A Critical Review of Sweetpotato Processing Research Conducted by CIP and Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Critical Review of Sweetpotato Processing Research Conducted by CIP and Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Critical Review of Sweetpotato Processing Research Conducted by CIP and Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa
Christopher Wheatley
Cornelia Loechl
ISSN 0256-8748
Social Sciences
Working Paper
No. 2008 - 3
A Critical Review of Sweetpotato Processing
Research Conducted by CIP and Partners in
Sub-Saharan Africa
Christopher Wheatley
Cornelia Loechl
C. Loechl updated Section 2.6: Use of orange-fleshed sweetpotato.
Working Paper
A critical review of sweetpotato 3
processing research conducted by
Christopher Wheatley
Cornelia Loechl1
C. Loechl updated Section 2.6: Use of orange-fleshed sweetpotato.
The Social Sciences Working Paper Series is intended to advance social science knowledge about production and utili-
zation of potato, sweetpotato, and root and tuber crops in developing countries to encourage debate and exchange of
ideas. The views expressed in the papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position of
the International Potato Center.
ISSN 0256-8748
International Potato Center • Working Paper 1
Correct citation:
Wheatley, C. and Loechl, C. A critical review of sweetpotato processing
research conducted by CIP and partners in Sub-Saharan Africa.
International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru. Social Sciences Working
Paper 2008-3. 48 p.
Production Coordinator
Cecilia Lafosse
List of Tables
Table 1. Sale prices at different stages in the marketing chain for fresh sweetpotato
from Kisii, March 1997 (GTZ 1998) 6
Table 2. Summary of sweetpotato enterprise cost-benefit analysis for three
districts in Uganda 12
Table 3. Details of companies collaborating with Family Concern 28
Table 4. Consumer willingness to try a range of processed food products using
sweetpotato as an ingredient (from Omosa 1997) 35
Executive summary
This review summarizes research undertaken on sweetpotato post-harvest utilization and
processing in East Africa, with the objective of making recommendations on future research and
development (R&D) priorities for CIP and its partners. It is based on literature available in mid-2006,
with the exception of section 2.6.
Sweetpotato (SP) in East Africa is still predominantly a supplementary food crop, for on-farm or
local consumption of fresh roots. Urban marketing has developed since about 1990, and is
growing from a low base. While some research has focused on fresh root quality and post-harvest
storage, most attention has been placed on processing fresh roots to more stable intermediate
products (dried chips, flour) and their use in a range of locally important snack foods such as
mandazi and chapatti. The technical and economic feasibility of small rural or urban enterprises
based on these products has generally been assessed as positive, but only very limited
commercial development of these technologies has occurred to date, usually within the
supportive environment of development projects.
Sweetpotato R&D in East Africa is now very focused on the evaluation and promotion of orange-
fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) varieties, based on the nutritional benefits of consumption of a food
rich in vitamin A and its precursors. OFSP varieties have been demonstrated to be capable of
providing sufficient vitamin A to counteract nutritional deficiencies found in rural populations.
Fresh roots and processed products made from them - which retain significant levels of vitamin A if
cooked and/or processed correctly - have proven acceptable to consumers when accompanied with
a nutritional promotion campaign. There are indications that without such an associated effort,
uptake of OFSP varieties in non-intervention areas is more limited.
Sweetpotatoes are widely used in Asia for starch extraction and animal feed. The potential for starch
in East Africa is not high, based on the absence of any compelling functional advantages of
sweetpotato starch and a high raw material cost. Animal feed uses have more potential, especially
for intensive cattle production (fodder including SP vines), pigs and small ruminants, although there
is a lack of basic information on the two latter options.
Recent projects have emphasized development of market chains linking sweetpotato producers to
urban fresh markets (via wholesalers and supermarkets) and to the developing food industry,
including the potential for flour and chip intermediate products. It is too early to evaluate these
continuing efforts but it appears that they have potential to improve existing chains as well as to
initiate novel chains (e.g. with food firms in the private sector).
Studies undertaken in the 1990s identified a strong demand constraint for sweetpotato roots in East
Africa - only a small percentage of production is traded (5%), and urban markets did not appear to
be growing. More recent evidence points to growth in urban markets for sweetpotatoes in line with
rapid urbanization, with ‘supermarketization’ of agricultural production, and with the advent of
OFSP varieties (and the promotional campaigns associated with them) that provide an added
reason to consume this crop. However, improving cost-competitiveness of non-OFSP as a food
industry raw material (flour, chips, starch) requires significant investment to improve productivity
and root dry matter content in farmers’ fields. Given that other crops are also receiving R&D
investment in these areas, it may not be a good use of limited research funds for sweetpotatoes.
Determining whether the nutritional advantages of OFSP are sufficient to overcome its cost
disadvantages versus other starchy substitutes (e.g. maize, and cassava) for both fresh
consumption and food industry uses as raw material.
Careful evaluation of case studies now in progress for market chain development with
OFSP and non-OFSP, to identify options for future prioritization. This is especially relevant
for chains involving the food industry (processing, supermarkets) in growth market
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Sweetpotato does have some “points of difference” with other root crops that justify efforts
to maximize the role that the crop can play in urban diets as well as in rural incomes and
Some orange-fleshed varieties (OFSP) have high levels of beta-carotene (pro-Vitamin
A) in the roots, sufficient to play a key public health role in interventions aiming to
reduce the prevalence of the Vitamin A deficiencies that occur across much of Sub-
Saharan Africa.
A short growth period, with the potential to produce relatively high fresh and dry
matter yields (of roots and vines) in less fertile, lowland tropical conditions, as a
component of sustainable multiple cropping systems.
A wide range of varieties/cultivars offering potential for many different types of
utilization, including:
o Colors from white, cream, yellow, orange and purple.
o High and low dry matter and starch contents.
o High and low sugar contents (sweet and non-sweet varieties).
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On the other hand, some less positive characteristics of the crop exist, but are susceptible to
either genetic improvement and/or post-harvest management, including:
A lower dry matter and starch content than cassava (in general), reducing
competitiveness for uses dependent on dried root chips/flour.
Relatively indigestible roots (due to the presence of trypsin inhibitors), complicating
use of fresh roots for animal feed.
Since the early 1990’s, CIP and partner institutions have undertaken a range of research
projects in Sub-Saharan Africa on sweetpotato utilization and processing, with the overall
aim of increasing the role of sweetpotatoes in urban and rural diets, maximizing nutritional
benefits, as well as enhancing incomes of rural producers. This involves research in the
following areas:
Varietal selection for different end uses
Inclusion of sweetpotato roots, and derived intermediate products, in a range of
commonly consumed foods
o Technical aspects of processing and product quality.
o Economics of production and processing.
o Consumer and market acceptability studies.
o Varietal variation and selection.
o Levels of beta-carotene/Vitamin A in fresh roots and processed products.
o Evaluation of public health/nutritional benefits of OFSP promotion at
community level.
Market chain and enterprise development action-research based on sweetpotato
processing ventures.
This review will assess the current state of knowledge of the research to date, and its
application in the field. Gaps in knowledge will be identified, and some recommendations
made to orient future research and development efforts.
Much of CIP’s research in Sub-Saharan Africa has been carried out in East Africa, especially
Kenya and Uganda, where sweetpotato plays a more important role than in many other
countries of the region. This review will therefore focus mostly on these countries.
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Fresh roots and vines are used for animal feed, although this is usually directly on the farm,
with limited marketing for this purpose.
Like other starchy staples, sweetpotato can be used to make two stable intermediate
products that each have a wide range of potential end uses in the food industry:
Dried chips or flour produced from milled chips.
Extracted starch.
To date, research has focused on chips and/or flour in Africa—CIP was only involved in starch
research in Asia in the 1990s.
Sweetpotato also has another, less stable intermediate product, namely boiled and mashed
sweetpotato. This can be used as an ingredient in a range of food (bakery) products
commonly eaten in East Africa.
Much CIP research has focused on the use of sweetpotatoes in some traditional bakery goods
commonly found as staples or snack foods in East Africa, such as chapatti, mandazi and
bread/buns. These are common food items across the region, and are usually made from
wheat flour as the sole source of starch. Trials have been conducted using sweetpotatoes to
substitute (in varying percentages) some of the wheat flour. The sweetpotato was used in
either of three forms:
Fresh, grated roots.
Boiled and mashed roots.
Flour produced by milling dried root chips.
This research therefore assesses the relative merits of these three sweetpotato presentations,
as well as their performance compared to that of wheat flour.
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These studies have been conducted almost entirely at a micro-enterprise or small-scale
business level, suited to application by individual households or small farmer/women’s
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groups. In addition, some studies have been conducted from the perspective of small urban
businesses such as bakeries. A few studies have involved collaboration with larger scale firms,
including bakeries, and with fresh root exporters, although these efforts have mainly been
concerned with market chain development, not economic analyses.
Omosa’s 1997 study did survey some industrial enterprises in Nairobi and Kisumu, but none
were using sweetpotato as a raw material at the time.
The Family Concern project currently in progress (Anon, 2005 and 2006) is working with some
major industries on the use of OFSP flour in a range of food products. However, results from
this pilot effort are currently being evaluated (Potts, personal communication). Several
studies on sweetpotato use in snack food products were carried out in Lira, Uganda in the
late 1990s. In Lira (population about 100,000) one hundred people gain a living by trading in
bakery products, mainly bread and mandazis. Forty people gain a living making and selling
chapattis (Hagenimana and Owori 1997a and b). These are exclusively micro- and small-scale
enterprises, often street sellers, although some more formal businesses also exist.
