Coup de Grâce Mugabe

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Plots and Purges:

Mugabe and ZANU PFs
6th National Peoples Congress1

Written by Derek Matyszak, Research and Advocacy Unit, Harare 15.07.15.
Executive Summary....3

1.Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
The Question of Agency. .......................................................................................................................... 5
Puppet or puppeteer? ................................................................................................................................ 6
Agency and the 2014 Plot ......................................................................................................................... 8
The Genesis of the Plot............................................................................................................................. 9
The First Attempts to Dislodge Mujuruites ............................................................................................ 11
2.Plan B ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Plan B, Step One - Increasing the Status of Grace Mugabe ................................................................... 14
Plan B, Step Two the Rallies ............................................................................................................... 21
Overview of the rallies ....................................................................................................................... 25
Plan B, Step Three the Control of the Provinces ................................................................................. 32
Plan B, Step Four - The Assassination Plot. ........................................................................................... 39
Plan B, Step Five the Control of the Central Committee..................................................................... 41
Midlands ............................................................................................................................................. 42
Manicaland ......................................................................................................................................... 43
Mashonaland Central.......................................................................................................................... 43
The Matabeleland Provinces .............................................................................................................. 44
Masvingo ............................................................................................................................................ 45
Harare, Mashonaland West and Mashonaland East ........................................................................... 46
Mashonaland East .............................................................................................................................. 46
Plan B, the Safety Net the Amendment of the ZANU PF Constitution............................................... 47
3. The Congress Itself .................................................................................................................. 48
The Post Congress Purges ...................................................................................................................... 50
Government and the Politburo ........................................................................................................... 50
Party structures .................................................................................................................................. 54
4. An Overview and Assessment of the Success of the Plot ...................................................... 55
Mugabe and Agency Again .................................................................................................................... 60
5. Conclusions and Aftermath .................................................................................................... 66
6. Timeline - Annexure A .................................................................................................69

7. The 2014 Politburo - Annexure B . 75

8. The 2014 Central Committee Annexure C..... 76

9. Expulsions and Suspensions Annexure D . 77

Executive Summary
Ahead of the crucial ZANU PF Congress of December 2014, RAU, together with the Zimbabwe
NGO Forum, published The Mortal Remains: Succession and the ZANU PF Body Politic, 2 a
paper which examined the issue of succession to President Robert Mugabe, viewed against both
the State and ZANU PF Party Constitutions. That paper considered the ZANU PF Congresses of
1999, 2004 and 2009 in some detail. It is thus appropriate, given the importance of the 2014
Congress to the dynamics of succession and the ZANU PF body politic, that the paper be
supplemented by this lengthy addendum, even if the issue has already been widely commented
ZANU PF holds a plenary Congress every five years. At the Congress the seats of the Central
Committee and two of its component parts, the Politburo and the Presidium (comprising the
Party President, two Vice-Presidents and National Chairperson) are determined. With Mugabe in
his 91st year ahead of the Congress, the build-up to the Congress was always destined to be
fraught as those seeking to succeed Mugabe strategically positioned themselves.
A key factor in this positioning was control of the Provinces. Until its amendment, the ZANU PF
Party Constitution provided that the Provinces submitted to Congress their candidates for the
Presidium and Central Committee, and although these candidates were to be elected by the
Congress, in practice they were merely endorsed.
It thus caused considerable alarm to the Mnangagwa faction that the Provincial Executive
Council elections at the end of 2013 delivered nine of ten provinces into Mujuruite hands.
Complaints about the manifest electoral improprieties around these elections were ignored by
Mugabe and the Politburo. A fight back strategy was required.
Plan A was for the Mnangagwa faction to use its control of the media to undermine the
Mujuruites in the hope of removing them from positions of power and conveying to others that
support for Mujuru came with a high cost. A series of exposures of obscene salaries being
earned by top officials began to appear in the State owned press. The tactic did nothing other
than to incur the ire of President Mugabe, who in a public address called his Information
Minister, Jonathan Moyo, believed to control such media, a weevil. Didymus Mutasa, the party
Secretary for Administration followed the cue given by the President, stating that weevils must
be dealt with by gamatox, a long banned insecticide. Thus the two camps became known as
weevils and gamatox. Jonathan Moyos axing from government appeared imminent,
notwithstanding Mugabes aversion to openly taking action against any party cadres and
Ministers. Moyo sought an urgent audience with the President. The President thereafter said
nothing further to denigrate Moyo.
The President (and his wife Grace) rather, seemed to have been persuaded that Didymus Mutasa
and other gamatoxes were plotting to remove him from power at the impending Congress and
install Vice-President Joice Mujuru in his stead. He appears to have given a green light to Moyo
a group which became known as the gang of four, leading a larger group of twelve dubbed the
clean dozen to prevent the plot and rid the party of senior Mujuruites.

RAU October 2014 (The Mortal Remains) available at
The means by which this was to be accomplished was partly through Grace Mugabe, who, as
Mugabes wife, was rightly judged to be immune from criticism. With her status first elevated as
incoming head of the Womens League and a dubious doctorate from the University of
Zimbabwe, Grace Mugabe began a campaign to denounce factionalism, which, with the aid of
the state media was constructed to be synonymous with the Mujuruites. Rather than two factions
competing from power, clever and saturation propaganda created the image of a solid ZANU PF
headed by Mugabe under attack from a putschist cabal of Mujuruites who would not stop short
of assassination to achieve their end.
With the ground thus prepared by Grace Mugabe, the plotters set about gaining control of the
Provinces. Ignoring procedural propriety and using strong arm tactics, the nine provincial
chairpersons were forced from office. Similar political muscle was used to control the selection
process for the Central Committee. Wisely, given the strength of the resistance by the Mujuruites
to these first two steps, leaving nothing to chance, the plotters engineered the (unprocedural)
amendment of the Party Constitution to grant Mugabe the power to appoint the other members of
the Presidium from the Central Committee. Mujuru, Mutasa and other senior Mujuruites, having
been thoroughly vilified by the time of the selection process to the Central Committee, were
unable to stand as candidates and unless the unlikely recipients of Mugabes munificence were
not eligible for appointment to the Presidium.
Mugabe duly replaced Joice Mujuru with Emmerson Mnangagwa as a Vice-President of both
Party and State. Six other senior ZANU PF members and leaders of the Mujuru faction were
expelled from the party. Another 141 were suspended.
The saga unveiled Grace Mugabe as lacking both political nous and the gravitas seen as
necessary for high office. It also exposed Mugabe as an uncertain and timorous leader
uncertain as to whom he may trust; unable to distinguish fact from fabrication in the endless
palace intrigues around him; fearful of forfeiting the adulation of his supporters and intensely
sensitive to any criticism. He thus, as events showed, prefers to delegate the unpleasant tasks of
leadership, and, where he is unable to fall back on his default position of not making any
decision at all, eschews agency in the decisions which must be made. The drifting and
amorphous party which results, is given neither course nor frame by the Party Constitution,
whose contents are changed, bent or ignored depending on the currents of internal realpolitik,
where political brawn, rather than procedural nicety, determines outcomes and secures office.
Those unable to thrive in a milieu where the only law is the survival of the fittest are trampled
underfoot and looked upon with scorn, unless rescued by the power, munificence and
compassion of Mugabe, to whom they are ever after to be grateful and beholden.
The essay details the drama around ZANU PFs 6th National Congress, intending to bring
together the many reports about the saga, and the often multifaceted and simultaneous events,
into one continuous narrative, only fully coherent in retrospect.
I have often questioned the credibility of editors of media organisations publishing fabricated
stories of factionalism within Zanu-PF. I have only came across this issue of Mnangagwa leading
a faction through the Press and this is mere speculation as there is nothing like that.I have no
problems with the Vice President (Cde Mujuru).We have got good working relations at various
forums and the talk of bad blood between the two of us is again framing on the part of the media.
You can go and ask your editor on my behalf where do they get all these unfounded allegations
Emmerson Mnangagwa

I have no faction. I do not control any people. The people belong to Zanu-PF...Those who claim to
belong to my faction are lying because there is no faction to talk of. We must not put individual
interests ahead of the partys Joice Mujuru

Ahead of the crucial ZANU PF Congress of December 2014, RAU, together with the Zimbabwe
NGO Forum, published The Mortal Remains: Succession and the ZANU PF Body Politic,5 a
paper which examined the issue of succession to President Robert Mugabe, viewed against both
the State and ZANU PF Party Constitutions. That paper considered the ZANU PF Congresses of
1999, 2004 and 2009 in some detail. It is thus appropriate, given the importance of the 2014
Congress to the dynamics of succession and the ZANU PF body politic, that the paper be
supplemented by this lengthy addendum, even if the issue has already been widely commented
The Question of Agency.
The dramatic and unprecedented events before, and after, the ZANU PF Congress of 2014
resulted in a purge of members of the Mujuru camp from senior positions in the party, and some
from the party itself. As the events unfolded, it became clear that the purge was part of a clever
and preconceived plan, even if one somewhat hastily assembled, and in the form of broad
strategy and general tactics, rather than having been worked out to the last detail.
It is important in the context of succession dynamics to consider the difficult question of agency
behind the intrigue.

Was it conceived by Mugabe, who instructed his lieutenants and wife in

the execution?
Or did the plotters control Mugabe and his wife and force his hand?
Or was it Mugabe and his wife, acting in collaboration with the plotters
from the outset, and jointly conceiving the stratagem and tactics to
attenuate the power and perceived ambitions of the Mujuru camp?
In other words, did Mugabe play the role of puppet, puppet-master or co-conspirator in the
scheme? If the first, then it is clear that the key to the succession matrix no longer lies with
Mugabe, but with those who orchestrated the purge of the Mujuru faction.

Quoted in: Ive no bad blood with Mujuru: Mnangagwa The Herald 28.10.12.
Quoted in: Mujuru Denies Leading Party Faction The Herald 18.11.12.
RAU October 2014 (The Mortal Remains) available at
In the earlier succession paper, it was suggested that Mugabe might wish to attempt to manage
his succession while he is still able to do so. If he was a mere puppet in the intrigue, this would
suggest that he has left the determination of the issue too late to be able to control events. The
extent to which Mugabe is in control of the party he heads, already a subject of much discussion,
drew heightened attention during this period and became the key national issue, impacting on all
Puppet or puppeteer?
The opaque and secretive style of Mugabes governance in the past makes it very difficult to
determine whether he is playing his cards close to his chest, or in fact, not playing any cards at
all. Mugabe is singularly coy in accepting responsibility for decisions generally. His self-
disassociation from events is flagged by marked illeism6 in his speech. Most usually, when
referring to his determinations, particularly if they are sensitive, Mugabe opts for the first person
plural, rather than singular, even where the decision is clearly his and his alone. This is combined
with a pretentious use of the subjunctive mood, even where unnecessary and grammatically
incorrect. For example, Mugabe will frequently say we would not want that when he means, I
do not want that.7 Where it is not possible for Mugabe to escape agency, by the use of we, he
often resorts to referring to himself in the third person, a recent example being this: The man
has just won an election and you want to remove him?...8. And, although Mugabe is frequently
praised by party members (and occasionally even by opposition figures) as being a sagacious and
masterful politician, the actions taken by him which inspire these accolades are not in the public
domain. There is a reluctance to admit Mugabes hand in many of the notable events in
Zimbabwes political trajectory.
The disinclination to claim responsibility for Gukurahundi is unsurprising. An estimated
twenty thousand people were murdered during the brutal suppression of those of Ndebele origin
in the Midlands and south west of the country in a campaign which was at root one of ethnic
cleansing. While Mugabe described the period (1983 1987) as a moment of madness, exactly
who suffered from this temporary derangement is neither stated nor known. The generally
assumed responsibility of Mugabe himself, and Emmerson Mnangagwa (who was then Minister
of State in the Office of the Prime Minister responsible for security and intelligence), arises
solely from the positions that they occupied at the time and from principles of command
responsibility, rather than any evidence that it was they who ordered such brutality to be
Notable absences by Mugabe are evident elsewhere. After the rejection of the February 2000
referendum on a new constitution for the country, Mugabe seemed to quietly accept ZANU PFs
first ever loss in a poll. According to the ZANU PF narrative, the invasion of land which ensued

The habit of referring to oneself other than with the first person singular and using, for example, for he or we.
The negative imperative is the other mood most frequently employed by Mugabe in his public addresses, an
extreme version of which was emulated by his wife see later in the text.
Im Still in Charge, Says President The Herald 27.02.15. In the same interview President Mugabe stated in
chiShona: Mugabe is a God fearing man and he also goes to church, asking God to give him good health, praying
for peace in the country, as well as praying for guerrillas (magandanga) who kill people The translation appears as
a quote in Grace Jumped the Gun Newsday 02.03.15. Other examples are given below.
immediately was due to the spontaneous anger of war veterans, their ire aroused by the rejection
of a charter which would have allowed the expropriation of white farm land without
compensation. The more obvious cause for the land invasions was ZANU PFs urgent need to
reassert control over their rural base ahead of an impending election9. Yet the fact that the
provisions on land had been inserted into the proposed constitution after the Constitutional
Commission had finalised the draft, seemingly precisely to cater for the contingency of needing
to develop this narrative, suggests advance planning.10 The invasions clearly received
considerable state support. It is not known who instructed the provisions on land to be inserted in
the proposed charter, who conceived the notion of so doing, and who agreed and arranged the
logistics of the invasions.
Mugabes absence, coupled again with a false ascription of agency, was likewise apparent in the
2004 elevation of Joice Mujuru as Vice-President of ZANU PF and the country. This promotion,
clearly in accord with Mugabes wishes, was done under the guise of a new-found and deep
passion for gender equality by ZANU PF as a party, and ostensibly in obeisance to the demands
of the Womens League, to which agency was thus attributed.11
Mugabe also stood well clear of responsibility for the displacement of an estimated 700 000
people in the notorious urban renewal programme of 2005, Operation Murambatsvina. 12 The
architect/s of this operation and the reasoning behind it are unknown.
Finally in this regard, it may be noted that when Mugabe lost the first round of elections in
March 2008, rumours were generated that it was not he who was responsible for subsequent
events. Mugabe, it was claimed, had been prepared to step down, but was prevented from doing
so by unknown securocrats, who then proceeded to bludgeon the opposition MDC formations
into submission, and their candidate to victory, in the June 2008 run-off.
Because of Mugabe`s habit of removing himself from the picture, it is extremely difficult to
determine the extent to which Mugabe directs matters or is in control of his party. That none
have a definitive answer to this question is well illustrated by two SAPES13 seminars held as the
intrigue around the 2014 Congress began to take place. At the first,14 Priscilla Misihairabwi-
Mushonga addressed the issue by stating very categorically that anyone who does not think that
Mugabe is in control is mad. She recalled observing Mugabes remarkable lucidity of mind
when she sat in Cabinet as part of the Inclusive Government (2009 -2013), and his propensity to

Politically Motivated Violence in Zimbabwe 20002001. A report on the campaign of political repression
conducted by the Zimbabwean Government under the guise of carrying out land reform Zimbabwe Human Rights
NGO Forum (2001).
See Michael Bratton Power Politics in Zimbabwe Lynne Reiner 2014. This is the general understanding.
However, it appears that the belief that such clause had been inserted may have been a fiction generated by the State
media. The draft distributed for the referendum, according to Ibbo Mandaza (interview with the author February
2015), a then Constitutional Commissioner, apparently contained no such amendment,.
The fact that the supposed imperative of gender equality, so heavily emphasised in 2004, was abandoned without
comment when appointing two male Vice-Presidents in 2014, exposes the cynicism behind the claimed motivation
for Mujurus elevation.
See for example Jeff Nicolai Operation Murambatsvina: A Crime Against Humanity Under the Rome Statute?
American University International Law Review Volume 21 | Issue 5 Article 2 2005 where it is held that Mugabes
responsibly arises by necessary inference rather than any direct evidence that he ordered the operation.
Southern African Political Economy Series.
25.09.14 and 16.10.14.
say one thing publically and do the opposite privately as part of Machiavellian scheming,
ruthlessly annihilating opponents by skillful maneuvering while simultaneously exuding
welcoming charm towards them. Three weeks later, at the same venue, with Misihairabwi-
Mushonga ironically, this time, chairing the seminar, Dr. Lovemore Madhuku (who had not been
at the earlier event) commenced his address by stating that anyone who thinks Mugabe is still in
control is mad. The two are not the only respected political commentators to hold these
diametrically opposed views, with the press reporting opposing views held by a variety of
observers, sometimes in the same article.15
Agency and the 2014 Plot
A perspective, held by friends and foes alike, that Mugabes dexterity as a politician has kept
him in power for 35 years, is not a view held here. Without firm international interventions,
authoritarian leaders can hold on to power more or less indefinitely by doling out repression and
patronage in sufficient measure. An adroit politician would be one who does so without turning
the country into a banana republic in the process.
Those who see Mugabe as an artful Machiavellian schemer believe that he has, over several
years, cunningly played off the group characterised as the Mujuru faction against that
characterised as the Mnangagwa faction, and, through a process of divide and rule, holds sway.16
The circumstances surrounding the elevation of Joice Mujuru to the post of Vice-President in
2004 is held up as an example of this.
At the time of the elective ZANU PF Congress of 2004, one of the two vice-presidential posts,
and the one to be held by a ZANU candidate, rather than the other held by a ZAPU candidate,
was vacant. The procedure by which elections to the Presidium (and thus to the Vice-Presidency
of the party) then took place, was that each nominee for a post had to be advanced by at least six
of the ten provinces. The Congress thereafter voted to directly elect the candidate from the
nominees so selected. In practice, political pressure and horse-trading had always ensured that
only one nominee for each post was presented to Congress, leaving Congress to endorse, rather
than elect, the candidates.
Ahead of the 2004 Congress, it appeared that Emmerson Mnangagwa would claim the post in
this manner. He reportedly had the necessary support of at least six of the ten provinces and it
was simply a matter of translating this support into formal election, notwithstanding those
opposed to his elevation, which apparently included Mugabe. Had he secured the post of Vice-
President, the presidency would have been merely one hop away. Frantic manoeuvering by the
Mujuru faction, with the full, but less than completely overt support of Mugabe, scuppered the
Mnangagwa factions plans at the 11th hour. The ZANU PF Constitution was hastily and
unlawfully amended to require that one of the two Vice-Presidents be a woman. Extreme
pressure was brought to bear on the provincial leaders, to whom it was made known that Mugabe
expected that such woman should be Joice Mujuru. Mujuru was duly put forward as the sole
candidate for the position and elected at the 2004 Congress. Mugabe, appearing euphoric at his
successful exercise of political muscle, imprudently stated to the gathering: When you choose
her as a Vice President, you don't want her to remain in that chair do you? Given what had
transpired, the suggestion that Joice Mujuru had been chosen by Congress was hardly accurate.

Mugabe Backs Mujuru Attacks Daily News 20.10.14.
See for example Mugabe Using Divide-and-Rule Tactics-Dongo The Daily News 03.09.14.
The Mnangagwa faction had, however, been floored and salt was rubbed into the wounds by
the (unprocedural) dismissal or demotion of the provincial chairmen and several senior party
cadres who had dared to support Mnangagwa.17
There are close parallels with events around the 2014 Congress in more than one respect. Due to
Mugabes advanced age, the possibility of succeeding to his post now appears realisable. With
the Mujuru faction having swept the polls in 2013 for each Provincial Executive Committee in
nine provinces, with the disbandment of the apparently Mnangagwa-aligned District Co-
ordinating Committees, and with Mujurus supporters clearly in the majority in the (de facto) all
powerful Politburo, many, until shortly before the Congress, were of the view that Mujuru had
the Presidency in her handbag18, and that her position as president-in-waiting was
There are inevitable paranoias that accompany the exercise of extended authoritarian power by a
head of state. Such a leader can never be sure of the authenticity of officially recorded support
from the populace or the authenticity of declarations of loyalty from his19 supposed acolytes.
Furthermore, should an underling have positioned him or herself so that he or she is perfectly
poised to assume the leadership when the opportunity presents itself, the fear may arise that such
a person may wish to create precisely such opportunity while circumstances are at their most
favourable, and before they change.
From this perspective, the elevation of Joice Mujuru to the Vice-Presidency in 2004 was
precisely to sabotage the prospects of Emmerson Mnangagwa and to place someone less
threatening at the threshold of power. Yet by 2014, Joice Mujuru had become as powerful and as
threatening as Mnangagwa may have been perceived to have been in 2004. Furthermore, it
appears that Mugabe had accepted the notion that the Mujuru faction (and, predominantly, Joice
Mujurus now late husband, Solomon) was behind the bhora musango campaign, which,
according to the ZANU PF narrative, caused Mugabes loss in the first round of the 2008
presidential election.20 For these reasons, it may have been an easy task in 2014 to persuade
Robert and/or Grace Mugabe that Joice Mujuru was preparing to take the final step to the
presidency. With the two so persuaded, the plotters would have had a green light to proceed.
The Genesis of the Plot
It is difficult to determine the precise point when the plot against Mujuru was hatched. It could
be said that had Mugabe been persuaded of nefarious intent by Mujuru as at September, 2013,21
he would neither have re-appointed her as state Vice-President following the July 2013 elections,
nor have then selected a cabinet which was clearly constructed so as not to cause deep offence to
either competing camp. If at this stage, it might be claimed, Mugabe had intended to eviscerate
the Mujuru faction and support the Mnangagwa camp, he could have appointed Ministers from
the latter camp alone, and spared himself the awkwardness, only 15 months later, of having later
to dismiss 15 Mujuru-aligned Ministers, after the Congress. Against this, is the fact that had
Mugabe done so, the alienated Mujuruites would have had plenty of time to scheme ahead of the
See The Mortal Remains p 26 et seq.
Mujuru has presidency in her handbag Nehanda Radio 02.12.13.
In Africa, such leaders have invariably been male.
See Mortal Remains p44. Under this campaign Mujuruite supporters had reportedly been alleged to have voted for
ZANU PF but to have withheld their vote in the presidential election.
The Cabinet was sworn in on 11.09.13.
2014 Congress. It would also not be in keeping with the stated propensity of Mugabe to smile
right up until the moment that he puts the boot in, as suggested by Priscilla Misihairabwi-
Mushonga. The cabinet appointments were fairly even-handed, and although perceived by some
to lean in favour of Mujuru,22 this was not to an extent that would have caused alarm to the
Mnangagwa faction.
It is the provincial elections of the next few months, October and November, 2013 which would
have caused panic in this camp. Being of dubious procedural propriety, the concern in the
Mnangagwa faction may not have arisen from the supposed popularity of their Mujuruite rivals
when the latter group secured the leadership in nine of the ten provinces. The alarm would have
been caused precisely by the fact that the Mujuru faction appeared to have the political muscle
and wherewithal to manipulate the results of provincial polls. And, if this could be accomplished,
and accomplished with seeming ease, in respect of the provincial leadership, a similar result
could be obtained when forwarding nominees for the Presidium at the impending Congress.
The reaction of the Mnangagwa camp to the provincial elections indicates that no plot against the
Mujuru camp had been formulated at this stage. It was however, apparent that the Mnangagwa
camp realised that a fight-back scheme was necessary.
The provincial polls brought the long-denied fracture within the party clearly into the public
domain, and the deep antipathy been the groups began to be played out in the public media. If it
had not been apparent before, the reporting of The Herald newspaper over this period in regard
to the polls left no room for doubt that it was firmly aligned to the Mnangagwa side of the divide.
The provincial elections in Manicaland and Midlands were fraught with irregularities and several
heated Politburo meetings were convened to address the issue. With the Politburo weighted with
Mujuru supporters, Mnangagwa sought refuge in the constitutionally correct suggestion that the
Central Committee should determine the way forward. The Central Committee resolved that
elections for the remaining provinces should be held simultaneously, and in one day,23 and that
"mistakes made in the provincial elections that have been held so far should be pointed out and
corrected.24 The resolution was not followed, as President Mugabe seemed to regard ultimate
authority as lying with the Mujuru-dominated Politburo,25 and it was the Politburo which
eventually determined the issue.26
The poll for Mashonaland Central province was likewise keenly disputed, and the losing
Mnangagwa camp had expected the irregularities in the ballot to at least be referred to the
Politburo, the tactic of having the Central Committee seized with the disputes having failed.
However, Rugare Gumbo, party spokesperson and Mujuruite, announced the result for
Mashonaland Central on State television,27 claiming that the election of the Mujuru-aligned
candidate had proceeded without hitch. Regarding the announcement as unauthorised and
precipitate, Jonathan Moyo, Minister of Information, and then seen as Mnangagwa-aligned,

Cabinet: Mujuru Triumphs The Zimbabwean 18.09.13.
A requirement of the Party Constitution which had not been followed for the two provinces.
On 08.11.13 during the 94th Ordinary Session of the ZANU PF Central Committee.
Mujuru, Mnangagwa Square Off The Zimbabwe Independent 15.11.13.
Politburo Passes Poll Resolution The Sunday Mail 24.11.13.
Zimbabwe has only one television broadcaster. There are no private television stations available in the country,
other than those using a satellite platform and broadcasting from outside the country.
reacted by dismissing the entire board of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and
sending its chief executive officer, Happison Muchechetere, and the head of technical services,
Shadreck Mupeni, on leave.28 The basis for this was claimed to be mismanagement and financial
Shortly before a Politburo meeting scheduled to discuss the provincial polling chaos, an editorial
comment in The Herald urged Mugabe to exercise strong leadership and take action against the
fraudulent ballots.29 When faced with circumstances such as these, however, Mugabes preferred
course of action is usually to do nothing. Despite the obvious merits of many of the complaints,
President Mugabe simply ordered that the results from the 2013 provincial polls in all Provinces
were to be accepted. The Mujuru-faction, having secured the chairs of all except one Province
(Matabeleland North), was obviously pleased with the outcome. Yet it cannot be said with
certainty that the order was an expression of the Presidents preference for Joice Mujuru as a
successor. The decision may equally have been one of political expediency. The polls had only
been held after several failed attempts. It is unlikely that ordering re-runs would have resolved
matters, and would, in all probability, have simply exacerbated the situation and led to further
It was thus apparent at this stage that Mugabe would not do anything to stem the advance of the
Mujuru faction, and that party organs, such as the Central Committee would also be of no
assistance. The Mnangagwa-aligned, however, clearly had control of all state media, and, as
informed political commentators have noted in the past, this afforded them a considerable

The First Attempts to Dislodge Mujuruites

The first fight-back stratagem against the Mujuru faction thus appeared to be to use this media to
attack Mujurus supporters and to make it clear that support for Mujuru came at a price. On 10th
December 2013, The Herald published a scathing article concerning ZBC boss, Happison
Muchechetere, outlining his feast amid penury, and the fact that, together with extravagant
allowances, he was taking home $40 000 per month from the cash-strapped broadcaster, while
junior employees had been unpaid for several months. This was the beginning of what became
known as salarygate exposures in the state owned media of obscene salaries being earned
by top officials. Leading this pack was Cuthbert Dube, former head of the ZBC Board; football
body, ZIFA; and medical aid society, PSMAS. At this latter body alone, Dube was reported to be
drawing a salary of some $535 000 (sic) monthly.31 The private media also took up the issue, and
throughout January 2014, exposs of lavish salaries, particularly within parastatals, were
published. The exposures clearly rattled Mujuru, who harboured no doubt that the exposs were
part of a scheme to undermine her power base, and sought to halt the flood of copy on the issue,
These issues (parastatal corruption) must not be discussed in the media but
should be solved using proper channels

Mnangagwas Faction Seizes State Media Infrastructure The Zimbabwe Mail 17.11.13.
This is Not How Comrades Behave The Herald (Editorial) 19.11.13.
Chikwana, A., Sithole, T., & Bratton, M. (2004), The Power of Propaganda: Public Opinion in Zimbabwe, 2004,
Afrobarometer Report No. 42.
Cuthbert Dube Demands his $535,000 Monthly Salary Bulawayo24 07.06.2014.
She added:
Be warned that that this exposition of corruption among parastatals is one way
by some people who want to destroy this country. Dont be fooled to think that
these people are not from within ZANU(PF). As they say, if you cant beat them,
join them, and then fight them from within.32
Included in the some people was Jonathan Moyo, who had been widely reported as having, (in
2004) justified his decision to join ZANU PF33 by saying that the only way to destroy ZANU
PF is from within.34
Although Mujuru was immediately vilified as attempting to shield the corrupt,35 the strategy to
undermine her supporters by the exposures was not, ultimately, successful. The private media
joined the crusade and it became difficult for the campaign to remain discrete and confined to
Mujuruites. Several key allies needed by the Mnangagwa camp were sucked into the scandal,
including presidential spokesperson, Deputy Minister of Information and general ZANU PF spin
doctor, George Charamba.36And, despite Mugabe expressing his disgust,37 stating that looters
must be locked up38, and directing the Office of the President and Cabinet to investigate the
matter and come up with legal instruments to cap salaries,39 there was general scepticism that
any action would actually be taken by Mugabe40 and none was. The likelihood was more that
Mugabe was none too pleased by the exposures, which caused considerable embarrassment and
discontent against his government, and vindicated the oppositions claims of widespread
cronyism within parastatals. It also caused factional issues, which Mugabe and ZANU PF had
long sought to conceal, continuing to be played out in the press.
In early June 2014, the Mujuru camp presented a dossier to Mugabe,41 complaining about
Moyos use of the media against it, alleging that Moyo had appointed former MDC supporters to
key positions in the state media and again, utilising the previous alleged statement of Moyo,
claiming that this was part of a plot to destroy ZANU PF from within.

