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Amie Q Bank Thermal Science

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W'13: 6 AN: MC 405 (1498}


Time : Three hours

Maximum Marks : 1iJO

Answer FIVE questions, taking ANYTWOfrom Group A,
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL from Group C.

All parts ofa question ( a, b, etc. ) should be

answered at one place.
Answer should be briefand to-the-point and be supplemented
with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answer may result in
loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably
giving proper justification.
Figur~s on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A

1. (a) State the zeroth law of thermodynamics and prove

that it is the basis oftemperature measurement 4

(b) What do you understand bypath function and point

function? What are exact alld inexact differential ? 4

(c) How does steady flow energy equation related to

Euler's equation and Bernoulli's equation? 4

(d) State the first law ofthermodynamics. In a gas turbine,

the gas enters at the rate of 5 kg/s with a velocity of
50 rn!s and enthalpy of 900 kJ/kg and leaves the
turbine with a velocity of 150 rn!s and enthalpy of
400 kJ/kg~ The loss of heat from the gases to the
4. (a) Why is Camot cycle not practicable for a steam
surromidings is 25 kJ/kg. Assume for gas R = power plant ? Name the real cycle adopted and
0.285 kJ/kg-Kand CP = 1.004kJ/kg-K and the inlet draw it on p-v, T-s and h-s diagrams. 4
conditions to be at 100 kPa and 27 C. Determine
the power output ofthe turbine and the diameter of (b) What is an air-standard cycle? Why are these con-
the inlet pipe. 8 ceived? What is compression ignition engine? Why
is the compression ratio here is more than that of an
2. (a) Write the Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements of SI engine? State four processes of diesel cycle. 6
the second law of thermodynamics. Prove that they
mean the same. 6 (c) With the help of a schematic diagram, explain the
working of a typical gas turbine and draw the
(b) What is the qualitative difference between heat and Brayton cycle on p-v diagram. Derive the expression
work ? Define thermal efficiency of a heat engine for efficiency in terms offourtemperatures. 6
cycle. Can this be 100%. 4
(d) What is psychrometries ? What is an adiabatic
(c) A heat engine operates between a source of 600 C saturation process ? 4
and a sink of20 C. Determine the least rate of heat
rejection perkW net output of the engine. 4 Group B
(d) A fluid undergoes a reversible adiabatic compression 5. (a) In a cvlindrical fuel rod of a nuclear reactor. the
from 0.5 MPa, 0.2 m 3 to 0.05 m 3 according to the

interruil heat generation is given by -
law pvu =constant. Determine the change inenthalpy,
internal energy and entropy and the heat transfer and
work transfer during the process.

3. (a) Define the second law efficiency. How is it different

q = q, [I -(:,
from the first law efficiency in case of a simple power where q0 is a constant and r 0 =outer radius. Calcu-
plant? 4 late the temperature drop from the centre line to the
surface of a 2.5 em outer diameter rod having a ther-
(b) Calculate tije decrease in available energy when
25 kg of water at 95 oc is mixed with 35 kg ofwater mal conductivity of 20 W/mK, if the rate of heat
at 35 C, the pressure being taken as constant and the removalis2.5 MW/m2 8
temperature of the surroundings being 15 C. (Cpof
water= 4.2 kJ/kg-K). 6 (b) What is critical thickness of insulation on a small
diameter wire or pipe ? Explain physical significance
(c) Write the Maxwell's equations and fitst and second and derive the expression. 6
T-ds equations. 4
(c) The temperature of the air stream in a tube is mea-
(d) Explain 'Absolute Thermodynamic Temperature sured with the help of a thermometer placed in a
Scale'. 6
protective well filled with oil. The thermometer well is Assume: Transition occurs at Rec = 2 x 105
made of a steel tube (k = 55.8 W/mK), 120 mm long Physical properties of air at 3 00 K= ( Tw + Too )/2 are :
and 1.5 mm thick. The surface heat transfer coefficient k= 0.026 W/mK; Pr = 0.708; u = 16.8 x 10-6 m 2/s.
from the air to the protective well is 23.3 Wim2 K
and the temperature recorded by the thermometer is The relations for portion (i) and (ii) of question are as
84 C. Estimate the measurement error, if the tem- follows:
perature at the base. of the well is 40 C. Explain the
theory behind the solution. 6
h. = 0.664(:, ) P,'n Re:n
1. (a) Derive the following equation for a small metal casting
being quenched in a bath after removing it from a hot (region where boundary is laminar).
- o o1~> (~I rL"R a'Joo l
T~) exp {- ~~} + T~
z,., p043 po.6 -
"m - v."~"~ ) ~ r ~~~L _,_vv J
T = (T, -
(over the entire length). 4
where T = initial temperature ; Too = environmental
temperahrre ; t = time ; h = convective heat transfer (d) Write a note on 'thermally and hydrodynamically fully
coefficient ; A = surface area ; p = density of solid developed flow through a pipe. Defme Prandtl number
(casting ) ; C = specific heat of solid (casting) ; and and explain its significance. 3+3
V =volume. State the important assumption/condition 7. (a) Define radiation intensity. Prove that the intensity of
for derivation. 6 radiation is given by Ib = Eb I 1t. 6
(b) What is (i) Sieder and Tate, and (ii) Dittus-Boelter (b) State arid explain Kirchhoff's law. What are the condi-
equations ? Where and when are these applied ? 4 tions under which it is applicable ? 4

