Nursing Lecture Neurological
Nursing Lecture Neurological
Nursing Lecture Neurological
These nerves are the vital bridges between the brain and the rest of the body.
On Old Olympus Towering Top A Frenchman And German Viewed Some Hops
E. Physiology - nervous system coordinates and controls all activities of the body
1. Receives internal and external stimuli
2. Processes information to determine appropriate response
3. Transmits information over varied motor pathways to effector organs
F. Findings for increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
1. Early
a. change in level of consicousness (LOC): restlessness, disorientation, confusion,
lethargy, stupor
b. pupils: dilated ipsilaterally, react slowly to light
c. abnormal motor activity: contralateral hemiparesis
d. abnormal reflexes - hyper or hypo reflexia
e. vital signs within normal parameters
2. Late
a. LOC: semicomatose, coma
b. pupils: dilated bilaterally and fixed; no reaction to light
c. motor function: decorticate posture then decerebrate posture; flaccid muscles at
end stage
d. vital signs - increased systolic pressure to result in a widened pulse pressure,
decreased respirations with bradycardia, temperature initially may rise then fall
below mornal parameters
Don’t let the testing procedure overwhelm you. Take it one step at a time and remain focused.
Say to yourself "I will make decisions about at least 75 clients with individual needs," rather than "this is THE TEST!"
C. Diagnostics
1. History and physical exam
2. Computerized tomogram (CT) scan (illustration )
3. Magnetic resenance imaging (MRI) (illustration )
4. Doppler echocardiography flow analysis
5. Carotid artery duplex doppler ultrasonography
6. EEG (illustration ) - shows electrical activity
7. Lumbar puncture (illustration ) - shows if blood found in cerebral spinal fluid
8. Cerebral angiography - shows blood flow
a. may be done with or without contrast
b. Types of CVA
D. Management - to prevent or minimize the damaging effects of stroke; dependent on the type of
1. Expected outcomes:
a. prevent or minimize the damaging effects of stoke
b. is dependent on type of type of CVA
2. Occlusive stroke
a. pharmacologic
1. thrombolytics
2. anticoagulant therapy: heparin, coumadin
3. antiplatelet therapy: aspirin, dipyridamole
1. platelet aggregation inhibitor: clopidogrel (plavix),
ticlopidine HCL (ticlid)
4. steroids: dexamethasone
b. surgery - bypass
3. Hemorrhagic stroke
a. pharmacologic
1. antihypertensive agents
2. systemic steroids: dexamethasone (decadron)
3. osmotic diuretics: mannitol
4. antifibrinolytic agents: aminocaproic acid (amicar)
5. vasodilators
6. alpha-blockers and beta-blockers
7. anticonvulsants
b. surgical excision of aneurysm
4. Common to both types of stroke
a. care based on findings
b. therapies:
1. occupational
2. speech
3. nutritional support
E. Nursing interventions
1. In acute stage of stroke
a. maintain airway patency; if grand mal seizure activity note time, length,
b. monitor neuro vital signs
c. maintain adequate fluids
d. provide activity as ordered
e. perform passive and/or active range of motion exercises
f. position with head of bed elevated 15 to 30 degrees with client turned or tilted
to unaffected side
g. maintain proper body alignment
h. administer medications as ordered
i. care for post op client as indicated
j. provide care for client with increased intracranial pressure
2. Long-term care of client with stroke
a. monitor elimination patterns
b. teach/evaluate the use of supportive devices
c. maintain a safe environment
d. prevent the effects of immobility
e. maintain adequate nutrition in light of feeding and swallowing problems
f. assist with eating and ADL as indicated
g. provide emotional support
h. provide methods of communication for client with aphasia
2. Infectious, Inflammatory Disorders
C. Meningitis (illustration 1 illustration 2 )
1. Definition/course
a. acute or chronic inflammation of the meninges
b. average length of illness is four months
2. Types
a. bacterial: most commonly meningococcus, haemophilus influenzae,
b. viral
c. fungal
d. parasitic
3. Findings
a. severe headache
b. fever
c. nuchal rigidity (stiff neck)
d. altered LOC
4. Diagnostics
a. history and physical exam
b. positive Kernig's sign: 90-degree flexion of hip and knee with extension of
knee causes pain
c. positive Brudzinski's sign: flexion of neck causes flexion of hip and knee
