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Short Description
Lectures of following topics: understanding of geophysical engineering and technology,
natural resources (oil and non oil), natural and environmental disaster, geodynamics.
Understanding of the earth: interior structure of the earth, geochronology, temperature of
the earth, earthquake, gravity, geomagnetics, electrical matters and its implementation.
Topics about geophysical methods/technology will be discuss: Seismic exploration,
gravity and magnetic explorations, geoelectric and electromagnetic exploration. Some
examples of their application will be given in the lectures
Related Courses
1. Dobrin, M.B. & Savit, C.B., Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, Mc. Graw Hill,
2. Howell, Introduction to Applied Geophysics, McGraw Hill, 1959.
3. Jacobs, J.A., Russell, R.D., Tuzo Wilson, J. Physics and Geology, McGraw Hill, 1974.
4. Paranis, D.S., Principles of Applied Geophysics, Chapman and Hall, 1979.
5. Santoso, D. Pengantar Teknik Geofisika. Penerbit ITB, 2001
Short Description
1. Infinite Series, Power Series : power series, interval of convergence, theorems
about power series, application of series, expanding function in power series, some
uses of series.
2. Complex Number s: real and imaginary parts of a complex number, the complex
plane, complex infinite series, complex power series, Eulers formula, power and
root of complex number, some applications.
3. Linear Equation : Introduction, row reduction, Cramers rule, vector, lines and
4. Partial differential equations : differential equations, ordinary and partial
differential equations, the diffusion or heat flow equation, boundary condition of
the diffusion equation, solution of the partial differential equations.
5. Vector Analysis : application of vector multiplication, directional derivative,
gradient, line integral, greens theorem in plane. Calculus Variation: Euler
equation, using the Euler equation, Langranges equation.
Syllabus in English
Related Courses
1. FI-1101 Fisika Dasar I, Prerequisit
2. FI-1201 Fisika Dasar II, Prerequisit
3. MA-1123 Kalkulus I, Prerequisit
4. MA-1224 Kalkulus II, Prerequisit
1. Boas, M.L., Mathematical Methods in The Physical Science, John Willey & Sons,
Inc., 1983.
2. Dettman, J.W., Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering, Dover Publications,
Inc., 1983.
3. Wospakrik, H.J., Dasar-dasar Matematika untuk Fisika I & II, ITB, Jurusan Fisika,
Short Description
Introduction, Vector Analysis, Scalar and Vector Product, Vector and Scalar Tripels
Products, Gradient, Divergence and Stokes Hauss.
Laplace Equation, Poisson Equation, Application of Potential Theory in Geophysics.
Potential of gravity and magnetic, geoelectric potential, Potential Vector of
Related Courses
1. MA-1123 Kalkulus I, Prerequisit
2. MA-1224 Kalkulus II, Prerequisit
3. TG-2212 Komputasi Geofisika, Prerequisit
4. TG-2214 Geomatematika II, Prerequisit
1. George Arfken, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic Press Inc., 1985.
2. Grant and West, Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics, Mc. Graw Hill Book
Company, 1965.
3. Mari L., Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley and Sons,
4. Telford et.al., Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 1976.
5. Blakely, R.J., Potential Theory in Gravity & Magnetic Applications, 1996.
6. Griffiths, D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, 1986.
7. Turcotte, D.L., and Schubert, G., Geodynamics, 1982.
Syllabus in English
Short Description
Introduction : Definition, Elementary Statistics, Parametric a Non Parametric Statistics.
Data Analysis : Interpolation, Least Square Methods, Degression Analysis, Filtering,
Autocorrelation, Cross- Correlation, Markov Chains.
Map Analysis : Trend Surfaces, Double Fourier Series, Multigraniate.
Data Analysisi : Multiple Regression, Cluster Anlysis, Factor Analysis, Variogram, Model
Variogram, Principle Component Analysis, Kringging.
Case Study in Geophysics and Geology.
