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Faculty of Medicine

Quality Assurance Unit

Master Degree Program and

Courses Specifications for
Medical Microbiology and
(According to currently applied bylaws))

Medical Microbiology and

Immunology Department,
Faculty of Medicine,
Assiut University

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Item Page
Program Specification For Medical Microbiology & Immunology
A. Basic Information 4
B. Professional Information 5
1. Program aims
2. Intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for the whole
3. Program academic standards
4. Program external references
5. Program structure and contents
6. Courses contents (Annex 1)
7. Admission requirements
8. Progression and completion requirements
9. Assessment methods and rules
10. Program evaluation
11. Declaration
- Annex 1, Courses/ specica ons 19
1- Basic Course: Epidemiology, Methodology & Biostatistics. 20
Unit 1: Biosta stics
Unit 2: Methodology
Unit 3: Epidemiology
2- Specialized Course: Principles of Microbiology & Immunology. 42
Unit 1: General Microbiology.
Unit 2: Immunology.
Unit 3: Systematic Microbiology:
3.1: Systema c Bacteriology
3.2: Virology
3.3: Mycology
3.4: Applied Microbiology
- Annex 2, Program Academic Reference Standards (ARS) 92
- Annex 3, Teaching methods 97
- Annex 4, Assessment methods 100

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- Annex 5, Program evalua on tools 105
- Annex 6 Matrixes: 107
I- General Academic reference standards(GARS) versus Program ARS
1-Graduate attributes
2-Academic Standards
II-Program ARS versus program ILOs
III- Program Matrix.
- Annex 7, Addi onal informa on. 125

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Assiut University
Faculty of Medicine
Quality Assurance Unit (QAU)
Master degree of Medical Microbiology
and Immunology.
A. Basic Information
Program Title: Master degree of Medical Microbiology and Immunology.
Nature of the program: Single.
Responsible Department: Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Faculty of Medicine- Assiut University
Program Academic Director (Head of the Department):
Prof. Ahmed Sadek Ahmed.
Coordinator (s):
- Principle coordinator:
Prof. Enas Abd Elmageed Daef
- Assistant coordinator (s)
Prof. Mohamed Aly Al Feky
Prof. Mona Amin Hassan
Dr. Noha Abdel-Haleem Afifi
Dr. Nahla Mohamed K. El-Sherbeny
Internal evaluators: Prof. Shaban Hashem.
Prof . Ismail Sedik.
External evaluator
1 Prof. Ahmed Omar (Banha University)
2 Prof. Mohamed Fouad Kenawy (Mansoura University)
Date of Approval by the Faculty of Medicine Council of Assiut University:
Date of most recent approval of program specification by the Faculty of
Medicine Council of Assiut University: 24-10-2010
Total number of courses: 2 courses
First part: one course.
Second part: one course.

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B. Professional Information

1- Program aims
1/1 Extensive coverage of the following topics: bacteriology,
virology and mycology, bacterial pathogenicity, immunology,
molecular biology, microbial disease diagnosis, treatment and
prevention, antimicrobials and chemotherapy, epidemiology and
hospital acquired infection.
1/2 To enable the candidates to practice the principles of
sterilization and infection control.
1/3 To enable candidates to keep with international standards of
Bacteriology and common infectious diseases by teaching them
high level of practical skills, update their medical knowledge and
stress upon applied Microbiology.
1/4 Update candidates in the field of research as area of molecular
biology and cytogenetic studies as well as genes and/or
1/5 The acquisition of life-long habits of reading, literature
searches, consultation with colleagues, attendance at scientific
meetings, and the presentation of scientific work that are essential
for continuing professional development (CPD).
1/6 Enable them to work effectively, in partnership with other
health professionals, support staff and service users.
1/7 Enable them to understand and get the best of published
scientific research and do their own.

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2- Intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for the whole

2/1Knowledge and understanding:

A. Explain essential facts and principles of relevant basic sciences
including Epidemiology and biostatistics related to medical
microbiology and immunology.
B. Mention essential facts and principles of clinical supportive
sciences including Epidemiology which are related to medical
Microbiology & Immunology.
C. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the main subjects including
diagnosis and management of bacterial, viral or fungal infections
related to medical microbiology and immunology.
D. Give the recent and update developments in the most important
themes related to medical Microbiology and Immunology.
E. Mention the basic ethical and medicolegal principles that should
be applied in practice and relevant to medical Microbiology and
F. Mention the basics and standards of quality assurance to ensure good
practice in the field of medical Microbiology and Immunology.
G. Mention the ethical and scientific principles of medical research
H. State the impact of common problems related to the field of medical
Microbiology and Immunology on the society and how good practice can
improve these problems.

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2/2 Intellectual outcomes
A. Correlate the facts of relevant basic and clinically supportive
sciences with clinical reasoning, Diagnosis and management of
common Infectious diseases (bacterial, viral and fungal),
immunological and genetic disorders related to medical
microbiology and immunology.
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic thinking approach
(problem solving) to common clinical situations related to medical
Microbiology and Immunology.
C. Design and /or present a case or review (through
seminars/journal clubs) in one or more of common themes or
problems relevant to medical Microbiology and Immunology.
D. Formulate management plans and alternative decisions in
different situations in the field of medical microbiology and

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2/3/1 Prac cal skills
A. Demonstrate competently relevant laboratory skills related to
medical Microbiology & Immunology.
B. Use the up to date technology for the following conditions
related to medical Microbiology & Immunology.
C. Develop plans for performing experiments related to medical
microbiology and immunology.
D. Carry out common experiments related to medical microbiology
and immunology.
E. Counsel and educate students, technicians and junior staff, in the
lab about conditions related to medical microbiology and
immunology including handling of samples, devices, safety and
maintenance of laboratory equipments.
F. Use information technology in situations related to medical
microbiology and immunology.
G. Share in providing health care services aimed supporting patient
care, solving health problems and better understanding of the
normal structure and function.
H. Write competently all forms of professional reports related to
Medical Microbiology & Immunology (lab reports, experiments
2/3/2 General skills
Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Systems-based Practice

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Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
A. Perform practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology (share in audits and risk management
activities and use logbooks).
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies.
C. Conduct epidemiological Studies and surveys.
D. Perform data management including data entry and analysis and
using information technology to manage information, access on-
line medical information; and support their own education.
E. Facilitate learning of students and other health care
professionals including their evaluation and assessment.
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
F. Maintain therapeutic and ethically sound relationship with
different staff, patients, their families, lab technical staff and other
health professionals.
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, explanatory,
questioning, and writing skills.
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal, explanatory,
questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of a health care team
or other professional group.

J. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of Microbiology &Immunology and
K. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles including
provision or withholding of clinical care, confidentiality of patient
information, informed consent, business practices
L. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to patients culture,
age, gender, and disabilities

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Systems-Based Practice
M. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery settings and
N. Adopt cost-effective practice and resource allocation that does not
compromise quality of services.
O. Assist patients in dealing with system complexities.

3- Program Academic Reference Standards (ARS) (Annex 2)

Academic standards for master degree in medical

Microbiology and Immunology

Assiut Faculty of Medicine developed master degree programs

academic standards for different academic specialties.
In preparing these standards, the General Academic Reference
Standards for post graduate programs (GARS) were adopted. These
standards set out the graduate attributes and academic
characteristics that are expected to be achieved by the end of the
These standards were approved by the Faculty Council on 17-6-

4- Program External References (Benchmarks)

1. ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
2. London: University of London, Queen Mary (MSc in Clinical
Microbiology and Immunology). www.mastersportal.eu Queen
Mary, University of London.

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5. Program Structure and Contents
A. Duration of program: 2 years (maximum 4 years)
B. Structure of the program:
Total number of hours 1560 hrs.
#Didactic 728h (47%), practical 832h (53%),total 1560h.
First part
Didactic 208h (67%), practical 104h (33%).total 312hrs.
Second part
Didactic 520 hrs (42%) practical 728 hrs (58%).total 1248 hrs
According the currently applied bylaws:
Compulsory courses: 100%
Optional courses: N/A.
Hours % from total
Basic courses 312 20%
Specialized courses 1248 80%
Field training 728 46.7%
#Didactics : lecture, seminars, tutorial.
C. Program Time Table
A- Duration of program 2 -4 years divided into
o Part 1: (30% from nal marks)
Program-related basic courses (one year)
Students are allowed to sit the exams of these courses a er 12
months from applying to the master degree.
o Part 2 (70% from nal marks)
Minimum 2 years
Program related academic and specialized science courses and
Students are not allowed to sit the exams of these courses before 2
years from applying to the master degree.

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o Part 3 ( no marks)
Research pathway
Master essay duration: one year should be officially registered
an approved by the department and faculty council,
Discussion and acceptance of the research should not be set
before 12 months from registering the MSc essay. No marks
are given to this section.

Practical and/or clinical skills according to training plan and log

book specifications.
Minimum allocation for one year in the responsible department is
The students pass if they get 60% from the summa ve wri en
exams and 60% from oral and clinical exams.

Total degrees 1000 marks.

300 m arks for rst part
700 for second part
Wri en exam 40% (280 marks).
Clinical and oral exams 60% (420 marks).

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D. Curriculum Structure: (Courses):
courses of the program:
Modules/ Units Course
delivering courses Code Lectures/didactics training total
and student work
load list
First Part
Basic Courses
-Course 1:
Biostatics& MIC209 8h/wk=208h 4h/wk=104h 312h
Epidemiology -
Unit 1:
-Unit 2:
-Unit 3:
Second Part : Specialized courses
Specialized Clinical Work
Course 2
Principles of MIC207 520h 728h 1248h
Unit 1:General 2 hr /wk 2hrs/wk 208hrs
Unit 2: 3hrs /wk 4hrs/wk 364hrs
Unit 3: Systema c 5 hr/wks 8hrs/wk 676hrs
Third Part

Total 728h 832h 1560h

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6. Courses Contents (Annex 1)
The competency based objectives for each course/module/rotation are
specified in conjunction with teaching/training methods, requirements
for achieving these objectives and assessment methods.
See Annex 1 for detailed specifications for each course/ module
Annex 6 II: Program Matrix
7-Admission requirements

Admission Requirements (prerequisites) if any :

I. General Requirements:
- Grade good in the final exam from approved faculty of
Medicine (except for students from abroad)
- Completed his intern year after graduation from medical
- One year appointment within responsible department
(for non Assiut University based registrars)
II. Specific Requirements:
- Fluent in English (study language)


The current departmental policy is 2 weeks before

As regulated by the postgraduate studies rules and approved by the
faculty vice dean of post graduate studies and the faculty and
university councils.

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8-Progression and completion requirements

Examina ons of the rst part could be set at 12 months from

applying to the master degree.
Examina on of the second part cannot be set before 2 years
from applying to the degree.
Discussion of the master essay could be set a er 1 year from
officially registering the subject.
The minimum dura on of the program is 2 years.

The students are offered the degree when:

1. Passing the exams of all basic and specialized courses of this
program as regulated by the post graduates approved rules by the
faculty council.
2. Comple ng all scheduled skills in the log book (minimum 75%).
3. Discussion and acceptance of the essay.