As for other root crops, various storage techniques that take advantage of root “curing” at
high temperature and humidity have been developed (and are also used traditionally). For
example, fresh roots have been stored for up to 5 weeks at ambient temperatures in Kenya,
and for 14 weeks when packed in sawdust (to allow curing), but some sprouting occurs,
which is likely to affect eating quality (Karuri and Hagenimana, 1995). Fresh roots respire
during storage—but at a lower rate if cured—and this produces incremental changes in
eating quality. Sweetness may also change, as starch is converted to sugars during the
respiration process.
Rees et al. (1998) suggest that breeding sweetpotatoes for enhanced fresh root shelf life is
possible, based on an evaluation of variation in storage characteristics of existing varieties in
East Africa.
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In Uganda, the Sweetpotato Coalition Project (PRAPACE, undated) carried out a cost-benefit
analysis of on-farm investment in storage structures for sweetpotatoes in three districts, and
found that for every Uganda Shilling invested in the construction and management of
storage structures for sweetpotatoes, farmers can obtain 12.7, 15.9, and 12.7 Uganda Shillings
in the Mukono, Luweero and Mpigi districts, respectively. These benefits largely accrue from
savings on food purchase, and easing of food security constraints at the farmers’ level due to
the greater availability of sweetpotato on farm, outside the harvest period.
The Family Concern project (Anon, 2006) estimates that the main Nairobi wholesale fresh
market receives almost 20,000kg SP/day.
The GTZ study (1998) in Kenya (Kisii) found that fresh sweetpotato is considered an inferior
food, used more as a snack than as a staple. An improvement in marketing conditions for
sweetpotato was found in one of the study sites, but it was not possible to determine
whether this was due to an increase in overall demand fostered by the increasing price of
maize and bread, or due to the development of a more efficient marketing system. In general,
marketing margins were high, especially at the retail level (Table 1).
Table 1. Sale prices at different stages in the marketing chain for fresh sweetpotato from Kisii, March
1997 (GTZ 1998).
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Lastly, in Uganda the Sweetpotato Coalition Project evaluated the production and marketing
of both roots and vines from a business perspective using cost-benefit analysis (PRAPACE,
undated). They found that for every Uganda Shilling invested in the production of tubers,
farmers can obtain Shs. 2.1, 2.1, and 1.5 in the Mukono, Luweero and Mpigi districts,
respectively, from the sale of fresh roots in local markets. Commercial vine production is also
viable, resulting in 2.4, 2.3 and 1.6 Uganda Shillings for every Shilling invested in production
in the same Mukono, Luweero and Mpigi districts, respectively. These results imply that
commercial production of sweetpotato tubers and vines for local markets are viable, and so
are worthwhile projects for the farmers to invest in.
No commercial shipments resulted from this trial because of funding constraints to gather
the necessary quantity of roots for the consignment (Lemaga, personal communication).
Despite the positive outcome (by the end of the project period) there is still significant work
to be done to ensure that production and harvesting procedures result in a harvested crop
that meets the standards expected for export markets, including minimal mechanical
damage to minimize post-harvest losses during transport—especially if produced by
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smallholder farmers. Careful sorting/grading and sale of reject roots to the local market will
probably be necessary, and thus high export prices will not be obtainable for the entire crop.
Snack foods
These snack foods are usually based on wheat or other flours, not sweetpotato. The inclusion
of sweetpotato thus represents a departure from normal practice in most cases. Studies have
looked at (a) the demand for these existing products (i.e. no sweetpotato included) and (b)
acceptability—and potential demand—for similar products formulated to include
sweetpotato in some degree. Sweetpotato may take the form of:
Fresh, grated roots.
Boiled, mashed roots.
Sweetpotato flour.
This section will describe, for each snack food product, the existing consumption
characteristics and the potential for including sweetpotato based—usually—on trials carried
out with existing processors, bakers, sellers and consumers of these products. All these
studies were carried out with non-OFSP varieties. Results of similar trials with OFSP are
reported in a later section.
Kabalagala is a Ugandan pancake-like breakfast snack food usually made from cassava flour
(65-70%) and banana pulp (30-35%), and is normally purchased, not made at home. Owori et
al. (2003) studied the use of SP flour instead of cassava flour in this product. Ninety-five
percent of the small scale processors (mostly female) who make kabalagala were willing to try
the SP flour substitute. Ninety percent of retailers thought SP flour in kabalagala was
acceptable/marketable if the flour quality was good and the price competitive, but relative
costs and prices were not considered in this study. SP flour would have to be price-
competitive with cassava flour (then priced at 625 Uganda Shillings per kg).
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In this seasonally dry region of Uganda, there is a tradition of chipping and drying
sweetpotatoes. In this study, the foods were made by substituting 30 or 50% of the wheat
flour usually employed, with sweetpotato, either as flour or boiled and mashed fresh roots.
The trials were carried out with three groups of women, three individual processors and one
bakery in Lira.
The results were encouraging. While all products were acceptable using SP flour or
grated/mashed SP, higher levels of wheat flour substitution were possible for grated and
mashed SP (40-60%) than for SP flour (30%). Mashed SP gave the highest consumer
acceptability. The sellers could sell the snacks for the same price as normal chapatti and
mandazi in local markets. In detail, the results by product (Hagenimana and Owori, 1997b) are:
Bread made with fresh mashed SP was the most liked by consumers, but bread made
with SP flour was more filling. Normal bread was ranked third, except for colour.
Seventy-five percent of consumers would pay the same price for SP bread from
mashed cooked roots as for normal wheat flour bread; 20% would pay more and 5%
would pay less. For bread from SP flour, only 66% would pay the same price, no one
would pay more. Costs were calculated with help from a bakery in Lira, where the
trials were carried out. Using then current market prices for SP, mashed cooked SP
increased net revenue per loaf by 12%, and by 19% if SP flour was used. Net revenue
cost ratio increased by 21% for cooked mashed SP and by 26% using SP flour. Even
greater advantages were found for buns than for loaves. Savings were due to use of
less wheat flour and sugar.
Chapattis made with boiled, mashed SP were also well accepted—80% of consumers
would pay same price as for 100% wheat flour chapattis, 15% would pay more, and
5% pay less. For chapattis made with SP flour, 60% would pay the same price as for
wheat flour products, while 27% would not buy it. Mashed SP is clearly preferred
over SP flour here. Using cooked mashed SP for chapattis increased net revenue per
piece of chapatti by 42%, or by 49% if SP flour was used.
Mandazis – again, using mashed SP, 80% of consumers would pay same price, 10%
would pay more, and 10% pay less for an SP-based product than for a 100% wheat
flour one. Using SP flour, 65% would pay the same, and 30% would not buy it at all.
Again, mashed SP is preferred over SP flour. Production costs decreased using SP –
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net revenue per piece of mandazi increased by 56% for mashed SP and by 68% for
SP flour compared to wheat flour-based products, due to use of less flour and added
sugar. One advantage of using sweetpotato for mandazis is that costs were reduced,
since less additional sugar was needed.
However, Owori and Hagenimana (2001) also identified the following practical issues that
may limit adoption of the SP raw material:
Although extra labor costs for washing, peeling and boiling SP were said to be
minor, bakers complained that using boiled, mashed SP required too much labour
and preparation time.
SP flour did not produce such a good quality product, giving a brownish
Initial consumer reaction was negative, due to different size, shape and colour. With
experience, products improved in quality and taste testing showed that acceptance
was better than for the traditional products.
An earlier study (Hagenimana, 1995) looking at the technical aspects of SP inclusion in these
products, carried out with a bakery in Kampala, found that areas for improvement with SP-
based bakery products were:
Bread—lack of sweetness (consumers in Kampala like very sweet bread!).
Chapatti—texture too oily and brittle.
Mandazi—needs to be larger and less sweet.
In general, products made from fresh grated SP were too oily.
SP flour is easier for bakers and others to use, but produces a lower quality product (or can
only be used at a lower level of substitution). The boiled, mashed sweetpotato produces the
best result, but implies extra effort on the part of the processor/baker to use it. At a micro-
scale this may not be a big problem, but for a bakery it could reduce their interest in using SP.
The seasonality of supply of fresh roots may also be a problem, although it is not mentioned
in these reports. Fresh roots may not be available all year, implying reliance on SP flour (and a
lower quality product) or reversion to 100% wheat flour. Such variation in product quality
may not be acceptable to bakers/processors, especially for larger scale businesses.
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This analysis was intended to determine the viability of the sweetpotato post-harvest
technologies introduced by the project. These comprised2:
Juice production
The data included costs and benefits (direct and indirect) incurred/obtained by farmers in
employing the various technologies, their input requirements, the prices of inputs and
outputs, the availability of inputs, as well as qualitative information regarding the
acceptability of the technologies by the farmers.
Storage structures and fresh roots and vine production/marketing were also considered - see other sections of this
report for details
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costs 1000 Uganda Shillings on average, which is almost twice as much as the
income earned from the sale of chips alone. The biggest marketing challenge that
farmers face is quality assurance of the flour. This is mainly due to two factors: a)
Farmers cannot determine the required moisture content of the chips and often mill
chips that are not properly dried and b) Since farmers use public mills, the
sweetpotato flour is often mixed with impurities from other products such as maize,
sorghum, and millet. The other important challenge is that sweetpotato products
like flour, cakes, porridge, and others are new to the local market and their demand
is currently low due to limited awareness. The economic analysis found that flour
processing was viable among the surveyed respondents. The cost-benefit ratio was
highest in Mukono with 3.7, followed by Luweero with 2.0 and then by Mpigi with
1.7 (Tables 2).
Conclusions: As expected, the most viable technologies generally required the
lowest start-up capital, and produced products that are in high demand in most of
the intervention districts (Table 2).
Table 2. Summary of sweetpotato enterprise cost-benefit analysis for three districts in Uganda.
