Operation and Maintenance of Boilers: Prepared by

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Operation and Maintenance

of Boilers

Everett B. Woodruff
Herbert B. Lammers
Thomas F. Lammers

Prepared By

Zahid Hussain
FFBL Power Company Limited Karachi
@Buckman Laboratories Asia Pacific
The procedure to be followed in the operation and maintenance of a
boiler plant depends to a large extent on its size, type of combustion
equipment, operating pressures, steam requirements, and other factors
pertinent to the specific plant. There are, however, standard practices
that any operator should follow to ensure safe, continuous service and
efficient operation. This chapter is intended to assist the operator in
the correct use of the equipment, to recognize unsatisfactory conditions,
and to take the necessary corrective measures before dangerous, costly
emergencies develop.
Fluidized bed boilers have become popular in the burning of waste
fuels and of those fuels which are difficult to burn by other combustion
methods. As a result, the operating characteristics of fluidized bed
boilers are discussed in this chapter. Although detail designs do vary
between suppliers, the general features for operation apply to all
Combined cycle and cogeneration plants have become the primary
power plant additions in recent years. Even though these facilities
burn natural gas, as compared with more complex solid-fuel-fired
power plants, the heat-recovery steam generators (HRSGs) require
special maintenance attention to ensure high reliability and long life.
These general requirements are discussed in this chapter.
All operators should be trained properly and should follow the operating procedures of the equipment
manufacturers. These procedures are
developed using the experience gained by the manufacturer from many
operating plants, and they should be modified as required based on
the operating experience and specific operating philosophy of the plant. 7.1 Boiler Startup
The necessary steps to be taken before placing a boiler in service
depend on whether it is new, has been out of service a long time for
repairs, or has been down for only a few days. New boilers and those
on which extensive replacements of pressure parts have been made
must be given a hydrostatic test before being placed in service. Such a
test consists of filling the boiler completely with water (being careful
to vent all the air) and developing a pressure 112 times the design
pressure. In order to prevent fouling and corrosion, demineralized
and deaerated water should be used whenever possible. Before the
test is applied, a final inspection is made of all welding. Connections
for flanged safety valves are usually blanked, and welded safety
valves are closed with an internal plug. The water temperature must
be at least as warm as the temperature of the air in the boiler room
and in no case less than 70F. A 750-psi pressure boiler would be
hydrostatically tested at 750 1.5 1125 psi. During hydrostatic
testing, constant load supports for steam piping should be used in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions for the additional
loads imposed by the water required for hydrostatic testing.
As part of the hydrostatic test procedure, maintenance and operations should review a checklist of major activities to
ensure that the
unit is operational. These activities should include the following for
the particular boiler design involved:
1. Have all tubes been expanded in accordance with the tube-expanding procedure?
2. Have all welds been completed in accordance with the welding
procedures? Have welds been stress relieved and nondestructive
3. Following the test, have all gags, blanks, or hydrostatic plugs been
removed from the safety valves and any other blanks that have
been used to isolate the boiler?
4. Have all ASME code requirements been met?
New boilers, and even those on line, can accumulate a deposit of oil,
grease, and paint and must be cleaned by boiling out with an alkaline
detergent solution. This boilout can be accomplished with a combination
of trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4) and disodium phosphate (Na2HPO4).
The use of caustic NaOH and/or soda ash (Na2CO3) is not recommended.
Chemical cleaning of a superheater and reheater is not necessary for
initial operation. However, these systems should be given a steam blow,
where high-velocity steam is used to blow any debris from the inside
surfaces of the system.

