26 Detraining and Tapering
26 Detraining and Tapering
26 Detraining and Tapering
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(3), 768775
2007 National Strength & Conditioning Association
ABSTRACT. Izquierdo, M., J. Ibanez, J.J. Gonzalez-Badillo, N.A. training cessation, could bring about a partial or complete
Ratamess, W.J. Kraemer, K. Hakkinen, H. Bonnabau, C. Gra- loss of recently acquired training-induced increases (26,
nados, D.N. French, and E.M. Gorostiaga. Detraining and ta- 27). It is critical, therefore, to determine the role of a ta-
pering effects on hormonal responses and strength performance.
per phase and/or complete training cessation to optimize
J. Strength. Cond. Res. 21(3):768775. 2007.This study exam-
ined the impact of 4 weeks of either complete cessation of train- strength and power gains.
ing (DTR) or a tapering period (TAP; short-term reduction of the Decreased strength performance (712%) has been
strength training volume, while the intensity is kept high), sub- shown after short-term periods (48 weeks) of training
sequent to 16 weeks of periodized heavy resistance training cessation or periods of reduced training (1113). On the
(PRT) on strength/power gains and the underlying physiologic contrary, other studies have shown that previously un-
changes in basal circulating anabolic/catabolic hormones in trained or recreationally trained athletes can maintain or
strength-trained athletes. Forty-six physically active men were suffer only a slightly decrement in their neuromuscular
matched and randomly assigned to a TAP (n 11), DTR (n performance during short periods (i.e., 23 weeks) of
14), or control group (C; n 21), subsequent to a 16-week PRT
training cessation (17, 22, 26). Recently, Andersen et al.
program. Muscular and power testing and blood draws to deter-
mine basal hormonal concentrations were conducted before the (2) reported that 3 weeks of resistance training cessation
initiation of training (T0), after 16 weeks of training (T1), and led to increased velocity and power of maximal unloaded
after 4 weeks of either DTR or TAP (T2). Short-term DTR (4 limb movement in previously untrained subjects but iso-
weeks) results in significant decreases in maximal strength (6 kinetic maximal strength reverted to pretraining levels.
to 9%) and muscle power output (17 and 14%) of the arm After a period of tapering, moderately strength-trained
and leg extensor muscles. However, DTR had a significant (p subjects improved low velocity isokinetic strength perfor-
0.01) larger effect on muscle power output more than on mance of the elbow flexors for at least 8 days (8). Gon-
strength measurements of both upper and lower extremity mus- zalez-Badillo et al. (9) examined the effect of 3 resistance
cles. Short-term (4 weeks) TAP reached further increases for leg
(2%) and arm (2%) maximal strength, whereas no further chang-
training volumes and reported that short-term resistance
es were observed in both upper and lower muscle power output. training (10 weeks) using moderate volume tended to pro-
Short-term DTR resulted in a tendency for elevation resting se- duce greater enhancements in strength performance com-
rum insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 concentrations, whereas pared with low and high training volumes of similar rel-
the corresponding TAP experienced elevation in resting serum ative intensity in trained young weightlifters. However,
insulin-like binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3). These data indicated to the best of the authors knowledge, little is known con-
that DTR may induce larger declines in muscle power output cerning the impact of short-term (4 weeks) tapering sub-
than in maximal strength, whereas TAP may result in further sequent to a periodized heavy and explosive training pro-
strength enhancement (but not muscle power), mediated, in
gram on muscle power output in strength-trained ath-
part, by training-related differences in IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 con-
centrations. letes. In light of these observations, we hypothesized
short-term (4 weeks) detraining after 16 weeks of resis-
KEY WORDS. insulin-like growth factor-1, serum insulin-like tance training in strength-trained athletes would lead to
binding protein-3, taper, training cessation, resistance training a complete loss of recently acquired maximal strength
and power gains, whereas a taper phase would lead to
further increases in muscle strength and power.