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9- Program assessment methods and rules (Annex IV)

Method ILOs measured

Written examinations: K&I
Structured essay questions
Objective questions
Problem solving
Practical: K ,I, P &G skills

Structured oral K ,I &G skills
Logbook assessment All
Research assignment I &G skills

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Weighting of assessments:
Courses Degrees
First Part Course Written Oral Practical / Total
code Exam Exam Clinical
Basic Courses:
Course1 MIC209 150 150 300
Biostatistics & Mark
Second Part
Specialized Courses:
Course 2
Principles of MIC207 280 for 2 200 oral 220
Microbiology papers
&Immunology (140 for
- Unit 1 General 50% each)
-Unit 2
immunology 25%
- Unit 3
Microbiology 25%
Total 100% 280 200 220 700
Examination system:
First part:
Wri en exam 3 hours in Biosta s cs & methodology
&Epidemiology + practical exam+ oral exam
Second part:
Wri en exam Two papers 3 hours for each in Principles of
Microbiology &Immunology + Oral exam+ practical

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10-Program evaluation

By whom method Sample

Quality Assurance Reports #
Unit Field visits
Internal evaluators Report #
External Evaluator Reports #
(s):According to Field visits
External Examiner
(s): According to
Stakeholders Reports #
Field visits
Senior students Questionnaires #
Alumni Questionnaires #
#Annex 5 contains evalua on templates and reports (joined in the
departmental folder).

We certify that all of the information required to deliver this
program is contained in the above specification and will be
All course specifications for this program are in place.
Contributor Name Signature Date
Program Principle Coordinator Prof. Enas Abdel
mageed Daef
Head of the Responsible Prof. Ahmed Sadek
Department (Program Ahmed
Academic Director)

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Annex 1: specifications for courses

Basic Course
Course 1: Biostatistics, Methodology &Epidemiology

Medical Microbiology & Immunology Department

Faculty of medicine
Assiut University

1. Course data

Course Title: Biostatistics, Methodology & Epidemiology.

Course code: MIC209
Specialty: Medical Microbiology and Immunology.
Number of hours Didactic 208h (67%), practical 104h
(33%).total 312h.
Department delivering the course: Public Health and Community
medicine Department in conjunction with microbiology and

Coordinator (s):
- Course coordinator: Prof. Enas Abdel Mageed Daef
- Assistant coordinator (s) :
- Prof. Ahmed Sadek Ahmed
Prof. Mohamed Aly Al Feky
Prof. Mona Amin Hassan
Dr. Noha Abdel-Haleem Afifi
Dr. Nahla Mohamed K. El-Sherbeny

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Date last reviewed: 6-2010.
General requirements (prerequisites) if any :
- Grade good in the final exam from approved faculty of
Medicine (except for students from abroad)
- Completed his intern year after graduation from medical
- One year appointment within responsible department
(for non Assiut University based registrars)
Requirements from the students to achieve course ILOs are
clarified in the joining log book.
This course is divided into 3 units :
Unit 1 Biostatistics.
Unit 2 Methodology
Unit 3 Epidemiology.

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2. Course Aims
1. Acquire a basic knowledge which are necessary for
understanding principles of epidemiology and biostatistics.
2. Apply this knowledge to analysis of common infection
3. be able to communicate their ideas in a written format;
4. become adept at retrieving and assimilating information from
a variety of electronic and text sources;
5. Learn to solve problems as a group.

3.Course intended learning outcomes (ILOs):

Unit 1: Biostatistics:
A-Knowledge and understanding
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A-Describe common clinical conditions -didactic Portfolios
and diseases related to Biostatistics. (lectures) Log book
B. Outline essential factual basics and -Critically
principles which are related to Oral exam
Biostatistics., including the following: topic, Written
-Methods of data collection. exam
-Methods of data presentation. Educational
-Methods of data analysis and vital
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to Biostatistics as:
methods of data analysis.
D. Mention the basics of quality
assurance to ensure good professional
skills in data analysis and presentation.
E. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

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B. Intellectual outcomes

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic and Didactic Portfolios
clinically supportive sciences with (lectures) Log book
methods of data collection, analysis and -Critically Oral exam
presentation. appraised topic, Written
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic Educational Exam
thinking (problem solving) approaches to prescription,
conditions relevance to methods of data Practical
analysis. teaching,
C. Design and present audits, cases, seminars seminar.
in common problems related to methods
of data analysis and presentation.
C. Practical skills

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation

A. Perform the essential biostatistics skills including -Problem Log book

management of the following: solving. Objective
- Data presentation: Exercise. structure
a) Numerical presentation. Practical
b) Graphical presentation. exam
c) Mathematical presentation.
- Data analysis (analytic statistics or tests of
- Population sample.
- Vital statistics.
B. Select the suitable statistical l tests for data

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C. Interpret the methods and tests related to
biostatistics including the following :
- Data collection.
- Data presentation:
a) Numerical presentation.
b) Graphical presentation.
c) Mathematical presentation.
- Data analysis (analytic statistics or tests of
- Population samples.
- Vital statistics.
D. Perform the statistical methods and tests that are
mentioned in CC.
E. Write the evaluating reports of the following:
- data analysis (analytic statistics or tests of
- Population samples.
- Vital statistics
F. Perform the following basic experiments in related
basic sciences to be utilized in the research work:
- Data presentation:
a) Numerical presentation.
b) Graphical presentation.
c) Mathematical presentation.
- Data analysis.
G. Use information technology to support decisions
in common situations related to analysis of data
related to infectious diseases.

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement supervision Log book
activities using a systematic methodology (audit, Written & oral
logbook)for Data collection, analysis and communication
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies as
Researches and evidence based practice and
internet updates.
C. Participate in one audit or survey related to
biostatistics of infectious diseases.
D. Perform data management including data
entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and other
health care professionals.
Interpersonal and Communication Skill
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with supervision Simulation
senior staff, colleagues and technicians. Written & oral Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, communication review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of the
Infection control team or other professional
J. Present data in seminars.

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ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
K. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation 1.Objec ve
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of & structured
patients and society supervision practical
Didactic examination
) 2.Student
Educational survey
L. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical
principles including provision or withholding of
clinical care, confidentiality of patient
information, informed consent, business
M. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness
to patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities

Systems-Based Practice.
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
N. Work effectively in relevant health care Observation 1-student
delivery settings and systems Like statistical & survey
analysis of patients' data. supervision 2. por olios
O. Practice cost-effective health care and Didactic
resource allocation that does not compromise (lectures)
quality of care in performing special techniques Educational
as data analysis and interpretation. prescription
P. Assist patients in dealing with system

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Unit 2: Methodology
A-Knowledge and understanding
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe common clinical Didactic Written
applications to different types of (lectures)- exam
studies and screening methods. Critically Log book
appraised Oral exam
B. Outline the following factual basics topic,
and principles which are related to Educational
methodology study: prescription
-Types of studies: including;
o Prospective study.
o Retrospective study.
o Cross sectional study.
- Screening.
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to different types of
study designs and screening.
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and clinically
supportive sciences related to
microbiology including Epidemiology of
infectious diseases.
E. Mention the basic ethical and
medicolegal principles revenant to the
different types of study designs and
F. Mention the basics of quality assurance
to ensure good professional skills as
selection of the study design suitable for
each clinical study.
G. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

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B. Intellectual outcomes
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic Didactic Portfolios
and clinically supportive sciences with (lectures)- Log book
methods of selection of study design Critically Oral exam
suitable for each case. appraised topic, Written
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and Educational exam
analytic thinking (problem solving) prescription
approaches to conditions relevance to Tutorial
selection of the study design suitable
for each clinical study and screening of
infectious diseases.
C. Design and present audits, cases,
seminars in common problems related
types of study designs.

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C. Practical skills
ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform the following basic skills that are Problem log book
related to the field including: solving - Objective
-study designs in different clinical problems. Exercise structure
- Screening methods for different nosocomial
B. Criticize published papers regarding the study
design and structure.
C. Perform practical exercises related to selection
of the study design suitable for each clinical study
and screening of infectious diseases.
D. Write the evaluated reports:
e. g. Criticism of published papers regarding the
study design and structure.
E. Perform the basic experiments related to basic
sciences that be utilized in the research work:
e. g. Application of different study designs in
various research fields.
F. Use information technology to support decisions
in common situations related to selection of the
study design suitable for each clinical study and
screening of infectious diseases.

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement activities supervision Log book
using a systematic methodology (audit, logbook) Written & oral
for choosing proper study design and screening communication
for nosocomial infections.
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies as
researches and evidence based practice and
internet updates.
C. Participate in one audit or survey related to
selection of the study design suitable for each
clinical study and screening of infectious diseases.
D. Perform data management including data entry
and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and other
health care professionals.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills.

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Simulation
staff, colleagues and technicians. & Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of the
Infection control team or other professional group.
J. Present a study in seminars.
K. Write a report criticizing a published paper
regarding type of study design and structure.

ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
L. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation 1.Objec ve
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of & structured
patients and society supervision practical
M. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical Didactic examination
principles including provision or withholding of (lectures) 2.Student
clinical care, confidentiality of patient information, Educational survey
informed consent, business practices prescription
N. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities

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Systems-Based Practice
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
O. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation 1-student
settings and systems Like surveillance. & survey
P. Practice cost-effective health care and resource supervision 2. por olios
allocation that does not compromise quality of care Didactic
in performing special techniques as choosing a Educational
design for a certain study or surveillance. prescription
Q. Assist patients in dealing with system

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Unit 3: Epidemiology of infectious diseases &
Environmental sanitation
A-Knowledge and understanding
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe common clinical conditions Didactic Written
and diseases related to the course (lectures) exam
including the following aspects : -Critically
- Bacterial infections; e.g. Tuberculosis, Log book
appraised topic,
Cerebrospinal meningitis, Brucellosis, Oral exam
Typhoid fever, Food poisoning. Educational
prescription Written
- Viral infections; e.g. Measles, Mumps,
Rubella, Hepatitis, Influenza, AIDS.
- Environmental sanitation e.g. Water
purification, Sanitary sewage disposal,
Sanitary refuse disposal.
-Laboratory examination of food
B. Outline the following factual basics and
principles essential to the Epidemiology
of infectious diseases ;
- Bacterial infections: e.g. Tuberculosis,
Cerebrospinal meningitis, Brucellosis,
Typhoid fever, Food poisoning.
- Viral infections e.g. Measles, Mumps,
Rubella, Hepatitis, Influenza, AIDS.
- Environmental sanitation: e.g. Water
purification, Sanitary sewage disposal,
Sanitary refuse disposal, Laboratory
examination of food handlers.

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C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to Epidemiology of
infectious diseases and Environmental
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and clinically
supportive sciences related to specialty
including diagnosis of infectious diseases.
E. Mention the basic ethical and
medicolegal principles relevant to the
Epidemiology of infectious diseases and
Environmental sanitation.
F. Mention the basics of quality assurance
to ensure good professional skills in
diagnosis of Epidemiology of infectious
diseases and Environmental sanitation.
G. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

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B. Intellectual outcomes

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic and Didactic Written
clinically supportive sciences with conditions and (lectures)
diseases of relevance to Epidemiology of infectious exam
diseases and Environmental sanitation. -Critically Log book
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic appraised
topic, Oral
thinking (problem solving) approaches to exam
environmental sanitations and conditions Educational
relevance to modes of transmission, causative prescription
agents, diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis and
control of infectious diseases.
C. Design and present audits, cases, seminars in
common problems related Epidemiology of
infectious diseases and Environmental sanitation.