After boilout and steam-blow flushing have been completed, corrosion

products may still remain in the feedwater system and boiler in the
form of iron oxide and mill scale. Chemical cleaning of the boiler system
is generally delayed until the unit has operated at full load for a period
of time and any loose scale or oxides have been carried from the feedwater system to the boiler. The boiler designer
provides recommended
procedures for these operations, and specialty companies can provide
the cleaning and blowdown services, including the supply and installation of chemicals, tanks, and any temporary
piping required.
Before putting a boiler in service for the first time, each of the
safety valves must be checked for the correct setting by allowing
the boiler outlet valve to remain closed and raising the boiler pressure until each valve opens. The pressure of the
opening and closing
of each valve must be recorded and the valve adjusted until specified
results have been attained. Some plants make a practice of opening
the safety valves by hand each time the boiler is put into service. In
older plants, suitable cables attached to the valve handles and
extending to the operating floor facilitate this operation. The safety
valves should not be opened until sufficient steam pressure is available to prevent dirt from sticking under the seats.
When the boiler unit is turned over by the maintenance or construction department to the operating personnel, the
should be as follows: See that manhole and handhole covers have
been replaced and that the pressure section of the boiler is ready
for operation. Inspect the interior of the gas passages to see that all
scaffolding, ladders, tools, etc., have been removed. Check the operation of the fans and dampers; if the fans and
combustion equipment
are supplied with a safety interlock system, check it at this time.
After first making sure that no one is inside, close all doors and
access openings to the boiler setting.
Most modern boilers are controlled automatically. However, before
these boilers can be started up, the controls must be operated on
manual until the automatic controls have been adjusted for specific
conditions of the plant.
Prior to startup and operation, operators should be totally familiar
with the equipment manufacturers startup and operating instructions. For large and complex facilities, training
programs are conducted
to familiarize the operator with these critical activities.
After these precautionary measures have been taken, check over the
various valves and arrange them for starting up as follows: Close
the blowoff, the water-column gauge-glass drain, the gauge cock, and the
feedwater valves. Open the drum vent and the cock to the steam gauge.
When valves are used on the lines from the boiler drum to the water
column, make sure they are open and locked or sealed. The drainsshould now be opened, except in cases in which
superheaters are
filled with water during the starting-up period.
Fill the boiler with water, using the auxiliary feed connections if they
are installed. Do not fill the drum to the normal operating level, since
the water will expand when heat is applied and cause the level to rise.
Operate the gauge cock and blowdown valve on the water column and
gauge glass to check for possible stoppage.
The boiler is now ready for a fire to be started in the furnace. For
procedures in how to start a fire using the various types of combustion
equipment, refer to Chap. 5. When the fire has been started, allow the
steam to blow from the steam drum for a few minutes and then close
the vent valve. Close all superheater drains except the outlet. This
will allow a small quantity of steam to circulate through the superheater tubes and thus prevent excessive metal
Before the firing of a boiler, there must be no combustible material
lingering inside the unit. By purging the boiler, this ensures that the
boiler is ready for firing. A general operating procedure is to purge
the unit for about 5 minutes using at least 25 percent of the maximum
airflow requirements.
After combustion is established, the required air-fuel rates must be
maintained. With insufficient airflow, the formation of combustible gas
pockets is possible, which creates the potential for explosions. Air
should be furnished to match the combustion requirements of the fuel,
and a small amount of excess air should be used to ensure proper mixing and to promote the correct fuel-air
In addition, it is important to verify boiler water levels and flows.
Combustion should never be established until adequate cooling water is
in the tubes and steam drum. Operating procedures should be followed
carefully based on the designers instructions.
The set point for each safety valve is normally checked and adjusted, if
necessary, immediately after reaching the operating pressure for the
first time with steam. Safety valve seats are susceptible to
damage from wet steam or grit. For initial operation or after maintenance, this potential damage to the seats is a
primary reason to clean
the boiler and blow out the superheater and steam lines prior to testing the safety valves.
Safety valves on drum-type boilers are normally tested for both setpoint pressure and the closing pressure. This
requires that the boiler
pressure be raised until the safety valve opens and it relieves enough
pressure so that the safety valve closes properly.
The rate of combustion should be regulated to allow approximately
45 min for small and medium-sized 150-psi boilers to attain pressure.
For large high-pressure boilers, allow from 45 min to 2 12 h depending
on the size and superheater arrangement. Recommended operatingprocedures of the designers should be followed
closely. When pulverized coal or oil is burned, it may not be possible to regulate the rate of
combustion low enough to provide the necessary safe time for bringing
the boiler up to pressure. When this condition is encountered, allow
the burner to operate for a few minutes and then take it off to allow the
heat to distribute through the unit, thus preventing excessive temperature differentials and the resulting unequal
In installations that have pendant nondraining superheaters, it is
necessary that the warm-up rate be controlled very carefully, since all
water must be evaporated from the superheater tubes before the boiler
is placed on the line. Water remaining in the superheater would
restrict the flow of steam and cause the tubes to overheat. With
drainable superheaters the drains should be opened for a short blow
before the boiler is put on line.
It is essential that all water be drained from the boiler steam line
and that it be filled with steam before the valve is opened and the flow
established. This may be accomplished by opening the drain and backfeeding steam from the main steam line
through the bypass around the
main steam-line valve. When the pressure in the boiler approaches that
in the main steam line, open the main steam valve and throttle, but
do not close the drain. Before putting the boiler on line, open the superheater drains for a short blow to make sure all
water has been removed.
Check the water level, and if it is not sufficiently below standard (2 to
6 in) to compensate for expansion when the boiler starts to steam,
open the blowdown and remove the excess water. When the boiler
drum pressure is from 10 to 25 psi below the main steam-line pressure, unscrew the stem of the nonreturn valve so
that it can open
when the boiler pressure exceeds the steam-line pressure. Should
waterhammer or vibration occur while the valve is being opened,
close the valve at once, allow the pressure on the boiler to drop, and
repeat the entire operation. When a boiler is not connected to a common steam line, it is advisable to open all drains
and raise the steam
pressure on the entire system at the same time.
With the boiler in service, the drain may be closed and the fuel feed
regulated to maintain a low rate of steam flow. Consult the draft
gauges and adjust the fans and dampers to establish the required flow
of air to and gases from the boiler unit. Check the water level and feedwater-supply pressure; then put the feedwater
regulator into operation.
7.2 Normal Operation
A boiler in service producing steam constitutes a continuous process.
Fuel, air, and water are supplied while steam and waste products of
ash, flue gases, and blowdown water are discharged. It is the operatorsduty to keep these materials flowing in the
correct proportion and as
required to maintain the steam pressure. These operations must be
done while maintaining the air pollution requirements of the operating
permit with particulate and acid gas removal systems, as discussed in
Chap. 12.
Most of these functions are performed automatically, but this does
not relieve the operator of the responsibilities of an overseer of this
equipment. Expert supervision is required because fuel costs are high
and process steam demand or electric production depends on a continuous steam supply. The best automatic