Enterprise Mukono Luweero Mpigi
Sweetpotato fresh roots 2.10 2.10 1.50
Improved vine production 2.40 2.30 1.60
Juice production 0.98 0.90 0.99
Storage structures 12.70 15.90 12.70
Sweetpotato chips 0.90 0.66 0.89
Sweetpotato flour 3.70 2.00 1.70
Sweetpotato snacks 1.10 0.90 1.10
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were obtained (PRAPACE, undated):
Sweetpotato has the potential to improve rural household incomes and to be
instrumental in fighting rural poverty.
Commercial production of fresh roots both for the local and export market is viable
and the financial indicators can improve when sale of fresh roots for either market is
combined with sale of vines.
Production of chips is not viable in the short term; but may be viable in the long term
and if a lower discount rate prevails.
Processing of flour is viable whether home-grown or purchased roots are used.
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However, if these prices, and those used for the different snack foods are correct, then there
does appear to be potential for SP inclusion in these specific districts of Uganda. Of course,
there prices may vary elsewhere in the country, so the danger is that positive economic
factors will only be present in a minority of production areas.
From an enterprise perspective, the study indicates that a stand-alone SP chip production
business is not viable, but one that produces flour (with chips as an intermediate product)
may be. One additional potential enterprise was not considered: the production of boiled,
mashed SP for sale to bakers. With a better product quality than SP flour, the use of boiled
mashed SP could have more potential than the flour, apart from the disincentives faced by
bakers due to the extra cost and labor required.
SP crisps
A study was made of SP fried crisp production by a women's group enterprise in Nairobi
(Gatumbi and Hagenimana, 1998). The Ni Witu women's group had 15 members. The process
involves root washing, peeling, slicing and frying in oil (Elianto) for 5 minutes, and
subsequent packaging. An artesanal SP slicer was an important item of locally made
equipment, producing 2mm-thick slices. The product was sold to schools and kiosks. Yellow-
and white-fleshed varieties were both used and accepted. The yield of SP crisps was 45-50%.
Fat content was only 21%—less than for potato crisps, but moisture content was higher at
8% (potato moisture content was only 1-2%). Profit was 17% per packet sold. They produced
40kg/week in 1995. Sales fall off in school holidays. A 100g bag sells for 20ksh (potato crisps
are 40ksh/bag).
A linear relationship between high dry matter (DM) content of roots and low oil uptake
during frying of SP crisps was found. Using SP roots with the same DM content as potato
results in crisps with a much lower oil content. Use of boiled, mashed SP (50% wheat flour
substitution) reduces oil uptake in mandazis and other products as well (but 30% substitution
does not) (Hagenimana and Oyunga, 1998).
In another study (Hagenimana et al., 1998), a correlation between high root DM content and
low oil uptake during frying was found. Use of high DM roots was recommended for
processed products as this lowers cost through less use of expensive oil. However, wheat
flour substitution rates of 50% were needed if the oil content of end products was to be
significantly lower than in products made using 100% wheat flour.
Thus, while the SP crisp product offers an interesting technical advantage over potato crisps
in terms of lower oil content and has been successfully marketed on a small scale, the
profitability of an enterprise based on this product has not yet been assessed.
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The information for this section comes from two main community-based projects, the VITAA
project in East Africa and the Towards Sustainable Nutrition Improvement (TSNI) project in
Mozambique, supplemented by other references, especially as regards technical data.
The VITAA project has promoted 15 new OFSP varieties across the East African region, with
estimated adoption ranging from 1-2% of the planted area in Tanzania, to 10-15% in Kenya.
Markets for the planting material of these varieties exist, and this can be an income
generating opportunity for farmers, particularly when non-governmental organizations need
vines for distribution to their clients (Kapinga et al., 2005). A range of OFSP varieties that are
adapted to local growing conditions and are accepted by consumers exist (Carey et al., 1999)
and breeding work is on-going to improve drought resistance, virus resistance, and increase
dry matter content, offering scope to expand production across the region in the short and
medium-term (Low, personal communication).
Carotene/Vitamin A contents
The beta-carotene content of SP roots varies greatly, from a trace to >90µg/g fresh root
weight. The orange root flesh color correlates with beta-carotene content (Hagenimana et al.,
1999a). The highest level is found in deep orange-fleshed cultivars.
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More recently, as knowledge on bioavailability and losses due to processing has improved,
CIP breeders defined different cut-off points for classifying sweetpotatoes based on their
beta-carotene content (Gruneberg, personal communication, based on evaluation of 1,300
germplasm clones across two locations):
non-detectable: <0.26 µg/g fwb for dry matter (DM) of 25-28%.
low beta-carotene: 0.26-24.9 µg/g fwb for DM of 25-28%.
moderate beta-carotene: 25-50 µg/g fwb for DM of 25-28%.
high beta-carotene: >50 µg/g fwb for DM of 25-28%.
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found by Bengtsson et al. (2008) in seven different improved OFSP cultivars from Uganda:
boiling in water for 20 mins (open pot) reduces the all-trans-beta-carotene content (which
compromises the major provitamin A carotenoid found in OFSP roots and have highest
provitamin A activity) by between 19 and 30%, depending on the variety.
The effect of home preparation practices on the beta-carotene content in six orange- and
yellow-fleshed sweet potato varieties from Kenya was demonstrated by Kidmose et al. (2007).
Boiling in water (covered pot) of the two high beta-carotene content varieties (Tainung and
SPK 004; >50 µg/g fresh root weight) for 39 and 22 mins respectively reduces all-trans-beta-
carotene content of Tainung by about 15%, whereas it increases all-trans-beta-carotene
content of SPK 004. The latter might be related to a higher chemical extractability of beta-
carotene due to changes in the cell wall structure during a mild heat treatment. Stollman
(2005) also observed that beta-carotene content is slightly higher in boiled samples of the
OFSP variety Ejumula compared to fresh roots.
According to Bengtsson et al. (2008), oven-drying slices of Ejumula at 57ºC for 10 h reduced
the all-trans-beta-carotene concentration by 12%, whereas solar-drying (at temperatures
between 45 and 63ºC for 6 to 10 h) resulted in 9% reduction. Highest losses were observed
for open-air sun dried slices (16% for drying temperatures between 30 and 52ºC for 6 to 10 h).
Differences in losses between the different drying methods were not significant (Bengtsson
et al., 2008). A thesis study of the effect of processing on pro-vitamin A in sweetpotato
(Stollman, 2005) also confirmed that solar-drying of Ejumula chips produced higher residual
beta-carotene content than did open-air drying of root slices in direct sunlight. This was due
to shorter drying times and reduced exposure to sunlight. Solar drying takes place at a higher
temperature (45°C) compared to 25°C for air-drying, but this does not seem to matter.
Similarly, Kosambo (2004) found that cabinet drying (oven-drying at a temperature of 58ºC
for 4 hours) is less destructive on beta-carotene than sun-drying on Kakamega (28% versus
83%) and Jonathan (47% versus 72%). The average loss of all-trans-beta-carotene content
observed in 13 OFSP varieties from Kenya was 35%. Higher beta-carotene content varieties
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seem to loose more carotenoids during cabinet drying than varieties with lower beta-
carotene contents (Kosambo 2004).
In the TSNI project (Low et al., 2005) during 2004, 39% of intervention households dried OFSP
and 75% of those followed the recommended practice of shade drying. Samples of chips
dried under local conditions showed good beta-carotene content for the darker orange-
fleshed Resisto variety (ranging from 716-1,050µg RAE3/100g or 86-126µg beta-carotene/g
product) and a much lower content from the light orange-fleshed CN-1448-49 (165-191µg
RAE/100g or 20-23µg beta-carotene/g product). Therefore, use of darker orange-fleshed
varieties such as Resisto for chipping and drying was recommended as superior to using light
orange-fleshed varieties like CN-1448-49. However, contrary to expectations, the beta-
carotene in the samples dried in direct sunlight was not completely destroyed. Average levels
for Resisto were only 21% lower in direct sunlight than for non-direct sunlight treatments.
Recent studies reported by Bechoff et al. (2008a) aimed to clarify extent and nature of
provitamin A losses during drying of chipped and sliced sweetpotatoes (high beta carotene
variety from the US). Interestingly, losses in all-trans-beta-carotene for hot-drying (cross
flow drying; chips at 42ºC for 2 hours; slices at 42ºC for 7.5 hours), solar drying (chips and
slices at 38ºC for 8.5 hours) and sun-drying (chips and slices at about 29ºC for 8 hours) were
low and ranged from 16 to 34%, which confirms the above findings reported by Bengtsson
et al. (2008). Drying by hot air showed significantly lower losses than sun drying, but no
significant difference was found between drying by hot air and solar drying. The high
retention of beta-carotene in sun dried samples may be in part due to favorable weather
conditions during drying (hot and dry, windy), which allowed quick drying. The effect of
sun-drying on total carotenoid content reduction was significantly higher for chipped
sweetpotatoes compared to slices.
Bechoff et al. (2008b) also evaluated Ugandan OFSP varieties for total carotenoid retention
after drying in solar dryers of different types (tunnel and tent) and sun drying, and after
subsequent storage of four months at room temperature. Drying of Ejumula and Kakamega
was investigated under wet and dry weather conditions. Higher carotenoid losses were
observed in wet weather (11%) compared to dry weather (7%), i.e. lower losses occur when
drying time is reduced (3 days in wet weather versus 1.5 days in dry weather). No significant
difference was observed between carotenoid retention in solar or sun dryer. Again, higher
losses resulting of sun-drying compared to solar-drying were not found, which is in contrast
to several authors (see above), but in line with the results of previous studies of Bechoff et al.
(2008a). The lack of differences might be in part due to the fact that sun-drying in this study
was faster than solar-drying and was controlled (samples were covered at night or in case of
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rain; end of drying was carefully monitored). Other findings are that varieties with high
moisture content lose more carotenoids and that the initial total carotenoid content is
positively correlated with losses during drying.