INTRODUCTION Manipulation of training variables (i.e., large increas-
ptimal strength training results from the prop- es in the intensity and volume of resistance training) may
period of taper (i.e., progressive decrease in training vol- TABLE 1. Physical characteristics of the tapering (TAP), de-
ume and increased training intensity before competition), training (DTR), and control groups.*
we hypothesized that an optimize anabolic enviroment TAP (N 11) DTR (N 14) Control (N 21)
and decreased catabolic process induced by either de-
Age (years) 24.8 2.9 23.9 1.9 24.4 2.1
training and/or tapering period could enhance optimal
Height (m) 1.80 0.01 1.81 0.01 1.80 0.02
strength and power gains.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine Body mass (kg)
the impact of 4 weeks of either cessation of training or a T0 83.3 4.5 78.9 6.6 80.8 7
tapering period subsequent to 16 weeks of periodized ex- T1 82.1 4.3 77.6 6.6
plosive and heavy resistance training on strength and T2 82.1 3.6 77.9 6.8 82 6.5
power gains in strength-trained athletes. A secondary Body fat (%)
purpose was to examine the underlying physiologic T0 12.7 3.6 11.7 4.4 13.1 5
changes in basal circulating anabolic/catabolic hormones. T1 11.4 2.6 10.9 3.8
T2 11.1 2.4 11 3.3 13.1 5
Experimental Approach to the Problem T0 24.9 2.5 24.6 2.2 24.5 1.9
T1 24.5 2.1 24.4 2.1
To address the primary hypotheses presented in this study, T2 24.5 2.1 24.3 2.2 24.9 1.7
4 weeks of either cessation of training or tapering was used
* BMI body mass index.
subsequent to 16-week periodized resistance training pro-
p 0.05 from the corresponding time point T0.
gram to examine hormonal changes and strength and power
changes of the upper and lower body musculature. This
study design enabled us to make comparisons between 2 ing, and played in 1 official Basque ball game per week.
types of peaking approaches. Subsequent to the 16-week Basque ball practice sessions lasted 6090 minutes and usu-
strength training period, subjects were matched according ally consisted of various skill activities at different intensi-
to physical characteristics, as well as to maximal strength/ ties and 45 minutes of continuous play with only brief in-
muscle power during bench press and parallel squat perfor- terruptions by the coach. The strength training program re-
mances, and randomly assigned to either a tapering (TAP; quired each subject to perform a combination of free weight
n 11) or detraining (DTR; n 14) group. As a control, a and fixed-machine exercises in each session, mainly con-
third population of subjects (C; n 21) did not follow a set sisting of 3 sets of 68 repetitions, with a relative intensity
strength-training intervention but continued with Basque of 5060% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM). The exercises
ball practices and games and were tested before and after completed in each weight-training session were the supine
a 16-week period to assess the reliability of the observa- bench press, shoulder press, lateral pull-down, parallel
tions. During the tapering period, the training volume was squat, knee flexion, standing leg curl, abdominal crunch,
reduced, whereas the intensity was increased. The DTR and trunk extension. The total duration of each strength
group discontinued resistance training and did not perform training session was 3540 minutes. The running endur-
any resistance or sprint exercise throughout the 4-week pe- ance program consisted of 1 training session per week and
riod but continued with Basque ball practices and games. lasted 2030 minutes at a self-adjusted intensity. The sub-
Testing was conducted on 3 occasions: before the initiation jects were not taking exogenous anabolic-androgenic ste-
of training (T0), after 16 weeks of training (T1), and after 4 roids or other drugs expected to affect physical performance
weeks of either training cessation or tapering period (T2). or hormonal balance before or during this study.
Subjects Testing Procedures
A group of 46 Basque ball players, with 12.5 5 years of Subjects completed a 2-day experimental protocol sepa-
regular training and competition experience in Basque ball, rated by 2 days. All players were tested on the same day,
volunteered to participate in a 4-week period of either train- and the tests were performed in the same order. During
ing cessation or tapering after a period of 16 weeks of re- the first testing session, each subject was tested using a
sistance training. Basque ball is a name for a variety of counter-movement jump (CMJ) performed on a force plat-
court sports played with the bare hand, a racket, a wooden form. In addition, each subject was tested for 1RM bench
bat, or a basket propulsor (e.g., Jai-Alai) against a wall. press and parallel squat and power output using a rela-
Nowadays, this game is widely played in several states of tive load of 60% of their 1RM for each exercise. Body mass
Spain (including the Basque Country), as well as in several and percent body fat (estimated from the thickness of 7
other Europe and American countries (e.g., Cuba, Mexico, skinfold sites) were taken at the beginning of the testing
and Argentina). Subjects initial characteristics are shown session. All of the subjects were familiar with the testing
in Table 1. All the subjects were members of the Spanish protocol, because they had been previously tested on sev-
national team of Basque ball. The study was performed dur- eral occasions during the season with the same testing
ing the first competitive period (February to June) before procedures. The testretest intraclass correlations coeffi-
starting the XIV World Basque Ball championship. Each cients were 0.91, and the coefficients of variation (CVs)
subject was informed carefully of the experimental proce- ranged from 0.9 to 2.3%. Training was integrated into the
dures and about the possible risks and benefits of the study, test week schedules.