See Salarygate Exposes ZANU (PF) Factionalism The Zimbabwean 10.02.14.
Moyo, once an academic deeply critical of ZANU PF, was co-opted into its ranks in 2000, expelled in 2005, when
he once again became stridently critical of the party and Mugabe, before being readmitted to the ZANU PF
Politburo in 2011.
Moyo has denied saying this, claiming that what he actually said was that the best way to reform ZANU PF was
from within. See Prof Moyo Sets Record Straight The Herald 24.01.15.
Mujuru Must Resign: MDC-T The Zimbabwe Mail 11.02.14. The accusation was revisited after Mujurus
dismissal Why The Opposition Loves Dr. Mujuru The Herald 15.06.15.
See We Must All Resign Charamba New Zimbabwe 08.02.14.
Salarygate: Mugabe Disgusted New Zimbabwe 07.02.14.
Looters Face Jail Says, President The Herald 21.02.14.
Salarygate: Mugabe Disgusted ibid.
MDC: Salary Scam a Con, Mugabe Knew New Zimbabwe 02.02.14. Mugabe has a long record of not acting on
instances of corruption by his officials. See The Birth of Corruption in Zimbabwe Newsday 09.02.14 for a full list of
the main corruption scandals in Zimbabwe during Mugabes rule and Mugabes failure to act and the article:
Mugabe fighting corruption? Forget it! By Ken Yanamoto in New Zimbabwe 09.04.14 .
Mujuru Faction After Moyo's Head Daily News 11.06.14.
Mugabe appears to have been wholly persuaded by the dossier, which certainly had the desired
effect. What the press described as fireworks erupted at the Politburo meeting of Thursday 5th
June, 2014, as an infuriated42 Mugabe turned on Moyo accusing him of causing acrimony and
divisions within the party. Game attempts by those in the Mnangagwa camp to defend Moyo,
notably by Oppah Muchinguri and Saviour Kasukuwere, were reportedly brushed aside.
Politburo members claimed that they had rarely seen Mugabe so angry. The party leader
continued to spit venom against his Information Minister over the next few days. At a wake for
ZANU PF stalwart, Nathan Shamuyarira, the following day, Mugabe referred to Moyo as a
weevil in the party, thus adopting a metaphor reflecting the mantra of the Mujuruites that
Moyo was attempting to destroy the party from within, a phrase which, significantly, Mugabe
also used. At the burial of Shamuyarira at Heros Acre the next day, the tirade of a visibly
incensed Mugabes continued, describing Moyo (sitting with Muchinguri and Mnangagwa) as
the devil incarnate and a counter-revolutionary.43 Press reports quoted Mugabe as stating on
these occasions:
Dont plant seeds to divide the people. Dont make anyone in the party a
political enemy, you may differ with the person and you attack him in the paper,
thats no ideology it is a destructive ideology.
"We now have weevils in our midst. ZANUPF has weevils within its ranks.Lets
take care of these weevils. 44
Didymus Mutasa, the following day, continued Mugabes metaphor:
Our weevils, if you know about them, which we are castigating now, please apply
gamatox [a pesticide] on them. If you do that we will be left with one camp and
not to say there is this camp and that camp.45
Thus was born the unfortunate46 nomenclature of weevils (zvipfukuto in ChiShona) and
gamatox to refer to the two factions. The vilification of Moyo was such that it was difficult to
see how Mugabe could not follow through. Moyos dismissal was assumed imminent. Press
reports claimed that Moyo then desperately sought a meeting with Mugabe on the Monday to try
and rescue his position.47
Moyo was not, as expected, sacked. It was clear that the salarygate tactic had failed not only on
account of Mugabes unwillingness to act against those accused of being corrupt, but because it
had positively raised his ire. There was clearly a need for a new approach.

It is probable, therefore, that in the period between the end of Shamuyariras burial at Heros
Acre on Saturday, 7th June, 2014, until the conclusion of Moyos meeting with Mugabe the

Fireworks Erupt in Politburo Meeting The Zimbabwe Independent 06.06.14.
Moyo Devil Incarnate, Counter Revolutionary VOANews 08.06.14.
Mugabe Hints at Weevil Moyo Sacking New Zimbabwe 07.06.14.
Gamatox Moyo Urges excitable Mutasa NewZimbabwe 08.06.14.
Reminiscent as it is of the description of victims of genocide in Rwanda as cockroaches.
Sink or Swim for Moyo The Daily News 09.06.14.
following Monday, the events which were to seal Mujurus fate were set into motion. It would
not be realistic to view Mugabes three-day tirade against Moyo as a mere sop by Mugabe to
pacify the Mujuru camp. This could have been accomplished in a far more temperate manner.
Mugabe clearly had taken not merely the side of the Mujuru camp, but had adopted its
perspective of insidious intent by Moyo, and thus his allies. Yet, by Monday evening, Mugabes
vitriol against Moyo had vanished.
It may have been that those grouped around Mnangagwa had already been preparing to persuade
Mugabe of perfidy in the Mujuru camp. If so, it was clear by then that they could not wait any
longer to do so. Reports were later to emerge that the Mnangagwa camp was in possession of
secretly obtained tape recordings in which Mujuru was said to have denigrated Mugabe in a
coarse and deeply offensive manner, and demanded his departure from office.48 The recording
reportedly captured a woman, who sounded like Mujuru, speaking in deep chikorekore
(Mujurus home dialect), and stating that This old Mugabe wants to enjoy the warmth of his
faeces, he must go.49 Furthermore, as noted earlier, circumstances were such that Mugabe and
his wife, Grace, were likely to be particularly credulous and susceptible to claims of nefarious
intent by Mujuru. It is quite likely that Grace Mugabe, herself first persuaded, through the spy-
tapes or otherwise, was used as the medium by which such allegations could be channelled to
Mugabe. It would be interesting to know where Grace Mugabe was, and who she was with, on
Sunday, 8th June, 2014.
Part of the persuasive technique used to coax Grace Mugabe onto the side of the plotters seems
to have been to warn her that, once she and her family lost the protection of her husband, the
Mujuruites would turn upon her and she would suffer not only a loss of status, but of her farms50
and her ability to operate her extensive business interests. She subsequently made specific
reference to this, claiming:
[t]here are people who want to drag me against a tarred road when the
President goes. 51
Plan B, Step One - Enhancing the Status of Grace Mugabe
What would have been both a lure for Grace Mugabe, and a necessary step in the plot, was a
move to strengthen her status and the political capital she held in her own right, rather than as an
adjunct of that of her husband. Hitherto, the First Lady had not played a large part in the political
fray. Deservedly or not, she had acquired a reputation with much of the public as a mere
shopaholic, rescued from absolute vacuity only by a certain innate guile, deployed in the service
of seemingly insatiable avarice.52 Her attempts to improve her academic qualifications had

Mention of the existence of the tapes was first made in Mujuru No More: Secret Politburo Files. Zimeye 02.09.14.
The headline reveals that the translation is loose, the statement was kavakuda kutodziirwa ne ndove kumusana
ngakachibva Exclusive Mugabes Secret Spy Tapes of Mujuru Saying Bob Resting on Own Faeces Zimeye
17.10.14 (referred to hereafter as Spy Tapes Zimeye).
Allegations were made that Mujuru had spoken of depriving Grace Mugabe of the Mugabe farms when she
(Mujuru) became President and this had caused a deep antipathy between the two. See Grace Shocker Rattles
Mujuru Base The Zimbabwe Independent 01.08.14.
She spoke in Shona: Pane vanhu varikuda kundizvuzvurudza mutara.
Dont Mess With Grace Mugabe She could be the Next President of Zimbabwe The Guardian (UK) 15.07.15.
hitherto yielded abysmal results.53 This was in stark and unfortunate contrast to her supposed
nemesis, Joice Mujuru, who had entered government at independence without an academic
qualification to her name, but, by June 2014 was on course to being awarded a doctorate. Thus,
only a few weeks after Mugabes weevil attack on Moyo and then sudden silence, Grace
Mugabe registered for a DPhil at the University of Zimbabwe.54
The second part of this device was to increase Grace Mugabes political capital by placing her at
the head of ZANU PFs Womens League. While the League was then headed by Oppah
Muchinguri, Muchinguri is likely to have stepped aside willingly. The then ascendancy of the
Mujuru faction made it probable that Muchinguri would in any event have lost the position to
Mujuruite, Olivia Muchena (who had long coveted the post), at the impending Womens League
Conference.55 With Muchinguri being part of the plotters (the four leaders were later referred to
as the gang of four56) who were hoping to ensure that both vice-presidential positions were
vacant by the time of the Congress57, and, hoping that the post of party Secretary for
Administration would also become vacant, she may well have been confident that surrendering
her position as head of the Womens League would have been merely a prelude to obtaining
higher office.58
The proposal that Grace Mugabe head the Womens League was apparently first openly voiced
by ZANU PFs Edna Madzongwe at a womens caucus meeting of the party in Mashonaland
West in mid-July, 2014.59 Oppah Muchinguri, together with senior ZANU PF women in the
provincial executives and Politburo, then canvassed for support for Grace Mugabes appointment
to the position in the remaining provinces, with the intention that 3 000 district chairpersons from
all provinces would meet in a show of support at Grace Mugabes Mazowe Childrens Home
Orphanage, as part of celebrations marking the occasion of her 49th birthday60. The delegates
duly converged as intended on the 25th July, 2014, and asked a coy,61 supposedly shocked62 and

In 2004, Grace Mugabe was deregistered by the University of London where she was studying for a Bachelor of
Arts (English) degree after badly failing most of her examinations with some marks as low as 7% - see Grace
Mugabes Super-Speedy PhD Raises Eyebrows Around the World The Guardian (UK) 15.09.14.
Grace Mugabe to Study for Doctorate The Zimbabwean 02.07.14.
This was hinted at by Muchinguri herself. See: Why I let Post Go: Muchinguri The Herald 18.10.14. See also:
Knife-edge tension at Womens League Conference The Zimbabwe Independent 17.09.14. The 2014 conference was
not, though, dissimilar from that of 2009. At the end of both conferences Mugabe denounced the vote buying that
had taken place. The 2014 Conference was, however, spared the violence of 2009, when police details intervened
and severely beat delegates from the rival Mujuru/Muchena and Muchinguri camps who had hurled chairs at each
other - see Mugabe Slams Vote-buying in ZANUPF The Standard 19.09.09.
Saviour Kasukuwere, Jonathan Moyo, Oppah Muchinguri and Patrick Zhuwao.
It should be recalled that as the ZANU PF Constitution then stood, one VP had to be a woman.
Muchinguri, Mutsvangwa Retain ZANUPF Central Committee Posts Newsday 23.11.14. Mugabe Pulls Hard on
Reins of Power Zimbabwe News 05.12.12.
Grace Mugabe Eyes Top ZANU PF Position The Zimbabwe Independent 25.07.14.
Her date of birth is 23.07.65.
Grace Mugabe reportedly responded to the invitation as follows: The situation is like that of a girl being
proposed by a man; you do not say yes the very minute. So I will come and say girls let us go, after being mentored
by Muchinguri. Grace Mugabe also reportedly claimed that she needed time to consider the issue but that if it was
the wish of the party leadership and members she would find it difficult to refuse see Women back First Lady for
Politburo The Herald 26.07.14.
Grace Mugabe stated: I am overwhelmed and I am shaking right now. I cannot believe this is what you have
decided, but this is Gods work, and those speaking here are mouthpieces of God.
overwhelmed63, Grace Mugabe to accept nomination as the Secretary of the Womens League
at its National Conference set for the following month. However, the intention of creating the
impression that the proposal came as a surprise was undone by Grace Mugabes revelation, after
being overwhelmed, that the notion had been put to her already by war collaborators64 a month
After winning the provincial polls in 2013, the Mujuru camp had not rested on its laurels. With
many of those opposed to Mujuru perceived as being mafikizolos or relative Johnny-come-
latelys, the Mujuru group used its control of the Politburo to introduce new requirements66 for
election to the partys Central Committee, Youth and Womens Leagues, in July 2014 and in
anticipation of the Congress.67 These new electoral rules required that candidates for election to
the executive68of these bodies must have been party members for 15 years and members of a
Provincial Executive for five years.69 Grace Mugabe certainly did not meet at least the latter
Within ZANU PF, anything other than the unrestrained eulogisation of Mugabe is considered a
blasphemy. A concomitant has been outlandish sycophancy towards Mugabe by party cadres,
with suggestions by the faithful at the more modest end of the spectrum that Mugabe is divinely
appointed and, at the extreme, that he is divine himself.70 Accordingly, one means by which each
faction within ZANU PF has traded barbs, has been to accuse the other of disloyalty towards the
party leader. Few believed that Grace Mugabe would have been proposed as Secretary of the
Womens League without Mugabes consent. The proposal thus had to be considered as beyond
reproach. A criticism of her candidacy would be conceived as a criticism of Mugabe, and could
be, and was,71 used as a club to bludgeon opponents or to raise complaints about them to
The Womens League duly endorsed Grace Mugabe for appointment as head of the body at its
Conference on 15th August, 2014. The nomination was a valuable testing of the waters as to how
ZANU PF cadres would react both to the fact of Grace Mugabes entry into politics, and,
secondly, to the fact that ZANU PFs internal rules and requirements for qualification as a
candidate for the post had been brushed aside. The result did not disappoint. No party cadre had
the temerity to openly voice dissent.

Mugabes Wife Set to Take Over ZANU PF Womens Wing New Zimbabwe 25.07.14.
Those who had assisted the guerrillas in the independence war.
It should not escape notice that the proposal was thus made around the time when Grace Mugabe may have been
approached about the scheme to unseat Mujuru, i.e. shortly after Mugabes attack on Jonathan Moyo and at the same
time that she registered for her MPhil.
Ironically (and reminiscent of the moment when Mnangagwa had to draft the changes to the ZANU PF
constitution which facilitated to Mujurus appointment as VP), the electoral rules were presented to the Politburo by
Mnangagwa as party Secretary for Legal Affairs.
That the rules were intended to exclude mafikizolos was openly stated see Factionalism Days Numbered:
Gumbo The Herald 27.07.14.
Referred to in the party Constitution as principal officers.
See ZANU PF Election Guidelines Out The Herald 12.07.14.
For example: Mugabe a God-given leader Kasukuwere The Standard 08.02.15; Obert Mpofu Outshines
Mugabe's Praise-Ingers The Standard 21.11.10.
See for example Under-fire Midzi Denies Sabotaging Grace Mugabe New Zimbabwe 25.08.14 and the allegations
subsequently made to oust provincial chairpersons and those seeking nomination to the Central Committee.
In terms of the ZANU PF Party Constitution72, the Nation Conference of the Womens League
has exclusive powers and authority to elect members of the National Executive Council of the
Womens League.73 The Secretary of the Womens League, who heads the body, is part of this
Council.74 Despite this provision in the Party Constitution, the stance adopted by ZANU PF
generally, and the Womens League itself, is that the appointment of Secretary of the Womens
League is the prerogative of the Party President, and is made at Congress. The National
Conference of the Womens League thus felt they could only pass a resolution recommending
Grace Mugabes appointment to the post. This is not the case. While the President of the party
(Mugabe) appoints the other Secretaries as Heads of Departments within the Politburo, the
Secretary of the Womens League is an ex officio member of the Central Committee and Mugabe
is obliged in terms of the Party Constitution to appoint her as Secretary for the Womens League
in the Politburo.75
Notwithstanding the ex officio status of the Secretary of the Womens League in the various
party bodies, under the guise of campaigning for her appointment and showing support,
Provincial Committees rushed to nominate her as their candidate for the Central Committee.76
They were joined in the show of support, by numerous other individuals and bodies, the Youth
League, Church groups etc.77 A period of Grace mania began with the First Ladys praise sung
at every opportunity and numerous vehicles in the cities, particularly Harare, emblazoned with
posters carrying her image.78
Assisting the process, as had been planned several months previously, Grace Mugabe was
capped with a doctorate from the University of Zimbabwe by her husband qua Chancellor on the
12th September, 2014 (ironically at the same time as Mujuru).79 The Vice-Chancellor of the
University, who, not long before, had been appointed by the President for an unprecedented third
term in office,80 refused to entertain any questions on the matter or explain the circumstances in
which the degree had been awarded after such an extremely short period of alleged doctoral

Section (149(2).
The most recent version of the ZANU PF Constitution refers to this Council in the relevant section as the National
Executive Committee but this is clearly an error.
Section 151(2).
This arises implicitly from the fact that the Womens League has exclusive authority to appoint the head of the
Womens League and that first duty of the Secretary for the Womens League in the Politburo is to head the
Womens League see section 59(1).
See, for example, Matabeleland Backs First Ladys Endorsement The Herald 28.07.14; Harare Offers First Lady
Key Slot The Herald 27.08.14.
Leagues Throw Weight Behind Amai Mugabe The Herald 29.07.14; Youths Endorse Amai Mugabe The Herald
08.08.14; Churches Back First Lady for Womens League Top Post The Chronicle 08.10.14.
'Grace-mania' Hits Harare as Many Rush to Show Support New Zimbabwe 08.09.14.
The award had the desired affect and proved a useful tool in the propaganda campaign to improve Graces image.
The benefits were only reaped from ZANU PF supporters (which is all that was required) and the ZANU PF aligned
media immediately prefixed Dr. to Grace Mugabes other titles whenever her name was mentioned (hence the First
Lady, Amai Dr Grace Mugabe). For others, the dubious nature of the award merely strengthened previous
perceptions of the First Lady - which proved unsurprisingly resilient.
Nyagura Under Fire Over Graces PhD The Zimbabwe Independent 10.10.14.
Nyagura Explodes Over Graces PhD Scandal The Zimbabwe Independent 03.10.14.
The Mnangagwa-faction controlled state newspapers, the Herald, Sunday News and Sunday
Mail, and electronic media also set into motion saturation coverage of the First Ladys activities,
marked by a slick of obsequiousness. Every flattery by eager party cadres was dutifully
reproduced. The Sunday News reported Muchinguri as in full agreement with the praises
accorded to Grace Mugabe and that she had:82
describ[ed] the elegant First Lady as: an Angel, a Queen and the nations
own Cremora, 83in reference to her near-perfect being, as well as her
philanthropic disposition. 84
The same Sunday News Journalist, having noted how Grace Mugabes academic exploits had
added to her ever-growing status, and that her style was akin to a female James Bond (sic),
her beauty left even journalists momentarily forgetting their pens and notebooks,
in awe, with their eyes glued on the learned First Lady. the minute she opened
her mouth she immediately showed everyone that not only is she a smart lady, but
she is also an intelligent and shrewd politician.
Muchinguri was also reported as referring to Grace Mugabe as the Queen Mother, the Queen of
The encomium around Grace Mugabe and her new political prominence may have been over-
done by the plotters. It was such that it led to speculation that the public was being prepared for
her to be appointed to one of the vacant vice-presidential positions at Congress, and this as a
prelude to succeeding thereafter to the presidency.86 However, with her status thus elevated, the
stage was set for the next act of the plot. A decision was taken that Grace Mugabe would address
rallies in each of the countrys ten provinces. The central theme of her speeches was to be the
issue of factionalism within the party. She would be presented as someone who would unify the
party and expunge the scourge of factionalism. Her well-meaning efforts in this regard would be
treated as spurned by Mujuruites, and the idea appears to have been that she would slowly
ratchet up the pressure, and, carefully monitoring any backlash and reaction from the Mujuruites,
gradually increase both the intensity of the attacks on those claimed to be fanning factionalism,
and to be more and more direct as to whom constituted the targets of her attack should it prove,
as was expected, politically safe for her to do so. It may have been the intention that this would
lay the ground for others to openly name the targets of her vilification or, if all went well, to
allow Grace Mugabe to do this herself and call for their sacking. Amongst these targets would be
Joice Mujuru herself.
The preparations at the beginning of August, 2014, for the role Grace Mugabe was to play, took
place against the backdrop of the Youth and Womens League Conferences, ahead of which the
Mujuruites had been exerting considerable power particularly in relation to the former body.

The article actually states that Muchinguri could not agree less with the eulogistic description, but this is
obviously an error in the copy.
A popular coffee creamer.
Of Fashion, Style, Beauty and Music: Dr Grace Mugabe a Multifaceted Character The Sunday News 19.10.14.
Per Muchinguri. See Grace Mugabe For President The Daily News 09.10.14.
See for example Grace for president? Newsday 11.09.14.
Apart from the not inconsiderable influence that these bodies exert themselves, the Party
Constitution provides that the Heads of Departments of these bodies (now some 21 cadres 87) are
ex officio members of the partys important Central Committee.
In a development which was later to be replicated in the partys main wing, the provincial youth
wings had already, in July 2014, been riven by suspensions of Mujuruites for fanning
factionalism followed by the reappointment of those suspended.88 A month earlier, in June 2014,
two months ahead of the Youth League Conference, there were reports of rampant vote buying
by candidates for the executive of the body.89 Although party Secretary for Administration and
staunch Mujuruite, Didymus Mutasa, said those engaging in the practice would be warned and
told to desist, the practice continued to the Conference.90 Mujuruites secured control of the body,
with Kudzai91 Chipanga gaining the most senior elective post,92 the Deputy Secretary for Youth
A few days after the Youth League Conference ended, on the 13th August, 2014, losing
candidates and members of the Mnangagwa side of the divide, Tongai Kasukuwere, Lewis
Matutu and Edson Chakanuka94 approached Mugabe at State House to complain about vote
buying, the manner in which the elections had been held and to present a petition in this regard.
They were accompanied by plotters Saviour Kasukuwere (Tongais brother) and Patrick
Treating the matter with due seriousness, Mugabe resolved that a further meeting be held at State
House two days later where the issues could be aired and aired they were, with uncharacteristic

The amended Party Constitution provides for 20 members nominated by each Conference plus the Secretary of
the body subsections 35(4) (7) increased from the previous 17. The Constitution does not provide that these
members must be the Heads of Department, but that appears to be the practice.
For example, in Mashonaland Central, Mujurus home province, the Provincial Executive of the Youth League (at
which Luke Mushore the main wings Provincial Chair was present) reversed the suspension of the Mujuruite chair
and suspended three Mnangagwa supporters who had been responsible for his ouster by 21 to 37 votes see ZANU
PFs Mash Central Fight Takes New Twist The Zimbabwe Independent 11.07.14.
Vote-buying Rocks ZANU PF Youth Conference Newsday 10.06.14.
Vote-buying Mars ZANU PF Youth Polls The Standard 10.08.14.
Sometimes given as Kudzanai.
Pupurayi Tongarepi (aged 44) was appointed to head the Youth League by Mugabe after the Congress, replacing
Absolom Sikhosana, who had occupied this position for over 15 years and was aged 63. The Youth League
membership is restricted to those aged between 15 and 30 section 187 of the Party Constitution.
The partys Constitution is obscure with regard to the manner in which the head of the Youth League, the
Secretary for Youth Affairs, attains office. Section 198 requires that the National Conference elect members of the
Heads of Department (and is thus differently worded from the elective provisions relating to the Womens League
see above in the text). Section 205 lists the principal officers of the Youth League, which comprise the various
Secretaries as Heads of Departments, together with The National Secretary for Youth League (sic) and Deputy
Secretary for Youth League (sic). These posts are referred to as National Secretary for Youth Affairs and Deputy
Secretary for Youth Affairs in other sections. In terms of Section 39 the Party President may appoint a Secretary
for Youth Affairs to the Politburo. It is thus unclear whether the Conference should elect the Secretary for Youth
Affairs, and the Party President, if appointing a Secretary for Youth Affairs in the Politburo, is required to appoint
that person so elected, or whether the Party President merely appoints the Secretary for Youth Affairs to both the
Politburo and the Youth League. The provisions relating to the appointment of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary
are identical. Yet in practice the Secretary has been appointed by the Party President, and the Deputy Secretary
elected by the Conference.
The deposed Deputy Secretary of the Youth League.
frankness in what was described as an explosive meeting.95 Mugabe had directed that all
available Government Ministers, Politburo members and Provincial Chairpersons were to be
Tongai Kasukuwere and seven provincial youth leaders commenced the fray by giving evidence
of vote buying by Mujuruites. Singled out as the main culprits in this regard were Webster
Shamu, John Mvundura and Temba Mliswa,96 while Didymus Mutasa, Simon Khaya-Moyo
Dzikamai Mavhaire, Munacho Mutezo, Walter Mzembi, Olivia Muchena, Ray Kaukonde,
Andrew Langa, and Kudakwashe Bhasikiti were all accused of interfering in the vote.97
Furthermore, Matutu forthrightly warned Mugabe that there was a plot to remove him from
power by Mujuruites in the Presidium:
You are now isolated Mr. President because all those sitting with you at the high
table (Mujuru, Mutasa and SK Moyo) no longer want you, they are plotting to
unseat you.98
Mugabe was apparently incensed with Mujuru as a result. Mujuru responded by denying that she
had any ambition to take over the presidency and countered that the allegations were themselves
a plot to remove her from the Vice-Presidency, asking Mugabe Is this the way you want to
remove me from the Vice-Presidency? Mugabe reportedly responded that It is the people who
elect leaders.99 Mujurus ally, Webster Shamu, accused the youths of trying to foment a Nhari
type rebellion100 against Mujuru. And newly elected youth leader, Kudzai Chipanga, boldly
asked Mugabe as to which faction he belonged.101
True to form, Mugabe took no action at the State House gathering, simply referring the matter to
the next Politburo meeting for consideration.102 Despite Mugabes obvious displeasure with
them, the Mujuruites were not cowed. Days after Mugabe left Zimbabwe for China, the very next
week, on 23rd August, 2014, Mujuruites proceeded with an immediate attempt to purge the
Youth League of some key members considered hostile. Harare Province Youth League leader,
Godwin Gomwe was first in the firing line, while Temba Mliswa reportedly led moves to remove
Vengai Musengi and his deputy Joseph Nyariri in Mashonland West.103 Youths opposed to
Mujuru thus resolved to meet with Mugabe immediately on his return from China104 in regard to
the suspensions, and claiming that they feared being prevented from doing so, accosted him in

