Waterfront Parks and Open Space Master Plan
Waterfront Parks and Open Space Master Plan
Waterfront Parks and Open Space Master Plan
In Association With:
SENES Consultants Ltd. & Ipsos Reid
Table of Contents
The Whitby Waterfront Parks and Open Space Master Plan provides a comprehensive strategy over
the next 20 years to enhance the waterfronts unique natural, heritage, cultural, and recreational
features. This Plan has been developed through an in depth analysis of waterfront lands and its
assets, and presents strategic goals and directions to achieve the vision of the waterfront
The study consisted of the following three phases:
1. Phase One Background Review and Data Collection;
2. Phase Two Site Specific Analysis and Draft Precinct Concept Plans; and
3. Phase Three Implementation Considerations and Final Waterfront Parks and Open Space
Master Plan.
Public input has been central in all three project phases to the development of the Waterfront Parks
and Open Space Master Plan. Throughout the process, there have been opportunities for the public
to review work and provide feedback, either by attending a workshop, an open house or by providing
direct feedback via e-mail and mail submissions. Stakeholder feedback opportunities including
workshops and interviews were also conducted throughout the course of the planning and design
process. Feedback received assisted the consultant team in understanding the communitys priorities
in encouraging positive change throughout the waterfront.
Phase One
The purpose of Phase One was to gather and review background information, understand the Town
of Whitbys waterfront parks and open space issues, and develop a vision to guide the creation of a
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Phase Two
The second phase of the study focussed on further analyzing the issues, opportunities, constraints
and strategic directions in each precinct. This information was used to develop draft Concept Plans
III Corporation of the Town of Whitby
200 400
600 m
and recommendations for each precinct, which were refined based on consultation with Town Council,
the Advisory Committee, external stakeholders, and the public. Key elements of each Precinct are as
follows: (For further information and detailed discussions of each precinct, please refer to Section 2).
Precinct 1 Cranberry and Lynde Marshes: The Cranberry and Lynde Marshes Precinct will become
a Region-wide passive destination for wildlife learning and observation owned and managed by the
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), while ensuring continued conservation of
the Cranberry and Lynde Creek Marsh Provincially Significant Wetlands and adjacent habitats. The
concept design for the precinct includes an improved Waterfront Trail, improved boardwalks, nature
interpretation stations, bird watching platforms for nesting and migrating birds, recommended viewing
and picnic locations, and a new pedestrian/bicycle trail connection to the north end of the Lynde Shores
Conservation Area. Key redevelopment opportunities in Precinct 1 include improvements to both the
Halls Road South Waterfront Trail and Victoria Street West.
Precinct 2 Lynde Shores: The Lynde Shores Precinct will promote the recent and developing
neighbourhoods, industrial and commercial uses and the Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health
Sciences as a mixed-use waterfront neighbourhood. The concept design recommends improved
pedestrian and cyclist connections to the Waterfront Trail, Eggert Parkette and Portage Park and other
open spaces. Themed nature viewing areas will highlight the flora and fauna (plant-life and animals) of the
Lynde Creek Marsh and Lake Ontario. The master plan currently underway for Ontario Shores envisages
a connected, community-oriented institution that integrates with its unique lakefront setting and the
surrounding neighbourhood.
Precinct 3 Port Whitby Community: The Port Whitby Community Precinct will build on its significant role
as the heart of the waterfront with over 50 hectares of parks and community facilities, the Port Whitby
Marina and Whitby Yacht Club, Station Gallery, the Abilities Centre, Iroquois Park Sports Centre and the
Whitby GO Station.
A view of the existing dock within the Lynde A view of Iroquois Beach, looking west toward
View of the Lake Ontario waterfront from Kiwanis Camp X memorial within Corbett Creek Marsh
Heydenshore Park. Precinct.
Phase Three
Preliminary capital costs estimates for each redevelopment site, as well as preliminary maintenance
cost estimates, were developed in Phase Three of the study. The total cost of the project is estimated
to be $28,920,500, which will be executed in three phases. Redevelopment and site enhancement
priorities for each phase are as follows: (For more information on overall project implementation and
costing please refer to section 4.0.)
Phase One Implementation
The expansion of Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park, located in Precinct 4 and Precinct 5, is one of the Towns
first redevelopment priorities. The park is currently one of Whitbys prime waterfront destinations, is
heavily used, and is at capacity during summer months. The expansion of the park and the addition
of new facilities within Heydenshore Park will address the growing demand and will provide increased
opportunities for use.
The project is estimated to cost approximately $4,035,000. This figure includes the potential relocation
of sports fields from Victoria Fields to Heydenshore Park, the addition to or potential retrofit of the
playground, if required, and the addition of new trees and benches. However, it should be noted there
will be further review regarding the relocation of sports fields into Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park as there
may be more suitable locations which will require further exploration. Additional facilities such as the
special events centre, the off leash dog park, and volleyball courts proposed within the plan may be
implemented in later phases at an additional cost. These additional enhancements will require a Parks
Master Plan and detailed design drawings to further outline the level of phasing and development of the
Phase Two priorities include the redevelopment of Victoria Fields and additional improvements to the
Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park and Iroquois Beach, all of which will be required to accommodate increased
demand for public waterfront access. The redevelopment of Victoria Fields into a destination park, at an
estimated cost of $7,761,000, will include enhancements to the park to create a multitude of activities
and uses. Additional improvements to Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park may also be implemented, and
will include the potential development of the Heydenshore Pavilion and enhancement to the adjacent
parking area. Iroquois Beach will also be redeveloped at an estimated cost of $2,012,000, which will be
focussed on increasing visibility, accessibility and usage of this area.
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Gateway and wayfinding markers will also be implemented throughout the entire waterfront to facilitate
improved access and visibility, at an estimated cost of $249,000.
Improvements to Intrepid Park are priorities in Phase Three. Potential improvements may include a
new memorial garden, planting areas and educational and bird watching opportunities, at an estimated
cost of $2,049,000. Potential redevelopment of the Marina area may also occur in Phase Three.