Related Courses
1. TG-2212 Komputasi Geofisika, Prerequisit
2. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar , Prerequisit
3. MA-2092 Statistika Dasar, Prerequisit
1. Davis, J.C., Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed., 1986
2. David, M., Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation, Elsevier Scientific Publishing
Company, 1979.
3. Journel A.G. and Ch. J. Huijbregts, Mining Geostatistics, Academic Press, 1978.
4. Journal Computers dan Geosciences, Pergamon Press, 1991.
Short Description
- Electrical Circuit Basics: types and characteristics of circuit components, Kirchhoff
law for DC and AC currents and Voltages, Thevenin and Norton circuit models,
current source and voltage source conversions, loading problem and power dissipation,
phase and bandwidth.
- Electronic Circuit: types and characteristics of electronic, analog, digital and
microprocessor electronics.
- Basics of electronic instrumentation: properties and characteristics of measurement
instrument, transducer and amplifier.
- Hardware of Geophysical instrumentation
Related Courses
1. Rangan, Sarma, Mani. Instrumentation: Device and System. Tata Mc. Graw Hill, 1992.
Syllabus in English
Short Description
1. Basic observation of outcrops, geological mapping
2. Acquisition technics in using geophysical instrumentation (gravity, magnetics,
electromagnetic, geoelectric, seismic, etc) methods.
Combining, processing and make interpretation from both of geological and geophysical
data ((1) and (2)), in order get better conclusion about the study area.
The aims of this lecture is to provide the students a comprehensive understanding and
attitudes on how to be a good geophysicist, in which he can acquire, process, and
interpreter the geological and geophysical data, in order to extend his integrated
geoscience knowledge.
Related Courses
1. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar, Corequisit
2. TG-3122 Teori Potensial, Corequisit
3. TG-3151 Seismik Refraksi, Corequisit
4. GD-21L5 Perpetaan, Corequisit
5. TG-1101 Pengantar Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral, Corequisit
6. GL-3111 Geologi Struktur, Corequisit
7. GL-3141 Petrologi, Corequisit
8. GL-2251 Sedimentologi dan Stratigrafi, Corequisit
9. TG-2213 Perambatan Gelombang, Corequisit
1. Compton, R., Manual a Field Geology, John Wiley & Son, 1970.
2. Dobrin, Milton. B., and Savit, C.H., Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting.
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1988.
3. Telford, M.W., Geldart, L.P., Sherift, R.E. and Keys, D.A., Applied Geophysics,
Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Short Description
Introduction, Basic theory of wave propagation, basic theory of seismic wave propagation
through elastic medium, basic theory of refraction seismic and interpretation methods
transmission seismic method, application of refraction and transmission seismic methods
for geotechnics and mining exploration, etc.
Syllabus in English
Related Courses
1. TG-4254 Geofisika Umum, Corequisit
1. Telford et al.; Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 1976
2. Taib, M.I.T.; Interpretasi Seismic Refraksi dan Seismologi Teknik, Laboratorium
Geoteknik, Pusat Antar Universitas Ilmu Rekayasa-ITB, 1987.
3. Musgrave, A.; Seismic refraction prospecting, Society of Exploration Geophysics
Tulsa, 1986.
4. Taib, M.I.T.; Seismologi Teknik, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, 1998.
5. N. Matsuda; Seismic refraction analysm for engineering study, Oyo Technical Notes,
6. Kenneth, H.W.; Refraction Seismologi. John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
Short Description
Provide the basic knowledge about energy, heat transfer, and its change in
thermodynamically variable. Presenting its position inside earth sciences supported by
intrinsic data measurement, calculating, analytical reasoning, and draw the result on graph,
chart, and its interpretation. Lecture emphasize to macroscopic observation rather than
microscopic approach.
Related Courses
1. Kern, R., and Weisbord, A. Thermodynamics for Geologist. Freeman Cooper & Co,
2. Zemansky and Dittman. Heat and Thermodynamics. Mc. Graw-Hill, 1982.
3. Turcotte, D.L., Schubert, G., Geodynamics: Application of Continuum Physics to
Geological Problems. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1982.