d. lumbar puncture (illustration ) for characteristics of cerebral spinal fluid
5. Management
a. expected outcome: to cure the infection and prevent complications
b. pharmacologic
1. antibiotic therapy depends on type and pathogen
2. preventive therapy for people exposed to those with meningococcal
and H flu meningitis: rifampin (rifadin)
3. H flu vaccine
c. actions to minimize fever
d. prevention of increased intracranial pressure or seizures
6. Nursing interventions
a. care of client with increased ICP
b. seizure precautions
c. administer drugs as ordered
d. provide comfort measures for pain
e. reduce external stimuli
D. Parameningeal infections
1. Definition
a. localized collection of exudate in brain or spinal cord
b. usually caused by bacteria
2. Findings
a. similar to meningitis
b. headache, fever, stiff neck, altered consciousness
3. Diagnostics
a. NO lumbar puncture; may cause herniation
b. computerized tomogram (CT) scan
4. Management
a. surgical decompression of abscess
b. symptomatic and preventive treatment as with meningitis
c. drugs: antibiotics
5. Nursing interventions: same as meningitis
E. Encephalitis
1. Definition
a. acute inflammatory viral disease
b. can occur as epidemics or sporadically
c. death rate ranges up to 70%
d. most common pathogen for sporadic encephalitis is herpes simplex
e. may follow a systemic viral illness such as chicken pox
2. Findings
a. sudden fever
b. headache
c. seizures
d. stiff neck
e. altered LOC progressing to coma
3. Diagnostics
a. history and physical exam
b. computerized tomogram (CT) scan
c. brain biopsy
4. Management
a. uncomplicated cases require supportive and preventive care
b. bed or chair rest
c. maintain nutrition
d. maintain fluid balance
e. herpes simplex calls for antivirals: vidarabine (viraA), acyclovir (zoviraz)
(illustration )
f. prevention of increased ICP
5. Nursing interventions
a. comfort measures for fever
b. administer drugs as ordered
c. seizure precautions
3. Bed rest with padded side rails 2.Suction machine at bedside 3. Oxygen at bedside of the client with increased ICP
1. Partial seizures
1. focal motor
2. seizure activity only in specific parts of the brain
3. usually client remains conscious
2. Simple with findings associated with
1. motor activity
2. special sensory feelings
3. autonomic activity
4. psychic issues
5. psychomotor actions
6. no loss of consciousness
3. Complex
1. impairment of consciousness
2. secondarily generalized
3. progressing to generalized tonic-clonic
4. Generalized seizures: eight types
1. petit mal - called absence seizures
2. myoclonic
1. sudden, uncontrollable jerking movements of one or more extremities
2. usually occurs in the morning
3. clonic
1. characterized by violent muscle movements
2. hyperventilation
3. face contortion
4. excessive salivation
5. diaphoresis
6. tachycardia
4. tonic
1. first, client loses consciousness suddenly and muscles contract
2. body stiffens in opisthotonos position (illustration )
3. jaws clenched
4. may lose bladder control
5. apnea with cyanosis
6. pupils dilated and unresponsive
7. usually lasts less than a minute
g. seizure precautions
h. teach client
i. about medication effects, interactions, and side effects
ii. to learn when a seizure may be triggered
iii. techniques to reduce stress
iv. seizure care at home or at work
v. to wear medic-alert jewelry
vi. if in public area, after the tonic phase turn client to side
VII. Headache
A. Definition
1. Pain located in upper region of the head
2. One of the most common neurologic complaints
B. Classifications
1. Recurrent migraine headache
a. onset during adolescence or early adulthood
b. familial
c. involves unilateral, throbbing pain
d. subtypes
i. classic migraine
ii. common migraine
iii. cluster headache
iv. hemiplegic headache
v. ophthalmoplegic headache
2. Recurrent muscular-contraction headache (pressure, tension headache)
a. most common form of headache
b. may be direct result of stress, anxiety or depression
3. Nonrecurrent headaches
a. occur with systemic infections and are usually associated with fever
b. occur as the result of a lesion, after an invasive spinal cord procedure such as a
lumbar puncture, or subarachnoid bleed
c. caused by increased intracranial pressure
C. Findings
1. Vary by type of headache
2. May include throbbing, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbance, tenderness, neck stiffness,