Improvements to enhance pedestrian accessibility, visual appeal, and connectivity include increasing
the width of the waterfront trail, buffer plantings, bike racks, improve existing parking, enhance node
main street entry, public art, and incorporate signage is estimated to be $271,000. New commercial
uses related to the marina and the marina services building would be at an additional cost and are
subject to a Business Plan.
Brook McIlroy Inc., SENES Consultants Ltd., and Ipsos Reid VIII
1.0 Introduction
not to scale
A view of Cranberry Marsh. View of boats entering the Port Whitby Marina.
be maximized through a variety of means, recreation destination and contains a beautiful
including roads, public transit, water, and system of parks, open spaces, and waterfront
trails. East-west corridors should be improved facilities. The study shall develop strategies to
to link parks and open space systems draw more residents, tourists, and businesses
with a trail network. Design, signage and to the waterfront. This will be addressed by
maintenance standards should be used to providing users with a comfortable experience
provide a sense of cohesiveness across the and opportunities to make formal and informal
waterfront precincts. North-south corridors social connections. Direction shall be provided
should be improved to create better physical to create destinations and places of distinct
and perceived connections to residents living character along the waterfront. These places
north of Highway 401. Wildlife corridors should should offer a range of waterfront experiences,
also be used to enhance existing connections including active recreation, social interaction,
and to provide new linkages between adjacent entertainment, quiet contemplation, and
natural areas. The study shall provide enjoyment of natural areas. The study will be
recommendations on how these connections mindful of the waterfront views many public
can be improved in terms of perception and facilities, parks, and open spaces have and shall
physical design. recommend uses and amenities that emphasize
Educational Experiences - The waterfront this asset, such as lookouts and picnic areas.
offers a wealth of natural, cultural and heritage Interface - Lands within the Whitby waterfront
experiences which provide both educational parks and open space system will promote,
and tourism value. The study shall make and establish an appropriate interface with
recommendations to incorporate educational adjacent land uses. Such interfaces will include
experiences that will enhance the park system recreational uses and commercial services for
and encourage residents and visitors to explore those people living, working, and visiting the
different areas of the waterfront. waterfront. Establishing such an interface will
Active Living - The waterfront should provide strengthen the relationship between the Town
a variety of opportunities for people of all ages, and the waterfront, while broadening the range
abilities and fitness levels to engage in Active of waterfront attractions and enhancing its
Living. The study shall make recommendations vitality.
to engage more residents to participate in Economic Development - Through the
activities on the waterfront, including those that continued development of the waterfronts
encourage more physical activity. parks and open spaces, the Town of Whitbys
Attractiveness - The waterfront is a unique recreation tourism potential will be enhanced.
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Kiwanis Heydenshore Park contains a cobble View of the Lake Ontario waterfront from Kiwanis
stone beach. Heydenshore Park.
activities, therefore enhancing the viability of
the waterfront.
A view of existing residential development A view of the existing dock within the Lynde
within the Lynde Shores Precinct. Shores Conservation Area.
View of newly installed seating area at Windsor The Whitby waterfront is home to a variety of
Bay Park. flora.
1.4 Parks and Open Space Master Plan Approach
A parks and open space master plan approach was developed based on the vision and guiding
principles, and opportunities and challenges of the waterfront. This approach established the framework
for the detailed precinct concept plans, which are discussed in the following section.
Road Connector
- Primary
Road - Secondary
Planned Vehicle
Road - Tertiary
Potential New Connection
Potential Vehicle or
Potential Connection
Road - Primary
Planned Crossing
Road - Primary
Potential Waterfront
Road - Primary
P Parking
Road Secondary /
Road - Secondary
Road - Tertiary
Potential New Services
New Vehicle
Road - Secondary
Potential CrossingCrossing
- Tertiary
Planned Vehicular
P Waterfront
Crossing Heart
Potential New Connection
P Parking
P Existing
New Passive
Potential Parking
Waterfront Park
Facility Services
Planned Crossing
Commercial Services
P PotentialArea
Commercial Parking
P Parking
Facility Area
Interpretive Area
New Active Uses
New Active Uses
New ActiveHeart
Potential Waterfront
Commercial Services
Waterfront Heart
Lake Ontario
New Passive
Waterfront Park
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Waterfront Heart
Heart of the
Potential Mixed-Use
Main Street
Potential Waterfront
Park Expansion
Viewing Area
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
The following section outlines a series of concept plan options, which demonstrate recommendations
for each of Whitbys six waterfront precincts. The concept plans were developed in order address the
various issues, opportunities and constraints that are evident in each precinct. The strategies outlined
for each concept plan are consistent with the holistic and precinct-based visions which were developed
in Phase One of this study. The concept plans have been developed based on an understanding of
shoreline protection and enhancement.
Each section begins with a map of the precinct, outlining major landmarks, streets, existing uses, and
general recommendations. These recommendations pertain to the following categories:
The general layout of facilities and/or conceptual design components;
Lynde Shores
Feasibility and Conservation
Alignment of Secondary Area
Trail subject to CLOCA
Master Plan
1 3 4
Lynde Creek
2 Marsh
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on future
Precinct Vision: Significant Natural Area and Passive Recreational Destination, managed by CLOCA.
The Cranberry and Lynde Marshes Precinct will become a Region-wide passive destination for wildlife
learning and observation owned and managed by CLOCA, while ensuring continued conservation of
the Cranberry and Lynde Creek Marsh Provincially Significant Wetlands and adjacent habitats. The
concept design for the precinct includes an improved Waterfront Trail, improved boardwalks, nature
interpretation stations, bird watching platforms for nesting and migrating birds, recommended viewing
and picnic locations, and a new pedestrian/bicycle trail connection to the north end of the Lynde Shores
Conservation Area. Development within this precinct will be consistent with CLOCAs Lynde Shores
Conservation Area Management Plan. It is recommended that a new and comprehensive 20 year
master plan be developed for the Lynde Shores Conservation Area.
