratory could have design their own turbine and test
it in the laboratory, it would have been very educational for the student. But to be able to
do that the manufacturing cost need to be significantly reduced.
Chapter 2
Francis runners are reaction turbines and there is a pressure difference from inlet to the
outlet of the runner. At the runner inlet part of the specific energy is pressure energy. From
the flow trough the runner the spcific energy is converted to mechanical energy partly
from drop in pressure and partly from the impulse force due to changes in direction of the
relative velocity. The turbine has to be compleatly filled with water to obatain the pressure
drop through the runner and Francis turnbines are therefore also known as full turbines.[2].
Chapter 2. Theory
High head Francis turbines have an increasing difference betwen the inlet diameter and the
outlet diameterfor for increasing net head.
2.1 High head Francis turbine design
U2 60
n= [RP M ] (2.6)
The number pole pairs in the generator, ZP , depends on the rotational speed, n, and the
grid freqaency, fgrid . In Norway the grid frequency is 50Hz and the number of pole pairs
is found by using equation 2.7.
fgrid 60
ZP = [ ] (2.7)
There are requirements that the turbine need to have a synchronous rotational speed to be
attached to a gridd with constant frequency, and therefor the number of pole pairs,ZP , has
to be an integer. In order to get synchronous speed, the value of ZP has to be round up or
down. From the new ZP the new corrected synchronous speed, nCorr , is calculated. To
keep the outlet blade angle, 2 , for this geomtry, a new corrected outlet diameter, D2,Corr ,
is calculated from the synchronous speed [2].
Keeping flow rate,Q, and outlet angle, 2 the same and CU2 = 0 the new corrected and
the old velocity triangle at the outlet will have geometric similarity, see figure 2.3.
Chapter 2. Theory
4Q 4Q
Cm2 Cm2,Corr D22
tan 2 = = = nD2
= nCor D2,Corr
[ ] (2.8)
U2 U2,Corr 60 60
Rearranging the equation 2.8 giving:
nCorr DCorr = nD23 (2.9)
Now the new corrected outlet diameter, D2,Corr , can be calculated using equation 2.10.
D2,Corr = [m]
When designing high head Francis turbines the level of submergence need to be calculated.
If the turbine is not sufficiently submerged cavitation may occure. To avoid cavitation
the water pressure in the runner need to be higher than the vapor pressure. The level of
submergence is expressed as Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH), and is found by using the
equation 2.11.
Cm2 U2
N P SHR = a +b 2 [m] (2.11)
2g 2g
The parameters a and b are depending on the speed number, , and based on empirical
data they are found in the interval [2]:
2.1 High head Francis turbine design
The speed number,, are an dimensionless number that is an expression for the rotational
speed at a given head at BEP, and it can be found from the equation 2.14:
=! Q [ ] (2.14)
NPSH are dependent of the runner geometry and need to fulfill the following requierment
to avoid cavitation:
When is found, the level of submergence is calculated using the equation 2.16.
Hs < 10 He (2.16)
If the turbine not is sufficient submerged and there is not possible to move the turbine,
then it is necessary reduce the rotational speed, n. Reducing n will need a generator with
a larger numer of pole paris, ZP , and due to that the size of the runner will increase.
Chapter 2. Theory
U1 Cu1 U2 Cu2
h = [ ] (2.17)
By introducing the reduced values and rearranging the equation 2.17, assuming BEP and
no rotation in the outlet, Cu2 = 0, the Euler equation is reduced to:
h = 2U 1 C u1 [ ] (2.18)
The hydraulic efficiency, h , is normaly set to h = 0.96. The relation between U1 and
Cu1 are choosen to minimize losses by precussion. For high head Francis runner the re-
duced peripheral velocity, U1 in the range 0.71 0.73 will meet the requirement. The
equation 2.18 is used to find Cu1 and then the equation 2.19 is used to find U1 [2].
U1 = U1 2 g He [m/s] (2.19)
Now the inlet diameter can be found using equation 2.20:
2U 1 U1 60
D1 = = [m] (2.20)
! n
Using the velocity triangle (see figure 2.2) for the inlet, an expression for the inlet angle,
1 , can be found.
tan 1 = [ ] (2.21)
U1 Cu1
In order to calculate the inlet angle, 1, Cm1 need to be found. Using the continuity
equation is giving:
1.1 D2 2
B1 = [m] (2.24)
4 D1
2.1 High head Francis turbine design
There is two ways to calculate the distribution, one way is to choose the U Cu distribution,
and calculate the distribution. The other way is to choose and then calculate U Cu
[8]. The calculations are done using the equation 2.25.