C. Practical skills

ILOs Methods Methods of

of Evaluation

A. Use information technology to support decisions Problem log book

in common situations related to the following: solving - Objective
-Various prevention strategies for infectious diseases Practical structure
- Different used techniques and approaches for the work Practical
following: exam
Water purification,
Sanitary sewage disposal,
Sanitary refuse disposal,
Laboratory examination of food handlers.

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement supervision Log book
activities using a systematic methodology (audit, Written & oral
logbook) for Prevention of infectious diseases communication
and tracing the source of outbreaks of food
poisoning and nosocomial infections.
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies as
Researches and evidence based practice and
internet updates.
C. Participate in one audit or survey related to
epidemiology of infectious diseases and tracing
the source of outbreaks of food poisoning and
nosocomial infections.
D. Perform data management including data
entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and other
health care professionals.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Portfolio
staff, colleagues and technicians. & Simulation
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision Record
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. review
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of the
Infection control team or other professional group.
J. Present a case in seminars.

ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
K. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation 1.Objec ve
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of & structured
patients and society supervision practical
L. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical Didactic examination
principles including provision or withholding of (lectures) 2.Student
clinical care, confidentiality of patient Educational survey
information, informed consent, business prescription
M. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness
to patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities

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Systems-Based Practice
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
N. Work effectively in relevant health care Observation 1-student
delivery settings and systems Like surveillance. & survey
O. Practice cost-effective health care and supervision 2. por olios
resource allocation that does not compromise Didactic
quality of care in performing special techniques (lectures)
as choosing a design for a certain study or Educational
surveillance. prescription
P. Assist patients in dealing with system

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4. Course contents (topic s/modules/rotation)
Course Matrix

Time Schedule: First Part

Topic Covered ILOs

Knowledge Intellectual Practical General
skill Skills
Unit 1: Biosta s cs
Methods of data collection A,B,E A C A-P
Presentation of data A-D A,C A,C,D,F A-P
Methods of data analysis A-E A-C A-G A-P
Unit 2: Methodology
Principals of different study A- G A-C A-F A-Q
Bases of screening. A-C,E,G B A,C,F A-Q
Unit 3: Epidemiology of infec ous diseases & Environmental sanita on:
Epidemiology of infectious A-G A-C A A-P
Environmental sanitation A-C,E-G A,C A A-P

5. Course Methods of teaching/learning:

1. Lectures, didactics
2. Assignments
3. Discussion
4. Exercises, practical wok
5. Educational prescription.
6. Seminar.
7. Tutorial.
8. Observations and supervision.
9. Critical appraisal topics.
10. Written and oral communication

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6. Course Methods of teaching/learning: for students with poor
1. Extra Didactic (lectures, seminars, tutorial) according to
their needs
2. Extra training according to their needs

7. Course assessment methods:

i. Assessment tools:
1. Wri en examina on
2. Oral exam
3. Practical exam
4. Objective structural assessment.
5. Logbook.
6. Por olio.
7. Simula on.
8. Record, review reports.
ii. Time schedule: 6 months.
iii. Marks: 300 =1st part.

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8. List of references
i. Lectures notes
Department lecture notes
ii. Essential books
An epidemiologic Approach to Reproductive Health,CDC,FHI, and
WHO Phyllis A. wingo, James E.Higgens, Goerge L. Rubin, and
S.Christine Zahniser
iii. Recommended books
Evidence Based Medicine How to practice and teach EBM.
David Sachett, Sharon E. Straus, W.Scott Richardson , William
Rosenberg R.Brain Haynes
iv. Periodicals, Web sites, etc
- Dissertation workshop open courseware JHSPH.

9. Signatures

Course Coordinator: Prof. Enas Head of the Department: Prof.

Abdel mageed Daef Ahmed Sadek Ahmed

Date: Date:
.. ..

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"Specialized course:
Course 2 Principles of Microbiology & Immunology"

Medical Microbiology & Immunology Department

Faculty of medicine
Assiut University
I. Course data
Course Title: Principles of Microbiology& Immunology
Course code: MIC207.
Specialty: Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Number of hours Didactic 520h (42%), practical 728h
(58%).total 1248h.
Department (s) delivering the course: Medical Microbiology
&Immunology Department
Coordinator (s):
- Course coordinator: Prof. Enas Abdel Mageed Daef
- Assistant coordinator (s) :
- Prof. Ahmed Sadek Ahmed
Prof. Mohamed Aly Al Feky
Prof. Mona Amin Hassan
Dr. Noha Abdel-Haleem Afifi
Dr. Nahla Mohamed K. El-Sherbeny
Date last reviewed: 6-2010
General requirements (prerequisites) if any :
- Grade good in the final exam from approved faculty of
Medicine (except for students from abroad)
- Completed his intern year after graduation from medical
- One year appointment within responsible department
(for non Assiut University based registrars)
Requirements from the students to achieve course ILOs are
clarified in the joining log book.

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2. Course Aims
2/1-The candidate is able to acquire the basic knowledge
and skills that is essential and appropriate to common
microbiology and immunology conditions and situations in
different aspects of related eras including (general and
systematic microbiology and immunology) in practice as
Unit (1): General Microbiology:
1. Bacterial morphology and structure:
2. Bacterial physiology and metabolism:
3. Methods for iden ca on of bacteria:
4. Microbial gene cs:
5. Control of microorganisms:
a) Sterilization, disinfection and antiseptics
b) Antimicrobial chemotherapy.
6. Host parasite rela onship.
Unit (2): Immunology.
Unit (3): systematic Microbiology:
3.1: Systema c Bacteriology.
3.2: Virology.
3.2.1: General virology.
3.2.2: Common viral diseases
3.3: Mycology.
3.4: Applied Microbiology:
i. e. Hospital acquired infections and System wise microbial

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3. Course intended learning outcomes (ILOs)

Unit (1): General Microbiology

A-Knowledge and understanding

ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe the general microbiology Didactic Portfolios
basics including the following : (lectures, Procedure/st
- bacterial morphology and structure seminars, ains
- bacterial physiology and metabolism tutorial) Log book
- The methods for identification of -Journal club, Oral exam
bacteria. -Critically Written
- Microbial genetics. appraised topic, exam
- The difference between sterilization,
disinfection and antiseptics.
- Different levels of host parasite
B. Outline the following factual basics and Educational
principles of bacterial morphology and prescription
structure, microbial genetics, Demonstrations
chemoprophylaxis and methods for
identification of bacteria.
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to microbial genetics,
sterilization, disinfection, antiseptics and
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
physiology and metabolism related to
E. Mention the basic ethical and
medicolegal principles revenant to the
application of chemoprophylaxis in
F. Mention the basics of quality assurance
to ensure good professional skills in

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identification of bacteria and
differentiation between sterilization,
disinfection and antiseptics.
G. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research
H. State the impact of common problems
related to the field of Microbiology on
the society and how good practice can
improve these problems.

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B-Intellectual outcomes

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic Didactic Portfolios
and clinically supportive sciences with (lectures) Log book
conditions and diseases of relevance to -Critically Oral exam
genetics, host parasite relationship appraised topic, Written
and application of chemoprophylaxis Educational Exam
in medicine and other conditions that prescription
are mentioned in A.A.
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and
analytic thinking (problem solving)
approaches to conditions relevance to
application of chemoprophylaxis in
C. Design and present audits, cases,
seminars in common problems related
to identification of bacteria and
differentiation between sterilization,
disinfection and antiseptics, bacterial
metabolism, pathogencity and
D. Formulate management plans and
alternative decisions in different
situations in the field of the specialty.

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C. Practical skills
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform the following basic lab skills - seminar log book
that are essential to general -Direct - Objective
microbiology as follows : observation of the structure
Identification of basic laboratory practical work -Check list
Preparation of bacteriological
media used for isolation of
pathogenic organisms.
Performance of biochemical
reaction needed to confirm
Care and operation of
Microscopes viz. Light, Dark
ground Phase contrast,
Fluorescent microscopes.
Preparation of stains viz. Grams
Alberts, Ziehl Neelson and
other special stains and
performing of staining.
Washing and sterilization of
glassware including plugging and
Operation of autoclave, hot air
oven, distillation plant, filters
like Seitz and membrane and
sterility tests
Care and maintenance of
common laboratory equipment
like water bath, centrifuge,
refrigerators, incubators etc.
Preparation and pouring of

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liquid and solid media Nutrient
agar, Blood agar, MacConkey
agar, sugars, TSI agar,
Robertsons cooked meat,
Lowenstein-Jensens Sabouraud
Preparation of reagents
oxidase, kovac, etc.
Tests for beta-lactamases.
. Collection of specimens for
Microbiological investigations
such as blood, urine, throat
swab, rectal swab, stool, pus,
B. use instruments and devices in
sterilization of culture media, monitoring
efficiency of sterilization , centrifugation
of clinical samples, PCR
C. Interpret the following non invasive
procedures& experiments:
Efficiency of sterilization
Identification of the isolated
microorganisms on culture media.
Biochemical reactions.
. PCR products.
D. Perform the following non invasive&
invasive procedures& experiments:
Preparation, examination and
interpretation of direct
smears from clinical
specimens, viz. Sputum for
AFB ZN & auramine O, slit
smears for M.Leprae.-ZN
stain, conjunctival smear for
Chlmydiae Giemsa/Iodine.
Quantitative analysis of urine

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by pour plate method and
semiquantitative analysis by
standard loop test for
significant bacteriuria.
Plating of clinical specimens
on media for isolation and
purification. PCR
E. Write and evaluate of the reports
related to above mentioned experiments
and procedures in CD.
F. Perform the following basic
experiments in related basic sciences to
be utilized in the research work: PCR.
G. Use information technology to
support decisions in common situations
related to practical skills for the
advanced molecular techniques used for
identification of isolated
H. Develop and carry out plans for
performing experiments related to
I. Counsel and educate students,
technicians and junior staff, in the lab
about conditions related to
microbiology; including handling of
samples, devices, safety and
maintenance of laboratory equipments.
J. Share in providing health care services
aimed solving health problems and
better understanding of the normal
structure and function.

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement Log book and Log book
activities using a systematic supervision Portfolios
methodology(audit, logbook)in: Written & oral Procedure/case
Sample processing, microscopic communication presentation
examination and culture. Journal clubs
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies Discussions in
as topics researches and evidence based seminars
practice and internet updates. Scientific
C. participate in one audit or survey related meetings
to the course participate in
D. Perform data management including seminars
data entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and
other health care professionals about
identification of bacteria and molecular
methods for detection.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills.

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with Observation & Simulation
other members of the health care team. supervision Record review
G. Elicit information using effective (report
nonverbal, explanatory, questioning, and
writing skills.
H. Provide information using effective
nonverbal, explanatory, questioning, and
writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member
or leader of a team in Infection control unit.
J. Present a case in Microbiology.
K. Write a report about type of organism and
antimicrobial sensitivity results.