Dried Kakamega and Ejumula chips showed high losses of carotenoids after four months of
storage at ambient temperatures in polythene bags with an average of 68.2%, ranging from
63.7 to 76.6 % (Bechoff et al., 2008b). If losses from drying and storage are combined, the
range is from 75.8 to 85.4% (overall loss). The packaging material did not influence the levels
of loss. Bechoff et al. (2008b) also studied the effect of sweetpotato variety on provitamin A
retention. The losses in total carotenoids after storage of four months in local black polythene
bags at room temperature were high in all six Ugandan OFSP varieties and reached 70.4%
(overall losses: 74.7%).
SP flour
According to Stollman (2005), SP flour had higher beta-carotene content than the dried
slices (from which they were derived). This unexpected result may be due to the relative
ease of extraction from ground tissues, and also to inherent variability between root
samples. However, it is in contrast to more recent findings of Kidmose et al. (2007) that
demonstrated a further reduction in all-trans-beta-carotene content by 17% if Zapallo
chips were processed into flour.
Interestingly, according to Bengtsson et al. (2008), deep-frying of OFSP roots for 10 mins (at
160-170ºC) reduces all-trans-beta-carotene content by about the same percentage as boiling
or steaming – between 20 and 24%, depending on the variety. Bengtsson et al. (2008) explain
that the similar retention values obtained for the three preparation methods could be due to
the fact that the OFSP roots were prepared as ready-to-eat products with different
preparation times. Using the same preparation time might lead to higher retention for the
steamed samples compared to boiled and deep-fried samples. However, Stollman (2005)
reports that frying at 150°C of Ejumula chips (no indication of frying time) greatly reduces
beta-carotene content (by 72%).
Levels of beta-carotene in baked products made of Ejumula flour, such as cakes, chapattis
and mandazis are very low according to Stollman (2005), both because of additional
ingredients added and high temperatures the products are exposed to (mandazis were deep-
fried in 180°C and chapattis were shallow fried at 150°C). An exception is bread made from
fresh boiled and mashed OFSP roots; despite losses during processing, the beta-carotene
Retinol Activity Equivalent (RAE)=12µg beta-carotene in mixed foods.
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content of bread rolls is still important if dark orange-fleshed varieties are used (about 15µg/g
product; see below) (Low et al., 2005).
The conclusion from these studies is that normal cooking procedures—especially steaming
or boiling for reasonable preparation times—and solar-, shade- or sun-drying (if carefully
controlled) of fresh roots to produce chips will allow significant and useful amounts of beta-
carotene to remain if a variety with high beta-carotene content is used. Storage has a far
more damaging effect on beta-carotene content than drying and further losses are likely to
occur during re-hydration of dried chips/slices into porridge or other dishes.
Despite the loss of beta-carotene during processing, substituting OFSP (Zapallo variety with
moderate beta-carotene content) flour for some of the flour in buns (for example: 120g OFSP
flour mixed with 400g wheat flour), chapattis and mandazis increased the vitamin A value
calculated in RAE of these products from 8 to 152-167µg RAE4/100g product5. Hence, 100g of
a bun could cover about 50% of the daily recommended vitamin A intake of 300µg RAE for
young children (1-3 years old) (Hagenimana et al., 1999b; IOM, 2004). Hagenimana et al.
(1999b) reported that these processed products were well accepted locally and sold well in
Western Kenya.
Assuming 87% of total carotenoids in the OFSP variety Zapallo is in form of beta-carotene and RAE is based on a
12:1 conversion rate of beta-carotene to retinol.
This corresponds to 18-20µg beta-carotene/g of product.
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In the TSNI project in Mozambique, Low et al. (2005) found that OFSP was a relatively
inexpensive source of calories and a very cheap source of vitamin A in the Zambezian food
system. On average, OFSP was the second cheapest source of vitamin A in local markets in
2003 (60 MT (0.25 cents) per 100 RAE units), and the cheapest in 2004 (34 MT (0.14 cents) per
100 RAE units). In 2004, meeting the RDA for a child less than 6 years old with OFSP cost less
than 1 cent per day.
Four recipes for OFSP-based processed products developed by TSNI partner SARRNET/INIA
were adapted for the Zambezian market. The most popular and profitable product proved to
be golden bread, in which 38% of wheat flour is substituted with boiled and mashed OFSP.
Bread is one of the first processed products produced in rural markets when wheat flour is
available and is widely consumed by the rural poor in small amounts when available for
purchase. Golden bread increased profit margins of bakers in the three pilot test sites from
50% to 92%. Profits rose by 92% for one baker primarily due to the lower cost of OFSP in
relation to imported wheat flour and extending by one day the baker’s use of a bag of
purchased wheat flour.
The majority of consumers preferred golden bread to white bread because of its heavier
texture and golden color. Golden bread made from fresh boiled and mashed roots was
preferred in terms of taste and appearance to golden bread made from re-hydrated dried
OFSP chips. However, the use of dried OFSP chips may extend the period over which golden
bread can be baked if the chips could be economically ground into flour prior to use, as
bakers disliked the laborious process required to mash the re-hydrated chips.
Laboratory analysis conducted by Paul Jaarsveld of the Medical Research Council in South
Africa (reported in Low et al., 2005) on bread samples from five OFSP varieties showed that
dark orange-flesh varieties like Resisto produced buns with sufficient all-trans-beta-carotene
content to be considered excellent sources of vitamin A for young children and good sources
for adults. For a child 1-3 years old, a small bun of 60 gm made with Resisto would contribute
25% of the daily recommended vitamin A intake level, whereas a medium-sized bun of 110
gm provides 45%. Results indicate that three-quarters of the beta-carotene found in the
bread samples is in the bio-available all-trans-beta-carotene form. As a rule of thumb,
processed products with at least 15 µg/g product of all-trans-beta-carotene can be
considered good sources of vitamin A. Bread made from the fresh, boiled and mashed dark
orange-fleshed sweetpotato varieties MGCL01 (Persistente), 440215 (Gabagaba) and Resisto
meet these criteria as does bread made from dried chips of Resisto.
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Bechoff et al. (2008a) found that the flours studied (hot air dried, solar dried and sun dried)
had estimated vitamin A activities between 1,596 and 2,012µg RAE/100g flour and therefore
provide substantial amounts of vitamin. For 1-3 year old children, these vitamin A activities
represent 532-671% of their daily vitamin A requirements and for 4-8 year old children, about
400-500% of their daily vitamin A requirements (IOM 2004). These estimations do not
consider losses, which can be significant, during further processing (Bechoff et al., 2008a).
Looking at dried chips of six Ugandan OFSP varieties shows that most varieties have high
vitamin A activity after drying (>400µg RAE/100g product with an average of about 843µg
RAE/100g) (Bechoff et al., 2008b). But after four months of storage at ambient temperature
the average vitamin A activity drops to 228µg RAE/100g. If further processing losses,
estimated at about 50% during preparation of dried OFSP into the finished product (mandazi,
bread etc.), are also considered then only chips used for processing immediately after drying
could provide a major part of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A for young children
provided 100g of the finished product are consumed (Bechoff et al., 2008b).
Based on the presented results, it can be concluded that processed products such as
bread, buns and mandazis can contribute significantly to meeting daily vitamin A
requirements in young children if high beta-carotene content OFSP varieties are used.
But, beta-carotene losses during the storage period for the chips seem critical and have
not been considered in most of the above cited studies and calculations. As Bechoff et
al. (2008) point out, the contribution to the daily vitamin A requirements reduces
greatly if dried chips are stored for 4 months before further processing.
Low et al. (2005) report combined results of pilot activities and research from Central
Mozambique that indicate that OFSP can significantly improve intake of vitamin A among
rural populations, and represents an attractive and sustainable complement to vitamin A
capsule distribution. Results indicate that the intervention succeeded in improving diet
diversity, energy and vitamin A intake at the household level and among reference children
during the main sweetpotato harvest period (August-October). Median intake of vitamin A
was 8.3 times higher among intervention than among control children. 100 grams of medium
or darker intensity OFSP could easily provide the RDA (300 µg RAEs for children 1-3 years old
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and 400 µg RAEs for children 4-8 years old) (IOM, 2004). Three-quarters of the consumers said
they preferred OFSP to white-fleshed sweetpotato after a promotional campaign.
Kapinga and Ndunguru (2006) report that in the VITAA project in Eastern Uganda, CIP-VITAA
in liaison with the National Agricultural Organization (NARO) and district farmer-oriented
organizations (NAADS and SOCADIDO) have facilitated the availability of OFSP planting
material and two chipper machines for pilot processing by the farmer groups (FFS). Out of 87
acres of sweetpotato planted in 2003 in the Soroti district alone, 57 belong to graduated and
on-going FFS groups, 20 acres to individuals and 20 acres to SOCADIDO groups. An estimated
15 tones of roots were harvested and delivered for chipping. The acreage has grown to be
about nine times that planted during the initial promotional season of the previous year. To
date, more than ten tones of OFSP chips have been processed. The challenge is still the
limited market for chips and the intending processors are cautiously adjusting to use of
sweetpotato chips in their mixtures. Meanwhile more food processors are being sensitized on
the viability of incorporating sweetpotato chips into their products.
A focus on the enterprise aspects of SP product would appear to be needed to provide the
demand-pull that can complement the production-push the project has already achieved.
Limited work has been done in this area, especially in analysis of the financial viability of the
processing enterprise. A pilot study was initiated in 2003 in Eastern Uganda, conducted by
NARO scientists in collaboration with CIP-VITAA. The major objective was to assess the
efficiency of new processing technology and the profitability of processing and marketing
dried OFSP. Two FFS groups were identified for processing in the villages of Gweri and Kyere
in the Soroti district. These were provided with the motorized chippers. The groups were
trained in improved processing and drying techniques. Fresh roots were bought from farmers
who committed themselves to feed the processing units with fresh roots. Varieties processed
include SPK 004 and Ejumula. Results showed that it is more efficient to process dried
sweetpotato chips using a motorized chipper.