equipment may malfunction and
require hand operation. Details of the various types of combustion
equipment during standby, normal operation, and banking are discussed in Chap. 5. The following paragraphs
explain the correct coordination of the various tasks that must be performed for satisfactory
boiler-plant operation.
7.2.1 Combustion control
A drop in steam pressure as indicated by the steam gauge shows the
operator that the fuel supply must be increased; an increase in pressure shows that too much fuel is being supplied.
On boilers not
equipped with automatic controls the operator must watch the gauge
continually and adjust the fuel feed. If automatic control is used, the
change in steam pressure adjusts the fuel feed, relieving the operator
of this repetitive task. However, there is more to firing than simply
admitting the correct amount of fuel; consideration must be given to
fuel-bed thickness and contour with solid fuel and to flame shape and
travel when pulverized coal or liquid or gaseous fuels are used.
The draft differential, flue gas analysis (carbon dioxide, oxygen,
and carbon monoxide), appearance of the fire, emission of smoke, and
furnace slag accumulation are all means by which the operator can
determine the relative quantity of air being supplied to the furnace.
Each time the rate of fuel supply is changed, the air supply to the furnace should be adjusted in proportion. The
automatic control makes
these repetitive adjustments to compensate for load changes and to
maintain the correct fuel-air ratio under normal conditions. The operator must make adjustments for changes in coal
size, moisture content,
heating value, etc. In any case, the combustion control is a device to
aid, rather than a substitute for, experienced operation. The operator
should be capable of operating the boilers on hand at any time. In
many plants, hand control is used when putting a boiler in service, and
this is changed to automatic only after normal operating conditions
have been established. The operator should learn to use all the
instruments provided, since they are intended to be helpful in making
adjustments. The draft gauge is a simple instrument that is not oftenused in the most effective manner. Note and
memorize the draft-gauge
reading (wind box, furnace, boiler outlet, etc.) when the combustion is
satisfactory. These values should be used as a means of quickly establishing normal conditions, detecting trouble,
and changing capacity. The
draft gauge indicates the airflow to and the products of combustion
from the furnace. (See Chap. 4 for an explanation of draft as applied
to combustion.)
7.2.2 Ash handling
The removal of ashes from the furnace is the responsibility of the
operator. Ashes are removed either as a molten liquid or in the solid
state. The design of the equipment determines the method to be used.
It is an operating responsibility to produce ashes in the solid or liquid
state in accordance with the design of the equipment. Early methods
involved hand operation for dragging the ashes from the furnace and
the use of hand dumping grates. A later development, still in use on
small and medium-sized units, consists of power-operated dumping
grates. These use a steam or air cylinder that operates the grates,
dumping the ashes into the pit. This system creates a periodic disturbance in the operation when ash dumping is in
progress and until
stable conditions have been restored. Continuous ash discharge systems
are used to improve operations. Refer to Chap. 5.
When operating a furnace equipped with dumping grates, the ash
should be removed as often as practice shows it to be necessary to prevent the formation of clinkers, loss of
capacity, and too heavy a fuel
bed. Definite time schedules cannot be established due to changes in
capacity and the percentage of ash in the coal. It requires judgment
on the part of the operator to determine when the material on the
grate has been burned down sufficiently to permit it to be dumped. A
long burning-down period will result in loss of capacity on the boiler
(failure to maintain steam pressure) and lowering of efficiency due to
large amounts of excess air. Insufficient burning down allows large
amounts of unburned carbon to be discharged with the ash. Dumping
should be performed as quickly as possible to prevent prolonged interruption of stable operation.
The continuous dumping devices are adjusted to remove ashes at
the same rate as they are being produced. Skill is required to
ensure as complete burning as possible without introducing large
amounts of excess air. Continuous ash discharge is applied to the
various types of stokers as well as to slag-tapped pulverized-coal
furnaces. The molten slag is allowed to run continuously from the furnace into a tank of water that chills the slag,
causing it to shatter into
small pieces. The tank of water forms a seal that prevents air from
entering the furnace. The effective use of fossil fuels depends to a great extent on the
capability of the boiler to handle ash, which is the inert residual of combustion. In a pulverized-coal-fired boiler,
most of the ash is carried
out of the furnace by the flue gas, and it is called fly ash. Abrasive ash
particles that are suspended in the flue gas can cause erosion problems
on convection pass heating surfaces.
However, the most significant operation problem is the ash accumulating on the heating surface. During the
combustion process, ash is
released from the coal at approximately 3000F, which is considerably
above the melting temperature of most ash. Ash can be released in a
molten fluid or in a sticky state. A portion of the ash that is not cooled
quickly and changed to a dry solid can adhere to the furnace walls
and other heating surfaces. Because there is such a large quantity of
ash involved in the burning of coal, a small percentage of this total
can seriously interfere with operation of the boiler.
The accumulation of ash deposits on the furnace wall causes a
decrease in heat transfer, which results in an increased flue gas temperature leaving the furnace. This higher
temperature at the furnace
exit increases the steam temperature and the tube metal temperature
of superheaters. This causes additional steam attemperation, and it
could require different materials in the superheater tubes. The boiler
design must take these operational problems into consideration.
The higher flue gas temperature also can extend the ash-deposition
problem to pendant-type superheaters and other heating surfaces in the
convection pass of the boiler. If the ash deposits remain uncontrolled,
flue gas passages in the tube banks can become blocked, which prevents
proper flow of the flue gas, and shutdown of the boiler is required for
manual removal of the ash deposits, causing not only high maintenance costs but also loss of operational revenue
because of the outage.
These deposits also can cause corrosion problems on the tubes.
Sootblowers are the primary means in correcting the slagging of
furnace walls and the fouling of convection passes. Sootblowers
should be applied as a prevention measure, not as a corrective measure.
These devices are most effective in controlling dry and loosely bonded
deposits. It is for this reason that a sootblower system is programmed
to operate in a specific time schedule or when boiler performance
monitors indicate that this operation should be initiated.
7.2.3 Water supply
The water supply is a most important consideration in power plant
operation. The operator should be familiar with every detail of this
system. Is the water quality being maintained to the proper requirements? Where is the supply obtained, and what
are the possibilities of
failure? What types of pumps are used, and how are the pumps driven? What type of feedwater regulator is used,
and where are the bypass
valves located? Is there an auxiliary feedwater piping system?
Water is a very unique substance because it exists in three forms at
normal temperatures: ice, water, and steam. It absorbs more heat for a
given temperature rise than any other common substance. A pound of
water increases its volume by over 1600 times as it evaporates at
atmospheric pressure to form steam. Steam has the capability of carrying large quantities of heat. It is these unique
properties of water that
make it an ideal substance for the heating and power-generating
However, all water is not the same because it contains varying
amounts of dissolved and suspended matter and dissolved gases.
Seawater and freshwater vary significantly, and the amount of impurities in freshwater varies with the source, such
as a river, lake, or
well. These impurities are important considerations when the water
is used for steam generation. Because of this, boiler water treatment is
a key factor for a power plant to operate successfully.
The operators job is to supply water to the boilers in the quantity
required to replace what is being evaporated. Usually the boilers are
equipped with regulators that control the flow to maintain the right