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ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
L. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation & Objective
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of supervision structured
patients and society Didactic practical
M. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical , seminars, examination
principles including provision or withholding tutorial 2.Student
of clinical care, confidentiality of patient Educational survey
information, informed consent, business prescription
N. Demonstrate sensitivity and
responsiveness to patients culture, age,
gender, and disabilities

Systems-Based Practice

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation

O. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation 1-student

settings and systems as diagnosis of different & survey
infectious diseases. supervision 2.por olios
P. Practice cost-effective health care and resource Didactic
allocation that does not compromise quality of care seminars,
(if applied) in performing special techniques as tutorial
special stains and cultures. Educational
Q. Assist patients in dealing with system prescription

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Unit (2): Immunology

A-Knowledge and understanding

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe the essential concepts and Didactic Written exam
patho- physiological processes of (lectures, Portfolios
common clinical conditions and diseases seminars, Log book
related to immunology such as tutorial) Oral exam
-Journal club,
Immunodeficiency diseases. -Critically
Autoimmune diseases. appraised
Hypersensitivity reactions. topic,
Graft rejection. prescription
B. Outline the following factual basics
and principles:
-Difference between natural
immunity and acquired immunity.
-The two limbs of the immune
response (antibody mediated and
cell mediated)
-The cellular cooperation and
interaction in an immune response.
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to the immunological
processes underlying:
Protection against microbial
Development of autoimmune
Immune deficiency diseases disease
Protection against development of

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Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions
Rejection of transplanted tissues of
. D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and
clinically supportive sciences related
to specialty including:
Genetics controlling transplantation,
autoimmune diseases and primary
immune deficiency diseases.
E. Mention the basics of quality
assurance to ensure good
professional skills in :
Serological diagnosis of infectious
Detection of tumor antigens.
Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases and
immune deficiency diseases.
F. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research.

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B. Intellectual outcomes
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic Didactic 1.Por olios
and clinically supportive sciences with (lectures, 2.Procedure/stains
conditions and diseases of relevance to seminars, 3.Log book
the following: tutorial) 4.Oral exam
- Protection against microbial disease -Journal club, 5.Wri en exam
- Protection against development of -Critically
tumor appraised
- Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions topic,
- Rejection of transplanted tissues of Educational
organs prescription
- Development of autoimmune diseases
- Immune deficiency diseases
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and
analytic thinking (problem solving)
approaches to conditions relevance to
autoimmune diseases and immune
deficiency diseases.
C. Design and present audits, cases,
seminars in common problems related to
immune disorders.
D- Differentiate between different
conditions related to immunology as
natural immunity and acquired
self and non self recognition by the
immune system.
classes of immunoglobulin.
the natural defense mechanisms

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C. Practical skills
ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform the following basic lab skills essential to - seminar log book
the course: -Direct - Objective
-Serological tests observation structure
of the
-Sero typing. practical
-ELISA, IF. work
B. use instruments and devices as ELISA reader for
reading the ELISA plate and the immunoflourescent
microscope for detection of immunoflourescent
C. Interpret the following non invasive procedures/
Serological tests
D. Perform the following non invasive/invasive
procedures/ experiments
-Serological tests
E. Write and evaluate of the following reports:
-Serological diagnosis of infectious diseases.
-ELISA report.
F. Perform the following basic experiments in
related basic sciences to be utilized in the
research work:
Serological tests
G. Use information technology to support
decisions in common situations related to
diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, immune
deficiency diseases and graft rejection.

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement Log book and Log book
activities using a systematic supervision Portfolios
methodology(audit, logbook) in Serology and Written & oral Procedure/case
serotyping. communication presentation
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies Journal clubs
as researches, evidence based practice and Discussions in
internet updates. seminars
C. participate in one audit or survey related to Scientific
the course meetings
D. Perform data management including data participate in
entry and analysis. seminars
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and
other health care professionals of the basics
of immunology.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Simulation
staff, colleagues and technicians. & Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of a
health care team or other professional group.
J. Write a report about serologic diagnosis of
infectious diseases.

ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
K. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a Observation Objective
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society & structured
L. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles supervision practical
including confidentiality of patient information, examinati
informed consent, business practices on
M. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to 2.Student
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities survey

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Systems-Based Practice

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
N. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation 1-student
settings and systems for serological diagnosis and & survey
serotyping of etiological agents of different supervision 2.por olios
infectious diseases. Educational
O. Practice cost-effective health care and resource Didactic
allocation that does not compromise quality of care (lectures,
(if applied) in performing special techniques as tube seminars,
agglutination, complement fixation, ELISA, hem tutorial
agglutination and immunofluorescence.
P. Assist patients in dealing with system

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Unit (3): Systema c Microbiology:
3.1. Systema c Bacteriology

A-Knowledge and understanding

ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe common clinical conditions Didactic( Portfolios
and diseases related to pathogenic lectures, Procedure/stains
bacteria as regards to character of seminars, Log book
pathogenic strain, virulence, mode of tutorial) Oral exam
transmission, the diagnosis, treatment, -Journal club, Written exam
prevention and control of the most Critically/
important infectious clinical conditions. Appraised
B. Outline the following factual basics and topic,
principles essential to Systematic Educational
Bacteriology: Description
.The principle virulence factor(s) of
pathogenic strains.
The mode(s) of transmission
The key tests for laboratory diagnosis of
the microbial diseases
The main lines of treatment and
prophylactic measures
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to the laboratory
diagnosis of the microbial diseases and
the new lines of treatment and
prophylactic measures
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and clinically
supportive sciences related to specialty
Epidemiology of infectious diseases.
E. Mention the basic ethical and

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medicolegal principles revenant to the
laboratory diagnosis of infectious
F. Mention the basics of quality assurance
to ensure good professional skills in
culture and sensitivity of pathological
samples and detection of
Antimicrobial resistance.
G. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

B. Intellectual outcomes
ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic and Didactic Written
clinically supportive sciences with conditions and (lectures, exam;
diseases of relevance to diagnosis of infectious seminars,
diseases as: tutorial MCQ
- Epidemiology of infectious diseases.
- Clinical diagnosis of infectious diseases
- Genetic basis for antimicrobial resistance.
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking (problem solving) approaches to laboratory
diagnosis of infectious bacterial diseases and
proper line of treatment.
C. Design and present audits, cases, seminars in
common problems related laboratory diagnosis,
treatment, prevention and control of infectious
diseases and detection of antimicrobial resistance.

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C. Practical skills
ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform the following basic lab skills essential to - seminar log book
the course: -Direct -Objective
Selection and use of the morphology, culture, observation structure
biochemical reaction, serological and molecular of the -Check list
diagnosis of the microorganisms (Gram positive practical on steps of
and Gram negative cocci and bacilli). work practical
B. Use instruments and devices in morphological training
identification of microorganisms, serological
diagnosis, molecular techniques and antimicrobial
susceptibility testing.
C. Interpret the following non invasive procedures:
Staining, Culture, biochemical reactions, serological
tests, molecular techniques, antimicrobial
susceptibility testing and detection of antimicrobial
D. Perform the following non invasive procedures:
Processing of different clinical samples, Staining,
Culture, biochemical reactions, serological tests,
molecular techniques, antimicrobial susceptibility
testing and detection of antimicrobial resistance.
E. Write and evaluate of the following reports:
- Serologic tests
- Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
F. Perform the following basic experiments in related
basic sciences to be utilized in the research work:
Various serologic and molecular techniques.
G. Use information technology to support decisions
in common situations related to identification of the
pathogenic strains causing the infection and the new
lines of diagnosis and treatment.

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement Log book and Log book
activities using a systematic methodology supervision
(audit, logbook)for Sample processing, Written & oral Portfolios
microscopic examination, culture, serotyping communication Procedure/case
and molecular diagnosis. Journal clubs presentation
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies: Discussions in
Researches and evidence based practice and seminars
internet update. Scientific
C. participate in one audit or survey related to meetings
the laboratory diagnosis of infectious
D. Perform data management including data
entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and
other health care professionals.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Simulation
staff, colleagues, clinicians and technicians. & Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member or leader
of a team in Infection control unit.
J. Present a case in seminars.
K. Write a report in Infection Control Lab.


ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
L. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation Objective
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of & structured
patients and society supervision practical
M. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical Didactic 2.Student
principles including provision or withholding of (lectures, survey
clinical care, confidentiality of patient information, seminars,
informed consent, business practices tutorial
N. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to Educational
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities prescription

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Systems-Based Practice

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
O. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation & 1-student
settings and systems as diagnosis of different supervision survey
infectious diseases.. Didactic 2.por olios
P. Practice cost-effective health care and resource Didactic
allocation that does not compromise quality of (lectures,
care (if applied) in performing special techniques seminars,
as special stains, cultures, serological tests and tutorial
Q. Assist patients in dealing with system

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Unit 3.2. Virology
A-Knowledge and understanding
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe common clinical conditions Didactic Portfolios
and diseases related to virology and the (lectures, Procedure/stains
different types of viral infections. seminars, Log book
tutorial) Oral exam
B. Outline the following factual basics and -Journal club, Written exam
principles: -Critically
- the general characteristics and appraised
structures of viruses. topic,
- The medically important RNA and DNA -Educational
- The natural habitat, source of infection,
mode of transmission and role of carriers.
-The pathogenesis and clinical
presentation of the associated disease
-Methods of laboratory diagnosis
-Lines of management and possible
prophylactic measures.
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to the methods of
laboratory diagnosis, lines of
management and possible prophylactic
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and clinically
supportive sciences related to specialty
Epidemiology of viral diseases.
E. Mention the basics of quality
assurance to ensure good professional
skills for diagnosis of viral infections.
F. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

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B. Intellectual outcomes

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic and -Critically Oral exam
clinically supportive sciences with conditions and appraised Written
diseases of relevance to viruses as role of the topic, exam
immune system in protection against viral -Educational
infections and other related conditions prescription
mentioned above in A. discussion
B-Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking (problem solving) approaches to diagnosis
of viral infections.
C-Design presented audits, cases, seminars in
common problems related to virology: viral
infections, latent viruses, persistent viral infections
and oncogenic viruses , and scheme for laboratory
diagnosis and differentiation between living
attenuated and inactivated virus vaccines.

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C. Practical skills

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform the following basic lab skills that are - seminar log book
essential to the course: -Direct -Objective
Selection & use different methods of virus observation structure
purification. of the -Check list
Recognition the suitable method of virus practical on steps
isolation and other laboratory procedures for work of
diagnosis of viral infections. practical
B. Use instruments and devices in evaluation of virus training
purification, isolation and detection of viral antigens
and antibodies.
C. Interpret the following non invasive procedures/
-Different methods of virus purification.
- Methods of viral isolation.
-Serologic diagnosis of viral infections.
- Molecular techniques for detection of viruses.
D. Perform the following non invasive procedures/
-Different methods of virus purification.

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- Methods of viral isolation.
-Serologic diagnosis of viral infections.
- Molecular techniques for detection of viruses.
E. Perform the following basic experiments in
related basic sciences to be utilized in the research
work: Serologic tests, IF, ELISA.
F. Use information technology to support decisions
in management and the possible prophylactic
measures related to viral infections.
D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement Log book and Log book
activities using a systematic methodology (audit, supervision Portfolios
logbook): Sample processing, tissue culture, Written & oral Procedure/c
serology and molecular diagnosis. communication ase
Journal clubs presentation
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies: Discussions in
Researches and evidence based practice and seminars
internet updates. Scientific
C. participate in one audit or survey related to meetings
D. Perform data management including data
entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and
other health care professionals about diagnosis
of viral infections.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Simulation
staff, colleagues and technicians. & Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of a
health care team or other professional group for
diagnosis of viral infections.
J. Present a case in seminar.


ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
K. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation & Objective
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of supervision structured
patients and society Educational practical
prescription examination
L. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical Didactic 2.Student
principles including provision or withholding of (lectures, survey
clinical care, confidentiality of patient seminars,
information, informed consent, business tutorial
M. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness
to patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities

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Systems-Based Practice
ILOs Methods of Methods
teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
N. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation 1-student
settings and systems for as diagnosis of different viral & survey
diseases. supervision 2.
Educational portfolios
O. Practice cost-effective health care and resource Didactic
allocation that does not compromise quality of care (lectures,
(if applied) in performing special techniques as tissue seminars,
culture, special serological tests and PCR. tutorial
P. Assist patients in dealing with system complexities.

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Unit 3.3 Mycology

A-Knowledge and understanding

ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe common clinical conditions Didactic Portfolios
and diseases related to Mycology as (lectures, Procedure/st
superficial and invasive mycosis. seminars, ains
B. Illustrate the following factual basics Log book
-Journal club,
and principles related to Mycology : Oral exam
. Classification of fungi. -Critically
appraised Written
.Pathogenesis of fungal infections. exam
Laboratory diagnosis of fungal
pathogens -Educational
.Systemic mycosis, prescription
subcutaneous mycosis,
.Superficial mycosis opportunistic
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to the diagnosis,
treatment, prevention and control of
fungal diseases.
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and clinically
supportive sciences related to mycology
as role of the immune system in
protection against fungal infections and
serologic tests and molecular techniques
for diagnosis of fungal infections.
E. Mention the basics of quality
assurance to ensure good professional
skills for diagnosis of fungal infections.
F. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

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B. Intellectual outcomes
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic and Didactics MCQ
clinically supportive sciences with conditions and
diseases of relevance to mycology as role of the seminars Written
immune system in protection against fungal exam
infections, serologic tests and molecular logbook
techniques for diagnosis of fungal infections,
clinical suspicion of fungal infections.
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking (problem solving) approaches to
conditions relevance to identification and
diagnosis of fungal infections.
C. Design presented audits, cases, seminars in
common problems related mycosis and
differentiation between them.

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C. Practical skills

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
A. Perform the following basic lab skills: - seminar log book
the used method of laboratory diagnosis of -Direct - Objective
fungal infections (microscopical examination observatio structure
culture, others like germ tube test, sugar n of the -Check list
assimilation serological and molecular diagnosis). practical on steps
B. use instruments and devices in microscopic work of
identification, serologic and molecular detection of practical
fungal pathogens. training
C. Interpret the following non invasive procedures/ in
experiments: practical
Staining, Culture, sugar assimilation, serological exam
tests, molecular techniques.
D. Perform the following non invasive procedures/
Staining, Culture, sugar assimilation, serological tests
and molecular techniques
E. Perform the following basic experiments in
related basic sciences to be utilized in the research
Culture and Serologic tests.
F. Use information technology to support decisions
in common situations related to update methods
for diagnosis of fungal

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D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
LOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement Log book and Log book
activities using a systematic methodology (audit, supervision Portfolios
logbook): Sample processing, culture, serology Written & oral Procedure/c
and molecular diagnosis. communication ase
Journal clubs presentation
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies: Discussions in
Researches and evidence based practice and seminars
internet updates. Scientific
C. participate in one audit or survey related to meetings
D. Perform data management including data
entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and
other health care professionals about diagnosis
of fungal infections.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation

F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Simulation

staff, colleagues and technicians. & Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member of a
health care team or other professional group.
J. Present a case in seminars.

ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
k. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and Observation Objective
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of & structured
patients and society supervision practical
L. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles Educational examination
including provision or withholding of clinical care, prescription 2.Student
confidentiality of patient information, informed Didactic survey
consent, business practices (lectures,
M. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to seminars,
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities tutorial

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Systems-Based Practice

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
N. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation & 1-student
settings and systems for diagnosis of different supervision survey
fungal diseases. Educational 2.por olios
O. Practice cost-effective health care and resource prescription
allocation that does not compromise quality of Didactic
care (if applied) in performing special techniques (lectures,
as special serological tests and PCR. seminars,
P. Assist patients in dealing with system tutorial

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Unit 3.4. Applied Microbiology

A-Knowledge and understanding

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Describe common clinical conditions Didactic Portfolios
and diseases related to the course (lectures, Log book
including the following: seminars, Oral exam
-Hospital acquired infections and their tutorial) Written exam
predisposing factors such as misuse of -Journal club,
- Sterilization and disinfection.
- Biomedical waste disposal
-Antimicrobial resistance.
-Tracing nosocomial infection source.
B. Outline the following factual basics and -Critically
principles related to applied appraised
microbiology: topic,
.Ways by which hospital associated -Educational
diseases are acquired prescription:
The sites of infection in the host i.e.
and the microbial agents most Demonstrate
frequently isolated from them of how to
The predisposing factors that process and
contribute to hospital acquired stain the
infections specimens in a
Relationship between antibiotic the infection
use and hospital acquired control
inflections laboratory
Techniques and practices that help
to prevent hospital acquired
. Sterilization and disinfection.

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. Biomedical waste disposal
.Antimicrobial resistance.
.tracing nosocomial infection
C. State update and evidence based
Knowledge related to:
.Techniques and practices that help to
prevent hospital acquired infections.
.Sterilization and disinfection.
. Biomedical waste disposal
.Antimicrobial resistance.
.tracing nosocomial infection source.
D. Memorize the facts and principles of
the other relevant basic and clinically
supportive sciences related to specialty
Epidemiology of infectious diseases,
genetic basis foe antimicrobial
E. Mention the basics of quality
assurance to ensure good professional
skills in his field.
F. Mention the ethical and scientific
principles of medical research

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B. Intellectual outcomes

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Correlates the facts of relevant basic Seminar Logbook,
and clinically supportive sciences with
conditions and diseases of relevance to Tutorial, written exam
applied microbiology that mentioned discussion, MCQ
above in A. Didactics Portfolios
B. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking (problem solving) approaches to
conditions relevance to:
-Hospital acquired inflections
-Sterilization and disinfection.
-Antimicrobial resistance.
-tracing nosocomial infection source
C. Design presented audits, cases, seminars
in common problems related to:
-Hospital acquired inflections
-Sterilization and disinfection.
- Biomedical waste disposal
-Antimicrobial resistance.
-tracing nosocomial infection source
D. Formulate management plans and
alternative decisions in different situations in
the field of the Medical microbiology and

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C. Practical skills

ILOs Methods of Methods of

teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform the following essential basic lab skills - seminar log book
that are related to applied microbiology : -Direct -Objective
- Methods selection for Isolation of the pathogenic observation structure
organisms from the pathogenic specimens of the -Check list on
referred to Infection Control Lab. practical steps of
work practical
-Microbiological examination of water in the training of
Dialysis units. all steps
-Monitoring efficiency of sterilization of autoclave,
ethylene oxide -.
- Application of basic infection control measures
to prevent lab. acquired infections.
-Application of the biosafety levels.
- Evaluation of efficiency of disinfectants.-
- Environmental swabbing of critical care areas
and examination of such samples in infection
control microbiology laboratory. This procedure
will help in monitoring efficiency of disinfectants
used in hospital and confirm strict implementation
of basic I. C. measures by HCW.
-. Diagnosis of all nosocomial infections and
selection of the proper antimicrobial after
isolation of the causative agent.
- Detection of antimicrobial resistance.
B. use instruments and devices in evaluation of
efficiency of disinfectants, Microbiological
examination of water in the Dialysis units,
Monitoring efficiency of sterilization of autoclave,
ethylene oxide

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C. Interpret the following non invasive
procedures& experiments:
evaluation of efficiency of disinfectants,
Microbiological examination of water in the
Dialysis units, Monitoring efficiency of sterilization
of autoclave, ethylene oxide , Environmental
swabbing of critical care areas and examination of
such samples in infection control microbiology
laboratory and Diagnosis of all nosocomial
infections and selection of the proper
antimicrobial after isolation of the causative agent
and detection of antimicrobial resistance.
D. Perform the following non invasive
procedures& experiments:
evaluation of efficiency of disinfectants,
Microbiological examination of water in the
Dialysis units, Monitoring efficiency of sterilization
of autoclave, ethylene oxide , Environmental
swabbing of critical care areas and examination of
such samples in infection control microbiology
laboratory and Diagnosis of all nosocomial
infections and selection of the proper
antimicrobial after isolation of the causative agent
and detection of antimicrobial resistance.
E. Write the evaluated report of the following:
.Evaluation of efficiency of disinfectants,
.Microbiological examination of water in the
Dialysis units,
.Efficiency of sterilization of autoclave, ethylene
oxide ,
.Environmental swabbing
. Diagnosis of nosocomial infections and the
antimicrobial sensitivity tests.
F. Perform the following basic experiments in
related basic sciences to be utilized in the research

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Serologic tests and molecular techniques to
confirm the diagnosis and detection of
antimicrobial resistance.
G. Use information technology to support
decisions in common situations related to recent
methods for screening of antimicrobial resistant
organisms, emerging nosocomial pathogens.

D. General Skills
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
A. Perform practice-based improvement Log book and Log book
activities using a systematic supervision
methodology(audit, logbook): Sample Written & oral Portfolios
processing, microscopic examination, culture communication Procedure/cas
and antibiotic sensitivity testing. Journal clubs e presentation
B. Appraises evidence from scientific studies: Discussions in
Researches and evidence based practice and seminars
internet updates. Scientific
C. participate in one audit or survey related meetings
to the course
D. Perform data management including data
entry and analysis.
E. Facilitate learning of junior students and
other health care professionals.

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Interpersonal and Communication Skills.

ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
F. Maintain ethically sound relationship with senior Observation Simulation
staff, colleagues and technicians. & Record
G. Elicit information using effective nonverbal, supervision review
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. (report
H. Provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
I. Work effectively with others as a member or leader
of a team in Infection control unit.
J. Present a case in seminars.
K. Write a report about:
.Evaluation of efficiency of disinfectants,
.Microbiological examination of water in the Dialysis
.Efficiency of sterilization of autoclave, ethylene
oxide ,
.Environmental swabbing
. Diagnosis of nosocomial infections and the
antimicrobial sensitivity tests.

