1 BlockNDN A Bitcoin Blockchain Decentralized System Over Named Data Networking
1 BlockNDN A Bitcoin Blockchain Decentralized System Over Named Data Networking
1 BlockNDN A Bitcoin Blockchain Decentralized System Over Named Data Networking
Abstract Blockchain provides a new approach for to communicate with each other. They increase the possibility of
participants to maintain reliable databases in untrusted networks the existence of supernodes and bring some insecurity factors
without centralized authorities. However, there are still many such as frauds and single point of failure. Also, the TCP/IP
serious problems in real blockchain systems in IP network such as protocol does not provide native support for multicasting,
the lack of support for multicast and the hierarchies of status. In resulting in an increase in data transmission overhead.
this paper, we design a bitcoin-like blockchain system named
BlockNDN over Named Data Networking and we implement and Named Data Networking (NDN) project [5] is an important
deploy it on our cluster as well. The resulting design solves those candidate for next-generation internet architectures. NDN
problems in IP network. It provides completely decentralized network puts contents into first place. Contents are named
systems and simplifies system architecture. It also improves the following hierarchical naming rules and these names replace the
weak-connectivity phenomenon and decreases the broadcast role of IP addresses. Interest packets and data packets are the
overhead. two fundamental packet types in NDN. Each interest packet
corresponds to only one data packet. Nodes in NDN pull data
Keywords blockchain; NDN; peer-to-peer; bitcoin; next from networks using interest packets. The one side requests data,
generation networks the consumer, sends out an interest packet carrying the data
I. INTRODUCTION name and this interest will be forwarded to the other sides, the
producers. Producers then send back a data packet to the
Blockchain is a shared, unchangeable ledger for recording requester along the same route form where its interest has come.
the history of transactions [1]. It was first used in bitcoin, The intermediate routers with caches selectively store data
functioning as a data structure. Now it is abstracted from bitcoin packets forwarded before so that data can be sent back
system and has developed into a promising technology solution immediately once new consumers request for the same content.
which provides secure and valid achievement of distributed
consensus in areas such as supply chain & logistics, finance and good fit to the large amounts of static content via various P2P
healthcare. A blockchain is comprised of digitally recorded data overlay networks [6].
in packages called blocks. Each block contains the hash value of
the previous-block which comes out first and eventually forms a Does blockchain fit better on NDN than on IP? What are the
linear chain of blocks with the others. Different distributed advantages? To investigate on these questions, we implement a
storage solutions and consensus schemes should be designed in bitcoin-like blockchain system that runs on NDN network. In
a blockchain system depending on different requirements, which our system, the hash values function as the unique identification
enables nodes confirm and record information without of blocks. A node sends out an interest with the hash of the latest
authorities. To take bitcoin [2] as an example, it uses proof-of- block it stores locally. If the other node receives this interest,
work (PoW) [3] as consensus algorithm and designs full node finding that it has the same block in its blockchain and that block
storage that the so-called full nodes in the system should is not the latest one, it will collect all blocks behind into a data
maintain the whole blocks by themselves. packet to send to the consumer. In this way, the new joiner or
disconnected nodes can update their state quickly, that is, they
However, the growth of blockchain still hits bottlenecks and can get the whole blocks in the system in a short time. Nodes
impediments at present. The weak-connectivity and improper can also request specific blocks in the system using broadcast
protocols cause the propagation delay in IP network which mechanism. Our analysis shows that the bitcoin blockchain
causes blockchain forks in some systems [4]. Besides, although system over NDN circumvents those problems which may occur
blockchain is a fully decentralized system by definition, it is hard in IP network. The result shows that we have designed a more
to establish the connections between homogeneous nodes in decentralized and simpler system. Nodes do not need to get
practice. For example, with neighbor discovery in bitcoin, some information about other nodes like the identities and locations.
IP addresses of capable volunteers are recommended as the They just search for specific blocks data in the networks. Also,
connection options for users. These volunteers are called DNS NDN supports multicast and broadcast by nature, which reduced
seed nodes which function as infrastructure to help normal users the cost of message passing.Note that a NDN router with content
The naming convention.
Updating status between users.
Block structure.
sync service gets the state of this consumer through the getblock
interest name prefix and checks if the name matches with any
block in its own blockchain. If the match is successful, it will
Among the above, R is the total number of nodes which are
informed of the new message. N is the number of nodes in the
whole network. is the number of forwarding of node i along
logical paths. is the average-physical distance for node i,
which represents the hops node i takes for forwarding the
message to those neighboring nodes according to the logical
Owing to the consistency of logical topology and physical
topology in NDN network architecture, the average-physical
distance that it takes is 1. A message will be forwarded to all the
other neighboring nodes when a node receives this message for
the first time. Within (2), the broadcast overhead under NDN
The logical topology and the physical topology.
network is as following:
same time, improvements need to be made to resist attacks and
strengthen system users can
develop chat applications, audit systems and others based on our
system. We also believe that blockchain can offer a new
perspective for the progress of NDN in aspects like routing
forwarding, namespacing and key management.
This work has been financially supported byShenzhen Key
Fundamental Research Projects (No.JCYJ20160330095313861,
Each node also act as a miner. JCYJ20151030154330711 and JCYJ20151014093505032).
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