level, thus relieving the operator of the tedious task of making repetitive adjustments. These automatic devices do
not, however, relieve the
operator of the responsibility of maintaining the water level. Frequent
monitoring of the system must include water levels in the heaters and
softeners and water temperature and pressure at the boiler feed pump
discharge. In many cases these important quantities are recorded for
the operators convenience and to provide a permanent record.
Improperly set water columns as well as leaking or stopped-up connections will cause water columns to show false
levels. The water column
must be blown down periodically, and the high- and low-water alarm
must be checked. The feedwater regulator should be blown down and
checked according to the manufacturers instructions. The recorders
and other devices are convenient but must be checked frequently with
the water level in the gauge glass. It is desirable to use hot feedwater,
and the temperature should be maintained as high as feasible with
the equipment available and within design limits.
The task of maintaining the water level is difficult because during
operation the boiler is filled with a mixture of water and steam bubbles.
When the water level in the drum drops, there is an obvious tendency
to add water. This tendency occurs with both hand and automatic
control. The addition of water, at a temperature lower than the water
in the boiler, causes the steam in the bubbles to condense. This action
decreases the volume of the steam and water mixture in the boiler
and results in a further drop in level and a tendency to add more
water. Then when the normal ratio of water to steam bubbles isrestored, the level in the drum will be too high. The
result is a cyclic
condition in which the water level in the drum is alternately high and
low. This condition is avoided by the use of two- or three-element
feedwater regulators. Two-element feedwater regulators sense both
the drum level and steam flow rates. This combined signal is used to
actuate the feedwater flow control valve. The three-element feedwater
regulator senses the drum level and the steam and feedwater flow rates
and uses the combined signal to actuate the feedwater flow control
valve. The object of these controls is to keep the feedwater flow equal to
the steam flow. If because of blowing down or other irregularities the
drum level fails to remain within the desired range, the signal from
the drum level corrects the rate of flow of feedwater until the unbalanced situation is corrected. (See Sec. 6.4.)
Power producers are well aware of the economic penalties that
occur when a component failure causes a plant shutdown. One of the
heaviest financial burdens is attributable to steam-cycle corrosion,
which accounts for about half the plant forced outages. Attractive
financial returns are possible for improving water chemistry.
Proper water treatment and chemistry control result in the following benefits:
1. Deposits of impurities and corrosion products are minimized, thus
reducing accelerated corrosion in the boiler.
2. Premature failure or damage to boiler components is decreased.
3. Excessive carry-over of impurities in the steam is prevented,
which lessens any damage to superheaters, turbines, and process
equipment that uses the steam.
Maintaining high water quality is of utmost importance to the
proper operation of a steam plant because impurities can quickly
destroy the boiler. Poor water quality can damage or plug water-level
controls and cause unsafe operating conditions. During normal operation of a boiler plant, the water must be
conditioned by heating, by the
addition of chemicals, and by blowdown to prevent operating difficulties. Inadequate water conditioning results in
scale formation, corrosion, carry-over, foaming, priming, and caustic embrittlement.
Scale consists of a deposit of solids on the inside of the heating
surfaces such as tubing. The formation of scale is caused by a group of
impurities initially dissolved in the boiler feedwater. As the water
becomes concentrated and exposed to boiler pressures and temperatures, the impurities become insoluble and
deposit on heating surfaces.
Water that contains scale-forming impurities is termed hard water and
will consume a quantity of soap before a lather is produced. These
impurities are found in varying amounts in almost all water supplies. The amount of hardness in a given water can
be determined by adding
a standard soap solution to a measured sample of the water and noting
the amount required to produce a lather. Hardness may be classified
as temporary (or carbonate) or sulfate (or noncarbonate). Carbonates
produce a soft, chalklike scale, and this temporary hardness may be
removed by heating. Sulfate hardness produces a hard, dense scale
and requires chemical treatment.
Scale deposits on the tubes of a water-tube boiler and the shell of a
fire-tube boiler form an insulating layer that retards the flow of heat
to the water and can cause the metal to become overheated. This
results in a dangerous situation, since the metal is now subjected to
design pressure at an elevated temperature. Heat is more injurious to
a boiler than pressure. The metal in the shell of a fire-tube boiler, when
weakened by overheating, yields to the pressure, causing a protrusion
known as a bag. Bags provide pockets for the accumulation of sludge
and scale. When boilers are operated for an extended period of time
(without adequate boiler feedwater conditioning), these deposits of
scale can weaken the boiler metal sufficiently to cause an explosion. A
combination of imperfections in the boilerplate and overheating causes layers of metal to separate and form a
Corrosion is the result of a low-alkaline boiler water, the presence
of free oxygen, or both. The boiler metal is converted into red or black
powder (iron oxide), which is readily washed away by the water. This
action is accelerated at points of greatest stress, and as the corrosion
proceeds, the metal thickness is reduced and the stress is further
Carry-over is the continual discharge of impurities with steam.
These impurities may be in the form of moisture that contains dissolved solids or of solids from which the moisture
has been removed.
The amount of carry-over of impurities is determined by condensing a
sample of steam and noting the conductivity of the condensate.
Carry-over of moisture with the steam is an objectionable condition.
In many industrial processes the moisture may interfere with a drying process, or the solids carried by the moisture
may be unable to be
tolerated in the manufactured product. When the steam is used to
operate high-pressure turbines, the silica carried by the moisture in
the steam forms deposits on the turbine blades, reducing both the turbines capacity and its efficiency. This silica is
carried through the
superheater and deposited on the turbine blades in a pressure area
where the steam becomes wet. These deposits are very difficult to
remove from the turbine blading.
The solution to the silica scale problem is to reduce the silica content
of the boiler feedwater by the use of demineralizers and to provide the
boiler drums with efficient moisture separators. Satisfactory turbineoperation requires steam to have dissolved solids
not in excess of 0.1
parts per million (ppm).
Foaming is the existence of a layer of foam on the surface of the
water in the boiler drum. This condition is a result of impurities in
the water that cause a film to form on the surface. Oil and other impurities such as excessive alkalinity that may
enter the condensate in an
industrial plant produce conditions in the boiler that cause foaming.
Priming is a condition in which slugs of water are suddenly discharged from the boiler with the steam. The
condition is caused by
boiler design, impurities in the water, the capacity at which the boiler
is operated, or a combination of these factors. Priming is a serious
condition both for the safety of the boiler and for the steam-utilizing
equipment. Immediate steps must be taken to correct the condition.
Foaming may result in priming, but it is possible to have priming
without foam on the surface of the water in the boiler drum.
Caustic embrittlement is the weakening of boiler steel as the result
of inner crystalline cracks. This condition is caused by long exposure
to a combination of stress and highly alkaline water.
Water treatment includes such processes as deaerators for the
removal of oxygen, water softeners, chemical additives, and boiler blowdown. Boiler water must be analyzed to
determine its composition and
the conditioning required.
The treatment of boiler plant water has advanced, from the hit-ormiss period of applying various chemical
compounds, to a scientific
basis. Water-control tests have been simplified to color comparisons,
titrations, and other more sophisticated tests that can be performed
quickly and easily, and the necessary adjustments in water treatment
can be made by the plant operators. The results of these control tests