Mugabes Real Dilemma Financial Gazette 21.08.14.
Mugabes Real Dilemma ibid.
Mugabe, Mujuru in Stormy Meeting The Zimbabwe Independent 22.08.14.
Mugabe, Mujuru in Stormy Meeting ibid.
Mugabe, Mujuru in Stormy Meeting ibid.
The reference was to a rebellion by Thomas Nhari and other against the ZANU leadership during the war
(November 1974).
Grace Ejects Youth Leader The Zimbabwean 17.09.14. Chipangas attack was, according to the article, motivated
by the fact that he had been accused by Grace Mugabe as belonging to the Mujuru faction and ejected from the
meeting at her farm on the 7th August, 2014. He was quoted as having asked: President (Mugabe), I would like to
know from you if you belong to any of the factions that exist in the party. I am asking this question because the First
Lady barred me from Mazowe because I am perceived to belong to a faction led by Mai Mujuru. Whatever faction
Chipanga belonged to at the time of his election, he subsequently forswore any allegiance to Mujuru.
Mugabes Real Dilemma ibid.
Youths Targeted in ZANU PF Purge The Herald 27.08.14.
On 31st August, 2014.
large numbers at the airport itself. Mugabe confirmed that a Politburo meeting would shortly
take place to discuss the Youth (and Womens) League issues. He also diverted from the main
theme of his address to attack ZANU PFs Harare Province Political Commissar, Shadreck
Mashayamombe, who had had the temerity to approach Mashonaland West politician and
Politburo member and plotter, Patrick Zhuwao,105 advising him to find a political home for
Grace Mugabe in his Province and outside the capital. Mugabes reaction to the idea that
someone other than he should exercise such political power was caustic:
I want to hear why she (Grace) should leave Harare, going where? I would also
want to know where the emperor of Harare got his powers from.106
On the day of the scheduled Politburo meeting, the 3rd September, 2014, The Herald published a
significant editorial, which, seemed to be an unprecedented criticism of Mugabe. The editorial
bemoaned that fact that no heads had rolled as a result of the bhora musango107 campaign,
no heads had rolled following the provincial elections the previous year despite vote buying and
manipulation and no heads had yet rolled over the vote buying in the Womens and Youth
League elective conferences:
Zanu-PFs inaction on saboteurs since 2008 explains the prevailing problems.
Unless those behind the shenanigans are made to answer for their actions, they
will continue their nefarious agenda safe in the knowledge nothing will happen to
them. To this end we hope and we are sure we speak for the generality of
Zimbabweans, that the special Politburo meeting will not be another talk show.
Heads must roll or must be seen to roll to foster discipline down to the grassroots.
Where the alleged irregularities are proved, results must be nullified so that
intra-party democracy triumphs.
ZANU PFs inaction can only be read to mean that of Mugabe, and The Herald could not have
been urging or have expected the Mujuruite-dominated Politburo to take action the call was
really to Mugabe to exercise his powers as leader and act decisively.108
Mugabe declined to do so. The results of the Youth and Womens League conference elections
were allowed to stand.109 Mugabe merely directed that the suspensions of the Youth League
members were to be reversed and, it seems, that there were to be no further suspensions of party
members before Congress to prevent the on-going chaos in the party caused by suspensions and
counter suspensions by the factions.110

Plan B, Step Two the Rallies

Grace Mugabes first rally was held in Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West on 2nd October, 2014. As
required, the First Lady denounced factionalism, stating that, instead of fighting amongst

Also written as Zhuwawo.
Mugabe the Brains Behind Graces Political Rise Newsday 03.09.14.
See above in the text.
Time ZANU-PF Showed Some Teeth The Herald (editorial) 03.09.14 and Politburo Urged to be Decisive The
Herald of the same day.
Politburo Upholds Conference Results The Herald 04.09.14 and Mujuru Prevails Daily News 05.09.14.
Harare Province Defies Politburo Directive The Herald 15.10.14 Suspended ZANU PF Members Appeal to
Khaya Moyo Daily News 12.10.14 and Mliswa Suspension Reversed, Declared Null and Void Zimeye 12.10.14.
themselves, the ZANU PF leadership should attend to service delivery. What was to be the
leitmotiv of all the rallies was then made apparent. With regard to those leading the factions,
Mugabes wife stated:
We have been hearing that some people have been leading factions for a long
time and now we hear that they are receiving money from the US to remove
President Robert MugabeWe see them dancing kongonya111 here as if they love
the president, they are good at chanting slogans in the public, but deep down their
hearts they dont love him.At night, they are busy plotting his ouster claiming
that he is old hence he must go so that they can take over.
At the second rally, on 6th October, 2014, at the ZANU PF Conference Centre, Gweru, Midlands
Province, Grace Mugabe made the first reference to the need to remove provincial chairmen,
whom she claimed were ineffective and that some senior party politicians were conspiring with
the MDC-T and western powers. She also castigated those whom she alleged were bribing
delegates ahead of the December Congress and called upon them to desist from the practice.
The third rally, in Harare two days later, was billed as a mini unity accord as Grace Mugabe
portrayed herself as magnanimously bringing together those112who had spoken for and against
her ascendancy, and as part of a claimed role as the unifier who would stamp out factionalism in
the party. However, the suggestion that Mujuruites were to be forgiven and brought back into
fold appears to have been abandoned at the rally in Masvingo the next day.113 Egregiously, Grace
Mugabe commenced this rally with the slogan Pamberi ne [forward with] the one party
state114, a ZANU PF slogan not heard for two decades.115 At this rally, Grace Mugabe inched
closer to disclosing that that Mujuru herself was a prime target and subject of her excoriation.
She claimed that that those who wanted to rule in place of her husband were unable to do so and,
having been placed in their positions by Mugabe, could just as easily be removed. Those giving
allegiance to such people would thus find themselves isolated she warned:
Some of you here were called [by Mugabe] and were warned, but you did not
listen. You know whats next. There are many people who can take the job that
you have. You are a crook. If you harden your head, what if the person you are
fighting for loses? What will you do? Where will you go? Most people were
being spoon-fed by my husband. He worked for them, yet today you hear them
saying they want to rule the country. Are you able to rule? Leave us alone, you
are revolting, you are not able to rule the country.116

Originally a defiant and mocking dance style imitating a male baboon revived during the liberation war, by the
time of Grace Mugabes address, it had become known for its lasciviousness and associated with an erotic dancer
receiving much tabloid style attention at the time.
Godwin Gomwe (for), Amos Midzi and Shadreck Mashayamombe (against).
On 09.10.14.
Full Text of the First Ladys Speech in Masvingo The Herald 10.10.14.
Although the preamble to the ZANU PF Party Constitution makes reference to the agreement in the 1987 Unity
Accord to unite all the peoples of Zimbabwe under a single political party and the idea of establishing a one
party state was much discussed in the 1980s. This objective appears to have been abandoned by the end of that
Im Aiming for High Post Grace Mugabe Newsday 10.10.14.
The rally in Mutare the next day, Friday, 10th October, was, significantly, the most poorly
attended and marked by clashes between youths led by Harare leader Godwin Gomwe and those
supporting Manicaland supremo, Didymus Mutasa. Grace Mugabe chided Manicaland province
as being the worst culprit as far as factionalism was concerned and indirectly criticised party
leaders in the Province by decrying the successes achieved by the opposition MDC-T there.117
Having shied away from continuing the attack on Mujuru herself in Manicaland, the First Lady
made her most overt attack upon the Vice-President in Gwanda, Matabeleland South, after taking
a weekend break from rallies.118
Some people like to ride on the back of the President, they think that being VP
(Vice President) means sitting in the office and Mugabe working for them We
dont want that, we want people who are capable. We dont want! We dont want!
We dont want a liability. We dont want such one who spends time sitting with
no ideas119
In addition, Grace Mugabe made repeated and pointed references at this rally to her husbands
power to make senior appointments under both the party and state constitutions, stating also that
the fact that a person was a vice-president of the Party did not ensure that they would be a vice-
president of the country.120
Most of the non-ZANU PF aligned press had little doubt that, although no names had been
mentioned, the First Ladys address was an attack on Joice Mujuru, running headlines such as
Grace Savages Mujuru Again,121 Grace Mugabe Calls for Vice President Mujurus
At the following two rallies, in Lupane, Matabeleland North(13th October) and Bulawayo (14th
October), Grace Mugabe seems to have made no reference, overt or covert, regarding the Vice-
President, choosing only to chide those vying for a vice-presidential position. At the first rally of
the two, however, before Grace Mugabe took to the podium, a spat developed between Philip
Chiyangwa and Temba Mliswa, when the former chanted the pasi ne (down with) Gamatox
slogan. It was also, significantly, believed necessary to warn those hired to come here and boo
the First Lady not to even try it.123
However, the last two rallies signalled a change in tactics. At a closed door Provincial
Committee meeting124 ahead of the penultimate rally in Bindura, Grace Mugabe reportedly
revealed the existence and content of the spy tapes. The attack on Joice Mujuru then
recommenced with renewed vigour:

Count Me Out of Factions Amai The Herald 11.10.14. See also Youths clash at Grace Mugabe Rally Newsday
The rally was on 13.10.14.
First Lady Tears into VP Aspirants The Herald 14.10.14. The report is mainly in chiShona.
First Lady Tears into VP Aspirants ibid.
Daily News 14.10.14.
Newsday 14.10.14.
Live Updates- Amai Grace Mugabe Mat North Rally The Herald 14.10.14.
The report does not indicate if the Committee is that of the PEC or PCC - Spy Tapes Zimeye 17.10.14.
The youths have alerted me about someone who is spearheading factionalism in
this (Mashonaland Central) province and I told Baba (President Mugabe) to
baby-dump that person. I told him that if he does not dump the person, we will
do it ourselves. you can no longer deny that you are a faction leader. Enough is
enough, even those men who are being used by this faction leader, we will dump
them when we dump the person.125
The faction leader is moving around saying Mai Mugabe has money, yet the
(same) person has diamond mines and has about 10% shares in almost every
company. That is greed. That is corruption, yet the person goes around saying a
lot of rubbish about Amai Mugabe. That is why I am saying to Baba (Mugabe), if
he does not dump the person in the street to be devoured by the dogs, we will do it
ourselves. Dumping her is the only way forward, dumping the baby so that she
can be exposed to the elements. If we expose her, even flies or wild dogs will be
repulsed with her corrupt activities, which stink 126
At the final rally in Marondera, Mashonaland East, Grace Mugabe was particularly acerbic in her
attack on Mujuru, though again refraining from mentioning her by name. She claimed that the
demon of factionalism started in Mashonaland Central (Mujurus home province) and went on
to accuse Mujuru of being behind parties opposed to ZANU PF and in alliance with them,
seeking to stop elections in 2013 and to remove President Mugabe from power:
And to that same person (leader of the faction) I was referring to yesterday
(Thursday), the MDC was started in your house, Mavambo was started in your
house, corruption was started in your house and factionalism was started in your
Then, in statements which were to prepare further the ground for what was to come,127 Grace
Mugabe turned her ire upon Provincial Chairman, Ray Kaukonde, accusing him of using his
wealth to support Mujuru and fan factionalism, and that he was supporting an inept leader who
could not stand against President Mugabe.
The crowd at this rally, by Grace Mugabes own observation, was much reduced, and she used
the occasion to rebuke those who had snubbed her rallies. Significantly, clashes between those
chanting the pasi ne Gamatox slogan, and those who found the slogan objectionable, were such
that police intervention was required.
After the rallies ended, Grace Mugabe continued the invective against Mujuru and her allies
from the safety of her Mazowe farm the following week, where she not only felt safe to mention
Mujuru by name but directly charged that [i]nstead of acquiring wisdom from President
Mugabe she [Mujuru] was busy plotting against him so that she takes over.128

Dump Mujuru Grace Tells Mugabe Newsday 17.10.14.
'Flies and dogs will resent her,' Says Grace Mugabe Bulawayo24 17.10.14 and Newsday ibid. The statement left
no doubt that Mujuru was the person to whom Grace Mugabe was referring - as the Newsday article then added after
the quoted statement The Mujuru family has a significant shareholding in the troubled River Ranch diamond mine
among many other investments in major businesses in the country.
The removal of the provincial chairpersons.
Quoted in Resign Now The Herald 24.10.14.
Grace Mugabe demanded that Mujuru resign or face dismissal. Calling Mujuru ungrateful,
power hungry, daft, corrupt, foolish, divisive and a disgrace to ZANU PF and Zimbabwe, the
First Lady said:
Mujuru should just do the honorable and resignIt is not good to be fired. It
would be better if Mai Mujuru resigns today than wait to be fired by President
Mugabe If you are here and you support Mai Mujuru, you should immediately
leave because what I am going to say will cause you diarrhea. You should tie up
your pants.
In addition, Grace Mugabe accused Mujuru ally and Provincial Chairperson, Ray Kaukonde, of
paying youths to cause disturbances at her rallies, and of conniving with the opposition MDC
and whites to reverse the gains of independence.
On 16th November, 2014, at a meeting with youths, once more held at her Mazowe farm, Grace
Mugabe claimed that Mujuru denigrated her and her husband behind their backs, that she had
recording of this, and again called for Mujurus resignation:
If you cant accept that leadership is from God, you lose the plot. You cant be
number one in extortion, number one in corruption and number one in plotting
against the party. It amounts to treasonShe must resign forthwith. She is not
seeing that the writing is on the wall in bold print saying we no longer want you,
you showed us you are not competent.129
Youth leader, Leopold Chakanyuka, responded:
Anyone who comes between you and the President has declared war. If they want
war we will take guns because you and the President are untouchable and your
family is untouchable.
Harare Youth League Chairman, Godwin Gomwe, reportedly added that they would prevent
anyone who criticised Mugabe in the media from attending Congress.
Overview of the Rallies
On the 7th August, 2014, women and youths had converged at Graces Mugabes farm in
Mazowe supposedly as a show of support for her nomination to head the Womens League. The
report of the Zimbabwe Independent on the event130 was both insightful and prescient. The First
Ladys belligerent remarks made when addressing the crowd were correctly reported as directed
at Mujuru and her allies, even though Grace Mugabe had named no names. Furthermore, the
paper reported that Grace Mugabes nomination to head the Womens League was evidently
made to try to derail Mujurus ascendancy to the presidency after Mugabe. What was not
known by the paper, the Mujuruites, and possibly even the plotters at that stage, was how this
was to be accomplished. However, Grace Mugabe let slip a comment, the true significance of
which could only be appreciated in hindsight. After warning that those who defied her were
playing with fire and that while she had a small fist she would put stones inside it to enlarge
it, or even put on gloves to make it bigger she then stated that she was a monya [bouncer] for

I Have Evidence Against Mujuru Grace Newsday 17.10.14.
Grace Mugabe Goes on a Warpath Zimbabwe Independent 08.08.14.
hire and this, as has been seen, was precisely the role she played through her ten rallies. There
was also a candid admission of this by Oppah Muchinguri at the fourth rally in Masvingo where
she stated:
We realised that there were some who wanted to take over from Mugabe but we
plotted against them and decided to use our mother [Grace Mugabe] to come and
take over because she is a worthy candidateWe had to do this because it was
the same people who were undermining us and intimidating us to support their
cause to replace baba VaMugabe [father Mugabe] but we have put it to an end by
the coming in of Amai [mother i.e. Grace Mugabe].131
Before Grace Mugabe began her rallies, the initial path was cleared for her. This set the tone for
her rallies and did not make it appear as if she was promoting maverick polices and discussing
factionalism which the party had previously wished left out of the public domain. There were
three significant developments marking this process: firstly, trenchant criticism of two prominent
Mujuruites by President Mugabe himself; an astounding interview with war veteran, Christopher
Mutsvangwa, published in The Herald; and the meeting with the Youth League at State House
already mentioned.
Addressing the pre-Congress Youth League Conference, on the 8th August, 2014, Mugabe
decried the poor organisation of the Conference, stating that arrangements for food and transport
had not been properly organised, requiring the First Family to step in and help feed the delegates.
Didymus Mutasa, as Secretary for Administration, was responsible for the logistics. Mugabe
Its very bad. We will organise ourselves after this in a better way and I am
looking forward, I am seeing what is happening and alas when it comes to
Congress dont cry I cant have a Central Committee or Politburo which is that
Although he did not mention Mutasa by name on this occasion, he was more direct after the
Womens League Conference the following week. Including Webster Shamu in his line of fire,
President Mugabe directed his criticism at the departments headed by both Mutasa and Shamu
(Administration and the Commissariat), lambasting the shambolic arrangements for the
conference and the disarray in party structures.133 The remarks suggested that Mutasa, at least,
would not survive Congress.134 135
The day after Mugabe spewed this venom, a remarkable and unprecedented attack upon Mutasa
and Mujuru was published in The Herald, in the form of an interview with Christopher

Muchinguri Reveals Plot Against Mujuru Daily News 11.10.14.
Party Leaders Anger President The Chronicle 09.08.14.
Mugabe Lambasts Mutasa, Shamu The Zimbabwe Mail 16.08.14. See also You Have Failed to Administer
Organise ZANU PF: Mugabe Newsday 15.08.14.
RAU predicted as much when presenting the Mortal Remains in October 2014. RAU did not foresee that this
would be part of a wholesale and unprecedented purge, believing, even at that stage, that the axing of a Vice-
President was as unthinkable as it was unprecedented and out of kilter with Mugabes general modus operandi.
ZANU PF aligned student bodies also then called for Mutasas axing, see ZANU PF Students Bay for Mutasas
Blood Newsday 23.08.14.
Mutsvangwa, the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister.136 The strident tone of the interview is well
captured by this opening salvo by the abrasive war veteran in regard to a question referring to
reports of factionalism within ZANU PF:
an ambitious coterie of political chancers . has also recruited lumpen elements
with criminal intent pursuing a fascist agenda as they employ Nazist tactics to
try to wrestle power and then proceed to resurrect a post-Rhodesian political
agenda. The coterie is totally opposed to the revolutionary history of the party
whose regalia and banners they are so much wont to flaunt.
Mutsvangwa went on to state that:
Now ever the busy-body, Mutasa, he has been angling to abuse the illustrious
record of another cadre, the Vice President Teurai Ropa Mujuru.137 In a scheme
that sidesteps fellow comrades who fought alongside her, there is some coaxing at
instigation of Mutasa and cohorts on VP Mujuru to make her challenge H.E,
Mugabe. This conspiracy is directed at the man who has given VP Mujuru post
independence high offices from the onset of the Republic, an honour and
recognition that has not been accorded to no other of her peers (sic).
Mutasa, Mutsvangwa claimed, is a pretender and self-styled kingmaker who discards the
party constitution, attempts to sideline Mugabe and aspires to crown VP Mujuru next
Mutsvangwa then proceeded to belittle the roles played by Mutasa and, to some extent, Mujuru,
in the independence war, maintaining that Mutasa was a coward who had done everything
possible to remove himself from zones of danger and that the legend that Mujuru had downed a
Rhodesian helicopter, was manufactured by Webster Shamu:
Mutasa and his cohorts, leaders never had anything do with the critical 1973-
80 period of the armed struggle. The only legitimacy they accord themselves is the
hazy clamour for the political ascendancy of Vice President Mujuru to the top
national post. Why they want to foist her on Zimbabwe outside of the circle of her
other many wartime comrades and without bringing them into that exercise, only
the putchist elements and perhaps herself can explain
Let me finish by putting down the lies about downing an enemy helicopter which
were developed by Webster Shamu in a bid to shore-up (Mujurus) war
credentials and elevate her above fellow comrades. Lets be careful not to be
misled by ordinary people and war cowards we only started working with after
the liberation war." 138 139

Also MP (ZANU PF) for Norton constituency.
A somewhat odd statement, given that Mutsvangwa then goes on to denigrate Mujurus war record himself.
Mutsvangwa uses Joice Mujurus nom de guerre (chimurenga name) Teurai Ropa (spill blood).
In The Herald interview Mutsvangwa makes this statement in chiShona. The translation appears in New
Zimbabwe 16.08.14.
The outburst also set a pattern of denigrating individuals war records in the mudslinging which was to follow.
The interview was extremely significant. Any pretense that the party was not deeply divided had
been abandoned. And the cause of the division was openly declared to be a plot to oust Mugabe,
orchestrated by Didymus Mutasa, and with the intent of placing Mujuru at the head of party and
government. Having stated matters so openly, there could then be little doubt as to whom Grace
Mugabe was referring in the more guarded attacks made during her later rallies. The
Mutsvangwa interview starkly disclosed the depth of the antipathy between the opposing camps.
Also remarkable was the fact that Mutsvangwa made such comments seemly without fear of any
adverse consequences, despite the fact that the partys National Disciplinary Committee was
under the control of Mujuruites at the time. Party spokesperson, and Mujuru ally, Rugare
Gumbo, responded to the interview by suggesting that disciplinary action would be taken against
What war veteran Mutsvangwa said is uncalled for and not expected from
someone who has been in the party for that long, he knows how to communicate if
he has any issues with his leadershipThis is an internal issue and it will be dealt
with following the party's rules and regulations as laid down in the procedures
and action will be taken accordingly.140
None was.141 Did Mutsvangwa make these remarks confident that he would be shielded from any
disciplinary action by Mugabe?; or was he aware that Grace Mugabe would be making similar
albeit more circumspect comments in the same vein shortly and that it thus would be difficult to
discipline him for remarks which were being echoed by the First Lady? Or were they made with
the knowledge of the spy tapes as some suggested.142 Either way, Mutsvangwas outburst set
the tone for Grace Mugabes rallies, which began just over two weeks later.
If Mutsvangwas interview was intended to pave the way for Grace Mugabes rallies, thus
suggesting close planning by the plotters, this is contradicted by the fact that the plotters had not
considered the need to articulate a convincing raison dtre for Grace Mugabes rallies. When it
was announced that Grace Mugabe would commence her campaign, the public was left
wondering as to exactly what it was for which she was to campaign. Her position as leader of the
Womens League was already assured. This lapse fueled speculation that Grace Mugabe had
higher office in mind, and possibly eventually the presidency itself. The second rally was thus
hastily dubbed as a thank you tour, before the plotters settled upon calling the rallies meet the
people tours, a moniker readily adopted by State and independent media alike. It is quite
possible that the idea that Grace Mugabe should hold rallies throughout the country was
conceived belatedly, and merely concretised a vague notion that she would somehow use her
position as head of the Womens League to launch attacks on the Mujuruites through this body,
and probably from the safety of her Mazowe farm.
Despite the haste with which the details of the scheme appear to have been conceived, the
decision to use Grace Mugabe to continue the attack on the Mujuruites was devastatingly
effective. Rightly or wrongly, there was a perception that Grace Mugabes rallies had, at the very

Reckless Mutsvangwa to be disciplined, Gumbo New Zimbabwe 19.08.14.
In early September, 2014, however the Mashonaland West Provincial Executive purported to suspend
Mutsvangwa for failing to attend meetings. Mutsvangwa claimed that the suspension was invalid Deputy Minister
Mutsvangwa Suspended Sunday Mail 07.09.14.
See Spy Tapes Zimeye 17.10.14.
least, the consent of her husband. The matter was succinctly put by the Youth League
Chairperson for Harare Province, Godwin Gomwe, in relation to those perceived to be against
the First Ladys increasing political stature:
Its now clear that they are working for the removal of the President because you
cant claim to love the President and yet you dont love the wife.
Attendance at Grace Mugabes rallies (and general adulation of and obeisance to the First Lady)
became a matter of political survival, and even those who were the subject of her attacks made
sure they were seen at the events. But they were caught between a rock and a hard place. To
overtly complain about the First Ladys behaviour and the slurs against Mujuruites was
immediately interpreted as meaning that one was against President Mugabe and his continuation
in office. Yet to remain silent was to accept the charges and to allow the onslaught to continue
unabated. Notably, when Mujuru-aligned youths and supporters clashed with Grace Mugabes
supporters at her rallies, they claimed that they were not demonstrating against the First Lady
herself, but rather against the use of the pasi ne gamatox slogan. However, then Zimbabwe
National Liberation War Veterans Leader, Jabulani Sibanda, in a characteristically outspoken
manner, refused to be cowed:
If you want to find me guilty of not attending the First Ladys rallies, I plead
guilty on that one and I wont attend unless the programme changes. I cant
attend a function where they say Pamberi ne Mazoe Crush,143 Pasi ne
Gamatox. That slogan is unknown in Zanu-PF..All able-bodied people should
stand up and block attempts to stage a coup both in the boardroom and in the
He was suspended from the party shortly thereafter145 and arrested for insulting the President.
Nonetheless, despite the effectiveness of this ploy of using Grace Mugabe, the plotters proceeded
with extreme caution, seemingly intent on protecting her from any hostile backlash. Thus Grace
Mugabe appears to have been instructed to be circumspect in her attacks on the Mujuruites. At
the rally in Masvingo, Grace Mugabe had made a veiled attack on Mujuru by referring to her
husbands power to both appoint and fire Vice-Presidents. The rally which followed in
Manicaland, Mutasas stronghold, was then marred by clashes between party youths from both
camps. Grace Mugabe refrained from attacking Mujuru in this Province, only to make her most
overt attack on Mujuru at the very next rally in Matabeleland South, stopping just short of
mentioning Mujuru by name. This appeared to be too direct an attack for the plotters, who
moved in to do damage control. Thus Jonathan Moyo angrily denied that the First Lady had been
referring to Mujuru in her Gwanda address, implausibly claiming:
This is some infertile imagination of the creators of this story. She was addressing
the qualities that a Vice President and second secretary of Zanu-PF should
have.the people writing this story admit that no name was mentioned, and they
say just because theres only one Vice President it means it is referring to her.

