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Identification of Diseases in Cotton Plant Leaf using

Support Vector Machine
RDTC, SCSCOE, Dhangwadi
[email protected]

ABSTRACT: This project presents a technique used image processing techniques for fast and accurate detection of
plant diseases. The steps followed by these researchers in detection of leaf spot diseases are: image acquisition, image pre-
processing, disease spot segmentation, feature extraction and disease classification. The accuracy of result depends on
method used for disease spot detection. The main obstacle in disease spot detection is noise, which is introduced by
camera flash, change in illumination, noisy background and presence of vein in the plant leaf. Therefore a method which
wipes out the noise and provides better disease spot segmentation is needed.

Keywords: Softwares used were OPENCV and MATLAB.

Dheeb Al Bashish et al. [7], proposed image processing based work is consists of the following main steps : In the first
step the acquired images are segmented using the K-means techniques and then secondly the segmented images are passed
through a pre-trained neural network .The images of leaves taken from Al-Ghor area in Jordan. Five diseases that are
prevalent in leaves were selected for this research; they are: Early scorch, Cottony mold, ashen mold, late scorch, tiny
Whiteness. The experimental result indicates that the neural network classifier that is based on statistical classification
support accurate and automatic detection of leaf diseases with a precision of around 93%.The segmentation of leaf image
is important while extracting the feature from that image. Mrunalini R. Badnakhe, Prashant R. Deshmukh compare the
Otsu threshold and the k-means clustering algorithm used for infected leaf analysis in [8].They have concluded that the
extracted values of the features are less for k-means clustering. The clarity of k-means clustering is more accurate than
other method. The RGB image is used for the identification of disease. After applying k-means clustering techniques, the
green pixel is identified and then using Otsus method, varying threshold value is obtained. For the feature extraction,
color co-occurrence method is used. RGB image is converted into the HSI translation. For the texture statistics
computation the SGDM matrix is generated and using GLCM function the feature is calculated [9].

S. Phadikar, J. Sil, and A. K. Das [10] developed an automated classification system based on the morphological changes
caused by brown spot and the leaf blast diseases of rice plant. To classify the diseases Radial distribution of the hue from
the Centre to the boundary of the spot images has been used as feature by using Bayes and SVM Classifier. The feature
extraction for classification of rice leaf diseases is processed in the following steps: firstly images acquired of diseased rice
leaves from fields. Secondly preprocessing the images to remove noise from the damaged leaf and then enhanced the
quality of image by using the [mean filtering technique. Thirdly Otsus segmentation algorithm was applied to extract the
infected portion of the image, and then radial hue distribution vectors of the segmented regions computed which are used
as feature vectors.

Pranjali VinayakKeskar& et al.[11] developed a leaf disease detection and diagnosis system for inspection of affected leaves
and identifying the type of disease. This system is comprised of four stages: To improve the appearance of acquired images
image enhancement techniques are applied. The enhancement is done in three steps: Transformation of HSI to color
space in first stage .In the next stage analyzing the histogram of intensity channel to get the threshold.

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Finally intensity adjustment by applying the threshold. The second stage is segmentation which includes adaption of fuzzy
feature algorithm parameter to fit the application in concern. The feature extraction stage is comprised of two steps spot
isolation and spot extraction. For identification of spot identification algorithm is used is called component labeling. In
feature extraction phase three features are extracted namely color, size and shape of the spots. In fourth stage classification
is performed by Artificial Neural Network.

Here classification was performed in two different phases.

1. In first phase uninfected and the diseased leaves are classified based on the number of peaks in the Histogram.
2. In the second phase the leaf diseases are classified by Bayes classifier. This system gives 68.1% and 79.5% accuracies for
SVM and Bayes classifier based system respectively.

In (PiyushChaudhary, Anand K. Chaudhari, Dr. A. N. Cheeran and Sharda Godara)[12] this paper a comparison of the
effect of CIELAB, HSI and YCbCrcolour space in the process of disease spot detection is done. Median filter is used for
image smoothing. Finally threshold can be calculated by applying Otsu method on color component to detect the disease
spot on rice leaf.