1 2
The Region of Durham should be encouraged to Parking areas could include landscaping
provide extensive tree planting within the Victoria treatments.
Street corridor.
Docks and lookout areas could be enhanced to Additional bird watching platforms could be
promote views to natural features. established to promote education and passive
Waterfront Trail Improvements - In this area, enhance views to wildlife features.
improvements could occur along the length of Education Opportunities - A wildlife learning
the existing Waterfront Trail, focusing on trail area could be established along the portion
widening, improved surface from Halls Road of the waterfront trail which runs along Halls
to Ajax, separating the trail from Halls Road, Road South, with improvements to existing
and providing an alternate route through Lynde educational features.
Wildlife Corridors - All future area
Parking Lots / Connection - could occur along
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
1.3 Halls Road South Waterfront Trail Improvements
The portion of the Waterfront Trail, which runs along Halls
Road South between the Lake Ontario shoreline and Victoria
Street, could be set back along the west side of Halls Road to
allow for separation from vehicular traffic. The 4.0 metre wide
trail would be comprised of a hardscaped surface to support
a variety of activities. The trail has the potential to be lined
with educational nodes, which would inform site visitors of the
ecological significance of Cranberry Marsh, and the wildlife
which inhabit it. Informative signage could also be placed along
entrances to Cranberry Marsh. The long-term strategy for Halls
Road could be to close to vehicular traffic. This would allow for
the reconfiguration of the existing right-of-way into a segment of
the Waterfront Trail, while allowing space for maintenance and
emergency vehicle access.
0 600 m North
0 600 m North
1.5 Lynde Shores Conservation Area Gateway Marker
A gateway marker, signifying the entrance to the Lynde
Shores Conservation Area, could be placed along a
proposed realignment of the Waterfront Trail near the
intersection of Halls Road South and Victoria Street
(discussed in greater detail in section 1.5), a location which is
highly visible to motorized traffic. The marker is proposed to
be comprised of a steel or wood panel, including locationary
signage. The foundation of the marker would be comprised of
a combination of concrete and stone to ensure longevity and
ease of maintenance.
0 600 m North
0 600 m North
1.7 Victoria Street West Improvements
An Environmental Assessment has being undertaken by the
Region of Durham, and all proposed changes to the Victoria
Street right-of-way conform. The portion of the Waterfront Trail,
which runs along Victoria Street between Eastbourne Beach
Road and Havenwood Place, could be set back 2.5 metres
along the south side of Victoria Street to create a landscaped
boulevard and to allow for street furnishings including pedestrian
scaled lighting. The trail is recommended to be widened to
3.0 metres to allow for a greater volume of users, including
pedestrians and cyclists. The trail would be comprised of a
hardscaped surface to support the urban character of Victoria
Street, and would include multiple nodes designated for
bird watching and observation, characterized through 2.5
metre wide wooden trail bumpouts overlooking Lynde Creek
Marsh. The nodes are recommended to include educational
signage pertaining to the many bird species which inhabit
the area, as well as seating and bicycle locks to encourage 0 600 m North
active transportation. Bird counts could also be provided,
either physically or digitally, and could be maintained by either
community groups or local corporate partners. The Region of
Durham is encouraged to incorporate these enhancements in
order to improve the capacity and quality of the Waterfront Trail
as is traverses along Victoria Street. The opportunity to green
the fifth lane area of Victoria Street should be explored wherever
possible and implemented.
Improved Signage 8
1 3
2 Planned New
Community Under
Feasibility and
alignment Subject to 4
CLOCA Master Plan
7 Active Recreation
Native Wild Grasses and Shrubs to 6 Uses to be determined
Provide a Natural Buffer and Habitat for Through Hosiptal
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on future
Precinct Vision: A Mixed-Use Waterfront Neighbourhood.
The Lynde Shores Precinct will promote the recent and developing neighbourhoods, industrial and
commercial uses and the Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences as a mixed-use waterfront
neighbourhood. The concept design recommends improved pedestrian and cyclist connections to the
Waterfront Trail, the Eggert Parkette and Portage Park and other open spaces. Themed nature viewing
areas will highlight the flora and fauna (plant-life and animals) of the Lynde Creek Marsh and Lake Ontario.
The master plan currently underway for Ontario Shores envisages a connected, community-oriented
institution that integrates with its unique lakefront setting and the surrounding neighbourhood.
1 3
Views to Lynde Marsh could be maintained and Connections to Portage Park and other open
enhanced through the provision of improved spaces could be enhanced with wider sidewalks
lookout points / pavilions. and better wayfinding signage.
7 8
Lookout points / pavilions could be provided to Gordon Street could be enhanced to improve
promote and enhance views of Lake Ontario and connections between Iroquois Beach and the
0 600 m North
2.4 Gordon Street Improvements
The length of Gordon Street, running between the Ontario
Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences and Victoria Street,
could be enhanced to accommodate a row of street trees
between the existing 1.5 metre sidewalk on the west side of
Gordon Street, and the road. The Waterfront Trail, on the east
side of Gordon Street, is proposed to be widened to 6.0 metres
to accommodate greater user volumes. It is recommended
that the roadway be re-configured to accommodate on-street
parallel parking on the east side of Gordon Street. This would
reduce reliance on surface parking lots. Nesting boxes are
recommended east of Gordon Street and south of Victoria
Fields in order to support wildlife. These could be provided
and maintained by either community groups or local corporate
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Precinct 3: Port Whitby Community
Future Connection
as Identified in
the Transportation
Master Plan
and fields
1 3 5
6 Front Street
4 PSW Protection
Area with board
walk Trail
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct Vision: Heart of the Waterfront, Waterfront Village, Passive and Active Recreational Tourism
The Port Whitby Community Precinct will build on its significant role as the heart of the waterfront with
over 50 hectares of parks and community facilities, the Port Whitby Marina and Whitby Yacht Club,
Station Gallery, the Abilities Centre, Iroquois Park Sports Centre and the Whitby GO station.