are expressed in parts per million, grains per gallon, or some constant
that tells the operator when the treatment is incorrect and how great
a change must be made.
Water conditioning may be accomplished either by treating the
water in a separate unit before it enters a boiler or by adding chemicals
directly to the boiler. The combination of these two methods produces
the most satisfactory results. The nature of the impurities, quantity
of water to be treated, plant operation, pressure, etc., are all factors to
be considered in selecting water-treating equipment, procedures, and
control. This is a job for a specialist in this field. (See Chap. 11.)
External treatment is required when the level of feedwater impurities
cannot be tolerated by the boiler system. Since pure water rarely exists,
and since natural waters contain some amounts of dissolved and suspended matter, nearly all power plants require a
water treatment system. This can be accomplished by passing the water through a zeolite
softener or demineralizer or by distilling the water in an evaporator. The zeolite1 softener consists of a bed of
special granular material
through which the water passes. The zeolite bed does not actually
remove the scale-forming impurities (hardness) but converts them into
non-scale-forming impurities, thus softening the water. When the
zeolite bed has been exhausted, the softener unit is taken out of service
and regenerated by introducing a salt (sodium chloride) solution. After
regeneration, the bed is washed free of excess salts and returned to
A demineralizer is similar in external appearance to a zeolite softener,
except that the water passes through two tanks in series, referred to
respectively as cation and anion units. These systems can be designed
to provide very pure water with a low silica content. This demineralized
water is suitable for makeup in high-pressure plants, but normally water
of this quality is not required for low- and medium-pressure applications. The cation unit is regenerated with acid
and the anion unit
with caustic.
The hot-process limesoda-ash softener produces water satisfactory
for use as boiler feedwater. Heating of the water before the addition of
the chemical removes some of the temporary hardness, reduces the
quantity of lime required, and speeds the chemical action. Softeners
of this type provide a means of heating the water with exhaust steam,
introducing chemicals in proportion to the flow, thoroughly mixing
the water and chemicals, and removing the solid material formed in the
softening process. After leaving the softener, the water passes
through a filter and into the plant makeup system.
An evaporator consists of a steam coil in a tank, and this is a distillation process. The water is fed into the tank, and
the heat supplied by
steam in the coil causes the water to boil and leave the evaporator in
the form of vapor. The vapor enters a heat exchanger, where the relatively cool condensate passing through the tubes
causes the vapor to
condense, producing distilled water. The impurities in the original
water remain in the evaporator and must be removed by blowing down.
Evaporators are connected to the plant condensate-and-steam system
to produce distilled makeup water with a minimum of heat loss.
Internal treatment is direct boiler water treatment and is accomplished by adding chemicals to the boiler water either
to precipitate
the impurities so that they can be removed in the form of sludge or to
convert them into salts that will stay in solution and do no harm. Some of the more common additives for drum
boilers are hydroxide,
phosphate, and chelant. Hydroxide (NaOH) is used on very low pressure industrial-type boilers. The use of
phosphate is common for
industrial boilers operating below 1000 psi. Phosphate salts are used
extensively to react with the hardness in the water and thus prevent
scale deposits. However, the phosphate reacts with the hardness in
the water to form a sludge, which in some cases may result in objectionable deposits. Organic compounds are then
used to keep the sludge in
circulation until it can be removed through the blowdown. The
amount of sludge formed depends on the amount of hardness introduced to the boiler in the feedwater. Therefore, it
is desirable to have
the hardness of the feedwater as low as possible. The phosphate
treatment should be supplied directly to the boiler drum with a chemical pump. If introduced into the suction of the
boiler feed pump, most
phosphates will react with the impurities in the water and cause
deposits in the pumps, piping, feedwater regulators, and valves.
Therefore, the phosphate should be dissolved in the condensate to
prevent deposit in the chemical feed pump and lines. The amount of
treatment is controlled by analysis of the boiler water for excess phosphate. This analysis consists of a color
comparison of a treated sample
with standards. Generally less than 40 ppm is satisfactory to ensure
removal of the hardness. Since this phosphate treatment removes the
hardness, it is not necessary to run a soap hardness test on boiler
water if the specified amount is maintained.
Care must be exercised in introducing phosphate into a boiler that
contains scale. For example, on a fire-tube boiler, the old scale may be
loosened from the tubes by the action of the phosphate and collected in
a mass on the heating surface, causing bags, overheating, and ultimate
failure. When phosphate is supplied to a boiler that already contains
scale, the boiler should be inspected frequently and the amount of excess
maintained at about 20 ppm. In time the phosphate will remove the
old scale, but it is better to start the treatment with a clean boiler.
For industrial boilers, another approach to internal boiler water
conditioning is the use of chemicals that prevent the precipitation of
scale-forming materials. These chemicals have chelating power in that
calcium, magnesium, and other common metals are tied up in the water
and are eventually removed by continuous blowdown. This action prevents the formation of scale and sludge in
boilers, heat exchangers,
and piping and is effective over the normal range of alkalinity
encountered in boiler plant operation. Chelant chemicals are sold
under a variety of trade names.
The treatment is introduced into the boiler feed line by means of a
standard chemical feed pump. The pump and piping should be of
corrosion-resistant stainless steel for high pressure and of eitherstainless steel or plastic for low pressure. A
continuous feed is desirable, and a slight excess should be maintained in the boiler water at
all times. However, if there is a deficiency for a short time, the
deposits will be removed when the excess is restored.
The choice between the use of these chelating materials, hydroxide,
and phosphate depends on the condition in the specific plant, the
quantity of makeup water, the operating pressure, and the amount
and types of impurities that it contains. The relative cost of the methods
and anticipated results should be determined by a water-conditioning
Corrosion may be caused by either low alkalinity or the presence of
oxygen in the boiler water. The alkalinity may be regulated by control of the lime-soda softener, by varying the type
of phosphate used,
by introduction of alkaline salts (sodium sulfite), and by treating the
makeup water with acid. The alkalinity is indicated by testing
(titrating) the boiler water with a standard acid, using phenolphthalein
and methyl orange as indicators. Some alkalinity in boiler water is
essential, but if allowed to get too high, alkalinity will result in
priming and foaming. High concentrations of alkaline water also
contribute to caustic embrittlement. The correct value must be specified for individual plants with due consideration
for the many factors
Free oxygen is most effectively and economically removed from boiler
feedwater by heating both the return condensate and makeup
water in a vented open-type heater called a deaerator. However, it is
good practice to use chemicals to remove the last trace of oxygen from
feedwater. Sodium sulfite or hydrazine is added to the deaerated
water. It is not advisable to use sodium sulfite to react with large
quantities of oxygen because of the cost and the fact that it is converted
into sodium sulfate and therefore increases the concentration of solids
in the boiler water. It is also only used in low-pressure boilers.
Hydrazine is another chemical used to neutralize the corrosive effects
of free oxygen. It combines with oxygen to form water and nitrogen
and therefore does not increase the concentration of solids in the boiler
water. Some of the ammonia formed from the hydrazine is carried
from the boiler with the steam, where it neutralizes the carbon dioxide, reducing corrosion in the condensate return
lines. Hydrazine,
being alkaline and toxic, is best handled as a dilute solution.
Caustic embrittlement of boiler metal is the result of a series of conditions that include boiler water having
embrittlement characteristics,
