VDR Operation Manual - HMT-100 PDF
VDR Operation Manual - HMT-100 PDF
VDR Operation Manual - HMT-100 PDF
: HMT/QW-824-68
Version No.: B Edit State: 0
Date: May 18, 2009
1 Introduction of Playback Software ...................................................................................................................- 2 -
1.1 Required hardware & Software environment ....................................................................................................- 2 -
1.2 Installation of software ......................................................................................................................................- 2 -
1.3 Introduction of playback software.....................................................................................................................- 5 -
1.3.1 The head page.................................................................................................................................................- 5 -
1.3.2 Sub menu ........................................................................................................................................................- 6 -
1.3.3 Menu shipInfo ................................................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.3.4 Help menu ......................................................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.4 Tools introduction..............................................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.5 Instruction for playback content ........................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.5.1 Conning instruction ........................................................................................................................................- 7 -
1.5.2 AIS instruction................................................................................................................................................- 9 -
1.5.3 Alarm/Status .................................................................................................................................................- 12 -
1.5.4 Play Audio ....................................................................................................................................................- 13 -
1.5. 5 Radar ...........................................................................................................................................................- 14 -
1.5.6 System Event ................................................................................................................................................- 14 -
1.5.7 Ship Info .......................................................................................................................................................- 15 -
1.5.8 NMEA Source ..............................................................................................................................................- 15 -
2 Operation of the Software................................................................................................................................- 16 -
2.1 Download data from the PDC .........................................................................................................................- 16 -
2.2 Download data from Backup Disk ..................................................................................................................- 18 -
2.3 Replay the data ................................................................................................................................................- 19 -
2.3.1 RealTime player ...........................................................................................................................................- 19 -
2.3.2 Replay the data after downloading ...............................................................................................................- 20 -
3 Equipment Maintenance and Failure Removal .............................................................................................- 22 -
3.1 SHIPDC&VDRDC...................................................................................................................................- 22 -
3.2 CH1 AIS ERROR ............................................................................................................................................- 22 -
3.3 CH3 GPS ERROR&ZDA SENTENCE LOSE.........................................................................................- 22 -
3.4 CH5 GYRO COMPASS ERROR....................................................................................................................- 26 -
3.5 CH6 SPEED LOG ERROR.............................................................................................................................- 26 -
3.6 MAIN RADAR ERROR&AIDED RADAR ERROR .............................................................................- 26 -
3.7 PDC CONNECT ERROR ...............................................................................................................................- 26 -
3.8 NOT RECEIVED INF.....................................................................................................................................- 26 -
3.9 Backup Disk Full.............................................................................................................................................- 27 -
Headway VDR Operation Manual
Headway VDR Operation Manual
Please input username and company name, and the S/N is 053283107818.
Continue to click next till the installation is finished. Finally close the installation page.
Headway VDR Operation Manual
Headway VDR Operation Manual
And youll find three different shortcuts of VDR software on the desktop of your computer
Headway VDR Operation Manual
Therere Replay from file , Download From PDC, Extract Audio, Exit, four functions in the Play
1. Playback from file, is to select the file for playback. After the selection a dialogue box appears. Select the
program path of playback and open config.dat.
2. Download From PDC is to download the data directly from PDC.
3. Function Extract Audio is to save the .wav file of audio and .bmp file of image gained from playback
process in order to check the middle data. If Extract Audio is selected, save .wav file and .bmp file,
otherwise not. Therere two methods.
I: A recommended easy method. After you have selected Extract Audio, the system will save the decoding of the
data playbacked from the file next to the one under play to the one till you cancel Extract Audio. That is, .wav
file of audio and .bmp file of image will be saved to file C:\HeadWay that automatically established. User
neednt to have any other operation.
II: After you have selected Extract Audio, a dialogue box appears. This way is used only when putting the data
under C:\data in advance, meanwhile establishing a file tempdata, which consists of three empty files other,
audio, picture. Then the .wav file of audio and .bmp file of image that decoded in playback process are
separately put in these files.
Usually we dont use this function.
4. Exit is exit the playback system.
1.3.2 Sub menu
Submenu can be directly selected and be put on the current page.
For example, sound is selected, then put sound on current page. If you want to put other page on current page
Headway VDR Operation Manual
Open file is to open one file, will appear a dialogue box as follows, open config.dat under data folder which
are downloaded from PDC.
Stop is to stop the file under play. Pause is to pause the file under play. If continue to play, click play to play
the file from the break point.
After the file to open selected, play becomes operable, stop and pause turn gray, which indicates
Play turns gray when playing, stop and pause are both operable.
Slip rail can be dragged to change the content under play.
When the system is busy, thats to pre-deal with the file to play, the tool bar is gray.