The Port Whitby Community Precinct will become a vibrant and animated waterfront centre, with an
existing transit node (GO Station), the area has the potential to expand into a fully accessible tourism
node for both the Region and the Town. The precinct is proposed to provide commercial, cultural,
and recreational amenities and improved access to Victoria Fields, open spaces, Iroquois Beach,
and other areas of the waterfront. The concept design for the precinct includes a new park design for
Victoria Fields, improvements to Iroquois Beach and other park expansions, an improved Waterfront
Trail, secondary trails, improved street and pedestrian connections to parks and open spaces and
connections across the GO / Highway 401 corridor.
1 2
A new urban park could provide a variety of There could be a focus on providing a variety of
activities for a wide range of users. year-round activities to help draw visitors to the
Whitby waterfront in all seasons.
3 4
A variety of amenities and attractions could help Iroquois Beach could be improved to become a
to draw local residents to a new active waterfront prominent waterfront destination.
area in Victoria Fields.
6 7
The area surrounding the Port Whitby Marina The Brookfield Development site will provide
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
3.2 PSW Protection Area Boardwalks
The PSW Protection Area, between Gordon Street, the
Whitby Yacht Club and Iroquois Beach, could accommodate
a network of boardwalk trails. These trails would support
potential improvements to Iroquois Beach while ensuring the
preservation of the PSW lands. The wooden boardwalk could
be 2.5 metres wide to allow for a significant volume of users,
including pedestrians and cyclists.
0 600 m North
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
3.4 Victoria Park Improvements
Providing for a multitude of active and passive uses and programmed
and non-programmed functions, Victoria Park will become a destination
within Whtiby. A promenade (Waterfront Trail) will highlight the parks
connection to the harbour and will afford pleasant views across the
bay. A large open lawn area - bordering the promenade - will provide a
flexible area to host large outdoor events and concerts. A central active-
use area containing playgrounds, adventure play areas, a skating rink/
splash pad, a cross-country skiing area with warming huts, and an ice
sculpture area will support surrounding neighbourhoods but also be
a be beacon for the Town to attract regional interest. Lighting will be
provided to support evening and year-round use. Multi-use fields allow
for flexible active use and traditional park planting areas large shade
trees in lawn provide a variety of intimately scaled spaces for passive
enjoyment. A dedicated parks maintenance facility could partner with
Durham Colleges Horticulture program to bring teaching facilities and
additional activity to the park. Two parking lots have been located along
the western boundary of the park, and the existing parking lot, along 0 600 m North
the eastern boundary, has been maintained. Parking areas can be
permanently expanded without impacting major park elements, should
the need arise. In addition, a variety of parking lots can be provided,
including overflow parking for special events that doubles as green
space when parking is not required.
0 600 m North
Gordon Street
Expand Parking
Forested Buffe
r Plan
Area Wetland ting
cni Shade Structure /
a l Pi Seating Area
Vehicle Dropoff
Concept: Iroquois Beach Improvements
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Brook McIlroy Inc., SENES Consultants Ltd., and Ipsos Reid 44
3.7 Marina Area Improvements
The Port Whitby Marina area could be improved by incorporating
a number of recommended enhancements. Such improvements
include new commercial uses related to the marina and waterfront,
as well as a marina services building, buffer plantings at various
locations, the dedication of an open lawn area at the intersection
of Brock Street South and Front Street West, and improved
surface parking at the southern terminus of Charles Street.
Other improvements could include a main street entry node at
the intersection of Brock Street South and Front Street West,
an improved main street treatment along Front Street West,
emphasizing pedestrian accessibility, a seasonal Secondary
Trail connection through the marina, and a new Secondary
Trail feeding into Victoria Park from the existing Waterfront Trail
network. Access to the proposed Secondary Trail would be
restricted during annual boat launch and haul out periods.
The gates to the marina area will remain intact as boat security 0 600 m North
remains a high priority.
Brock Street S
Natural Improved
Secondary Trail is Drainage Commercial Street
seasonal and closed Chanel Buffer
during the winter, Planting
launch and haulout
Outdoor Marina Boundry
Storage Potential
Ground Floor
Commercial for
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Existing Relocate
Parking Exisitng Sea
Cadets to
within Marina
3.8 Watson Street Improvements
The length of Watson Street, between Victoria Fields and Brock
Street South, could be transformed into a prominent main street
for the Whitby Waterfront. The reconfiguration would include a
sidewalk on the north side of the street, as well as a sidewalk and
boulevard on the south side of the street. This boulevard should
be characterized by planter boxes with street trees and low-lying
vegetation, as well as hardscaped areas with seating and bicycle
locks. The portion of Watson Street, between Victoria Fields and
Charles Street, is recommended to include a 4.0 metre wide
segment of the Waterfront Trail. The trail would accommodate a
significant volume of users, including pedestrians and cyclists.
This portion of the trail could be comprised of a hardscaped
surface to support the urban character of Watson Street. It is
recommended that the roadway be re-configured to accommodate
on-street parallel parking on the south side of Watson Street. This
would reduce reliance on surface parking lots.
0 600 m North
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
3.10 Front Street West Improvements
The length of Front Street West, between the existing Sea
Cadets building and Brock Street South, could be transformed
into a prominent main street for the Whitby Waterfront. The
reconfiguration would include a sidewalk / boulevard on the
north side of Front Street West. The boulevard could be
characterized by planter boxes with street trees and low-
lying vegetation, as well as hardscaped areas with seating
and bicycle locks. A portion of this segment of Front Street
West is recommended to include a 4.0 metre Secondary Trail
to the south of the street. The trail would accommodate a
significant volume of users, including pedestrians and cyclists.
This portion of the trail could be comprised of a hardscaped
surface to support the urban character of Front Street West.
