Beyond Borders Transnational Politics Social Movements and Modern Environmentalisms
Beyond Borders Transnational Politics Social Movements and Modern Environmentalisms
Beyond Borders Transnational Politics Social Movements and Modern Environmentalisms
To cite this article: Brian Doherty & Timothy Doyle (2006) Beyond borders: Transnational politics,
social movements and modern environmentalisms, Environmental Politics, 15:5, 697-712, DOI:
*School of Politics, Keele University, UK, **School of Politics and History, University of
Adelaide, Australia
ABSTRACT This introduction considers three themes that recur across the various con-
tributions to this collection. The rst is the nature of borders and how these have been
aected by the increase in transnational collective action and the growth in the power of
transnational institutions. The second is the distinction between environmental movements
and the social movement forms of environmentalism: meaning that not all forms of
environmental movement are social movements. The third is the evidence of the diversity of
environmentalisms, which leads us to identify three principal kinds of environmental
movement, the post-material movements strongest in the United States and Australia, the
post-industrial movements that are strongest in Europe and the post-colonial movements of
the South.
Reection on the history of environmentalism since the debates about risk and
limits to growth emerged in the early 1970s shows that transnational conicts
over power and ideology have been central from the beginning of the new
environmental politics. Limits to growth and overpopulation arguments that
came mainly from the North, while couched in terms of global humanity and
nature, seemed to many in the South a further means by which the most
powerful and wealthy countries could retain their control of the South.
Reection of this kind also reminds us how quickly things have changed. Many
environmental ideas that recently seemed marginal are now mainstream, and
some environmental movement organisations previously seen as outsiders have
become institutionalised in national and international policy-making struc-
tures. This has led some to argue that the environmental movement is the most
comprehensive and inuential movement of our time (Castells, 1997: 67), but
we will argue here instead that it is more accurate to think of the environmental
movement as still at an early stage in relation to shaping global politics.
This collection of articles does not aim to provide a full overview of the
nature of the environmental movement, either in the form of its most
important national cases or by assessing and explaining its impacts on national
or international political systems. Environmental movements have grown too
numerous and transnational politics too complex for this to be feasible in one
volume. Instead, the common focus is on understanding how transnational
political processes aect what environmental movements can do, and why they
choose to act as they do.
In this introduction we reect on three questions that recur across the
various contributions to this collection. First, we clarify what we mean when
we talk of transnational politics. Second, as environmental movements have
diversied so much, we discuss what it means to dene only some of them as
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eld, whereas in 2000 that gure had risen to 167. Environmental groups made
up 17% of all TSMOs, second only to human rights groups at 26% (Bandy &
Smith, 2005: 16). Alongside this quantitative increase, which in part reects the
institutionalisation of environmentalism in the spread of formal organisations,
there were also changes in environmental agendas. There is an increased
tendency for groups to adopt multi-issue rather than single issue frames for
their struggles and groups were more likely to identify the linkages between
issues such as between environmental protection and human rights . . .
(Bandy & Smith, 2005: 16). Smiths (2005) research on the spread of regional
organisation in transnational social movements since the 1980s showed that
groups in the South were more likely to retain ties with groups outside their
regions than those in the North and valued being part of transnational
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are also facilitated by two further developments: rst, the break up of the
USSR has removed the tendency to see all post-1945 conicts in bi-polar terms;
and second, cheaper communications in the form of telephone, fax, the inter-
net and email, have transformed the ease of transnational exchange of infor-
mation and coordination of action. Also vital has been the reduced cost of air
travel in facilitating face-to-face networking. While it is an uncomfortable truth
for environmentalists given the contribution of air travel to CO2 emissions,
face-to-face networking is vital to eective transnational campaigning, as it is
through sustained presence that the deeper relationships of trust and solidarity
are most likely to develop. This was evident in the negotiation of a crisis of
identity by key gures in FoEI (see Doherty, this issue), and also allows
cosmopolitan activists to cross borders regularly to engage in the kind of
imagineering work that Routledge, Nativel and Cumbers (this issue) identify
as essential for grassroots global justice networks.
This is not, however, a book about the globalisation of environmentalism.
There is no evidence of a single form of environmental movement emerging,
nor of national borders becoming irrelevant. The analysis in this collection is
linked by a concern with three questions raised about environmental move-
ments in connection with new and older transnational forms of power. First,
how do inequalities, including the legacy of colonialism, aect the context in
which environmental movements work? This aects the power relations within
transnational social movement networks (such as FoEI and PGA Asia) and the
governance networks that shape the opportunities available to environmental
NGOs as in Madagascar and Bosnia. Second, how do dierent parts of
national environmental movements engage with transnational institutions and
what is the relationship between national bases of operation and transnational
action? This is the focus of the contributions on Hungary, Britain and France.