and subsequently signed an institutionally approved in-
formed consent document. The experimental procedures Bench Press and Parallel Squat Muscular
were approved by the Institutional Review Committee of Performance
the Instituto Navarro de Deporte y Juventud, according to A detailed description of the maximal strength and power
the declaration of Helsinki. During the 5 months before the testing procedures can be found elsewhere (18). In brief,
experimental period, subjects trained 2 times a week for lower and upper body maximal strength was assessed us-
Basque ball, twice a week for strength and endurance train- ing 1RM bench press (1RMBP) and thigh parallel squat
(1RMHS) actions. In the 1RMBP protocol, the test began ly available enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kits (Diagnostic
with the subject lowering the bar from a fully extended Systems Laboratories, Webster, TX). Plasma growth hor-
arm position above the chest until the bar was positioned mone (GH) concentrations were determined using 125I liq-
1 cm above the subjects chest. From that position (sup- uid-phase immunoradiometric assay (IRA; Nichols Insti-
ported by the bottom stops of the measurement device), tute Diagnostics, San Juan Capistrano, CA). Insulin-like
the subject was instructed to perform a purely concentric growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF binding protein-3
action (as fast as possible) maintaining a shoulder posi- (IGFBP-3) concentrations were measured by enzyme-
tion of 90 abduction position. No bouncing or arching of linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (Diagnostic
the back was allowed. Systems Laboratories) according to the manufacturers
The 1RMHS began with the bar on the shoulders with procedures. All samples were assayed in duplicate and
the knees and hips in the extended position. The subjects were decoded only after analyses were completed (i.e.,
descended to the parallel thigh position. On the verbal blinded analysis procedure). The minimum EIA detection
command up, the subject ascended (as fast as possible) limits for TT, FT, and C were 0.14, 0.66, and 2.76
to full knee extension of 180. All tests were performed nmolL1, respectively. IRA detection limits for GH were
using a Smith machine in which the barbell was attached 0.04 ngml1. Minimum ELISA detection limits for IGF-1
at both ends with linear bearings, allowing only vertical and IGFBP-3 were 0.0013 and 0.0014 nmolL1, respec-
movements. A warm-up consisted of a set of 5 repetitions tively. The coefficient of intra-assay variation was 4.4 and
at loads of 4060% of the perceived maximum. Thereaf- 4.2% for TT and FT, 5.1% for C, and 6.0 and 6.4% for
ter, 45 separate single attempts were performed until IGF-1 and IGFBP-3, respectively. All samples were ana-
1RM was attained. The rest between maximal attempts lyzed in the same assay for each analyte according to the
was always 2 minutes. instructions. For all procedures, samples were only
Power output of the leg and arm extensor muscles was thawed once before the analysis.
measured concentrically in the parallel squat and bench
presses using a relative load 60% of 1RM. The subject was Training Programs
instructed to lift with maximal bar velocity. Two testing All training sessions started with a general warm-up and
trials were recorded, and the best trial was taken for fur- included cool-down periods of 510 minutes of low-intensity
ther analyses. aerobic and stretching exercises. A trained researcher su-
During the parallel squat test, bar displacement, av- pervised each workout session carefully and recorded the
erage velocity (ms1) and mean power (W) were recorded compliance and individual workout data during each train-
by linking a rotary encoder to the end of the bar. The ing session so that exercise prescriptions were properly ad-
rotary encoder (Computer Optical Products, Chatsworth, ministered during each training session (e.g., number of
CA) recorded the position and direction of the bar within repetitions, rest, and velocity of movement). Compliance
an accuracy of 0.2 mm and timed events with an accuracy with the study was 100% of the programmed sessions.