(c) Atmospheric air at Too = 275 Kanda free-stream (c) A surface with A = 2 cm2 emits radiation as a black
velocity U 00 = 20 m/s flows over a flat plate L = 1.5 m body at T= 1000 K.
long that is maintained at a uniform temperature of (z) Calculate the radiation emitted into a solid angle
Tw=325 K. subtended by 0 ~ ~ 21t and 0 ~ 8 ~ 1tl6.
(z) Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient, h , (iz) What is the fraction ofenergy emitted into the above
over the region where the boundary layer rs solid angle of that emitted into the entire hemi-
laminar. spherical space ? 6
(iz) Find the average heat transfer coefficient over (d) Explainthemeaningoftheterm 'viewfactor'. State
the entire length L = 1.5 m of the plate. and explain the reciprocity relation. 4
(iii) Calculate the total heat transfer rate, Q, from the 8. (a) Engine oil is to be cooled from 60 C to 45 C using
plate to the air over the length L = 1.5 and width seawater at inlet temperature of 20 C with a tem-
w=l m. perature rise of 15 C. The design heat load is
Q = 140. k W and the mean overall heat transfer co-
efficient based on the outer surface area of the tubes Group C
is 70 W/m2K. Calculate the heat transfer area for
single-pass (i) counterflow, arid (ii) parallel 9. Answer the following in brief: 10 X 2
flow arrangements. 6
(z) Give the criteria of reversibility, irreversibility and
(b) Distinguish between filmwise and dropwise conden- impossibility ofa thennodynamic cycle.
sation. Which of the two gives a higher heat transfer
coefficient ? Why? 2 (iz) What is the higher and lower grade energy ?

(c) Disc~ss the various regimes in boiling heat transfer.

(iiz) What is the property introduced by the first law of
Why ts.the heat transfer coefficient in nucleate boiling thermodynamics ? Why should specific heat not be
10-20 times greater than in film boiling. 6 defined in terms ofheat transfer?
( iv) Explain Clausius inequality.
(d) AcounterflowheatexchangerofareaA= 12.5m2 is
( v) How does the subjectofthennodynamics differ from
to cool [Cph = 2000 J/kgs] oil with water [C ~ =
the concept ofheat transfer? Define thermodynamic
4170 J/kg-s]. The oil enters at T = 100 oc and property.
mh = 2 kg/s, whtle the water enters at T C = 20 oc
(vi) What is thennal diffusivity? Explain its importance in
and me= 0.48 kg/s. The overall heat transter coeffi- heat conduction problems.
cient is U, = 400 W/m 2-K. Calculate the exit
(vii) W-hat is meant by 'thermai resistance'? Expiain the
temperature of water, Tc , and the total heat transfer 6
electrical analogy for solving heat transfer problems.
rate Q. Use the following'graph for solution.
(viii) Explain the meaning_ofReynolds analogy. Describe
Hot fluid (mc,)11 !! C,.
the relation between tluid friction and heat transfer.
( Cold nuid (me,), "c, (ix) Define the term 'shape factor' related to the graphi-
Ht:3t transfer
cal analysis of two-dimensional heat conduction
- I-- Cm'IIIIC,.u - o v
. /.f;.:gjg [....-I -
,_ (x) Define Grashofnumber and explain its significance in
80 p free convection heat transfer. . .
~~vi:~~ v
K 60
ff '----

Effectiveness for a counterflow heat exchanger.

S'13 : 6 AN : MC 405 (1498)


Tzme : Three hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,

ANY TWO from Group Band ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should be

answered at one place.

Answer should be briefand to-the-point and be supple-

mented with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answer may
result in loss of marks.

Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably

giving proper justification.

Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A

1. (a) Explain the difference between energy in transit

and energy in storage. What is the energy per unit
mass for a (i) non-flow system, and (ii) flow
system? 6

(b) A mass of8 kg expands within a flexible con-

tainer so that the p-v relationship is of the form
pvt.2 =constant. The initial pressure is 1000 kPa
and the initial volume is 1m3 The final pressure is
5 kPa. If the specific internal energy of the gas
decreases by 40 kJ/ kg, find the heat transfer in
magnitude and direction. 6
(c) Show that isothermal dissipation of work is
irreversible. 4
(c) At the inlet to a pipeline, the condition of steam is
p = 4MPa, t = 400 oc, h = 3213.6 kJ/kg and
v = 0.073 m 3/kg. At the discharge end the (d) A gas is flowing through a pipe at the rate of
conditions are found to be p =3.5 MPa, 2 kg/s. Because of inadequate insulation, the gas
t = 390 oc, h = 3202.6 kJ/kg, and v = 0.084 temperature decreases from 800 oc to 790 oc
m 3/kg. If there is a heat loss of 8.5 kJ/ kg from between two sections in the pipe. Neglecting
the pipeline, calculate the steam flow rate. 8 pressure losses, calculate the rate of energy
degradation due to this heat loss. Take T 0 =
2. (a) What is a reversible process ? How is a rever- 300 K and CP = 1.1 kJ/kgK. For the same tern-
sible process only a limiting process, never to be perature drop of 10 oc, when the gas cools from
attained in practice ? 5 80 oc to 70 oc due to heat loss, what is the rate
of energy degradation ? Take the same values of
(b) Establish the equivalence of Kelvin-Planck and T0 and C . What is the inference you can draw
Clausius statements. 5 from this &xample? 10

