The Percentage of Grade 11 Students of Juan S
The Percentage of Grade 11 Students of Juan S
The Percentage of Grade 11 Students of Juan S
SHS Teacher
Sabangan, Duncan
Ando, Lea S.
Labajanan, Vanessa A.
Approval Sheet
This research study entitled The Percentage of Grade 11 students in Juan S. Tismo
National High School who are using cellphones during class hours by: Karl Francis C. Desalin,
Duncan Sabangan, Lea S. Ando, Vanessa A. Labajanan, which is being, presented in partial
fulfilment of the requirements of Practical Research II and verified through oral test.
Committee on Research
Member Member
This has been approved by the pundits on the ____ 2017 with a rating of _____.
________________________ ________________________
Member Member
The researchers would like to express their asseveration of gratitude to all the person whoever
To the Grade 11 students of JSTNHS, for giving their time and cooperation in providing the
To the School Administration, for allowing the researchers to conduct a research inside the
school premise.
And lastly to the Almighty God, for providing the researchers enough strength, courage, effort
- The Researchers
This study entitled The Percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School
who are using cellphones during class hours adviser Mrs Elenita G. Silvestrece.
This study is all about The Percentage of Grade 11 student of Juan S. Tismo National High
School who are using cellphones during class hours. The Researchers utilized a research
This Study has employed a qualitative research design. It has been used a survey questionnaire to
get the opinions of each selected Senior High School Students. All the gathered data that are
Cell phones are good. According to debate .org it should be allowed in public schools
for many reasons. They are good for education, safety, and much more. Cell phones are good for
education for many reasons. First you can use cell phones for research purposes. Although many
schools have at least 1 computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isnt
enough. It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good
option is to use cell phones for research instead.
Some people think that some apps are bad and students will get distracted and use them
in class. And the truths is that cell phones have many educational apps as well, which do you
think would be more fun and exciting for a student? Either studying with a boring book that is
hard to understand, or playing an educational app that is still studying, but much more exciting.
It doesnt if your phone is expensive or not, almost every single phone has a calculator.
Lots of students are required to have a calculator as one of their school supplies, but if they have
one on their phone, then they dont have to get one. Dictionary, cell phones can be used as a
dictionary, youll only need to install a dictionary app on your mobile phones, which can be very
useful in a classroom setting. And also stop watch, lots of phones have a stopwatch, which can
be used in science and P.E. class.
Cellphone usage on school campus is an increasing problem, Not only do cellphones interrupt
instructional time by ringing, students are texting under the desk, surfing the internet, taking
pictures of tests forwarding information to their peers, and are otherwise distracted. Discipline
issues are on the rise; some schools have even banned cellphones make excellent learning tools
and should be used in innovative ways for our digital natives to make learning relevant. The
reality is cellphones are not going away. Is there an effective and educative way to incorporate
cellphones usage into the classroom? Should they be banned altogether? Or should there be
This study is important to the students, because they are the source of information to
determine the percentage who are using cellphones during class hours.
This study is impotant to the teachers, to know if they are guiding their students and
minimizing the usage of cellphones during class hours.
This study focuses on gathering information from selected Grade 11 students of Juan S.
Tismo National High School about the percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo
National High School who are using cellphones during class hours.
The researchers have chosen respondents from Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo
Definition of Terms
Instructional the act of instructing someone, the action or process of teaching.
Irrelevant not important or relating to what is being discussed right now, not relevant.
Review of Related Literature
According to Lauren Barack (January 7, 2013). Many high school teachers are becoming
comfortable with incorporating smartphones and other digital devices into classrooms to aid with
learning, a new study finals that a majority of high school students are already using cellphones
Based on Tamara Brenner, a book centre interim managing director, walking around
campus, cellphones are ubiquitous. What do students do with their cellphones once they walk
into the classroom? In one survey at six different universities, college student reported using
their cellphones an average of 11 times per day in class. In another study, 92 % of college
students reported using their cellphones to send text messages during class.