It is recommended that the roadway be re-configured to
accommodate on-street parallel parking on the north side of
Front Street. This would reduce reliance on surface parking
lots. 0 600 m North
4 Driveway /
Loading Parking
2 Street-oriented
5 Building
Pumphouse Improvements 6
Fence Improvement 9
7 8
New or Renovated Event Centre,
Restaurant and Accessible WC
Shoreline Enhancements to
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct Vision: Residential Area, Employment Area, and Passive Recreational Destination.
The Pringle Creek Precinct will become a local and regional destination among its surrounding
neighbourhoods, large industrial sites and Provincially Significant Wetlands located at the mouth of
Pringle Creek.
The concept design focuses largely on providing greater access to Rotary Sunrise Lake Park through
improvements to the Waterfront Trail, the creation of a secondary trail between Victoria and Water
Streets, and improvement of the Heydenshore Pavilion for special events and accessible washrooms.
The concept design proposes preserving and enhancing the old Pump House as an open air pavilion
and cultural feature for childrens and other special activities. In addition to improved access to Kiwanis-
Heydenshore Park, open spaces, and the waterfront the concept includes a secondary multi-use
trails, improved connections to parks and open spaces, recommended viewing locations, streetscape
improvements, improved parking areas, park improvements and expansions, and enhancements to the
composition of the shoreline at Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park.
1 2
The Waterfront Trail width could be expanded to Views of Lake Ontario could be enhanced
promote active transportation. pumphouse / cultural feature.
Streetscape improvements and new trail Existing surface parking lots could be enhanced
connections could provide new and enhanced to incorporate pedestrian walkways and tree
opportunities for walking and bicycling. plantings.
enhanced as a green and vibrant street with a Kiwanis Heydenshore Park. A discussion of
the Kiwanis Heydenshore Park expansion is Heydenshore Park.
provided in Precinct 5: (Former) Dupont and Shoreline Improvements - It is recommended
Gerdau Shoreline. that the Town explore the feasibility of changing
Parking Improvements - An expanded garden the beach at Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park to
surface parking area could be provided adjacent sand, from pebble. Such an enhancement would
to the intersection of Water Street and South Blair improve the attractiveness and viability of the
Street, providing improved access to Kiwanis beach as a major waterfront destination.
5 6
Benches and tables could be used to encourage Fire pits and public barbecues could encourage
picnics and could help prolong the stay of visitors cooking and help prolong the stay of visitors to
to the Whitby waterfront. the Whitby waterfront.
7 8
Kiwanis Heydenshore Park will continue to Bicycle locks could be provided along the length
function as Whitbys premiere waterfront beach of the Waterfront Trail to help promote active
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
9 10
utilized throughout the winter months. through the use of low-lying vegetation.
4.1 Harbour Street / Spur Line Trail Extension
The length of the Harbour Street / spur line corridor, between
the CN Rail corridor / potential reconfiguration of Victoria Street
East and Brock Street South, could accommodate a Secondary
Trail extension. Such an extension would improve the connection
between the Town of Whitby to the north and the Waterfront to the
south. Consideration should be given to acquiring the CN spur
line immediately east of Harbour Street between Water Street and
Watson Street, in order to allow for the realignment of Harbour
Street to the east, allowing the trail to move along the west side of a
relocated Harbour Street. There is tremendous development potential
in the vicinity for new industrial and office development on Harbour
Street, which would be aided by its realignment.
It is recommended that a study be undertaken to look at alternative
design solutions in the vicinity of Water and Harbour Streets to
provide needed street access to these industrial properties and
improved traffic movements. This could include the closing of Watson
Street to vehicular traffic east of Galt / Harbour Street. The need 0 600 m North
4.2 Water Street Improvements
The portion of Water Street, adjacent to Kiwanis Heydenshore Park, could be transformed into
a green and vibrant street along the Whitby Waterfront. The street will be lined with boulevards
and sidewalks on either side of the road. Boulevards should be characterized by street trees and
landscaped areas. A planting area should be provided along the north side of Water Street. A two
storey commercial building is recommended north of Water Street. The second storey of this building
could be set back, creating sufficient space for an outdoor restaurant or cafe patio. Parking, loading,
and servicing functions would be provided behind the new building, and accessed from South Blair
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Brook McIlroy Inc., SENES Consultants Ltd., and Ipsos Reid 54
600 m
4.3 Kiwanis Heydenshore Park Improvements and Extension
The concept plan expands Heydenshore Park considerably to the east, and promotes important
enhancements to the existing and well used areas of the park. A large multi-use field area occupies the
northeast corner of the park expansion along with a new parking lot intended to serve both the field and
expanded beach area. Additionally, beach volleyball and bocce courts are located in this new active
sports zone, along with a supporting washroom facility and shade structure. A trailhead node at the
junction of South Blair Street and Water Street creates a sense of entry into the park and defines one end
of a central promenade. At the south end of the promenade, another node acts as a waterfront anchor,
tying the existing and new areas of the park together. The beach area is expanded and additional access
points have been added, including stairs down to the beach to facilitate enhanced circulation.
Boulevard /
Existing Playground
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
0 600 m North
Year Round
Dog Park /
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
4.5 Pumphouse
The Whitby Pumphouse is a significant cultural heritage
feature. The Pumphouse, constructed in 1903, should be
preserved and enhanced. It could be improved to create a
new cultural feature and a new event centre. A restaurant, an
open air pavilion, cultural feature for children or other special
activities or features are some examples of potential uses.
0 600 m North
Future Crossing
Future Victoria
Street Alignment
Master Plan)
Future Go Transit
Maintenance Facility
(GO Transit EA)
Bird Counts at
3 Viewing Areas
Improve Visual
Waterfront Trail (Improved) Quality of Berms
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Secondary Trail
Improved Connection / Streetscape
Recommended Viewing Location
4 Explore public art
Victoria Street opportunities
Proposed Boulevard Multi-use Path (Cycling 7 5
and Leisure Master Plan)
Existing Viewing Area
Precinct Boundary
Connection Improvements
Future Connection / Alignment
Detailed Design Area
Educational Opportunities
P Proposed / Improve Parking North
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct Vision: Employment Area and Natural Waterfront Corridor.