(c) A heat pump provides 3 x 104 kJ/h to maintain 4. (a) What is the reversible cycle that represents the
a dwelling at 23 oc on a day when the outside st~am power plant? J?raw and explain the cycle
temperature is 0 oc. The power input to the heat wtth the help of flow and T- s diagrams. 4
pump is 4 kW. Determine the COP of the heat
pump and compare it with the COP of a rever- (b) What is an air stand cycle? Why are such cycles
sible heat pump operating between the reservoirs conceived? 2
at the same two temperatures. 6
(c) Show that the efficiency of the Otto cycle de-
(d) How is the entropy change of a reversible pends only on the compression ratio. 4
process estimated? Will it be different from an (d) In a gas turbine plant working on the Brayton
irreversible process between the same end rtcle, the air at the inlet is at 27 oc, 0.1 MPa.
states? 4 he pressure ratio is 6.25 and the maximum
temperature is 800 oc. The turbine and compres-
3. (a) Why is an isentropic process not necessarily an sor efficiencies are each 80 %. Find the
adiabatic process ? 2
(i) compressor work per kg air;
(b) Show that the maximum work obtainable from a
finite body at temperature T and a TER at T0 is (ii) turbine work per kg air ;
givenby (iii) heat supplied per kg air ;
W(max) =CP[(T-T0 )-T0 ln(T/T0 )]
(iv) cycle efficiency; and
where cp is the heat capacity of the body. 4
(v) turbine exhaust gas temperature. 5x2
GroupB (c) How is the friction factor for flow in a tube
related to the pressure drop ? How is the pres-
5. (a) Show that the temperature profile for heat sure drop related to the pumping power for a
conduction through a wall of constant thermal given mass flow rate? 4
conductivity is a straight line and in the presence
of a heat source, it becomes parabolic. 3 (d) It was found during a test in which water flowed
with a velocity of2.44 rnls through a tube ( 2.54
(b) A pipe is insulated to reduce the heat loss from it. em inner diameter and 6.09 m long) that the head
However, measurements indicate that the rate of loss due to friction was 1.27 m ofwater. Esti-
heat loss has increased instead of decreasing. mate the surface heat transfer coefficient based
Can the measurements be right? 3 on Reynolds analogy. Take p = 998 kg 1m3 and
(c) Discuss the criteria of selection of fins. What is cp
= 4.187 kJ/kgK. 7
the difference between the fin-effectiveness and
fin efficiency? 4 7. (a) Lubricating oil (p = 865 kg 1m3, k = 0.14
W lmK, Cp = 1. 79 kJ/kgK and u = 9 x 10-6 m 21s)
(d) The cooling system of an electronic package has
at 60 oc enters a 1 em diameter tube with a velo-
to dissipate 0.153 kW from the surface of an
aluminium plate 100 mm x 150 mm. It is pro- city of3 .5 m/s while the tube wall is maintained
----.l .__ -- -~-L._ .c;
pV:St;U lV U:S_t; t;l~lll
__ - - - L 11:\ - - 1 - - - --.l
llll:S, t;i:l\,;11 1 JV 111111 i:111U
---~-- - 'll\
'-UU>:>I.<UU i:1L JU
or< r"-1- 1-- ..t.._ .... t..- 1---+1.. - - -.. ~
'-' '-'i:1l\,UJi:1Lt; UJt; LUUt; Jt;U0 LHlt;lfUJ-

1 mm thick. The temperature difference between red to cool the oil to 45 oc. Use Dittus-Boelter
the plate and the surroundings is 50 K, the equation to find h.
thermal conductivity of plate and fins is 0.15 10
WI mK and the heat transfer coefficient is 0.04
kWim 2 K. Calculate the heights of the fins (b) With the help ofBuckingham n -theorem, show
required. 10 that for natural convection heat transfer

6. (a) What is the lumped system analysis for transient

Nu B.Gra Prb =
heat conduction? When is it applicable? 3 where B, a and b are constants. 5

(h) A solid copper ball of 100 mm diameter and (c) Why is the bulk temperature of condensate
p = 8954 kg/m3, C = 383 JlkgK, k = 386 always sub-cooled? 2
W lmK is at a unifonh temperature of 250 oc.
It is suddenly immersed in a well-stirred fluid (d) \Vhat is nucleate boiling? Why is it important ? 3
which is maintained at a uniform temperature of
50 oc, the heat transfer coefficient between the 8. (a) Show that the emissive power of a black body is
ball and the fluid is h = 200 W lm 2K. Estimate n times the intensity ofradiation. 5
temperature of the copper ball after a lapse of
5 min of immersion. 6 (b) On wh~t factors does the radiant heat exchange
between two bodies depend ? 2
(c) State and explain the reciprocity theorem in
thermal radiation. 3
(d) isenthalpe.
(d) Two fluids A and B exchange heat in a counter
flow heat exchanger. Fluid A enters at 420 oc
and has a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s. Fluid B (iiz) Reversible steady flow work interaction is equal
enters at 20 oc and has a mass flow rate of to
1 kg/s. The effectiveness of heat exchanger is 2
75%. Determine the (i) heat transfer rate and (a) fpdv
(ii) exit temperature of fluid B. Specific heat of
fluid A= 1 kJ/ kgK and that of fluid B = 4.1
kJ/kgK. 8 2

(b)- Jvdp
(e) What do you mean by fouling factor? 2


9. (A) Choosethecorrectanswerforthefollowing: 10 x 1

(i) In which the following processes for an ideal

gas, the heat transfer is compieteiy converted (iv) When a system is in equilibrium, any conceival
to work: change in entropy would be
(a) Reversible adiabatic process (a) maximum.