Mazoe Orange Crush is a popular cordial. Mazowe crush became a slogan referring to Grace Mugabes campaign
given her holdings in Mazoe (also spelled Mazowe) a major citrus producing area of the country.
Jabulani Sibanda Arrested The Herald 29.11.14.
At a Politburo meeting on 13.11.14, along with other senior party members.
Zimbabwe has not had only one Vice President. We have had former and late
Vice Presidents Joshua Nkomo, Simon Muzenda, John Nkomo, Joseph Msika146
President Mugabe was later to comment that his wife had jumped the gun. 147
The attack on Mujuru in Gwanda also reportedly caused some disgruntlement in sections of the
security sector.148 At the following two rallies, Grace Mugabe thus made no reference to Mujuru,
overt or covert, perhaps while the plotters considered their position. Reflecting fears of a
backlash, however, at the next rally it was deemed necessary to warn those with Mujuruite
sympathies not to express any hostility they might harbour towards the First Lady.149 Possibly
believing that the cat had been let out of the bag in Gwanda in any event, and that previous
rallies had proved any backlash to be manageable and not too damaging, at the penultimate rally
in Mashonaland Central, Grace Mugabe directly demanded that Mujuru be removed (albeit again
avoiding referring to her by name). Some of the anticipated backlash did then occur at the final
rally, where attendance was greatly reduced and police intervention was required to control
clashes between the rival groups.
In addition to the precipitate directness of her attacks on Mujuru, there are other indications of
Grace Mugabes ineptness in fulfilling the task which had been set for her. At the fourth rally on
the 9th October, 2014, Grace Mugabe made the first of several references to her husbands power
to make appointments, noting that he could just as easily remove those who had been given
positions. It is probable that this was part of a scheme to prepare the ground for the suggestion
that amendments should be made to the Party Constitution to allow the party president, Robert
Mugabe, to appoint the Presidium. Recall that as the Party Constitution then stood, candidates
for these positions required nomination by six of the ten provinces, and the election of these
candidates then took place at Congress. Following the First Ladys comments about Mugabes
power of appointment, an article appeared in the Sunday Mail on the 12th October, 2014, arguing
that the election of the Presidium was at the root of factionalism in the party. The article quoted
plotter, Patrick Zhuwao, and maintained:
Observers said this situation saw these non-appointed officials creating their own
centres of power, which resulted in factionalism that manifested itself in vote-
buying, violence, intimidation and general disloyalty to the President. They
pointed out that the party constitution was at loggerheads with the 1987 Unity
Accord as regards to how people could occupy the two VP posts. Article 4 of the
Unity Accord states: That Zanu-PF shall have two Second Secretaries and Vice
Presidents who shall be appointed by the First Secretary and President of the
At Grace Mugabes sixth rally in Gwanda the next day, she again made reference to Mugabes
appointing powers, but compared the Party and State Constitution rather than the Party
Constitution and the Unity Accord as the plotters probably intended. As a result, when reporting
on the rally, The Herald found it necessary to do the job properly, claiming that the First Ladys
Lies! Damned lies!Moyo slams papers over First Lady The Chronicle 15.10.14.
Grace Jumped the Gun: Mugabe Newsday 02.03.15.
Infighting Divides Security Sector The Zimbabwe Independent 05.06.15.
Live Updates - Amai Grace Mugabe Mat North Rally The Herald 14.10.14.
President Should Appoint VPs Chair The Sunday Mail 12.10.14.
remarks concerning appointments reflected growing demands that the Presidents powers in
this regard be aligned with the Unity Accord. The Herald set out the argument in detail.151 That
the First Lady had been asked to refer to the Unity Accord in her speech finds support elsewhere,
and may well be the explanation behind her bizarre resurrection of the pamberi ne one party
state slogan made around the time that the issue of appointments was first raised. 152 It is quite
possible that, having been given the Unity Accord to read, and asked to demand at her rallies that
it be followed, Grace Mugabes eye had fallen upon clause six in the agreement, just two lines
below that dealing with the question of the appointments of the Vice-Presidents.153 Clause six of
the Accord reads: ZANU PF shall seek to establish one-party state in Zimbabwe.
In addition to these slips, Grace Mugabes skill at oratory left much to be desired. Certainly she
faced an inherent difficulty. The ten rallies were held over a short two week period and received
saturation coverage by the print and electronic media. It order to avoid repetition, the First Lady
felt compelled to address a patchwork of topics in addition to the themes of factionalism, vote
buying, and accepting money from hostile western powers. She thus addressed, among other
issues, service delivery, ZimAsset,154 the allocation of housing stands, demolition of illegally
constructed homes, economic self-sufficiency for women, the cleanliness of the cities, vendors,
typhoid, multiple farm ownership, sub-standard Chinese products, homosexuality, condoms, the
under-utilisation of land, political violence, child rape, HIV, misuse of party assets, gold
smuggling, gold panning, and migration to South Africa. As The Herald somewhat
euphemistically reported in regard to one rally:
She spoke for just under one-and-a-half hours, her wide-ranging speech touching
subjects such as legal protection for widows from their in-laws; giving women
title to land; a call to action against child rape and farming tips.155
With most of these topics, the First Lady presumed to lecture the population in a castigating and
abrasive manner, demanding that people desist from a host of activities and behaviours,
frequently punctuating her speeches with Stop it! Stop it!. President Mugabe tried to temper
the adverse effect of these tirades with a gentle dig at her, subsequently referring to his wife as
Amai Stop it156 and suggesting that he was a hen-pecked husband.157 Grace Mugabes berating
of her audience was, however, interspersed with attempts at humour. A joke she told in
Masvingo, which she appeared to find highly amusing, would have struck many others as puerile
and crass.158
Unfortunately, the hectoring style was also coupled with an even less palatable coarseness and
vulgarity of language. Thus Grace Mugabe chose to refer to Mujuru as being baby dumped

First Lady Tears into VP Aspirants The Herald 14.10.14.
Made at the Masvingo rally.
Clause 4.
The name given to the Governments economic blueprint.
First Lady Tears into VP Aspirants The Herald 14.10.14.
First Lady Undergoes Op The Herald 23.01.15.
Mugabe Down with ZANU PF Slogan Gaffe Stuns Delegates The Standard 07.12.14.
It was reported thus: A Zimbabwean lady got married to a Chinese national and they had a child. A few weeks
later, the child died and the aunt who was mourning kept saying she knew that the child was going to die within a
very short period. After some interrogations the aunt said the death of the child was obvious because Chinese
products were not durable. This is the reporters own translation of chiShona used.
rather than simply dumped, thus conjuring up an image, with which too many Zimbabweans
are familiar, of rotting victims of infanticide found in concealed plastic bags.159 Her statement
that Mujurus body having been thus dumped would repel even flies and dogs has been noted
as has her statement that her speech would induce diarrhoea in Mujuruites. The insult was
repeated in the same manner at the second Mazowe Farm meeting:
Do not take unnecessary risks saying you are brave because you will end up being
humiliated and have children laughing at you. You will be humiliated and left
naked and dogs will not come near you because you stink even if you have put on
perfume You are not going to heaven because God will not touch your stinking
body. And even mosquitoes will not come near you because you stink.160
In the same tenor, the First Lady claims to have advised her husband:
if you want to eat a dog, eat a very big dog which has a strong odour so that
when people pass through they acknowledge that indeed a dog was eaten.161
Such was not the turn of phrase the public expected of one described as a near perfect being
and the queen of queens, and is unlikely to have enhanced her political prospects amongst the
generality of the populace.162
Despite these lapses, one of the main and clever objectives of the rallies was, nonetheless,
achieved. This objective was to give her imprimatur to the spin, promoted relentlessly by the
State media, that ZANU PF did not comprise two factions, but, rather, that there was ZANU PF
with Mugabe at the centre, and a single faction, led by Mutasa, working against it. This laid the
basis for the Mujuruites to be referred to by the State media subsequently as a putschist cabal,
to be purged along with all supporters from the body of ZANU PF, thus heroically rescuing the
party and Mugabe. The narrative triumphed over the notion of two equally divided factions
locked in a bitter battle for control. This then allowed factionalism, so roundly condemned by
Mugabe, and of which none could say they approved, to become synonymous with the

Plan B, Step Three the Control of the Provinces

The next step in the plot was necessitated by provisions in the Party Constitution pertaining to
the manner in which members of the Presidium attain office, referred to above.
To recap, to be eligible for election to the Presidium, a candidate had to be nominated by at least
six of the 10 Provinces. The candidates name was then put forward for direct election at the
Congress. In practice, these nominations were normally forwarded by the Provinces about two or
three weeks ahead of the Congress.163 The danger for the plotters, therefore, would be that

Of many possible examples see Foetus Found In Southerton Newsday 30.06.15 and Foetus every Fortnight at
Sewer Plant The Sunday Standard 12.07.15.
Go now, Grace Orders Mujuru Daily News 18.11.14.
Grace: I Told Mugabe Lets Eat a Very Big Smelly Dog Zimeye 08.10.14.
Graces Blitz: Ten Mad Points Daily News 22.10.14 and Dont Mess With Grace Mugabe She Could be the
Next President of Zimbabwe The Guardian (UK) 15.07.15.
Masvingo Provincial Executive Chairperson, Callisto Gwantesa, came in for heavy criticism for jumping the
gun and attempting to submit the provinces nominations (Mujuru, Khaya Moyo and Mutasa) in mid-August 2014
see ZANU-PF Masvingo Accused of Jumping Gun in Presidium Nominations The Chronicle 18.09.14. The votes
Mujuru, Khaya Moyo and Mutasa would be put forward in mid-November by the Provincial Co-
ordinating Committees (PCC) as nominees for the posts of Vice-Presidents and National
Chairperson respectively. The PCCs were also required to submit their nominees for the Central
Committee, then 130 members.164 Some Provinces reportedly had begun to prepare for this
process as early as the second week of October 2014.165 When official notice was given by the
Politburo to commence nominations for the Central Committee on 14th November, 2014, there
was no mention of nominations to the Presidium. The notice was given by Mujuruite, Webster
Shamu, as Secretary for the Commissariat, rather than Mutasa, as Secretary for
To gain control of the Provinces and preclude nominations to the Presidium, the plotters deemed
necessary the removal of the nine Mujuruite Provincial Chairpersons, elected at the end of 2013.
Since the Politburo had directed the suspension of suspensions in early September, 2014, it
was decided to remove the Provincial Chairpersons through votes of no confidence in terms of
section 251 of the then Party Constitution, which provided:
A motion of no confidence shall be by a simple majority of all members of the
appropriate organ.
It is a moot point as to what counted as the appropriate body for this purpose; that is, whether
the vote of no confidence in the chairpersons had to be by the Provincial Co-ordinating
Committee or merely the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of the PCC. In the event, the
usurpers determined upon the smaller, approximately 50 member, PEC. The exact nature and
procedures of a motion of no confidence was not stated in the Party Constitution, nor was the
effect such a motion would have on the person upon whom it had been passed. 167 In practice the
affected members were simply regarded as having lost the position they held. They then became
ordinary card-carrying members.
It seems that the initial intention was to remove the PEC Chairpersons through the PCCs, after
Grace Mugabe had prepared that ground through her rallies, and when these organs of the party
were to meet in all Provinces nationwide on the 2nd November, 2014. The scheme was foiled
when, after becoming aware of the plan, rowdy and often violent Mujuruite youths, disrupted the
meetings, requiring PCC members to take refuge at local police stations.
Before this, the plotters had, however, felt compelled to act prematurely against Temba Mliswa,
Chairperson of Mashonaland West. Mliswa had had his head above the parapet for some time
and was an easy target for the plotters.168 He had also caused considerable antagonism by the

of no confidence in Andrew Langa and Mvundura also accused them of prematurely naming nominees for the
Presidium see Andrew Langa Kicked Out The Chronicle 11.11.14 and Manicaland ZANU PF Chairman Booted
Out New Zimbabwe 15.11.14.
Sections 35(2)-(3). The number was increased to 194 by way of purported amendments to the Party Constitution
made at the Congress. The amendments expanded the Central Committee from a stated 245 members to 300.
Congress Preps Go a Gear Up: as Provinces Prepare to Nominate Candidates The Sunday Mail 12.10.14.
ZANU PF to Start Central Committee Elections The Herald 20.11.14.
This has since been changed as discussed below.
At a PEC meeting on 29.09.14, for example, Mliswa accused politburo members Ignatius Chombo, Patrick
Zhuwao, Mr Ziyambi Ziyambi and his wife Florence of corruption. Mliswa said Mugabe disliked Zhuwao who was
a disgrace to the First Family. Zhuwaos wife Beauty was apparently incensed and threw a bottle of water at
Mliswa before slapping him in the face, see Mliswa Fights Zhuwaos Wife The Herald 30.09.14. Zhuwao is
suspension of Christopher Mutsvangwa from the Provincial Executive Committee and the
suspension of the Youth League members after their Conference. There was thus some urgency
in removing him. Mutsvangwa subsequently petitioned Mugabe to rein him in.169
A series of denigratory articles about Mliswa began to appear in the Mnangagwa camp
controlled press in September, 2014. Mliswa was accused of being part of a group of 12 ZANU
PF legislators, whom The Herald dubbed as the dirty dozen, and also claimed had received
funding and leaked the partys classified information to an American CIA operative.170 The same
paper then subsequently alleged that Mliswa was hobnobbing with white farmers and
businesspersons, and implied that the donations he solicited from them were neither properly
accounted for nor channelled towards the purpose for which they were requested.171
Press reports suggest that the first attempt to oust Mliswa by a vote in the PEC in early October,
2014, failed.172 Only 11 out of 50 members agreed to the vote, with others citing a lack of
transparency in the process and the failure to indicate the reason for the vote.173 However, two
days later, on the 9th October, 2014, according to a confused report in The Herald, at least 27
out of 48 members attended the meeting where the vote of no-confidence motion was passed,
surpassing the 26-member quorum required in the case.174 The vote against Mliswa had to be
announced at a local police station after the press conference175 convened for the purpose was
disrupted by pro-Mliswa youths. Mliswa maintained, with considerable justification, that the
PEC meeting had been improperly convened, that due process had not been followed and that
many of the signatures subscribing to the vote of no confidence were fraudulent or monetarily
induced.176 He refused to accept his ouster.177 ZANU PF party Spokesperson Rugare Gumbo also
claimed that the ouster was null and void on account of the moratorium on suspensions.
Subsequently, on the 19th October, 2014, a Provincial Inter-District meeting was held at which a
reported 780 of 900 delegates reaffirmed Mliswa as chairperson.178

Mugabes nephew and Mugabe had apparently expressed concern that Zhuwao was abusing his name in the
factional contest. Mugabe was apparently angry at the way The Herald had portrayed Mliswa as the victim and
embarrassed by the uncouthness of Beauty Zhuwaos behaviour see Mugabe nephew causing Him Headaches
Daily News 05.10.14.
Mliswa on the Brink After No Confidence Vote New Zimbabwe 09.10.14.
12 MPS in US Funding Scandal The Herald 19.09.14.
Mliswas dirty Liaisons Exposed The Herald 10.10.14.
Mliswa had been aware of the impending plot to oust him for some time, see They Want me Out: Mliswa Daily
News 02.10.14.
Mliswa Survives Ouster Plot Newsday 08.10.14.
A majority of members constitutes a quorum (see then section 94 of the Party Constitution). If there were 48
members as the article suggests, 24 and not 26 would constitute a quorum. Furthermore, the article does not state
how many were in favour of the vote of no confidence, which must be by a majority of members and not by a
majority of members present. Newsday (Mliswa Booted Out 10.10.14) reported that there were 28 of 50 members
present. Mliswa alleged that only 21 members were present.
The reports are unclear as to whether it was the meeting itself, or a press conference to announce the results of
the meeting, that was disrupted. It may also be possible that the signatures for the vote of no confidence were
collated at the police station itself where the announcement was made.
I am Still in Charge: Mliswa The Standard 12.19.14.
Mliswa still Chair Sunday Mail 12.101.14.
See Mash West Trashes anti-Mliswa Drive Daily News 19.10.14 and Rot In Mash West Exposed The Financial
Gazette 23.10.14. The number given in favour of Mliswa in the latter publication is 700.
There were no further votes of no confidence against the provincial chairpersons until the
conclusion of Grace Mugabes rallies. They then took place in rapid succession,179 commencing
with the ouster of Retired Brigadier General Callisto Gwanetsa in Masvingo on 30th October,
2014. Nearly all were as messy as the Mliswa ouster.
The vote of no confidence in Gwanetsa was moved by 73 ordinary party supporters rather than
the 50 member Provincial Executive Council.180 Gwanetsa refused to accept his ouster and,
noting the unprocedural process,181convened the PEC two days later where a reported 35
members passed a vote of no confidence in Vice-Chairman Paradza Chakona, who had co-
ordinated the first vote against Gwanesta. After war veterans Provincial Chairperson, Francis
Nando, criticised Gwanetsa for causing chaos in the party by refusing to step down,182 party
youths, each supporting the opposing votes, then clashed at a provincial meeting the next day.
Mujuruite, Dzikamai Mavhaire, was chased from the venue. The provincial meeting was one of
the country-wide provincial meetings held that weekend, on Sunday the 2nd November, where it
had been intended to discuss the removal of the Chairpersons in most Provinces. The reconvened
Masvingo meeting a few days later required 80 heavily armed anti-riot police details, which
arrived with a crowd-dispersing water tanker, to keep the peace.183
Harare Provincial Chairperson, Amos Midzi,184was the next to face the axe on the 6th November,
2014, for fanning factionalism, through a vote of no confidence by a reported 26 members of
the PEC, 22 from the main wing, three from the Youth League and one from the Womens
League.185 Midzi likewise refused to accept his ouster, claiming procedural improprieties,
fraudulent signatures and that threats and intimidation had been used to obtain the vote. 186 He
named party members, including Omega Hungwe and Dumisani Chipango, as threatening and
intimidating PEC members late at night. Midzis attempt to address a press conference two days
later was disrupted by violent, angry youths wielding sticks and an assortment of other
dangerous weapons.187
The next day, the 9th November, 2014,188 Jason Machaya, the Midlands Provincial Chairperson
was removed by the vote of a reported 36 of the 44 PEC members who attended,189again

The fact that they took place sequentially suggests co-ordinated and centralised planning.
Gwanetsa Ouster Null and Void The Mirror 06.11.14.
I am Still Provincial Chairman Gwanetsa The Standard 02.11.14.
War Vets Stick to Guns on Gwanetsa The Herald 04.11.14.
Aborted ZANU PF Meeting Finally Held Southern Eye 06.11.14.
Midzi later committed suicide (on 09.06.15). A family member stated that he had been reduced to utter despair
and depression as he had used his position in the party for apparent rent seeking purposes and his removal was then
last straw for his already precarious finances: As you know for long, Cde Midzi was more than a political godfather
of Harare, he was a revered person. He used to control most land deals and housing co-operatives in the process
pocketing good money, but after being kicked out of the party, that became impossible. See Gamatox, Weevils
Clash at Midzi Funeral Newsday 11.06.15.
Vote of No Confidence in Midzi The Herald 07.11.14.
Ousted Amos Midzi Defiant, Says Vote of No Confidence is 'null and void' Bulawayo24 07.11.14.
Violent ZANUPF Mob Accosts Midzi Daily News 09.11.14.
An earlier attempt to remove Machaya had reportedly been foiled by demonstrating youths see Plan To Expel
Mujuru Allies Resisted Daily News 03.11.14.
Another ZANU PF Bigwig Kicked Out The Zimbabwe Mail 10.11.14.
charging the leader with fanning factionalism.190 The meeting, chaired by Machaya
throughout, appears, unusually to have been convened procedurally and the result accepted by
Andrew Langa was removed as PEC Chairperson for Matabeleland South, on the 10th November,
2014. The matter was initially discussed at a PCC meeting before the vote was taken in the PEC.
The process did not proceed smoothly. Placards by demonstrators denigrating Langa were torn
up by his supporters and a man denouncing Langa as Dr 10 Percents192 Puppet assaulted.
Among other allegations Langa was charged at the PEC meeting with aligning himself with a
faction seeking to oust President Robert Mugabe and undermining the Grace Mugabe and
bussing youths to disrupt the First Ladys rally. The motion of no confidence was reportedly
passed by 31 of 50 members.193However, Langa denounced the motion as illegal, disruptive,
irregular, unprocedural, nonsensical and defamatory, and claimed that only 19 of 50
members194 had signed the petition.
The next to face the axe was Manicaland Provincial Chairperson, John Mvundura, on 15th
November, 2014. There had already been an attempt to remove him through a vote of no
confidence at a PCC meeting two weeks previously, but the meeting was disrupted after violent
clashes (which, as noted, had occurred in several provinces as the plot to oust PEC Chairpersons
became manifest) between Mujuru and Mnangagwa supporters which required police
intervention.195 The week previously the Politburo had also, curiously, voted that Mvundura
should be given a written reprimand for fanning factionalism. The petition approving the vote
of no confidence was published in the Sunday Mail,196 and is worth citing here in full as it
appears that a customised version thereof was used in the case of all PEC Chairpersons. It also
shows the precise nature of the campaign against the Mujuruites:
We are here to issue a statement on behalf of the Manicaland Provincial
Coordinating Committee following a meeting that was held this morning.
We, the undersigned provincial main wing executive members, having met in
Mutare to deliberate on the goings-on in the provincial party affairs and
dissatisfied with the conduct of chairman Ambassador John Shumba Mvundura,
his deputy Retired Brigadier-General Elliot Kasu and the secretary for the

Machaya Ousted as Midlands Chair The Chronicle 10.11.14 notably this report (as does the New Zimbabwe
report fn immediately below) contradicts the claim that the vote was unanimous made by The Herald (Another
Chairman Bites the Dust The Herald 10.11.14), repeated by the ZBC and various senior pro Mnangagwa members.
Machaya Booted Out as Purge on Mujuru Allies Continues New Zimbabwe 09.11.14.
A reference to Joice Mujuru who had been charged by her detractors as demanding 10% of business deals before
allowing them to proceed an allegation which built upon Grace Mugabes statement at her 9th rally in Bindura,
Mashonaland Central in this regard.
Andrew Langa Kicked Out The Chronicle 10.11.14.
Langa claimed that a further 15 signatures on the petition were not those of members of the PEC see Andrew
Langa Fires Back The Southern Eye 12.11.14.
Factionalism Leads to Violent Clashes The Zimbabwean 11.11.14.
And Then There Were Only FourThe Sunday Mail 16.11.14.
commissariat Retired Major James Kaunye we hereby pass a vote of no
confidence in the three by appending our signatures below. 197
[the reasons for the vote of no confidence are:]
(1) Pursuing a factional agenda in the leadership of the province by undermining
the authority of the First Secretary and President of the party HE Cde Robert
(2) Appearing aloof during First Lady Amai Dr Grace Mugabes rally at Sakubva
Stadium on October 10, 2014 and his failure to condemn the busing in of rowdy
youths who openly tried to disrupt the First Ladys rally by being rowdy and
(3) Being part of a small group of former freedom fighters led by Jabulani
Sibanda which threatened to march to State House and confront the President
and First Secretary HE Cde Robert Mugabe. Cde Mvundura mobilised the
leadership to attend a meeting organised by Jabulani Sibanda at Mutumba Six
Mine where he threatened violence against officials of a Government ministry
(Ministry of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services) and attacked the
First Lady Amai Dr Grace Mugabe.
Ambassador Mvundura has not disassociated himself from Jabulani Sibandas
utterances publicly or privately indicating beyond any reasonable doubt that he is
part of the divisive politics of factionalism.
(4)Ambassador Mvundura endorsed rowdy youths who were bused in to denounce
senior party leaders at a Provincial Coordinating Committee (meeting) held on
November 2, 2014 at Marrymount Teachers College in Mutare.
The youths jeered and heckled senior party members including Cdes Oppah
Muchinguri, Mandi Chimene, Chris Mushohwe, myself Supa Mandiwanzira and
Cde Kudzi Chipanga and instead of denouncing this anti-revolutionary
behaviour, Cde Mvundura was quoted in The Herald on November 3 supporting
the rowdy thugs.
(5) Holding kangaroo meetings to discuss party business outside official
structures thereby abetting divisions in the party.
(6) Interfering with preparations for the youth congress by intimidating youths to
vote in a particular way.

The report in New Zimbabwe (Manicaland Zanu PF Chairman Booted Out 15.11.14) seems to quote Provincial
Secretary for Information, Supa Mandiwanzira, differently in regard to the same introduction: "While the people of
Manicaland have noted with gratitude observations by the politburo of 13 November 2014, the misdeeds of Cde
Shumba Mvundura resulting in his reprimand, we as the provincial executive council of Manicaland resolved to
pass a vote of no confidence in the provincial chairman Cde Mvundura, his deputy Rtd Brig Kasu and political
commissar Rtd Major Kaunye".
(7) Intimidating party provincial leaders and trying to embarrass Politburo and
Central Committee members at each provincial coordinating committee meeting
accusing them of one thing or the other.
(8) Relying so much on gossip that every provincial meeting is preceded by hate
from him whose only justification is what Ambassador Mvundura refers to as
corridor talk.
(9) Doctoring inter-district resolutions in order to manipulate provincial
resolutions for Congress. Inter-district resolutions in Nyanga and Mutasa were
manipulated to reflect that the districts had nominated Cde Mutasa as chairman
and Cde Joice Mujuru as a candidate for Second Secretary when in fact no such
discussions had taken place at the inter-district meeting.
(10) Chairing a PCC meeting on October 4, 2014 which jumped the gun by
making nomination for positions at Congress against the Politburo standing
instruction to desist from campaigning and such nominations. [the typographical
errors are in the original report].
A reported 25 signatures were appended to this petition, one short of the majority required. 198
Mvundura was sceptical of the validity of the decision, which was not immediately
communicated to him.199
Bulawayo Provinces ouster of Callistus Ndhlovu200 (and five other members of the PEC) was to
some extent a repetition of the events in Masvingo. The day after his expulsion on 17th
November 2014, Ndhlovu called his own meeting of what he said was the PEC and overturned
the ouster. The vote of no confidence, Ndhlovu maintained, was concocted using signatures of
people who were not even consulted on the matter, obtained outside of the PEC meeting held
the day before, and that the names of people who had refused to sign the petition were added in
any event:
They decided to call a clandestine meeting at an unknown location where they
were driving people in trying to coerce them to sign the so called petition. There
are witnesses here who can indicate to you that they were actually taken to that
location where they were surprised to hear that there was such a move to pass a
vote of no confidence.201
As had happened in Masvingo, the second PEC meeting passed votes of no confidence on those
behind the earlier vote, including George Mlala who claimed to have taken over as acting
Chairperson.202 Two days later, a pro-Grace Mugabe rally in which Mlala was involved flopped,
with ZANU PF cadres showing little enthusiasm for the event, possibly on account of support for

Most reports do not mention the number of people approving the vote. The only one located which does, is
Manicaland Chairman Booted Out New Zimbabwe 15.11.14.
Another Mujuru Ally Kicked Out The Standard 16.11.14. A month later, however, he said that he accepted his
ouster see I Remain Loyal to ZANU PF: Mvundura The Standard 14.11.14.
Sometimes spelled without the h.
Ndlovu-led Executive overturns Vote of No Confidence The Chronicle 18.11.14.
Party Secretary for Lands and Resettlement, Patson Parirenyatwa; Deputy Secretary for Business Development
and Liaison, George Mlala and Deputy Secretary for Science and Technology, Cde Nacisio Makhulumo.
Ndhlovu.203 However, after receiving a report from the National Disciplinary Committee on
Sunday 23rd November, 2014, which noted fraudulent signatures on both the vote and counter
vote of no confidence, the Politburo decided to reverse all the suspensions.204 The Politburo was
later to uphold all the votes of no confidence, including, it appears, that of Ndhlovu.205
The Mashonaland East provincial Chairperson, Ray Kaukonde, had been singled out by the First
Lady as particularly culpable in fanning factionalism, accusing the business man of bankrolling
the Mujuruites. Notwithstanding this cue, a PCC meeting of 1st November, 2014, rather than
moving a vote of no confidence against Kaukonde in fact expressed confidence in his
leadership.206 An attempt had been made to force Kaukonde from office on the 10th November,
2014, by ZANU PF supporters drawn from the Youth League, war veterans, war collaborators,
former political prisoners and ex-detainees.207 The meeting claimed to have passed a vote of no
confidence in the entire Provincial Executive Committee. However, the clear unconstitutionality
of the process led to a PEC meeting on the 17th November, 2014, where a reported 27 out of 50
members approved the renewed vote of no confidence. Seven other members were ousted with
Luke Mushore, Provincial Chairperson of Mashonaland Central, Mujurus home province, was,
significantly, the last of the group to be removed, on the 18th November, 2014. The usual
grounds of fanning factionalism were supplemented by the accusation of plotting to topple
President Mugabe, with which factionalism had now become equated. The vote reportedly
passed by 29 out of 48 PEC members. The Provincial wing of the Womens League met
simultaneously and passed a vote of no confidence in its Chairperson, Dorothy Mashonganyika,
by 22 to 40.209

Plan B, Step Four - The Assassination Plot.