= arctan [ ] (2.25)
U1 Cu1
For high head Francis turbines, it is desirable to utilize most of the energy at a relatively
large diameters. The blades are thickest at the leading edge to withstand the high tensions
due to the large pressure differens. The blades becomes thinner towards the trailing edge
due to lower pressuer differences and less tension. Avoiding a larege slip angle is desirable
to reduce the risk for cavitation. For a good blade design, the Cu component in one point
along a streamline should never be lager than the U component [5].
Figure 2.5: The figure are showing U Cu blade loading from inlet to outlet [12].
Chapter 2. Theory
In high head Francis runners most of the torque are transmitted to the hub at reltively
large diameters. For simplifying the calculations it is assumed that the whole torque is
transformed outside RT , see figure 2.6.
R 1 + RT
Rm = , and a = R1 RT [m] (2.26)
The load, p, can be calculated from the equation 2.27, by assuming the torque, Mr , is
uniformly distributed on the runners inlet part, from RT to the inlet.
Mr = Z a b Rm p= [N m] (2.27)
2.1 High head Francis turbine design
Assuming that the pressure load, p, is uniformly distributed over a vane gives:
P 30 P
p= = [P a] (2.28)
Z a b Rm ! Z a b Rm n
The load, q, over an radiell extension, r, on the vane:
q= p r [N/m] (2.29)
From a simplified method for calculating bending stress it can be assumed that the stiffnes
of the hub and ring are very large compared to the vane. Assuming this the bending stress
can be calculated using the formulas for a beam that is fixed at one end, see figure 2.8. The
equation for the torque is then:
M =q [N m] (2.30)
6M 2 b2 p
= 2
= [P a] (2.32)
rt t2
This equation can be used to roughly give an approximation of the stresses in the runner.
Chapter 2. Theory
To minimize the pressure pulsation due to the blade pasing frequence, the number of guide
vanes has to be choosen according to the equation 2.33 [8]
N umber of Guide vanes
6= Integer (2.33)
N umber of Runner V anes
The Francis model test rig on the Waterpowerlaboratory at NTNU has 28 guide vanes.
IP = [m4 ] (2.36)
The maximum shear stress, max , due to torque can then be found:
max = max = r [P a] (2.37)
2.3 Stay ring and Stay vanes
The stress in the transition between the shaft and the guide vane blade could be controlled
by doing som estimate calculations :
M r
b = [P a] (2.38)
The bending moment at the transition between the guide vane blade and the shaft can set
g H0 B 0 2 D 0
M= [N m] (2.39)
8 z0
The lages pricipal stress can be calculated by:
b b
max = + 2 [P a] (2.40)
2 4
2.4 CAD-Tool
During this thesis the CAD program PTC Creo Parametric 2.0 has been used to draw all
the different designs of the runner vanes, guide vanes and stay vanes. The program is made
by the computer softwear company Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC), which has
specializing in 2D and 3D design software. The program PTC Creo was earlier known as
Pro/Engineer. Creo Parametric runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems (OS) [13].
Chapter 2. Theory
Laser sintering or selective laser sintering are terms that are used for printers that process
plastic materials. There are many different material types from flexible "rubber like" ma-
terials to strong composite plastics. The types of materials vary from printer manufacture.
The production method is commercialised by the U.S. company 3D Systems Inc. and the
German company EOS GmbH.
Figure 2.9: Laser sintering and laser melting; contouring and recoating process [7, p.41]
The technologies used in the machines from the two manufacturers are almost the same.
The machines consist of a build chamber that is filled with powder with grain size smaller
than 50m and a laser unit on top that melts the contour of each layer in the X- and Y-
direction. The build chamber is designed as a piston that can be adjusted in the Z-direction
and after solidification of the contour of one layer the piston is moved down by one leyer
thickness. The space on the top of the powder is then filled with new powder that is ejected
from a feed chamber by a roller. To spread the powder uniformly the roller rotates counter
clockwise to its linear movement and the procedure of loading a new layer is often called
recoating. An illustration of the process can be seen in figure 2.9. To minimise the power
consumption of the laser and to avoid oxidation the build chamber is preheated and flooded
by a shielding gas [7, p.40-42].