leakage and the concentration of the solids at the point of leakage,
and the depositing of these solids in contact with stressed metal. It
follows that embrittlement can be avoided by preventing the presence
of at least one of these factors. Leakage and the resulting concentration of solids in joints have
been eliminated by use of welds in place of riveted joints. All boilers
should be inspected for leaks, but special consideration should be
given to where tubes are expanded into drums and headers. Boiler
water is rendered nonembrittling by lowering the alkalinity and
adding sodium sulfate or sodium nitrate in controlled proportion to
the alkalinity and boiler operating pressure.
Impurities enter the boiler with the feedwater, and when the steam
is discharged, these impurities are left in the boiler water. This action
makes it necessary to remove the solids by allowing some of the concentrated water to flow from the boiler. There
are two general procedures
for removing this water from the boiler. One is to open the main blowoff
valve periodically, and the other is to allow a small quantity of water
to be discharged continuously. The continuous blowoff is generally
favored because it provides a uniform concentration of water in the
boiler, may be closely controlled, and permits reclamation of a portion of
the heat. Heat is reclaimed from the blowdown water by discharging
it first into a flash tank and then through a heat exchanger. The flash
steam is used in the feedwater heater or as a general supply to the lowpressure steam system. The heat exchanger is
used to heat the incoming feedwater (see Chap. 11). The continuous-blowdown connection is
so located as to remove the water having the highest concentration of
solids. The location of this connection depends on the type of boiler; in
most cases it is located in either the steam or lower drum.
The operator must exercise careful control over the blowdown, since
too high a concentration may result in priming and foaming, in caustic
embrittlement, and in scale and sludge deposits, while excessive
blowdown wastes heat, chemicals, and water. Blowdown is effectively
controlled by checking the chloride concentration of the feedwater and
boiler water. Chloride salts are soluble and are not affected by the
heat of the boiler. When the boiler water contains 120 and the feedwater 12 ppm of chloride, the concentration ratio
is 10. That is to say,
the boiler water is 10 times as concentrated as the feedwater. This is
equivalent to taking 10 lb of feedwater and evaporating it until only 1 lb
remains. All the salts that were in the original 10 lb are now concentrated in the 1 lb. For low- and moderate-
pressure boilers under
average conditions, 10-fold concentration is deemed satisfactory, but
all factors in an individual case must be considered. Other methods of
determining the concentration of boiler water and thus providing a
means of controlling blowdowns are (1) a hydrometer, which measures
the specific gravity in the same manner as that used in checking storage batteries, and (2) a device for measuring the
electric resistance of
the sample of water, since the resistance decreases when the amount
of impurities increases. The hydrometer method is satisfactory whenhigh concentrations are encountered. The
electric-resistance measurement is advisable when the chlorides in the feedwater are low or
subject to wide variation.
In plants where chemical control is not used, some general rules
apply. Blow down at least one full opening and closing of the blowoff
valve every 24 h. When continuous blowdown is used, the main
blowoff should be opened once every 24 h or more often if necessary to
remove sediment from the lower drum. It has been found that several
short blows are more effective in removing sludge than one continuous
blow. This is also a good precaution to take when blowing down a boiler
that is operating at high capacity. In general, boilers should be blown
down when the steam demand is lowest.
When the boiler is in service, the skilled operator will devote time
to careful observations and inspections and thus detect possible irregularities before serious situations develop. This
ability to discover
minor difficulties before real troubles are encountered is a measure of
the competence of an operator. It is this skill that prevents boilers
from being damaged when the feedwater supply fails. The water level
in the boiler should be observed frequently to check on the operation
of the feedwater regulator. When in doubt and in all cases at least once
per shift, blow down the water column and gauge glass, open the try
cocks, and check the high- and low-water alarms. Check the feedwater
pressure frequently, since this may detect trouble before the water level
gets out of hand. Failure of the feed pumps or water supply will be
indicated by a drop in pressure before the water gets low in the boilers.
The temperature of the feedwater should be checked and adjustments
made to supply the necessary steam to the feedwater heater to maintain standard conditions.
With hand operation, almost constant observation of the steam pressure is necessary. When automatic controls are
used, the steam pressure
should be observed frequently as a check on the control equipment.
Steam-pressure recorders are helpful in checking the operation of an
automatic combustion control. Difficulty in maintaining the steam
pressure may indicate trouble developing in the furnace, such as
clogged coal-feed mechanism, uneven fuel bed, or clinker formation.
Many a disagreeable job of removing clinkers from the furnace could
have been prevented by closer observation of the fuel bed and proper
ash removal.
The delivery of the required amount of fuel to the furnace does not
ensure satisfactory operation. The operator must consider these questions: Is the fuel bed of the correct thickness?
Are there holes through
which the air is bypassing the fuel? Are clinkers forming that blank
off the airflow? Is the flame travel too short or too long? Is smoke, in
an objectionable amount, being discharged from the stack? The competent operator is always on the alert to detect
leaks in the
pressure system. An unusual hiss may be caused by a leaking tube.
A sudden demand for feedwater, without an accompanying increase in
load, may be the first indication of a leak. When these symptoms occur,
be on the alert, advise plant management, and investigate further.
Leaks in boiler tubes and piping lead to maintenance costs and
plant unavailability that result in lost revenues because of the loss of
production or of electric power. Generally, when leaks first occur, they
are undetected because they are not audible or they are concealed by
insulation. Acoustic monitoring equipment has now been developed
and is used extensively for leak detection. This technology permits
earlier identification of a leak, and this can reduce the repair costs as
well as the outage period for the repair.
Operators should be constantly on the alert for leaks in the pressure systems and settings of boilers. If the main or
blowdown valves and lines remain hot, it is an indication of leakage.
Low concentrations of salts in the boiler water without a change in
operation or procedure indicate leaking blowdown valves. High exit
gas temperatures or an increase in draft loss may indicate that ash is
accumulating on the heating surface, causing the loss of heat transfer
and blockage of the flue gas. The cause of this must be determined
quickly, and corrective measures must be taken immediately.
Furnace waterwall tube failures are a leading cause of forced outages
in both electric utility and high-pressure industrial boilers. These
failures can result from such things as erosion, corrosion, overheating,
and fatigue. Some of these are a direct result of the waterside scale and
deposits that can build up inside the tubes. The periodic chemical
cleaning of boilers is critical in the elimination of deposits that can
cause tube failures and the resulting expensive plant outage.
There are two primary ways in which waterside deposits lead to
tube failures. First, the deposit acts as an additional insulating layer
and prevents the water in the tubes from adequately cooling the tube
metal. This increases the tube metal temperature, as shown in Fig. 7.1
which in turn accelerates the rate of deposition inside the tubes. If the
deposit buildup becomes very thick, it can obstruct the flow of cooling
water through the tubes, causing an even more drastic increase in
tube metal temperatures. Stress-rupture tube failures eventually can
occur due to overheating, as in the typical failure shown in Fig. 7.2.
Waterwall deposits also play an important role in the onset of
waterside corrosion such as hydrogen damage and caustic corrosion.
Under normal conditions, boiler water chemistry usually can be
maintained at the proper levels to prevent the occurrence of waterside corrosion. However, any porous deposits in
waterwall tubes provide a location where corrosive boiler chemicals can concentrate.