Third, in what ways do national and other borders remain signicant? In
respect of this question it is salutary to compare environmentalism in Iran and
Burma (see Doyle & Simpson, this volume) with other cases examined in this
collection. In Iran the Islamic government, as a means of improving environ-
mental governance, has encouraged environmental NGOs, but they are not
permitted to work as political groups in any way that might challenge the
Beyond Borders: Politics, Movements and Environmentalisms 701
in the early 1960s before the emergence of the New Left, to which some trace
the origins of the Northern movements in the new transnational contention.
The better accounts of global civil society include recognition of this long
historic context (Edwards & Gaventa, 2001; Keane, 2003). However, to us,
global civil society still suggests a stronger and abstracted unity than seems to
be evident given the dierences within and the limits, as yet, of transnational
environmentalism. We prefer the term used by Torgerson in his article in this
collection (see also Torgerson, 1999) the green public sphere. The key point
about the public sphere is that it is a space of dialogue and debate and does not
presuppose a unied movement or society simply in need of a single common
strategy. One point of criticism of the concept of public sphere is that its
Republican origins seem to privilege the abstract public citizen, disembodied
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and central and peripheral actors in the movement. A focus on networks also
means that there is no type of organisation that denes a social movement.
Movement organisations can be hierarchical and centralised, or the opposite.
Or, as in the environmental movement, and the transnational networks
examined by Routledge et al., they can be a combination of both. A third
feature is that parts of this movement network are involved in public protest,
which we regard as essential to the public political dimension of movement
action, although this can also be combined with counter-cultural lifestyles. The
fourth criterion is that movements challenge some feature of dominant cultural
codes or social and political values. In short, they argue for social and political
change that goes beyond policy change. Social movements are therefore radical
and this means that they can be of the left or the right. In the social movement
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the Hungarian branch of Friends of the Earth, which was able to use its
international network contacts to put pressure on NATO and the EU. Using
our approach it could be said that the parts of the Hungarian environmental
movement that participated in the Zengo campaign increased their social
movement dimensions. In contrast, in Iran, the narrow and state-approved
connes within which nearly all environmental NGOs are required to operate
is a good example of why not all environmental groups have a social movement
A second consequence of this approach to social movements is that it makes
allowance for the diversity of environmentalisms. Not all those engaged in
environmental action are necessarily part of the same social movement. It is
only to the degree that they interact regularly, taking joint action and
discussing and revising their common identity that groups are part of the same
movement. Thus social movements are not xed entities with stable member-
ships and xed ideologies, but are constituted through ongoing debate and
interaction. Nor are organisations or groups necessarily always denable only
as part of a single social movement. The CP, as discussed by Hayes, is part of
an international radical farmers network known as La Via Campesina, as well
as being part of global justice networks, particularly in the European social
forum. CP members took action with those who dened themselves as greens in
France against GM crops and may be developing a shared identity through
regular joint action. However, in general it makes sense to dene the CP as
taking environmental action without being central to the French environ-
mental movement. PGA Asia is part of an even broader coalition: like other
branches of Peoples Global Action, the participants are linked through their
opposition to neoliberalism. However, the process of debate within the PGA
network is helping to dene both a movement culture and a common identity,
hence the emphasis that Routledge et al. place on the work of those individuals
who seek to push the movement to keep debating. In Burma, groups from the
Karen people were driven by the brutality of the Burmese army to dene the
harm they experienced in ways that combined damage to the environment with
the violence meted out to their people. This led to ties with a variety of
international networks of indigenous peoples, human rights and environmental
Beyond Borders: Politics, Movements and Environmentalisms 705
groups. Again, these links with other groups are too complex to dene simply
as either environmental or human rights.
In the conclusion to this issue, we develop the emphasis on the importance of
the dierences between forms of environmental action further, making a
general and more normative distinction between emancipatory environmental
groups and governance environmental groups. The emancipatory environ-
mental groups necessarily have a strong social movement dimension, although
it does not follow that all social movement groups are emancipatory. The
governance groups are those that oer no challenge to environmental injustice
and are in general reproducing forms of inequality through their participation
with governments, nancial institutions and transnational corporations in
transnational structures of governance. One example discussed by Duy is
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the Middle East from its South categorisation. There are also classication
problems when considering recently industrialising countries versus those who
are yet to undergo signicant industrialisation. In some ways, one can follow
the advice of the Calverts in their text devoted to discussions of the environ-
ment and NorthSouth and simply say that the South is taken to mean all
the countries of the world not dened as Advanced Industrial Countries
(AICs) (Calvert & Calvert, 1999: 6). The problem with this approach, as
Calvert and Calvert accept, is that enormous discrepancies of wealth exist
within nation-states. In the Australian aboriginal situation, for example,
with indigenous peoples living a fourth world existence within a rst world
nation-state, it becomes obvious that the South can exist within the North. Of
course, the opposite is also true: elites in the South can enjoy wealthy lives akin
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(Dowie, 1995; Brulle & Jenkins, 2006). Building on the NorthSouth dualism,
it may be more accurate to construct a tripartite system of characterisation for
contemporary environmentalism: post-industrialism depicting the European
traditions of political ecology; post-materialism depicting the largely non-
anthropocentric concerns of nature conservation which have dominated in
the New World; and post-colonialism descriptive of the experience of the
majority of the earth: the South.