The last two ousted chairpersons do not appear publicly to have commented upon, or objected to,
their ouster. By then the Politburo had expelled top Mujuruite party officials210 and upheld the
suspensions of Provincial Chairpersons (other than Ndhlovu) to date. The writing was already on
the wall. More importantly, their silence may have been on account of the fact that before turning
to the last two Provinces,211 where Mujurus support was likely to be strongest, and the ouster the
most difficult, the plotters had upped the ante significantly.
Having slandered the Mujuruites through the public media with increasingly outlandish and
unsupported allegations without repercussion, the plotters had gained the confidence to move to

Pro-Grace Mugabe March Flops Daily News 20.11.14.
See Life Line for ZANU PF Bulawayo Chair The Zimbabwe Mail 24.11.14. The announcement made at Davies
Hall in Bulawayo on the Monday apparently was not well received by some rowdy party youths.
Politburo Bars no Confidence Vote Officials The Herald 04.04.15.
The motion was moved by Retired Brigadier General Ambrose Mutinhiri, and seconded by David Chapfika see
Mash East Stands by Kaukonde Despite Grace, Mugabe Blasts Nehanda Radio 02.11.14. In a cabinet reshuffle on
06.07.15 Mutinhiri was appointed Minister of State for Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs.
Ray Kaukonde, Langa Kicked Out The Herald 11.11.14.
Political Commissar, Tendai Makunde and his Deputy, George Katsande; Deputy Secretary for Security
Washington Musvaire; Deputy Secretary for Finance, Felix Mhona; Secretary for Education, Taurai Pasirai;
Secretary for Administration, Peter Murwira; and Boniface Mutize. See Kaukonde Ousted The Herald 18.11.14.
9th Provincial Chairman Booted Out The Herald 19.11.14.
Including long standing party spokesman, Rugare Gumbo, a close Mujuruite, discussed further below.
The Chairperson of Matabeleland North, was not thought to be Mujuru aligned.
the next level of preposterousness.212 Just before the purges of the Provincial Chairpersons had
begun, an article in the Sunday Mail of 26th October, 2014,213 alleged that the Mujuruites were in
cahoots with American intelligence agents to oust President Mugabe through a vote of no
confidence in Parliament. The story did not appear to have had the desired effect or gain much
traction it was perhaps too legally technical. Thus, on 16th November, 2014, the same
newspaper, went a step further and published another story about alleged Mujuru links in another
plot against Mugabe but this time, one to assassinate the President.214 False allegations of
plotting to assassinate President Mugabe had been used repeatedly before this to neutralise
political opponents, and the recycling of the somewhat tired ploy is likely to have caused
sceptical yawns amongst much of the papers non-Mnangagwa aligned readership.215
Highly dubious hearsay evidence was advanced to support the claim of the assassination plot
an alleged paramour of Didymus Mutasa supposedly said to someone who repeated to a member
of the Politburo that Mutasa had said or boasted as the paper put it, that:
If President Mugabe blocks the ascendancy of VP Mujuru to the Presidency at
the ZANU PF Congress, then he will be shot.216
An alleged tape recording of Rugare Gumbo was also advanced of proof of the plot. Gumbo is
claimed, in the context of the relentless attacks against Mujuru, to have said:
if Mugabe continues to work to push Mujuru out we will remove him like what
happened to Kabila217
Nicholas Goche, the then Public Service, Labour and Social Services Minister, was drawn into
the issue when, three days after the first publication of the plot he was reported to have played
a key role by seeking to recruit hit men to carry out the deed, travelling to both South Africa and
Israel, under the guise of government business, for this purpose.218 The idea of hit men
supposedly came after an earlier failed plot elaborated upon by Mugabe himself:
This man219 was to die in September and he refused to die in that September, and
still refuses to die. Ah, it now needs sangomas. They say to (Ray) Kaukonde,
look for a sangoma.

Jonathan Moyo was later to cynically state on BBCs Hardtalk programme that the accusation was merely
political banter see the transcript in Prof Moyo Takes on BBCs Sackur The Herald 20.05.15.
US, VP Mujuru plot to oust President The Sunday Mail 26.10.14.
VP Mujuru Linked to President Assassination Plot The Sunday Mail 16.11.14.
Most notably against presidential challengers Ndabaningi Sithole in 1997 and Morgan Tsvangirai in 2002. See
also Robert Mugabes Imaginary Assassins The Zimbabwe Mail 05.03.15.
Of course, this statement even if true, in the absence of any suggestion as to who would do the shooting, is not
The claimed recording is in chiShona: kana Mugabe akaramba achipusha Mujuru out tichamubvisa
sezvakaitwa Kabila see Rugare Gumbo Speaks Out Nehanda Radio 16.11.14. Since Gumbo made the alleged
comment in relation to the attacks on Mujuru, if authentic, it would originate from a different period to the spy-
tapes. Laurent Kabila was assassinated by one of his own bodyguards in 2001 while President of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo.
Goche Under Fire The Herald 19.11.14.
Once again eschewing the first person singular.
Nigerian sangomas, nangas or witch doctors were, according to Mugabe, recruited on Mujurus
behalf and instructed as follows. Two frogs of different colours were to be found and made to
fight each other. If the one representing Mugabe died, this would mean, so the sangomas are said
to have claimed, that Mujuru would gain the presidency. Mugabe maintained that a second ritual
was also conducted, this time involving a semi-nude Mujuru and ten chickens, each of whom had
the soul of one of Mujurus political enemies entrapped within its body included were the souls
of Grace and Robert Mugabe. The decapitation of the chickens should have solved all Mujurus
No evidence, apart from the hearsay against Mutasa and the alleged tape recording of Gumbo
was put forward to support the claim of the assassination plot. Although police were said to be
investigating the matter, no charges ensued. However, this did not deter the The Herald,
Chronicle, Sunday Mail and Sunday News as treating the plot as established fact. The State
owned press began to refer to the Mujuruites as a cabal and then as a putschist cabal. Despite
the relentless and scurrilous nature of these allegations, both before and after the Congress, they
were later cynically brushed aside as inconsequential by Jonathan Moyo, who stated that the
allegations were merely normal political banter to be expected between rival groups in a pre-
election environment.221

Plan B, Step Five the Control of the Central Committee

On 16th November, 2014 (the same day the assassination story was published) the crucial process
in determining the provincial members of the Central Committee began, following a November
14th directive in this regard from then Political Commissar, Webster Shamu, and presumably in
accordance with discussion that had taken place at the Politburo meeting the day before. As was
the case with the appointment of Grace Mugabe to head the Womens League, the press and
ZANU PF as a party, appeared confused as to whether the Provincial Co-ordinating Committees
were selecting nominees to the Central Committee to be elected at the Congress, or whether they
were electing the members themselves. The press reports are contradictory in this regard.222
A revised process allocated 10 Central Committee seats to each Province, a womens quota of
five per province and two seats each (i.e. four) for the executive of the Youth and Womens
Leagues. The latter is in addition to the ex officio seats occupied by the bodies leaders.223 A

See Mujuru Wants Me Dead: Mugabe The Chronicle 04.12.14. Mujurus Sangomas and Wicked Rituals Exposed
The Sunday Mail 01.03.15.
BBC Hardtalk released 18.05.15.
This appears from the press reports cited below relating to the process. The ZANU PF Party Constitution was no
help in this regard. While the unamended Constitution made it clear that the process was merely one of nomination,
with the actual election to take place at Congress, the directive had instructed the provinces to proceed on the basis
of the intended amendment, which removed reference to election at Congress, did not replace it with anything else
and rendered the process by which a person becomes a Central Committee member obscure. The confusion is
probably due to the fact that while formally elected at Congress, Congress merely endorses the submitted lists.
It is unclear how the Central Committee seat for the Secretary for Youth Affairs is filled as, in the past, this
position has been filled by appointment by the Party President, with the Youth League merely electing the Deputy.
The Secretary for Youth Affairs, as a Politburo member, in terms of the amended Constitution, has to be appointed
from the Central Committee but if he is not part of that body by virtue of prior election it is difficult to see how
there can be compliance with this requirement. There is no provision allowing the Party President to appoint a
person to the Central Committee specifically to take up the post of Secretary of the Youth League. If such person is
one of the 10 appointments to the Central Committee permitted to the Party President, then the Central Committee
will be one short of the establishment of 300.
further 94 were to be divided between the Provinces on a pro rata basis, depending on how each
Province had performed in the 2013 national general election.224 The candidates were elected
through the Districts in the Provinces,225 which had each been allocated a quota of seats.226
Mnangagwas home province, the Midlands, was the first to commence the process, which began
extremely badly for the plotters and continued in a manner which was likely to have made them
very disconcerted. If they had believed that the anti-Mujuru campaign and the purge of the PECs
had been sufficient to control the Provinces, and ensure that few by then would be prepared to
express allegiance for Mujuruites, they were to be disappointed. The elections in two Districts,
Shurugwi and Gokwe, had immediately to be suspended227 when it became apparent that
Mujuruite Cabinet Ministers, Francis Nhema and Flora Buka were likely to be returned. It was
clear that the elections would need to be controlled. Buka and Nhema were thus initially barred
from contesting by the PCC on allegations of electoral improprieties in the two Districts, though
the decision was later reversed by the Politburo.228 Buka, subsequently polled 74 votes against
Leonard Chikombas 169, and Nhema, 61 votes against Emmanuel Fundiras 105. Mnangagwa
was nominated unopposed.229
While the election process for Manicaland and Mashonaland Central were under way, the
Politburo convened for its penultimate meeting before the Congress on the night of Saturday 22nd
November, 2014 and continuing through to the small hours of Sunday. The events at the tense
meeting may well have influenced the remainder of the Central Committee selection process.
At the meeting, Mugabe removed any remaining doubt as to which side he was on and made
believe he accepted the assassination plot against him. An inappropriately jocular Mugabe
snubbed Mutasa by failing to greet him, facetiously told Mujuruite, Masvingo Provincial Affairs
Minister, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, that he was in the wrong basket,230 i.e. the wrong faction, and
then, seemingly with little sense of the seriousness of the occasion, said to Goche Ko, ndiwe
urikunangirwa huroyi [You are being accused of witchcraft] before mockingly singing a few
bars of the song Ndiwe muroyi ndiwe [You, you are the witch]. 231

See section 35 of the amended ZANU PF Party Constitution and ZANU PF to Start Central Committee Elections
The Herald 20.11.14. With the addition of the four members of the Presidium, the heads of the Women and Youth
Leagues, and 10 appointments by the Party President, this expanded the Central Committee to 300 members. The 94
pro rata allocations were as follows: Mashonaland Central 15; Mashonaland East 14; Masvingo 13; Mashonaland
West 12, Midlands 12; Manicaland 12; Harare 8; Matabeleland North 4; Matabeleland South 3 and Bulawayo 1.
The Party Constitution requires that the PCCs shall nominate the candidates in an equitable way that each
Administrative District shall have at least one member elected to the Central Committee.
See ZANU PF to Start Central Committee Elections The Herald 20.11.14 where the number of pro rata seats for
each province is also given in the report. The press reports however, vary slightly on the allocations compare a
report of the same date in the Financial Gazette Focus Shifts to Central Committee Elections.
The suspension was based upon allegations of bribing the electorate Financial Gazette Focus Shifts to Central
Committee Elections 20.11.14.
Buka, Nhema in Central Committee Race The Chronicle 25.11.14.
More heads roll in Zanu-PF The Chronicle 26.11.14.
Bhasikiti means basket in chiShona.
See President Confronts Goche Over Coup Plot The Sunday Mail 23.11.14.
The results of the poll in Manicaland were announced the next day. There matters had proceeded
with even less subtlety than in Midlands. The PEC simply did not put the names of those they
considered undesirable on the list of eligible candidates, resulting in youths in at least one
District232 refusing to vote. Attempts were made to block others, including Didymus Mutasa,
from standing. When the polls returned Mujuruites, the results were simply annulled by the PEC.
Irene Zindi, Freddy Kanzama, John Chirimambowa, Tendai Samanya and Mike Nyambuyas
elections were simply struck down and they were replaced by persons deemed to be more
desirable.233 Two PCC members involved in the administration of the polling process, which had
resulted in the election of these undesirables, were suspended for pursuing a factional
agenda.234 Didymus Mutasa failed to secure a position garnering 85 votes compared to 163 for
his next closest rival Joseph Made.235
Mashonaland Central
The process proceeded in the same vein in Mashonaland Central, Mujurus home province, with
the new acting head of the Provincial Executive Committee declaring:
We sat last week as the provincial executive council and agreed that we should
defend our President. We agreed that any member of the party who is accused of
plotting to assassinate the President we are not going to accept his or her CV.236
The applications as candidates to the Central Committee in Mashonaland Central for Dr Lazarus
Dokora (Secondary Education Minister) and Epmarcus Kanhanga (Tourism and Hospitality
Industry, Deputy Minister), were thus rejected on this basis along with at least 10 others.237
The rejections came after youths led by Mashonaland Central Youth League Chairman, Godfrey
Tsenangamu, petitioned the Provincial Elections Directorate to reject the CVs of some senior
members in the party that they were disturbed to note are deciding to rise against our
President whom we elected overwhelmingly on 31 July 2013 and that [s]uch individuals have
taken it upon themselves to join hands with western countries and opposition parties in
Zimbabwe to effect illegal regime change. The youths claimed to be shocked that these same
people who have benefitted immensely from President Mugabes goodwill are even plotting to
kill him.
The youths reserved special venom for Nicholas Goche, present at the meeting where the petition
was presented. The youths accused him of displaying disrespect of the highest order by plotting
to kill the President and that he was a saboteur unfit to occupy such a senior post in the party.
In the face of this threatening behaviour, Goche decided to withdraw his application to join the

Mutasa. See ZANU PF Heavyweights Lose Daily News 26.11.14.
ZANU PF Heavyweights Lose (above).
ZANU PF Bigwigs DumpedGrassroots Reject Manicaland Chefs The Manica Post 28.11.14.
The votes for the other candidates were Florence Majachani (169), Mandi Chimene (141) and Patrick Chimanasa
(177). There were only four seats available in the District. See also ZANU PF Heavyweights Lose Daily News
Home District Shuts Door on Mujuru The Herald 26.11.14.
Edgar Chidavaenzi, MP; Criswell Mutematsaka MP; David Butau; Kenneth Musanhi; Sydney Chidamba; Joseph
Mapiki; Christopher Chitindi; Obert Mutasa; Dugmore Chimukoko; and Ratidzai Marumahoko.
Central Committee.238As he attempted to leave the venue, his vehicle was mobbed and it
required the intervention of Kasukuwere to calm the youth and allow Goche to depart.239
There are conflicting reports concerning Joice Mujurus own failure to stand as a candidate. The
Herald reported that the Mashonaland Central Provincial Election Directorate had rejected her
application. The Daily News reported that she had decided not to apply.240
Despite this gate-keeping over candidates, surprisingly, Christopher Mutsvangwa, who may be
said to have started the public campaign against the Mujuruites, failed to secure nomination.
The Matabeleland Provinces
The vote in Bulawayo was preceded by a PCC meeting where militant youths barred Tshinga
Dube and Angeline Masuku from attendance. Both are prominent and long standing ZANU PF
officials. The youth accused them, and Sikhanyiso Ndlovu,241 of denigrating Grace Mugabe by
suggesting that she had insulted Matabeles during the course of her rallies. Gaining only four
votes in the first round of voting, against 31 for her main challenger, Masuku withdrew from the
contest, and Vice-Presidential aspirant, Phekezela Mphoko, gathered a winning 40 votes in the
second round. Other notable casualties were then Secretary for Youth Affairs, Absolom
Sikosana, and Sikhanyiso Ndlovu.242 Ndlovu lost to Killian Sibanda with whom he had been so
heavily embroiled over the provincial chairpersonship.243 Tshinga Dube, despite having had to
scamper for safety from youths the week before, was, however, voted in.244
In Matabeleland North, Politburo members Dr Obert Mpofu, Jonathan Moyo, Cain Mathema,
Jacob Mudenda, Thokozile Mathuthu and Cde Sithembiso Nyoni obtained seats unopposed. 245
However, after the poll, on Sunday 30th November, 2014, the Provincial Executive Committee
met and resolved Jacob Mudenda, Sithembiso Nyoni, Fathi Mpofu, Tshatha Mguni and Elias
Mavule be removed from the Central Committee list for fanning factionalism.246 Obert Mpofu
was subsequently accused of instigating the motion for their removal247 and police intervention
was required at the meeting after clashes between youths. The reports are confused as to whether
the fracas was motivated by antagonism between those supporting and those protesting against
Mpofu, or whether it was on account of the accreditation to Congress of a party cadre who was
claimed to have said that Mugabe was responsible for the partys poor showing in the 2008
elections. Mpofu since 2012,248 and Mudenda since 2004,249 have both been regarded as

See I Quit Goche The Daily News 24.11.14 and Siege Mood Grips ZANUPF The Financial Gazette 27.11.14.
The Herald reported Goche as withdrawing his application voluntarily to maintain unity in the party Goche
Accepts Card Carrying Member Status 27.11.14. Goche was admitted to hospital a few days later with hypertension.
This is according to an account given in Mash Central Says No to VP Mujuru The Herald 24.11.14.
Mash Central Says No to VP Mujuru The Herald 24.11.14 and ZANU PF Heavyweights Lose Daily News
'I have no hard feelings,' says Sikhanyiso Ndlovu Bulawayo24 26.11.14.
Ndlovu and Sikosana later claimed a Central Committee seat by virtue of one of the 10 appointments President
Mugabe may make to the body. Sikhosana was not however, to reclaim his place as Secretary for Youth Affairs.
Mortal Remains p38 et seq.
Angeline Masuku Loses Central Committee Seat Radio Dialogue 24.11.14.
Khaya Moyo Lives to Die Another Day Sunday Mail 30.11.2014.
Mpofu Didnt Fire Mudenda, Nyoni The Zimbabwe Mail 02.12.14 - it should be borne in mind that Mpofu was
the proprietor of (now defunct) The Zimbabwe Mail.
Mudenda SK Survive The Chronicle 03.12.14.
Mnangagwa, Mpofu Unite Against Mujuru Zimbabwe Mail 09.02.12.
Mnangagwa-aligned. The request to remove the nominees from the list was subsequently
rejected by the Politburo.250
In Matabeleland South, the PCC refused to release the results from the Province claiming that
they could only be announced by National Party Chairperson, Simon Khaya Moyo, himself a
candidate in the Province.251 Unlike all other Provinces, the results for this region were then
never reported on by the press. However, as had happened in Matabeleland North, it is known
that, after acrimonious discussion, the Province decided to petition the Politburo to have Khaya-
Moyo removed from the list of proposed Central Committee members citing irregularities in
the nomination process. An anonymous PCC member was quoted as stating:
The cleansing of the party is on-going. Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo is one of
the most serious pretenders. He is one of the architects of factionalism. He also
lies that he is the most senior surviving ex-ZAPU member, yet he is not.252
The petition was likewise rejected by the Politburo.253

The Masvingo poll was marked by the candidacies of Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, Masvingo
Provincial Affairs Minister, and Energy Minister, Dzikamai Mavhaire. Before the poll, war
veterans and PCC members had sought to have both barred from contesting the poll, but the
Elections Directorate stated that their CVs had already been accepted by the Politburo and their
candidacies could not be withdrawn. Mavhaire was beaten254 by a Tsholotsho saga protagonist,
Daniel Shumba, by 161 to 49 votes,255 and joined numerous other senior party officials who
failed to gain nominations, including Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister, Walter
Mzembi,256 outpolled by Exavier Magweva by 154 votes to 4.
Bhasikiti, who had been described by Mugabe as being in the wrong basket, remarkably
narrowly out polled Webster Muzara, believed to be of the Mnangagwa faction, by 73 votes to
69.257 However, the PCC thereafter directed the Provincial Executive Council to write to the
Politburo to advise that the candidacies of Bhasikiti and one other had been withdrawn on
account of abuse of office, factionalism, setting up of parallel structures and attempting to
unconstitutionally oust President Robert Mugabe. The PEC also claimed to pass votes of no
confidence on eight legislators, and to complete the clean-up, a Provincial Inter-District
meeting appointed a new PEC to replace that previously led by the ousted Callisto
Gwanetsa.258The Politburo appears to have ignored all these purported removals.

See Mortal Remains p27 et seq.
Mudenda SK Survive The Chronicle 03.12.14.
More Heads Roll in Zanu-PF The Chronicle 26.11.14.
Khaya Moyo Lives to Die Another Day Sunday Mail 30.11.14.
Mudenda SK Survive The Chronicle 03.12.14.
Bhasikitis Woes Mount The Chronicle 28.11.14.
Elsewhere reported as being 151 to 51 Vice Mujuru Dumped From the ZANUPF Central Committee
Nominations Great Indaba 26.11.14.
Mzembi returned to the Central Committee via one of the ten seats Mugabe may appoint.
Bhasikiti Defies Odds Walks into Central Committee The Mirror (Masvingo) 28.11.14
Masvingo Clean-Up Claims Bhasikiti ZBC (online) 30.11.14.
Harare, Mashonaland West and Mashonaland East
In Harare, violent clashes between rival groups resulted in the postponement of elections in
Waterfalls and the Deputy Lands Minister, Tendai Savanhu, was subsequently barred from
contesting after having been accused of instigating the violence. 259 ZANU PF notables, Joseph
Macheka, Stalin Mau Mau 260 and Allan Chiweshe also failed to retain their Central Committee
seats. The position was similar in Mashonaland West. Webster Shamu, Sylvester Nguni and
Reuben Marumahoko were all barred from the contest by the PCC.261 Temba Mliswa, whose
application had been accepted in Hurungwe District, was rejected as a candidate by the
Provincial Elections Directorate.262 One report claimed that, rather than the Elections
Directorate, it was party heavyweight, Ignatius Chombo that personally directed that Temba
Mliswa, having already been removed as chairperson, should not contest.263 The elections were
later alleged to have been heavily manipulated by Chombo, and a group of party activists, after
the Congress, urged the Presidium to direct a re-run, linking Chombo with the Mujuruites and
claiming that candidates were handpicked as is always the case with Cde Chombo and Cde
Webster Shamu.264
Mashonaland East
The poll in Mashonaland East was of particular interest, given the spleen Grace Mugabe had
vented on Mujuruites in this Province (the home of the gamatox), and ousted Provincial
Chairperson, Ray Kaukonde, in particular. Kaukonde did not submit an application for
nomination. However, the list of successful nominees included several members who were
unlikely to please the Mnangagwa camp - and Grace Mugabe - most notably Sydney
Sekeramayi, David Parirenyatwa (both believed to be confidantes of Kaukonde), and Olivia
Muchena.265 When the candidates were put forward for election at the Congress a few days later,
President Robert Mugabe directed that the Province resubmit the list of candidates, reportedly at
the request of Grace Mugabe.266 President Mugabe claimed that he had received information that
the list submitted to Congress for Mashonaland East was wrong and that all the people who
have been presented to us belong to the Ray Kaukonde executive.267 Delegates from
Mashonaland East had also apparently complained that the list did not reflect the will of the
people. President Mugabe reportedly told the delegates from Mashonaland East: If you are not
satisfied with the leadership, it is up to you to go and re-organise yourselves so that you give us
the names of the leaders whom you see as fit for appointment.268 After the Congress had ended,
the rival groups resubmitted two different lists of proposed Central Committee members, one
containing a residue of supposed Mujuruites, although both Sekeramayi and Pariyenyatwa had
been excluded. A re-run of the poll was then ordered to resolve the matter, which returned

More Heads Roll in ZANU PF The Chronicle 26.11.14.
Presumably a retained nom de guerre.
Khaya Moyo Lives to Die Another Day Sunday Mail 30.11.14.
Temba Mliswas Application Rejected The Herald 25.11.14.
Bloodbath in ZANU PF Daily News 25.11.14.
Chombo Linked to Mujuru Camp Newsday 24.12.14.
More Heads Roll in ZANU PF The Chronicle 26.11.14.
Grace Mugabe Now Running the Show The Independent 12.12.14.
Vice President Posts: Mugabe Develops Cold Feet The Standard 07.11.14.
Uncertain Future for Mujuru Loyalists in Mashonaland East The Zimbabwean 07.12.14.
Sekeramayi and Pariyenyatwa.269Joel Biggie Matiza, reportedly a strong Mnangagwa ally,270
failed to gain a place.271
Plan B, the Safety Net the Amendment of the ZANU PF Constitution
The plotters had, from very early on, determined to devise a safety net or fall-back position for
themselves in the event of their scheme unravelling or backfiring. No more than a few weeks
after the Mujuruites triumphed in the polls for the Youth League executive at the beginning of
August 2014, proposals had been made to amend the ZANU PF Party Constitution. Emmerson
Mnangagwa, as party Secretary for Legal Affairs, was, conveniently, to drive the process,
assisted by Jonathan Moyo.272 As noted above, the key amendment was to provide that the
Presidium would be appointed by the Party President, rather than elected by Congress from
Provincial nominees.
The position was later first publicly advocated in the Sunday Mail article of 12th October, 2014,
and claimed as its rationale, that this was to align the Party Constitution with the Unity Accord,
and to avoid the emergence of two centres of powers caused by an elected Presidium. When the
amendments were presented to Congress, it emerged that a further change was that the Party
President was required to choose the Presidium from the Central Committee, as was the
requirement when choosing members of the Politburo.273 Thus, Mujuru and Mutasa, having
fallen in the Central Committee polls, were not eligible for election to the Presidium, unless
Mugabe allocated them seats as part of the 10 the Party Constitution permits him to appoint to
the Central Committee a most unlikely prospect. The requirement that one of the party Vice-
Presidents be a woman, held to be such a pressing imperative in 2004, was quietly elided from
the Charter.274
Most importantly, and an amendment not commented upon by the press until many months later,
was a change in the manner in which the Party President him or herself was to be elected. The
new provisions now only required that the candidate be nominated by two, and not six, of the ten
provinces. Furthermore, the election was no longer to be by Congress but by party members
voting nationally.275 A new nine-member ZANU PF Electoral Commission was to be appointed
by the Party President to conduct all elections to any organ of the party. New provisions were
introduced relating to the disciplining of party members.276 The amendments pertaining to the

Sekeramayi, Parirenyatwa Survive The Herald 10.12.14. In Marondera District, Sekeramayi polled (54 votes)
against Felistus Muranda who got (33 votes) and Lawrence Katsiru (20 votes).
Mnangagwa 2 Kasukuwere 0 Daily News 06.07.15. Elsewhere he is reported as being a Mujuruite see
Sekeramayi Under Siege The Zimbabwe Mail 08.12.14.
Matiza was then Deputy Minister of Local Government, Public Works a National Housing. Matiza was
subsequently made full Minister of State for Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs. During the restructuring
exercise which took place after the Congress, the entire acting PEC was replaced by a new acting, acting
executive believed to exclude Mujuruites. When fresh PEC elections were held on 05.07.15, Matiza was voted in
with 15 131 votes against the 9 289 of his nearest rival. However, he was promptly dropped as Minister in a Cabinet
reshuffle the very next day.
ZANU PF Moves to Amend Constitution The Financial Gazette 11.09.14. The purported amendments are badly
drafted, blighted as they are by lacunae, errors and lapses, but which thus fit seamlessly into the body of a document
which has long been so afflicted.
Section 37 of the unamended Constitution.
See section 35(1)(b) of the amended Constitution.
See section 35(1)(a) of the amended Constitution.
Sections 262 to 269.
election of the Central Committee members appear to have been discussed and agreed at the
Politburo meeting of 13th November, 2014. Thereafter, the full range of changes was adopted at
the Politburo meeting of 23rd November, 2014.
The amendments were regarded as being merely proposed until presented to, and adopted by
the Central Committee, as was expected to happen later in that week. Although it is correct that,
under the ZANU PF Constitution, the Central Committee has the power to amend the party
Charter, this was the only aspect of the Constitution with which there was even a semblance of
compliance. The Central Committee (and, a fortiori, the Politburo) does not have the power to
initiate amendments, which is intended to be a bottom-up, not top-down process, and one which
should take several months to complete. Furthermore, even if this process is followed, the
amendments then put before and accepted by the Central Committee are subject to ratification by
Congress. And, while the Central Committee is empowered to act on behalf of Congress when
Congress is not sitting, in relation to matters which would normally be under the latter bodys
purview (such as amending the Party Constitution), it is hardly in the spirit of things to purport to
amend the Constitution less than 10 days before Congress is due to convene. The numerous ways
in which the process purportedly leading to the amendment of the ZANU PF Constitution
violated the Charter have been detailed elsewhere.277 However, with one such amendment being
an increase in President Mugabes powers, none, it seemed, dared to raise any objections,
procedural or otherwise.