of 1 ms. Customized software (JLML ID, Madrid, Spain) Both groups trained 2 times per week using a similar
was used to calculate the power output and average ve- 16-week (macrocycle) periodized resistance training pro-
locity for each repetition. The testretest intraclass cor- gram divided into 3 mesocycles of 56 weeks (from T0 to
relations coefficients of the testing procedure variables T1) (19). Subsequently, the subjects participated in a
used in this study were 0.91 and the CVs ranged from 4-week period of either detraining or tapering (from T1
0.9 to 7.3%. to T2). During the course of the 16-week training period,
the assigned training intensities were gradually in-
Jumping Test
creased on the basis of the athletes 10RM and 6RM test-
Subjects were asked to perform a maximal vertical CMJ ing, using a repetition maximum approach. During the
on a contact platform (Newtest OY, Oulu, Finland) with- first 6 weeks of training, both groups trained with 3 sets
out any load. Using a preparatory counter-movement, of 10RM for the bench press and 80% of 10RM for the
subjects initiated the jump from an extended leg position, parallel squat. During the middle 5 weeks of training
descended to 90 knee flexion, and immediately per- (from week 7 to 11), subjects trained at 6RM and 80% of
formed an explosive concentric action for maximal height. 6RM and performed 3 sets for the bench press and par-
In these jumping conditions without an extra load, the allel squat, respectively. During the final 5 weeks of
subjects were instructed to keep their hands on the hips training (from week 12 to 16), both groups trained at 85
throughout the entire jump and to minimize lateral and 90% of 1RM (5RM), 24 repetitions per set, and per-
horizontal displacement during performance.The jumping formed 3 sets for both upper and lower extremity exer-
height was calculated from the flight time. Two maximal cises and performed the ballistic training program (i.e.,
jumps were recorded interspersed with 10 seconds of vertical CMJs, loaded vertical jumps, sprint runs, and
rest, and the peak value was used for further analysis. various throwing exercises with a 1-kg ball). In addition,
the subjects performed bench press sets with loads rang-
Assessment of Resting Hormone Concentrations ing from 40 to 45% of 1RM. During this phase, subjects
Resting blood samples were collected between 0800 and performed 34 repetitions per set and 35 sets of each
0900 hours on the day of testing after a 12-hour overnight exercise in a ballistic manner. Approximately 2-minute
fast and abstinence from alcohol and strenuous exercise rest periods were allowed between each set and each ex-
for 3648 hours before. In all cases, blood samples were ercise. This ballistic strength training was included be-
obtained through venipuncture from an antecubital fore- cause it has been shown to be the most effective way to
arm vein using a 20-gauge needle and vacutainers. Whole enhance explosive strength and speed. In addition, the
blood was centrifuged at 3,000 rpm (4C) for 15 minutes, last peaking mesocyle during the last 5 weeks was used
and the resultant serum and plasma were removed and to produce a similar rebound effect for all groups and
stored at 20C until subsequent analysis. Circulating to avoid overreaching (19).
concentrations of total testosterone (TT), free testosterone During the entire training period, the core exercises
(FT), and cortisol (C) were determined using commercial- were the parallel squat and bench press, in addition to
letes, strength values may approach ones maximal ad- a previous study involving strength-trained athletes,
aptation limits. Thus, proper manipulation of acute pro- which showed that chronic IGF-1 concentrations may be
gram variables is critical to progression beyond this point. mediated, in part, by volume and intensity manipulation
Once a given volume and intensity is reached, a substan- (3, 19, 23, 25, 29). Elevated resting IGF-1 has been re-
tial increase in training intensity and volume could result ported in long-term training studies (3, 20, 25), whereas
in overtraining (6,7). It is critical, therefore, for the coach in short-term training studies, IGF-1 concentration re-
to develop strategies to optimaly manipulate training vol- main unaltered (21, 24). A dramatic increase in volume
ume and intensity to peak maximal strength and power and/or intensity of training has been shown to dramati-
while avoiding overtraining. cally reduce IGF-1 concentrations by 1112% (4, 20, 29)
Both anabolic and catabolic hormones have been pro- but return to baseline when normal training resumed
posed as physiologic markers to evaluate the tissue re- over the next cycle (4, 29). In this study, resting serum
modeling process and other related mechanisms involved IGF-1 concentrations were significantly elevated after de-
for higher levels of muscular performance and subsequent training to baseline values with no accompanying signif-
adaptations during a strength training period (16, 23). icant changes during TAP. Collectively, our results indi-
Manipulation of training variables (i.e., large increases in cate that chronic IGF-1 adaptations in response to resis-
the intensity and volume of resistance training) may over- tance training and subsequent DTR and TAP may be me-
stress the neuroendocrine system, leading to altered cir- diated, in part, by volume and intensity manipulation (23,
culating hormonal concentrations (6). In this hypothesis, 29). Thus, the reduced overall stress during cessation of
an optimal anabolic enviroment (or reduced catabolic pro- training may have reduced IGF-1, but this was not ob-
cesses) induced by either detraining and/or tapering po- served after TAP.