The layer thickness in SLS printers are normally around 0.1mm and therefore post-processing
can be necessary to achieve a good surface quality. Sanding, coating or spray painting can
do this. In Appendix C see figure C.1 a material data sheet for SLS material delivered by
2.6 Selective Laser Sintering - SLS
Chapter 2. Theory
Protolab AS are using Arrk Europe Ltd as their manufacturer of prototypes. Arrk have their
rapid CNC machines facilities in UK and the Far East. Arrk offers a range of machines
with 5 and 3 axis capability and a wide range of standard materials [11].
In large high head prototype turbines the guide vanes and runner with labyrinth sealing are
made of stainless steel, often steel grades such as 13Cr4N i and 16Cr5N i. These parts
can be exposed cavitation and erosion due to water flow with high velocity and therefore
high quality steel is used [3].
In the Francis turbine rig on the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU the runner hub and ring
are made of Bronze JM-7 and runner vanes are made of Bronze JM-3. The guide vanes are
made of stainless steel SIS 2343 and the stay vanes are made of aluminum EN-AW 6082
The Bronze JM-7 alloy used in the model runner consist of 80% copper, 10% aluminum,
5% iron and 5% nickel. The Bronze JM-3 alloy used in the runner vanes is a mixture of
88% copper and 12% tin. The JM-3 alloy is a bit softer than the JM-7 and is therefore also
used in the upper- and lower labyrinth sealing.
Chapter 3
Mechanical turbine design
Chapter 3. Mechanical turbine design
To attach the parts together there were two alternatives; the first one is to produce the run-
ner vanes with the existing holes a bit smaller and use self-tapping screws to attach it to
the hub and ring. The second alternative is to make the holes bigger to insert self-tapping
threaded inserts with internal M5 threads and use the existing M5 bolts to attach it to hub
and ring.
The prototype company Protolab As in Trondheim was contacted to get a price estimate
for manufacturing of all the 30 runner vanes. A price offer for manufacturing a couple of
test vanes was also given. The price was given for SLS printing and using the PA plastic
material DuraForm HST. The price offers can be seen in the figures B.1 and B.2 in the
Appendix B.
3.1 New mechanical design of model turbines
To hold the parts there will be a through bolt at the leading edge of the vanes and through
the hub and ring. This will provide a good strength to hold the parts together. To attach the
vanes to the hub and ring, it will be used glue and some small pins may be used to avoid
Chapter 3. Mechanical turbine design
To hold the parts together there will be used glue along the blades and in the grooves. In
this case it would be enough to use pins on just a couple of vanes to avoid slippage because
they are supporting each other.
3.1 New mechanical design of model turbines
To keep the runner together there are threaded rods at the leading edge with a threaded
insert at the hub and ring side. The threaded inserts are screwed inside the hub and ring
sections of the runner vanes, and they are mounted with a fixed distance between each
other to keep a constant inlet height. At the ends of the threaded rods there are M5 nuts to
tightening together the hub and ring, see figure 3.6.
Chapter 3. Mechanical turbine design
Figure 3.6: This figure show how the runner vanes in Design 4 will be attached to the hub and ring.
For this design a new blade shape was made. The new shape was designed by setting the
U Cu energy distributions to a linear distribution, where the energy is equally distributed
along the blade. This was to get a unstable runner and try to provoke some vibrations [4].
The energy distribution can be seen in figure 3.7.
Figure 3.7: This figure showes the U Cu energy distribution in design 4, the figure is from Khoj.
3.1 New mechanical design of model turbines
(a) Guide vane parts Design 1 (b) The whole guide vane
Chapter 3. Mechanical turbine design
(a) Guide vane parts Design 2 (b) The whole guide vane
3.1 New mechanical design of model turbines
(a) Stay vane Design 1 (b) Turbine with guide vanes and stay vanes
Chapter 3. Mechanical turbine design
Chapter 4
This section describes how the model turbine in in Design 4 can be drawn.
Chapter 4. Methode
Main Dimensions
In the graphical view of the Main Dimension tab the main dimension of the turbine is
inserted, see figure 4.1. Here the values for Head, H, Flow, Q, number of pole pair in
generator, Zp , outlet diameter, D2 , inlet height, B1 and reduced inlet peripheral velocity,
U1 is submitted. The reduced inlet peripheral velocity is changed by sliding the bar, see
figure 4.1. The velocity triangles for inlet and outlet is shown in Main Dimensions and
they are changing by changing values.