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ILOs Methods of Methods

teaching/ of
learning Evaluation
L. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a Observation Objective
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society & structured
M. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles supervision practical
including provision or withholding of clinical care, Educational examinati
confidentiality of patient information, informed prescription on
consent, business practices Didactic 2.Student
N. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to (lectures, survey
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities seminars,
Systems-Based Practice
ILOs Methods of Methods of
teaching/ Evaluation
O. Work effectively in relevant health care delivery Observation 1-student
settings and systems as & survey
.Evaluation of efficiency of disinfectants, supervision 2.por olios
.Microbiological examination of water in the Didactic
Dialysis units, (lectures,
.Efficiency of sterilization of autoclave, ethylene seminars,
oxide , tutorial
.Environmental swabbing and monitoring of Educational
environmental sanitation. prescription
. Diagnosis of nosocomial infections and the
antimicrobial sensitivity tests
P. Practice cost-effective health care and resource
allocation that does not compromise quality of
Q. Assist patients in dealing with system

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4. Course contents (topic s/modules/rota on)
Course Matrix
`Time Schedule: Second part
Topic Covered ILOs
Knowledge Intellectual Practical General
skill Skills
Unit 1: General Microbiology
Basics of bacterial A,B - - A-Q
morphology and structure.
Bacterial physiology and A,D C - A-Q
Microbial genetics A,B,C A,C,D B,C,D,F-J A-Q
Difference between A,C,F-H C,D A,B,C A-Q
sterilization, disinfection and
Chemoprophylaxis and its B,C,E A,B - A-Q
application in medicine.
Methods of identification of B,F-H C,D A-J A-Q
Unit 2: Immunology
Natural and acquired B A - A-P
Antibody mediated immunity B,E B A-F A-P
Cell mediated immunity B,E B - A-P
Immunoregulatory B C - A-P
Protection against microbial A-C,F A,B A-G A-P
Tumor immunology A-C,F A-D G A-P
Hypersensitivity or allergic A-C,F A-D G A-P
Graft rejection A-F A-D G A-P
Autoimmune diseases A-F A-D G A-P
Immune deficiency diseases A-F A-D G A-P

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Unit 3: Systema c Microbiology
Systematic Bacteriology
Principle virulence factor(s) B,D - - A-Q
of pathogenic bacteria
Mode(s) of transmission A,B,D A,B - A-Q
Microbial features important B - - A-Q
for laboratory diagnosis of
pathogenic strains
Laboratory diagnosis of A-C,E-G A-C A-G A-Q
bacterial diseases
Lines of treatment and A-C,E-G A-C A-G A-Q
prophylactic measures
General characteristics of B - - A-P
Basic components and B - - A-P
structure of viruses
Natural habitat, source of A,B,D - - A-P
infection, mode of
transmission and role of
carriers in viral diseases.
Pathogenesis and clinical A,B,D - - A-P
presentation of viral diseases
Methods of laboratory A-C,E,F B,C A-F A-P
Management and possible A-C,F A-C - A-P
prophylactic measures
Basis of classification of fungi B - - A-P
Pathogenesis of fungal A,B - - A-P
Laboratory diagnosis of A-F A-C A-F A-P
fungal infections

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Treatment and prophylaxis of A-F B,C - A-P
fungal infections
Applied Microbiology
Hospital acquired infections A-F A-D A-G A-Q
and their predisposing
Antimicrobial resistance A-F A-C A-G A-Q
Tracing nosocomial infection A-C A-D A-G A-Q
Sterilization and disinfection A-C A-D A-E A-Q
of hospital environment
Biomedical waste disposal A-C C - A-Q

5. Course Methods of teaching/learning:

1. Didactics: Lectures, tutorial,
2. Practical training in Medical Microbiology & Immunology
3. Practical training in Microbiology Infection Control
laboratory of Assiut University Hospitals.
4. Case studies (problem solving).
5. Seminars, scientific meeting.
6. Journal club.
7. Educational prescription.
8. Critical appraisal topics.
9. Observation & supervision
10. Discussion
11. Written and oral communication.

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6. Course Methods of teaching/learning: for students with poor
1. Extra Didactic (lectures, seminars, tutorial) according to their
2. Extra training according to their needs
7. Course assessment methods:

i. Assessment tools:
Written Examination; including MCQ A standardized
examination using multiple-choice questions (MCQ).
The in-training examination and written board
examinations are examples.
Examination Oral Uses structured realistic cases and
patient case protocols in an oral examination to assess
clinical decision-making.
Case /problems assess use of knowledge in diagnosing
or treating patients or evaluate procedural skills.
Record, review reports.
Check list on steps of practical training of all steps.
Practical exam.
ii. Time schedule: 2 years
iii. Marks: 700 marks

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8. List of references

i. Lectures notes
ii. Essential books
1. Principles of bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, & Immunology
Vol. I to IV: Tobley &Wilsons.
2. Medical Microbiology. Vol. I to II: Greenwood, Slack, Pleutherer.
3. Basic Clinical Immunology. Fudenburg, S tes, Caldwell, Weils
4. Essen al Immunology. Ivon M. Roi
5. Immunology. Weir D.M. Stewart J.
iii. Recommended books
- Microbiology in Clinical Practice
Shanson D.C
iv. Periodicals, Web sites, etc
Indian journal of Medical Microbiology
Journal of infectious Diseases
American Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology.
Annual Review of Microbiology.
Indian Journal of Medical Research.
Indian Journal of Immunology.
Journal of Tropical Medicine.
New England Journal of Medicine.
W.H.O. Bulletin.

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Indian Journal of Tuberculosis.
Infection Immunity.
International Journal of Leprosy.
Indian Journal of Leprosy.
Journal of American Medical Association.
British Medical Journal.
Journal of Associations of Physicians of India.
Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
American Journal of Epidemiology.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews.
Journal of Hospital infection.

9. Signatures

Course Coordinator: Head of the Department:

Prof. Enas Daef Prof. Ahmed Sadek Ahmed
Date: Date:

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1- Graduate attributes for master degree of medical
Microbiology and immunology

The Graduate (after residence training and master degree years of study)
1- Have the capability to be a scholar, understanding and applying
basics, methods and tools of scientific research and medical audit in
the chosen field of Medical microbiology and immunology.
2- Appraise and utilise scientific knowledge to continuously update and
improve clinical practice in related Medical microbiology and
3- Acquire sufficient medical knowledge in the basic biomedical,
clinical, behavioural and clinical sciences, medical ethics and medical
jurisprudence and apply such knowledge in patient care in the field of
Medical microbiology and immunology.
4- Dealing with common problems and health promotion using updated
information in the field of Medical microbiology and immunology.
5- Identify and share to solve health problems in his specialty.
6- Acquire all competencies including the use of recent technologies-
that enable him to provide safe, scientific, and ethical care including
update use of new technology in the Medical microbiology and
immunology field.

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7- Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that ensure
effective information exchange with other health professions, the
scientific community, junior students and the public.
8- Function as supervisor, and trainer in relation to colleagues, medical
students and other health professions.
9- Acquire decision making capabilities in different situations related to
his field of practice.
10- Show responsiveness to the larger context of the related health care
system, including e.g. the organisation of health care, partnership
with health care providers and managers, practice of cost-effective
health care, health economics, and resource allocations.
11- Be aware of public health and health policy issues and share in
system-based improvement of his practice and related health care.
12- Show appropriate attitudes and professionalism.
13- Demonstrate skills of lifelong learning and maintenance of
competence and ability for continuous medical education and
learning in subsequent stages in the Medical microbiology and
immunology or one of its subspecialties.

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2- Competency based Standards for basic master degree

2.1- Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the program, the graduate should demonstrate satisfactory
knowledge and understanding of
2-1-A- Established basic, biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and
behavioral sciences related to the Medical microbiology and immunology.

2-1-B- The relation between practice in the specialty and the welfare of
2-1-C- Up to date and recent developments in common problems related to
the field of Medical microbiology and immunology.
2-1-D- Ethical and medicolegal principles relevant to practice in the Medical
microbiology and immunology field.
2-1-E -Quality assurance principles related to the good medical practice in
the Medical microbiology and immunology field.
2-1-F- Ethical and scientific basics of medical research.

2.2- Intellectual skills:

By the end of the program, the graduate should be able to demonstrate the
2-2-A- Correlation of different relevant sciences in the problem solving and
management of common problems of the Medical microbiology and
2-2-B- Problem solving skills based on data analysis and evaluation (even in
the absence of some) for common situations related to Medical
microbiology and immunology.

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2.2- C- Demonstrating systematic approach in studying common themes or
problems relevant to the Medical microbiology and immunology
2-2-D- Making alternative decisions in different situations in the field of the
Medical microbiology and immunology.
2.3- Clinical skills/Practical skills
By the end of the program, the graduate should be able to
2-3-A - Provide practical and or laboratory services that can help patient care,
solving health problems and better understanding of the normal
structure and function.
2-3-B- Demonstrate practical / laboratory skills relevant to Medical
microbiology and immunology.
2-3- C- Write and comment on reports for situations related to the field of
Medical microbiology and immunology.
2.4- General skills
By the end of the program, the graduate should be able to
Competency-based outcomes for practice-based learning and

2-4-A- Demonstrate practice-based learning and improvement skills that

involves investigation and evaluation of their own practice, appraisal
and assimilation of scientific evidence, improvements in provided
services and risk management.

2-4-B- Use all information sources and technology to improve his practice.

2-4-C- Demonstrate skills of teaching and evaluating others.

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Competency-based objectives for interpersonal and communication

2-4-D- Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in

effective information exchange and teaming with patients, their
families, lab technical staff and other health professionals.
Competency-based objectives for Professionalism

2-4-E- Demonstrate professionalism behaviors, as manifested through a

commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, adherence
to ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population.

Competency-based objectives for Systems-based Practice

2-4-F- Demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger

context and system of health care and academic services and the
ability to effectively use system resources to provide care that is of
optimal value.

2-4-G- Demonstrate skills of effective time management.

2-4-H- Demonstrate skills of self and continuous learning.

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Annex 3, Methods of teaching/learning

Patient Medical Practice- Interpersonal Professionalism Systems-

care knowledge based and based
learning/ communicatio practice
Improvemen n skills
Didactic X X X X X
tutorial )

journal club, X X X

Educational X X X X X X
Present a case X X X X X
(true or
simulated) in a
grand round
Observation X X X X X
and supervision

conferences X X X X

Written X X X X X X

Oral X X X X X X

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Teaching methods for knowledge

v Didactic (lectures, seminars, tutorial )

v journal club
v Critically appraised topic
v Educational prescription (a structured technique for following up on
clinical questions that arise during rounds and other venues).
v Present a case (true or simulated) in a grand round
v Others

Teaching methods for patient care

v Observation and supervision /Completed tasks procedure/case logs

v On-the-job training without structured teaching is not sufficient for
this skill (checklists).
v Simulation is increasingly used as an effective method for skill/
teamwork training.

Teaching methods for other skills

v Written communication (e.g., orders, progress note, transfer note,

discharge summary, operative reports, and diagnostic reports).

v Oral communication (e.g., presentations, transfer of care, interactions

with patients, families, colleagues, members of the health care team)
and/or non verbal skills (e.g., listening, team skills)

v Professionalism, including medical ethics, may be included as a theme

throughout the program curriculum that includes both didactic and
experiential components (e.g., may be integrated into already existing
small group discussions of vignettes or case studies and role plays,
computer-based modules) and may be modeled by the faculty in clinical
practice and discussed with the resident as issues arise during their
clinical practice.

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Annex 4, ILOs evaluation methods for Master Degree students.