tentially could enhance performance. However, the effects IGF-1 concentrations are highly regulated by GH secre-
of hormonal changes subsequent to both detraining and tion. Although the mechanisms of GH-activated IGF-1 gene
tapering have received little attention. expression remain unclear, the GH superfamily stimulates
No significant differences were observed in resting se- IGF-1 secretion by the liver and other tissues. Although no
rum concentrations of TT, C, FT, and GH after DTR and resting GH changes were observed in this study, it is pos-
TAP. In agreement with this study, Hakkinen et al. (13) sible that nonmeasured alterations in GH pulsatility (i.e.,
reported no significant changes in TT, C, or GH but did overnight or at a time of day not examined in this study)
show a significant reduction in the T:C ratio after 12 or other non22-kd molecular weight GH variants could
weeks of training cessation. Kraemer et al. (14) reported have occurred. Nindl et al. (28) showed reduced GH pulsa-
no significant change in resting hormonal concentrations
tility overnight after high-volume resistance exercise, pre-
of GH, TT, and C after 6 weeks of detraining in recrea-
sumably caused by the high level of stress. In addition, de-
tionally trained men. However, after 2 weeks of detrain-
layed secretion of IGF-1 (i.e., 39 hours) after GH-stimulat-
ing, Hortobagy et al. (17) reported significant elevations
ed mRNA synthesis has been shown (23). Therefore, the
in GH, TT, and T:C ratio, with a concomitant reduction
IGF-1 concentrations observed in this study may have re-
in C concentrations, thereby suggesting that short-term
detraining might represent an enhanced stimulus for tis- flected a delayed response in conjunction with GH alter-
sue remodeling and repair. Resting concentrations seem ations (e.g., reduced pulsatility), which could explain a re-
to reflect the current state of muscle tissue (or perhaps duction in IGF-1 independent of GH changes, considering
the response to the previous workout performed before that each hormone was sampled at the same time-point.
blood sampling) such that elevations or reductions may Nevertheless. the higher stress of training may have led to
occur at various stages depending on the volume and in- reduced IGF-1 concentrations in the tapering group. Con-
tensity of the training stimulus (15, 16). Ahtianen et al. sidering that no biopsy samples were obtained in this study,
(1) reported higher FT and TT concentrations during a autocrine actions of the IGFs on muscle adaptations may be
7-week high volume training phase compared with pre- difficult to ascertain.
training values, but return to baseline when volume was To the authors knowledge, no studies have examined
reduced, and intensity was increased over a subsequent chronic circulating concentrations of IGFBP-3 after either
7-week training period. In addition, resting serum cata- training cessation or tapering. A unique finding in this
bolic and anabolic hormonal concentrations have been study was that short-term tapering resulted in further
shown to poorly correlate with strength performance, es- elevation in resting serum IGFBP-3 concentrations oc-
pecially in strength-trained athletes who do not use an- curring parallel to the reduced IGF-1 concentrations ob-
abolic steroids (30), thereby suggesting that the acute re- served after resistance training. Interestingly, Elloumi et
sponse may play a more prominent role. Therefore, in lieu al. (5) have proposed that a reduction in resting IGFBP-
with the absence of anabolic and catabolic hormonal level 3 may be used as a marker of overtraining. This finding
alterations during long-term resistance training in this is consistent with a previous study involving strength-
study, the lack of change in resting serum concentration trained athletes, which showed that the reduction in rest-
of TT, FT, C, and GH observed after the subsequent ing IGF-1 observed when training to repetition to failure
4-week training cessation was not surprising and seemed occurred parallel to elevations in serum IGFBP-3 concen-
to be a noncontributing factor to the changes in DTR and trations (19). Borst et al. (3) showed a reduction in
TAP between T1 and T2. IGFBP-3 concentrations that paralleled a concomitant el-
Few studies have examined chronic circulating con- evation in IGF-1 concentrations after a 25-week training
centrations of the IGF family after long-term resistance period. Based on our data, it may be hypothesized that
training and subsequent detraining or tapering. A unique the elevation in IGFBP-3 may have been compensatory
finding in this study was that short-term detraining re- to accommodate the reduction in IGF-1 to preserve IGF
sulted in a tendency for elevated resting serum IGF-1 availability (19). However, further research is needed to
concentrations similar to pretraining levels, whereas ta- examine the impact of resistance training intensity and
pering resulted in further elevation in resting serum volume manipulation on training-related changes in
IGFBP-3 concentrations. This finding is consistent with IGFBPs.
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