Environmentalism, then, crosses a vast range of theoretical material. It can
be understood in a post-materialist frame, championing the politics of other
nature; the protection of wilderness areas; and the saving of threatened
species. Through a post-industrialist lens, environmentalism challenges the
excesses of the industrialist project; the rights of corporations to pollute and
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degrade; and the dwindling of the earths resources as they are fed into the
advanced industrial machines. Using post-colonialism as the narrative frame,
green concerns are cast in the light of the coloniser versus the colonised; the
dichotomous world of auence and poverty; along structuralist lines between
the haves and the have-nots. In dierent parts of the world, these frames, or
story lines and combinations of them and others are used more often to
explain the causes and eects of environmental issues and problems. In the
South, the frames of post-colonialism and structuralism usually dominate. In
many parts of Europe, post-industrialism is deep-seated; whereas in New
World cultures in North America and Australia, post-materialism can usually
be employed to interpret environmental politics.
Traditional social movement models based on Marxist and most parti-
cularly structuralist accounts of power enjoy enormous currency in the
South. As the article by Routledge (this issue) testies, large numbers of
environmental activists in the developing world identify themselves as
Marxists, seeing the key cause of environmental degradation being that
resources and production are in the hands of a ruling class. Solving these
problems does not lie necessarily in better management or more ecient and
sustainable practices. Rather, the rst part of the answer lies in local people
gaining control over their own resources, their own lives.
Unlike some forms of post-modern and post-positivist analysis, then, we still
nd the binary mega-division between majority and minority worlds
although imperfect a useful one, as it continues to match and describe the
empirical reality as we have encountered it; as long as it is understood that
these great divisions are neither necessarily geographically orientated nor
nation-state specic. Rather, there is an immense gulf in the context of
comparative environmental movements between the experiences of the
majority of the earths people (the South), when contrasted with those encoun-
tered by a small minority (the North). A rather simple, often-quoted equation
needs to be spelt out here. Approximately 80% of the Earths resources are
either consumed or owned by approximately 15% of the Earths people. On the
other hand, 85% of the Earths people have access to only 20% of the Earths
resources (Doyle & McEachern, 1998).
708 B. Doherty & T. Doyle
(Doyle & Risely, 2007). Conversely, in many parts of the North these issues,
however compassionately understood, are literally worlds apart from the lives
of the wealthy minority, most of whom will only ever experience the lives of the
majority what Toer (1971) calls the Living Dead through the vicarious
experiences oered by travel and lifestyle programmes on television and the
As aforesaid, after more than 30 years of new environmentalisms we are still
only at the beginning of addressing the fundamental environmental problems,
which are as rooted in transnational structures of power as they were three
decades ago. The key dierence is that new transnational structures of gover-
nance have split environmental movements between those that have become
governance movements, intergrated into policy making, and those that remain
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Order of Exposition
Let us now out outline the order of specic contributions presented in this
issue, and review briey the content and argumentation included in each
Torgerson addresses the nature of post-colonial thinking about the environ-
ment and argues for the need to recognise post-colonial political ecology as a
distinct part of the green public sphere. Recognition of this means greater
attention to the inescapable conicts that divide green politics. But he also
argues that the challenges to the tenets that nature is to be dominated and the
earth, conquered provide a basis on which a post-colonial political ecology can
develop. This issue then examines three cases from the South. Duys analysis
of the interaction of international NGOs, international nancial institutions
and local NGOs in Madagascar demonstrates the importance of structural
power and the power of transnational institutions over a Southern govern-
ment, but it also shows how a limited form of autonomy has been carved out
by local NGOs even within the neoliberal connes of the governance state.
Environmental groups in Burma and Iran are compared by Doyle and
Simpson. Both Iran and Burma are authoritarian and repressive regimes, but
the structure of power of each regime is dierent. In Burma the states territory
is controlled less eectively by the military dictatorship and repression is used
to control resistance groups, including those who oppose the regimes
environmentally and socially catastrophic energy export projects. In Iran, the
regime encourages apolitical forms of environmental organisations that
function as a release valve for parts of civil society.
