Bio 160 - Exercise No 1 - Statistics
Bio 160 - Exercise No 1 - Statistics
Bio 160 - Exercise No 1 - Statistics
This exercise will be divided into three activities: first on Descriptive Statistics,
second on Inferential Statistics, and the third exercise will deal with establishing
relationships among variables.
Exercise 1.1 Descriptive Statistics: Using Data Summaries and Visual Tools to
Present Results
At the end of this exercise, students are expected to be able to:
1. Carry out a quick survey using measurements of various ecological
2. Summarize data sets using common statistical measures.
3. Present data summaries in tabular and graphical form.
Transect line, meter stick or any measuring tape at least 1 m in length
Plastic ruler
Light meter
Cutter or scissors
Garbage bags
1. Find a fairly large (i.e., between 50 and 100 m2) vegetated space where you will find
at least three (3) species of plants growing. Using your transect line, estimate as best
as you can the total area cover (in m2) of your study site.
2. Randomly select 10 areas and, using the transect line, stakes and string, mark out
square or rectangular areas. Note that the marked out areas need not have the same
dimensions. Record the dimensions of each area.
3. In all 10 areas, count the number of individual plants belonging to the 3 species.
4. Using a plastic ruler, measure the height of each plant counted.
5. Measure and record at least 3 light readings in each of the 10 areas. Note that this
should be carried out in the shortest time span possible so as to make sure that all
readings from all 10 areas are comparable (i.e., measured at approximately the same
time). Record the time when the measurements were taken for each area.
6. Fill out the following table with your raw data.
Light Counts Height (cm)
Sampling Length Width measurements
sp sp
Point (m) (m) (Time taken: sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 sp 3
1 2
1st reading
2nd reading
3rd reading
*sample standard deviation: !!!
7. Construct bar graphs of (1) the mean density and (2) the mean height for all 10 areas.
Use the sample standard deviation values for your error bars. Assign a specific color,
shading or stippling pattern for each species. A sample is shown below.
Mean Density
Mean Density (counts m-2)
6 sp1
4 sp2
2 sp3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8. Construct scatterplots of (1) mean density vs mean light intensity and (2) mean
heights vs mean light intensity. See sample below.
Mean Counts vs Light Intensity
4 sp2
2 sp3
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Light Intensity (lux)
Guide Questions
Suggested Reference:
Brower, J., J Zar, CN von Ende. 1997. Field and Laboratory Methods for General
Ecology. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill Education, 288pp.
Exercise 1.2 Inferential Statistics: Comparing Between or Among Groups
Data from Exercise 1.1
Calculator or Laptop with statistical software
1. Collect the class data from the previous exercise. Each group should have a
copy of the data from all other groups.
2. Find two sets of data (i.e., data from two groups in class) that had the same
plant as their most dominant species. Fill out the table below:
Mean counts per Mean height
Area Light
sq meter
Group A
Group B
3. With n=10 for each group, perform a t-test for the mean light intensity, mean
counts and mean height. Determine the appropriate t-test and state your
hypotheses for each test.
4. Using an alpha level of 0.05, interpret your t-test results and provide a logical
and empirically supported explanation for each of your conclusions.
5. Find the species of plant that was common among the most number of
groups in class. Use this criterion in selecting the data sets that will be used
for the next part of this exercise.
6. Create a table similar to that in step 2. The data sets (n=10 per set) should be
describing only one plant species.
7. Perform a single factor analyses of variance on using light, mean counts and
mean height as your dependent variable and group as your independent
variable ( = 0.05). Provide the hypotheses for each analysis. Test the
assumptions of the ANOVA to determine if your results are valid or not.
8. In cases where the assumptions are not met, perform data transformations
until the assumptions are satisfied. If attempts still fail, resort to a
nonparametric counterpart of ANOVA (e.g., Kruskal-Wallis test).
9. In analyses where the null hypothesis is rejected, perform a multiple
comparisons test to determine which group/s is/are different.
10. Interpret and discuss your results. Additionally, present your comparisons
using appropriate graphs.
Guide Questions
1. Why are statistical analyses important in ecology?
2. How important is objectivity in drawing your conclusions?
3. How do we determine if statistically significant results are
biologically/ecologically significant as well?
4. In trying to explain significant differences among the groups, how can one
explain the observed differences better? Is there a need for more
measurements of the same parameter or more measurements of other
5. How important is accuracy (i.e., how close your measurements are to the true
value) and precision (i.e., how consistently close your individual
measurements are to each other) in your data sets when trying to compare
among groups?
Suggested References:
Brower, J., J Zar, CN von Ende. 1997. Field and Laboratory Methods for General
Ecology. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill Education, 288pp.
van Emden, HF. 2008. Statistics for Terrified Biologists. Blackwell Publishing: UK.
Exercise 1.3 Establishing Relationships among Variables
An important concept in ecology is that all things are connected. Biotic and
abiotic components of ecological units are constantly interacting, thus, can be influenced
by changes in other components. Aside from describing and comparing various entities,
an equally crucial aspect in ecological study is the ability to explain the measurements
we are getting and why one group is different from another. When manipulative
experimentation is not feasible, we can establish relationships among different variables
in order to help us understand what we are observing. The simplest way to establish
relationship is to determine if variables have a significant straight line relationship or not
by correlation and regression analyses.
1. Fill up the table below with the class data from Exercise 1.1.
Mean counts per sq Mean height (cm) Present (1) or Absent
Mean meter (0)
Area Light
(m2) Intensity sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp
(lux) k
1 2 k 1 2 k 1 2
Note that data columns for mean counts, mean height, and presence/absence should
contain data for a particular species only. Thus if there were 12 species recorded for the
entire class, there should be 12 columns (i.e., sp1, s2,sp12) for mean counts, mean
height and presence/absence.
2. Run a simple correlation analysis comparing all variables pairwise. Determine
significant correlations.
3. Run multiple regression analyses on variables that you think can be explained by
other variables. (Ex. The mean counts of species 3 can be predicted by a
combination of light intensity, the presence or absence of species 1 and the mean
counts of species).
4. Take note of regression parameters that are generated (e.g., r2, constant,
regression coefficient, etc.) that can be used in interpreting the analysis.
5. Interpret and discuss your results.
Guide Questions