ZANU PF Congresses, which take place every five years, are sometimes referred to as
elective, though the adjective is superfluous, since one of the prime purposes of any ordinary
ZANU PF Congress is to elect the Central Committee, of which both the Presidium and
Politburo are part.
By the time the day of the Congress arrived, the 2nd December, 2014, there was little left for the
plotters to do. Everything was in place. Militant youths had warned any persons perceived to be
gamatox-aligned, who might somehow have managed to obtain accreditation for the Congress,278
that they would be barred or removed from the Congress.279 Most Mujuruites stayed away, some
such as Goche and Mutasa plausibly citing health reasons such as hypertension, caused by the
stressful situation in which they found themselves. The PCCs and PECs had been brought under
control and had largely returned more or less acceptable Central Committee candidates,
notwithstanding that there were more Mujuruite survivors than anticipated. Changes to the
Constitution were regarded as a fait accompli and Mugabe would appoint a Presidium which
could not include Mujuru or Mutasa. Nothing would be determined by the Congress itself, which
would simply proceed according to already choreographed steps.

D. Matyszak Robert Mugabe Way: Constitutional Amendments and ZANU PFs 6 th National Peoples Congress
RAU 25.02.15, available at
Deposed leaders Seek Re-Election The Herald 24.11.14.
A threat which was implemented. The Herald published a photograph of a perceived gamatox supporter being
physically manhandled and carried from the venue viewable near the bottom of the page at
There was thus no possibility of disturbance or dissent from Mujuruites from the floor, despite
the fact that most of the steps, orchestrated by Khaya Moyo as (outgoing) party National
Chairperson, were not in accordance with the Party Constitution. No attention was paid to
temporality in regard to the constitutional amendments: some clauses were treated as being
effective the moment they were proposed; some were treated as being effective before adoption
by Congress, some after adoption by Congress; one part of a single clause treated as effective
before adoption by Congress and another not; some provisions contrary to the usual rule of
legal interpretation - were regarded as having retroactive effect; and some clauses treated as if
they were only to be implemented at some unspecified future moment. The key note already had
been struck ahead of the nominations to the Central Committee.
The proposed change in manner in which the Central Committee was to be composed 280was
treated as effective immediately it was agreed in the Politburo on 13th November, 2014. The
nominations to the body thus proceeded in terms of the proposed amendments. The body was to
be expanded to 300 members, and the changed provincial ratios changed from being based on the
last national census, to being determined by the results of the immediately preceding election.
Precedent is that at the time nominations for the Central Committee are determined by the
Provinces, so too are the nominations for the Presidium. The directive to commence the Central
Committee nomination process in November 2014, however, did not contain an instruction to
forward nominees to the Presidium. President Mugabe was to be treated as already so nominated.
The amendment allowing the Party President to choose the other members of the Presidium was
treated as already operative, so no nominations in this regard were to be made by the Provinces.
No objections were voiced publicly in relation to these procedural irregularities.
The amendment abolishing District Co-ordinating Committees, proposed by the Politburo,
accepted by the Central Committee in June 2012281, but requiring ratification by the Congress,
was not presented at the Congress. None pointed to this lapse. Other amendments were approved
by the Central Committee on the second day of Congress, despite the fact that its powers in this
regard specifically only apply when Congress is not sitting.282 Thereafter, they were presented
and accepted by acclamation of Congress, rather than the required two-thirds majority.
The amendments so adopted by acclamation required, in terms of section 35(1)(a), that the Party
President be elected by a nationwide vote, conducted by a ZANU PF Electoral Commission.
President Mugabe was, however, after the adoption of the amendments, elected as Party
President, by virtue of being treated as the sole nominee of all Provinces using the provisions of
the Party Constitution before amendment. Section 35(1)(a), it seemed, was to be treated as
operative only at a future date. Section 35(1)(b), requiring the Party President to appoint the
remainder of the Presidium, the Party Vice-Presidents and National Chairperson of the party,
rather than for Congress to elect them from provincial nominees as previously, was treated as
effective immediately. The provision283 requiring this component of the Presidium and the other
26 members of Politburo to be appointed by the President from the members of the Central

Section 35.
ZANU PFs DCC Disbanded The Herald 30.06.12.
ZANU PF Expels Rugare Gumbo The Herald 04.12.14.
Section 40.
Committee during the sitting of Congress proved inconvenient to the President and was thus
There was, in any event, the awkward fact that the Central Committee had yet to be properly
constituted, as Mashonaland East had (unconstitutionally) been told that its nominees were
unacceptable and a different list should be submitted. The Provinces quota for the Central
Committee had thus not taken up their seats. Those that had, had not been elected under the
supervision of the ZANU PF Electoral Commission, a body which was treated as if it were to
come into being at a future date. As became apparent after the conclusion of the Congress, the
new disciplinary provisions, which had undoubtedly been introduced with the purge of the
Mujuruites in mind,285 were, but only in part, to operate retroactively. Thus the manner and
processes by which a party cadre might be found guilty, for example, of disloyalty or
treachery286 were not to operate retroactively. These new offences, and the draconian penalties
they attracted, were however, to operate retroactively and be applied against those deemed to
have engaged in such behaviour ahead of the Congress.

The Post Congress Purges

Government and the Politburo
Mugabe has always ensured that the composition of his cabinet roughly matches that of the
Politburo, and Mugabe decided to clean out the former before appointing the latter. It was thus
merely a matter of time before the sacking of the Mujuruite Ministers from government, and this
was not long in coming. Two days after the end of the Congress, on 9th December, 2014, the
dismissal of Mujuru, seven Ministers and one Deputy Minister was announced, not by Mugabe,
but by the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. Misheck Sibanda, who stated that:
In terms of Section 106 (2) (b) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.
20) Act 2013, His Excellency the President, Cde R. G. Mugabe has exercised his
Executive Powers to relieve Honourable J. T. R Mujuru, MP of her position of
Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe with immediate effect as it had
become evident that her conduct in the discharge of her duties had become
inconsistent with her official responsibilities.287
The section of the Constitution cited, did not, however, give Mugabe the power to remove the
Vice-President; it merely proscribes behaviour by the Vice-Presidents and Ministers. The correct
section is that which provides that the Vice-Presidents hold office at the pleasure of the President
paragraph 14(2) of Part 4 of the Sixth Schedule.288
The fired Ministers were Didymus Mutasa (Presidential Affairs), Webster Shamu (Information
Communication Technologies, Postal and Courier Services), Francis Nhema (Youth,
When Mnangagwa was questioned on this aspect by journalists he claimed that Mugabe was empowered to do so
by virtue of section 37 of the Party Constitution a provision which does not authorise this or, indeed, have any
relevance to the issue see President Convenes Extraordinary Indaba The Herald 09.12.14.
The amendment was met with much cheering when read out by Emmerson Mnangagwa as revealed by recorded
ZBC footage of the Congress supplied by the Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe 20.02.15.
Section 266(c).
Quoted in VP Mujuru 8 Ministers Fired The Herald 10.12.14.
This is a ten year transitional provision of the new Constitution. Thereafter Vice-Presidents will attain office by
virtue of being running mates of successful presidential candidates section 92 of the State Constitution.
Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment), Olivia Muchena (Higher and Tertiary Education,
Science and Technology Development), Dzikamai Mavhaire (Energy and Power Development),
Nicholas Goche (Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare), Simbaneuta Mudarikwa (Minister
of State for Mashonaland East Province) and Munacho Mutezo (Deputy Minister Energy and
Power Development).
Again, it was Sibanda who announced their removal, on the same occasion, in the following
In terms of Section (108) (1) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment
(No.20) Act 2013, His Excellency the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe, has relieved
the following ministers of their duties with immediate effect as it had become
apparent that their conduct and performance were below the expected standard.
Once more, the Constitutional provision cited was incorrect. The section in question merely
provides that a Ministerial post becomes vacant if the Minister has been removed by the
President. The actual power of removal by the President arises from section 340(1)(f) of the
The following day, 10th December, 2014, President Mugabe announced the appointment of the
Party Presidium, and what The Herald reported289 as being a 33290 member Politburo, comprising
three members of the Presidium (sans the National Chairperson) , 22 Heads of Department, five
committee members291 and three deputy Heads292 of Department. Mugabe exercised his power
to add an additional Politburo Department to the 21 set out in the only recently amended
On 11th December, 2014, Misheck Sibanda formally announced the appointment of the State
Presidents; 293 seven replacement Ministers, and two deputy Ministers.294 An additional portfolio
had been created for Khaya Moyo Economic Planning and Investment Promotion.295 So inured

VPs Appointed Mnangagwa, Mphoko Land Posts 33- Member Politburo Named The Herald 11.12.14.
The composition had been changed by the purported Constitutional amendments made at Congress. The
Politburo comprises 21 Heads of Departments (Secretaries), the four member Presidium, and 5 Committee
Members reduced from the 10 previously. Two new Departments Business Liaison and Development and
Environment and Tourism appeared in the 2014 version of the Constitution, which are not in the printed 2005
version, but seem to have been added before 2014. However, the Party President was also given the power to create
additional departments at his discretion and he added one when announcing the new Politburo.
The Herald, however, only lists four of the appointments. The names of the Politburo members are given in
Annexure B.
The Deputies to the Heads of Department do not, however, sit in the Politburo section 41 of the Party
President Unveils New Ministers The Herald 12.12.14. The new Ministers were: P. Mupfumira, Minister of
Public Service, Labour and Social Services; O. Muchinguri, Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and
Technology Development; S. Udenge, Minister of Energy and Power Development, C. Mushohwe, Minister of
Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment; S. Mandiwanzira, Minister of Information,
Communication Technology and Courier Services; C. Mutsvangwa, Minister of Welfare Services for War Veterans,
War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees; C. Chimene: Minister of State for Manicaland
Province; B. Matiza: Minister of State for Mashonaland East Province; T. Muzenda, Deputy Minister of Energy and
Power Development; M. Mutsvangwa: Deputy Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services.
Khaya Moyo was previously Senior Minister of State in the Office of the President and Cabinet
He previously held the somewhat nebulous portfolio of Senior Minister of State in the Presidents Office.
had the Zimbabwe press and public become as to the conflation of the interests of party and
State, that the fact that those regarded as competent to hold the posts as party Vice-Presidents
were automatically deemed to be most appropriate to carry out duties as national Vice-
Presidents, had passed without comment as did the fact that the Ministers had clearly not been
dismissed, as claimed in Sibandas earlier statement, because their Ministerial conduct and
performance were below the expected standard. It was evident that it was their poor conduct
(association with Mujuru) as party cadres, and not as Ministers, which were at fault.
Furthermore, the replacement Ministers were appointed on the basis of what was perceived as
their favourable conduct as party cadres and not skill in good governance as the State
Constitution requires.296
President Mugabes own comments during this changing of the guards are of considerable
interest and are worth quoting at length. They appear in the article on the appointments in The
Herald 297 which reports that, before the President announced the names of the party appointees,
he declared that the position of National Chairman of the party had been abolished:
We are reducing that top heaviness, the two vice presidents have no real function
except that they are my deputies and I can give them work to do. We feel its not
necessary that if you have the two vice presidents you have the chairman. They
can rotate so we want to do without the chairman.
It is a requirement of the ZANU PF Party Constitution that a National Chairperson is
appointed.298 Furthermore, if the rationale was indeed reduced top heaviness notwithstanding
the constitutional violation required in so doing, it made far greater sense for the breach to be in
a failure to appoint a Vice-President299than the National Chairperson, as the Party Constitution
charges the latter with many more duties than the former.
Mugabe then announced the appointments to the remainder of the Presidium (and, almost
incidentally, the Vice-Presidents of the country) and the body of the Politburo, reportedly stating
as follows:300
At the top is President Mugabe. There are two vice presidents one of whom would
be drawn naturally from ZAPU and one from ZANU; and from ZANU it is
Emerson Mnangagwa and we say congratulations to him; and from ZAPU side it
is Report (Phelekezela) Mphoko. It is the three who will be known as the
presidium now, the rest would be heads of departments. I will be making more
announcements between tomorrow and Friday to fill in the positions of the
ministers we have withdrawn from duty. I can now say with regards to the vice
presidents they automatically become the vice presidents in GovernmentThese,
I would want them sworn in on Friday...301

Section 9.
Referred to above in the text - VPs Appointed Mnangagwa, Mphoko Land Posts 33- Member Politburo Named
The Herald 11.12.14.
Section 39 of the Party Constitution.
Unlike the State Constitution, there must be two party Vice-Presidents.
The grammatical and spelling errors are in the original article.
VPs Appointed Mnangagwa, Mphoko Land Posts 33- Member Politburo Named The Herald ibid.
When later asked about the change to the Party Constitution, which removed the requirement
that one Party Vice-President must be a woman, Mugabe replied:
Ah, have we removed it? I do not think we have removed it. We just ignored it for
now because of the circumstances when a woman, she grew too ambitious, did not
want to bid her time to see the President either retire or die soon after the
elections, she wanted to take over even the time, the strategy. The man has just
won the election, you want to push him out. 302 [Errors in the original quote]
Mugabes distaste for admitting agency, and pronounced illeism303 referred to at the outset, is
starkly apparent in these statements. The duty to appoint the National Chairperson is that of
Mugabe, and Mugabe alone.304 Yet the unconstitutional decision to abolish the post is
presented as if that of some unknown collective. Hence it is we who decide to reduce top
heaviness, it is we who feel that if you have two Vice-Presidents that a Chairman is not
required, we who want to do without the Chairman. Mugabe uses I in regard to giving the
Vice-Presidents work to do, but immediately switches back to we in the next two sentences
which concern his unconstitutional failure to appoint the Chairperson.
In announcing the appointments to the Presidium, Mugabe refers to himself in the third person
not I lead the Presidium, but at the top is President Mugabe; he does not say that he has
appointed the Vice-Presidents, but that they have seemingly acquired these posts without any
action from him. The passive voice is used to avoid agency thus there are two Vice-
Presidents who appear to have arrived at the posts because they would be drawn naturally
from their respective parties. The drawer is elided. Then Mugabe states, not that I and the
Vice-Presidents are the Presidium but It is the three who will be known as the Presidium.
Mugabe uses I to say he will be making announcements as to more appointments, but it is
these announcements which somehow fill the positions and not his act of appointing. The
appointments are not to replace Ministers he has sacked, as is the case, but Ministers we have
withdrawn from duty. Mugabe ends by saying of the new national Vice-Presidential appointees
I would want them sworn in by Friday as though someone other than himself was to
undertake this task.305 Although, the Party Constitution had been amended to remove the
requirement that one Vice-President must be a woman, Mugabe seems unaware of this, so refers
to we in his appointment of the Vice-Presidents in what he thought was a breach of the
On 21st December, 2014, the axing of two more Ministers and five Deputy Ministers was
announced, again by Misheck Sibanda citing the same constitutional provision which had
wrongly been deployed earlier.306 Those fired were Flora Buka (Minister of State for Presidential
Affairs); Sylvester Nguni (Minister of State in the Vice Presidents Office); Paul Chimedza
(Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care) Tongai Muzenda, (Deputy Minister of Public
Service, Labour and Social Services) Tendai Savanhu (Deputy Minister of Lands and Rural

President Robert Mugabe's 91st Birthday Interview ZBC (Online) 03.03.15.
Illeism is regarded in psychology as a signal of dissociation caused by the disorder of extreme narcissism.
Section 39 of the Party Constitution.
The constitution, does not, unlike the instance of Ministers, in any case provide for the swearing in of appointed
Vice-Presidents though the process of so doing would not render the appointments illegal. The Vice-Presidents and
Ministers were sworn in on 12th December, 2014.
Seven More Ministers Fired The Herald 22.12.14.
Resettlement) Petronella Kagonye (Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructural
Development); and Fortune Chasi (Deputy Minister of Justice, Legal And Parliamentary
Affairs). All were Members of Parliament. All but two were later suspended from the party.
Petronella Kagonye and Fortune Chasi, the latter of whom Grace Mugabe had attacked
vigorously from August 2014,307 survived the purge.

Party Structures
Throughout the following months the purges within the party continued. Newly appointed
Political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere began a restructuring exercise, which included the
Commissariat itself.308 The exercise appeared to many as a clear attempt to reconfigure the party
from cell level upwards and to cleanse it of suspected Mujuru supporters. Some believed that it
was also intended to place Kasukuweres own supporters in key positions.309 Procedurally
dubious expulsions and suspensions, which paid no attention to the requirements of section 71 of
the party Constitution that the National Disciplinary Committee should have due regard to the
principles of natural justice, were approved by the Politburo simply on the basis of reports by
the Committee.310
On the 17th February, 2015, Mutasa and Mliswa were expelled from the party in this manner.
Mujurus turn came on 1st April, 2015311 and that of seven senior party stalwarts, including one
Minister, on 21st May 2015.312 They were Ray Kaukonde, Olivia Muchena, Dzikamai Mavhaire,
Claudius Makova, David Butau, Kudakwashe Gope, and Kudakwashe Bhasikiti.313 The removal
of Bhasikiti, then Minister of State for Masvingo Province, resulted in another minor cabinet
reshuffle. He was replaced by Shuva Mahofa. Monica Mutsvangwa314 became the Deputy
Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, taking over from Supa Mandiwanzira, who
was promoted to Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier
In the following week, on 27th May, 2015, the Politburo approved the mass suspensions of 89
members.315 A second round of mass suspensions, involving 39 officials from the three
Provinces which had not been attended to in the first, took place on 5th June, 2015. Notable
causalities in this round included Webster Shamu, Sylvester Nguni and Andrew Langa.316

First Lady Blasts ZANU PF Legislator The Herald 8.08.14 and Grace Eyes Mazowe Seat Newsday 23.12.14.
ZANU PF Fires pro-Mujuru Army Chiefs Newsday 15.04.15.
Zanu PF Infighting: Tables Turn Against Kasukuwere The Zimbabwe Mail 22.01.15 and Kasukuwere Denies Rift
with Mnangagwa Nehanda Radio 27.04.15.
The National Disciplinary Committee was improperly constituted in any event, headed as it was by Vice-
President Mphoko and not a National Chairperson as the Party Constitution (section 69) requires. Other members are
Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa; Secretary for the Commissariat, Kasukuwere; Secretary for
Women's Affairs, Dr Grace Mugabe; the Secretary for Youth Affairs, Pupurai Togarepi.
ZANU PF Expels Mujuru as Grace Returns New Zimbabwe 01.04.15.
13 others were suspended.
ZANU PF Expels 7, Suspends 13 The Herald 22.05.15.
Christopher Mutsvangwas wife.
The full list (sans Manicaland) is given in ZANU PF Suspends 89 The Herald 29.05.15 and see Annexure D.
The full list (sans Matabeleland North) is given in ZANU PF Suspends 39 More Top Officials The Herald
06.06.15 and see annexure D.
By the end the first week of June 2015 a reported 141 prominent Mujuruites had been
removed.317 Several of the Mnangagwa-aligned, who had fallen foul of the power struggles
around the provincial executive elections, had regained office.318


When considering the success of the plot, it is also necessary to determine its main objective.
The plot was largely viewed in the media through the lens of the succession issue. Thus, if the
intention was to crush any ambition that Joice Mujuru should succeed to the presidency of
ZANU PF, and thus probably the country, after the departure of Robert Mugabe, it was
devastatingly effective. Any possibility that Mujuru might, at sometime in the future, lead ZANU
PF, had been dealt the coup de grce.
However, the question then arises as to whether such an inordinately convoluted and elaborate
scheme was necessary to achieve this limited objective. As at July, 2014, after Mugabes attack
on Jonathan Moyo, even the slightest further feint in the direction of Mujuru by Mugabe would
have made this grouping comfortable and confident with the constitutional changes which would
give Mugabe the power to appoint the Presidium. The claimed assassination plot, or even vote
buying and chaos around the Womens and Youth League Conferences, would have been
sufficient to remove Mujuru, Mutasa, Gumbo, Khaya Moyo, Shamu and Goche, or at the very
least have given Mugabe the excuse he needed to spring a surprise and not appoint any of them
to high office in terms of the changed constitution.
If, however, there was a broader objective, that of purging the party of Mujuruites on account of
deep antipathy toward them, outside of the succession issue, the scheme did not succeed
comprehensively. From this perspective, what is remarkable is not the number and names of
people expelled or suspended from the party, but the number and names of those that survived.
Also notable is the extent of the resistance encountered, from Grace Mugabes rallies through the
votes of no confidence in the provincial chairpersons to the election of the Central Committee.
Notwithstanding the strong tide against them, there was Mujuruite resistance to the plot to a
degree which may well have surprised and unsettled the Mnangagwa camp.
Although a total of 15 Ministers had been dismissed by the end of 2014, six of these were deputy
Ministers and two were Ministers of State in the Presidents Office - essentially merely
sinecures offered by Mugabe. The dismissals of the other seven from cabinet took place
immediately after the Congress, as Mugabe sought to align his cabinet with the Politburo. While
these dismissals and their subsequent replacements undoubtedly tilted the balance of power in
the Politburo in favour of the Mnangagwa camp, it was not a comprehensive purge.
On 14th December, 2014 President Mugabe and his wife proceeded on an extended, but
customary, holiday to the Far East. The number of Mujuruites that had survived prior to their
departure, surprised many. Thus, at the end of January 2015, the Daily News, quoting ZANU PF
sources reported that many more dismissals from the cabinet were to be expected and would
take place after the Mugabes return from holiday:

ZANU PF Purges Confirm Mujurus total control of key structures Newsday 09.06.15.
We Have Last Laugh: Moyo, Madiro The Herald 10.12.14.
There is no question that a new and major Cabinet reshuffle is in the offing now
that President Mugabe has come back from his holiday. Its just now a question of
when the president will deem this opportune. The reality is that there are a lot of
Gamatoxes (Mujuru supporters) that still need to be smoked out of Cabinet, as
well as the key security sector and the civil service, if factionalists and putschists
are to be defeated once and for all, said a party official close to Vice President
Emmerson Mnangagwa.319
Those said to be in the firing line from the security sector were Police Commissioner-General,
Augustine Chihuri, intelligence boss, Happyton Bonyongwe, prisons head, Commissioner-
General Paradzai Zimondi, and possibly Air Force Commander, Perence Shiri.
The expected further purge of the cabinet did not take place. It was only on 6th July, 2015, that a
second small, but important, cabinet reshuffle took place. The man Mugabe had called a
weevil the year before, Jonathan Moyo, seemingly on account of his manipulation of the press,
and whose dismissal was then deemed imminent, was removed from the post which he was
believed to have exploited in this manner, that of Minister of Information and Broadcasting
Services. Although Moyo appeared to have played a, if not the, leading role in the removal of
Mujuru (and had done so through the media), he was demoted to the ministerial backwater of
Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development.
Significantly, the Information portfolio was left open, and Prisca Mupfumira assigned (in
addition to her duties as Labour, Public Service and Social Services Minister) in an acting
capacity only,320 and possibly with a view dissolving the Ministry and making it into a
department within the Presidents Office.321 The power the post affords had proved decisive in
the plot to oust Mujuru. Mugabe clearly was uncomfortable granting the portfolio to anyone,
which he would have done if he were favouring one nascent faction over another. as has been
Fellow gang of four member, as the chief plotters had become known, and by then alleged
Mnangagwa opponent, Saviour Kasukuwere, was promoted to the Ministry of Local
Government, rendering an already powerful portfolio the more so by virtue of his party position
as Political Commissar. He displaced perceived Mnangagwa supporter, Ignatius Chombo to
Home Affairs, an obvious demotion.322 Chombo certainly would not have been pleased at being
removed from the fiefdom he had created so industriously while in the portfolio over the
previous 15 years.
Also, of significance for present purposes, was the dismissal of the only recently appointed Joel
Biggie Matiza as Minister of State for Mashonaland East. Matiza had dual roles, after having
eventually (i.e. after there have been several chairpersons installed in an acting capacity) been
appointed party Provincial Chairperson after Kaukondes removal. Following the Congress,
clashes involving Mujuruite youth in the province had continued. Mugabe replaced Matiza with