In Method 1: disease sports are segmented by applying Otsu threshold on RGB image.

In Method 2: RGB image is first converted into YCbCrcolour space using color transform formula. Then median filter
is used for image smoothing. Disease spots are detected by applying Otsu threshold on Cr component of filtered
YCbCrcolor space.

In Method 3: this is similar to method 2. Only difference is that in place of YCbCrcolor space RGB image is transformed
into HSI color space and disease spot are detected by applying Otsu threshold on H component of filtered HSI color

In Method 4; again same process is repeated using CIELAB color space. Disease spots are segmented by applying Otsu
threshold on A component of filtered LAB color space. All these color models are compared and finally A
component of CIELAB color model is used.

Based on the Literature Survey some of the limitations of previous work is as follows.
1. Accuracy of classification is only upto 93%.
2. Only 3 diseases can be identified.
3. Diseases with same physical characteristics but different color could not be accurately classified.
4. Different colour space and single colour channels have been applied for Rice crop leaves but not for Cotton leaves.
5. New disease if arises due change in climatic conditions can be classified into one of the types of classes formed or a
new class has to be formed based on features.
6. Pesticide recommendation can be done correctly for the new disease.
7. Also prediction of a disease based on weather conditions or climate change should be done.
Based on the above mentioned work and by the results obtained from the previous work, a new technique used for
identification and classification of plant diseases that can overcome the disadvantages of the previous work that has been
put forward.

VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7, DEC/2017 44 http://iaetsdjaras.org/



Software flow diagram of Cotton Leaf disease detection system using machine vision.

Fig .10: Overview of Diagnosis system using feature extraction

1. Image pre-processing

A set of pre-processing steps are applied to the input image so that it becomes suitable for further processing.Leaves with
spots must be pre-processed firstly in order to carry out the intelligent diagnosis to crop based on image processing and
appropriate features should be extracted on the basic of this. Some of the important image pre-processing methods used

1) Image clipping: Separating the leaf with spots from the complex background.
2) Noise reductions: Median filter is used to wipe noises for the image.
3) Thresholding: to segment or partition image in to the spot and background. In another words, the image pre-processing
can make following extracting of characteristic parameters not to be affected by background, shape and size of leaf, light
and camera.

A. Colour Transformation
The input images which are in RGB format are transformed into Hue Saturation Value (HSV) colour space[19]. HSV
colour model is used since it is more close to human visual system. The HSV (sometimes called HSB) colour model can
be obtained by looking at the RGB colour cube along its main diagonal (or gray axis), which results in a hexagon shaped
colour palette. As we move along the main axis in the pyramid in Figure below.

Fig.11 The HSV colour model as a hexagonal cone.

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In summary, the main advantages of the HSV color model (and its closely related alternatives) are its ability to match the
human way of describing colors and to allow for independent control over hue, saturation, and intensity (value). The
ability to isolate the intensity component from the other twowhich are often collectively called chromaticity
componentsis a requirement in many color image processing algorithms. Its main disadvantages include the
discontinuity in numeric values of hue around red, the computationally expensive conversion to/from RGB, and the fact
that hue is undefined for a saturation of 0.

B. Image Smoothing
During image collection, some noise may be introduced because of camera flash. This noise can affect the detection of
disease. To remove unnecessary spot, Image smoothing technique is needed. In this step a smoothing filter applied is a
Median filter

Median Filter
The median filter is a popular nonlinear filter used in image processing. It works by sorting the pixel values within a
neighborhood, finding the median value, and replacing the original pixel value with the median of that neighborhood
(Figure 10.8).The median filter works very well (and significantly better than an averaging filter with comparable
neighborhood size) in reducing salt and pepper noise (a type of noise that causes very brightsalt and very dark
pepperisolated spots to appear in an image) from images. Figure 10.9 compares the results obtained using median
filtering and the averaging filter for the case of an image contaminated with salt and pepper noise.

