Canal Lining ITRC Paper No. P 11-006

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Canal Lining ITRC Paper No. P 11-006

Canal Lining
By Charles Burt
Cal Poly ITRC
Larry and I thought that some musings about canal lining might be of some interest for some of
you USCID newsletter readers. As you know, there are many canal lining techniques
especially if one considers the wide assortment of internationally used lining methods.
Why line canals?
The answer to this question is fundamental, because typical concrete lining can often exceed $1
million per mile, when all costs are considered. Typical justifications are:
1. Stabilization of canal banks. This is a common justification in international projects
where there is a tendency for canals to get a bit wider every year, narrowing canal bank
roads and infringing on fields. Often, destabilizing factors such as improper canal bank
construction, maintenance that constantly extracts from the canal banks, silty soils,
animal and human damage to canal banks, and greatly fluctuating water levels (causing
slumping of the canal banks) all appear simultaneously in the same canal. Lining with
something sturdy is a simple solution to stabilization...assuming that the lining is indeed
2. Reduced maintenance. While there is considerable truth to the statement that lining
reduces maintenance, especially in regards to eliminating side vegetation, a serious
maintenance program is still needed. Canal lining does eliminate algae growth or
pondweed, but sediment still accumulates.
3. Reduced seepage. There is no doubt that a new concrete lining will reduce seepage, but
sustaining long-term seepage reduction is highly dependent upon the quality of initial
construction, as well as factors such as freeze-thaw cycles and soil subsidence. Various
studies over the years have shown that cracked concrete can have about the same seepage
rates as unlined canals.
The big question posed by the third point above must always be: Is the push to reduce seepage
justified? Canal lining is listed as a water conservation best management practice in numerous
publications and water conservation plans. However, if the canal is in a conjunctive use (well
pumping plus surface water) region (which depends on groundwater recharge), the seepage may
be necessary to recharge the groundwater during wet years. This is a fairly complex question
because it often deals with water rights, equity of surface water distribution, and power
consumption. Knee-jerk canal lining, without understanding the complete water balance picture,
may be supported by water conservation funds but actually result in no true water conservation.
On the other hand, seepage often creates a localized high water table that damages crops in
adjacent fields. This is a clear problem, and irrigation districts often selectively line such canal
sections. Interestingly enough, these problems often appear in heavier texture soils, in which the
seepage rates are low but the seepage water moves laterally. In sandy soils with unrestricted
drainage, high seepage rates may not be noticed by the farmers.
Canal Lining ITRC Paper No. P 11-006

Of course, for the case of localized seepage, there are alternatives to lining such as the
installation of parallel interceptor tile lines. The water can be pumped back into the canal, and
the drain can protect the adjacent fields.
What size of new canal?
A clean and smooth concrete cross section can pass a higher flow rate than an irregular earth
cross section with weeds. Therefore, there is a natural tendency to use a new lined canal of a
smaller cross section than the canal it replaces. It's simple a small amount of lining costs less
than a large amount of lining. However, there are some necessary considerations:
1. In some projects, it is difficult to find the fill dirt to fill in the old, larger cross section.
2. The assumption is that the new concrete lining will be maintained in a clean and smooth
condition. This is a huge, incorrect assumption in some projects. I remember a project in
Mali that was efficiently designed with that assumption, and the water didn't even make it
a third of the way down the canal.
3. The old, wide canals provide the operators with a big advantage: they provide a fair
amount of operational storage. Now, I know that the canal water levels are supposed to
be kept constant for good service to the turnouts and for good bank stability, but the
reality is that canal operators are often given instructions to make the prevention of
tailend spill their top priority. The only way they can do that is to juggle with canal pool
storage. The bottom line is that there needs to be storage or recovered spill if we want to
provide equity, reliability, and flexibility in water delivery to turnouts. So...let's just say
that it's a good idea if, before designing a new lined canal cross section, you consider the
operational objectives and instructions to the ditchriders/zanjeros/operators of the canal
system. Those guys way down on the totem pole have to live with our fantastic improved
What are material and construction options?
I think everyone has their own preference for materials. In part, it will depend upon local costs,
availability of installation equipment, and employee manpower. Here are a few points that I like
to make:
1. If the objective is simply seepage reduction and the soils are "medium" textured, you
might consider vibratory compaction of the canal banks and sides. The cost is in the
neighborhood of $1.50 - $2.00 of canal length over a variety of canal sizes. See ITRC
Paper No. P 09-001 ( for more information.
We don't know how long the benefits will last, but it seems to be pretty good.
2. It is essential to have excellent soil compaction and bed preparation for any rigid canal
lining such as concrete, masonry, etc. I don't know how many concrete and masonry
lining projects I've seen that have failed because of lack of attention to this simple detail.
Yes, it costs money to over-excavate and properly prepare the soil, but it saves money in
the long term.
3. Be careful with being the guinea pig for large projects involving new materials. Many of
us can tell stories of sections of synthetic lining breaking off and floating downstream
and lodging against bridges (oops!), stories of geomembrane cracking, etc.
4. The details of the height of the lining and tying in to the soil, especially with
geomembranes, are very important.
5. If you want to use geomembrane by itself, get references and check up on them.
Canal Lining ITRC Paper No. P 11-006

If you want both physical durability and seepage reduction, consider combinations of a
geomembrane covered with hard material. I have to admit that I am partial to the few
geomembranes that enable shotcrete to "stick" to their outer surface. The shotcrete can be
smoothed fairly easily. About 15 years ago, the USBR published a report on canal lining
adventures that gave a high rating to this approach
In some areas, especially with high freeze/thaw problems, engineers prefer to cover the
geomembrane with rocks. The geomembrane must be strong enough to not puncture.
Karimov, Leigh, and Fipps of the Texas Agrilife Extension Service (Texas A&M, College
Station) recently published an excellent report on experiences in Texas (Evaluation of Canal
Lining Projects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. June 29, 2009, Publication TR 353, It includes various types of geomembrane/concrete

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