Axial View
In the graphical view of the Axial View tab the axial view of the streamlines are shown.
Here the number of streamlines is chosen, the height difference from the leading edge to
the trailing edge is set, b. There is four control points with X and Y coordinates to adjust
the shroud line data, and four points to adjust the trailing edge. Thes point can be changed
by typing in the X and Y values for the points or by moving the points around, see figure
4.2. There are also two tab for resetting changes on the trailing edge or the shroud line. If
the streamlines will be used to make a 3D-model the number of lines should be less than
ten to get a smooth surface of the runner vanes.
4.1 How to design a Francis runner to be used in the laboratory
In the graphical view of the Distributions tab the energy distributions on the runner vane
is shown. There is possible to choose between U Cu distribution and Beta, distribution.
The distributions can be changed by moving the three points around, see figure 4.3.
In this case the U Cu distribution was chosen and the distribution line was set to be an
almost linear line, see figure 4.3. This was to get a model with runner vanes that may
create vibrations. The distribution shown is from the Francis runner vane: Design 4.
Radial View
In the graphical view of the Radial View tab the blade leaning is set by moving three points
on the graph up in the left corner. The number of runner blades is chosen by typing in the
number up in the right corner, see figure 4.4. A radial view of the blade is also shown and
it is possible to change what the figures on the right side are showing by choosing on the
drop menu Colormap an blades.
In this case the number of blades was set to 17, the same as the Tokke prototype runner.
The blade leaning was set to zero degrees to be able to have through bolts at the leading
Chapter 4. Methode
Blade Thickness
In the graphical view of the Blade Thickness tab the blade thickness at leading edge and
trailing edge are set, and the shape of the leading edge geometry are chosen.
In the last tab Summary an table with overview of all the velocity components, character-
istic parameters and the turbine dimensions are shown, see figure 4.6.
In the GUI in Khoj there is also a tabs for the Labyrinths, the Guide Vanes and one for the
Runner Cascade. In this case nothing were changed in these tabs because the guide vane
profile from Khoj are not the same type as the one on the Francis test rig at the Waterpower
Laboratory. The only thing used from Khoj is the shape of the runner blade.
4.1 How to design a Francis runner to be used in the laboratory
1. Import the following curve files from Khoj; bladess.ibl and bladeps.ibl. This files
contains a set of streamlines for the pressure- and the suction side of the runner vane.
See figure 4.7a
(a) Streamlines imported from Khoj (b) Boundary Blend between the streamlines
Figure 4.7: Making a quilt using streamlines from Khoj and Boundary Blend
2. If the streamlines is not oriented the way that is desired, a new coordinate system
can be made. This is done by using the function Coordinate System, then select the
existing coordinate system as References just by click on it in the left menu. Now
the new Coordinate System can be oriented by selecting the Orientation tab and then
rotate it about one of the coordinate axis. In this thesis the runner vanes is drawn in
a Coordinate System that is rotated 90 about the X-axis.
3. Use Boundary Blend between the curves from bladesps.ibl to make a quilt at the
pressure side see figure 4.7b, repeat for the suction side. (If the thickness of the
vane is wants to be changed, it can be done by Offset the two quilts).
4. Select the leading edge on the suction side and use the function Extend and remove
3 r. Repeat the procedure on the pressure side and remove 1 r.
5. Create the leading edge by using Boundary Blend between the pressure- and the
suction side. Select Constrains and set Conditions to Tangent and set the stretch
Value to 3 for suction side and 1 for the pressure side see figure 4.8a.
6. Use Boundary Blend the edges of the pressure- and suction side at the trailing edge.
7. Select the suction side edge and use Extend to remove 23 of the thickness towards
the pressure side. Then select the quilt edge on the suction side and use Extend to
remove 3sin30
thickness. Then use Boundary Blend to close the gap.
Chapter 4. Methode
Figure 4.8: Bondary Blend at leading edge and merging hub and ring
(a) Drawing of the hub section (b) Drawing of the shroud section
4.1 How to design a Francis runner to be used in the laboratory
13. Select the last Merge and use Solidify to make the runner vane a solid part.
14. Then start a Sketch in the Front Plane and draw the hub section of the runner vanes,
see figure 4.9a. When the sketch is finish use Revolve, and revolve the section around
the center axis.
