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Assignment 1

Module 1:- Introduction to Manual Testing

1. What is Software Testing, What is the need to do software testing?
Ans:- Software testing is process to check the correctness ,completeness and quality of
developed software. Also, we can say that it is process to check the Expected result with
Actual result so that it could be corrected before product is delivered to end user.

Need of software testing:-

1. To avoid risk
If software is faulty it can cause expensive (or dangerous) effect to end user. In
China Airlines Airbus crashed due to a software bug on April 26, 1994, killing 264
innocent lives. A software bug caused the failure of a $1.2 billion military
satellite launch.
So we need to check everything and anything we produce because things can go
wrong, humans can make mistake.

2. To gain business reputation

Nowadays lots of competition are created hence those company wants to stand in
market they require to provide quality product which reflect to gain the business

3. To detect error early in application to avoid multiplication of defect

Cost of finding and fixing defects increase over the time Also it gets multiply in
later stage. Hence, to avoid this software testing is started as early as possible in
software development life cycle.

4. To provide customer satisfaction

If customer is not satisfied with the quality of software then company can loose the
reputation also no one can use their product later on.

2. What is a Bug, Defect, Error, Fault & Failure ?

Error:- It is a mistake in coding
Defect:- Error found by tester is called defect
Bug:- Defect accepted by developer is called bug
Fault:- Software issue or Unexpected behaviour of software by an incorrect step
Failure:- Build does not meet the requirement is called failure
3. What do you understand by Functional and Non-functional testing?
Ans:- Functional Testing:-

Functional testing is testing all the functionalities which are demanded by client.
Here all the feature of software is check as they properly working or not.
This testing tells how well the system performs and concentrating on customer
The input of functional testing are the business requirement also, it validate the
functionality of application.
Functional testing is carried out using the design specification provided by designing
team of the project.
In functional testing there are mainly two categories:-
Black box testing:- Expected output will check with actual output
White box testing:- Here internal structure or logic will check

Non-Functional Testing:-

Non- functional requirement are related with the behaviour of system.

This testing tells how well the system responds
Non-functional testing is based on clients expectations
It validates the performance of application.
It also tells the product we design will provide a good user experience or not.
Also, the product is easy to use or note, is it adaptable in all environment or not.

4 What are the different phases of Software Development Life cycle

Ans:- Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a structural approach or step by step
procedure to developing software product/application. It contains different phases which are:-

1. Requirement gathering and analysis

Business Analyst will collect the requirement from client and prepare Business
requirement Specification (BRS) document.
BRS document contains all functional requiremen t(What s/w should do?)
After this documentation other documentation which is nothing but Software
Requirement Document (SRS) is prepared by Sr. Business analyst or Domain
Expert or System Architect.
This SRS document contains functional and non-functional requirement of software
to be developed.
SRS is derived from BRS

2. Planning
Determine the Schedule/plan for the project as well as resources.
Determine the scope of project.
Determine the cost of project also check is it feasible or not.
Project Manager created project plan document.

3. Design
The main purpose of design is to make developer to understand what kind of
software needs to be developed.
There are two types of design:-
High Level Design(HLD):- It is block diagram representation of project flow also,
the interaction between different modules.
Low Level Design(LLD) :- It is nothing but Algorithm or psuedocode Also,
interaction between sub-module.
Design will act as an input for coding phase and its done by Software designer or

4. Coding
Software developer will create software considering design as input.
Front end developer creates the visual front end element such as GUI.
Back end developer creates core computational logic in back-end also, deals with
Developer will generate source code.
Software built/exe file is generated so that tester will test the product.

5. Testing
Tester executes the test cases with actual software built to find out defects and
missing requirements.
If problem occurs in software then tester will prepare defect report.
Group of test cases is called test suits and if test cases are generated by automation

6. Installation or Deployment
Software installation is done at either production environment or at client site in live
Installation of software done by installation team.
The end documentation is prepared which is nothing but user manual, Installation
guide or help guide.

7. Maintenance
During the end user problem maintenance team will take of software which
includes programmer and tester.
It will take care if there is any change in requirement or fix defect in run time
environment making sure that it will not affect existing functionality.
5 What are the different phases of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?
Software testing life cycle is the sequence of activities carried out by the testing
team from the beginning of the project till the end of the project. It consist of different
activities which are:-

1. Test Planning and Control

Prepare the test strategy also, select the testing approach done test lead.
Test lead prepare of test plan document which contains what to test? How to test?
Who will test? Where to test? And When to stop?
Resource planning and assigning roles and responsibility.
Test lead also monitors the test activity on whether it going as per test plan
document or not.

2. Test analysis and design

By referring SRS document and test plan document Sr. tester execute test analysis
Understanding the requirement and check if its testable or not also check they are
correct and complete.
Sr. Tester will derive test condition i.e +ve as well as ve.
Test scenario document is created.
Sr. Tester will identify test data (input for testing the software)

3. Test implementation and executions

Sr. Tester will write test cases and also generate test suits/test script.
Test cases are executed with actual software built here, comparison of expected
result with actual result is done by Jr. Tester. If it failed then they generate defect
Jr. Tester prepares test log(or execution log) which contains the status of test cases
whether it passed or failed.

4. Evaluating Exit criteria and reporting

Here we check sufficient testing is done or not by taking test log as input
Also as per the plan exit criteria is achieved or not. If it is achieved then stop.
Test lead will generate test summary report which contains overall description of
test activity
Stakeholder makes decision whether to launch software or not.

5. Test closure
After software is deployed testing activity is completed by maintaining relevant test
For the future reference relevant test document is required for new release of

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