However, the VITAA report states that “based on the current data, it is not profitable to
process and market the dried sweetpotato chips with the current production trends”
implying that even with the nutritional advantages offered by OFSP, the high cost of the SP
flour is a major drawback for commercial and consumer acceptance, at least in this region of
Uganda. It is unfortunate that more economic data were not collected to guide future actions
in this area.
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The overall conclusions from the OFSP projects to date are that:
OFSP varieties have beta-carotene contents high enough to contribute significantly
(after cooking/processing) to daily recommended vitamin A intake of young children
in Africa.
Some food products containing OFSP such as golden bread are of good quality and
acceptable to consumers, including children.
Nutritional education and OFSP promotional campaigns form an integral part of the
strategy for the adoption of these varieties.
Bakers/processors can reap some advantages from the use of OFSP raw materials,
but cost disadvantages—in some regions at least—may hinder their commercial
uptake as a raw material for food product manufacture, despite successful
promotion of the varieties at farm level.
Collection of relevant data on profitability and beta-carotene content of products
varies among products and needs to be standardized.
It would only be justified to give attention to sweetpotato starch in East Africa if:
The local starch producing industry becomes more dynamic.
High yielding, high dry matter sweetpotato varieties allow the crop to compete with
cassava and maize on a production cost basis (per kilogram of dry starch).
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While there are some high dry matter content/low sugar content varieties of sweetpotatoes
that could conceivably be evaluated for starch processing (were domestic demand for starch
to expand in East Africa), there are also a number of very high yielding cassava varieties that
could also be tested, and would provide difficult competition. This must remain a long shot
for sweetpotatoes, and research funds would be best invested elsewhere.
As far as roots for animal feed are concerned, Tewe (1994) reports some very high dry matter
varieties from an IITA field trial that produced up to a very high 220t/ha DM yield, but under
field station conditions in small experimental plots. Although these figures are unrealistically
high for commercial or on-farm conditions, they do indicate the potential of the crop to be a
high yielding option for dry matter production, and also to fit into short-cropping systems
unlike some other feed alternatives (e.g. cassava).
While pigs are common livestock in many African villages, they are not usually raised for the
market. Unusually, Low (1995) reports that SP roots and vines are fed to pigs in Ndhiwa
district (Southwest Kenya) and that a market for SP roots developed in the locality for this
purpose. In this area, the production of pigs appears to be intensifying as it takes on a more
commercial aspect.
Peters (1998) reports a short field survey in Soroti District, Uganda, where 39 out of the 57
homesteads interviewed raised pigs. The head of the Farmers’ Association of each village
estimated that 40% of homesteads in Dokolo, 70% in Aukot, and 80% in Awoja raise pigs.
Pigs and sweetpotato were perceived as ways to gain quick turnaround of cash while cattle
and cassava were for the long haul. The average number of pigs per homestead in the three
villages was 1.69, 2.13, and 1.67. Most farmers considered pig-raising a profitable venture, but
hesitated to raise more for the following four common reasons:
Managing and confining the pigs was of great concern because a steep fine was imposed
if the pigs were caught grazing on neighbor’s crops. Pig growth was poor, with an
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average monthly growth rate of 3.45 kg in Dokolo, 2.11 kg in Aukot, and 2.7 kg in Awoja
In general, after seven to eight months of rearing, the pigs reach only 20-30kg, a weight
range commonly associated with piglets elsewhere in the world. The pigs were mainly
fed on sweetpotato roots and vines, along with other locally available feeds—brew
residues, fish bones, grass, mango, and papaya—which had little cash value. At this rate
of growth, the average value of sweetpotato was as low as 24.4 ush/kg- in Aukot, up to
32.7 in Dokolo (due to the low prices of the piglets), and as high as 38.7 in Awoja. These
values were lower than the fresh market prices, which made pig rearing not particularly
profitable at these growth rates.
The slow growth rate is surprising, indicating considerable potential for improvement. The
following factors contributed to slow growth rate:
Pigs rooted around the trees on which they were tethered and often were infested
with worms. Most homesteads in Awoja treated their pigs for worms while few did
so in Aukot; consequently, despite feeding the lowest amount of sweetpotato,
Awoja achieved the highest growth rate.
Pigs were often tethered next to open latrines and exposure to human faeces put
pigs at risk for infection.
The local breed may not be a fast growing race of pigs.
The daily diet was not balanced and feeding was sporadic.
Sweetpotato roots were mostly fed fresh and even when cooked, the roots were
cooked too briefly to allow starch to break down.
The pigs lacked any protein supplement, especially in light of the fact that
sweetpotato vines, the main source of protein, were fed only during the harvest
season. The vines were not chopped or cooked and whole vines were given to pigs,
which ate only the leaves and left the vines untouched.
The fact that SP roots are fed raw or briefly cooked indicates that the anti-nutritional factor
(trypsin inhibitor) has not been deactivated, and that the starch remains relatively
indigestible, contributing to the slow growth rate.
None of the respondents cited “lack of market” as a constraint to pig rearing. Pigs in this area
were marketed in three ways.
Farmer slaughtered the pig himself and took the meat to the village market to sell it
by weight. Pork sold by the kilogram earned a higher unit price than a live pig, but
there was more work involved.
Farmer sold the live pig to a butcher who would offer a set price for the pig. The
value was lower, but it relieved the farmer from the butchering and selling task.
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Livestock was sold in a district market which rotates around various districts in this
area each day, and one such market is available daily.
In addition to the local and district markets, Soroti used to have access to the Kampala
market. Before the 1995 insurgency, Kampala trucks used to come to the Otuboi market each
Saturday to collect pigs. The local middlemen would collect the pigs prior to the arrival of the
city collectors with the trucks. Live pigs collected for the Kampala market commanded twice
the price of the local market. The pig production in this area was much higher in the past
when the Kampala market was available. The local district office in 1997 was encouraging
farmers to raise the pig stock again so that they could regain a share of the Kampala market.
The problem in the pig industry is not demand but rather supply. Until the Kampala market
revives, pigs are sold in these district markets in relatively small quantities. For example, the
Otuboi marketers slaughtered 15 pigs and sold 10 pigs and 15 piglets each Saturday, a total
quantity of 450 kg per week. Assuming similar quantities were sold in other markets each
day of the week, there is a local demand of 225 pigs a week in the Soroti district.
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Perhaps the most advanced project in this area for which reports are available is the Project
on ‘Commercialization and Marketing of OFSP in Kenya” implemented by Family Concern
(Anon, 2006). This project is being implemented with 3,435 smallholder farmers in three
provinces and with over 15 public and private sector partners. The report states that the
programme has successfully established partnerships between smallholder farmers and
private sector players in commercialization, product development and market linkages for
OFSP. Achievements to date are:
Partnership with market intermediaries established and sales of fresh roots
Sales to two major supermarket chains in Nairobi (Uchumi and Nakumatt)
Flour launched, 2 tones in the process of sale worth Kshs.80,7225.
Two groups in the Central Province made sales of Kshs. 120,000 in one season
Annual sales for fresh roots in Western Kenya estimated at Kshs. 200,000.
Sales of vines (planting material) provided good income for farmers, and
demonstrate popularity of the OFSP varieties with farmers.
At the time of writing, sales to Uchumi and Nakumatt supermarkets in Nairobi were
continuing (Mumbi, personal communication). Achieving a sustainable market chain based
on repeat sales implies successful management of quality criteria important to supermarket
chains, and the ability to organise a continuous supply of sweetpotatoes, overcoming
seasonal limitations of individual production areas. The project has been improving the
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organization skills of wholesale traders to improve the delivery of fresh roots to the Nairobi
market with the aim of ensuring that traders will continue to deliver to existing markets and
be capable of developing new urban buyers by the time the project is completed.
Another report from the same project (Anon, 2005) mentions a number of problems
including a lack of reliable, ready and sustainable markets coupled with poor or weak
marketing structures for OFSP and a lack of awareness of traders and consumers of OFSP.
The project countered these problems by building partnerships with those farmers who
already market (non-OFSP) sweetpotatoes to Nairobi. They were trained and supplied with
OFSP vines for planting, in close collaboration with traders. However, the implications of this
shift in strategy are not clear—did this mean abandoning the farmers who were initially
targeted with OFSP? Were the new, more market-oriented farmers less poor than those
originally targeted?
The OFSP flour supply chain is also developing—Family Concern is collaborating with four
private sector companies marketing various flours targeting different market segments
(Table 3).
In addition, another firm (in Busia) is targeted to be linked to a flour processor who will
involve the producer groups in value-adding activities through the provision of marketing
services like branding, packing, transportation and sales. Family Concern aims to work closely
with the processor to offer promotional support and community mobilization services as well
as marketing support services.
This report generates further questions—exactly who will be producing the OFSP flour—a
farmer group enterprise perhaps. What are the costs and expected benefits of this
enterprise? Will the sales price negotiated with the four industrial clients provide sufficient
return on investment?
It would also be useful to have an indication of the food industry perspective on the
nutritional and economic value of OFSP. Does the nutritional advantage represent a
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meaningful selling point that can be marketed to consumers? and, if so, does this give the
flour a price premium over non-OFSP flour, or other competing flours (e.g. wheat)?
The Family Concern project thus represents a valid attempt to overcome the market
limitations of a new raw material/product like OFSP. A more developed strategy would imply
presenting a model of the supply chain from farm to consumer, with indications of the
different actors present at each stage and the relationships between them.
In Mozambique, the TSNI project (Low et al., 2005) used a pro-active market creation model
to introduce OFSP products to the market: A key challenge was to devise a system that
encouraged households to produce surplus OFSP production for the market, but at the same
time assured that home consumption remained adequate to obtain the nutritional benefits
for the farming household as well. This was a particular challenge in those localities where
men, rather than women, had more decision-making power concerning sales of OFSP.