In order to perform median filtering, first window is moved and all the pixels enclosed by the window are shorted. After
then median is computed and this value is assigned to center pixel. If the number of elements in K*K window is odd,
middle value is assigned as median value, else average of two middle values is assigned as median value [16], [17].

C. Disease Spot Segmentation

After image smoothing, a technique to detect the disease spot is needed. It is important to select a threshold of gray level
for extract the disease spot from plant leaf. If the histogram has sharp and deep valley between two peaks, bottom of the
valley can be chosen as threshold. But problem occurs when valley is flat and broad. In that case this technique cant be
used to separate objects from background. Therefore, Otsu method [15]is used here paper to automatically select most
desirable threshold .

C.1 Otsu Threshold:

Thresholding creates binary images from grey-level ones by turning all pixels below some threshold to zero and all pixels
about that threshold to one. The simplest property that pixels in a region can share is intensity. So, a natural way to
segment such regions is through thresholding, the separation of light and dark regions. In Otsu's method we exhaustively
search for the threshold that minimizes the intra-class variance (the variance within the class), defined as a weighted sum
of variances of the two classes:

------ (1).

VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7, DEC/2017 46 http://iaetsdjaras.org/


Weights are the probabilities of the two classes separated by a threshold t and are variances of these
Otsu shows that minimizing the intra-class variance is the same as maximizing inter-class variance:

------ (2).

The class probability is computed from the histogram as t:

------- (3).

While the class mean is:

-------- (4)

Where is the value at the center of the ith histogram bin? Similarly, you can compute and on the
right-hand side of the histogram for bins greater than t:
The class probabilities and class means can be computed iteratively. This idea yields an effective algorithm.

Compute histogram and probabilities of each intensity level.

Set up initial and (Segmented image using connected components --------------(5)

Step through all possible thresholds maximum intensity

Update and

Compute from -------(2)

Desired threshold corresponds to the maximum

You can compute two maxima (and two corresponding thresholds). Is

the greater max and is the greater or equal maximum

Desired threshold = -----(6)

D. Background Subtraction
In order to get more accurate background subtraction, cluster based background subtraction is used. In this technique, the
connected components in image are found out.

Original image

VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7, DEC/2017 47 http://iaetsdjaras.org/


(Segmented image using connected components)

Segmentation Efficiency:-
Segmentation of diseased leaves can be efficiently done by using a Median Filter before OTSU Thresholding as compared
to Global Thresholding .This can see from the results obtained from Experimentation

Global threshold

Global threshold

Otsu Threshold

VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7, DEC/2017 48 http://iaetsdjaras.org/


For all the test images thresholds were obtained manually by using trace bar and trial and error basis as shown below. But
these values varied significantly from each other and so an automatic threshold selection method (OTSU Method) was
There are two main characteristics of plant disease detection using machine-learning methods that must be achieved, they
are: speed and accuracy. Hence there is a scope for working on development of innovative, efficient & fast interpreting
algorithms which will help farmers in detecting diseases in early stages.
2. Work can be done for automatically estimating the severity of the detected disease.
3. New Color Space needs to be designed specifically for enhancing leaf disease segmentation efficiency where diseases
with same physical characteristics but different color could not be accurately classified.
4. Hardware implementation of the project can be done.

Test Image Sr.No. Image Threshold value

1 1.png 176
2 2.png 153
3 3.png 175
4 4.png 156
5 5.png 167
6 6.png 156
7 7.png 172
8 8.png 132
9 9.png 202
10 10.png 180
11 11.png 149
12 12.png 200
13 13.png 135
14 14.png 194
15 15.png 161
16 16.png 181
17 17.png 178
18 18.png 132
19 19.png 145
20 20.png 159
21 21.png 164
22 22.png 190
23 23.png 155
24 24.png 167
25 25.png 186
26 26.png 162
27 27.png 201
28 28.png 161
29 29.png 147
30 30.png 171
31 31.png 153
32 32.png 156
33 33.png 156
34 34.png 155
35 35.png 168
36 36.png 162
37 37.png 190
38 38.png 154

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