Lesson Plan of Dance Class
Lesson Plan of Dance Class
Lesson Plan of Dance Class
Students will successfully understand, identify, explain, and demonstrate Fine arts:
landscape as evidenced by class participation and group activity.
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How this lesson fits into unit plan):
Get students attention by singing La La La La La x3. With hope by the third time
students will follow.
Fine arts of Dance:
Teachers will demonstrate simple dance movements, clap, turn, wave, leap, hop,
and skip.
Teachers will introduce the topic of the lesson, Knowledge of Perspective and a
brief explanation of what each law is.
B) INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):
Teachers will remind students about there walking field trip to the gnome garden.
Build conceptual knowledge of fine arts relating to landscaping through dance:
Teachers will teach fine arts landscaping and design with shapes and
movement through knowledge of perspective through dance and rhythmic
Teachers Relation of Dance and Fine Arts:
Teachers will explain the difference between large, medium, and small as if
pertains to landscaping through dance and design.
Teaching Relation of Dance Fine Arts:
Teacher will ask students questions about previous day:
Who remembers when yesterday when we visited the gnome garden?
What did you like most about the gnome garden?
Tell me about the different shapes and sizes of the structures in the
gnome garden?
Students will answer the questions.
Apply meaning:
Teacher will explain large, medium, and small
Teacher will give examples (for example a human) and ask student if
examples belong in the garden.
Teachers and assistants will dance to the music for only a minute.
Teacher and assistants will perform to the assigned objects with students.
Discussion of learning:
Teachers tell student to sit in a circle around the room.
Students will sit in a circle around the room.
Teachers will ask students questions.
Teacher: How did the music make you feel?
Did the music make you feel big, medium or small?
Did the music remind you of the gnome garden?
Other then the gnome garden what did the music remind you of?
Students will answer questions
While students are participating, the teacher will listen to the students and make
mental notes about the students understanding of the subject.
Students will be ask to come the next day with a new dance move that reminds them of a
certain object.