Topic-05 (Long Term Strategies)
Topic-05 (Long Term Strategies)
Topic-05 (Long Term Strategies)
Topic 5
Long-Term Objectives
Formulating Long-Term Generic Strategies
Grand Strategies
Objectives and Grand Corporate Combinations
Strategies Selection of Long-Term Objectives & Grand
Strategy Sets
Sequence of Objectives & Strategy Selection
Prof. Niki Lukviarman, SE, MBA, DBA, Akuntan
The Four Perspectives in a
What is the Balanced Scorecard?
Balanced Scorecard
Financial performance
The Balanced Scorecard is a set of measures that
are directly linked to the companys strategy. Customer knowledge
It directs a company to link its own long-term Internal business processes
strategy with tangible goals and actions. Learning and growth
Michael Porters Generic Strategies
Differentiation Strategies
Focus Strategies
Cost Leadership Generic Strategies
Generic Strategies Focused Strategy
Can be especially effective when:
Focused Strategies (Type 4 & 5) 1. The target market niche is large, profitable,
and growing
Industry segment of sufficient size 2. Industry leaders do not consider the niche
Good growth potential crucial
3. Industry leaders consider the niche too costly
Not crucial to success of major competitors or difficult to meet
4. The industry has many different niches and
5. Few, if any, other rivals are attempting to
Copyright 2007 Prentice Hall Ch 5 -17
specialize in the same target segment
Copyright 2007 Prentice Hall Ch 5 -18
Requirements for Generic
Risks of the Generic Strategies
Competitive Strategies
Generic Commonly Required Skills Common Risks of Cost Risks of Risks of Focus
Strategy and resources Organizational Leadership Differentiation
Requirements Cost leadership is not Differentiation is not Focus strategy is
Differentiation Product engineering Strong coordination sustained sustained imitated
Creative flare among functions in Competitors imitate Competitors imitate Target segment becomes
Strong capability in basic research R&D, product unattractive
Technology changes Bases for differentiation
Corporate reputation for quality or development, and
Other bases for cost become less important to Structure erodes
technological leadership marketing buyers
leadership erode Demand disappears
Unique combination of skills Subjective measurement
Proximity in Cost proximity is lost Broadly target
Strong cooperation from channels and incentives instead of
differentiation is lost Differentiation focusers competitors overwhelm
Strong marketing abilities quantitative measures
Cost focusers achieve achieve greater segments
Amenities to attract highly
even lower cost in differentiation in segments Segments differences
skilled labor, scientists, or
creative people segments from others narrow
Focus Combination of above policies directed Combination of above Advantages of broad
at the particular strategic target policies directed at the line increase
particular strategic target
Characteristics of a Concentrated Conditions Favoring a
Growth Strategy
Concentrated Growth Strategy
Involves focusing resources on the profitable growth of Firms industry is resistant to major technological
a single product, in a single market, with a single advancements
dominant technology Firms target markets are not product saturated
Rationale Firm develops and exploits its expertise in a Firms markets are sufficiently distinctive to dissuade
delimited competitive arena competitors in adjacent markets from entering firms segment
Determinants of competitive market success Firms inputs are stable in price and quantity and available in
Ability to assess market needs the amounts and at the times needed
Knowledge of buyer behavior Firms industry is stable
Customer price sensitivity Firms competitive advantages are based on efficient
Effectiveness of promotion production or distribution channels
Success of market generalists
Specific Options for Selected Specific Options for Selected
Grand Strategies Grand Strategies
Product Development
Market Development
(Developing new products for present markets)
(Selling present products in new markets)
1. Developing new product features
1. Opening additional geographic markets a. Adapt (to other ideas, developments)
a. Regional expansion b. Modify (change color, motion, sound, odor, form, shape)
b. National expansion c. Magnify (stronger, longer, thicker, extra value)
c. International expansion d. Minify (smaller, shorter, lighter)
e. Substitute (other ingredients, process, power)
2. Attracting other market segments f. Rearrange (other patterns, layout, sequence, components)
a. Developing product versions to appeal to other g. Reverse (inside out)
segments h. Combine (blend, alloy, assortment, ensemble, combine units, etc.)
b. Entering other channels of distribution 2. Developing quality variations
c. Advertising in other media 3. Developing additional models and sizes (product proliferation)
Example: Motivations for Diversification
Vertical and Horizontal Integrations
Increase firms stock value
Increase growth rate of firm
Textile producer Textile producer Investment is better use of funds than using them for
internal growth
Improves stability of earnings and sales
Shirt manufacturer Shirt manufacturer Balance or fill out product line
Diversify product line
Acquire a needed resource quickly
Clothing store Clothing store Achieve tax savings
Increase efficiency and profitability
Acquisitions or mergers of suppliers or customer businesses are vertical integration
Acquisitions or mergers of competing businesses are horizontal integrations
Diversification Strategies
Concentric Diversification
Turnaround Strategy
Involves acquisition of businesses related to acquiring
firm in terms of technology, markets, or products
Turnaround Strategy Terms Used in Turnaround Strategy
A turnaround situation represents absolute
A turnaround strategy is done and relative-to-industry declining performance of
through a sufficient magnitude to warrant explicit
turnaround actions
The immediacy of the resulting threat to
company survival posed by the turnaround
situation is known as situation severity
Cost reduction Asset reduction
Turnaround responses typically include two
stages of strategic activities
Recovery response
Involves selling a firm or a major component of a firm Liquidation Involves complete distribution of a firms assets to
Reasons for divestiture creditors, most of whom receive a small fraction of amount owed
Partial mismatches between acquired firm and parent firm Reorganization Involves creditors temporarily freezing their
claims while a firm reorganizes and rebuilds its operations more
Corporate financial needs profitably
Government antitrust action
Corporate Combination Strategies Corporate Combination Strategies
Joint Ventures Consortia are defined as large interlocking relationships
between businesses of an industry. In Japan such
Involves establishing a third company (child), operated consortia are known as keiretsus, in South Korea as
for the benefit of the co-owners (parents) chaebols
A Japanese keiretsu is an undertaking involving up to
Strategic Alliance 50 different firms that are joined around a large trading
company or bank and are coordinated through
Involves creating a partnership between two or more interlocking directories and stock exchanges
companies that contribute skills and expertise to a Chaebols are typically financed through government
cooperative project banking groups and largely are run by professional
Exists for a defined period managers trained by participating firms expressly for the
Does not involve the exchange of equity job