The (Former) Dupont and Gerdau Shoreline Precinct will focus its role away from the surrounding
industrial lands and extend the beauty of its remote, natural and peaceful shoreline. The lake front
lands are a local and largely naturalized destination offering improved access to local parks and will
provide additional open spaces through the eastward expansion of Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park, as well
as improved access to the waterfront. The concept for the precinct includes an improved Waterfront
Trail, secondary multi-use trails, recommended viewing locations, improved parking areas, education
opportunities, and park improvements and expansions.
The precinct contains Gordon Richards Park, Ronald C. Deeth Park, and Waterfront Trail Open Space.
The open spaces adjacent to the Waterfront Trail are naturalized, with a gazebo and a lookout area
along the route.
1 3
Park Improvements - Kiwanis Heydenshore nature landscapes to the north and Lake Ontario
to the south, and would include seating and Street and Thickson Road South, providing
other amenities. improved access to an expanded Kiwanis
Heydenshore Park to the west and Gordon
Parking Improvements - New surface parking
Richards and Ronald Deeth Parks to the south.
areas could be provided adjacent to South Blair
4 5
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Sports fields could be relocated from Victoria The Waterfront Trail could be extended, allowing
Fields to expand play areas at Kiwanis for improved views of the Lake Ontario shoreline.
Heydenshore Park.
5.1 Wayfinding Markers
Wayfinding markers, signifying the relevant location to
nearby trails, landmarks, or other amenities, could be placed
at key locations along the length of the Waterfront Trail.
The markers are recommended to be three pronged, and
would be comprised of cast steel poles with steel or wood
panels. Wayfinding information would be depicted on each
panel. The markers are recommended to be mounted on
top of a concrete foundation to ensure longevity and ease of
maintenance. Markers could incorporate both Town of Whitby
and CLOCA logos.
Future Connection
as Identified in the
Transportation Master
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct Vision: Employment Area, Significant Natural and Cultural Heritage Area, and Passive
Recreational Destination.
The Corbett Creek Marsh Precinct is the second largest environmentally sensitive area on the
waterfront and includes Intrepid Park and approximately 40 hectares of open space. The Concept Plan
builds on the importance of the parkland as a defining entry point to the Town and Whitbys waterfront.
Nature viewing to Corbett Creek Marsh and the introduction of Memorial gardens dedicated to the
historic significance of Camp X offers improved access to Intrepid Park as well as the waterfront. The
concept for the precinct includes an improved Waterfront Trail, secondary multi-use trails, pedestrian
and cyclist gateway markers at key locations, bridge improvements, education opportunities, park
improvements, recommended viewing locations, and a new parking area. The precinct also includes
sensitive lands including the Thickson Woods Old Growth Forest and Corbett Creek Mouth Marsh.
1 2
Functional bridge improvements are required The Waterfront Tail could be enhanced,
along the Waterfront Trail to improve the safety of particularly surrounding the Waste Water Facility.
3 4
Intrepid Park could remain largely naturalized, A viewing platform / pavilion could promote views
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
and access to Corbett Creek Marsh could remain to Lake Ontario. The feature could also include
restricted to protect the natural environment. educational opportunities.
5 6
The western portion of Intrepid Park could be The Camp X Memorial could be moved and a
naturalized to ensure an appropriate buffer memorial garden could be provided.
between the park and Corbett Creek Marsh.
7 8
9 68
0 600 m North
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
6.2 Trail Bridge Improvements
The multi-use bridge connection, on the east side of the
Waste Water Treatment Facility, could be improved to address
existing issues pertaining to bridge footings. The bridge is
recommended to be comprised of wood, with 1.2 metre high
railings and an interpretive panel, informing site visitors of the
significant of the surrounding Thickson Woods and Corbett
Creek Marsh, as well as the animals which inhabit it. The
bridge should be 4.0 metres wide.
0 600 m North
0 600 m North
Open Lawn +
Picnic Area
Open Lawn
Area Buffer
Park Node
Memorial Gardens
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
and / or Future
Site for Camp
X Interpretive
Naturalized Area
6.4 Intrepid Park Gateway and Wayfinding Marker
A gateway marker, signifying the entrance to the Whitby
Waterfront and Corbett Creek Marsh from the City of
Oshawa to the east, could be placed at the intersection of
Boundary Road South with the Waterfront Trail. The marker is
recommended to be three sided, and comprised of either steel
or wood panels. The panels would include locationary signage
as well as a map indicating the location of trail users relevant
to the remainder of the Whitby Waterfront. The foundation
of the markers would be comprised of concrete to ensure
longevity and ease of maintenance. Markers could incorporate
both Town of Whitby and CLOCA logos.
0 600 m North
Future work should ensure that the Waterfront Trail Improvements and Secondary
implementation process reflects the desired Trail Connections should be prioritized as short-
The Town should explore alternative funding sources, including partnerships with the Federal Government,
to implement improvements to Intrepid Park including the relocation of the Camp X Memorial and
development of Camp X Interpretive Centre.
result in funding in exchange for branding and building, programming, partnerships, alternate
marketing opportunities. Examples of potential sources of funding, communication and
private sector investments include: promotion in addition to the more traditional
role of parks and open space maintenance.
The events area and performance area
within Victoria Park; Waterfront parks and open spaces should be
Wayfinding signage throughout the managed to ensure such spaces are vibrant,
waterfront; attractive places that help build communities
and assist the Town of Whitby in meeting its
Public viewing areas throughout the goal of being a healthy and livable community.
waterfront; and As such, there should be a management
Public art installations throughout the structure for all parks south of Victoria Street
waterfront. that will ensure the cleanliness and safety of
waterfront park and open space elements.