4. Andreson, G.M., Themodynamics of Natural Systems, 1996.
5. Morello et al. Nouveau Formulaire de Physique, 1996.
Syllabus in English
Short Description
1. Signal : analog signal, digital signal, digitize.
2. Fourier transform : Fourier series, Fourier integral, Fourier transform, Fourier
cosines transforms.
3. Descret Fourier transform : Fourier coefficients, Fourier integral, program of the
Fast Fourier Transform.
4. Convolution : convolution in time and frequency domain, definition of
convolution, programing.
5. Correlation : definition, cross correlation, auto correlation, correlation theorem.
6. Sampling theory : sample function, sampling theorem, aliasing.
7. The natures of digital signal phase
8. Filter
Related Courses
1. TG-2111 Geomatematika I, Prerequisit
2. TG-2214 Geomatematika II, Prerequisit
3. TG-2213 Perambatan Gelombang, Prerequisit
1. Brececwell, R.N.: The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. Mc. Graw-Hill Book
Co., New York, 1978.
2. Clearbout, J.F.; Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing With Applications to
Petroleum Prospecting. Mc. Graw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1976.
3. Sheriff, R.E., and Geldart, L.P.; Exploration Seismology Vol.2 : Data Processing and
Interpretation. Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Short Description
In this lecture, following subjects will be given:
Reflection seismic data acquisition, definition of signal and noise, Fourier transformation,
Seismic data processing, migration, Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP), 3D, model Sections,
Interpretation of some ideal sections, etc.
Related Courses
1. TG-2213 Perambatan Gelombang, Prerequisit
1. Yilmaz, O., Seismic Data Processing, Society of Exploration Geophysics, 1987.
2. Sheriff, R.E. & Geldart, L.P. Exploration Seismology. 1987.
3. Sheriff, R.E. Geophysical Method. Prentice Hall, 1989.
TG-4118 : Geotomografi (Pilihan, 2 SKS)
Syllabus in English
Short Description
1. Introduction of geotomography, concept of geotomography, history of geotomography
2. Seismic Tomography: concept of seismic tomography, acquiring data.
3. Image tomography, numerical analysis, processing data, forward modeling, ray tracing,
inversion methods, transformation methods (BPT, ART, ILST, SIRT, MSIRT)
expansion method
4. Diffraction tomography, scattering waves, Lippman Schwinger Equation, generalized
projection slice theorem, direct transform diffraction, back propagation diffraction
5. Electrical tomography: Basic concept, configuration technology, wenner, dipole-pole
borehole, Case studies: Imaging a fault system, imaging salt sill, steam flood EOR,
tunnel investigation.
Related Courses
1. TG-4117 Seismologi Refleksi , Prerequisit
2. TG-3252 Eksplorasi Geolistrik, Prerequisit
1. Deans, S.R., The Radon Transform and Some its Applications. John Willey & Sons,
2. Dimiri, V., Deconvolution and Inverse Theory. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992.
3. Kak, A.C., and Slaney, M., Principle of Computerized Tomographic Imaging. The
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., New York, 1987.
4. Stewart, R.R., Exploration Seismic Tomography: Fundamentals. SEG course notesm
series Vol., 1992.
5. Lo, Tien-ehen Inderweisen, P., Fundamentals of Seismic Tomography Geophysical
Monograph Series-SEG, 1994.
Short Description
Definition of Volcano, Indonesia as the volcano-country, volcano activities, products of
eruption, structure and shape of volcanoes, viscosity, tectonic, physical and chemical
properties of magma, eruption mechanism, physical volcanology: volcano-earthquake,
hypocentrum determination, types of volcano-earthquake. Monitoring of volcano
activities: using gravity, geolectrical, and seismic methods. Deformation of volcano,
volcanic hazard assessment. Natural resources of geothermal, definition and terminology
of geothermal, geothermal potential in Indonesia, hydrothermal system, chemical
properties of geothermal, geological exploration, geochemistry exploration, geophysical
exploration, Calculation/determination of geothermal reserves, case studies.