Chemical cleaning of the boiler should be considered as part of the

plants preventive maintenance program to avoid costly forced outages resulting from waterside tube failures. Tube
samples are often
removed at routine intervals to monitor deposit buildup. This, together
with nondestructive techniques such as ultrasonic examination of
tubes, provides the operator with critical information about potential
problems. The ultrasonic testing (UT) of tubes and waterwall panels
does identify the wall thickness. In order to have a baseline measurement, an initial UT scan should be made, with
periodic scans during
shutdowns to evaluate whether (and where) metal loss has occurred
and if tube replacement is necessary.
Boiler water treatment programs are evaluated in an attempt to
improve the operating efficiency of the plant and to minimize plant
outages. The success of these water treatment programs depends on the
correct dosage of chemicals being applied to the water in the boiler.
The amount of chemicals is determined by several methods. If the
total feedwater flow rate and treatment feed rate are known, the product concentration can be calculated. However,
in actual practice, theexact feedwater flow rate is not known precisely, and this flow rate
varies as the load conditions of the boiler changes. These unknowns
prevent exact treatment from being determined by using flow rates.
Another method used by water treatment chemical companies is a wet
chemistry method for the analysis of the treatment concentration.
Such a method requires a significant amount of time for plant operation to complete the analysis. Both methods are
time-dependent, and
because of this, the actual treatment requirements lag the boiler
operating parameters.
Boiler water treatment companies and power plant operators strive
continuously to improve plant performance. One such concept is the use
of a fluorescent tracer in the boiler water treatment chemicals. Since the
success of any water treatment program depends on the correct dosage
of chemicals being applied to the boiler, the use of a tracer is an alternative method for maintaining the boiler water
The application of a tracer to a boiler is shown schematically in Fig.
7.3. The feedwater flow, blowdown, and steam flow are shown, as well
as the added chemicals which include the tracer. Since the tracer is an
integral part of the treatment chemicals added to the feedwater, the
exact concentration ratio of the chemical treatment to the tracer is
known. Therefore, by analyzing the tracer concentration in the feedwater, the exact concentration of the added boiler
treatment is also
known. Boiler cycles can be determined easily by measuring the concentration of a tracer in the feedwater and in the
blowdown. The fluorescent tracer can be monitored by continuously sampling the feedwater
and blowdown, and controls adjust the chemical feed rate based on

the input signal.

7.2.4 Boiler efficiency

Instruments and controls are for the benefit of plant operators and
should be checked, adjusted, calibrated, and kept in good operating
condition. Draft and pressure gauges, steam flowmeters, flue gas temperature recorders, and water-level indicators
are useful in making
routine adjustments for changes in load as well as in detecting difficulties. Learn to use the instruments available.
Keep the automatic
control adjusted and operating.
Boiler efficiency is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by
dividing the output of the boiler by the input to the boiler. Boiler
performance may be expressed as the number of pounds of steam produced per pound of fuel. The total pounds of
steam generated divided
by the pounds of coal burned in a given time equals the pounds of
steam per pound of coal. This formula may be valuable in comparing
daily performance in a given plant, but it does not take into consideration variations in feedwater temperature, the
changes in steam pressure and superheater temperature, or the heating value of the fuel.
To calculate boiler efficiency, one must know the amount of steam
generated and fuel burned, the steam pressure, the steam quality at
the boiler outlet or the superheat temperature at the superheater outlet, and the feedwater temperature. (See Sec. 3.9
for the procedure for
calculating the heat content of wet or superheated steam.)
Boiler efficiency, %

(h Q

where W steam flow (lb/h)
Q fuel flow (lb/h)
H heating value of fuel (Btu/lb)
heat content of steam (Btu/lb)
f heat content of feedwater (Btu/lb)
Example A boiler generates 50,000 lb/h of steam and burns 4880 lb of
coal per hour having a heating value of 13,700 Btu/lb. The steam is 150
psig, dry, and saturated, and the feedwater is 220F. What is the boiler
Solution Heat content of 150 psig, dry and saturated steam (h
) 1195.6
Btu/lb (see the steam tables in Appendix C). Heat content of 220F feedwater
188.1 Btu/lb.
Boiler efficiency 100

In determining accurate boiler efficiencies, boiler designers develop

a heat balance around the boiler system by calculating the heat losses.
This is done at all expected operating capacities.
The ASME test code has established a procedure to determine the
boiler efficiency and the required boiler heat input to achieve the desired
boiler output, which is the steam flow at the required pressure and
temperature. This procedure requires the calculation of all the losses
in a steam-generating unit, which include the following:
Loss due to moisture in the fuel