The pilot concept consisted of enhancing the trading skills of a local small-scale trader. A
market booth decorated with promotional messages in a highly accessible location for both
producers and purchasers of OFSP was used, and the trader agreed to follow purchasing rules
established by the project, in exchange for exclusive use of the decorated booth and
assistance by extension staff in establishing links with farmer groups producing OFSP.
The guiding principle underlying the strategy was to introduce the concept of quality grades,
whereby first quality OFSP is purchased for a higher unit price than second quality OFSP, and
OFSP not achieving second quality status is never purchased, nor is white -fleshed local
sweetpotato. At his stall, the trader purchased first quality roots at 1500 meticais (MT)/kg, and
resold them at 3000 MT/kg. He purchased second quality roots at 1000 MT/kg and re-sold
them for 1500 MT/kg6. This strategy sought to create a new and exclusive market for OFSP
based on its visible trait, while at the same time guaranteeing that a significant quantity of
OFSP remained for home consumption.
The trained trader successfully implemented the grading scheme to financially reward
farmers for higher quality OFSP. Farmers responded to the presence of a buyer and other
project promotional activities by significantly expanding area under production. Whereas no
intervention households had OFSP plots over 500 square meters in size in 2003, 35% did in
2004. The trader purchased over 3.3 tones of OFSP and had a gross margin of US$188 for the
6-month season.
In 2004, there were approximately 24,000 meticais (MT) to $1 USD.
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In this way, the project actively stimulated a trader to start marketing OFSP, and a supply
chain was established as a result. It would be useful to know whether the supply chain has
continued to be operational after the end of the TSNI project—i.e. was it sustainable, or were
the services of extension staff in making the links with farmers essential for its continuation.
Presumably, if the market were attractive enough, the trader would invest in this himself in
due course.
Five rural-based pilot processing centers were established and used as focal points for
assessing and demonstrating technologies for processing sweetpotato value–added
products. Farmer groups used the pilot centers to produce and market sweetpotato dried
chips to urban millers, who utilized it to process sweetpotato composite flour. Sweetpotato
snack products and juices were also processed and sold to local markets in the rural
communities. Cost-benefit analyses of processing technologies and other sweetpotato
enterprises generally indicated that they were economically viable (see details in section 2.5).
Although many of these processing activities had positive cost-benefit evaluations, it is not
clear how many of them went on to become sustainable business activities, with lasting
supply chain linkages with the producer groups involved in the project. Did the pilot
activities on which the cost benefit analyses were based take off? Did the market for SP flour
and products based on this ingredient materialize as expected? The report states that the
Sweetpotato Coalition is being transformed into an Association to ensure sustainability after
the project termination, so hopefully these issues are being addressed.
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Family Concern - OFSP farmers sell to small enterprise making SP dried chips, the
miller produces flour as a service provider the enterprise (fee per kilogram), the
enterprise packages the flour, and then they sell to a registered market development
firm that identifies outlets (Touchstone), who sub-contracts a distributor to deliver
the product to large-scale supermarkets and other outlets.
SP Coalition project - SP farmers sell to SP chip/flour processors (also farm level
enterprises) who sell to local food processors/bakers, etc.
The key stage in the value-adding process is the production of the intermediate raw material
that food processors, bakers, small food sellers, and other players will use. They are unlikely to
want to purchase and process SP roots themselves (except for some micro-scale rural sellers),
so there is scope for a distinct business entity that can manufacture SP chips, flour and/or
boiled/mashed SP roots.
Cost-benefit analyses have determined that, in some situations, production of flour (but not
chips) is a viable business activity. No one has looked at production of boiled, mashed SP as a
stand-alone business enterprise option. If viable, this could be a useful link in the supply
chain from farm to consumer.
More attention to the business aspects of flour production could also be worthwhile.
Presumably, flour production close to the SP production region is indicated, to minimise the
cost of transporting SP roots that are mostly unwanted water. Does this imply farmer
operated processing units at small-medium scale? What drying technology is indicated to
provide the best combination of quality (microbial load, beta-carotene content, color, etc.)
and cost? What scale of operation? When these are clear, the valued added SP supply chain
from farm to consumer will be clearer. This will be taken up again in the conclusions section.
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A consumer acceptance study was carried out in Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya (Omosa, 1997).
This survey of 60 households in Nairobi and 30 in Kisumu (both stratified by income)
investigated existing sweetpotato consumption patterns. Omosa reports that in Kenya, fresh
sweetpotato is virtually never a major food source, but has a supplementary role in the diet.
The major staple in both Nairobi and Kisumu is ugali (stiff porridge made from maize and
other meals) and—to a lesser extent in Nairobi only—rice. The study concluded:
Fresh sweetpotato consumption in Nairobi and Kisumu is associated with the lower
income groups, and with consumption of porridge, mandazi and rice (and not with
consumption of bread, chapatti and other higher-income foods).
Over 90% of households in Nairobi and Kisumu eat sweetpotatoes at least once a
week, mainly at breakfast. Of these, 80-90% are purchased from the market (Nairobi)
or roadside sellers (Kisumu). All ethnic groups except Luo and European see
sweetpotatoes as an acceptable breakfast food in Nairobi, while in Kisumu the Luo
have a more favourable opinion of sweetpotatoes.
Sweetpotato consumption declines with education level, but higher education level
correlates with more flexible food habits, open to change. Consumption also
declines slightly by income level—sweetpotatoes are eaten by all lower income
households, by 94% of middle-income households and by 84% of upper-income
At both locations and all income levels and in all ethnic groups, fresh sweetpotato is
usually prepared by washing or peeling and boiling/steaming. Occasionally it is fried.
Fresh sweetpotato is viewed positively by surveyed households, and is associated
with attributes such as satisfying, energy food, available, cheap and a substitute
for bread.
Processed SP products do exist, and are consumed on-farm in some areas. There is some
traditional small-scale marketing of these products, especially in the major production
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regions. But these are minor forms of utilization and do not account for significant volumes of
production (GTZ, 1998). Section 2.4 provides additional information on fresh root marketing
and storage.
Respondents reported that the price millers paid for raw materials ranged between US$1.23–
0.21 (Ug Shs 220-360)/kg for maize, US$ 0.07-0.26 (Ug Shs125-450)/kg for millet and US$ 0.07-
0.2 (Ug Shs125-350) for cassava. End product prices ranged between US$0.23-0.34 (Ug Shs
400-600)/kg for maize flour US$0.24-0.35 (Ug Shs 420-620)/kg for millet flour and US$0.45 (Ug
Shs 800)/kg for the composite flour.
Four out of the nine milling enterprises interviewed were willing to try incorporating
sweetpotato flour into their flour products. Only one milling enterprise (Kasawo Grain Millers)
promised to pay the suggested price of US$0.29 (Ug Shs 500)/kg for dried chips. This is
understandable, since it is double the average price of cassava chips, for example. The poor
image and low status of sweetpotato compounds this price problem.
Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that although these industrial markets are
potential markets for sweetpotato dried chips, it is very difficult in the initial stages to
penetrate these markets with new products.
Equally, it is not attractive for many farmers to produce sweetpotatoes for sale at prices that
would make the flour competitive in price for the millers. Farmer groups in the Mpigi district
and areas in Luweero located near the city were unwilling to engage in processing activities
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as they indicated that they had good local and export markets and got good prices of
US$0.20-0.22 (Ug shs 350-400) per kilogram of fresh roots. Only the farmer groups in
Kiboga and parts of the Luweero district located far from the city were interested in
processing activities, because they did not have access to these markets for their fresh
roots. Prices of fresh roots in these areas were 75%-88% lower than those obtained by
farmers in the Mpigi district.
Experience with cassava flour production (see case study in Wheatley et al., 1995) suggests
that there is a trade-off between price and quality. Faster, high-temperature artificial drying
produces a more hygienic product that meets national flour standards for microbial load, but
at a higher cost than sun/shade drying. For OFSP there is the added consideration of beta-
carotene loss during processing. Finding the right technology and operating parameters to
optimize product quality while minimizing cost can be a difficult task.
The Family Concern project in Kenya is currently involved in OFSP flour marketing with
food industry clients in Kenya. Prices of OFSP flour (or processing technologies), compared
to other flours, are required to evaluate whether OFSP flour can avoid a straight price-
based competition with wheat, maize and/or cassava flours, based on its quality—i.e.
nutritional value.
Consumer acceptance
The consumer acceptance study carried out in Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya (Omosa, 1997) also
investigated both existing sweetpotato consumption patterns and attitudes towards the
potential incorporation of the crop in a range of processed food products such as chapatti,
mandazi, bread, etc. In addition, market sellers of sweetpotatoes and potential industrial
users of the crop were surveyed. The results of the SP consumption survey are reported in
section 4.1.
For snack and other processed foods, the study looked at how these were currently used, and
attempted to assess the prospects for consumer acceptance of the same products if
sweetpotato was used to replace wheat or other flour ingredients.
Snack foods such as cakes and biscuits are seen by consumers in Nairobi and Kisumu as
luxury items, eaten occasionally by higher income households, or only in celebrations by
lower income groups. Porridge, mandazi, chapattis are consumed as breakfast foods on a
small scale. Over 50% of households in both Nairobi and Kisumu consume bread for
breakfast. Maize porridge is the most common baby food at breakfast time, with potatoes
commonly given at lunch and supper.
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The survey then assessed the potential of sweetpotatoes to be incorporated into these
processed food products. These included ugali, porridge, biscuits, bread, cakes, mandazis,
chapattis, crisps and chips. Consumers were presented with samples of these food products
made with sweetpotato at some level of substitution7. Also, the author reports that it was not
possible to obtain useful data on potential prices (“willingness to pay”) for these products—
rather; an assessment of “willingness to try” was obtained (Table 4).
