Sax 40
Sax 40
Sax 40
SAI aimed to take a major step beyond aviation industry’s noise reduction targets, a target
that would call for a highly integrated airframe and engines, as well as operations and design
co-optimized for low noise. This ambitious goal would necessitate involving a range of
partners from academia, industry, and government; a collaboration among organizations
and individuals with different skills and interests. For example, the project would include
research into airframe and engine design, and ways to reduce noise by changing takeoff
and approach procedures. There would be an economic assessment of regulatory scenarios
under which the aircraft would present an attractive business case to an airline, and an
estimate of national and local economic benefits.
2 AERO-ASTRO 2006-2007
We designed for an aircraft mission of 215 passengers with a range of 5000 nm at a cruise
Mach number of 0.8. The conceptual design’s airframe differs radically from current
civil aircraft. There are conventional supercritical wings, but the fuselage is a lifting body,
aerodynamically shaped to achieve enhanced low speed and cruise performance without
the need for flaps and a tail. The design parameter Mach number times lift/drag ratio is 20;
for reference the Boeing Phantom Works Blended Wing Body has 17-18. The wing span
is 222 feet (67.5 m) including the winglet, and the maximum takeoff weight is 332,000 lbs
(151,000 kg).
The aircraft is propelled by a distributed high bypass ratio propulsion
system (cruise bypass ratio of 12) embedded in the fuselage. There
are nine geared fans driven by three gas generators. Each inlet
feeds air to one engine cluster comprised of a turbofan and two
auxiliary fans.
For the concept aircraft the community noise levels are estimated not ENVIRONMENTS.
to exceed 63 dBA for typical missions, comparable to the background
noise in urban daytime environments. A substantial reduction (75 dB in cumulative
Effective Perceived Noise for sideline, takeoff, and approach) is estimated relative to the
current International Civil Aviation Organization noise standard.
There is a major fuel efficiency improvement predicted relative to current civil aircraft: 124
passenger-miles per (US) gallon compared to 101 passenger-miles per gallon for a Boeing
777, a 23% increase. For reference, the Toyota Prius hybrid car carrying two passengers is
reported as having a city-highway fuel burn of 96 passenger-miles per gallon. It is expected
that further fuel efficiency, even with respect to this major saving, could be achieved in an
aircraft design specifically targeted to minimize fuel consumption and emissions.
The rationale for use of these features of the aircraft and the propulsion system can be
summarized as follows:
• Low noise approach operations: On approach, the airframe generates half the noise
and the noise sources strongly scale with the flight velocity. Substantial noise
reductions can thus be achieved by using a low speed approach and a displaced
runway threshold on landing, thereby increasing distance to listeners on the
• Efficient airframe centerbody design: The leading edge region of the centerbody is
aerodynamically shaped to balance aerodynamic moments for pitch trim and
to provide static stability without a tail. At cruise conditions, the all-lifting
airframe is calculated to achieve an elliptical span load distribution, improving
the Mach number times lift/drag ratio parameter by 15% compared to current
blended-wing body type aircraft designs. The enhanced low speed airframe
performance allows stall speed reduction by 25% compared to current aircraft
of similar size.
• Airfoil trailing edge treatment: Trailing edge brushes have been found to reduce
the scattering noise from turbulence near the trailing edges. The estimated
trailing edge noise reduction is 4 dBA.
4 AERO-ASTRO 2006-2007
• Deployable, drooped leading edge: A deployable drooped leading edge can provide
the required lift during low speed operations without the use of slats, thus
eliminating slat noise. The drooped leading edge is stowed at cruise. Deploy-
ment power levels are comparable to a conventional slat. The Airbus A380
uses this configuration.
• Airframe shielding of engine noise: Placing the engines above the airframe prevents
engine noise from reaching the observer. Engine forward radiated noise is
virtually eradicated on the ground.
• Optimized takeoff thrust management: Thrust, climb angle, and nozzle area would
be continuously varied during takeoff to maintain a set noise level outside the
airport boundary. This would allow the specified noise level to be met at all
times during departure.
6 AERO-ASTRO 2006-2007
A range of skills and interests beyond those of the two universities was needed to tackle the
many challenges, necessitating a collaboration that included regulators, airport operators,
airlines, aerospace manufacturers and representatives of community groups. SAI has been
an instructive and useful experiment in academic-industry interactions on several levels
— from strategic planning and decisions (input from the KIC members had a direct impact
on the project goals) to detailed working level technical interchange.
Formal meetings of all the partners in the Knowledge Integration Community occurred
at roughly eight-month intervals, but interaction with some partners was more frequent.
Industrial partners gave the academic researchers access to some of their in-house design
codes. Boeing, Rolls-Royce, NASA, and ITP conducted reviews and provided feedback on
the designs. For example, Boeing made available its Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
code, WingMOD, which optimizes the aircraft planform for a given mission. Rolls-Royce
allowed use of the company’s design, performance, and noise evaluation tools to examine
concepts for new engine designs.
This chart compares the effective perceived noise level of current commercial aircraft
with the dramatically lower level for the SAX-40 (silent aircraft). For the SAX-40, the
community noise levels are estimated not to exceed 63 dBA for typical missions, which
is comparable to the background noise in urban daytime environments.
Finally, there were issues for which team members formed ad hoc task forces to address
design decisions at crucial stages of the project. Examples of specific questions addressed
in this manner are “What should be the design range?” and “Should the engines be
podded or embedded?” The task forces were several week-long focused activities, drawing
on members from all the relevant aspects of the research and involving exchanges of
personnel. This last element helped to build the working relationships and also defuse
“we-they” perspectives.
While collaboration was essential throughout the project, it was perhaps most critical in
the area of aircraft operations, in which the team in Operations worked to develop an
advanced form of Continuous Descent Arrival for current aircraft. CDA is a procedure
enabling aircraft to make a single continuous descent from altitude to landing, rather than
8 AERO-ASTRO 2006-2007
the current procedure which involves a series of descent “steps.” It reduces
noise levels on the ground along the approach path while also reducing
fuel burn. Putting the new procedures in place was a many-step task that
required agreements among air traffic controllers, regulators, suppliers,
airport operators, and airlines; it is an example of something that could not
have been achieved without this type of partnership.
In summary, the silent aircraft project brought industry, academia, and AN EXAMPLE OF SOMETHING
other stakeholders together around a “grand challenge” which captured THAT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN
the enthusiasm and imagination of all those involved. The Knowledge ACHIEVED WITHOUT THIS TYPE
Integration Community includes industry, government, and academia, and OF PARTNERSHIP.
provides an exciting way to address problems with a large reach, underpin-
ning the vital nature of collaboration in achieving the potential for step-
change improvements. As well as the conceptual design of a new type of aircraft, some of
the technologies developed could be introduced into more incremental aircraft and engine
designs. Collaboration and teaming occurred in basically all aspects of the project and,
because of this, SAI has been very much an enterprise in which the whole is greater than
the sum of the separate parts.
Dame Ann Dowling is Professor and Head of Division in the Cambridge University
Engineering Department and was the Cambridge lead for the silent aircraft project.
Edward Greitzer is the H. N. Slater Professor and Deputy Department Head of the
MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department and was the MIT lead. Thomas Hynes
is a Senior Lecturer in the Cambridge University Engineering Department and was
head of the engine team. James Hileman and Zoltan Spakovszky are a Research
Engineer and Associate Professor, respectively, in the Aero-Astro Department, and
were the two project co-Chief Engineers.