Related Courses
1. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar, Corequisit
Syllabus in English
1. Armstead, H.C.H. Geothermal Energy. J. Willey, 1978.
2. Ellis, A.J. & Mahon, W.A.J. Geochemistry and Geothermal System. Academic
Press, 1977.
3. Keller, G.V. Exploration for Geothermal Energy. Dev. In Geophysics, Exp. Method 2,
ed. A.A. Fitch, Ap. Sci.Pub, 1981.
4. Rybach, L & Muffler, L.J.P. Geothermal System Principles and Case Histories. J.
Willey, 1981.
5. Santoso, D. Eksplorasi Energi Geothermal. Diktat Kuliah, Penerbit ITB, 2000.
6. Berbagai buku dan laporan tentang eksplorasi panas bumi di Indonesia
7. Bullard, F.M., Volcanoes of the Earth. Univ. of Queensland Press, 1977.
8. Civetta, L., Gasparini, P., Luongo, G. & Rapalla, A., Physical Volcanology. Elsevier,
9. Riffman, Volcanoes and Their Activity. J. Willey & Sons, 1962.
10. Santoso, D., Diktat Kuliah Volkanofisik. Penerbit ITB, 2000.
Short Description
1. Introduction : general pylosophy, exploration strategies and concepts, geophysical
method of exploration, geophysical survei design.
2. Refraction seismic method.
3. Reflection seismic method.
4. Gravity method.
5. Magnetic method.
6. Electromagnetic method.
Related Courses
1. Grant, F.S., dan G.F. West; Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics, Mc. Graw-
Hill Book Comp., 1965.
2. McQuilin, R., M. Bacon, dan W. Barclay, An Introduction to Seismic Interpretation.
Graham & Trotman Limited, 1980.
3. Reynolds, J.M., An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. John
Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1997.
4. Sheriff, R.E. dan L.P. Geldart, Exploration Seismology. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.
Syllabus in English
5. Telford, W.M., L.P. Geldart, dan R.E. Sheriff, Applied Geophysics, ed. 2, Cambridge
Univ. Press, 1990.
6. Kearey, P., dan M. Brooks, An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration. Blackwell
Scientific Publication, 1988.
7. Sheriff, R.E., Reservoir Geophysics. SEG, 1992.
Short Description
AI inversion: types, flowchart, numerical example, model building, method selection,
geological application
Avo Inversion: Rock Physics, mathematical foundation, classification, basic ostrander
model, clay stone method, AVO modeling and Interpretation Pitfall
Related Courses
1. TG-4231 Interpretasi Seismik Refleksi, Corequisit
2. TG-4232 Pengantar Seismik Stratigrafi Prerequisit
1. Kelkar, M., Applied Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization. The University of
Tulsa-Oklahoma, 1982.
2. Russel, B.H., Introduction to Seismic Inversion Methods. STRATA Workshop, 1995.
3. Sukmono, S., Seismik Inversi Untuk Karakterisasi Reservoar. Jurusan Teknik
Geofisika-ITB, 1999.
4. Sukmono, S., Diktat Latihan Seismik Inversi Untuk Karakteristik Reservoar. Jurusan
Teknik Geofisika-ITB, 1999.
5. Yilmaz, O., Seismic Data Processing. SEG, 1987.
Short Description
Concept of seismic reservoir analysis: types of attribute, mathematical foundation,
complex attributes and their geological application. Time attributes and their geological
application, Amplitude and frequency attributes and their geological applications.
Related Courses
1. TG-4232 Pengantar Seismik Stratigrafi Prerequisit
2. TG-4231 Interpretasi Seismik Refleksi Corequisit
Syllabus in English
Short Description
Sampling Sub-surface data, physical properties of sedimentary rocks, electrical, acoustical
and radio active properties of rocks, borehole seismic, reservoir characterization, Log
interpretation, Identifying fluid reservoir.