(b) Reversible isobaric process (b) positive.

(c) Reversible isothermal process (c) negative.
(d) Reversible isochoric process (d) zero.
(ii) At absolute zero temperature, the isotherm (v) When air is adiabatically saturated, the tempera-
coincides with an ture attained is
(a) isobar.
(a) dew point temperature.
(b) adiabatic. (b) wet bulb temperature.
(c) dry bulb temperature.
(c) isochore.
(d) effective temperature.
W'12: 6 AN: MC 405 (1498}


Time : Three hours

Maximum Marks : 100

Answer FNE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,

ANYTWOfrom Group Band ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should be

answered at one place.

Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supple-

mented with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answer may
result in loss ofmarks.

Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably

giving proper justification.

Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks

Group A
1. (a) Explain the first law ofthermodynamics for a chan-
ge of state and prove that energy is a property. 6

(b) Nitrogen gas at 300 K, 101 kPaand01 m 3 is com-

pressed slowly in an isothermal process to 500 kPa.
Calculate the work done during the process. 4

(c) (i) Explain system approach and control volume

approach in the analysis of a flow process. 2

(ii) A high velocity water jet nozzle has 002 m

and 0000 1 mas its inlet and outlet diameters,
respectively. Water discharges from the nozzle
at a rate of00060 kg/s. If the outlet pressure is
0-2 MPa, determine the pressure at the inlet
assuming the flow to be isothermal. 8

2. (a) Prove tbatthe efficiency of Carnot engine is higher of the combined system of gas and water
compared to that of an irreversible heat engine, increase as a result of the irreversible heat transfer?
both working between same temperature limits. 6 Obtain the result on the basis of 1 kg of water
evaporated. If the temperature of the surroundings
(b) A body at temperature T1 and of constant heat is 30 C, fmd the increase in unavailable energy due to
capacity C is put in contact lith a thermal reser- ineversib!e heat tr-:J...nsfer. 8
voir at temperature TJ' which is higher than T1The
pressure ratio remams constant while the body (c) (l) Differentiate between heat and internal energy. 2
comes to equilibrium with the reservoir. Show that
the change in entropl' of the universe is equal to (iz) Derive Maxwell's relations. 4
cp [x-ln(l +x)j, where X= -(Tf -I;) I Tf" 4
4. (a) Sketch and explain the essential components of a
(c) (i) Does heat transfer inevitable cause of a tem- Rankine vapourpowercycle. 4
perature rise ? 2
(b) Explain the working of an actual gas turbine with
(il} A reversible heat engine, Opt:Tclting between ther- p-v and T -s disgrams. 4
mal reservoirs at 300 oc and 30 C drives a
reversible refrigerator which refrigerates a space (c) An ideal diesel cycle, using air as the working fluid,
at -15 C and delivers heat to a thermal reser- has a compression ratio of 16 and a cut-off ratio of
voir at 30 C. The heat input to the heat 2. The intake conditions are 100 kPa and 20 oc
engine is 1900 kJ and there is a net work and 2000 cm 3 Using the cold-air-standard
output from the combined plant (heat engine assumptions, determine the (i) T and P at the
and refrigerator) of 290 kJ. Determine the end of each process, (ii) net work output,
heat transfer to the refrigerant and the total heat (iii) thermal efficiency, and (iv) mean effec-
transfer to the 30 C thermal reservoir. 8 tive pressure. Take for air, R = 0-287 kJ/kg-K,
Cp :;;: 10045 .kJ/kg-K and C v :;;: 07175 kJ/
3. (a) Derive the Clapeyron equation. 6 kg-K. 8

(b) In a steam boiler, hot gases from a fire transfer heat (d) Define the following: 4xl
to water vaporize at constant temperature. In
a cettain case, the gases are cooled from 1100 C (z) Saturation ratio
to 550 C while the water evaporates at 220 C.
The specific heat of gases is 1.005 kJ/kg-K and the (ii) Specific humidity
latent heat of the water at 220 oc is 1858 kJ/kg.
(iiz) Dew-point temperature
All the heat is transferred from the gases to
the water. How much does the total entropy (iv) Psychrometry

Group 8 a velocity of 5 rnls over a 1 m x 5 m flat plate whose
temperature is kept constant at 140 C. Determine
5. (a) Derive the general heat conduction equation in the rate of heat transfer from the plate, if the air
cartesian co-ordinates. 8
flows parallel to the (i) 5 m long side; and (ii) 1 m
side. The properties of air at 80 C are : k = 003
(b) A thin-walled copper tube of outside'metal radius 2
W/mK, Pr = 0706, u=2xl0-5 m /s. If
r = 001 m carries steam at 400 K. It is inside a
ReL > 5x ICP, then use NuL= 0.037{(Re~ -871)}

room where the surroundings temperature is 300 K.