Headway VDR Operation Manual
When speed data collected is consisted by landscape orientation and portrait speed corresponding to water and to
earth separately, it shows the format as 3-2. If only a relatively speed is gained, turn Transverse to Relative
and show the value of relatively speed measured under Water on third line.
It shows the heading of ship navigation in 2 different ways. Way I: Heading is always right above the figure(black
dot). Display way I: according to acquired heading angle, turn Gyro Pointer to enable it to point to vessels
headway. Display way II: always enable the direction N to point to the right above, according to acquired
vessels heading data, the pointers direction indicates the vessels heading. Through Gyro & North Up, change
display ways is possible. Way I and Way II is as following:
Headway VDR Operation Manual
Power Supply
This to display the Power-Supply working status. When a certain power supply indicator color is red, means
that this power is supplying for VDR. (when AC Power is working, it will be green color, otherwise, it is
grey color)
If DC indicator color is red, shows that DC power from the vessel is working;
If BT indicator color is red, shows that VDR spare Power Supply is working.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
Back Color
The Backlight slip rail is for changing the brightness & darkness of background color. Youre free to adjust the
color of blue background according to your own comfortable degree.
Position Move
The four removable buttons including Up, Down, Left & Right enable displayed Guard Zone center to
move in parallel towards above four directions. Default status is that make this current vessel be the center of
Guard Zone, i.e. position of middle little circle. After moving, all the displayed vessels moved to the same
distance in parallel, by this way, we could check vessels info in bigger scope. If click center, all the vessels will
move to original position in parallel, and enable this current vessel to be the center of Guard Zone. All the vessels
move in parallel to the position where center is of this current vessel.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
In all displayed vessels, sign means this vessel has Heading value, sign means this vessel has not
Heading value.
1.5.3 Alarm/Status
This page mainly is playback of various alarm info, including Acknowledged, Time, Source, Description,
Condition. If alarm info is confirmed, Acknowledged will show ACK; if not, will only show -.
Alarm info will be in turn shown in below form, if alarm info does not send out alarm signals, it will show black
words; if Condition shows alarm red words, it has sent out alarm.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
1.5. 5 Radar
This is to gather the radar data and it will show the Radar image when replaying.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
Please input:
User: HMT
Password: HMTPDC
Port: 21
Then click Connect
The left window is the local disk, and we can set the address to save the data in it. Find data in the Server and
right click on the key to select Download. And the data will be saved in the computer.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
Then connect the Backup Disk to the computer with the CF card reader.
Please switch off the power, take out the CF card and insert into the CF card reader. As following:
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
You could find the data folder and Program Backup folder. And the content of the data folder is the same as
the content of the PDC. The other folders are the backups, which folder name is consist of figures.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
Please choose the Config.dat and open it. The play is changed from disable to enable.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
When SHIPDC appears here, it indicates that the 110/220V power has been cut off, and the VDR system is
powered by the emergency power of the vessel. We can press ACK FLASH to stop flashing, press Mute to stop
buzzing and search for the causes. First, check if the power supply is still charged with electricity, and the
connection is good or not. If the connection is good, after plugging in the main power supply, the Remote Alarm
Panel will indicate AC power supply. In case of emergency, in order to save PDC data, it is necessary to press both
ACK FLASH and TEST buttons at the same time until backup 01 appears on the screen, and the data of latest
12 hours will be saved in the big Backup Disk forever. After successful backup, BACKUP 01 will appear on the
screen. SYSTEM OK indicates that the system is working normally.
Sometimes there is no ZDA sentence for some old style GPS. Please cancel this failure according to the
following instruction.
Please switch off the power and take out the CF card in the Main Cabinet Unit. I mean the PROGRAM DISK.
Insert the CF card in to the CF card reader. As following:
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
Open My Computer and find the CF card. Double click it and you will find the data folder, Open the data
folder and you will see the following page. Please double click the icon.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
And then please click the . The Save OK will be shown on the left of it. Like this
Then please insert the CF card into the Main Cabinet Unit and switch on it.
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Headway VDR Operation Manual
connection lines within Main Cabinet Unit are loose, such as the Backup Disk connection & CF card connection
lines. Check whether the CF card is tightly inserted.
If all these connections are good, the system cant work properly, please take out the Program Disk from Main
Cabinet Unit, through the card reader, insert it into the laptop, and check whether the system files are correct in the
laptop. Please check whether the filename VXWORKS is correct? Then check whether BOOTROM.SYS
filename is correct. Is there a data folder? Under data folder, are there audio, other, picture folders and
radar.cfg, uart.cfg, audio.cfg and vdrconfig.exe. Check the state of the running lamp in the Main Cabinet
Unit and contact us. The lamp should flash once every 15 seconds. You can find it by referring the Installation
Note: SYS, cfg, exe are the extended filename.
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