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Lesson Plan Format Student: - Oscar Garcia - Subject/Concepts: - Personal Health - Grade Level: - 3

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Student:__Oscar Garcia____________________

Subject/Concepts:__Personal Health_________ Grade Level:__3__

1. Standards:
o Observable objective: (3)1.5 Demonstrate and understand the need for acceptable
social skills with others [NS 5.3.1B]
Multicultural goal:
o Observable objective: SWBAT develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to
function in a diverse society.
Auditory-Visual-Kinesthetic learning styles:
o Auditory learner: I will be teaching the one country from each continent by saying
the facts about the country while I write it down and will navigate the links in
o Visual learner: I will be teaching the one country from each continent by showing
them on the smart board how and where I am getting the information as well as
writing out the facts on the board in the similar layout of the handout they get.
o Kinesthetic learner: I will start off as the pilot and tourist guide in the introduction
and when they present their information, they will be the pilots and tourist guides.
Gardner's Intelligence:
o Intrapersonal Intelligence (or self-smart): This lesson will make the student think
what or how many different ethnicities they are made up after learning a handful
of countries and their differences.

2. Materials: Three internet links, country handout, and kahoot.

3. Instruction- learning Process:

Do First: The classroom will be decorated with labels of different continents and countries. I will
pretend to pilot the plane and the class will be behind me in pairs as we travel around the
classroom. While we go from continent to continent, I will call out a few countries in each
continent (except Antarctica). I will also ask the class what kind of things people in those
countries do culturally, such as holidays, food, music, traditions, languages. The last destination
will be North America, and I will mention that the U.S. is filled with many cultures of different
countries. (10 min.)

Mini-lesson: I will teach one country from each continent using the three links and writing the
information on the board for my visual learners to see, which lists the kind of culture differences
they have, such as family, official language, capital, currency, food, a fun fact, and saying hello in
their official language. It will be a step-by-step process that I will explain for my auditory
learners, so my students know how to navigate the links while Im teaching about the country. At
the same time, my visual learners will learn the process of navigating through the links by
watching me show them and explain. (20 min.)
Guided Practice: My students will now be paired up in groups of two and will be randomly
assigned two countries they must research information on the following: the continent the country
is located, food, official language, capital, currency, family, fashion, and a fun fact. They will
need to write down the information on a handout provided. Some images are provided for my
visual learners, such as money to represent what currency means and clothes to represent what
fashion means. If any groups finish the task too early, then Ill assign them an extra country. (25

Independent Practice: The students will now take us on board in a plane by group and take us to
the continent their countries are in and tell us information on them like a tourist guide. This is
where the kinesthetic learners will improvise their learning. I will then ask if any students are part
of that country in their ethnicity. For example, if we go to France, after the tourist guides tell us
information on France, I will ask if anybody is French. At the end of the adventure, I will ask
those who have not shared or had the chance to share their ethnic background. (30 min.)

Exit Slip: I will use Kahoot to create a multiple-choice assessment. The students will get into
groups of four, so a pair will join another pair to create a group of four. They will answer the
questions as a group. (5 min.)

4. Resources

Around The World. (2016). Retrieved May 02, 2017, from http://www.timeforkids.com/around-


Country Reports. (2017). Retrieved May 02, 2017, from http://www.countryreports.org/coun-


Government of Canada, Foreign Affairs Trade and Development Canada, Deputy Minister of

Foreign Affairs, Assistant Deputy Minister Human Resources, Learning. (2016, June 03).

Country Insights. Retrieved May 02, 2017, from http://www.international.gc.ca/cil-


Manning, M. L., & Baruth, L. G. (2009). Multicultural education of children and adolescents.

Boston: Pearson.

5. Reflection:
1) What specific subject concepts, skills, applications etc. does the student achieve for the
identified grade level?
a. The student will gain knowledge of how different many countries are compared to
the country they live in as well as realize that many countries make up the U.S.
2) What specific multicultural knowledge, skills, etc. Has the student achieved?
a. The student has learned the simple facts about the country they researched and how
different their family styles, fashion, and food are.

3) Assess the level of student engagement and active learning for the lesson strategies selected
for the Instruction-learning process?
a. The best part for the level of student engagement and active learning would be the
traveling in a plane and piloting to the continent their country is located as well as
pretend to be tourist guides. Imagination is still an important concept to have for kids
and they can have doing it and learn. Other than that, they have their partner or group
to work with.

4) Lastly, list the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan.

a. The strength of this lesson plan is the imagination of traveling around the world and
learning about a few countries. The students are not doing the assignment alone.
Finally, the assessment is Kahoot, which is more colorful and engaging way to do a
multiple-choice assessment rather than pencil and paper quiz. Another strength are
the images added to the handout for unfamiliar words and benefits visual learners.
b. The weakness of this lesson plan would have to be that not all countries are included
when randomly assigning the two countries per group.

[Refer to Grading Rubric for the Multicultural Lesson Plan in the Course Syllabus.]

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