and focal neurological signs
D. Diagnostics
1. History and physical exam
2. Computing tomogram (CT) scan
3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
E. Management of headaches
1. Expected outcomes: to alleviate pain and treat underlying cause
2. Vasoconstriction by pressure or cold
3. Management of migraine
a. nonnarcotic analgesics: aspirin, acetaminophen (tylenol), ibuprofen
b. narcotic analgesics: codeine, meperidine (demerol)
c. alpha-adrenergic blocking agentblocker: ergotamine tartrate (ergostat) without
or with caffeine
d. steroids: dexamethasone (decadron)
e. prophylactic treatment with beta-adrenergic blocking agents, serotonin
antagonists, antidepressants, imipramine (tofranil)
f. avoid headache-precipitating foods such as MSG, tyramine, or milk products,
or sudden stopping of caffeinated drinks
4. Management of tension headaches
a. nonnarcotic analgesics
b. muscle relaxants
c. prophylactically: antidepressants and/or doxepin (sinequan)
5. Management of cluster headaches
a. narcotic analgesics: codeine sulfate
b. alpha-adrenergic blocking agentblocker: ergotamine tartrate (ergostat)
c. prophylactically with serotonin antagonists
F. Nursing interventions
1. Suggest a quiet, dark environment
2. Manage pain by prompt medication administration or other comfort measures
3. Help client identify precipitating factors and actions for prevention
4. Keep NPO until nausea and vomiting subside
5. Teach client
a. expected medication actions and side effects
b. alternatives for pain relief including referrals for alternative approaches
c. to avoid or minimize trigger factors
d. to keep a headache diary
VIII. Head Trauma (Illustration 1 Illustration 2 Illustration 3 )
A. Classifications
1. Closed versus open injury
a. closed is nonpenetrating; no break in integrity of skull
b. open injury: skill broken with brain exposed
2. Severity
a. mild: only momentary loss of consciousness with no neurological sequelae
b. moderate: momentary loss of consciousness with a change in neurological
function which is usually not permanent
c. severe: decreased LOC with serious neurological impairment and sequelae
B. Types of skull fractures
1. Linear: simple break in bone; no displacement of skull
2. Depressed: part of skull is pushed in
3. Basal: at base of skull; may extend into orbit or ear; ear or nose may leak CSF; most
difficult to verify by x-ray
4. Concussion: temporary loss of neurologic function but complete recovery
C. Types of bleeding
1. Epidural hematoma
a. usually something lacerated the blood vessels of the middle meninges
b. since this is arterial bleeding, the risk of death is greatest
c. client commonly looses consciousness after injury then is lucid , then LOC
drops quickly with the next 24 hours
2. Subdural hematoma
a. something has lacerated the blood vessels crossing the subdural space
b. acute: findings surface in 24 to 72 hours after injury with rapid neurologic
c. subacute: findings surface 72 hours to two weeks after injury with a slower
progression of deterioration
d. chronic: gradual clot formation over time, possibly months with minimal
D. Progression of skull fracture injury
1. Onset: contusions and lacerations of nerve cells
2. Gradual demyelinization of affected nerve fibers results in neuron death
3. Scarring: meninges adheres to injured area of brain
E. Complications
1. Edema
a. results in increased intracranial pressure
b. results directly from cerebral ischemia, anoxia, and hypercapnia
2. Syndrome of inappropriate anitdiuretic hormone (ADH) (SIADH)
a. too much ADH is produced
b. water is excessively retained - hemodilution
c. urinary output decreases; urine specific granity increases effect
d. more common in the chronic phase of care after a head injury
3. Diabetes insipidus (DI)
a. DI results from a decrease release of ADH and body excretes too much fluid
b. the increase in urinary output results in a low specific gravity
c. more common in the acute phase of head injury
4. Stress ulcer
a. head injuries activate both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
b. stimulation of sympathetic system leads to gastric ischemia from
c. stimulation of parasympathetic system leads to increased release of
hydrochloric acid (HCL) into the stomach
d. steroid therapy may contribute to the development of ulcers since steroids
increase HCL acid
5. Seizure disorders