Related Courses
Short Description
The progress of science and technology supported by publications, need disseminated to
our society. On this activity, the evolution of scientific culture is given as well as their
activity in scientific methods by introducing rationing-logic and experimentalist thinking.
The activity is accompanied by direct practicing in developing a short paper with the
appropriate format in a seminar, or publication. The practicing activity is toward in
achievement in developing a synopsis, analysis, presentation technique, developing
proposal, as well as introduction to general software, and the whole thing is supported by
inherent scientific culture.
Related Courses
1. Albritton, Jr., C.C., The Fabric of Geology. Freeman, Cooper, Comp., USA, 1964
2. Nicolle, Jean Marie, Histoire des methods Scientifiques, Breal, 1994
3. OConnor, Writing Succesfully in Science, Chapman & Hall, 1996
4. Toulmin S. The Philosophy of Science. Harper Toch Book, London, 1960.
5. Zen, M.T. Sains, Teknologi dan Hari Depan Manusia. Gramedia, 1983.
Syllabus in English
Short Description
Basic concept: exploration procedure of engineering and environmental geophysics, case
examples, design and procedure of engineering geophysics survey; methodology of
geotechnical exploration, methodology of seismological engineering; earthquake risk
analysis, geophysical exploration in hydrology, geophysical exploration in geotechnical
Related Courses
1. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar Prerequisit
2. GL-2012 Pengantar Tektonofisik Prerequisit
3. TG-4254 Geofisika Umum Corequisit
1. Kelly, W.E., dan Mares S., Applied Geophysics in Hydrogeological and Engineering
Practice. Elsevier, 1993.
2. Reynolds J.M. An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. John Wiley
& Sons, 1997.
3. Sukmono, S., Diktat Kuliah Geofisika Teknik dan Lingkungan. Jurusan Teknik
Geofisika-ITB, 1998.
4. Sukmono, S., Seismik Risk Zoning dalam the International Course in Earthquake
Disaster Preventation for Building Engineers. JICA & Ministry of Public Works,
5. Taib, M.I.T., Diktat Kuliah Seismologi Teknik. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika-ITB, 1997.
6. Ward, S.H., Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics. Society of Exploration
Geophysicists, 1990.
7. C.W. Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology, MacMillan, 1994.
Short Description
The role of electromagnetic method (EM) in geophysical exploration; electrical and
magnetic properties of mineral and rocks; resistivity characteristics of geological target;
principles of EM wave propagation; source and receiver types; refraction and reflection;
velocity and attenuation; tilt-angle method; transient concept; LOTEM; GPR; VLF; case
studies about EM method application in mineral, groundwater, geothermic; geotechnic,
environmental and hydrocarbon explorations; airborne EM.
Related Courses
1. TG-2213 Perambatan Gelombang, Prerequisit
Syllabus in English
1. Annan, A.P., Ground Penetrating Radar. Workshop Notes, Sensor & Software, 1992.
2. Nabighian M.N., (ed.), Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics, Vol.1.
Theory, Society of Exploration Geophys., 513 pp., 1987.
3. Nabighian M.N., (ed.), Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics, Vol.2.
Application, Part A+B, Soc. Expl. Geophys., 1987.
4. Reynolds, J.M., An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, John
Wiley & Sons, 796 pp., 1997.
5. Ward, S.H. (ed.), Geotechnical & Environmental Geophysics, Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
1032 pp., 1990.
Short Description
Introduction, Seismotectonics in Indonesia, Seismotectonics system, Neotectonics,
Morpotectonics, Stratigraphy quarter, active geological structures, earthquake, earthquake
zonation for geotechnics, hazards mitigation and earthquake risk in Indonesia.
Related Courses
1. TG-4117 Seismologi Refleksi Prerequisit
2. TG-3252 Eksplorasi Geolistrik Prerequisit
1. Arnold, E.P., Programme for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Southeast Asia.
USGS, 1979.
2. Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd., Indonesia Earthquake Study, Vol.2, 1979.