15. To make the ring section start a Sketch in the Left Plane and draw the section, see
figure 4.9b. Then repeat the same procedure as for the hub section.
16. Make a Plane and Offset it 300mm up from the Top Plane. Start a sketch in the
new Plane and use Project on the outer edge of the hub and the edges on hub side
of the runner vane. Then use Construction Mode and make a Line along the center
of the vane. Then use the function Rotate Resize and rotate the centerline 360 32 in
each direction. Connect these two lines with the outer edge of the hub by using Line
and make a tangent from the line edges to the hub line. Close the lines like figure
4.10a and exit the Sketch. Select Extrude and use the tab Remove Material. Select
Extrude to intersect with selected surface and select the inner surface of the hub.
This section is now a "slice" that is 17
of the hub, see figure 4.10b. Make new Plane
300mm Offset from the Top Plane in the opposite direction and repeat the procedure
for the ring side.
(a) Section cut through the hub (b) Finish "Slice" on the hub side
17. Now the runner vane ("slice") is completed. Then make the holes for attachment,
the holes are made in the center of each ledges. The three holes on the top of the
vane for Ensats insert have a diameter from 7.3-7.5mm, see data sheet for Ensats
figure E.1 in appendix E. At the trailing edge side of the ring sectin ther is a hole for
DIN 7 pin 4mm, and ther three other holes on ring side er the same at for the hub
section. At the leading edge there is a 5mm hole through for the M5 threaded rod.
Chapter 4. Methode
2. The next is make the keyway by starting a Sketch on the top of the hub and draw the
keyway, see figure 4.11b. Then exit the sketch and Extrude a cut all the way trough
the hub.
3. The holes for attachment are made by using the same distances from the center axis
that was used for the runner vanes. The holes for bolts are made with countersink
for the bolt head. When the holes for one vane are made, Geometry Pattern are used
and an pattern of 17 for all the vanes are made 360 around the center axis.
(a) View of hub seen from above (b) View of hub seen from below
4.1 How to design a Francis runner to be used in the laboratory
1. The ring are made the same way as the hub, the ring section of the runner vanes
needed to be removed from the ring, see figure 4.13. All the rest are made the same
way as the hub.
(a) View of ring seen from above (b) View of the ring seen from below
Chapter 4. Methode
Chapter 5
To find out if the polyamide (PA) material DuraForm HST-SLS from Arrk Europe Ltd. has
good enough strength to hold the runner hub and ring together with Ensat threaded inserts,
pins and M5 bolts, some test need to be done. Two test pieces were drawn in Creo and
then ordered from Protolab As to test the strength of the material. The two pieces were
produced by SLS printing and one of them was sprayed with some coating to show how a
smoother surface could be achieved, the test pieces are shown in figure 5.1.
(a) The test piece for pull-out (b) The test piece for the compres-
strength and torque testing sion test
Chapter 5. Experiment
To be able to test the SLS material piece with the Kerb Konus Ensat S self-tapping threaded
inserts a test rig was made. The test rig was made of a square beam that was approximate
550-650mm long. At the end of the beam a square plate was welded to hold the test piece,
and in the center of the plate a 18mm hole was drilled. At the opposite end a threaded rod
was bent into a hoop and welded to the beam to be able to hang it up in a pulley. On one
side of the beam a square hole was cut to be able to place the test piece into the rig. The
test rig can be seen in figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2: The test rig used for pull-out strength testing.
To be able to load weight on the test rig was hung up in a pulley, and a M8 nut was welded
to a M5 bolt, then a M8 eyebolt was screwed into the nut and fasten to the test piece. In the
eyebolt a shackle was attached and the weight "disc" for the generator torque calibration
was used to load weights, see figure 5.2.
5.1 Material tests
Figure 5.3: The figure are showing a 4mm pin attached to the test piece and with the Ensat S
Chapter 5. Experiment
When testing the pull-out strength it started with the thread inserts in 7.5mm holes, then
the 7.4mm holes. For the two 7.5mm holes and the first of the 7.4mm holes, 160 kg was
loaded onto the disc before the Ensat S inserts were pulled out. For the next 7.4mm hole
all the calibration weights was used (about 230kg) and it was still not enough to pull it out.