6. Infection in brain, lungs, urinary system
7. Hyperthermia or hypothermia
F. Findings of head trauma
1. Degree of neurological damage varies with type and location of injury
2. Restlessness and irritability - initially
3. Decreased LOC - lethargy, difficulty with arousal
4. Headache
5. Nausea and vomiting - projectile vomiting indicates increased ICP
G. Diagnostics
1. History and physical exam
2. Computerized tomogram (CT) scan
3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
4. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
H. Management
1. Expected outcomes: to reduce or minimize increases in intracranial pressure and protect
the nervous system
2. Medications for increased ICP
a. osmotic diuretics; mannitol (osmitrol) - IV drip or push
b. steroids: dexamethasone (decadron) - IV push
c. barbiturate coma may be induced to treat refractory increased intracranial
3. Surgical correction of underlying cause
4. Treatment for evident findings: seizures, fever, infection
5. Therapy
a. speech
b. physical
c. occupational
d. behavioral
I. Nursing interventions
1. Provide care of the client with increased intracranial pressure
a. seizure precautions
b. seizure care
c. care of the client on ventilator
1. Prevent effects of immobility by routine passive or active range of motion exercises or get client
OOB as tolerated (illustration )
2. Prevent decubitus ulcers by avoidance of rubbing or massaging reddened areas
3. Turn client every two hours
Sensory Stimulation
Acalculia Agnosia akinetic mutism aphasia apraxia ataxia bruit coma concussion contusion CT
scandecerebratedecorticate posture echolaliafestination flaccid hemiparesis homonymous hemianopia
myasthenianuchal rigidityprodromal period ptosisstupor transient ischemic attack
A. Disorders of refraction
1. Myopia (near-sightedness) - blurred distance vision, but clear close vision
2. Hyperopia (far-sightedness) - blurred close vision, but clear distant vision
3. Presbyopia - in middle age, lens loses elasticity with results of hyperopia
4. Astigmatism - lens refracts light rays to focus on two different points of retina
B. Glaucoma - second most common cause of vision loss in the USA (illustration ); may be
unilateral or bilateral
1. Most common type: chronic open-angle glaucoma (simple, adult primary, primary open-
1. etiology/epidemiology
1. hereditary link
2. etiology unknown
3. aqueous humor does not drain adequately which leads to increased
intraocular pressure (IOP)
4. this pressure on optic nerve causes destruction of nerve fibers in
retina to result in a vision loss
2. findings
1. most clients are without findings until a loss of vision
2. peripheral vision affected first
3. three classic assessment findings
1. elevated IOP
2. visual field loss (peripheral)
3. cupping of optic disk
3. management
1. expected outcomes
1. reduction of IOP
2. prevention of visual field defects
2. treatment of choice: pharmacotherapy
1. miotic eyedrops (parasympathomimetic agents)
2. carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - Diamox
3. beta-adrenergic blocking agents - Timoptic drops
4. epinephrine eyedrops (contraindicated in clients with
cardiac conditions) - more in emergency care
3. trabeculectomy or laser trabeculectomy
1. performed when pharmacological agents not effective
2. small piece of sclera containing the trabecular network is
removed and an iridectomy is performed
3. cycloplegic and steroids are instilled
4. antibiotics may be ordered
4. nursing interventions
1. for pharmacotherapy management
1. compliance with medical treatment
2. teach client to instill eyedrops usually recommended before
3. teach safety risks related to impaired vision
2. for trabeculectomy by traditional surgery
1. monitor dressing for excessive bleeding
2. antiemetics, analgesics and antibiotics as ordered
3. mydriatics as ordered.
4. assist client with activities of daily living
3. for trabeculectomy by laser surgery
1. vision may be blurred for first day or two post-op
2. eye patch or sunglasses for photophobia
3. analgesics as ordered
4. education of client with glaucoma
1. avoid activities that increase IOP - bending, stooping,
straining, caughing, blowing nose
2. stress importance of routine eye examinations - usually
2. Less common type of glaucoma: acute closed-angle (shallow, narrow-angle, primary, or
congested glaucoma) - iris bulges and blocks trabecular network.