Fresh ZANU PF Purges Loom The Daily News 25.01.14.
The doubling up of her portfolio rather than assignment to the Deputy Minister Monica Mutsvangwa, in the
Mnangagwa camp, is significant.
Ministry of Info to be Abolished say Insiders The Zimbabwean 14.07.15.
Despite press reports to the contrary, Local Government is the more powerful portfolio by some distance in
Zimbabwe the head of police is answerable to the president and not to the Minister of Home Affairs.
Ambrose Mutinhiri,323 most notable for passing a motion of confidence in favour of Kaukonde to
try to rescue the Provincial Chairperson, despite Grace Mugabes recent tirade against the
latter.324 Mutinhiri was thus believed to be in the Mujuru camp and had not secured a seat in the
Central Committee. Grace Mugabe, was not, as some had expected, given ministerial office and
the Womens Affairs, Gender and Community Development portfolio, went to Nyasha
What may also have been unexpected in some quarters were not only the re-assignments, but
also those who were retained. Lazarus Dokora,325 who so roundly had been hounded out of a
Central Committee seat by anti-Mujuru youth in Mashonland Central Province, had survived the
first reshuffle and remained as Minister of Education. Sidney Sekeramayi (Defence) and David
Parirenyatwa (Health and Child Welfare), Kaukonde associates, who Grace Mugabe had
reportedly tried to bar from the Central Committee, likewise retained their portfolios. The
survival of Mujuruites, Walter Mzembi (Tourism and Hospitality Industry), and Simbarashe
Mumbengegwi (Foreign Affairs) after the reshuffle was unsurprising, but only because of the
prior unexpected appointment of the two to the Central Committee by Mugabe. Using the power
he had to appoint ten seats in the body, Mugabe had rescued them and at least two others who
appear to have failed to claim positions on account of perceived Mujuruite sympathies
Absolom Sikhosana and Charles Tavengwa. Fortune Chasi, whom Grace Mugabe had singled
out for attack, had been removed as a Deputy Minister but survived suspension from the party.
He later gained increased status through appointment, at Mnangagwas behest to the important
Parliamentary Legal Committee.326 Kudzai Chapanga, who Grace Mugabe had chased from her
farm at the start of the plot, survived as Deputy Secretary of the Youth League.
An even more remarkable tale of survival was that of Khaya Moyo himself, regarded before
Congress as a large cog in the Mujuru machinery. Moyo had hoped for promotion to the ZAPU
Vice-Presidency. Instead, on account of his Mujuruite sympathies he merely had been demoted
to party spokesperson.327As noted, Mugabe left his former position, that of party Chairperson,
unfilled. However, through the reshuffle, Khaya Moyo was partly compensated, moved from a
Minister of State in the Presidents Office and given a more substantial portfolio, that of the
specially created Ministry of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion.
The purge of the Mujuruites at a governmental level, which was under Mugabes control, was
thus much less complete than that at party level. The suspensions at party level took place
through the National Disciplinary Committee, which after Congress328 comprised Vice-President
Mutinhiri, was once viewed as a possible contender for the ZAPU wing of the Vice-Presidencies. However, like
Msipa, although a former ZAPU member, he is not from Matabeleland.
This should pause for thought for those who believed that Grace Mugabe is running the show and directing
Mugabe on his hiring and firing see ZANU PF bedroom coup Takes Hold The Zimbabwe Independent 27.02.15
and Graces Bedroom Coup Holds The Zimbabwe Independent 03.07.15.
Innuendo of incompetence had appeared in The Herald see Im not re-inventing the wheel: Dokora 28.06.14.
ZANU PF Appoints Chasi To Parliament Role Zimeye 04.07.15.
The appointment seems rather perverse. It appears to repeat Mugabes appointment of Rugare Gumbo to that
position, thus requiring the voicing of the partys position and strong support for Mugabe by one who had been
accused of disaffection. In Gumbos case he had been imprisoned for two years and tortured on account of charges
of rebellion in 1978 by ZANU. Each defence of the president by the party spokesperson could thus be viewed as
requirement to constantly express remorse for past actions and a perpetual mea culpa.
Prior to the Congress and at the time of the votes of no confidence in the provincial chairpersons, the Committee
appears to have comprised: Sydney Sekeramayi, Emmerson Mnangagwa, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, Oppah Muchinguri,
Mphoko (standing in for the absent National Chairperson, who in terms of the Party Constitution
is required to head the Committee) Patrick Chinamasa (as Secretary for Legal Affairs), Saviour
Kasukuwere (as Political Commissar), Kembo Mohadi, (as Secretary for Security), Grace
Mugabe (as head of the Womens League), and Pupurayi Togarepi, (as head of the Youth
League chairman).
As has been seen, the purge of the Provinces did not proceed smoothly and is notable for the
level of support that Mujuruite leaders and party officials commanded, notwithstanding the
intense campaign against the group. Grace Mugabes rallies, much to her annoyance and
subsequent vengeance, suffered frequent disruption by Mujuruite youths. The votes of no
confidence in Provincial Chairpersons, intended nationwide on the weekend of 2nd November
2014 failed, requiring each Province to be targeted separately and sequentially. When the no
confidence votes were obtained, in almost all Provinces, it required the circumvention of due
procedure by strong arm tactics, some reportedly, involving after hours visits by members of the
Central Intelligence Organisation329 (CIO) and military intelligence to intimidate PEC members
into signing the petitions.330 Even then, only just over the required 50% of the PEC members
reportedly signed the petitions in most cases. The acceptance of these votes of no confidence by
the Politburo, presumably after reports by the National Disciplinary Committee, may have been
on account of supportive findings by Khaya Moyo. Moyo may have foresworn allegiance to the
Mujuru grouping, indicating his co-operation with the plotters at this early stage through rulings
in the National Disciplinary Committee, and thus surviving the later purges.
Similarly, the Mujuruites were still able to stand and gain places in the elections for the Central
Committee. Most notably, in Mashonaland East, Mujuruites affiliated to Kaukonde were
returned in a second poll, despite a strong intimation by Mugabe at Congress that they should be
removed. Some, such as Temba Mliswa, in Mashonland West, were simply barred after
successfully attaining nomination. Mujuruite331 support for Mliswa appears again to have been
registered in a by-election in his constituency, after his expulsion from Parliament on account of
no longer being a member of ZANU PF.332 The Mnangagwa camp was fully aware that the by-
election would be viewed as a litmus test of Mujuruite support and ran an extremely dirty
campaign, pulling out all stops to prevent Mliswas election as an independent. The election was
marked by the intimidation of Mliswas supporters, a block placed on Mliswas campaign rallies
and the arrest, on several occasions, of Mliswa himself.333 Notwithstanding these electoral
malpractices, Mliswa still managed a remarkable 4 239 votes against 5 961 for his rival. It may
have been the anticipation of bruising and resource intensive fights, such as that in Mliswas
Hurungwe West constituency, which led ZANU PF to shy away from expelling other Mujuruite

Absolom Sikhosana and Simon Khaya Moyo see Chiyangwa Cannot be Readmitted into Party The Chronicle
09.12.14 (the Chronicle article omits Sikhosana, which is presumed an error).
The intelligence services are still referred to by the acronym of a previous incarnation. The intelligence services
now run as the Department for State Security in the Presidents Office.
This is from anecdotal evidence conveyed by those who have spoken to the individuals concerned.
It is not certain that the support was entirely that of Mujuruites and not members of the opposition MDCs.
However, the MDC formations had called for a boycott of the elections, which, judging from the turnout in other by-
elections held at the same time, appears to have been heeded.
A Members seat in Parliament automatically becomes vacant in terms of section 129(1)(k) of the State
Constitution, if the party concerned writes to the Speaker declaring that the Member no longer belongs to the party
he or she represented when elected.
Mliswa Arrested for disrupting ZANU PF Meeting Newsday 13.04.15.
MPs from the party.334 Thus purges were carried out by way of suspensions rather than
expulsion, and Khaya Moyo took pains to emphasise that those suspended remained members of
the party and thus could not lose their seats in Parliament on this account.335
The plotters lack of confidence in their ability to control the Provinces may also be reflected in
the constitutional change providing that the Presidium would not be determined by nomination
from the Provinces. The changes which also provided that the Party President himself would be
determined by a nationwide vote are somewhat curious. They may have been introduced out of
extreme caution and a fear that the Provinces might nominate Mujuru, ahead of or even at
Congress. The new procedure is that the Party President will be appointed by a nationwide vote
after each candidate attains nomination from only two Provinces, and not the six that had been
required previously. This again suggests a fall back strategy by the plotters, such that if Mujuru
had been nominated by the Provinces, Mnangagwa, at the very least would gain nomination,
from two Provinces and it would then be a matter of manipulating the national vote of party
cadres. This may not present a hurdle as high as might appear at first glance.336 The ZANU PF
Electoral Commission is a nine-member body appointed by the President. While general
elections at a state level are governed by sophisticated and detailed laws and regulations aimed at
preventing fraud, the Party Constitution does not contain a single provision in this regard. In the
event, these constitutional changes pertaining to presidential appointment were ignored:
Congress was simply informed that Mugabe had been accepted as the sole candidate by all
Provinces and was declared duly elected in terms of the previous procedure.
It may also appear that the Mnangagwa camp has, when the succession to Mugabe needs to be
determined, now set itself the more onerous task, requiring a national poll of members and
controlling that outcome, rather than simply controlling the nominations from the Provinces. It is
quite probable, however, that when the moment arrives, depending on where the balance of
power lies, the Politburo will simply declare that a nationwide poll of members to determine
Mugabes replacement is impractical, and amend the Party Constitution once more to suit the
exigencies of the moment.
Despite the resistance shown by Mujuruites in the provincial polls ahead of Congress, the
response of the Mujuruites to the onslaught against them generally favoured the Mnangagwa
camp. Many, such as Khaya Moyo, saw the way the tide was turning and foreswore allegiance to
Mujuru in the early stages of the plot. Those that did so belatedly, such as Webster Shamu, were
purged, despite assiduous and unctuous sycophancy toward Mnangagwa.337 Few Mujuruites have

Zealots opposed to Mujuru called for all of a guestimated more than 100 MPs aligned to her to be removed from
Parliament (see Mujurus 100 MPs Survive Axe Newsday 27.01.15). The motivation for not doing so, may,
however, have been purely economic, both from a national and party perspective, with the coffers of both unable to
sustain that number of by-elections costing the electoral body about two million dollars each (see ZEC Seeks $36
Million for By-elections Newsday 22.04.15.
ZANU PF Expels 7 Suspends 13 The Herald 22.05.15.
And some would point to the fact that Mnangagwas managed to do so with ease in national general elections.
Bootlicking Fails to Save Shamu Daily News 08.06.15.
considered it worthwhile to challenge their manifestly illegal expulsions or suspensions through
the courts those who have, include Mujuru and Mutasa, Bhasikiti and Butau.338
Others have drawn on past experience, and have not criticised or complained against either the
anti-Mujuru tirade or their own ousting. In the manner of show-trial victims who went to the
Gulags professing their great love for Stalin and protesting that their idol had been misled, so
several Mujuruites, and indeed Mujuru herself initially,339 responded to their expulsions by
declaring their loyalty to Mugabe and dismay that he had been misled by the plotters. ZANU PF
history had demonstrated that sitting quietly and waiting for the wind to change, often resulted in
a return to grace. This had been the case with Rugare Gumbo, Jonathan Moyo, Jacob Mudenda
(and all others involved in the Tsholotsho declaration),340 Dzikamai Mavhaire and several more.
The previously expelled, such as Jonathan Moyo, specifically called upon the purged to adopt
this approach.341 There has been no pervasive attempt to force Mujuruites to the wall by pursuing
criminal charges against them (for example, in relation to the supposed assassination plot or
corruption charges342) The Mujuruites who chose to turn against the party and become
vociferous in their denouncements, such as Mutasa and his nephew Mliswa, have found
themselves dispossessed of property in the same way it was acquired through the exercise of
political muscle.343
The result has been little real resistance by Mujuruites after the Congress. Although many more
may have remained within the party than the plotters, but not necessarily Mugabe, expected, they
have effectively been neutralised. Those seeking to resist from outside of the ZANU PF fold,
have failed to gain any real traction or find direction, and while Mutasa (regarded by many as the
very paragon of ZANU PFs bloody excesses) remains within their ranks, they will struggle to
find acceptance by those opposed to ZANU PF.

Mugabe and Agency Again

The review of the execution of the plot, given above, shows that President Mugabe left very few
fingerprints at the scene. This was clearly part of an agreed strategy with the plotters and is in
itself evidence of collaboration with them by Mugabe. The intention was to present the attack on
the Mujuruites as driven by Grace Mugabe in her capacity as incoming head of the Womens
League, and thus that all responsibility in this regard lay with the League. There was little
concern that this was unlikely to be believed.
Mugabe remained silent, when he would have been expected to make some sort of comment,
about the proposal that his wife head the Womens League. Even in his address to the League at
the conclusion of their Conference in August 2014, he chose to congratulate the entire executive

In July, 2015 the Courts ruled that those who had sought juridical relief against their expulsions ought first to
have sought a review of the decision from the (unconstitutionally established) Central Committee see End of the
Road for Bhasikiti The Herald 10.07.15.
'I remain loyal to Mugabe,' says Mujuru Bulawayo24 09.12.14 where she is quoted as saying "Let it be known
that I am loyal to the president and faithful to my party and its leader."
July Moyo and Daniel Shumba would be two of the other notables in this regard.
Fresh ZANU PF Purges Loom Daily News 25.01.15.
Though it must be said that this could equally be on account of the known tenuousness of the former, and the
difficulty in finding discrete instances of the latter, which do not also involve those in the Mnangagwa camp.
ZANU PF Youths invade Temba Mliswa's Farm Bulawayo24 01.05.15 and Chimene Takes Mutasa Farm The
Herald 04.05.15.
on their appointment, without singling out the head of the executive which would have been
considered normal.344 He did not give any commendation to his wife until her formal
appointment at the Congress in December, 2014. This contrasts sharply with events in 1989
leading to the appointment of his first wife Sally as head of the League. At the Womens League
Conference before the Congress of that year, when Julia Zvobgo appeared set to assume the
leadership of the wing, Mugabe overtly stepped in and instructed that the preferences of the
League were to defer to his wife, who duly led the body until her death in 1992.345 Enthusiastic
and gushing endorsement of the appointment of Mugabes second wife to the same position
came from every quarter except Mugabe himself. The impression created was that Mugabe was
very deliberately trying to show that he was not involved in the matter.
By the 16th October, 2014, Grace Mugabes calls for Mujurus ouster had not only become overt,
but she claimed to have made a direct challenge to her husband:
I said this faction leader must be dumped by you, if you dont do it we will
dump her ourselves. We will dump her ourselves because she is dividing the
Together with a call for Mujuru to resign, the challenge was repeated a few weeks later:
We are saying to the President you made a mistake [in appointing Mujuru] and
now correct that mistake.347
Grace Mugabe, however, later made it clear that her preference was that Mujuru should resign, to
spare the President the task of sacking her:
sometimes the one who appointed wants you out but does not want to
embarrass you. He would just be waiting for you to write and say I have resigned
but if you are hard-headed tomorrow you will be ousted like the others348
Grace Mugabes comments at rally of the 16th October, 2014, led the Mujuruites to finally
complain about the rallies, in all probability framed not as a complaint against President
Mugabes wife, but rather their divisive nature and the use of the gamatox slogan.349
Significantly, and in line with the ploy that the issue was Womens League matter, Oppah
Muchinguri, as the outgoing leader of the body, was directed to prepare a report on the rallies for
the next Politburo meeting of 24th October 2014.350

Well Done Womens League: President Mugabe ZBC Online 15.08.14.
Events recounted to the author by a journalist in October, 2014. Those present at the Conference do not now
recollect whether Sally Mugabe was imposed before or after a vote had been taken in favour of Julia Zvobgo.
Grace Wants Mujuru Out Daily News 17.10.14.
First Lady Repeats Call for Mujurus Resignation The Herald 17.11.14.
Grace All But Now Running the Show The Zimbabwe Independent 21.11.4.
Gumbo Denounces Down with Gamatox Chanters Newsday 17.10.14.
Muchinguri, unprepared to present her report on the meet the people rallies at the Politburo meeting of 23/24 th
October, 2014, did so the following week.
At the meeting Mugabe brushed aside the intensified furore around his wifes vilification of
Mujuruites, reported as follows:351
Speaking as he greeted delegates soon after arrival, Mugabe jokingly told
outgoing womens league boss Oppah Muchinguri: Ndimi makativambira
mashokoka imi kumadzimai apo kaapo (you are the one who started this storm
in the womens league there you are) the fire is on, manage it.352
The attempt at humour was made when Mugabe would have been fully aware that he was within
earshot of journalists who were scrutinising every nuance of the tense meeting. Mugabe was then
reported to have warmly greeted Mujuruites Gumbo, Goche and Shamu. There was not the
slightest suggestion that Mugabe would act on his wifes demand at this Politburo meeting and
sack the Mujuru she was in fact even allowed to chair the meeting briefly.353
Didymus Mutasa also claims to have engaged Mugabe privately on several occasions about
Grace Mugabes vilification of Mujuru. On each of these occasions Mugabe took refuge in the
ploy that it was a matter for the Womens League and that he had no hand in it.354 There were
numerous statements by senior party figures thereafter, claiming that it was Grace Mugabe who
had brought the partys attention to the perfidy of the Mujuru camp, exposed its nefarious
intentions, and delivered the coup de grce to those who would topple her husband from power,
for example:
We were enlightened by (First Lady) Grace Mugabe of what was happening in
the party in the build-up to the congress and the party had to act.(Mnangagwa)355
Thanks to the revelations made by the First Lady Amai Doctor Grace Mugabe, a
whirlwind was unleashed which swept away the conspirators (Mudenda).356
It was only at the end of October, 2014, that Mugabe, seeing that the vilification of Mujuru had
succeeded, and that the Mnangagwa camp was in the ascendancy, was prepared to show his hand
and that he might take an active part in events. This was done very tentatively at first, and then a
few days later, he gave his first reasonably unequivocal indication that he too was opposed to
Mujuru. The first comments, with lesser, but still marked, illeism, came at a luncheon marking
the Second Session of the Opening of the 8th Parliament, and were reported as follows:
Some are saying Mugabe is old and must go, I have come a long way and I will
not go. My time is not yet up. I will end all this nonsense at the congressWe
The actual statement is variously reported, suggesting the possibility that more than one statement was made in
this regard. For example, one paper reports him as saying Ndimi makatanga chimoto chenyu ichi munogona here
kuchipedza? (You are the ones who started this fire, will you now be able to extinguish it?) Mujuru Kept
Guessing The Zimbabwe Mail 25.10.14; another as Ndimi makatanga moto uyu. Muchagona here kuudzimura
(you are the ones who started this fire, will you be able to contain it) Politburo Ignores Graces Demands Daily
News 25.10.14. The Standard reported that Mugabe was angry rather than jovial when making the comment Mugabe
Disregards Graces Ultimatum 26.10.14.
Manage Grace-Mujuru Storm: Mugabe New Zimbabwe 24.10.14.
Mugabe Disregards Graces Ultimatum The Standard 26.10.14.
Interview with Mutasa transcribed in: On a Mission to Cleanse ZANU PF Mail & Guardian Online 03.02.15
and I confronted Mugabe over Graces Attacks on Mujuru The Zimbabwe Independent 05.06.15.
Mnangagwa Promises More Expulsions Newsday 01.06.15.
Mnangagwa Hangs in Hoist On Presidency as Grace Is Confirmed [Congress Update Live] Zimeye 06.12.14.
have some that have doctorates, they want Mugabe to go ... they went to USA to
get billions and what rotten thinking is that? All these years you have never learnt
that these people will never be your friends.357
The second occasion was ahead of the Politburo meeting of 30th October, 2014, where events
outside the venue were as important as those within. Muchinguri presented her delayed report on
Grace Mugabes rallies, which studiously avoided mentioning the First Ladys attacks on
Mujuru. This did not go down well with the latters supporters who thus decided to vociferously
put their case to Mugabe, resulting in a slanging match between the two camps.
Outside the venue of the Politburo meeting, thousands of party youths and war veterans had
converged waving neatly printed placards denouncing Mujuru (Dr 10%).358 After arriving in
the building, Mugabe later emerged to address the crowd in the company of Mutasa. Shouts of
down with gamatox prevented Mutasa from speaking or introducing Mugabe. After
implausibly feigning ignorance of the gamatox slogan, Mugabe directed his wrath towards
Jabulani Sibanda (who had threatened a march on State House), Temba Mliswa and Kaukonde
stating that the latter two had overstepped their authority.359 He attended to the issue of Joice
Mujuru in a far more temperate manner, and a chuckling Mugabe, who appeared to be enjoying
the moment and abuse of his deputy said:
The party has its way of doing things. You cannot tell your wife to leave on the
very day when you break up. You consult other people and those you dont like
you will not vote for them come congress.360
The statement made several things reasonably clear. The first was that Mugabe approved
Mujurus removal, the second was that Mujuru would, in all likelihood, be removed, and the
third that Mugabe would not do, or appear to have done, the removing. Mugabe also took the
time to tell the throng that there was nothing amiss in his wife being appointed to head the
Womens League361 and that he had played no part in the appointment.362
At the Politburo meeting itself, despite the obvious turmoil now engulfing the party, Mugabe
merely determined that a committee should be established to investigate factionalism in the
party. The move was obviously merely one to buy time ahead of Congress and could not have
been taken seriously by anyone present. Mugabe did, however, ominously accuse Gumbo of
twice363 trying to change the Party President, a portent of what was to come.364

Im in Charge Says Mugabe Daily News 29.10.14. The report in the paper, which later adopted a very overtly pro
Mujuru stance, sought to interpret Mugabes comments as balanced and a criticism of all those vying for position as
at Congress and latched onto the fact that his reference to people with doctorates included his wife. Given that this
was linked with an accusation of soliciting money from western powers, the notion that his wife was included was
Pictures: War vets demonstrate against VP Mujuru, Sibanda Newsday 30.10.14.
Mujuru on the Ropes The Herald 31.10.14.
Mugabe Takes Side Daily News 31.10.14.
Mugabe Takes Sides fn immediately above.
Mujuru on the Ropes The Herald 31.10.14.
The first, a reference to what was held as a rebellion against his leadership before independence and for which he
was imprisoned.
Gumbos Loyalty Questioned The Sunday News 09.11.14.
Despite the open acrimony between the warring camps and Mugabes virtual declaration of
partisanship, Mugabe genially greeted Gumbo at the start of next Politburo meeting on 13th,
November 2014, addressing him by his clan name. However, at the meeting the Mujuruites
demanded that the alleged assassination plot be openly discussed. A reportedly livid Mugabe
began by attacking Mutasa, calling Mutasa a political prostitute who wanted him assassinated,
before turning on Rugare Gumbo, confronting him with the alleged tape recording in which he
supposedly said that Mugabe would be removed the Kabila way. None came to the defence of
Gumbo or Mutasa. Apart from Mugabes attack on the two, however, he took no further action.
It was left to Edson Chakanyuka, the Deputy Youth League Chairperson, to move a motion that
Gumbo should be suspended.365 The motion was passed by the Politburo and Gumbo was
suspended from the party, together with several provincial chairpersons and Jabulani Sibanda,
whose suspensions were under discussion at the meeting.366
There were two further Politburo meetings, where Mugabes partisanship became increasingly
apparent, before the Congress began on 2nd December, 2014. Mujuru and Goche did not attend
the last, and Mugabe expressed surprise at Mutasas presence.367 At the Congress, despite the
fact that party youths had threatened any Mujuruites that might have the temerity to attend,368
Mugabe, noting the absence of senior party Mujuruite members, cynically commented that:
[t]hose who are not here have bid us good bye. We did not chase them but they
chose to go their own ways.369
You see, they are not here today. We wanted them to come so that they would
meet youWe did not stop them, but they just sneaked without informing us, like
Thus, so it was to appear, Mugabe did not dismiss Mujuru and Mutasa. The conditions were
simply such that they could not be appointed to the Presidium. They had absented themselves
from the Congress. They had failed to secure Central Committee positions. This was the fault of
none but themselves. They had lost the support of party members, and they had lost that support
on account of their own foolish actions. Nonetheless, Mugabe still shied away from revealing
any agency. In violation of the Constitutional requirement to do so, Mugabe did not then appoint
a new Presidium at the Congress, making the announcement as to who had secured positions
several days after the event had ended, in a manner which elided agency as discussed above.
Mugabe was thus not overtly present at the scene. Then, most unusually in Zimbabwes political
milieu, on 15th January, 2015, an article appeared in The Herald,371 thus suggesting that it had

Details of the Politburo Meeting that Purged Mujuru Allies, Gumbo and Sibanda
He was expelled completely from the party by resolution of the Central Committee at Congress.
Mujuru, Goche Skip Politburo Newsday 27.11.14. Mugabes surprise at Mutasas presence may, however, been
on account of a belief that he was out of the country.
Youths Threaten anti-Mujuru Shutout Newsday 01.12.14.
Vice President Posts: Mugabe Develops Cold Feet The Zimbabwe Independent 07.12.14. Mujuru, Mutasa and
Goche all cited health concerns for their failure to attend.
Mugabe Congress Speech Exposes Multi-faced Divide And Rule Tactics RadioVop Zimbabwe 06.12.14.
Untold Story of Clean Dozen The Herald 15.01.15.
been placed there by the plotters themselves, in which 12 individuals were reported as being
responsible for the plot, or rather defend[ing] the President and First Secretary whom the
[Mujuru] cabal sought to depose. The group was dubbed the clean dozen, presumably
thought to be a witty antonym to the equally clever moniker the dirty dozen applied to Mliswa
and other members of Parliament that The Herald had reported as accepting cash from an
American intelligence agent. The group comprised Cde Saviour Kasukuwere (the convener),
Professor Jonathan Moyo (co-convener), Cdes Emmerson Mnangagwa, Edna Madzongwe,
Prisca Mupfumira, Oppah Muchinguri, Monica Mutsvangwa, Makhosini Hlongwane, Ignatius
Chombo, Josiah Hungwe, Philip Chiyangwa and Patrick Zhuwao.372
For this group to accept responsibility for the events ahead of the Congress seems almost
unprecedented in the opaque world of ZANU PF politics. It may have been intended to send a
signal to President Mugabe as to who ought to have been rewarded when the cabinet was
reconstructed in December 2014, and who should be rewarded in what was expected to be the
further changes in government after the Mugabes arrival from the Far East. The article was
published at precisely the time of Mugabes expected return. 373 The article might also have been
motivated by conceit given what was seen as the outstanding success of the plot and the clever
way in which it was implemented. Conceit may also have motivated Mugabe, despite himself, to
break cover and seek to associate himself the plot. Thus during the interview to mark the
occasion of his 91st birthday with ZTV Mugabe stated:
When she (Grace) went out and started talking, I said Oh! she has spoken way
too early because we had expected that we will reveal all her (Mujuru)
shenanigans when the right time comes.374
There was only one occasion when Mugabe openly intervened in a manner which advanced the
plot, before its final stages in the weeks before Congress, and this was in his denouncement of
Mashayamombe who had suggested that Grace Mugabe find a political home outside Harare,
outlined above.
That Grace Mugabe directed her husbands hand as these events unfolded is particularly
implausible, and, with Grace Mugabe anxiously trying to create the impression that she wields
considerable political power, the notion relies to some extent on her own comments. Although
many people the First Lady had said should be removed from party and government were in fact
dismissed, it was apparent that she was acting on instruction rather than her own initiative.375
The statement of Mugabe just cited is merely one more of several indications of this already
Many of those against whom she harboured deep animosity, and who she had specifically
indicated ought to be axed, remained in government, and remained there at President Mugabes
pleasure. Some Mujuruites were even appointed into ministerial positions after the Congress.