Private sector investment opportunities also
exist with respect to the Adopt a Park and Parks and Open Space Maintenance
Adopt a Trail programs, which are already and Operations - The implementation
established within the Town of Whitby. of the Waterfront Parks and Open Space
7.2.6 Parks and Open Space Maintenance and Master Plan can significantly impact capital
Management budget, operations, and maintenance. Prior
to development, Town of Whitby Staff from
Parks and Open Space Management Corporate Services and Public Works must
Strategy - Whitbys waterfront parks and review and comment specifically with respect
open spaces, represent a significant city- to initial capital, and ongoing operating and
wide resource. Given this, waterfront parks maintenance costs.
and open spaces will require a management
structure geared toward implementation of The Town of Whitby currently allocates
parks and open space programming and a standard cost per acre for parks, open
events, and active community engagement. space and trail maintenance. The Waterfront
Management resources and expertise will Parks and Open Spaces strategy recognizes
need to be devoted to working with community that parks, open spaces and trails along
groups, businesses, schools, and other the waterfront require a higher per acre
stakeholders to develop activities, amenities maintenance cost than the Towns other non-
and programs that meet community needs. waterfront parks. This higher cost is associated
Management will need to focus on community with achieving a world class waterfront parks
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Programming elements, including playgrounds, The Waterfront Trail will be formalized and
will require ongoing maintenance / operational widened in some areas to accommodate
expenditures. increased user volumes.
and open space system which includes high Park (demonstration gardens); and Intrepid
quality, durable park furnishings; a greater Park (memorial gardens).
density of landscaping and planting, as
well as the provision of seasonal plantings; Arboriculture Services - Waterfront Trail
maintenance for increased activities relative where double row of trees is provided
to other parks and open spaces; higher costs (Jeffrey Street, Gordon Street, Water Street,
for winter maintenance to allow for year-round and reconfigured Harbour Street); where
use of the entire Waterfront Trail and portions streetscape improvements are provided
of some Secondary Trails; and the introduction (Watson Street, Front Street, and Charles
of a system-wide integrated education and Street); and where new trees are planted
public art program which is more prominent adjacent to Secondary Trails (Victoria Park,
than those existing within other Town parks Iroquois Beach, Marina lands, Kiwanis-
and open spaces. The following provisions Heydenshore Park, and Intrepid Park).
must be considered as the Town develops a Garbage / Recycling and Litter Pick-Up - The
comprehensive maintenance and operations Waterfront Trail; Secondary Trails; Halls Road;
strategy for the waterfront. Victoria Street; Whitby Shores Greenway;
Grass Cutting - Streets; the Waterfront Trail; Water Street; Iroquois Beach; Victoria Park;
Secondary Trails; the Lake Ontario shoreline; Marina Lands; Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park; and
Victoria Park; Iroquois Beach; Rotary Sunrise Intrepid Park.
Lake Park; Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park; Marina Parking Area Maintenance - Halls Road
lands; and Intrepid Park. (bumpout on-street parking); Victoria
Snow Clearing - Streets; the Waterfront Trail; Street surface parking lot; Iroquois Beach
select Secondary Trails; the Special Events surface parking lot and lay-by parking area;
Centre; the Interpretive Centre; year-round Victoria Park surface parking lots; Kiwanis-
washroom facilities; and all surface parking Heydenshore Park surface parking lots;
Detailed park concepts, including those depicting improvements to Victoria Park, will need to undergo a
detailed design process prior to construction. The results of the detailed design process may impact the
phasing and timelines associated with each park improvement.
include winter inspections. Public health is compromised;
7.2.7 By-Laws Eco-system becomes unbalanced;
By-Laws are used to provide guidance Park or open space maintenance is
towards appropriate activities for and within impeded;
the waterfront parks and open space system. Access to the park or open space is
It is important that these by-laws are clearly impeded; and
displayed in a legible and easily comprehended Fisheries require restocking.
manner. Steps should be taken by the Town
to ensure that park by-law displays are Persons living within and visiting the Whitby
integrated into proposed signage to eliminate Waterfront should have respect for local and
unnecessary clutter. migratory wildlife.
The area surrounding the Marina Building should The cost estimates provided for Waterfront
be enhanced with marina-related commercial Trail Improvements and Nodes incorporate
uses, trails, and viewing areas. landscaping treatments and furnishings.
and development projects that effect change of Fisheries and Oceans must also provide
to the shoreline, river banks and adjacent its approval. However, the Conservation
sensitive lands may require special permits Authorities have an arrangement with
from CLOCA for specific projects and may the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
also be subject to a formal Environmental whereby applications are processed by
Assessment. In addition, the normal municipal the Conservation Authority on behalf of the
approvals process must be followed. department to:
In order to coordinate the various approvals, Advise on ways to avoid or mitigate impacts
it is important that all stakeholders, including on fish habitats; or
Community and Marketing Services, CLOCA, Specify a compensation package in respect
and the Ministry of the Environment area of damage to fish habitats.
engaged early in the process.
Environmental Assessments - A Municipal
Conservation Authorities - CLOCA regulates Class Environmental Assessment typically
development in environmentally sensitive covers road, water and wastewater projects
areas throughout the waterfront. Redesign that recur, are similar in nature, have
or improvement to existing infrastructure, as predictable environmental effects, and are
well as development and implementation of responsive to mitigating measures. There may
new infrastructure, requires approval from the be some improvements within the Waterfront
appropriate public agency, including CLOCA, Parks and Open Spaces Master Plan, which
the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry require an Environmental Assessment, such as
of the Environment, and the Department of boardwalk improvements and the restoration
Fisheries and Oceans. of Willis Creek within the Marina Lands in
Shoreline modification, regarding placing of Precinct Three. The Town of Whitby would
fill and construction of buildings in sensitive need to follow the Environmental Assessment
process to obtain approval from the Ministry of
Waterfront improvements, including the above illustrated shade structure, will require ongoing
maintenance and management.