Method Practica K Intellectu General skills

l al
Patient K I Practice- Interperso Professional System
care based nal and ism s-based
learning/ communica practic
Improveme tion skills e
Record review X X X X X X

Checklist X X

Global rating X X X X X X X

Simulations X X X X X X

Portfolios X X X X X

Standardized oral X X X X X X

Written examination X X X X X

Procedure/ X X
case log

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Annex 4, Glossary of Master Degree doctors assessment methods

v Record Review Abstraction of information from patient records, such

as medications or tests ordered and comparison of findings against
accepted patient care standards.

v Chart Stimulated Recall Uses the MSc doctors patient records in an

oral examination to assess clinical decision-making.

v Mini clinical evaluation: Evaluation of Live/Recorded Performance

(single event) A single resident interaction with a patient is evaluated
using a checklist. The encounter may be videotaped for later evaluation.

v Standardized Patients (SP) Simulated patients are trained to respond

in a manner similar to real patients. The standardized patient can be
trained to rate MSc doctors performance on checklists and provide
feedback for history taking, physical examination, and communication
skills. Physicians may also rate the MSc doctors performance.

v Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) A series of

stations with standardized tasks for the MSc doctors to perform.
Standardized patients and other assessment methods often are combined
in an OSCE. An observer or the standardized patient may evaluate the
MSc doctors.

v Procedure or Case Logs MSc doctors prepare summaries of clinical

experiences including clinical data. Logs are useful to document
educational experiences and deficiencies.

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v PSQs Patients fill out Patient Survey questionnaires (PSQs)
evaluating the quality of care provided by a MSc doctors.

v Case /problems assess use of knowledge in diagnosing or treating

patients or evaluate procedural skills.
v Models: are simulations using mannequins or various anatomic
structures to assess procedural skills and interpret clinical findings.
Both are useful to assess practice performance and provide constructive
v 360 Global Rating Evaluations MSc doctors, faculty, nurses, clerks,
and other clinical staff evaluate MSc doctors from different
perspectives using similar rating forms.

v Portfolios A portfolio is a set of project reports that are prepared by the

MSc doctors to document projects completed during the MSc study years.
For each type of project standards of performance are set. Example
projects are summarizing the research literature for selecting a treatment
option, implementing a quality improvement program, revising a medical
student clerkship elective, and creating a computer program to track patient
care and outcomes.

v Examination MCQ A standardized examination using multiple-choice

questions (MCQ). The in-training examination and written board
examinations are examples.

v Examination Oral Uses structured realistic cases and patient case

protocols in an oral examination to assess clinical decision-making.

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v Procedure or Case Logs MSc doctors prepare summaries of clinical
experiences including clinical data. Logs are useful to document
educational experiences and deficiencies.

v PSQs Patients fill out Patient Survey questionnaires (PSQs)

evaluating the quality of care provided by MSc doctors.

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By whom Method sample
Quality Assurance Reports #
Unit Field visits
External Evaluator Reports #
(s):According to Field visits
department council
External Examiner
(s): According to
department council
Stakeholders Reports #
Field visits
Senior students questionnaires #

Alumni questionnaires #

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I- General Academic Reference Standards (GARS) versus
Program ARS
1- Graduate attributes
NAQAAE General ARS for Faculty ARS
Postgraduate Programs
- 1- Have the capability to be a
scholar, understanding and

applying basics, methods and
tools of scientific research and
medical audit in medical
microbiology and immunology.
- 2- Appraise and utilise scientific
knowledge to continuously update and

improve clinical practice in the medical
microbiology and immunology
- 3- Acquire sufficient medical knowledge
in the basic biomedical, clinical,

behavioural and clinical sciences,
medical ethics and medical
jurisprudence and apply such knowledge
in patient care in the field of specialty.
- 4- Dealing with common problems and
health promotion using updated

information in the field of speciality.
- 5- Identify and share to solve health
problems in his specialty.

- 6- Acquire all competencies that enable
him to provide safe, scientific, ethical

care including update use of new
technology in medical microbiology and

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1- Graduate attributes (Continuous)
NAQAAE General ARS for Faculty ARS
Postgraduate Programs
- 7- Demonstrate interpersonal and
communication skills that ensure
effective information exchange with
other health professions, the
scientific community, junior students
and the public.
8- Function as supervisor, and trainer in
relation to colleagues, medical
students and other health
- 9- Acquire decision making capabilities
in different situations related to
medical microbiology and
immunology field of practice.
- 10- Show responsiveness to the larger
context of the related health care

system, including e.g. the
organisation of health care,
partnership with health care
providers and managers, practice of
cost-effective health care, health
economics, and resource
- 11- Be aware of public health and health
policy issues and share in system-based

improvement of medical microbiology
and immunology
- 12- Show appropriate attitudes and

- 13- Demonstrate skills of lifelong learning
and maintenance of competence and

ability for continuous medical
education and learning in subsequent
stages in medical microbiology and
immunology one of its subspecialties.

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2-Academic standards
NAQAAE General ARS Faculty ARS
for Postgraduate
--- 2.1. A - Established basic, biomedical, clinical,
epidemiological and behavioral sciences

related to medical microbiology and
. immunology
--- 2.1. B- The relation between practice in medical
microbiology and immunology and the welfare of
--- 2.1. C- Up to date and recent developments in
common problems related to the medical
. microbiology and immunology
--- 2.1. D- Ethical and medicolegal principles
relevant to practice in the medical microbiology

and immunology field.
--- 2.1. E- Quality assurance principle related to the
good medical practice in the medical

microbiology and immunology field.

--- 2.1. F- Ethical and scientific basics of medical

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2-Academic standards (Continuous)
NAQAAE General ARS for Faculty ARS
Postgraduate Programs
--- 2.2. A- Correlation of different relevant
sciences in the problem solving

and management of common
problems of the medical
microbiology and immunology
2.2. B- Problem solving skills based on
data analysis and evaluation (even
in the absence of some) for
common situations related to
medical microbiology and

--- 2.2. B- Problem solving skills based on

data analysis and evaluation (even

in the absence of some) for
common situations related to
medical microbiology and

--- 2.2. A- Correlation of different relevant

sciences in the problem solving

and management of common
problems of medical
microbiology and immunology

/ --- 2.2. C- Demonstrating systematic approach

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in studding common themes or
problems relevant to the medical
microbiology and immunology.

-- 2.4. A- Demonstrate practice-based

learning and improvement skills that

involves investigation and evaluation of
their own practice, appraisal and
assimilation of scientific evidence,
improvements in provided services and
risk management.

--- 2.4. A- Demonstrate practice-based

learning and improvement skills that

involves investigation and evaluation of
their own practice, appraisal and
assimilation of scientific evidence,
improvements in provided services and
risk management.

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2-Academic standards (Continuous)
NAQAAE General ARS for Faculty ARS
Postgraduate Programs
--- 2.2. D- Making alternative decisions
in different situations in the field

of medical microbiology and
--- 2.3. A- Provide practical and or
laboratory services that can help

patient care ,solving health problems
and better understanding of the
normal structure and function.

2.3. B- Demonstrate practical /

laboratory skills relevant to
medical microbiology and
--- 2.3. C- Write and comment on
reports for situations related to
the field medical microbiology
and immunology
--- 2.3.A- Provide practical and or
laboratory services that can help patient

care ,solving health problems and
better understanding of the normal
structure and function.
2.3. B- Demonstrate practical /
laboratory skills relevant to
medical microbiology and

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2-Academic standards (Continuous)
NAQAAE General ARS for Faculty ARS
Postgraduate Programs
2.4. D- Demonstrate interpersonal and
communication skills that result in
effective information exchange and
teaming with patients, their families,
lab technical staff and other health
--- 2.4. A- Demonstrate Practice-Based learning
and Improvement skills that involves
investigation and evaluation of their
own practice, appraisal and
assimilation of scientific evidence,
improvements in provided services
and risk management.

2.4. B- Use all information sources and

technology to improve his practice.

--- 2.4. A- Demonstrate Practice-Based learning

and Improvement skills that involves
investigation and evaluation of their
own practice, appraisal and
assimilation of scientific evidence,
improvements in provided services
and risk management.

2.4. B- Use all information sources and

technology to improve his practice.

2.4. E-Demonstrate Professionalism

behaviors, as manifested through a
commitment to carrying out
professional responsibilities,
adherence to ethical principles, and
sensitivity to a diverse patient

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2-Academic standards (Continuous)
NAQAAE General ARS for Faculty ARS
Postgraduate Programs
--- 2.4. A- Demonstrate Practice-Based learning
and Improvement skills that
involves investigation and
evaluation of their own practice,
appraisal and assimilation of
scientific evidence, improvements in
provided services and risk

--- 2.4. C- Demonstrate skills of teaching and

evaluating others.

--- 2.4. F- Demonstrate an awareness of and
responsiveness to the larger context
and system of health care and
academic services and the ability to
effectively use system resources to
provide care that is of optimal value.

--- 2.4. G- Demonstrate skills of effective time


--- 2.4. H- Demonstrate skills of self and

continuous learning.

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Comparison between ARS & ILOS for master degree

2-1- Knowledge and understanding 2-1- Knowledge and understanding

2-1-A- Established basic, 2-1-A- Explain the essential facts and

biomedical, clinical, principles of relevant basic sciences
epidemiological and including epidemiology of infectious
behavioral sciences related to diseases and biostatistics related to
medical microbiology and medical microbiology and
immunology immunology
2-1-B- Mention essential facts of
clinical supportive sciences related
to medical microbiology and
2-1-C- Demonstrate sufficient
knowledge of the main subjects
related to medical microbiology and
2-1-B The relation between practice in 2-1-H- State the impact of common
the Medical microbiology and problems related to the field of
immunology and the welfare of medical microbiology and
society. immunology on the society and how
good practice can improve these
2-1-C- Up to date and recent 2-1-C- Demonstrate sufficient
developments in common problems related knowledge of the main subjects
to the field of Medical microbiology and related to medical microbiology and
immunology. immunology
2-1-D- Give the recent and update
developments in the most
important themes related to
medical microbiology and
2-1-D- Ethical and 2-1-E- Mention the basic ethical and
medicolegal principles relevant to medicolegal principles that should

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practice in the Medical be applied in practice and are
microbiology and immunology field. relevant to the field of medical
microbiology and immunology
2-1-E-Quality assurance principles 2-1-F- Mention the basics and
related to the good medical standards of quality assurance to
practice in the Medical ensure good practice in the field of
microbiology and immunology medical microbiology and
field. immunology.
2-1-F- Ethical and scientific basics of 2-1-G- Mention the ethical and scientific
medical research. principles of medical research

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continuous continuous

2-2- Intellectual skills: 2-2- Intellectual skills:

2-2-A-Correlation of different 2-2-A- Correlate the relevant facts of
relevant sciences in the relevant basic and clinically
problem solving and supportive sciences with reasoning,
management of common diagnosis and management of
problems of the Medical common problems of the Medical
microbiology and immunology. microbiology and immunology.
2-2-B-Problem solving skills based on 2-2-B- Demonstrate an investigatory and
data analysis and evaluation analytic thinking approach (problem
(even in the absence of some) solving) to common clinical or
for common situations related practical situations related to Medical
to Medical microbiology and microbiology and immunology.
2-2-C- Demonstrating systematic 2-2-C- Design and /or present a case or
approach in studding common review (through seminars/journal
themes or problems relevant clubs.) in one or more of common
to the Medical microbiology themes or problems relevant to the
and immunology field. Medical microbiology and
2-2-D Making alternative decisions in 2-2-D- Formulate management plans
different situations in the field and alternative decisions in different
of the Medical microbiology situations in the field of the Medical
and immunology. microbiology and immunology.
2-2-D Making alternative decisions in 2-2-D- Formulate management plans
different situations in the field and alternative decisions in different
of the Medical microbiology situations in the field of the Medical
and immunology. microbiology and immunology.
2-3- Practical skills: 2/3/1/Practical skills)
2-3-A- Provide practical and or 2-3-1-A- Demonstrate competently relevant
laboratory services that can help laboratory skills related to Medical
patient care ,solving health microbiology and immunology.
problems and better 2-3-1-B- Use the up to date technology for
understanding of the normal the conditions related to Medical
structure and function. microbiology and immunology.

