Mapelastic Tds Ea
Mapelastic Tds Ea
Mapelastic Tds Ea
11, 2009
All-climate, flexible cementitious
membrane for concrete
waterproofing and protection
Apply Mapelastic at temperatures between 46F and 1.2.1 Cementitious screed:
95F (8C and 35C). Repair cracks caused by plastic shrinkage with
Do not add cement, aggregates or water to Mapelastic. Planibond EBA. Use Planitop 21, Planitop 23,
Planitop 25, Mapecem 101, Mapecem 102 or
Protect from rain and water spillage for the first 24 hours
Mapecem Quickpatch to level areas (to create
after application.
slopes, fill dips, etc.) up to 2" (5 cm). While crack
When using Mapelastic to waterproof basins, do not fill repair is recommended, MAPEI does not warrant
these containers until Mapelastic has cured for at least that cracks will not reappear, even when following
28 days and has been repeatedly washed with hot water. established repair techniques.
Mapelastic may be used as a coating subject to light 1.2.2 Existing concrete and ceramic floors:
foot traffic. In such installations, apply the first coat
Existing floors and coverings in ceramic must
of Mapelastic with MAPEI's Fiberglass Mesh. The
be well-bonded to the substrate and free of
subsequent coat may be applied with a normal mix of
substances that could compromise the bonding,
Mapelastic, or optionally with a 5% to 10% reduction
such as grease, oil, wax and paint.
in powder in the mix, and then broom-finished for slip
resistance. A colored, flexible acrylic sealer may be 1.2.3 Renders:
applied over Mapelastic; due to the variety of available Cementitious renders must be well-cured (7 days
sealers, complete a mockup and subject it to traffic for at per 1" [2,5 cm] of thickness in good weather
least 14 days to ensure satisfactory performance. conditions), well-bonded to the substrate, and free
of all dust and paint. Before treating absorbent
surfaces, dampen them with water.
2. Mixing
1. Surface Preparation
2.1 Pour Part B (liquid) into a suitable, clean container.
1.1 Protection and waterproofing of concrete structures and Slowly add Part A (powder) while stirring with a
elements (e.g., pillars and beams for road and railway mechanical mixer (do not mix by hand).
viaducts, cooling towers, smokestacks, underpasses,
2.2 Carefully mix Mapelastic with a low-speed mechanical
retaining walls, applications in coastal areas, fountains,
mixer (a low-speed mixer will help prevent air
swimming pools, canals, faces of dams, columns,
entrapment) for a few minutes. Make sure that no powder
balcony fronts)
remains stuck to the sides or the bottom of the container.
1.1.1 The surface to be treated must be sound, stable
2.3 Continue mixing until a homogenous mixture is
and clean.
1.1.2 Remove all cement laitance, loose flakes, traces
2.4 Mapelastic can also be mixed with a mortar mixer.
of powder, grease, oil and form release agents by
If this technique is used, make sure that the mix is
sandblasting or washing with high-pressure water.
homogenous and lump-free before pouring it into the
1.1.3 If using Mapelastic to waterproof and protect a hopper of the pump.
structure in poor condition, remove the damaged
parts by hand or mechanical demolition, or by 3. Application
using a hydro-demolition system or a hydro- 3.1 Mapelastic must be applied within 60 minutes of being
scarifier. mixed.
Note: Using high-pressure water in Steps 1.1.2 and 3.2 Application by trowel without Fiberglass Mesh
1.1.3 avoids damage to the reinforcement rods and
3.2.1 Smooth the prepared surface by applying a thin
prevents vibrations that could cause the onset of
layer of Mapelastic with a smooth trowel. Apply a
small cracks in adjacent concrete.
second coat on the first layer while it is fresh, for a
1.1.4 After all rust has been removed by sandblasting final thickness of about 5/64" (2 mm) or 80 mils.
and the reinforcement rods have been properly
3.3 Application by trowel with Fiberglass Mesh
prepared (coated with MAPEIs Planibond 3C),
repair any damage with ready-mixed mortar from 3.3.1 When waterproofing terraces, balconies, basins
MAPEIs Planitop , Planigrout or Mapecem and swimming pools, insert a 3/16" x 3/16"
product lines (see respective Technical Data (4,5 x 4,5 mm) layer of MAPEIs Fiberglass Mesh
Sheets). into the first layer of Mapelastic immediately after
applying, to act as a reinforcement. The mesh must
1.1.5 Dampen absorbent surfaces with water before also be used in areas with either small cracks or in
applying Mapelastic. areas that are particularly stressed.
3.3.2 Key Mapelastic into the surface by applying a thin layer with the 4.2 After application and in particularly dry, hot or windy weather, protect the
flat side of a 3/16" x 3/16" (4,5 x 4,5 mm) V-notched trowel. surface from rapid evaporation by covering it with sheets.
3.3.3 Immediately apply additional Mapelastic and comb, using the
5. Cleaning
V-notched side of the trowel, to ensure the proper thickness.