7.2.10 Potential Future Studies
Undertaken by the Town of Whitby
Comprehensive Waterfront Parks Signage
and Wayfinding Strategy;
Parks Master Plan for Iroquois Beach
Improvements and Expansion;
Parks Master Plan for Victoria Park
Business Plan for Marina Area
Business Plan and Parks Master Plan for
Kiwanis Heydenshore Park Improvements
and Expansion;
Parks Master Plan for Intrepid Park
Detailed Design for Pumphouse;
Detailed Design for Special Events Centre;
Detailed Design for Camp X Interpretive
Undertaken by Other Parties
Lynde Shores Conservation Area Master
Plan; and
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health
Sciences Master Plan.
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Iroquois Beach could be improved to become a Lookout points / pavilions could be provided to
prominent waterfront destination. promote and enhance views of Lake Ontario and
Lynde Marsh.
Precinct 1: Cranberry and Lynde Marshes
Lynde Shores
Feasibility and Conservation
Alignment of Secondary Area
Trail subject to CLOCA
Master Plan
1 3 4
Lynde Creek
2 Marsh
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on future
8.0 Detailed Order of Magnitude Costing
Precinct 1:Cranberry and Lynde Marshes
Preliminary Costing
Item Description of Work Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
(0 - 5 Years) (5 - 10 Years) (10 - 20 Years)
d) Bicycle racks
1.4 Hall Road South Victoria Street Waterfront Trail
c) Vegetation plantings $64,000
Improved Signage 8
1 3
2 Planned New
Feasibility and
alignment Subject to
CLOCA Master Plan 4
7 Active Recreation
Native Wild Grasses and Shrubs to 6 Uses to be determined
Provide a Natural Buffer and Habitat for Through Hosiptal
Small Insect Eating Birds and Butterflies Master Plan
Waterfront Trail (Improved)
Secondary Trail Lynde Shores Conservation Area
Improved Connection Educational Opportunities
Recommended Viewing Location New Bird Watching Platform
Victoria Street Pedestrian & Cyclist Gateway
Future Connection to North Conservation Area P Existing Parking
Entrance P Proposed / Improve Parking
Proposed Boulevard Multi-use Path (Cycling Lookout point
and Leisure Master Plan) Cross-section
Proposed On-Road Bikeway Detailed Design Area
(Cycling and Leisure Master Plan) Future Connection / Alignment
Connection Improvements Streetscape Improvements
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on future
Precinct 2: Lynde Shores
Preliminary Costing
Whitby Shores Greenway Nature Learning Area, Educational Opportunities and Viewing Area
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
Precinct 3: Port Whitby Community
Future Connection
as Identified in
the Transportation
Master Plan
and fields
1 3 5
6 Front Street
Trail 7 Enhanced
Native Overflow Crossing
Shrubs and Space
Boxes Parking Lot
4 PSW Protection
Area with board
walk Trail
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct 3: Port Whitby
Preliminary Costing
Excluded Items:
Relocated sea cadets building
4 Driveway /
Loading Parking
2 Street-oriented
5 Building
Pumphouse Improvements 6
Fence Improvement 9
7 8
New or Renovated Event Centre,
Restaurant and Accessible WC
Shoreline Enhancements to
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct 4: Pringle Creek
Preliminary Costing
Wayfinding Markers
Wayfinding Markers
4.4 $13,000
Note: Subject to Waterfront Parks Signage
Wayfinding Study
a) Pringle Creek (3 pronged, short)
Waterfront Trail Lighting
Future Victoria
Street Alignment
Master Plan)
Future Go Transit
Maintenance Facility
(GO Transit EA)
Nesting Boxes
Bird Counts at
3 Viewing Areas
Improve Visual
Waterfront Trail (Improved) Quality of Berms
Secondary Trail
Improved Connection / Streetscape
Recommended Viewing Location
Victoria Street 4 Explore public art
Proposed Boulevard Multi-use Path (Cycling 7 5 opportunities
and Leisure Master Plan)
Existing Viewing Area
Precinct Boundary
Connection Improvements
Future Connection / Alignment
Detailed Design Area
Educational Opportunities
P Proposed / Improve Parking North
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct 5: Dupont and Gerdau Shoreline
Preliminary Costing
Wayfinding Markers
Wayfinding Markers (map)(3)
5.1 $38,000.00
Note: Subject to Wayfinding Study
2-3, (3 pronged, short)
Excluded Items:
Heydenshore is estimated in Precinct 4.
Precinct 6: Corbett Creek Marsh
Future Connection
as Identified in the
Transportation Master
* Please note that the concept plans are intended to provide guidance for the detailed design phase.
Information appearing on the concept plans may be subject to change or further refinement based on
future studies.
Precinct 6: Corbett Creek Marsh
Preliminary Costing
f) Secondary paths
g) Informal trail (wood chip 2.5m)
h) Bicycle racks
Gateway and Wayfinding Marker
Intrepid Park Gateway and Wayfinding Marker $20,000.00
Note: Subject to Wayfinding Study
a) Boundry Rd S & Waterfront Trail (3 prong
marker, tall)
Preliminary Costing
Prepared By: Brook Mcllroy Inc.
April 5, 2013
Precinct 1: Cranberry and Lynde Marshes $1,527,000.00
- Estimate exclusive of HST.
- Estimate is based on concept plan and all prices are subject to revision based on final
landscape plans, selection of materials, etc.
- Estimate exclusive of permit costs and coordination costs for required permits.
Corporation of the Town of Whitby
8.2 Detailed Order of Magnitude Costing
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Total
Precinct 1: $744,000.00 $494,000.00 $289,000.00 $1,527,000.00
Cranberry and
Lynde Marshes
- Estimate exclusive of HST.
- Estimate is based on concept plan and all prices are subject to revision based on final landscape
plans, selection of materials, etc.
- Estimate exclusive of permit costs and coordination costs for required permits.