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2-3-1-C- Develop plans for performing
2-3-B- Demonstrate practical/laboratory experiments related to Medical
skills relevant to that Medical microbiology and immunology.
microbiology and immunology. 2-3-1-D- Carry out common experiments
related to Medical microbiology
and immunology.
2-3-1-E- Counsel and educate students,
technicians and junior staff, in the
lab about conditions related to
Medical microbiology and
immunology.; including handling of
samples, devices, safety and
maintenance of laboratory
2-3-1-F- Use information technology in
some of the situations related to
Medical microbiology and
2-3-1-G- Share in providing health care
services aimed supporting patient
care ,solving health problems and
better understanding of the normal
structure and function.
2-3-C- Write and comment on 2-3-1-H Write competently all forms of
reports for situations professional reports related to
related to the field Medical Medical microbiology and
microbiology and immunology. immunology (lab reports,
experiments reports,).

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continuous continuous

2-4- General skills 2/3/2 General skills

2-4-A- Demonstrate practice-based
2-3-2-A- Perform practice-based
learning and improvement skills
improvement activities using a
that involves investigation and
systematic methodology (share in
evaluation of their own practice,
audits and risk management
appraisal and assimilation of
activities and use logbooks).
scientific evidence,
improvements in provided
2-3-2-B- Appraises evidence from
services and risk management
scientific studies.

2-3-2-C- Conduct epidemiological Studies

and surveys.
2-4-B- Use all information sources and 2-3-2-C- Conduct epidemiological Studies
technology to improve his and surveys.
practice. 2-3-2-D-Performdata management
including data entry and analysis
and Using information
technology to manage
information, access on-line
medical information; and
support their own education.
2-4-C- Demonstrate skills of teaching and 2-3-2-E- Facilitate learning of students,
evaluating others. lab technical staff and other health care
professionals including their
evaluation and assessment.
2-4-D- Demonstrate interpersonal and 2-3-2-F- Maintain therapeutic and
communication skills that result ethically sound relationship with
in effective information exchange patients, their families, lab technical
and teaming with patients, their staff and other health professionals.
families, lab technical staff and 2-3-2-G- Elicit information using effective
other health professionals. nonverbal, explanatory, questioning,
and writing skills.

2-3-2-H- Provide information using

effective nonverbal, explanatory,

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questioning, and writing skills.
2-3-2-I- Work effectively with others as a
member of a team or other
professional group.
2-4-E-Demonstrate professionalism 2-3-2-J- Demonstrate respect,
behaviors, as manifested through a compassion, and integrity; a
commitment to carrying out responsiveness to the needs of
professional responsibilities, patients and society.
adherence to ethical principles,
and sensitivity to a diverse patient 2-3-2-K- Demonstrate a commitment to
population. ethical principles including provision
or withholding of clinical care,
confidentiality of patient information,
informed consent, business

2-3-2-L-Demonstrate sensitivity and

responsiveness to others
culture, age, gender, and
2-4-F- Demonstrate an awareness of and 2-3-2-M-Work effectively in relevant
responsiveness to the larger academic and health care delivery
context and system of health settings and systems including good
care and academic services and administrative and time management.
the ability to effectively use
system resources to provide care 2-3-2-N- Adopt cost-effective practice and
that is of optimal value. resource allocation that does not
compromise quality of services.
2-3-2-O- Assist patients in dealing with
system complexities.
2-4-G- Demonstrate skills of effective 2-3-2-M-Work effectively in relevant
time management. academic or health care systems
and including good administrative
time management.
2-4-H- Demonstrate skills of self and 2-3-2-A- Perform practice-based
continuous learning. improvement activities using a
systematic methodology (share in
audits and risk management
activities and use logbooks).

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II-Program matrix

Knowledge and Understanding

Course Program covered ILOs

2/1/A 2/1/B 2/1/C 2/1/D 2/1/E 2/1/F 2/1/G 2/1/H
Course 1:
Course 2:
Principles of

Intellectual Outcomes

Course Program covered ILOs

2/1/A 2/1/B 2/1/C 2/1/D
Course 1:
Course 2: Principles of
Microbiology &

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Practical Skills

Course Program covered ILOs

2/3/1/ 2/3/1/ 2/3/1/ 2/3/1/ 2/3/1/ 2/3/1/ 2/3/1/ 2/3/1/
Course 1:
Course 2:
Principles of
Microbiology &

General Skills

Course Program covered ILOs

2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2
A B C D E F G /H
Course 1:
Course 2:
Principles of
Microbiology &

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General Skills

Course Program covered ILOs

2/3/2/I 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/ 2/3/2/
Course 1:
Course 2:
Principles of
Microbiology &

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Department information:

Our Mission:

The mission of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology is

to conduct the best possible research and provide the most
rigorous and inspiring training in the areas of microbiology,
immunology, host-pathogen interaction and related fields. Through
such activities, our goal is to improve human and animal health. We
hope to present an overview of our research and training activities
and to inspire like-minded individuals to join us in our quest.


The traditional focus of the Department of Microbiology and

Immunology has been on how microbes survive and cause disease
in an animal or human host and how that host's immune system
discriminates between self, friend (commensal microbes) and
pathogenic microbes. In recent years, the Department has
expanded this scope to also include related disciplines such as
genetics, biotechnology, and Infection control through inclusion of
the infection control lab.

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On the side of the microorganism, we study the growth and
pathogenesis of viruses, bacteria, and fungi asking questions such
as how do these organisms penetrate and survive in their chosen
environment? How do they deal with the host's potent immune
response? What distinguishes good microbes from bad and
how do the two interact? What is responsible for
latency/persistence and reactivation of infection?
On the side of the host, we are asking questions such as how are
self-antigens distinguished from non-self? How are antigens
processed and presented to effector cells? What cascades follows
antigen presentation? What roles do the various effector cells play
in the host's immune response to different diseases? How does
tolerance arise during development, how does it break down in
autoimmunity and how can we interfere with these processes?
Using a variety of microbial and host systems, we are also
addressing fundamental questions of cell development and gene
regulation. For example, how do cancer cells lose their self-
control? Gene expression, of course, is central to much of biology.

The Department underwent several expansions by inclusion

of the PCR lab., Virology lab and recently the infection control
lab. This is a group of faculty with interests that take us
beyond our traditional focus in host and pathogen into even
more diverse but complementary areas of biomedical

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology is a

community of over 30 individuals, all of whom share a
common passion for research and learning. The Department
was founded almost 50 years ago and has gone by a number
of names since that time, each reflecting a particular stage in
the evolution of medicine and the life sciences. Our current
name is Medical Microbiology and immunology Department.

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Staff members:
Prof. Mostafa Said Khalil Al-Rehawy.
Prof. Shaban Hashim Ahmed
Prof. Abdel- Khalek Ahmed Mohamed Al-Tamawy.
Prof. Ismail Sedeek Mohamed
Prof. Amany Gamal Thabet
Prof. Ahmed Sadik Ahamed
Prof. Mohamed Aly Mohamed Al-Feky
Prof. Enas Abdel-Megeed Mohamed Daef
Prof. Ehsan Abdel-Sabour
Prof. Mona Amin Hassan

Assistant Professors:
Dr. Mohamed Saad Badary
Dr. Salwa Said Ahmed
Dr. Noha Adbel-Haleem Afifi
Dr. Nahla Mohamed Al-Sherbeny
Dr. Wegdan Abdel-Hameed Mohamed
Dr. Shereen Ahmed Abdel-Rahman
Dr. Magi Abdallah Ibraheem
Dr. Amany Mohamed Adawy
Dr. Intsar Hamid Ahmed
Dr. Michael Nazmy Agban
Dr. Shreen Gamal Aldeen Al-Gendy

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Opportunities within the department:

The teaching mission of the Department is to provide the best

possible training in the areas of microbiology, immunology and
related fields. Our approach is holistic in that we are constantly
considering the entirety of the system we study, be it the
pathogenesis of an autoimmune disease (perhaps microbially
triggered) or a pathogen-produced virulence protein that
reprograms gene expression in an infected cell. We know that all of
us are both student and teacher, be we first year undergraduates
or senior faculty. Teaching and learning are our constant
companions in the classroom, the lab, the ward or the office.

We offer a large number of formal courses as well as practical

training and mentoring in the lab and clinic. We are committed to
undergraduate and postgraduate training.

Undergraduate Studies

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology offers many

opportunities for undergraduate students to learn about our
discipline. We offer many courses that specifically cater to
undergraduates ranging from freshman seminars through to
advanced classes for seniors. Undergraduates also are encouraged
to obtain research experience in the labs of department faculty.
Students interested in doing this should contact individuals whose
work falls within their specific area of interest.

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Graduate Studies

Courses typically taken are at the advanced graduate level in

microbiology, immunology, genetics besides cell and molecular
biology. All students are required to obtain some teaching
experience, usually by serving as teaching assistant. The normal
me for comple on of the MD. is about 2 to3 years, and for Ph.D is
about 4 years.

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology holds a monthly
Research Seminar Series which present current research in

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Events and Achievments:
Completed Research Support
R21AI067868 Shata (P.I.)8/15/06 7/31/08
University of Cincinnati
Towards Understanding the Morbidity of HEV
This research project is a collaborative effort among American
and Egyptian scientists to study the immunology and virology
of hepatitis E virus.
HC &HB Project Ahlam(P.I
.) 1/1/1998-1/1/1999
Cement Company
Screening for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses among
workers and their families in Cement Company in Assiut.
HCV in Egypt
(Strickland)P.I 1/11996-1/1/2000
Vaccination against Poliomyelitis Farouk Hassanen
(P.I.) 1/5/1993-1/12/1994
USAID Schistosomiasis Rsearch project 06-03-61
1-6-1992 to 28-2-1997,
Idiotypic Regulations Of Immune Response
Shata(P.I.) 1/1/1991-1/2/1995

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To Schistosomiasis Hematobium (Grant No 3/1/34)
Ultrasound and Immunological Assesment of Praziquntel
Ahmad Medhat (P.I) 1/7/1991-1/6/1996
Therapy of Patients infected with Schistosoma
Contact Us

General mail should be addressed to:

Department of Microbiology And immunology

Faculty of Medicine

Assiut University


Faculty are most easily found on our Faculty Research page


Phone: +20-88-2413500


Fax: +20-88-2332278
Department quality control insurance for completing the

(End of the program specification)

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