3. Everden, J.A. and J.M. Thomson, Predicting Seismic Intensities. USGS, Profes. Paper,
4. Katili, J.A. and Tjia H.D., Outline of Quaternary Tectonics of Indonesia Archipelago.
Bull, Roy. Soc. New Zealand 9, 1969.
5. Medvedey, J., Engineering Seismology. Adecemia Nauk Press, Moscow, 1962.
6. Perlmutter, M.A. and Matthews, M.A., Global Cyclostratigraphy, Quantitative
Dynamic Stratigraphy. Prentice Englewood, New Jersey, 1989.
Short Description
Introduction : Computer Sciences, Computer in Geophysics
Programming : Mathematical Model, Algoritma Program, Error Analysis in Geophysics
and Geology.
Linear Equation in Geophysics: Matrix, Gauss Elimination, Matrix Inversion, L.U.
Syllabus in English
Related Courses
1. MA-1123 Kalkulus I, Prerequisit
2. MA-1224 Kalkulus II, Prerequisit
3. TG-2111 Geomatematika I, Prerequisit
4. TG-2214 Geomatematika II, Corequisit
1. Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T. Numerical Recipes.
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
2. OBrien, S.K., Nameroff, S. Turbo Pascal 7:The Complete Reference. Mc. Graw-Hill,
3. Parasnis, D.S. Applied Geophysics. Cambridge University Press, 1981.
Short Description
Wave: Description of waves, mathematical equation of waves, Transversal and
Longitudinal waves, Momentums and energies of waves, Pressure wave, Elastic wave,
Surface wave.
Electromagnetic Wave s: Maxwell Equation, Electromagnetic Waves Propagation.
Reflection and Refraction Waves: Snells Law, Maluss Theorem, Huygens Principle
Seismic and Electromagnetic Wave in Geophysics
Related Courses
1. FI-1101 Fisika Dasar I, Prerequisit
2. FI-1201 Fisika Dasar II, Prerequisit
3. TG-2111 Geomatematika I, Prerequisit
1. Alonso, F. Fundamental University Physics, Vol.2: Field and Waves. Adison Wasley,
2. Pain. The Physics of Waves Vibration, 2nded. Elbs and John Willey, 1976.
3. Ggrawford, Waves, Barkeley Physics Course, vol.3. Mc. Graw-Hill, 1968.
Syllabus in English
Short Description
Special function: gamma function, beta function, orthogonal polynomial, special function,
cylindrical function. Fourier transform: fourier series, finite fourier series, fourier integral,
fourier transform, delta function ( function), convolution. Laplace transform: laplace
transform, generalized fourier transform, laplace transform of delta function, convolution.
Laplace equation: boundary value problem for a circle, solution of laplace equation,
boundary value problem for a sphere. Wave equation: the vibrating string, boundary &
initial conditions, solution of wave equation.
Related Courses
1. MA-1123 Kalkulus I, Prerequisit
2. MA-1224 Kalkulus II, Prerequisit
3. FI-1101 Fisika Dasar I, Prerequisit
4. FI-1201 Fisika Dasar II, Prerequisit
5. TG-2111 Geomatematika I, Prerequisit
1. Mary L. BOAS. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences. Second Edition, 1983
2. Michael D. Greenberg. Advances Engineering Mathematics, 1998
3. S.J. Farlow. Partial Differential Equations for Scientists & Engineers, 1982
Short Description
1. Definition of the exploration gravity and magnetic methods, aplication of gravity
and magnetic method.
2. Rock density and succeptibility
3. Basic theory, gravity anomaly, gravity correction, gravimeter, field operations.
4. Density estimation from gravity
5. Regional and residual anomaly separation
6. Qualitative and quantitative interpretation
7. Internal and eksternal magnetic field
8. Magnetic anomaly
Related Courses
1. Grant & West, Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics. Mc. Graw-Hill, 1969.
2. Netleton, Gravity & Magnetic Exploration, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1976.
Syllabus in English
3. Radhakrisna Murti, I.V., P. Rama Rao and S. Jaganuadha Rao. The Density Difference
and Generalized Programs For Two and Three Dimensional. Computer &Geosciences
V.16, No.3, P.277-286, 1990.
4. Talwani, M., and Bowing, M. Rapid Computation Gravitation Attraction of Three
Dimensional. Computer & Geosciences V.16, No.3, P.277-286, 1990.
5. Talwani, J.L. Worzel and Ladisman, M. Rapid Gravity for Two Dimensi-onal Bodies
With Application to The Mendocina Submarine Fracture Zone. Journal Geophysical
Research, V.48, P.49-59, 1959.
Short Description
- Introduction: Geoelectrics as an exploration method, development history,
application of geoelectrical method in geotechnical engineering, natural resources
concept, etc.
- Theory of DC resistivity method. Potential field of electrics, isotropic and
anisotropic, homogenous and inhomogenous concepts, refraction and reflection
- Electrical properties of media, mineral and rocks, rocks formation, governing laws
- Horizontal and vertical resistivity sounding, resistivity profiling, data acquisition
and interpretation.
- Theory, data acquisition and interpretation of Self Potential, case study
- Theory, data acquisition and interpretation of Induced Polarisation, case study
- Mise a la masse, well logging etc.
Related Courses
1. M.I.T. Taib. Eksplorasi Geolistrik. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika-ITB, 1998.
2. Keller, G.V., and Friscknecht, F.C. Electrical Method in Geophysical Prospecting.
Elsevier, 1980.
3. Koefoed, O. Geosounding Principle. Elsevier, 1979.
4. Van Nostrand, R., K. Cool. Interpretation of Resistivity Data. USGS, Proff. Paper,
5. Summer, J.S. Principle of Induced Polarization.1982.
Short Description
Presenting concepts and mineral geneses use in searching of minerals discovery.
Discussion their models, metalogenic province, and map analysis. Demonstrating how the
specific geophysical response on mineral trap, data processing and interpretation are
generally practicing. Introducing several geophysics methods generally being used in
Syllabus in English
Related Courses
1. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar, Prerequisit
2. TG-4128 Geofisika Eksplorasi, Prerequisit
3. TG-3252 Eksplorasi Geolistrik, Prerequisit
4. TG-3224 Eksplorasi Gaya Berat dan Magnetik, Prerequisit
1. Blyth, F.G.H. Geological Maps and Their Interpretation. William Clowes Sons, 1965.
2. Edwin S. Robinson, Cahit Coryh. Basic Exploration Geophysics. John Willey and
Sons, 1988.
3. Evans, Anthony M. Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals : An Introduction. Blackwell
Scientific Publications, 1993.
4. Gerkens, Darnauds. Foundation of Exploration Geophysics. Elsevier, 1989.
5. Hahn, Albrecht, Wilhelm Bosum. Geomagnetics. Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin, 1986.
6. Hansen, Don Ed. Mining Geophysics. SEG, 1969.
7. Jensen, M. Alan M. Bateman. Economic Mineral Deposit. John Willey and Sons,
8. Koesoemadinata, R.P. Geologi Eksplorasi. Jurusan Teknik Geologi-ITB, 1991
9. Milsom, John. Field Geophysics. John Willey and Sons, 1996.
10. Gueguen, Yves. Introduction ala Physique des roches. Herman Paris, 1992.
Short Description
Objectives, procedure, sequence seismic analysis and its geological meaning (concept,
relationship, characteristic). Facies seismic analysis for various depositional system (delta,
self, slope, basic, etc). Seismic system-tract analysis: concept, characteristics hydrocarbon