According to Jeffery H. Kuznekoff, Stevie Munz and Scott Titsworth. Mobile phone use
in the classroom by using an experimental design to study how message content (related or
unrelated to class lecture) and message creation (responding to or creating a message) impact
student learning. Participants in eight experimental groups and a control group watched a video
lecture, took notes and completed tests of students learning. The Control and relevant message
groups earn a 10-77 % higher letter grade, scored 70% higher on recalling information and
scored 50% higher on note taking than students who composed tweets or responded to irrelevant
and note taking, while related messages did not appear to have a significant negative impact.
Chapter III
This study uses qualitative research to know the comment and opinions of the grade 11
students of Juan S. Tismo National High School about the issue The Percentage of Grade 11
students of Juan S. Tismo National High School who are using cellphones during class hours.
The respondents of this study are the selected Grade 11 student of Juan S. Tismo National
High School.
To get the data, the researchers used a questionnaires to get the opinions of the
respondents that are the Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School.
The researchers used a qualitative research design in gathering information about The
Percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School who are using
The respondents of this research study where selected students of Juan S. Tismo National
High School. The researchers agreed to have 50 respondents, including girls and boys.
Chapter IV
Data Analysis
Total Respondents: 51
1. Percentage of Grade 11 students who are addicted in using cell phone during class hours
Total of
respondents who Percentage
50% 36 70.6%
70% 11 21.6%
90% 5 9.9%
100% 1 1.10%
2. Time consumed of the Grade 11 students by using cell phones during class hours
Total of
respondents who answered Percentage
NONE 22 43.2%
1-5 28 54.10%
6-7 1 1.10%
ALL 0 0%
4. Number of students who believed that using mobile phone during class hours help him.
Sometimes 41 80.4%
5-10 25 49.1%
15-25 14 27.5%
25-30 6 24.8%
ALL 6 11.8%
Republic of the Philippines
Babatngon, Leyte
Dear Respondents,
Good Day!
We are the Grade 12 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School we are taking
research paper entitled The Percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National
High School who are using cellphones during class hours In connection to this we could
Sincerely yours,
The Researchers
Approved by;
I. Demographic Profile
Name: Age:
Address: Gender:
Direction: Kindly answer honestly by putting a check mark () on the box with the question
1. In a percentage, how will you rate your addiction in using cell phones during class hours?
50% 90%
70% 100%
2. Inside your classroom, how many hours do you spend using your cell phone?
3. How many subjects require you to use cell phone during class hours?
None 6-7
1-5 All
4. Does using cell phone during class hour help you?
5. In your classroom, how many of your classmates use cell phones during class hours?
5-10 25-30
15-25 All
Table 1
No. of Respondents
This research study has been conducted through survey questionnaire, the
Questionnaire has been presented by the research to gather informations and datas about the
Data Treatment
The researchers have gathered and interpreted the data, objectively. And the total
number of number of responses hove been presented by the researchers to gather informations
and datas about The Percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School
who are using cell phones during class hours
Data Treatment
The researchers have gathered and interpreted the data objectively. And the total
number of responses have been tallied using the formula in getting the percentage.
P= Percentage
Research Questions
Research questions are provided below. This question will be addressed and explored
further throughout this investigation.
1. In a percentage, how will you rate your addiction in using cell phones during class hours?
2. Inside your classroom, how many hours do you spend using your cell phone?
3. How many subjects require you to use cell phone during class hours?
4. Does using cell phone during class hours help you?
5. In your classroom, how many of your classmates use cell phones during class hours.
Research Objectives
1. To determine the rate of the Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School
who are using cell phones during class hours.
2. To determine the rate of Grade 11 students who are addicted in using cell phones during
class hours.
3. To determine if using cell phones during class hours help the Grade 11 students in their
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
This chapter covers the summary, conclusion and recommendation based on the
information gathered by the researchers by making a survey about The percentage of Grade 11
students of Juan S. Tismo National High School who are using cell phones during class hours
This study aims to know the opinion of selected students of Juan S. Tismo National High
School about The percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School who
are using cell phones during class hours with use of Quantitative research, the researchers
prepared a survey questionnaire that would be answered by 51 respondents.