Due to the high bonding strength of Mapelastic, wear protective gloves when
3.3.4 Embed Fiberglass Mesh into the freshly combed Mapelastic. Lap
working with it. Wash hands and tools with water before the mortar sets. Once
all seams and ends in the Fiberglass Mesh by 2" (5 cm).
Mapelastic has set, it can only be removed by mechanical means.
3.3.5 Immediately after laying the mesh, smooth the Mapelastic with the
trowels flat side. Technical Performance Data
3.3.6 To ensure a continuous membrane, wait 4 to 5 hours until the The Technical Data table contains the identification and application data for the
first coat of Mapelastic has set. Using the trowels flat side, apply product. Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 illustrate some of Mapelastics characteristics.
another coat of Mapelastic up to 5/64" (2 mm) in thickness, to
completely encapsulate the Fiberglass Mesh. Do not exceed
5/64" (2 mm) per coat. Applied Load
3.3.7 During waterproofing operations, use MAPEIs Mapeband TM
around expansion joints and joints between horizontal and vertical Concrete Beam
3.5.3 Seal expansion joints with an appropriate joint sealant material. (10 mm)
(25 mm)
Unprotected concrete
(water-to-cement ratio = 0.8)
(15 mm) Concrete (water-to-cement
ratio = 0.8) protected with
0.29" Mapelastic
(5 mm)
0 3 7 28 45 60
Figure 3 shows how Mapelastic blocks infiltration of salt into the concrete,
which is porous and may be easily penetrated. Mapelastic also provides an
impenetrable barrier against calcium-chloride-based de-icing salts, which can
damage even the highest-quality concrete.
Compressive strength psi (MPa)
Unprotected concrete
4350 (water-to-cement ratio = 0.4)
Concrete (water-to-cement
ratio = 0.4) protected with
1450 Mapelastic
0 14 21 42 60
Days immersed in a 30% aqueous solution of calcium chloride
Part A Part B
White Ma
Density (lbs./cu. ft. [kg/m3])...............................................................................87.4 (1 400) 68.7 (1 100)
Shelf life.............................................................................................................1 year 1 year
Storage..............................................................................................................In a dry place and at a temperature of at least 41F (5C)
Health and safety . .............................................................................................Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for
safe-handling instructions.
Color of mix.......................................................................................................Gray
Mixing ratio.......................................................................................................Part A to Part B = 3 to 1
Consistency.......................................................................................................Plastic (applied by trowel)
Density of mix (lbs./cu. ft. [kg/m3])....................................................................106 (1 700)
Density after application by spraying (lbs./cu. ft. [kg/m3])..................................137 (2 200)
Application temperature range...........................................................................46F to 95F (8C to 35C)
Pot life...............................................................................................................60 minutes
Adhesion to concrete
After 28 days.................................................................................................158 psi (1,09 MPa)
After 7 days, + 21 days in water....................................................................87 psi (0,6 MPa)
Elongation DIN 53504 (modified)
After 28 days.................................................................................................30%
Waterproofing capacity
EN 12390-8 (modified) (50 feet positive hydrostatic head for 7 days)................Waterproof
Crack bridging of nonreinforced Mapelastic
After 28 days.................................................................................................1/32" (1 mm)
After 7 days, + 21 days in water....................................................................1/42" (0,6 mm)
After 7 days, + 24 months in water................................................................1/50" (0,5 mm)
Crack bridging at breakage of Mapelastic membrane reinforced with Fiberglass Mesh
After 28 days.................................................................................................1/16" (1,5 mm)
Resistance to strong hydrostatic pressure..........................................................Up to 7 bar (234 ft. [71,3 m]) water head, positive side
Water vapor diffusion (permeability)(at 5/64" [2 mm] or 80 mils thickness)............About 1.4 perms
Kit: 66.7 lbs (30.3 kg):
Bag, Part A: 50 lbs. (22,7 kg)
Jug, Part B: 2 U.S. gals. (7,57 L)
Manual application............................................................................................0.65 to 0.7 lbs./sq. ft. (3.1 to 3.44 kg/m2) per 5/64" (2 mm)
or 80 mils of thickness
Spray gun application........................................................................................0.75 to 0.85 lbs./sq. ft. (3.65 to 4.2 kg/m2) per 5/64" (2 mm)
or 80 mils of thickness
overages shown are given for estimating purposes only. Actual jobsite coverages may vary according to substrate conditions, type of
equipment used, thickness applied, and handling and application procedures
Statement of
Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the
product for its intended use and user alone assumes all
risks and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. Any
claim shall be deemed waived unless made in
writing to us within fifteen (15) days from
date it was, or reasonably should have been,
MAPEI Headquarters of the Americas Technical Services For the most current product and
1144 East Newport Center Drive 1-800-992-6273 (U.S. and Puerto Rico) warranty data, visit
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 1-800-361-9309 (Canada)
Phone: 1-888-US-MAPEI Edition Date: August 8, 2009
Customer Service
(1-888-876-2734) PR4949 MALD_H09Evp 2009 MAPEI Corporation.
1-800-42-MAPEI (1-800-426-2734) All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA.