Silverton Report
Silverton Report
Silverton Report
Problem Statement: By taking measurements of Upper Animas, Cement Creek and Mineral
Creek, how can predictions be made to determine what those same measurements will be when
the creeks combine to make the Animas River.
Introduction: The goal of this section is to introduce the topic of the investigation. You should
state what you are trying to find out from the investigation/modeling, or why you are doing the
investigation/modeling process. You will need to define the chemistry and mathematical
concepts that are essential to understanding the experiment, as well as the appropriate units.
The topic of our investigation was to calculate various measurements from three streams
(Upper Animas, Cement Creek, Mineral Creek). We were trying to find a variety of variables,
including, streamflow, which is the amount of water which flows through a creek at a specific
point in time which is measured in cubic feet per second or cfs. Turbidity, which is defined as
how clear or cloudy water is. Turbidity is measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)
which is how much light reflects off the water. PH is the acidity or basicity of the water measure
on a scale of one to ten, neutral being a pH of seven. Conductivity is defined as how well the
water transports electricity, it is measured in microSiemens (uS/cm) which is . The definition of
temperature is the intensity of heat present in the water, celcius was used in this experiment.
Later on, when we analyzed our data, we used the following mathematical concepts to
understand our results. Certain calculations were needed to analyze the data, these calculations
included concepts such as, standard deviation which is the amount of variation in a set of data
points. Weighted averages are the average when the relative importance or rates are applied. In
this case the streamflow had to be taken into account when calculating averages. Averages are
the point that is the exact middle of all data. The average of a data set can be calculated by
adding up all the terms and dividing by the number of terms. Median is the middle number of a
data set. Range can be defined as the maximum minus the minimum, in order to determine the
distance between those points. Maximums and minimums are the highest and lowest data
points. The overall goal of this experiment was to be able to calculate the pH, conductivity,
temperature, flow rate, and turbidity of the animas river by observing three streams that fed into
it. First prediction were made using the data we found, then comparisons were made with the
United States Geological Survey (USGS) data on the river to determine the accuracy of the
Visual Representations: Please include any tables, graphs, charts, sketches/drawings that are
labeled and explain their use in this investigation/modeling activity and report. What did they
help you accomplish? What sort of data/ideas are they representing?
Rows/columns of tables need to be neatly labeled, axes of graphs need to be
appropriately labeled, any chart or visual needs to have a title and a brief explanation of what
kind of data its representing.
If you used Google Sheets and Pivot Tables to model spreadsheet data, this also needs
to be included in your report, axes labeled and a brief description provided as well.
Data we collected on each of the three streams
Dissolve (% Descriptio
Group Temperatur d Oxygen saturation Turbidit Conductivit Streamflow n of
Members Date Time Stream e (C) pH (mg/L) ) y (NTU) y (uS/cm) (cfs) Stream
Henry, Cement Orange tint
Steven 10/12/17 1:20-2:30 Creek 9.6 3.45 -11.3 973 to rocks
Owen, Cement
Corbin 10/12/17 1:20-2:30 Creek 9.5 -17 Rocky
Baylee, Cement
Claire 10/12/17 1:20-2:30 Creek 9.5 3.7 16.3 972 26.11
Faith, 11:20-12:4 Mineral
Abby 10/12/17 0 Creek 10
Aidyn, 11:20-12:4 Mineral
Malcom 10/12/17 0 Creek 6.7 7.04 0
Alma, Mineral the rocks
Amaya 10/12/17 11:50 Creek 7 31.1 427 67.32 have rust
and Mineral
Emery 10/12/17 12:10 PM Creek 6.8 7 26.65 Rocky
Akos, 11:20- Mineral
Atlantia 10/12/17 12:40 Creek 6.9
Nyana, Rocky, slow
Alan, 10:00- Upper outer &
Josie 10/12/17 11:15 Animas 4.7 8.54 94.2 0.78 strong inner
Ava, and 10:00-11:1 Upper
Amanda 10/12/17 5 Animas 4.5 7.52 8.5 94.1 -5 302 N/A Rocky
Grace, 10:00-11:0
Alix 10/12/17 0 4.9 5.27 8.47 94.3 34.3 313
Temperature (C) Temperature (C) Temperature (C) Temperature (C)
Creek 9.483333333 9.5 9.8 9.1
Creek 6.88 6.9 7 6.7
Animas 4.72 4.7 4.9 4.5
Grand Total 7.18125 6.95 9.8 4.5
The goal of this spreadsheet was to determine the average temperature of each stream (highlighted in
red). Then, once we figured those out, we were able to estimate the temperature of the animas based
upon the weighted average of all three of the streams.
AVERAGE of pH MEDIAN of pH MAX of pH MIN of pH
Creek 3.6225 3.67 3.7 3.45
Creek 7.046666667 7.04 7.1 7
Animas 6.3475 6.3 7.52 5.27
Grand Total 5.547272727 5.5 7.52 3.45
The goal of this spreadsheet was to determine the average pH of each stream (highlighted in red). Then,
once we figured those out, we were able to estimate the pH of the animas based upon the weighted
average of all three of the streams
AVERAGE of Turbidity MEDIAN of Turbidity MAX of Turbidity MIN of Turbidity
Cement -0.2333333
Creek 333 -2.7 16.3 -17
Creek 13.7 10 31.1 0
Animas 13.052 0.78 34.4 -5
Grand Total 7.497142857 0.78 34.4 -17
AVERAGE of Streamflow MEDIAN of Streamflow MAX of Streamflow MIN of Streamflow
(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs)
Creek 26.45 25.96 34.91 19.00
Creek 49.966 46 77.248 26.65
Animas 20.60043627 24.4 24.49 12.9113088
Grand Total 31.75 25.96 77.25 12.91
Sum 97.02
MAX of MIN of
AVERAGE of MEDIAN of Conductivity Conductivity
Conductivity (uS/cm) Conductivity (uS/cm) (uS/cm) (uS/cm)
Creek 989 983.5 1017 972
Creek 427 427 427 427
Animas 310 313 315 302
Grand Total 664.125 699.5 1017 s
Methods/Process: Describe what you did in attempting to solve these calculations using your
notes as a reminder. Include things that didnt work out and provide a brief explanation as to
why things didnt work out. If you got assistance of any kind on the problem, you should
indicate what the assistance was and how it helped you. Write paragraphs on the work you did
to complete your findings and calculations. In these paragraphs, youll need to include the
equipment used and chemicals used including the amounts of concentration.
Solutions/Predictions: Display all relevant quantitative and qualitative data and observations
from your experiment. Summarize trends in data, discuss measures of central tendency and
other statistical results. Please include one sample calculation for each type of calculation.
Explain why your results you found are correct and why they make sense. Or, explain why your
calculations are incorrect and where the error occurred. Discuss what you expected your initial
results to be and why you thought that. Please also explain in detail what your predicted values
will be below the confluence, what factors went into your decision and why your values make
sense, or why they dont make sense. This response is based around the data you found above
the confluence and mathematical patterns/trends you are seeing in your data. If you were able
to generalize the problem, include your more general results. Your explanation should be written
in a way that will be convincing to someone else - even someone who initially disagrees with
your solutions/results.
Evaluation: Discuss your personal reaction to this experiment. For example, you might
comment on the following:
Did you consider it educationally worthwhile, why or why not? What did you learn from
How would you change the problems/experiment to make it better?
Did you enjoy working on it?
Was it too hard or too easy?
Anything else you feel is relevant.
The Importance: Please discuss the value and importance of performing field work such as
finding temperature, streamflow, conductivity, turbidity, pH levels, etc. along the Animas River in
San Juan and La Plata County. What do these calculations tell us about our water? What are
some ways we can protect our rivers, surrounding wildlife and citizens? What can we do to take
care of the quality of our water?
Self-Assessment: Assign your group a grade for their work on this experiment, and explain
why you think your group deserves that grade.
This report needs to be typed, printed and turned into me by next Thursday 10/26/17 by 4 p.m.
Here is a general outline of your report from Silverton. Please make sure that each bulleted item is included in your
What are you trying to find out and why?
Definitions of Chemistry terms: Streamflow, turbidity, temperature, pH, conductivity
Definitions of Mathematical terms: Weighted Average, Measures of Central Tendency (mean,
median), Measures of Variability (maximum/minimum, range, Standard Deviation), Logarithm
Visual Representations (tables, graphs, charts, sketches, if applicable)
Visual representations are appropriately labeled and briefly described
Brief explanations as to why these visuals are important
Spreadsheets/Pivot Tables are printed and labeled, including units
Explanation of Calculations
Clarifying whether they are correct or incorrect, and why
Include units
Explanation of any kind of assistance you received from Steve or myself and how it helped/didnt help you
Description of equipment used and various concentrations, if applicable
Summarize trends in 5 categories of pH, turbidity, conductivity, temperature and streamflow
Discussion of measures of central tendency, why they do/dont make sense
Explain what your predicted values are below the confluence, why and why they do/dont make sense
Discuss which types of data were reliable and why. Discuss which types of data werent reliable and why.
Discuss what data you threw out and why
Compare historical USGS data to your data at the confluence and compare current USGS data to your own
data at the confluence.
Was your data in a reasonable and realistic range of USGS data?
If your data wasnt in a reasonable range, explain why.
What do you model or predict for expected values?
How confident are you in your values based off your calculations, the historical data from the USGS
and the current data? Explain.
Attempt to generalize the problem based on the data you gathered
Discussion of personal and group reaction to this investigation
Did you consider it educationally worthwhile?
How would you change the problems/experiment to make the investigation better?
Did you enjoy working on this project?
Was it too hard/too easy and why?
Include anything else you feel is relevant.
Discussion of the importance of an investigation of this caliber. Why it is/is not important.
Group Assessment: assign your group a grade for the following report and explain why you think you
deserve that grade.