Kim Lighting B30 Series Bollard Brochure 1985
Kim Lighting B30 Series Bollard Brochure 1985
Kim Lighting B30 Series Bollard Brochure 1985
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High Perfo rmance
The Optical Louver High Visibility
Low Glare
U.S. Patent 4,231,080
One of the highest performing
compact optical systems ever designed
Kirn Llghting
Kim Quality
Features Performance
Aesth etics
red uction.
unobtrusive forms that look twlst'lock base connection with
as good up close as they do concea ed fasteners.
f rom a distance. A precision
Kim L qhting
Warning: This fixture must be
S" Round S pecif ications
grounded in accordance with
local codes or the Nationa
Electr c Code. Failure to do
See page 12 for so may result in serious
photometrics persona injury.
/, J
Specif ications
Post Construction-One-piece extruded a um num, .125 Gasketing F xture is fu ly gasketed for weathert ght
wa I th ckness. w th heavy cast alum num tw st- ock anchor operation.
base concealed w th n the post. Wiring Supplled w lh high terrperature socket leads for f eld
Plaslic Enclosure-One-piece injection mo ded, opt ca ly connection to the prewired bal ast components.
clear, 1009. virg n acryl c, L! nomnalwal .retaned nan Ballast Hlgh power factor lor 20'F.startng factory
unstressed posit on by internal support through the relleclor
mounted to the anchor base, and prewired.
Top Cap One-piece heavy gauge spun a um num, retained
Anchor Bolts Supp ied w th four %' x 10"
2 z nc e ectro-
p ated L hook anchor bolts. each with 2 nuts and washers, and
by 2 counter sunk capt ve socket head fasleners, and braced
a rig d pressed board temp ate.
at the outer edges by the opt cal assemb y. :t'.1" thick insu alion
prov ded allove amp. Finish-Standard f nish s TG C Polyester Powder Coat
Paint. Optiona anodized lin shes are ava lable in accordance
Optical Assembly Prec sion hydroforrned optica ouvers w th Arch tectura Class I spec fications. and are app ied over
with specular Alzak " f nish, mounted and removable as a one
sat n polsh.
piece self contained unit.
Certification-A I H.l.D. fixtures are Underwriter's
Socket Porcelalnwthnckelplated ampgrpscrewshel Laboratories lnc. I sted. Photornetric data prov ded by an
rated 600 vo ts. A special 5KV pu se raled sockel wi I be
estab ished and certif ed independent laboratory.
provided for a I High Pressure Sod um amps.
K m Lightlng
Caution: Some interpretations
Catalog Numbers of the National Electric Code
8" Round
cont nued
may allow 120 volt fixtures
q4!y. lf 208, 240, ot 277 volt
fixtures are desired, check
Ordering Guide with loca code authority
before specifying.
a 150W lncandescent
A-21 l F 2850 lumens
830-100 120 NA NA NA
Bronze acrylic equalto Rohm and Haas 2404.
Clear Lexan!l CAUTION-Use only when
vandalism is anticipated to be high. Usetul
life is limited due to yellowing caused by
UV from sunliqht and H.l.D. lamps.
Kim L ghting
Warning: This fixture must be
8" Square Drawings
Specif ications
grounded in accordance with
local codes or the National
Electric Code. Failure to do
See page 13 for so may result in serious
photometrics personal jnlury.
Specif ications
Post Construction One piece extruded a uminum .188" Socket-Porcelain with nickel plated lamp grip screw she l,
wall th ckness. w th heavy cast alumlnum tw st-lock anchor rated 600 volts. A spec al 5KV pu lse rated socket wil be
base concealed within the post. provided for all H gh Pressure Sodium lamps.
Plastic Enclosure-Fabricated from .i" norninal wall. Gasketing Fixture ls fu ly gasketed for weathertight
oplica ly c ear. 100"6 v rg n acryl c with po ished seams. Lens operation.
ls retained n an unstressed posit on by interna support Wiring Supplied w th high temperalure socket leads lor f eld
through the reflector assemb y. connection to the prewired balast components.
Top Cap-One-piece deep drawn heavy gauge a um num Ballast-High power factor for 20'F. stariing, tactory
retarned by 2 counter sunk capt ve socket head fasteners. and mounted to the anchor base, and prew red.
braced at the outer edges by the oplical assembly. 3r" th ck
rnsu at on provided above lamp Anchor Bolts Suppl ed with four 3lr" x 10" - 2" zinc eleciro-
plated L hook anchor bo ts, each wlth 2 nuts and washers. and
Optical Assembly Prec sion hydrolormed opt cal ouvers a r gid pressed board template.
with specular Alzak " f nish, mounted and removable as a one
piece self-contained unit. Finish JGlC Polyester Powder-Coat Paint
Certilication All H.l.D. fixtures are Underwriteas
Laborator es lnc. I sted. Photometric data prov ded by an
establ shed and certified independeni laboralory.
Ordering Guide
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co.crele Fool ng By olhers
Specif ications
Post Construction-One-p ece extruded aluminum, 5" O.D. Gasketing-Fixture is fully gasketed ior weathertight
x .125" wall thickness, with cast aluminum anchor base f ange operation.
and cast aluminurn f xture mounting flange. Wiring-Supp ied w th high temperature socket leads for field
Plastic Enclosure One-piece extruded, optically clear, connection to the prewired ba last components.
'100% virgin acry ic, %' nominalwall, reta ned nanunstressed
posit on by interna support through the reflector assernb y.