To gain more weight scrap metal were weighed and used as weights, after loading all the
scrap metal that it was room for, the total weight was up in about 330kg, see figure 5.4a.
(a) Loading with scrap metal to (b) Using a crane weight to meas-
gain weight sure the load
After all the metal scrap was used, a new method had to be used. Then a crane weight
was borrowed on the Thermal Energy workshop, the crane weight had a limit of 500kg.
The limit was reached without problem. After that there was not found any measuring
equipment with a higher limit, therefore the maximum pull-out force was not found. The
two 7.3mm holes was either not tested, and they would probably withstand even more than
the 7.4mm hole.
Chapter 6
The second alternative with new hub and ring in bronze and runner vanes in plastic. This
alternative has a trough bolt at the inlet, glue along the blades and pins to hold the parts
together and lock it in place. The third alternative is almost the same as the second one,
only with a groove around hub and ring, and a section of the hub and ring on the runner
vanes. This sections will prevent slippage and give better support for the vanes since the
vanes are supporting each other. Both design 2 and 3 may become unstable due to poor
attachment, with only proper mounting at the leading edge, this would probably not be
enough keep the runner firmly in place.
The last alternative considered is the Design 4 where the runner vanes have a section of the
hub and ring. This alternative with the large sections is having a lot of possibilities when it
comes to fixing. With all the fixings, it should be enough to keep the runner in place. The
disadvantages with this are that the volume of the vanes is quiet large, and that increases
the production cost, espcially with SLS printing.
Chapter 6. Discussion
With the design 4 the hub and ring could be used for different design just by replacing the
slices. It may be necessary to replace some of the holes to attach all the parts together.
This way a new model runner with different vanes could be made only by changing the
design of the vanes and make it fit the hub and ring.
The blade shape in design where the U Cu energy distribution was set to be almost linear
from inlet to outlet. This was made provoke some vibrations in the runner. The relative
velocity, W , at the hub side was going up and down through the runner, and close to the
trailing edge the velocity increases up 1.4 times the inlet velocity. On the center of the
blade the relative velocity is almost constant the first 34 of the blade length and the 14 of
the blade the velocity increases to over 2 times the inlet velocity. At the shroud side of the
blade the velocity is constant the first half og the length and increases to almost 3 times
the inlet velocity over the second half of the blade. For a blade that is designed good, the
Cu component should never be larger than the U component, at the hub side of this design
the Cu component is larger than U along the whole blade.
The firs guide vane alternative was the one with a "disc" and pins and where the guide
vane shaft and tap are glued to the guide vane blades. With this alternative all the forces
and torque would be absorbed in the transition between shaft and the blade, and this is the
weakest point.
The second guide vane with connection between shaft and blade almost like a keyhole. In
this design the blade in would absorb all the forces and bending moment from the water
pressure and the transition between shaft and blade only need to withstand the torque.
The during the Tokke model test at the Waterpower laboratory most of the tests was run
with head, H = 30 m, and rotational speed, n = 540 RP M . According to the test
results the maximum torque on the guide vanes was at approximate 1 opening and then
the torque was just over 4 N m, see figure D.3 in appendix D. According to some simple
calculations done, the torque in closed position is about 15Nm and the bending stress was
calculated to about 38MP. Due to this the new guide vane design at least need to withstand
15Nm torque. The calculations could be seen in Appendix A.
The new stay vane design where plastic vanes and trough bolts are replacing the aluminum
vanes welded to the spiral casing would probably not be economically profitable. That is
because the shape of the stay vanes are not that complex and there are probably small
differences from making the vanes of plastic by rapid prototyping, or standard material
and production method.
6.3 Manufacturing methods and materials
Using SLS gives possibilities for more complex designs and with internal structures, such
as channels for wiring and grooves for sensors. One of the disadvantages with SLS is that
tolerance is not that good. When ordering SLS printed parts from Protolab AS and Arrk
Europe there are four different plastic materials to choose between, see figure 2.9.
When using rapid CNC machining the quantity has a grate influence on the manufacturing
price. If there is a production series of only a couple of parts the rapid CNC machining
can not compete with SLS printing when it comes to price., but when there are larger se-
ries and large volume the CNC may be the cheapest method [6]. CNC machining from
Arrk Europe gives a lot of different materials to choose from, there are over 35 standard
materials and if thats is not enough other materials can be ordered [11].