Based on the survey made by the researchers, they gathered information about The
percentage of Grade 11 students of Juan S. Tismo National High School who are using cell
phones during class hours. They determined the percentage of Grade 11 students who are
addicted in using cell phone during class hours 70.6% who answered 50%. 21.6% who answered
70%. 9.9% who answered 90%. 1.10% who answered 100%.
Based on the question Inside your classroom how many hours do you spend using your
cell phone? 68.7% of the respondents answered 1-3 hours. 23.6% of the respondents answered
4-5 hours. 5.9% of the respondents answered 6-8 hours. 1-10% of the respondents answered 9 or
more hours.
Based on the question How many subjects required you to use cell phone during class
hours? 43.2% of the respondents answered None. 54.10% of the respondents answered 1-5.
1.10% of the respondents answered 6.7%. 0% of the respondents answered All.
Based on the question Does using cell phone during class hours help you? 17.7 % of
the respondents answered Most of the time. 1.10% of the respondents answered All the time.
80.4% of the respondents answered Sometimes.
Based on the question In your classroom, how many of your classmates use cell phones
during class hours? 49.1% of the respondents answered 5-10. 27.5% of the respondents
answered 15-25. 24.8% of the respondents answered 25-30. 11.8% of the respondents answered
1. The percentage of Grade 11 students who are addicted in using cell phones during
class hours is 50%.
2. The time consumed of the Grade 11 students by using cell phone during class hours is
1 to 3 hours.
3. 1 to 5 subjects teachers required the Grade 11 students to use cell phones during their
4. Sometimes using cell phones during class hours help the Grade 11 students in their
5. 5 to 10 subject teachers required the Grade 11 students are using their mobile phones
during their class hours.
Personal Profile
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Educational Attainment:
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Mobile No.:
Educational Attainment
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Mobile No.:
Educational Attainment
School Year:
Personal Profile
Name: Labajanan, Vanessa A.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Educational Attainment
0 Percentage
Total of Respondents who
This Graph Shows the number of respondents who answered the question In a
percentage, how will you rate your addiction in using cellphones during class hours? Out of 51
respondents 36 respondents answered 50% which is equivalent to 70.6%, 11 respondents
answered 70% which is equivalent to 21.6%. 5 respondents answered 90% which is equivalent to
9.9%, 1 respondents answered 100% which is equivalent to 1.10%.
0 Percentage
Total of Respondents who answered
This graph illustrates the number of respondents who answered the question Inside your
classroom, how many hours do you spend using your cellphone? out of 51 respondents, 35
respondents answered 1-3 hours which is equivalent to 68.7%, 12 respondents answered 4-5
hours which is equivalent to 23.6%, 3 respondents answered 6-8 hours which is equivalent to 5-
9, and 1 respondent answered 9 or more hours which is equivalent to 1.10%.
Total of Respondents who
NONE 1-5 subjects 6-7 subjects ALL
This graph above shows the number of respondents who answered the question How
many subjects require you to use cellphone during class hours? Out of 51 respondents, 22
respondents answered NONE which is equivalent to 43.2%, 28 respondents answered 1-5 which
is equivalent to 54.10%, 1 respondent answered 6-7 which is equivalent to 1.10%.
15 Total of respondents who answered
5 Percentage
Total of respondents who
This graph shows the number of responents who answered the question Does using
cellphone during class hour help you? Out of 51 respondents, 9 respondents answered Most of
the time which is equivalent to 17.7% 1 respondent answered All the time which is equivalent to
1.10%, and 41 respondents answered sometimes which is equivalent to 80.4%
5-10 students 15-25 students 25-30 students All
This graph demonstrate the number of respondents who answered the question In your
classroom, how many of your classmates use cellphones during class hours? Out of 51
respondents, 25 respondents answered 5-10 which is equivalent to 49.1%, 14 respondents
answered 15-25 which is equivalent to 27.5%, 6 respondents answered 25-30 which is equivalent
to 24.8%, and 6 respondents answered all which is equivalent to 11.8%.