Ballast-High power factor for 20'F. starting, lactory
mounted and prewired to a r gid harness ior suspension within
Top Cap One-piece heavy gauge spun aluminum, retained the post.
by 2 counter sunk captive socket head fasteners, and braced Anchor Bolts-Supp ied with four %" x 10" + 2'zinc e eclto-
at the outer edges by the opticalassembly %' th ck insulat on pLated L hook anchor bolts. each with 2 nuts and washers, and
provided above lamp. a rigid pressed board temp ate.
Optical Assembly Precis on hydroformed optical louvers Finish-TGIC Po yester Powder-Coat Paint.
with specular A zake finish, mounted and removable as a one
piece seli-contained unit. Certitication-All H.l.D. fixtures are Underwrteis
Laborator es lnc. listed. Photometr c data provided by an
Socket-Porcelainwthnckel plated amp gr p screw shel ,
established and certif ied independent laboratory.
rated 600 volts. A special 5KV pulse rated socket wi I be
provided for all Hiqh Pressure Sodium amps.
Kim L ghtinq
Caution: Some interpretations
of the National Electric Code
10" Round
co ntin ued
Fin ishes
Nu m bers
may allow 120 volt fixtures
9!.lf lf 208, 24O, ot 277 volt
fixtures are desired. check
Qrdering Guide
with local code authority
before specifying.
sq Bas P are
fio 1
Specif ications
Post Construction-One-piece extruded alurninum, 5' Sq. x Gasketing F xture is fully gasketed for weathert ghi
.125 ' wall thickness w th casl aluminum anchor base f ange operaiion.
and cast a um num fixture rnounting flange. Wiring-Supp ied w th high temperature socket leads for f eld
Plastic nclosu re-Fabricaled from t/n" nom nalwal .
E aonnection to the prew red ba last components.
opt ca ly clear, 100% virg n acryl c with po ished seams. Lens Ballast High power factor for 20'F. starting, factory
is reta ned rn an unstressed posit on by interna support mounted and prew red to a r g d harness tor suspension within
through the rellector assemb y. the post.
Top Cap One-p ece deep drawn heavy gauge a um num Anchor Bolts-Suppl ed with four % x 10 2" zinc eiectro-
reta ned by 2 counter sunk captive socket head fasteners and plated L hook anchor bo ts, each with 2 nuts and washers and
braced at the outer edges by the optica assembly. 3/i th ck a r g d pressed board template.
nsu at on provided above larfp.
Finish TGIC Polyester Powder-Coat Palnt.
Optical Assembly Prec sion hydroformed optica ouvers
w th specular Alzak " f nish, mounted and removab e as a one Certilication A I H l.D. flxtures are Underwriters
piece self-coniained unit. LaboratorLes lnc. lsted. Photometric data provided by an
establ shed and certif ed independent laboratory.
Socket Porcelain w th nickel plated amp grip screw she l,
rated 600 vots. A specia 5KV pu se rated socket wi lbe
provided for a I Hiqh Pressure Sod !m amps.
830 10 K .n Liqht nq
Caution: Some interpretations
Catalog Num bers of the National Electric Code
F in ish es may allow 120 voit fixtures
9!.1y. If 208, 240, ot 277 voll
"l9,,ji".square Options
Ordering c uide fixtures are desired, check
with local code authority
before specifyinq.
) uo
75 W Mercury, coated
E-17 or 8-17 3150 lumens
2l .17
75 W. Mercury, coaled
-o t5'
'6 re'
Typical 100 W. Mercury, coated
6 21'
3 zq,
0' 3' 6', g', 12', 1s', 18', 21',
Lonqitudinal Distance in Feet
830-12 Kim Lighting
lsofootcandle Diagram Candela Diagrams
Lamps Horizontal lnitial Footcandles
I o, 2.3 .7a
150 W lncandescent .40 .13
A-21 l.F 2850lumens
75 W Mercury, coated
E-17 or 8-17 3150 lumens
6.0 2.1 .81 .37 .17
) uo 3.0
100 W. l\,4ercury, coated
i.'j .13
E-23% 4600 lumens
70W High PressureSodium 4.7 1.7
E-237, (coated) 5985 lumens 1., .71 .38 .11 .07
'150 W lncandescent
75 W. Mercury, coated
2oo 0oo 7oo
-o 15',
tl 100 W Mercury, coated
6 21',
J 24'
0' 3' 6' 9' 12' 't 5' 18', 21', 2A'.
Longitudinal Distance in Feet
S" square bollard has same optical system as 8" round bollard.
Kim Llghtina 830-13
-oo |s',
'i rs'
70W High Pressure Sodium.
o I
Typical too ?oo dob 7oo 600 600 >oo
6 21'
!zq g',
0' 3' 6', 12' 1s', 't 8' 21'
Longiludinal Distance in Feet
tCoated Lamp
Kim Lighting
70W High Pressure SodiLrm 13 4.7 1.7 .75 .41 .11 .07
E-2372 (coated) 5985 lumens
-i,a, 15',
70W High Pressure Sodium'
o Typical
6 21'
3 za,
0' 3' 6', g', 12', 15', 18', 21' 24',
Longiludinal Distance in Feet
10" square bollard has same optjcal systern as10" round bollard.
Kim Lighting
!,1 .llrt
Photometrics Ir
'1600 160"
Sh ield ing Shjelding
.g 18',
6 .'
3 za'
0' 3' 6', g', 12', 'I
5' 18', 21', 24
Longitudinal Distance in Feel