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About the Synopsis

Author A promise made twenty-eight

years ago calls seven adults
Stephen Edwin King, born to reunite in Derry, Maine,
September 21, 1947, is an where as teenagers they battled
American author of horror, an evil creature that preyed
supernatural fiction, suspense, on the city's children. Unsure
science fiction, and fantasy. His that their Losers Club had
books have sold more than 350 vanquished the creature all
million copies, many of which those years ago, the seven had
have been adapted into feature vowed to return to Derry if
films, miniseries, television IT should ever reappear. Now,
series, and comic books. children are being murdered
King has published 54 novels, again and their repressed
including seven under the memories of that summer
pen name Richard Bachman, return as they prepare to do
and six non-fiction books.
A Novel
battle with the monster lurking
He has written around 200 in Derry's sewers once more.
short stories, most of which
have been collected in book It is a novel about the power
collections. of collective fantasy: when
the Losers enter the sewers
beneath Derry, they encounter
Monsters are real, and ghosts together nightmares theyve
are real too. They live inside us, previously only encountered
and sometimes, they win. themselves.
Stephen King King does not write badly
because he does not write, or
dream, alone. His obsessions
are ours, and he is willing to
expose himself in presenting
them back to us, hoping for
that nod of recognition: Yes, of
course, we hadnt known it like
that, but wed known it. Where
It was, we shall be.
Adrian Daub Los Angeles
A Novel We All Float Down Here Review of Books

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