Pr 113 .Use NuL= 0664Re~ 2 Pr , if ReL <5xl0 . 6
113 5
The tube is insulated with magnesia insulation
of an approximate thermal conductivity of 007
W /(m-K). (i) What is the critical thickness of insula- (c) (i) Define Grashof number. What is its physical
tion for an external convective heat transfer coe:i:li- significance ? 2
cient h =40 W /m2-K? (AssUII).e negligible conduc-
tion resistance due to the wall of the copper tube) ; (ii) What is the difference between evaporation
(ii) Under these conditions, determine the rate ofheat and boiling? 2
transfer perm of tube length for(!) a 0002 m thick
layer of insulation, (11) critical thickness of insulation, (iii) What is the difference between nucleate and
and (Ill) 0 05 m thick layer of insulation. 6 2
film hoilino-?
~---- ----o .

(c) (i) What are the influences offin length and fin thick-
7. (a) Derive an expression for the effectiveness ofa para-
ness on the.efficiency? 2
Hel flow heat exchanger in terms ofNTU. 8
(ii) Consider two very long slender rods of the (b) Explain the phenomenon of film condensation.
same diameter but of different materials. One 4
end of the each rod is attached to a base surface (c) What is a radiation shield ? 2
maintained at 100 C, while the surfaces of
rods are exposed to ambient air at 20 C. By (d) Engine oil is to be cooled from 80 oc to 50 oc by
traversing the length of each rod with a thermo- using a heat exchanger of counter-flow and concen-
couple, it was observed that the temperatures tric tube-type, with cooling water available at 20 C.
of the rods were equal to the positions~= 015 Water flows inside tube with ID of D.= I
2-5 em at a
m and~= 0075 m, where Xis measured from rate of mw = 008 kg/s and oil flows through the
the base surface. If the thermal conductivity annulus at a rate of moil= 016 kg/s. The heat trans-
of rod A is known to be KA = 72 W/m-K, deter- fer coefficient for the water side and oil side are
mine the value ofKB fortherodB. 4 respectively hw = 1000 W/m2-K and hoi!= 80 W/-
m2 K, the fouling factors are Fw = 0000 18 m 2 KIW
6. (a) Obtain the momentum equation for a hvdrodvnamic and FOil. = 0000 18 m 2KIW and and the tube wall
boundary layer over a flat plate. 8 resis-tance is negligible. Calculate the tube length
required. Take C = 4180 J/kg-K and Cpo " u=2090
(b) Air at a pressure of 101 kPa and 20 oc flows with J/kg-K.
W'l2: 6 AN :MC 405 (149!5) ( 4 ) ( Continued) W'l2: 6 AN :MC 405 (1498) ( 5 ) (Turn Over)

5'12:6 AN:MC 405 (1498)
Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : I 00
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,
ANY TWO from Group Band ALL from Group C.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should be

answered at one place.

Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supple-

mented with neat sketches. U11necessary long answers
may result in loss of marks.

Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably

giving proper justification.

Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Use ofsteam tables and Mollier chart are permissible.

Group A

1. (a} Under what conditions is the work done equal to

fpdv? 3

(b) Show that energy is a property of a system. What

are the modes in which energy is stored in a system? 7

(c) In a gas turbine, the gas enters at the rate of 5 kg/s

with a velocity of SO m/s andenthalpyof900 kJ/kg
and leaves the turbine with a velocity of 150 rn!s
and enthalpy of 400 kJ/kg. The loss of heat from
the gases to the surroundings is 25 kJ/kg. Assume
for gas, R = 0.285 kJ/kgK and CP = 1.004 kJ/kg-K,

( Tunz Over)

and the inlet conditions to be at 100 kPa and 4. (a) Give the basic components of a steam power plant.
27 C. Determine the power output of the turbine Why is Carnot cycle not suitable for such a plant? 4
and the diameter of the inlet pipe. 10
(b) A cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a
2. (a) To produce network in a thermodynamic cycle, a steam temperature of 400 C at turbine inlet and
heat engine has to exchange heat with two thermal the exhaust pressure of 0.1 bar. After isentropic
reservoirs. Explain. 3
expansion of steam in the turbine, the moisture
content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 15%.
(b) How is a reversible process only a limiti~g process,
never to be attained in practice ? What do you Determine the greatest allowable steam pressure at
understand by internal and external irreversibilities ? 5 the turbine inlet, and calculate the Rankine cycle
efficiency for these steam condition..s. 10
(c) A heat pump is to be used to heat a house in winter
and then reversed to cool the house in summer. The (c) What is an air standard cycle ? Why are such
interior temperature is to be maintained at 20 C. cycles conceived ? Show that the efficiency ofthe
Heat transfer through the walls and roof is esti- Otto cycle depends only on the compression ratio. 6
mated to be 0.525 kW per degree temperature
dit1erence between the inside and outside. (i) If the GroupB
outside temperature in winter is 5 C, what is the
minimum power required to drive the heat pump ? 5. (a) Show that the temperature profile for heat conduc-
(ii) If the power output is the same as in part (i),
tion through a wall of constant thermal conductivity
what is the maximum outer temperature for which
the inside ca.n be maintained at 20 C? 12 is a straight line and in the presence of a heat source
it becomes parabolic. 5
3. (a) Determine the maximum work obtainable by using
one finite body at temperature T and a thermal (b) To measure the thermal conductivity of an opaque
energy reservoir.at temperature T0 , T> T0 S material, a spherical shell of inner radius of26 em
and outer radius of 34 em was constructed, and a
(b) Explain howan electrical calorimeter is used to i 00 W electric light bulb placed in the centre. At
determine the quality ofwet steam. 5 steady state, temperatures of inner and outer
surfaces were measured to be 339 K and 311K,
(c) Steam expands isentropically in a nozzle from 1 MPa, respectively. What is the thermal conductivity of
250 oc to 10 kPa. The steam flow rate is 1 kg/s.
the material ? 7
Find the velocity of steam at the exit from the nozzle.
Neglect the inlet velocity of steam.
(c) Calculate the junction temperature of a copper
The exhaust steam from the nozzle flows into a
condenser and flows out as saturated water. The thermocouple, initially at 25 C, which when placed
cooling water enters the condenser at 25 oc and in a gas steam of200 C measures a temperature of
leaves at 35 C. Determine the mass flow rate of 198 oc in 5 sec. For copper, take p = 8940 kg/m3,
cooling water. 10
S'l2:6AN:MC405 (1498) ( 2 ) (Continued) S'l2 :6AN:MC405 (1498) ( 3 ) (Turn Over)
C = 384 Jlkg-K, K = 390 W/mK and the convec-
tive heat transfer coefficient= 400 W /m2K. Derive (c) Why are heat transfer coefficients for natural con-
the equation required to solve the problem. 8 vection much less than those in forced convection? 4