Most of plastic materials used in rapid prototype machines could absorb a small amount
of water, even if it are just 0.05% that could be enough to change the distance between
the hub and ring with a tenths of a millimeter. The tolerance is so fine that this could
be enough to make the labyrinth sealing and runner to touch and loose efficiency due to
friction, and therefore is it important to have a design where the vanes not are able to move.
Figure 6.1: Showing pull-out strength for Kerb Konus Ensat with different thread diameter in dif-
ferent plastic materials [9].
Chapter 6. Discussion
When testing the SLS material and threaded inserts for pull-out force, there was some
quiet large differences in the force for the same hole diameter. That could be due to not
a perfect mounting of the inserts or because of roughness in the holes. According to the
manufacturer the threaded insert Ensat with M5 internal threads should hold a pull-out
force of approximate 10kN in PA plastic, see figure 6.1. That may be correct, because the
Ensat in the 7.4mm was loaded with 500kg without giving any sign of giving in.
Chapter 7
7.1 Conclusion
It is possible to reduce the production time and cost of production of Francis model tur-
bines, by combining new and old production methods.
Comparing the four different designs of the Francis runner vanes, the Design 4 is the best
alternative both when it comes to strength and possibilities to change the design. The quiet
large section of each vane gives better fixing opportunities and is more stable the other.
The guide vane Design 2 are the best alternative because in this design the vane with
the "discs" is one solid part, and are absorbing all the bending moment from the water
pressure. The connections between the vane, the guide vane shaft and tap only need to
withstand the torque. That should not be any problem, but the connections could be rein-
forced with some steel bushings.
To change the stay vane design, and replace the vanes with someone made of plastic with
trough bolt would probably not be a very good solution, that is because the production cost
probably will be higher than for a regular method. It is also a risk of leakage under and
over the vanes.
When it comes to manufacturing methods Selective laser sintering (SLS) would be the best
method for producing the runner vanes, especially when the geometries are complex, that
is because the support from the unsintered powder surrounding the part during build. If
the runner vanes are designed with channels for wiring inside the blades and grooves for
sensor, SLS printing is the only method. All parts with requirement to tolerance produced
by SLS printing, need to be coated to get a smooth surface finish. The CNC machining
are giving a smoother surface finish, so if the production cost is lower for CNC than SLS,
then CNC should be used.
Chapter 7. Conclusion
The runner vanes are produce with SLS printing or CNC and guide vanes and stay vanes
are manufactured by CNC machining as long as they are not designed with slots for sen-
sors or channels for wiring, then they are also SLS printed.
The hub and ring will be produced with standard CNC milling by a Norwegian mechanical
workshop. These parts should be produced in bronze-JM7, the same material as the Tokke
model runner hub and ring are made of.
If the Kerb Konus self-tapping threaded inserts are used to attach the runner vanes to the
hub and ring, they must be properly installed. If they are not properly installed, they may
not withstand the pull-out force needed, and therefore proper installation tools should be
Chapter 8
Further Work
Continue the runner design process and do the changes needed before the runner vanes are
redy to be manufactured. Manufacture the runner vanes, new hub and ring. Assemble the
parts and run some model test in the rig at the Waterpower laboratory at NTNU.
Another possibility for further work could be to design a runner vane for testing with strain
gage. It could be designed with a channel for wiring inside the blade and up through the
hub. The vane could be designed with a groove for the strain gage so it not disrupts the
flow. Just to test this method a runner vane for existing Tokke model runner could be made
in plastic with channel for the wiring and replace one of the bronze vane.
As a start just to test the guide vane design, just a couple of existing guide vanes could be
replaced with the new design. To control the new guide vanes a channel for wiring and a
groove for strain gage could be added in the 3D-model before production.
Use the two test pieces and do the torque test and the compression test, described in the
Experiment chapter. This is to find out if the fixing and material are strong enough.
As further work different plastic material could be analysed to see if there is some ma-
terials that are scalable compare to the different stainless steel grades used in prototype
Chapter 8. Further Work
[8] Kristine Gjster. Hydraulic design of francis turbine exposed to sediment erosion.
Masters thesis, NTNU, Spring 2011.