Rootes then explains how the three British environmental organisations
most orientated towards global agendas dier in their approach. WWF UK
has become increasingly committed to an agenda of sustainable development,
which enables it to work both with government, business and with other
institutionalised environmental and development organisations. FoE has
adopted a more ideological agenda of transnational environmental justice,
710 B. Doherty & T. Doyle
which has been inuenced by its stronger ties with other non-environmental
organisations. Greenpeace, originally the organisation with the most interna-
tional focus, has changed least, as its strategy is to work less through coalitions
and to avoid broad ideological commitments in favour of clearly specied
issue-based campaigns.
The next three contributions examine other national environmental move-
ments in Europe that dier in that each case is characterised by a progressively
stronger green public sphere. In Bosnia, external funding after the civil war has
been directed to the creation of civil society groups, but the result has been the
creation of the kinds of organisations best suited to meeting the rubric of
funding regimes. These are groups of technical specialists who tend to avoid
political controversy and debate over environmental principles and have
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stronger ties with funding agencies than with Bosnian publics. This side of
Bosnian environmental governance has many similarities with Madagascar.
Although political authority is fragmented in Bosnia, Fagan argues that the
policy that drives reconstruction assumes mistakenly that Bosnians never had a
capacity to mobilise on issues such as the environment. The case study of a
local environmental campaign shows that grassroots environmental groups can
work in Bosnia, but these are not the groups that are funded.
Bosnia and Hungary provide evidence that post-socialist states do not auto-
matically follow a western path to modernisation, contrary to the assumptions
of many policy makers. In Hungary, according to Kerenyi and Szabo, environ-
mentalism was a major part of the opposition to the Communist Party in the
later years of the regime. This heroic moment did not translate into a strong
post-socialist environmental movement, as after 1989 environmentalism was
fragmented and institutionalised through funding regimes from the United
States and the EU. It was after EU accession in 2004 that a new kind of
environmentalism developed in Hungary through the campaign to defend
Zengo Hill. An ideologically diverse coalition of urban counter-cultural greens,
local people and transnational environmental organisations was able to
pressure the national government, through the EU and NATO, to change its
France has a stronger history of protest than Hungary and Bosnia, and has
seen new forms of protest develop that reect the decline of the organised left
in recent years. In relation to the environment, this has taken the form of civic
disobedience by diverse and partly overlapping networks of activists in defence
of trees, against gas-guzzling 4 6 4 cars and against GM crops. Although
similar repertoires have developed in other countries, the way in which they are
justied and used in France is distinctive, in so far as this takes place
with reference to French Republican values and against externally imposed
The nal two articles examine cases of transnational networking. Routledge
et al. compare two contrasting international networks that play a role in
the global justice movement: Peoples Global Action (PGA) Asia and the
European arm of the International Federation of Chemical, Energy and Mining
Beyond Borders: Politics, Movements and Environmentalisms 711
Anheier, H. & Themudo, N. (2002) Organisational forms of global civil society: implications of
going global, in M. Glasius, M. Kaldor & H. Anheier (eds.), Global Civil Society 2002, pp. 191
216 (USA: Oxford University Press).
Bandy, J. & Smith, J. (2005) Introduction: cooperation and conict in transnational protest, in
J. Bandy & J. Smith (eds.), Coalitions Across Borders: Transnational Protest and the Neoliberal
Order, pp. 117 (Oxford: Rowman and Littleeld).
Bob, C. (2001) Marketing Rebellion: insurgent groups, international media, and NGO support,
International Politics 38(3): 31134.
Brulle, R. & Jenkins, J. C. (2006) Spinning our way to sustainability, Organization & Environment
19(1): 827.
712 B. Doherty & T. Doyle
Calvert, P. & Calvert, S. (1999) The South, The North and the Environment (London and New York:
Castells, M. (1997) The Power of Identity (Oxford: Blackwell).
Chapin, M. (2004) A challenge to conservationists, World Watch, November/December 2004,
World Watch Institute, pp. 1731.
Doherty, B. (2002) Ideas and Actions in the Green Movement (London: Routledge).
Dowie, M. (1995) Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).
Doyle, T. & McEachern, D. (1998, 2001) Environment and Politics (London and New York:
Doyle, T. (2005) Environmental Movements in Majority and Minority Worlds: A Global Perspective
(New York and London: Rutgers University Press).
Doyle, T. & Risely, M. (2007) Crucible for Survival: Environmental Justice and Security in the Indian
Ocean Region (New York and London: Rutgers University Press), in press.
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