6. (a) Define local and mean heat transfer coefficients. On 8. (a) Why is Planck's law the basic law of thermal radia-
tion ? Explain graphically how Eb').. and T are
what factors does the value of h depend in forced
related? 5
convection? Show that the Reynold's number for
flow in a circular tube of diameter, D, can be ex- (b) On what factors does the radiant heat exchange
pressed as Re = 4 rhhtDJ..t. 6 between two bodies depend ? Show that the
emissive power of a black body is 7t-times the
(b) State the scope and application of dimensional intensity ofemitted radiation. 7
analysis in heat transfer processes. What are the two
methods of determining dimensionless groups to (c) Detennine the rate of heat loss by radiation from a
correlate experimental data ? 6 steel tube of outside diameter 0.07 m and 3 m long
at a temperature of 227 oc if the tube is placed
(c) It was found during a test in which water flowed within a square brick conduit 0.3 m side and at
27 C. Takes (steel)= 0.7-9 and s (brick)= 0.93. 8
with a velocity of2.44 rnls through a tube (2.54 em
i.d. and 6.08 m long), that the head lost due to Group C
friction was 1. 72 m of water. Estimate the surface
heat transfer coefficient based on Reynold's analogy. 9. Answerthefollowinginbrief: 10 X 2
Take p = 998 kg/m 3 and Cp = 4.18 kJ/kgK. 8
(z) What is a quasi-static process ? What is its
7. (a) What is nucleate boiling? Why do bubbles form on characteristic feature?
on the heating surface? 6
(iz) What is the standard fixed point in thermometry?
(b) A chemical ( CP = 3.3 kJ/kgK) flowing at the rate of Define it
20,000 kglhr enters a parallel flow heat exchanger at
(iil) Which property of a system increases when heat
120 C. The flow rate of cooling water (Cp = 4.186 is transferred at (a) constant volume, and (b) cons-
kJ/kgK) is 50,000 kglh with an inlet temperature of tant pressure ?
20 C. The heat transfer surface area is 10 m 2 and
the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1050 W/m2K. (iv) What do you mean by steady state and steady
Calculate the (i) effectiveness of the heat exchanger, f1ow?
and (ii) outlet temperatures of water and chemical.
5+5 ( v) What &re the causes of irreversibility of a process?
S'l2:6AN:MC405 (1498) ( 4 ) (Continued)
)'12 :6AN:MC405 (1498) (5 ) (Turn Over)
Forwarded by JYOTHIS ACADEMY, KOTTAYAM PH 0481 324 7363
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Ph 093 8888 7363
W'10: 6 AN: MC 405 (1498)
Time : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer FIVE questions, taking ANY 1WO from Group A,
ANY 1WO from Group B and AU.. from Group C.

AU parts of a question (a, b, etc.) should be

answered .at one place.

Answer should be briefand to-the-point and be supple-

mented with neat sketches. Unnecessary long answers
may result in Joss ofmarks.

Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably

giving proper justification.

Figures on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A
1. (a ) Explain the concept of macroscopic and microsco-
pic viewpoint as applied to study of thermodyna-
mics. 6
(b) Explain the term 'system', 'closed system', 'open
system' and 'isolated system'. Also, give a suitable
example for each. 6
(c) A fluid system undergoes a non-flow frictionless
process following the pressure volume relations as
p=(5/v)+l.5wherep isinbarand visinm 3
During the process, the .volume changes. from
0~15 m 3 to 0.05 m 3 and the system rejects 45 kJ
of heat. Determine (i) change in internal energy,
and ( ii ) change in enthalpy. 8

and delivered it to another reservoir at a
2. (a ) Prove that the expression for _Polytropic heat temperature of 77"C. 'I)le heat-p~mp derives the
rejection is given by
power for its operation from a reversible engine
Q1 _ 2 = (y- n )I (y- 1 ) x polytropic work done; 6 operating within high and low temperatures of
1077 "C and 77 "C, respectively. For 100 kJ /kg of
( b } Derive an expression for the. first t., .. ,
energy supplied to reservoir of 77 "C, estimate the
thermodynamics of an open system. 6
energy taken from the reservoir at 1077 "C. 8
( c ) At the inlet to a certain nozzle, the enthalpy of 4. (a ) Prove that the efficiency of diesel cycle is given
the fluid passing is 2800 kJ /kg and the velocity by
is 50 m/s at the discharge end. The enthalpy is
2600 kJ /kg ; nozzle is horizontal ; and there is a
negligible heat loss from it.