Related Courses
1. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar , Prerequisit
2. GL-2114 Pengantar Tektonofisik, Prerequisit
3. TG-4231 Interpretasi Seismik Refleksi, Corequisit
1. Allen, P.A., dan J.R. Allen. Basin Analysis. Blackwell Scientific, 1990.
2. Brown, A.R. Interpretation of Three Dimensional Seismic Data. AAPG Memoir 42,
Syllabus in English
Short Description
- Introduction
- Classification and index of rock physical properties
- Failure analysis 1
- Failure analysis 2
- Initial stress of rocks and its measurement technique
- Technology of non-destructive testing
- Stress and strain tensors
- Rock deformation
- assignement on Strain analysis
- application of rock mechanics in rock-slope engineering
- application of rock mechanics in foundation engineering
- wave analysis for determination of elestic parameters
- presentation
Related Courses
1. Middleton, G, V., R Wilcock P.R., Mechanics in the Earth and Environmental
Sciences. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996.
2. Jaeger, J.C., and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamental of Rock Mechanics. London, Methuen,
3. Weijermars, R., Principles of Rock Mechanics. Alboran Science Publishing, 1997.
4. ASTM-STP 634, Dynamic Geotechnical Testing. Race-Street, Philadelphia, USA,
5. Terrawatanachai, R., Non Destructive Testing. Tokyo-Japan, 1998.
Short Description
Objectives, procedure, wave reflection, seismic resolution, well seismic tie, synthetic
seismogram, check-shot, VSP, noise analysis, geological meanings of seismic record,
structure interpretation 3D seismic, introduction to seismic stratigraphy, seismic attribute.
Syllabus in English
Related Courses
1. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar , Prerequisit
2. GL-2114 Pengantar Tektonofisik, Prerequisit
3. TG-4254 Geofisika Umum, Corequisit
1. Badley, M.E. Practical Seismic Interpretation. Prentice Hall, 1985.
2. Brown, A.R. Interpretation of Three Dimensional Seismic Data. AAPG Memoir
42, 1991.
3. Sheriff R.E. Seismic Stratigraphy. IHRDC, 1980.,
4. Sukmono, S. Diktat Kuliah Interpretasi Seismik Refleksi. Jurusan Teknik
Geofisika-ITB, 331 hal., 1999.
Short Description
Earth evolve through time, these process translated into different scale,and sometime one
difficult to interpret phenomenon directly, therefore geophysics could help in exhibiting
the new data such as those phenomenons could be explained, and quantified as well. The
emphasis of geophysics and topics give maximum information available from seismology,
tectonic, gravimetry-magnetic, isostacy, rheology, heat flow, geohistory and applied in
several cases in Indonesia.
Related Courses
1. FI-1101 Fisika Dasar I, Prerequisit
2. GL-2011 Geologi Dasar, Prerequisit
1. Cox. Allan. Plate Tectonics and Geomagnetics Reversals. W.H. Freeman Co., San
Francisco, 1973.
2. Hobbs, Bruce, E., Winthrop D. Means, Paul E. Williams. An Outline of Structural
Geology. J. Willey, Inc., New York, 1976.
3. Liliboutry, L. Quantitative geology and geophysics.Springer, 2000.
Short Description
Understanding how to obtain. Physical parameters of the interior of the earth based on
geophysical methods
Syllabus in English
Related Courses
1. Butler, R.F., Paleomagnetism: Magnetic Domains to Geologic Terranes, Blackwell
Scientific, 1992.
2. Fowler, C.M.R., The Solid Earth. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
3. Kearey, P., dan F.J. Vine, Global Tectonics. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1990.
4. Ludman, A., dan N.K. Coch, Physical Geology, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1982.
5. Plummer, C.C., D. McGeary, dan D.H. Carlson, Physical Geology, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
6. Skinner, B.J., dan S.C. Porter, The Dynamic Earth : an Introduction to Physical
Geology, John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2000.
Short Description
Basic configuration of instrument, characteristics of instruments, component, behaviour
of instrument. Examples of electrical platform for geophysical instruments utilized to
measure in the field.
Related Courses
1. Rangan, Sarma, Mani. Instrumentation: Devide and System. Tata Mc. Graw-Hill,
2. Jacon Fraden. Handbook of modern sensor: Physics, Design and Applications. AIP
press, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.
3. Webster. Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design. Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1996.