Boys Gas Calorimeter

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Fundamentals of Thermodynamics NDES (GIP) Department of Mechanical Eng.

IET, Katunayake.
EXPERIMENT: Boys Gas Calorimeter


To determine the calorific value of L.P. gas


1. Boys gas calorimeter

2. Regulator
3. Gas meter
4. Measuring cylinders
5. Thermometers


in Inlet water temperature (C)

out Outlet water temperature (C)

Vw Volume of the water collected (ml)

Va Volume of gas burned (m3)

Ta Ambient temperature (C)

Pa Ambient pressure (mmHg)

Q1 Heat given by Burning (J)

Q2 Heat absorbed by circulating water (J)


Under the steady heat transfer,

(Heat given by burning gas during the observation period = Heat absorbed by
circulating water during the observation period)

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics NDES (GIP) Department of Mechanical Eng.
IET, Katunayake.
Heat loss from Boys gas calorimeter to the surrounding is given by the latent heat of
steam produced by the combustion reaction.

Heat given by the Heat given by Heat Heat loss to

burning gasses the liquefaction absorbed by the
by combustion + of the steam = the + surrounding
reaction produced by circulating (from the
the steam water exhaust

By neglecting every small discrepancies,

Heat given by burning gas under the standard condition

= Heat absorbed by circulating water under ambient or standard condition

According to the assumption,

Q1 = Q2 ...(1)

But Q1 = C.Vs .(2)

Where C = Calorific value of L.P. gas

Vs = Standard volume

But Q2 = mc ...(3)

Where m = Mass of the circulating water (g)

c = Specific heat capacity of water (cal/gC)

= Temperature difference between inlet and outlet water (C)

But m = Vw.Dw

Where Vw = Volume of circulating water (ml)

Dw = Density of water (g/ml)

From equations (1), (2) & (3)

C.Vs = mc

= VwDw.c

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics NDES (GIP) Department of Mechanical Eng.
IET, Katunayake.
Units C = [ml].[g/ml].[cal/gC].[C].[J/cal]/[m3]

C = J/m3

To find the standard volume (Vs) of L.P. gas,

Using the equation

Data Ps = Standard pressure = 760 mmHg

Ts = Standard temperature = 300 K

Gas meter is used to measure the volume of burned L.P. gas.

One revolution of gas meter = 2 dm3 (liter)

100 divisions of gas meter = 2 dm3 (liter)

But 1 m3 = 1000 l

1 l = 1 103 m3

2 l = 2 103 m3

One revolution of gas meter = 2 10 3 m3

100 divisions of gas meter = 2 10 3 m3

One division of gas meter = 2 10 3/100 m3

= 2 10 5m3

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics NDES (GIP) Department of Mechanical Eng.
IET, Katunayake.

1. Level the meter by the screw and spirit level.

2. Fill it water until the point in sight box is slightly under water level.
3. Lift out calorimeter coils and place into the alkaline bath.
4. Turn on gas cock and allow gas to pass until the meter is free of air.
5. Light burner and then adjust the gas rate to approximately 135 liters/hour (i.e. one
revolution of the meter hand in about 66 seconds). Adjust water level while meter is
running, by opening drain cock alongside the sight box, until the point just pricks the
water level.
6. Turn on water to the overhead funnel so that there is a small overflow the front tube
(leading to sink), previously on top of the calorimeter and fixing with the bored corks
7. When the flow is established through the calorimeter, lift the coils from the alkali bath
and allow to drain for a few moments and then slowly lower into the calorimeter
casing. Pour water through one of the holes in the wooden cover until an overflow
shows at the small drain spout heat the bottom.
8. Allow to establish a steady heat transfer between gas flow rate and water flow rate.
Unchanging thermometer readings indicate the establishment of steady heat transfer.
The instrument should now be ready to measure the calorific value of L.P. gas.
9. When meter points is approaching O at top of dial of gas meter, read the inlet and
outlet thermometers, when pointer reaches O switch change over funnel to collect
the water in to beaker (Which previously has been completely emptied and drained)
for 1000 ml simultaneously. Count the number of divisions of gas meter to calculate
the amount of gas volume which is burned.


.Find the calorific value of L.P. gas.


1. Explain gross calorific value and net calorific value.

2. Point out the practical applications of calorific value.
3. Explain source of errors.
4. What are your suggestion to improve this practical?


1. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists T.D. Eastop

2. Heat and Thermodynamics Brij Lal Subrahmaniyam
3. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics in S.I. units Rayner Joel

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics NDES (GIP) Department of Mechanical Eng.
IET, Katunayake.




Inlet water temperature (in)

Outlet water temperature (out)
Volume of water collected (Vw)
Volume of gas burned (Va)
Ambient temperature (Ta)
Ambient pressure (Pa)

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics NDES (GIP) Department of Mechanical Eng.
IET, Katunayake.

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