5 Features of Administrative Law
5 Features of Administrative Law
5 Features of Administrative Law
(1) The rules and regulations are often special for each agency and are
not usually found in the statutes but in those regulations;
The doctrine of the supremacy of the law meant that not even the king is above
the law; today it means that acts of governmental agencies/ Administrative
Authorities are subject to inquiry in ordinary legal proceedings.
The Inside study offers a big-picture view of Administrative Law that looks at how
all of the essential elements fit together as part of a rational framework of theory
and practice. A rich pedagogy features Sidebars and Frequently Asked
Questions, among other teaching devices that guide comprehension and
reinforce learning.
Basic coverage of the main themes of Administrative Law that focuses on what
matters and why straightforward, logical, and informal writing style dynamic
educational features that support learning and facilitate use
A careful perusal of the above makes it clear that Administrative Law deals with
the following problems:
In Pakistan, Administrative Law has a long history but the subject in its modern
form emerged only in the last 6, 7 years especially after 2007 when the old
machinery of central political control had been broken, the Supreme Court of
Pakistan stepped in and since then the administrative machineries began to be
controlled by the courts of law.
Among lawyers and constitutional scholars, there has been much debate about
the role of administrative agencies in our federal government. Some wonder
whether they should have been created or if they've become too large. The
reality is that these agencies provide services directly to the public. These
services ranges from creating jobs to dealing with public health needs.
1. Rule-making
In rule-making, the agency takes laws passed by Parliament and adds the
technical expertise need for them to apply to real-life situations. For example, a
bill may mandate public vaccinations, but a rule will explain which age groups
and demographics need the vaccination.
2. Adjudicating
Agencies serve a judicial function when in-house lawyers and judges help
individuals resolve disputes with the agency. They can also fine those who break
agency rules. As investigators, they can subpoena and question those who may
have violated federal law.
3. Investigating
To fond out the truth & to conclude the fact Agencies serve a investigative
function to help individuals resolve disputes with the agency
To manage the size and activities of the administrative agencies, Parliament may
exercise its authorities by passing some Administrative Procedure Act. It may
requires the agencies to make their actions public. It also limits some of the
agencies' functions to keep them from conflicting with Parliament and the court
system. Individuals and companies that have been punished by an agency can
challenge this proposed act.
Administrative agencies are not only part of the federal government. Province
have them as well. Most of them mirror the federal agency structure. For
example, a Province have a department of health or labor. For some issues,
states will create unique administrative agencies. To regulate harvesting,
Province will set up harvesting commissions.