1. etiology /epidemiology
1. a medical and nursing emergency
2. iris lies near drainage channel (canal of Schlemm) and bulges
forward against cornea, blocking the trabecular network and
increasing IOP
3. affects more women; usually after age 45
2. findings
1. sudden onset of blurred vision, halos or colored rings around white
lights, frontal headache
2. sudden severe eye pain, reddening of the eye, nausea, vomiting
3. followed by progression of findings as pressure increases:
1. profuse lacrimation
2. mildly dilated, nonreactive pupil
3. nausea/vomiting
4. cornea appears hazy
4. blindness may result in two to five days if left untreated
3. management
1. expected outcome: to prevent or minimize the damaging effects of
acute closed-angle glaucoma
2. emergency pharmacologic treatment to decrease IOC
1. intravenous osmotic agents
2. miotic eye drops
3. includes carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
4. systemic analgesics
3. surgery
1. iridotomy or iridectomy
2. procedure is usually then repeated on unaffected eye
4. nursing interventions
1. monitor for effectiveness of medications as ordered
2. post-op eyepatch or sunglasses for photophobia
3. tell client that vision will be blurred for one to two days postsurgery
4. stress importance of routine yearly or more frequent eye
5. teach clients to avoid activities that increase IOP
C. Cataract - maybe unilateral or bilateral
1. Etiology/epidemiology
1. clouding of lens - one of the most common eye disorders
2. first type: senile cataract - result of aging process
3. second type: traumatic
1. develops within months of eye trauma
2. painless but progressive loss of sight in one or both eyes
2. Expected outcome: correction of visual field defect
3. Treatment: only surgical
1. cataract extraction: removal of cloudy lens
1. most commonly done as outpatient procedure
2. usually done on one eye at a time
3. types of cataract extraction
1. extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)
1. procedure of choice
2. removes lens contents, leaving posterior chamber
2. Phacoemulsification - ultrasound fragments the lens
3. intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE)
1. removes lens contents and lens capsule
2. eye becomes hypermetropic
2. intraocular lens implant usually performed at time of extraction
3. peripheral iridectomy usually performed as part of ECCE or ICCE
4. Potential complications of surgery
1. hyphema (blood in anterior chamber of the eye)
1. may require bed rest and patching
2. observe for increased IOP - complaints of severe pain
3. may prescribe miotics or cycloplegics
2. vitreous prolapse
1. allows vitreous humor to fall forward into wound
2. may result in pupil block
3. may lead to retinal detachment
4. vitrectomy may be performed
3. intraocular infection
1. complaints of throbbing or in eye pain, drainage from eye
2. antibiotics (ophthalmic and/or systemic)
5. Nursing interventions
1. teach client to avoid causes of IOP
2. observe client's ability to instill eyedrops correctly; provide referrals if unable
3. provide written list of complications for the client to report
4. inform clients that an expected feeling after surgery is one that "sand" is in the
eye for six to eight weeks afterwards
D. Retinal detachment (illustration )
1. Etiology/epidemiology
1. holes or breaks (tears) in retina
2. fluid, blood or a mass separates the retina's sensory layer from the pigmented
epithelium (pigment cells)
3. common causes are inflammation, trauma, hemorrhage, and tumors
4. retinal detachment often begins in periphery and spreads posteriorly
2. Findings
1. a rapid separation gives feeling of a curtain being pulled over eye so that client
has partial vision in affected eye
2. slow separation may be asymptomatic
3. ophthalmic exam reveals detached area as gray bulge, ripple or fold
3. Management
1. expected outcome: correction of and/or prevention of further vision loss: 90%
are successfully repaired
2. laser surgery
1. photocoagulation: laser beam is directed through dilated pupil
2. effect is to seal localized breaks or rips in retina
3. cryotherapy: extreme cold freezes rips in retina
4. diathermy: heat applied with ultrasonic probe to repair rips
5. scleral buckle
6. pharmacotherapy:
1. adrenergic-mydriatic agents
2. cycloplegic agents
3. antibiotics
4. Nursing interventions
1. maintain bed or chair rest as ordered
2. post-op eye patch to rest eye (or both eyes)
3. dark glasses for photophobia
4. administer medications as ordered
5. prevent increases in IOP
E. Eye trauma
1. Foreign body:
1. use eversion procedure
2. if foreign body has penetrated, do not remove
3. irrigate eye with sterile normal saline eye irrigant
2. Corneal abrasion
1. disruption of the cells and loss of superficial epithelium
2. caused by trauma, chemical irritant, foreign body, or lack of moisture
3. findings: severe pain, blurred vision, halo around lights, lacrimation, inability
to open eye
4. diagnosis by fluorescein sodium dye
5. abrasions heal usually within 48 hours, usually with no scarring or visual
6. treatment includes short-acting analgesic drops, eye rest
3. Corneal laceration
1. same causes, findings as abrasions, but lacerations are serious emergencies
2. surgery is generally required
3. follow care for client undergoing eye surgery (see points to remember at the
end of this section)
4. Penetrating injury
1. do not remove object
2. do not apply pressure of any kind to the eye or the object
3. cover the injured eye to protect movement of the object. may use a cup or eye
4. cover uninjured eye with eye patch to avoid sympathetic movement
5. get client to emergency room immediately
6. surgery will be required
5. Chemical irritants
1. flush eye with plenty of water or sterile normal saline
2. get client to emergency room immediately
3. alkaline substances penetrate the cornea rapidly and must be removed quickly
Alkaline substances include lye, ammonia, some powdered detergents, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, and battery fluid.