( i ) Find the velocity at the exit of the nozzle.

( b ) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the working
( ii ) If the inlet area is 900 em and specific volume of simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle. 4
at inlet is 0.187 m 3 /kg, find the mass flow ( c ) fu a diesel cycle, air at 0.1 MPa and 300 K is
rate. oompressed adiabatically until the pressure rises
(iii ) If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is to 5 MPa. If 700 kJ/kg of energy in the form of
heat is supplied at a constant pressure, determine
0.498 m 3 /kg, find the exit area of nozzle. 8
the compression ratio, thermal efficiency and
3. (a) State and prove the Clausius in~uality ~ d~ ~ 0. mean effective pressure. 8
( b ) The first source can supply energy at the rate of S. (a) Derive an expression for the temperature distribu-
12,000 kJ/min at 320"C. The second source can tion and heat transfer from a fin loosing heat at the
supply energy at the rate of 12,0000 kJ/min at tip. 6
70"C. Which source (l or 2) would you choose
to supply energy to an ideal reversible heat engine ( b ) Derive an expression for the heat transfer per unit
to produce large amount of power, if the time through a c;omposite. wall
temperature of the surrounding is 35 "C? 6 n
Q = ( tl - f0 H ) fl.: f/kA
(c) A heat-pump works on a reversed Camot cycle 1 6
takes energy from areservoir maintained at 5 "C

( vi) Local convective heat transfer coeffi.cient, h -r
(c) An insulated steam pipe, having outside diameter ( vii) Average convective heat transfer coeffi-
of 3P mm, is to be covered with .two layers of cient, h
insulation, each having thicknessof 20mm, ther-
mal conductivity of one material is five times that ( viii) Rate of heat transfer.

of the other. Assuming that the inner and outer 7. (a ) Prove that the effectiveness for a parallel flow heat
surface temperatures of the composite insulation exchanger is given by
are fixed, how much will heat transfer be increased l _ c-NTU(l +R l
when better insulation material is next to the pipe
E= 1+R 8
than it is outer layer ? 8

6. (a ) Prove that the energy equation for a flow over a (b) An oil cooler for a lubrication system has to cool
flat plate is given by 1000 kg/hr of oil ( CP = 2.09 kJ/kgoC} from
80 oc to 40 oc by using a cooling water flow of
1000 kg/hr at 30 C. Give your choice for parallel
6 flow or counter flow heat exchanger with reasons ..
Calculate the surface area of the heat exchanger,
if the overall heat transfer coefficient is 24 WI
( b ) What is the transient heat conduction ? 4 m 2 C. Take c;, of water = 4.18 kl/kg oc. 6
( c ) Air at 20 oc and at a pressure of 1 bar is flowing
1 1 .._ 1 " t:")_,_ TC'~A.L--1-.t.- (c) Oil (en= 3.6 kJ/kgoC} at lOOOC flows at the rate
QVef a uat ptate at a VeJOCitY 01 J mt ::>. u utc puuc
of 30,000 kg/hr and enters into a parallel flow heat
is 280 mm wide and at 56 oc, calculate the
exchanger. Cooling water ( CP = 4.2 kJ/kgoC)
following quantities at x = 280 mm. Properties of
enters the heat exchanger at 10 oc at the rate of
air at mean temperature of 3 8 oc are : e = 1.13 7 4
50,000 kg/hr. The heat transfer area is 10 m 2 and
kg/m\ k=0.02732 W/mC, CP= 1.005 kJ!
U= 1000 W /m2 C. Calculate ~he following: 3+3
kg"K, v= 16.768 x 10~ 6 m 2 /sec, Pr=0.7. lO
(i ) Outlet temperature of oil and water ; and
(i ) Boundary layer thickness, b
(i } Maximum possible outlet temperature of
( ii ) Local friction coefficient, Crx water.

(iii) Average friction coefficient, Cr 8. (a) State and prove the Stefan-Boltzman law of radia-
tion, E 6 = a T 4
( iv} Shear stress due to friction, t0

( v) Thickness of thermal boundary layer, 6Th W'10:6AN:MC40S (1498) (s J (TumOveJ

W'l0:6AN:MC405 (1498) ( 4 ) ( Continued)

(iii_) With ~ncrease in pressure,
( b ) Prove that the reciprocating theorem
(a J enthalpy of dry saturated steam.increases.

( b} enthalpy of dry saturated steam decreases.