Table 4. Consumer willingness to try a range of processed food products using sweetpotato as an
ingredient (from Omosa 1997).
Product Consumer willingness to try (%)
Nairobi Kisumu
Biscuits 67 50
Chapatti 78 58
Chips 68 50
Crisps 74 68
Ugali 54 33
Bread 89 75
Cakes 84 75
Mandazi 83 69
Porridge 66 55
The main staple food ugali had the lowest level of acceptability once sweetpotato is
incorporated into the ingredients, followed by porridge. Both of these are non-sweet foods,
and the perception is apparently that use of sweetpotato would result in a marked change in
taste. The sweet taste of the raw material is not an issue for some of the other products such
as cakes and biscuits—and could even be an advantage to bakers as regards cost
reduction—thus their higher “willingness to try” scores.
The implication is therefore that sweetpotato will be most easily accepted as an ingredient in
those food products where consumption is fairly modest (i.e. snacks) and is higher among
upper income consumers. The exception to this is perhaps bread, which features as a regular
item for breakfast meals.
Consumers were in general very positive, however, about the concept of using
sweetpotato in processed foods, with 95% of consumers in favor—as were 90% of traders.
Consumers of snack foods are the most positive of all. Lower income groups have been
most exposed to processed sweetpotato products to date, with women knowing most
about preparation methods.
The levels of inclusion of sweetpotato, and the form—flour, fresh mashed etc—are not stated in the study,
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identified in these studies is that while flour is the easiest form of sweetpotato for
bakers/processors to use, it may not be economic to produce at prices that compete with
wheat or cassava flours, and tends to result in lower quality products—and consumer
acceptability—than using fresh grated or mashed and boiled SP roots.
The OFSP project reports (section 2.6) demonstrate that golden bread containing OFSP has
high consumer acceptability.
The current market for processed SP products, or intermediates such as flour, is very small,
and perhaps limited to a few local, traditional products in some areas plus recent market
development efforts of specific projects (Family Concern, etc.). The potential for demand
growth probably lies in this sector if economics are favorable and supply chains can be
sustainably organized. Reliability of supply is a major issue for (potential) industrial
consumers of sweetpotatoes—they are unlikely to invest in new capital equipment or
reformulate products in include sweetpotatoes unless a reliable supply is present.
As stated previously, the potential for OFSP to stimulate demand for sweetpotatoes, based
on nutritional attributes overriding purely economic considerations, remains to be seen.
Low (1995) states that men are largely responsible for producing commercial plots of SP in
South Kenya. Their involvement in producing SP roots for the market depends on having
access to roads and transport, and the availability of labor—having more than one adult
woman in the house. The capacity of smallholder farming households to meet an expansion
of demand is constrained by household labor availability, and by competing demands for this
labor. This could limit the growth of supply in the future.
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Omosa (1997) produced price series for the years 1989-92 for sweetpotatoes (fresh roots)
and wheat flour in Nairobi and Kisumu. A price series for sweetpotato flour also is
extrapolated based on expected conversion rates (not given). Under this scenario,
sweetpotato flour would have been at a roughly similar price, or more expensive, than
wheat flour in Nairobi, but would have been cheaper than wheat flour, on average, during
1991-2 (but not 1989-90) in Kisumu. This demonstrates that sweetpotato is most
competitive with other flours closer to the sites of crop production, where fresh roots costs
are lower. A similar situation was found in Indonesia with sweetpotato vs. wheat flour in
Kenonggo, East Java (Peters and Wheatley 1998).
Omosa (1997) provides no comparisons with cassava flour, however. Cassava is a more
common staple food in many of the regions where sweetpotatoes are grown, and produces
roots with a higher dry matter (and lower sugar) content. Cassava roots are generally cheaper
than those of sweetpotatoes, even in rural areas. Although they do contain cyanide, this is
usually reduced to innocuous levels through the drying/milling process itself. Thus,
sweetpotato is most likely to be the preferred wheat flour substitute for products where the
sweet taste characteristic is an advantage, with cassava flour having the advantage for other
products where a more neutral flour is sought.
Potato dry matter contents are generally lower than those of sweetpotato and other root
crops, and thus will not compete as a source of flour other than for specific food industry
applications where the specific functional qualities of potato starch are needed. Omosa
(1997) found that there was no competition between fresh potato and sweetpotato roots at
the level of urban household consumption.
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Much of the literature suggests that post-harvest R&D should emphasize options for
incorporating sweetpotatoes as a raw material in a range of value-added food products. In
this area, there is adequate information on technical aspects of using SP in these products,
and on the consumer acceptability of those products (generally good). What is missing is
information on:
Best technological options and operating conditions—at appropriate scales—for
producing intermediate products (flour, boiled, mashed SP) at competitive prices
and acceptable quality.
Structuring a sustainable supply chain from farm to (urban) consumer for these food
products, that includes existing food industry firms (SME and larger scales).
Financial viability and size of such market opportunities.
OFSP represents an exciting option for differentiating sweetpotatoes from other root crops
and flours, and for overcoming the ‘inferior good” connotations of the crop, based on a
compelling nutritional advantage (associated with an easily recognizable visible indicator—
orange color). The literature documents the acceptability of the orange-fleshed varieties, and
the products made from them, and confirms the nutritional benefits obtained from regular
consumption of food products that incorporate flour and boiled, mashed OFSP roots. To
complete the picture, more information would be welcome on:
Food industry perceptions of OFSP, and its interest/willingness to use it as raw
material. Do they see marketing advantages for products containing OFSP? Will they
pay more for it than for normal SP?
The costs of the nutritional and promotional campaign needed to introduce OFSP in
an area, and how this can be sustainably continued, if necessary, after the life of a
specific project or campaign.
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Finally, there remains scope for more attention to animal feed uses of the crop. This could be
especially important if processing involves sorting/grading SP roots, with a significant
volume of rejects requiring some productive utilization. The only detailed study found for
pigs, for example, was of one small area in Uganda carried out in 1997. A more general study
of the potential for improving pig production efficiency is warranted.
Priorities - OFSP
The TSNI project in Mozambique and the VITAA project elsewhere across East Africa have
convincingly demonstrated that OFSH can bring significant and beneficial public health
improvements through increasing dietary vitamin A intake, especially in vulnerable children.
Although OFSP was not traditionally consumed in the project area, it was well accepted by
the local population (once introduced)—i.e. there was no acceptability barrier for these novel
OFSP varieties.
In Mozambique, these very positive results were achieved through a proactive nutritional
education and promotional campaign, and support to planting material multiplication and
market development. For OFSP to realize the potential for a major public health impact at the
level of both rural and urban populations, these associated activities will also need to be
scaled up and out across the region. Research to develop and assess less intensive, lower cost
methods of reaching target groups would be worthwhile.
In the medium term, it will be important for all parties to monitor and evaluate the impact of
these efforts, and to put in place feedback mechanisms that will allow the methodology to be
adjusted in the light of experience over time.
Further technical research to identify, evaluate and promote new OFSP varieties suited to
different edaphoclimatic conditions (i.e. similar to local varieties where possible) is important.
OFSP varieties with high dry matter content will assist the use of OFSP in processed products,
including bakery goods. The excellent consumer acceptability of “golden bread” and other
OFSP-containing foods augurs well for future bakery and even food industry use, if
conversion rates can be maximized, and costs reduced. The next step is to take these
experiences beyond the pilot stage to full commercial implementation, once supplies of fresh
root raw materials are sufficient. The Family Concern project is attempting to make the
necessary supply chain links with the private sector, and this should be carefully monitored.
Other experiences elsewhere in Africa will be valuable. Case studies at this level should be
well documented.
Similarly, technical research to ensure that orange color and beta-carotene content are
maintained during processing (as far as is possible) is important. The use of dried
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sweetpotato offers prospects for incorporating very high levels of beta-carotene in food
products if processing losses can be minimized. The nutritional advantages and good
consumer acceptability (if promoted) could provide scope for OFSP to avoid the need to be
price competitive with wheat flour or cassava, unlike white-fleshed sweetpotato.
From a market and business perspective, OFSP offers a “unique selling point” that other
competing raw materials (fresh roots, flours) do not have. This does enable OFSP to compete
on factors other than price (an option not really possible for non-OFSP varieties, see later).
The very positive results of studies of the nutritional value of baked and other foods made
with OFSP raw materials provides ammunition to approach a number of food industry sub-
sectors, as the Family Concern project appears to be doing in Kenya. The experience now
being gained in that project will be critical in assessing if OFSP does indeed have a role in the
food industry over and above that occupied by non-OFSP. The pilot experience of the Family
Concern project does seem to have identified a number of factors that will be critical in
obtaining long-term interest of the food industry, e.g. continuity of supply. The reports do
not, however, provide details of prices and margins through the nascent market chain, as it
develops. This will be critical to establishing the potential sustainability of the chain, as well
as the share of value added which is captured in rural areas. It will also be interesting to see
how much industry is prepared to invest in promoting the nutritional advantages of their
new raw material—they should have an incentive to do this.
Attention should also be paid to use of OFSP by small food businesses (bakeries, street
sellers, market stall holders and other players) in villages or small towns, based on the
positive experiences from Mozambique and elsewhere. An efficient and effective
combination of nutritional education/promotion, and small business development around
OFSP could be possible with a relatively small investment of resources—perhaps a model
could be developed based on a number of pilot experiences. The education/promotion
component would also, of course, benefit on-farm consumption of OFSP among the rural
community at large.