To remember alkaline, remember the rhyme:If the Ph is high, it's alkali.
6. Ultraviolet burns
a. occur from sun exposure or welding flashes
b. irritate epithelium, which swells and scales off (desquamation)
7. Management
a. general pharmacotherapy for eye trauma
i. topical anesthetics
ii. antibiotics
iii. mydriatic-cycloplegic agents: prevent pupillary constriction
8. General management of any eye trauma
a. irrigation of affected eye
b. bilateral dressings to rest eyes by decreased movement
c. tinted glasses for photophobia to reduce discomfort
d. assist client with activities of daily living as indicated
The Ear
4. Management
a. expected outcomes: prevent hearing loss and control vertigo
b. medical
i. cholinergic blocking agents such as atropine
ii. antihistamines or decongestants
iii. during remission:
• diuretics to decrease fluid
• vasodilators such as histamine
• vestibular suppressants such as diazepam (valium)
• adrenergic neuron-blocking agents such as epinephrine
• low-salt diet
c. surgical
i. decompression of endolymphatic sac: insertion of endolymphatic
subarachnoid shunt
ii. labyrinthectomy: client will lose all hearing in affected ear
• Anything that dilates the pupil obstructs the canal of Schlemm and increases intraocular pressure.
• Color blindness is caused by a deficiency in one or more types of cones and is caused by a sex-linked
recessive gene.
• Destruction of either the right or left optic nerve tract results in blindness in the respective side of both eyes
• When mydriatics are instilled, caution clients that vision will be blurred with photophobia for up to two hours
since the pupils have been dilated
• After eye surgery teach client to avoid, for six weeks, activities that can increase IOP
• Stooping
• Bending from the waist
• Heavy lifting
• Excessive fluid intake
• Emotional upsets
• Constrictive clothing around neck
• Straining with bowel movement (or straining at stool)
• Sustained coughing or blowing of the nose
• Teach client proper administration of eyedrops especially to wash hands before installation
• Provide sunglasses for photophobia
• Assist with activities of daily living as required
• When clients wear one eye patch, they lose depth perception. Remember that this loss presents a safety risk.
• Systemic disorders that can change ocular status include diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, Graves' disease
(hyperthyroidism), AIDS, leukemia, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis sickle cell disease.
• Changes in barometric pressure will affect persons with ear disorders to cause increased findings or
• Hearing loss can
• be partial or total
• affect one or both ears
• occur in low, medium or high frequencies
• in elderly be more frequently high frequency so special smoke detectors may be needed
• American Medical Association formula for hearing loss: hearing is impaired 1.5% for every decibel that the
pure tone average exceeds 25 decibels (dB)
• A hearing loss of 22.5% usually affects social functionality and requires a hearing aid
• Noise exposure is the major cause of hearing loss in the United States of America
• Ask client how he/she communicates: lip-reading, sign language, body gestures, or writing
• To gain the client's attention, raise a hand or touch the client's arm
• When talking with client, speak slowly and face him/her
• Speak toward the client's good ear
• If the client wears a hearing aid, allow him/her to show how it's inserted
• Speaking louder to a hearing impaired client does not increase his/her chances of hearing
• Communicate the client's hearing loss to other staff members
• Ototoxic drugs include:
• Aminoglycosides
• Antimyobacterials
• Thiazides
• Loop diuretics
• Antineoplastics
• Tell clients taking ototoxic drugs to report any signs of dizziness, loss of balance, tinnitus, or hearing loss
accommodation acoustic neuroma acuity ametropia anisocoria astigmatism audiometry blepharitiscanthus cataract
cerumen chalazion conduction deafness conjunctivitis dacryocystitis decibel ectropionentropion enucleation esotropia
exotropia hyperopia hyphema keratitis keratoplasty labyrinthitis lacrimationmiosis mydriasismyopia myringoplasty
nyctalopia nystagmus photophobia presbyopia pterygium ptosisretinopathy scotoma sensorineural deafness trachoma
uveitis Neurology