(c) Assuming the sun to radiate as a black body, cal-
culate the temperature of the sun from the given (c) enthalpy of dry saturated steam remains same.
data. The average radiant energy flux incident upon
the earth's atmosphere (solar constant)= 1380 (d) enthalpy of dry saturated steam first increases
and then decreases.
Wlm 2, radius of the sun= 7.0x 108 m, distance
between the sun and earth= 15 ?< 1010 m. 7 (iv) Volume of wet steam (per kg) With dryness frac-
tion, x, is given by

9. Choose the correct answer for the following: 10x2

(i) When two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with

a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium
with each other. This statement is called

(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics

( b ) First iaw of thermodynamics

( e ) None of the above.
(c) . Second law of thermodynamics
( v ) The net work done per kg of gas in a polytropic
(d) Kelvin ~Plank's law process is equal to

( ii) A system comprising a single phase is called a

(a) closed system (b)Pt(Vi-Vz)

( b ) open system
(c) Pz[Yz-(ViiVz)]
( c ) isolated system
( d) (Pt Vi - Pz Vz) I ( n - 1)
(d) homogeneous system
( e ) (Pz Vi - Pz Yz) I ( n - 1)
{e) hetrogeneous system.
W'I0:6AN:MC 405 (1498) ( 7 ) (TumOve
W'l0:6AN:MC 405 ( 198; ( 6 ) (Continued)

(x) Availability function is expressed as
( vi) The heat abs<_>rbed or_ rejected during a polytropic
process is (a) a= (u+.A>dv-Tads).
(a) [(y-n.)/(y-l)]xworkdone (b) a= {u+ .A>dv+T0 ds)
(b) [(y-n)/{y-l)]Zxworkdone (c) a= (du+.A>dv-Tads)

(c) {{y-n )/(y-1)]' 12 x work done (d) a= (u+Jbv+T0 ds)

(d) [(y-n )/(y-1)1 x work done (xi) The power available at the shaft of an IC engine is
( vii ) Isentropic flow is known as brake horse power and is equal to

(a ) irreversible adiabatic flow. (a ) total power produced -frictional horse power

(b) ideal fluid flow. ( b ) Net IHP -frictional horse power

( c ) perfect gas flow. (c) Net IHP +frictional horse power
(d) frictionless reversible flow.
(d) Net IHP /frictional horse power
( e ) reversible adiabatic flow.
(xii) The mechanical efficiency (t"lmech) of an IC engine
( vi1i ) The efficiency of Carnot engine, using an ideal gas is equal to
as the working substance, is
( II ) lliP /BHP
(a) (7;-7;)/7;
( b ) BHP /lliP
(b) 7;!(7;- Tz>
(c) 7;7;/(7;- 7;).

(d) (7;-7;117;7; (d) FHP/BHP

(e) [7;(7;- 7;)]/7; {7;+ 7;)] ( xiii ) If the working fluid in a plant does not come in
contact with the atmospheric air and is used over
( ix ) The property of a working substance which increases
and over again, the gas turbine is said to work on
or decreases as the heat is supplied or removed in
a reversible manner is known as {11) semi-closed, cycle.
( 11 ) enthalpy. ( b ) open cycle.
(b) internal energy.
( c ) closed cycle.
{c ) entropy.
(d) None of the above.
( d ) ex.temal energy.
W'l0:6AN:MC405 (1498) ( 9 ) ( TurnOve
V'10:6AN:MC405 (1498) ( 8 ) (Continu

(xlii) The rate of radial heat flow per unit length
(xiv) In a psychro~etric chart, the vertical scale shows through the wall of a hollo'Y cylinder of inner
(~) wet-bulb temperature. radius r 1 , outer radius r2 , iiiner temperature t 1
and outer temperature t2 is given by
( b ) dry-bulb temperature.
(a) Z:rtk (t1 + t2 ) /log (r2 / r 1 )
(c) adiabatic saturation temperature.
(b) Zn ( t1 + t 2 )/ klog (r2 / r 1 )
(d) specific humidity.
(c) Z:rtk ( t1 - t2 )/log (r2 / r1 )
(xv) In case of sensible heating of air, the by-pass
(d) log(r2 /r1 )/2:rtk(t1 - t2 )
factor is equal to
(xliii) If h is the coefficient of heat trnsfer; k, the
thermal conductivity; and I, the characteristic
linear dimension, then the term hl!k is called
(a ) Reynolds number

( b ) Nusselt number
( c ) Prandtl number
where td = DBT air entering the heating coil; td =. ( d) Fronde number
I 2

DBT of air leaving the heating coil; and td ) = (xix) A body, which absorbs all the radiation falling
temperature of heating coil. on it, is called
(a ) opaque body.
(xvi) The logarithmic mean temperature difference
for a heat exchanger is equal to (b) white body.

(a) (~t0 ) + ~t ,J/log (~t0 / ~t;) ( c ) black body.

(b) (~t0 )- ~t;) /log(~t0 / ~ti) (d) transparent body.

( xx ) Fora free convection, the Nusselt number is a
(c) log (~t0 -l!:..t;)
function of
(d) .!.log (~t0 -~t;) (a ) Prandtl number and Grashof number.
. 2 .
( b ) Reynolds number and Grasliof number
where ~t0 = temperature difference of hot and
cold fluid at outlet and ~i; = temperature ( c ) Reynolds number
difference of hot and cold fluid at outlet. (d) Reynolds number and Prandtl number.
W10:6AN:MC40S (1498) ( 10 ) (Continued) W'10:6AN:MC 405 (1498) ( 11 ) AG-1,9(

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AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020
AMIE(I) STUDY CIRCLE, SECOND FLOOR, SULTAN TOWER, ROORKEE - 247667 (UTTARANCHAL) EMAIL: [email protected] Ph: (01332) 266328, 9412903929, 9897394020

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