The key question is, is it worthwhile to continue to expend R&D effort and resources on
expanding the utilization of sweetpotatoes, especially processed products derived from the
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roots, for those varieties that are not orange-fleshed—i.e. where no nutritional advantage
exists? In these situations, sweetpotato largely stands or falls on the basis of costs,
compared to competing sources of flour and starch such as wheat, cassava and maize. The
literature suggests that non-OFSP will find it difficult to compete with other sources of
starch and flour on a purely cost basis, since the fresh roots are more expensive per
kilogram than cassava, and have a lower conversion rate. Nevertheless some potential
advantages of non-OFSP exist:
Short crop production cycles allowing more than one harvest/year, resulting in
higher biomass and root yield/ha/yr compared to other root crops that may have
higher fresh root yields per harvest, but only one harvest per year. This advantage
would need to be expressed in terms of price for it to be apparent to potential
A higher sugar content than other root crops, potentially allowing processors
(bakers) incorporating sweetpotato flour in "sweet” products to reduce added sugar
(and hence the cost of other ingredients). This is reported in some papers, and would
give non-OFSP an advantage over cassava or wheat flour for some bakery products
and some types of consumers. It would however, make the flour less suited to non-
sweet bakery goods such as bread.
Plant breeders in Africa have identified some very high dry matter, non-sweet
cultivars/varieties that could potentially compete on a dry matter production/ha
basis with cassava. However, yields have often been determined only on small,
experimental plots in ‘research station’. Performance of these varieties will need to
be assessed and proven in a range of edaphoclimatic and farm-level conditions.8
Vine production, or combined root and vine biomass yield. Especially for animal feed
uses, the potential of sweetpotatoes has not been explored yet in Africa.
Despite the above positive elements, it appears difficult to foresee an obvious potential
for non-OFSP to carve out a direct role in the human diet than goes much beyond current
utilization patterns. The food industry needs positive reasons to adopt a new raw
material (e.g. SP flour), since this involves risk, effort and expense. Their attitude is likely
to be “Why bother?”
While OFSP has a valid nutritional response to this question, and thus a selling point that
other flours lack (especially if backed with promotional efforts at consumer level), non-OFSP
lacks this driving force. This is even more the case if potential flour users also have to make
the flour themselves. Other users (e.g. bakers) could use fresh roots (e.g. boiled mashed SP
added directly in bakery products) but this entails significant additional labor and costs.
Note that plant breeders are also developing higher yielding/high dry matter content cassava and maize varieties,
so this is essentially a red queen race between crops.
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In the end, wider use of non-OFSP is likely to boil down to cost relative to the existing raw
material (wheat flour) and other potential substitutes (maize and cassava). Based on the data
reviewed here (admittedly 10 years old at least) non-OFSP was consistently the highest priced
option, except in the main SP production areas at harvest time. For this situation to change, it
would require:
Much higher non-OFSP yields and dry matter contents.
Much more consistency in production (continuity of supply for any processing
Change in long term wheat grain and flour price trends (and food aid policy?).
So, if wheat prices in East Africa start increasing, and non-OFSP varieties with high dry matter
yields demonstrate potential to produce a price-competitive flour, then a focus on this option
could be worthwhile. It is likely that the prime beneficiary of such a situation would be
cassava and/or maize, with non-OFSP taking a secondary role, however.
One drawback of sweetpotatoes often mentioned by bakers in the references reviewed here
is the problem of additional labor and expense incurred if using fresh boiled and mashed SP.
This raw material appears to produce a higher quality baked product than flour, but is more
difficult for a bakery to incorporate into existing work practices (based on use of flour only).
One way around this could be to structure the production of boiled/mashed SP roots as a
stand-alone business, supplying a number of bakeries in a given area. The economic viability
of such a small business would need to be tested, but it would potentially improve the
attractiveness of SP to bakers, while offering a new employment option for women/farmer
groups, for instance.
However, these are only worthwhile if the yields and conversion rates that are possible in a
given area put sweetpotato roots in striking distance of the price of competing flours. But if
non-OFSP is only a competitive source of flour in a few specific locations, due to special local
circumstances, then this effort may not be justifiable.
42 A C R I T I C A L R E V I E W O F S W E E T P O T A T O P R O C E S S I N G R E S E A R C H
C I P • SO C IA L S C I E N C E S W O R K I N G P A P E R 2 0 0 8 - 3
The other potential major priority for non-OFSP is animal feed. This has been quite neglected
by CIP and its partners to date in Africa, despite a considerable body of research from Asia
showing the potential of sweetpotato roots and levels combined with other locally available
feed resources, to be an efficient and low cost pig feed. Cattle, as a high status livestock,
received the lion’s share of attention in East Africa. But research in Uganda (Peters, 1998)
shows that pigs are widely distributed, if ignored. Their low status is even advantageous,
since they are not stolen by Karamajong raiders like cattle, and therefore represent a much
more secure store of value.
Research on animal feed—and especially pig feed—use of sweetpotato roots and vines
should be carried out, especially:
Trends in markets for pork.
Formulation and evaluation in on-farm trials of feed rations including sweetpotato
roots and vines (paper of D. Peters presents a design for this).
Trials of locally appropriate methods to increase sweetpotato root digestibility—
cooking, fermentation etc (adapting Asian technologies).
Socio-economic studies of pig production in E Africa.
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Anon. 2005. May 2005. Progress Report “Commercialization & Marketing of Orange Fleshed
Sweet Potato” Presented to CIP by Family Concern, Market Access and Enterprise
Development Department. 15pp.
Anon. 2006. Annual summary report “Commercialization & Marketing of Orange Fleshed
Sweet Potato” Presented to CIP by Family Concern, Market Access and Enterprise
Development Department. 8pp.
Bechoff, A., Dufour, D., Duique-Mayer, C., Marouzé C., Reynes M and Westby, A. 2008a.
Effect of hot air, solar and sun drying treatments on provitamin A retention of orange-fleshed
sweetpotato. Submitted to Journal of Food Engineering.
Bechoff, A., Westby, A., Owori, C., Menya, G. and Tomlins, K. 2008b. Effect of drying and
storage on the degradation of carotenoids in orange-fleshed sweetpotato varieties from
Southern Africa. Submitted to Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Bengtsson, A., Namutebi, A., Larsson, A., M., and Svanberg, U. 2008. Effects of various
traditional processing methods on the all-trans-beta-carotene content of orange-fleshed
sweet potato. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 21:134-143.
Carey, E.E., Hagenimana, V., Oyunga, M.A., K'osambo, L., Smit, N.E.J.M., Ocitti
p'Obwoya, C., Turyamureeba, G., and Low, J. 1999. Using orange- fleshed sweetpotato
varieties to combat vitamin A deficiency and enhance market opportunities for smallholder
farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. pp. 157-168. In: M.O. Akoroda and J.M. Teri, eds. Food security
and crop diversification in SADC countries: the role of cassava and sweetpotato. Proceedings
of the scientific workshop of the Southern African Root Crops Research Network (SARRNET),
Lusaka, Zambia, 17 - 21 August 1998. IITA, Idadan, Nigeria.
Feruzi, M., Phemba, P., Ngongo, M., Hagenimana, V., and Lutaladio, N.B. 2001.
Evaluation Post Recolte de six Genotypes de patate douce selectionnes A l'est du Congo.
African Crop Science Journal 9(1):33-39.
Gatumbi, R.W. and Hagenimana, V. 1998. Women's role in local sweet potato crisps
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Root crops and poverty alleviation: Proceedings. 6. Triennial Symposium of the International
Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB). Lilongwe (Malawi). 22-28 Oct 1995.
Ibadan (Nigeria). International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). pp. 512-515
44 A C R I T I C A L R E V I E W O F S W E E T P O T A T O P R O C E S S I N G R E S E A R C H
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GTZ. 1998. Post-harvest systems of potato and sweet potato in Kenya. Final report. FAO
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Hagenimana V., and Owori, C. 1997a. Sweetpotato in Chapatis Processing: Feasibility and
Acceptability in Rural Areas. Journal of Food Technology in Africa 2(1):4-8.
Hagenimana, V., and Owori, C. 1997b. Feasibility, acceptability and production costs of
sweet potato baked products in Lira municipality, Uganda. In: African Potato Association
(APA). Proceedings of the fourth triennial congress. Pretoria (South Africa). 23-28 Feb 1997.
Pretoria (South Africa). APA. ISBN 1-86849-086-6. pp. 209-220.
Hagenimana, V., Karuri, E.G., Oyunga, M.A. 1998. Oil Content in Fried Processed
sweetpotato products. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 22:123-137.
Hagenimana, V., and Oyunga, M.A. 1998. Oil content in fried sweet potato processed
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Hagenimana, V., Carey, E.E., Gichuki, S.T., Oyunga, M.A., and Imungi, J.K. 1999a.
Carotenoid contents in Fresh, Dried and Processed sweetpotato products. Ecology of Food
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Hagenimana, V., Oyunga, M.O., Low J, Njoroge, S.M., Gichuki S.T., and Kabaira, J. 1999b.
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Kapinga, R. and Ndunguru, J. 2006. VITAA- A Status Report: International Potato Center,
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Kidmose, U., Christensen, L.P., Agili, S.M., and Thilsted, S.H. 2007. Effect of home
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Low, J., Arimond, M., Osman, N., Kwame Osei, A., Zano, F., Cunguara, B., Selemane,
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Owori, C., Karuri, E., Mbugua, S., Hagenimana, V., and Ragama, P. 2003. Importance of
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48 A C R I T I C A L R E V I E W O F S W E E T P O T A T O P R O C E S S I N G R E S E A R C H
ISSN 0256-8748
Social Sciences
Working Paper
No. 2008-4
The International Potato Center (CIP) seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a
sustained basis in developing countries through scientific research and related activities on
potato, sweetpotato, and other root and tuber crops, and on the improved management of
natural resources in the Andes and other mountain areas.
CIP is a Future Harvest Alliance Center and receives its funding from a group of governments,
private foundations, and international and regional organizations known as the Consultative
Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
www.futureharvest.org • www.cgiar.org