Untold Story of Clean Dozen ibid..
Mugabes return was in fact delayed - Where Are You Mr. President? Daily News 20.01.15.
Grace Jumped the Gun Newsday 02.03.15.
Grace Mugabe, perhaps protesting too much, however claimed that she was not under instruction from anyone.
People say I am being influenced by Muchinguri, Kasukuwere and Mnangagwa. I have got brains. I don't even
have a day where I have approached the President to tell me what to what to say at rallies - Grace Mugabe Likely
to Triumph Succession Race as She Gives Husband Bold Uultimatum Bulawayo24 21.11.14.
Her demand that Mujuru be fired was ignored and, apart from expressing a preference that
Mujuru should resign to spare President Mugabe the task of the sacking, showed a lack of
understanding of her husbands way of doing things. The speculation in the press that ministerial
heads would roll at the First Ladys command when the Mugabes returned from their annual
holiday in the Far East did not materialise. The First Lady also did not secure (has not yet
secured) a ministerial post, which she is believed to covet.376
The claims by the press, both before and at the Congress, and at the time of writing, that Grace
Mugabe is running the show hang by extremely thin threads. One is that at the Congress the
First Lady handed Mugabe a note suggesting that he end his address, causing Mugabe to say:
Its my wife who has written this note. She says I am now talking too much. Thats
how I am treated even at home, and so I must listen.377
Although there may be many a true word in such statements said in jest by hen-pecked husbands,
the extrapolation of the sentiment into the political realm seems grounded in a need to sell copy
rather than political analysis. Similarly, Grace Mugabes ardent insistence that the public advert
to the fact that she meets regularly with the Vice-Presidents and that they take notes when she
talks,378 smacks of a childishly transparent and desperate plea to be taken seriously, rather than
an indication that she is in control. If she had the political power claimed, it would not need the


Mugabe is viewed as a clever Machiavellian schemer by admirers and detractors alike, to the
extent that even skilful manoeuvring is read into policy debacles. For example, in April, 2015,
Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa, desperate to have something positive to present to the
Bretton Woods institutions in the hope of loans to rescue Zimbabwes plummeting economy,
announced that the annual 13th cheque bonus for civil servants was to be suspended.379 At the
very moment Chinamasa was sitting across the table negotiating with officials from the financial
institutions, on 18th April, 2015, Mugabe announced that bonuses for civil servants were to be
retained. The policy reversal caused profound embarrassment to Chinamasa and probably
brought his talks to a premature and unsuccessful close. Mugabes pronouncement suggested
either that his Ministers acted without consultation with himself or cabinet or, at the least, deep
policy discord within the government. Yet this debacle, a stereotype of an irascible, impatient
and intolerant geriatric, who insists on having his way regardless of impracticality, was viewed
by some commentators as a political masterstroke Mugabe had cunningly portrayed himself to
civil servants as their saviour, against the evil and wayward machinations of his Finance

Grace Abandons Cabinet Post bid New Zimbabwe 12.04.15. The reasoning that she could not be given a post by
President Mugabe as she was not a Member of Parliament fell away when she was not advanced as a candidate in
any of the many by-elections (even the safe seats) which occurred after the Congress and when Jonathan Moyo
attained a seat in Parliament, thus rendering one of the five non-constituency ministerial positions vacant.
Mugabe Down with ZANU PF Slogan Gaffe Stuns Delegates The Standard 07.12.14.
Grace Takeover Sparks Outrage Newsday 03.07.15 and Grace Mugabe: A Threat to Democracy The Zimbabwean
Government Suspends Civil Servants Bonuses Until 2017 New Zimbabwe 13.04.15.
Minister.380 The fact that the same effect could have been achieved without the massive fallout
was not considered.
Mugabe is thus often given benefit when none is due. In normal circumstances, the Mujuru plot
would have been thought to admit only of two possibilities. One was that Grace Mugabe and the
plotters were in charge of the party and Mugabe had thus lost control. The other was that
Mugabe had hidden his involvement in the plot in order to ensure that even Mujuruites retained
loyalty to him, believing that Mugabe had merely been mislead. This ploy ought, nonetheless, to
have created the impression that Mugabe, in a craven fashion, had used Grace Mugabe do the
dirty work that he did not have the temerity to do himself. Yet, because of the cult which has
developed around Mugabe, many political observers were reluctant to see anything other than
astute scheming by Mugabe as behind the ouster of the Mujuruites.
However, this review of the purging of Mujuruites from ZANU PF suggests that Mugabe was
neither puppet nor puppeteer. The plot was most certainly not a coup by Grace Mugabe,
positioning herself to take over from the President, as suggested fairly frequently as the plot took
place. The indications are Mugabe himself believed that Joice Mujuru had become dangerously
powerful, and was convinced by the plotters, with his wife as emissary, that immediate action
needed to be taken against her ahead of the Congress, thus replicating similar action taken
against Mnangagwa, for the same reason, in 2004. The probability is that, rather than being
involved in the minutiae of a scheme to remove Mujuru, that he merely approved it in broad-
brush stokes. Recall that Mugabe even appeared unaware of the nature of all of the alterations to
the Party Constitution, and a change which was bound to be controversial, the removal of the
requirement that one Vice-President should be a woman. Mugabe, however, approved, a plot
whereby Mujurus reputation and integrity would be destroyed to such an extent that her
reappointment at the December 2014 Congress would be impossible. Mutasa, Goche and
possibly Gumbo and Khaya Moyo (depending on how they responded) were to receive the same
treatment. It is quite possible that Mugabe neither intended nor anticipated the extensive
eradication of the Mujuruites that ensued. The wide ranging purge may well have been the
agenda of the plotters alone, and the intentional result of starting a fire (which Mugabe said must
be managed) which gained a life of its own, as party cadres opposed to Mujuru took the
opportunity to settle deep seated and chronic antipathy to her supporters, and others used the
witch hunt (in time honoured fashion) to settle local rivalries.
The aftermath of the plot repeated a predictable pattern. The plotters were far more successful
than was wise. The result was that Mnangagwa had now acquired too much power, and the
impression had been created that the plotters rather than Mugabe controlled the party.381 As a
consequence, for the first time in the framework of the plot, Mugabe was compelled to take
active steps, rather than passively allow others to do so.
Mugabe thus proceeded to take measures to show that he continued in ultimate control of the
party and to attenuate the power of the plotters generally, and Mnangagwa, in particular. Oppah
Muchinguri was given no reward for relinquishing her post as head of the Womens League and
assisting in the execution of the plot. She was not appointed as Vice-President, or National
Chairperson, and Mugabe left the post vacant rather than risk increasing Mnangagwas power by

Scrap-reinstate Bonuses is a Good-cop-bad-cop Mugabe Trick Bulawayo24 21.04.15.
Im Still in Charge, Says President The Herald 27.02.15
appointing one of the new Vice-Presidents supporters to the post. The second cabinet reshuffle
after Congress saw Mujuruites retaining, and some reappointed, to ministerial positions. Saviour
Kasukuweres displacement of Ignatius Chombo as Minister of Local Government when he also
held the position of Party Commissar could be viewed as reducing and counter-balancing
Mnangagwas power by increasing that of Kasukuwere, who by then had begun to be viewed as
a rival to Mnangagwa.382
Significantly, Mugabe appeared to regard Jonathan Moyo as also wielding excessive power. He
was removed as Minister of Information, and it is worth noting, in accordance with the theme of
this paper, was dismissed in typical style. Once again Mugabe claimed that Moyo lost his post,
not on account of Mugabe sacking him, but by virtue of constitutional imperative. Thus Mugabe
(wrongly) claimed that since Moyo had been appointed as a non-constituency Minister, he
automatically ceased to be a Minister once he became a Member of Parliament for Tsholotsho
after by-elections in June 2015.383 Moyo had been removed as Minister of Information before,
on 19th January, 2005, due to his involvement in the Tsholotsho saga. Unlike others involved in
the saga, Moyo was not removed immediately, and he was ostensibly not fired by Mugabe.
Mugabe waited until he could cite party rules, and then Moyo was deemed automatically
expelled from the party on account of standing, against party policy, as an independent candidate
for Tsholotsho in the general election of 2005.384 Having been expelled from the party Moyo
could not remain as a Minister. He was informed of his dismissal by way of a fax sent to his
hotel room.
The clean dozen were united by the common objective of removing Joice Mujuru as a
contender for the presidency. Having succeeded in this endeavour, the way was cleared for any
other pretenders to the presidency, and not just Mnangagwa. Thus, the moment Mujuru was
effectively removed as potential successor to President Mugabe, reports appeared of rivalry
within the clean dozen with groups coalescing around Grace Mugabe and the gang of four
and its Generation 40, the young turks on the one hand and the Mnangagwa camp on the
other.385 The reports of enmity between the groups must however, be approached with caution.
For example, press reports asserted that Mnangagwa had become disaffected with Jonathan
Moyo after he emphatically refuted the idea, in a BBC Hardtalk broadcast,386 that Mnangagwas
appointment as Vice-President meant that he was most likely to succeed Mugabe. However, it
ought to be quite obvious by now, that appearing as the heir apparent to Mugabe is extremely
hazardous. Mnangagwa is in all probability very grateful to anyone who suggests he does not
occupy such a position.
The plot has certainly changed the players in ZANU PFs internal dynamics, if not the play,
given that the press is once again awash with reports of new factions within the party. The claim
by ZANU PF functionaries that ZANU PF has emerged stronger from the dramatic events of the
2014 Congress appears counter intuitive. A significant chunk of the party has been ripped from
It was also probably intended to increase his powers to repair party structures in the Provinces after the ravages of
the purge.
See D. Matyszak: Moyo, Mnangagwa and Unconstitutional Appointments RAU 15.06.15 available at
The same ploy that was used to block Mnangagwa from the Vice-Presidency was used against Moyo. The party
decided that the seat should be reserved for a female candidate.
See, as one of many examples, Kasukuwere, Moyo Face Heavy Artillery Daily News 21.06.15.
The broadcast referred to earlier, released on 18.05.15.
the ZANU PF body politic. However, the effect of this severance should not be over emphasised.
Many of the purged will find their way back into the fold. Those with Mujuruite sympathies who
survived the purge will find a new home for their allegiances. But more importantly, for so long
as the contest between Mujuru and Mnangagwa persisted, a sword of Damocles hung over the
party. While two apparently equally powerful factions co-existed in the party, there was the risk
of a deadly confrontation which could have destroyed the party, should both have scrambled to
fill a power vacuum left by Mugabes sudden demise. That danger appears to have been averted,
and the party strengthened accordingly. The question of succession to Mugabe has not been
unambiguously answered, though it is difficult, presently, to see anyone other than Mnangagwa
having the power base to effectively compete for the presidency.
Mugabe has, however, stated that the Vice-Presidents are not automatic successors and that
ordinary party members will select his successor when the time comes.387 The assertion is either
one of supreme naivety or deep cynicism does he intend that such selection will thus follow the
recent examples set by party members in the 2014 appointments of the leadership of the
Provinces? The Youth League? The Womens League? The Central Committee? Or, indeed, the
2014 appointment of the Presidium and Party President himself?
The events of 2014, detailed here, repeat all the features of the events of 2004, and even earlier
ZANU PF congresses, with popular choice and constitutional procedure giving way to stage-
managed and coerced elections. Contempt for constitutionalism and questionable leadership
qualities appear as the hallmark of ZANU PFs body politic. With Robert Mugabe heading both
that party and the government, the contagion afflicting ZANU PF, has inevitably likewise
afflicted national politics and governance.

Robert Mugabe: Don't Try to Choose My Successor Zimbabwe's President, 91, Warns Zanu-PF Members The
Independent (UK) 29.06.15.
10.09.13 Cabinet for the new Government after the 2013 elections is appointed.
26.10.13 ZANU PF starts elections for the Executives of the Provincial Co-ordinating
Committees, the Provincial Executive Councils (PECs), which continue
through November, 2014.
15.11.13 Minister of Information, Jonathan Moyo dismisses the Board of the Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation.
19.11.13 The Herald newspaper urges Mugabe to act on electoral improprieties around
the PEC polls, which resulted in the Mujuru faction obtaining the
chairpersonship in nine of ten provinces.
23.01.14 The salarygate scandal begins.
01.06.14 In early June or the end of May, 2014 the Mujuru camp presents a dossier to
President Mugabe outlining what they believe to be Jonathan Moyos abuse of
the media in a campaign against them.
05.06.14 Jonathan Moyo attacked by Mugabe in Politburo for use of media against
Mujurus supporters
07.06.14 Mugabe publically attacks Jonathan Moyo, referring to him as a weevil.
09.06.14 Jonathan Moyo meets with Mugabe..
02.07.14 Grace Mugabe is reported as having registered for a Doctorate at the
University of Zimbabwe.
09.07.14 Politburo sets new criteria for election to the Central Committee, and to the
executive of the Womens and Youth Leagues.
25.07.14 At a gathering to commemorate Grace Mugabes 49th birthday, held at the
First Ladys Mazoe farm, Grace Mugabe is asked to head ZAN PFs Womens
07.08.14 Grace Mugabe, again at a gathering in Mazoe, says that she is a bouncer for
hire. The Zimbabwe Independent says Grace Mugabe is part of a plot to depose
07.08.14 The Youth League Conference begins.
08.08.14 Mugabe attacks Didymus Mutasa for shambolic logistics around the Youth
League Conference.
14.08.14 Womens League Conference begins.
15.08.14 Grace Mugabe is nominated at the Womens League Conference to lead the wing.
15.08.14 Mugabe convenes a meeting at State House attended by senior ZANU PF officials
to consider complaints rising from manipulation of the elections of the Youth
League Executive. Mugabe hints that he has information about a plot by Mujuru
16.08.14 In an interview published in The Herald, Christopher Mutsvangwa rails against
Didymus Mutasa, claims that Joice Mujuru is trying to oust President Mugabe and
say that the story that Mujuru shot down a helicopter during the liberation war
is fabricated.
28.08.14 The Financial Gazette newspaper reports that there are moves afoot to amend the
ZANU PF Party Constitution.
03.09.14 Mugabe recommends reinstatement of suspended youth leaders but upholds the
results of the elections of the Youth League and Womens League Conferences,
despite a call by The Herald for him to act. The Politburo says there is to be a
moratorium on suspensions of party members ahead of Congress.
09.09.14 The Grace Mania campaign expressing support for the First Lady takes hold.
12.09.14 Grace Mugabe is capped by her husband with a PhD from the University of
31.09.14 Youths accost Mugabe on his return from a visit to China about suspensions of
members by Mujuru supporters.
01.10.14 Zimpapers Chief Executive Officer and Financial Director are axed.
02.10.14 Grace Mugabe holds her first Meet the People rally in Chinhoyi, Mashonaland
06.10.14 Second Meet the People rally in Gweru, Midlands.
08.10.14 Third Meet the People rally in Harare Metropolitan Province.
09.10.14 Fourth Meet the People rally in Masvingo, Masvingo Province.
09.10.14 The first vote of no confidence in a Provincial Chairperson, Temba Mliswa,
Mashonaland West.
11.10.14 Fifth Meet the People rally in Mutare, Manicaland Province. Muchinguri says
Grace Mugabe is designed as a weapon against Mujuru.
12.10.14 The Sunday Mail newspaper publishes an article calling for amendment of the
ZANU PF Party Constitution, to align it with the Unity Accord and give President
Mugabe the power to appoint other members of the Presidium.
13.10.14 Sixth Meet the People rally in Gwanda, Matabeleland South.
14.10.14 Seventh Meet the People rally in Lupane, Matabeleland North
15.10.14 Eighth Meet the People rally in Bulawayo, Metropolitan Province
16.10.14 Ninth Meet the People rally in Bindura Mashonaland Central.
17.10.14 10th Meet the People rally in Marondera Mashonaland East
24.10.14 At a meeting at her Mazoe farm, Grace Mugabe calls for Mujurus immediate
24.10.14 At a Politburo meeting President Mugabe tells outgoing Womens League head,
Oppah Muchinguri, You have started a fire now manage it
27.10.14 Then war veteran leader, Jabulani Sibanda, accuses Grace Mugabe of staging a
bedroom coup.
28.10.14 Mugabe attacks those with doctorates he claims are trying to topple him.
30.10.14 A second vote of no confidence passed against Masvingo provincial
chairperson, Callisto Gwanetsa.
31.10.14 Outside the venue of a Politburo meeting, Mugabe addresses a crowd of youths
and war veterans demonstrating against Joice Mujuru and chanting anti-gamatox
slogans and says that a wife must be given time to pack.
02.11.14 Muchinguri presents an anodyne report on the meet the people rallies to the
Politburo, resulting in anger in the Mujuru camp.
02.11.14 An unsuccessful attempt is made to depose all provincial chairpersons at country
wide PCC meetings held over the weekend.
06.11.14 A third vote of no confidence passed against Harare Provincial Chairperson
Amos Midzi.
09.11.14 A fourth vote of no confidence passed against Midlands Provincial Chairperson
Jason Machaya.
10.11.14 War veterans and youth attempt to oust Mashonaland East Provincial
Chairperson, Ray Kaukonde through their own vote of no confidence
10.11.14 A fifth vote of no confidence passed against Matabeleland South Provincial
Chairperson, Andrew Langa.
13.11.14 Rugare Gumbo, Jabulani Sibanda and others suspended from the party at a
Politburo meeting. Amendments to the ZANU PF party Constitution to be
discussed and Rules and Guidelines for the Central Committee elections set in
terms of the proposed amendments. The Political Commissar, Webster Shamu, is
directed to write to the Provinces telling them to proceed to determine their
nominees to the Central Committee. No nominations to the Presidium are to be
made, as has happened prior to all previous Congresses.
14.11.14 Provinces ordered to start Central Committee nomination process in accordance
with the Politburo determination.
15.11.14 A sixth vote of no confidence passed against Manicaland Provincial
Chairperson, John Mvundura.
16.11.14 A seventh vote of no confidence passed against Bulawayo Provincial
Chairperson, Callistus Ndhlovu (later reversed by the Politburo).
16.11.14 Central Committee nominations begin, but suspended in two Provinces.
16.11.14 The Sunday Mail publishes an article alleging a plot to assassinate President
Mugabe, allegedly instigated by Didymus Mutasa and Rugare Gumbo.
17.11.14 Grace Mugabe repeats her demand that Mujuru resign immediately.
17.11.14 An eighth vote of no confidence passed against Mashonaland East Provincial
Chairperson, Ray Kaukonde, this time by the PEC.
18.11.14 A ninth vote of no confidence passed against Mashonaland Central Provincial
Chairperson Luke Mushore.
20.11.14 The process to nominate more Central Committee members continues.
22.11.14 A Politburo meeting adopts amendments to the ZANU PF Party Constitution
which are to be sent to the Central Committee for ratification. Mugabe takes
clearly sides at the meeting criticising Mujuruites Nicholas Goche, Kudakwashe
Bhasikiti and does not greet Didymus Mutasa.
26.11.14 The last Politburo meeting before Congress. Goche and Mujuru do not attend on
the grounds of health.
02.12.14 Congress starts, continuing through to 07.12.14.
03.12.15. The Central Committee approves the amendments to the ZANU PF Party
09.12.14 The dismissal from government of Mujuru, seven Ministers and one Deputy
Minister is announced.
10.12.14 Mugabe announces the appointment of the new ZANU PF Presidium,
Politburo and State Vice-Presidents
11.12.14 The appointment of the new State Vice-presidents, seven replacement
Ministers and two deputy Ministers is announced.
14.12.14 Mugabe, accompanied by his family, begins his annual leave in Singapore.
21.12.14 The axing from government of two more Ministers and five deputy Ministers
22.01.15 The Mugabes return a week late from their holiday in the Far East.
17.02.15 Mutasa and Mliswa expelled from the party by decision of the Politburo.
01.04.15 Mujuru expelled from the party by decision of the Politburo.
21.05.15 Ray Kaukonde, Olivia Muchena, Dzikamai Mavhaire, Claudius Makova,
David Butau, Kudakwashe Gope, and Kudakwashe Bhasikiti expelled from
the party by decision of the Politburo.
27.05.15 The Politburo determines suspensions of 89 members from six provinces.
Manicaland is omitted from the announcements
05.06.15. The Politburo determines suspensions of 39 members from the remaining
four provinces. Matabeleland North is omitted from the announcements.
06.07.15 A further cabinet reshuffle takes place in which Jonathan Moyo is removed as
Minister of Information.
15.07.15 Cut off date for facts included in this document.

The 2014 Politburo388

Administration, Ignatius Chombo

Finance, Obert Mpofu
Commissariat, Saviour Kasukuwere
External Relations, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi
National Security, Kembo Mohadi
War Veterans, Detainees, Restrictees and their Welfare, Sydney Sekeramayi
Transport and Social Welfare, Oppah Muchinguri
Information and Publicity, Simon Khaya Moyo
Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa
Implementation and Economic Empowerment Policy, Mike Bimha
Production and Labour, Josaya Hungwe
Health, Child Welfare and the Elderly, Cleveria Chizema
Economic Affairs, Christopher Mushohwe
Womens Affairs, Grace Mugabe
Youth Affairs, Pupurai Togarepi
Education, Joram Gumbo
Gender and Culture, Thokozile Mathuthu
Welfare for the Disabled and Disadvantaged Persons, Joshua Malinga
Land Reform and Resettlement, Cain Mathem

As given in The Herald see the main document.
Science and Technology, Jonathan Moyo
Business Liaison and Development, Sithembiso Nyoni
Environment and Tourism Prisca Mupfumira.
Deputies: War Veterans, Detainees, Restrictees and their Welfare, Christopher Mutsvanga,
Youth Affairs Kudzanai Chipanga Womens Affairs Cde Unice Sandi Moyo
Committee members are Tsitsi Muzenda, George Rutanhire, Shuvai Mahofa and David


The 2014 Central Committee391

Bulawayo Province: T. Dube, Kanjoma, Malinga, Malaba, Moyo, Sikhosana, Tshuma, Sibanda,
Chiponda, Mphoko, Noedza, Ncube, Edube, Mangove.

Harare: Marara, Ganya, Gijima, Bonde, Timire, Mbeva, Hungwe, Mutero, Chakanyuka,
Hamandishe, Taruona, Bhunu, Mhlanga, Nyaruata, Grace Mugabe, Chizema, Mavenga,
Hurumbudo, Chidawu, Thambeni, Masava, Tome, Madziva, Mbizo, Mahara

Manicaland: Chituma,Mutsvangwa,Chaunga, Malianga, Chikumi, Sacco, Mlambo, Chitima,

Chinotimba, Mutomba, Gondo, Nzuma, Machiwana, Muchinguri, Mawire, Maradzamunda,
Chinamasa, Majachani, Made, Manditeve, Kadzima, Nyhanhongo, Chitepo, Samvu, Dumbura,
Mukumi, Gwarandimba, Madiro, Mushowe.

Mashonaland East: Kapfunde, Kachebu, Gotora, Manguwo, Mangude, Kachepa, Kanjeve,

Navaya, Musa, Kachoto, Karima, Mushure, Bhima, Kanyebwe, Kaguma, Matinhira,
Murirwagoto, Zhanda, Mujahwe, Zhangazha, Matsangura, Mubaiwa, Sekeremayi, Muranga,
Parirenyatwa, Zemura, Nyakudanga, Kadiki, Chinake, Jakopo, Taguma.

Mashonaland Central: Karigoka, Titipanyanga, Mbambi, Mazikanyi, Chisasa, Chamutswakina,

Mombeshora, Paradza, Musona, Magaradzikwa, Chiropa, Makazika, Mavangira, Chitewe,
Gushu, Chiwara, Gatsi, Chidengwende, Zinyemba, Kambidzi, Mahungira, Machena, Mucheli,
Saviour Kasukuwere;

Mashonaland West: Siyajamba, Mombeshora, Makume, Chiyangwa, Madzongwe, Mufumira,

Chaderopa, Ngomalala, Muvi, Gava, Madara, Rodvi, Chanetsa, Gumbo, Chombo, Zhuwao,
Chidongoma, Muchenge, Chidhakwa, Bietebit, Mutsnanga, Madvidi, Zinyambi, Wenjere,
Chengeta, Haritotis.
There should be five committee members appointed by President Mugabe. The names of only the four given in
The Herald report are known.
In the annexures which follow the names are given more or less as reported, some with first names, some with
only initials and some with only surnames. Where appropriate these have been edited for uniformity and first names
left in or added where the person is particularly prominent and needs to be distinguished clearly.
The accuracy of this list is uncertain and is as far as can be gleaned from the film footage of the Congress and the
announced results of the Mashonaland East re-elections.
Masvingo: Meve, Shumba, Magwema, Muzara, Moyo, Shumba, Chimeka, Mawere, Gavaza,
Malulueke, Shumba, Huni, Manyindangadna, Matipa, Matorofa, Babhuni, Hungwe, Mangwana,
Makaza, Maluleke, Mahiya, Chivinga, Sithole, Matuke, Chikwama, Mandebvu.

Matabeleland South: E. Ndiweni, Enyathi, Mohadi, Maboyi, Mudawu, Ncube, Ndlovu, Hove,
Mathuthu, Nkomo, S.K. Moyo, Ncube, Ndlovu, Moyo, Ncibi, Mpofu, Ndlovu.

Matabeleland North: Nyoni, Dube, Mpofu, Fanuel, Nkomo, O. Mpofu, Mbambo, Jonathan
Moyo, Sibanda, Moyo, Mathema, Tshuma, Mguni, Moyo, Ndebele, Ndlovu, Ndebele,
Muzamba, Mudenda, Mpofu.

Midlands: Ncube, Tapfuma, Mavima, Chikomba, Singi, Chakanyuka, Pfundira, Muri, Auxillia
Mnangangwa, Muzenda, Chimbi, Sithole, Majube, Emerson Mnangagwa, Spiki, Zvidzai,
Matemandanda, Maboshere, Masuka, Chidziva, Mathulisa, Magura, Gumbo, Mataga, July
Moyo, Shiri, Mataka.

Youth League: Marovahoko, Ncube, Masuku, Takarusikirwa, Dombondzungu, Ngwenya,

Zinyoro, Taruwona, Dhliwayo, Chipanga, Mathuthu, Tongai Kasukuwere, Hamandishe,
Malinga, Matonhodza, Nyanguwara, Mpofu, Kazizi, Simbanegari, Ndlovu.

Womens League: Mutumbwa, Ncube, Mhlanga, Chipato, Chitura, Chatibura, Sandi, Nhari,
Mahoka, Chinamona, Malinga, Mahomva, Mathuthu, Mutsvangwa, Mohadi, Musarurwa,
Sibanda, Vareta, Sibanda.

Mugabes selection: Simbarashe Mumbengengwi, Josephine Gandiya, Walter Mzembi, Charles

Tavengwa, Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, Absolomo Sikhosana, Mudomeni Chivende, Aguy Georgias,
Pupurai Togarepi, Supa.Mandiwanzira.


Party Suspensions and expulsions


Joice Mujuru, Didymus Mutasa, Rugare Gumbo, Jabulani Sibanda, Dzikamai Mavhaire,
Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, Temba Mliswa Ray Kaukonde, Olivia Muchena, Claudius Makova,
David Butau, Kudakwashe Gope.


Bulawayo: Callistus Ndlovu, Christopher Dube, Elifasi Mashabe, Charles Chiponda, Nicholas
Mhlanga, Canaan Ncube, Bertha Moyo, Methusela Ndlovu, Quiet Moyo, Bheki Dube, Calvin
Musuta and Noma Mokoena.
Harare: Albertina Bwititi, Varaidzo Mupunga, Eva Chaneta, Clyde Mutero, Susan Chuma,
Torongo Torongo, Tongai Nheta, Angeline Matambanadzo, Prince Shinya, Brian Hwenjere,
Andrew Tiriboyi, Munyaradzi Mugomeza, Olivia Mususa and Tendai Diwa, Tendai Savanhu,
Christopher Chigumba, Munyaradzi Banda, Noah Mangondo and Amos Midzi.

Manicaland:392 Munacho Mutezo.

Mashonaland Central: Luke Mushore, Joseph Mapiki, Dorothy Mashonganyika, Alice Muropa,
Rashiwe Gambiza, Mawodzeka Mujubeki, Stanford Mugari, Nicholas Goche, Dougmore
Chimukoko and Titus Manyika.

Mashonaland East: Felix Mhona, Simba Mudarikwa, Tendai Makunde, Washington Musvaire,
Phineas Chihota, George Katsande, Lucky Kandemiri, Vernon Muringayi, John Mushayi, Peter
Murwira, Marble Kaundikidza, Taurayi Pasirayi, Getrude Mariwo, Boniface Mutize, Stephen
Chiurai, Sithembile Makamba, Petronella Musarurwa, Charity Chakanyuka, Musekiwa
Masendeke, Prosperity Danga, Nhamo Chikango and Angeline Mafuta.

Mashonaland West: Webster Shamu, Sylvester Nguni Kindness Paradza, Joshua Chakona,
Adrian Musiiwa, Stephen Karenga, Constance Shamu, Jackson Chizanga, Dominic Muza,
Mernard Waneke and Talent Muduvuri.

Masvingo: Paul Chimedza, Denford Masiya, Oliver Huruva, Shylett Moyo, Joshua Matakanure,
Mike Musorowegomo, Wilson Makonya, Kenneth Sibanda, Tongai Muzenda, John Mutomana,
Gift Jayaguru, Darlington Chiwa, John Mutomana, C. Bhasikiti, M. Mujakachi, M. Demba, S.
Majatame, J. Chikupe, F.K. Dera, E. Chapungu, E. Chiduwa, L. Shindi, E. Mangove, Tendai
Magomana, Simbarashe Ndakaripei, Mbizvo Rushambwe, Otwell Chikosi, Killian Gwanetsa,
Tranos Huruba and Last Chisi.

Matabeleland North: None or unknown.393

Matabeleland South: Andrew Langa, Jabulani Phetshu Sibanda, Jeremiah Langa, Moffat
Sithole, Ollen Ncube, Morris Muhambi, Lungisani Nleya, Malaki Nkomo, Alice Dube, Clara
Langa, Greater Ncube, Vongai Mpofu, Alma Mkwebu, Ndabayabo Ndlovu, Tafirenyika
Seremani and Moses Langa.
Midlands: Francis Nhema, Flora Bhuka, Tafanana Zhou, Fred Moyo, Tariro Mutingwende,
Dorothy Mhangami, Cliff Manungo, Renias Madende, Stephen Ngwenya, Francis Chikwira,
Edmond Mkaratigwa, Fadzai Ntabeni, Danisa Mujere, Clara Ngwenya, Aida A. Tongogara,
Sheilla Midzi, Theopold Takanai, Jaison Machaya and Simbarashe Zhoake, Chiratidzo Mabuwa

The Herald reports giving the names of those suspended omit Manicaland. Mutezo was reported as suspended as
part of the first group of 13 suspended.
Suspensions from Matabeleland North should have been announced with those of the other remaining three
provinces in June 2015. They were not, unless there were no suspensions from this Province.

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