[9] Kerb Konus GmbH. Kerb konuss webpage. http://www.kerbkonus.de/,
[10] Peter Joachim Gogstad. Hydraulic design of francis turbine exposed to sediment
erosion. Masters thesis, NTNU, Fall 2011.
[11] Arrk Europe Ltd. Arrk europes webpage. http://www.arrkeurope.com/,
[12] Torbjrn K. Nielsen. TEP4195 Turbomachinery, Lecture, Spring 2013.
Appendix A
Appendix A
A.1.1 Hydraulic force on guide vane in closed position
Some of the values used in the calculations are taken from the 3D model in Creo; B0 =
0.05938[m], a0 = 0.01015[m], l = 0.07921[m], D0 = 0.70595[m], d = 0.014/0.020, .
The total force on each vane:
d4 0.0144
IP = = = 3.77 10 9 [m4 ] (A.3)
32 32
The maximum shear stress, max , due to torque is then found:
T0 14.05 0.007
max = max = r = = 26.08 [M P a] (A.4)
IP 3.77 10 9
Bending moment:
d4 0.0144 9
IP = = = 1.89 10 [m4 ] (A.6)
64 64
Bending stress:
M r 10.3 0.007
b = = = 38.15 [M P a] (A.7)
IX 1.89 10 9
The lages pricipal stress is then calculated by:
r r
2 38.15 38.152
b b
max = + 2 = + + 26.082 = 51.4 [M P a] (A.8)
2 4 2 4
Appendix B
Appendix B
B.1.1 Price on
Figure B.1: Price offer for a full set of runner vanes to the Tokke model runner
Figure B.2: Price offer for a couple of test vanes to the Tokke model runner
Figure B.3: Price offer for test piece in SLS material DuraForm HST
Figure B.4: Price offer for test pice in SLS material DuraForm PA
Appendix C
Appendix C
Rapid CNC Machining
ARRK are able to oer customers a
wide range of CNC machining op ons
from our new rapid CNC centre at
Gloucester, plus larger volumes
manufactured out of ARRK facili es
in the Far East.
ARRK are able to cut from a wide range of plas cs and metals, from
standard materials to the more unusual.
Out standard range includes:
Material Trade Name
ABS Tecaran
Acetal Tecaran
Acrylic Tecaform AH
Cast Nylon Tecast
Delrin Tecanyl
Nylon 6 Tecamid 6
Nylon 66 Tecamind 66
Nylon 12 Tecamid 12
Peek Tecapeek
Petg Petg
Polycarbonate Tecanat
Polyester Tecapet
Polyethersulpone Tecason E
Polyphenylenesulphone Tecason P
Polyethylene Tecane PE
Uhmw PE Tecane PE10
Polyimide Tecasint
Polypropylene Tecane PP
Polysulphone Tecason S
PPS Tecastron
PVC Tecavinyl
Tufnol Tufnol
Ultem Tecapei
AL/AL Plate 6082
AL/AL Plate 5083
AL/AL Plate 7075
Brass Plate
Brass Bar
Copper Plate
Why use ARRKs CNC Service
Copper Bar
Zinc Plate
Mild Steel Plate Speed of delivery
Stainless Steel Plate 304/316 Sheared Huge capacity
Stainless Steel Plate 304/316 Plasma We can start your project quickly
Stainless Steel Plate 304/316 Sawn
Great part quality
Wide range of material options
Vast experience
Models that are simply stunning
Highly competitive service and rates
Figure D.1: Axial view of the Tokke model runner
Figure D.2: Drawing of the guide vane
Figure D.3: Guide vane torque for VKL-runner [1]
Figure D.4: Drawing of the stay vane shapes
Figure D.5: Drawing of the stay ring
Appendix E
Appendix E
Figure E.1: Product info about Kerb Konus threaded inserts Ensat S
Figure E.2: Product info about Kerb Konus threaded inserts Ensat SK
Figure E.3: Product info about Kerb Konus threaded inserts Ensat SI/SBI
ISO2338 - NFE27484
1 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
1,5 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40
2,5 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40
3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60
5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60
6 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60 70 80
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 120
Botes assortiments goupilles voir p. 25
Boxed sets of pins, see p. 25
Gardette Industrie S.A - Tl : +33 (0)4 74 02 94 94 - Fax : +33 (0)4 74 65 35 05 / +33 (0)4 74 07 05 87
Mail : [email protected] - www.gardette.fr