Loss due to the water that may be formed during the combustion

from the hydrogen contained in the fuel

Loss due to the moisture in the air that is used for combustion

Loss due to the heat carried up the stack by flue gas

Loss due to the incomplete combustion of carbon in the fuel, called

unburned carbon loss

Loss due to radiation of heat, leaks, and other unaccounted-for losses

The efficiency of boilers changes as the capacity at which they are

operated varies. At low capacities the combustion process tends to be
inefficient because the amount of excess air must be increased to
ensure complete combustion. This additional air carries heat to the
stack and lowers the efficiency. As the capacity increases, combustion
can be accomplished with less excess air, reducing stack loss and
increasing efficiency. However, as the capacity increases, combustion
space and heat-absorption capacity of the tubes begin to be exceeded.
The combustion equipment does not develop all the heat in the fuel,
which results in unburned carbon loss. The convection bank of tubes
absorbs a smaller percentage of the heat developed, resulting in a rise
in exit gas temperatures at the boiler outlet.
For a given boiler and set of operating conditions there is one output
rate at which the efficiency is maximum. The use of heat-recovery
equipment (economizers or air heaters) tends to decrease this variation
in efficiency. In addition to operating efficiency, overall maintenance
and boiler outages must be considered in scheduling plant operation.
When the plant consists of a series of boilers, a sufficient number
should be operated to keep the output of individual units near their
points of maximum efficiency. In these instances it is frequently
advisable to regulate one boiler to meet the change in demand for
steam while the others are operated at their most efficient capacity.
As the variation in steam demand exceeds the amount that can be
satisfactorily obtained with the regulating boiler, others are either
banked or brought into service to meet the change. In utility plant these wide variations occur in daily cycles.
Keeping the boilers operating near their most efficient load results in a fuel savings.
The addition of economizers and air preheaters and improvement in
combustion equipment have resulted in boiler units that have a wide
range of output at nearly maximum efficiency. This is referred to as
having a flat efficiency curve and is essential to large plants when one
boiler supplies all the steam for a turbine generator. For peak
demands, boilers can be operated beyond their most efficient output
as the design allows. Consideration of boiler loading improves plant
economy and decreases outages and maintenance.
The operators should reduce the air leakage into the boiler setting
to a minimum. The air that enters through leaks must be handled by
the stack or induced-draft fan and frequently limits the maximum
output of the boiler. The heat required to raise the air to the exit gas
temperature is lost. A check for air leaks should be made while the
boiler is operating by placing an open flame near points where leaks
are suspected. The flame will be drawn into the setting by the draft. A
torch made with a pipe fitting and wicking, and burning kerosene, is
useful in testing for leaks.
Another method of testing a boiler setting for air leaks is to analyze
both the gases leaving the furnace and those at the induced-draft fan
inlet. The increase in excess air as indicated by these two analyses
represents the air leakage in the setting. However, caution must be
exercised in making these analyses because of the flue gas temperature.
A series of samples must be taken at each location to ensure that the
results represent average values.
Air leaks in boiler settings should be sealed by the application of a
commercial compound manufactured for this purpose. The material
selected should remain pliable to compensate for the movement
resulting from expansion and contraction of the boiler.
The use of the correct amount of excess air is an important consideration for the best overall results. Too much air
wastes heat to the
stack, while too little causes overheating of the furnace, unburned
carbon in the ash, smoke, and unburned gases. (See Chaps. 4 and 5
for a discussion of excess air.) Study the conditions in the plant and
regulate the excess air by observing furnace temperature, smoke,
clinker formation, and combustible in the ash to give the best overall
results. After the correct amount of air has been determined by experience, use draft gauges, carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, or oxygen
recorders, and steam-flowairflow meters as guides in regulating the
supply. In general, the excess air should be lowered until trouble begins
to develop. This may be in the form of smoke, clinkers, high furnace
temperature or stoker maintenance, slagging of the boiler tubes, or high
combustibles in the ash. The combustible material dumped from thefurnace with the ash represents heat in the
original fuel that the furnace failed to develop. It represents a direct loss and must be considered
by the operator. The designers of combustion equipment are continually
striving to design units that will reduce this loss. In the cases of hand
firing and with stokers, the amount of unburned carbon in the ash
depends, to a large extent, on the skill of the operator. Dump the ash or
clean fires as often as required for best overall results. Maintain an
even distribution of fuel on the grates so that the combustible matter
will be burned nearly completely before dumping. Learn to operate so
that the formation of clinkers will be at a minimum. Avoid excessively
high rates of combustion. It is difficult to determine the amount of
unburned carbon in the ash by observation; the only sure way is to
collect a representative sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis.
A deficiency of air or failure to obtain mixing of air and combustible
gases will result in burning the carbon to carbon monoxide rather than
to carbon dioxide. When this occurs, approximately 10,185 Btu of heat
per pound of carbon passes out of the stack unburned (see Sec. 4.2). A
flue gas analysis provides the only sure means of detecting and evaluating the amount of carbon monoxide. High
percentages of carbon
monoxide gas are usually accompanied by unburned hydrocarbons,
which produce smoke. Because of particulate control equipment,
smoke may not be readily observed. However, instrumentation such
as continuous-emissions-monitoring (CEM) equipment will identify
the situation for the operator.
After the heat has been developed in the furnace, the largest possible
amount must be absorbed by the water and steam in the boiler. Scale
formation on the water side of the heating surface and soot and ash on
the gas side act as insulators and cause high flue gas temperature. It
has been noted how water treatment can eliminate scale from the
water side of the heating surface. Failure on the part of the watertreating system to function, due either to an
inadequate system or to
unskillful application, will result in the formation of scale. This scale
must be removed either by mechanical methods or by acid cleaning.
Soot and ash are removed by means of sootblowers.
To operate mechanical sootblowers, open the drain of the sootblower
header to remove the accumulation of water. Then open the steam
supply valve. Slowly turn each sootblower through its entire arc of
travel by means of the chain or handwheel. It is advisable to start
with the element nearest the furnace and progress toward the boiler
outlet. Sometimes it is found desirable to increase the draft during
sootblowing to prevent a pressure from developing in the furnace and
to carry away the soot and ash removed from the tubes. Care should
be exercised in draining the steam lines to the sootblowers, since
water will cause warping and breakage of the elements. On boilers equipped with fully automatic sootblowers, the
first turn on the steam supply or start the air compressor (if air is
used for blowing) and then initiate the sootblowing cycle by a switch
that is usually mounted on the boiler control panel. The sootblower
elements are inserted, rotated, and retrieved by power drives. The
operation proceeds from one element to another in a programmed
sequence, and indicating lights on the panel inform the operator of
the progress being made and warn if trouble should develop in the
system. Many plants find it advantageous to operate the sootblowers
once every 8-h shift. Boilers are generally equipped with a gas outlet
temperature measurement, and, therefore, the effect of blowing soot
can be readily determined by the resulting drop in flue gas temperature. Sootblowers require an appreciable amount
of steam or air and
should not, therefore, be operated more often than necessary as indicated by the outlet gas temperature.

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