Column Supported Two-Way Post-Tensioned Floor Interenational Version TN460-SI

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Chapter 6

Two-Way Floor Design Example

Post-Tensioned Concrete Frame under Construction

(California, P634)

Foreword supports. The design example also features different

number of strands along the length of the structure
This example walks you through the 10 steps of de- and change in tendon profile from span to span.
sign of a post-tensioned floor level of a multistory
building. Each of the 10 steps is commented in de- Design operations that are considered common
tail to provide you with the background information knowledge, such as the calculation of moments and
necessary to follow the calculations. shears, once the geometry of a structure, its material
properties and loading are known, are not covered in
Many aspects of the example selected, such as the ar- detail. You are referred to your in-house frame pro-
rangement of its floor supports are highly irregular. grams for their evaluation, or other sections of the
The objective in selecting an irregular structure is book, where the specific operations are addressed in
to expose you to the different design scenarios that greater detail.
you may encounter in real life structures, but you
do not find covered in standard textbooks. Design The design example covers side by side both the un-
conditions that are not directly encountered in this bonded and bonded (grouted) post-tensioning sys-
example, but are important to know, are introduced tems, thus providing a direct comparison between
and discussed as comments. the design processes of the two options. In addition,
in parallel, the design uses the current American
The floor slab is provided with both column drops building codes (ACI-318 and IBC) along with the Eu-
for punching shear, and drop panels for additional ropean Code (EC2). Where applicable, reference is
strength in resisting high negative moments over the made to the UKs committee report TR43.

Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

6-2 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

There are three methods commonly used for the de-

sign of a post-tensioned floor systemSimple Frame
Methods (SFM),1 Equivalent Frame Method (EFM);
and Finite Element Method (FEM). Among the three,
the EFM has been the primary method of design used
by leading consulting firms over the years. However,
due to its complexity, it does not lend itself to hand
calculation of real structures in the environment
of a consulting firm. Computer programs based on
the EFM, such as ADAPT-PT are generally used. Re-
cently, many consultants sacrifice the efficiency and
the option of optimization that is feasible for designs
based on EFM and opt for the benefits of FEM-based (a) 3D Solid View of the Floor System (P471)
designs, such as the computer program Floor-Pro
by ADAPT. These FEM-based designs can model the
entire floor system and provide seamless integration
of design process from architectural drawings to fab-
rication documents.

Hand calculations, such as the one presented herein,

use the SFM.

Two text fonts are used in the following. The numer-

ical work that forms part of the actual calculations
uses the font shown below:

This font is used for the numerical work that is part of (b) See through View of the Floor System (P472)
the design. 0-1 3D Views of the Floor System
The following text font is used, wherever comments 3. LOADS
are made to supplement the calculations: 3.1 Selfweight
3.2 Superimposed Dead Load
This font is used to add clarification to the calcula- 3.3 Live Load
4.1 Applicable Code
DESIGN STEPS 4.2 Cover to Rebar and Prestressing Strands
1.1 Overview 4.4 Crack Width Limitation
1.2 Geometry and Support Conditions 4.5 Allowable Deflection
1.3 Support Lines and Tributaries 5. ACTIONS DUE TO DEAD AND LIVE LOADS
1.4 Idealized Design Strip 6. POST-TENSIONING
2. MATERIAL PROPERTIES 6.1 Selection of Design Parameters
2.1 Concrete 6.2 Selection of Post-tensioning Tendon Force and
2.2 Nonprestressed Reinforcement Profile
2.3 Prestressing 6.3 Selection of Number of Strands
6.4 Calculation of Balanced Load
1 TheSimpleFrameMethod(SFM)inUKandtheliterature 6.5 Determination of Actions Due to Balanced
basedonUKpracticeisreferredtoasEquivalentFrame (post-tensioning) Loads
Method.Itisbasedstrictlyonthecross-sectionalgeom- 7. CODE CHECK FOR SERVICEABILITY
etryoftheslabframebeingdesigned.ThetermEquivalent 7.1 Load Combinations
FrameMethodintheUSliteratureisbasedonanapproxi- 7.2 Stress Check
mationthatisintendedtosimulatethetwo-wayactionofa 7.3 Crack Width Control
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-3

7.4 Minimum Reinforcement

7.5 Deflection Check
8.1 Load Combinations
8.2 Determination of Hyperstatic Actions
8.3 Calculation of Design Moments
8.4 Strength Design for Bending and Ductility
8.5 Punching Shear Check and Design
9.1 Load Combinations
9.2 Stress Check


1.1 Overview
Nahid building is a multi-story structure supported
on walls and columns. The lateral loads are resisted by
shear walls in two directions. The floor of the building is
a two-way post-tensioned slab resting on columns and
walls. The calculations that follow represent the design
of one region of the floor slab identified by gridline B,
and referred to as design strip B. The remainder of
the floor slab can be designed in a similar manner. The
design is performed using the current versions of IBC;
ACI-318; EC2 and TR-43. FIGURE 1.1-1

1.2 Geometry and Support Conditions

Dimensions and Support Conditions
Floor slab dimensions are shown in Fig. 1.1-1.

Slab thickness and locations of Column drops/Pan-

els are shown in Fig. 1.1-2;
Dimensions of column drops/panels shown in Fig. 1.1-3;
Columns are 600 mm x 600 mm and extend above
and below the slab; and
Columns are assumed fixed at connection to the
slab and at their far ends.

The maximum span to depth ratio for the 240 mm

slab selected is less than 45, which is the upper value
commonly used for similar structures. A preliminary
analysis, not included in this work, showed that the
slab thickness selected was not adequate for punch-
ing shear at selected column locations (marked as
locations A through E in Fig. 1.2-2, and along the
column supported right edge of the slab). As a re-
sult, the right edge is provided with a down turned
edge beam (section ii in Fig. 1.2-2). The remainder of
the locations are provided each with a column drop
to resist punching shear. Further calculation of the
preliminary design concluded that the required re-
inforcement over four of the interior columns was FIGURE 1.1-2
6-4 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

FIGURE 1.1-3
FIGURE 1.3-1
excessive (more than 4200 mm2) [Aalami, 1989]. To
avoid congestion of top reinforcement, the column
drops at these locations were enlarged to qualify
them as drop panels. These locations are marked
as B, C, D and F in Fig.1.2-2. While it is practical to
eliminate column drops at locations A and E through
provision of punching shear reinforcement, the drop
panels cannot be eliminated without causing con-
gestion in top rebar.

1.3 Support Lines and Tributaries

The breakdown of a floor into support lines, tribu-
taries and design strips in two principal directions
are explained in Chapter 3, as the first step in defini-
tion of load paths for design. The outcome is the sub-
division of floor into design strips in each of the two
orthogonal directions. In this example, we se-lect
and complete the design of one of the design strips in
X-direction. The remainder of the design strips will
be treated in a similar manner.

The design strips in X-direction are shown in Fig. 1.3-1.

Each design strip is extracted from the floor system
and modeled in isolation as an idealized single de-
sign strip, such as the design strip for support line B
shown in Fig. 1.3-2a. FIGURE 1.3-2
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-5

Section Properties
1.4 Idealized Design Strip The section properties of each span are calculated us-
Design Strip Dimensions ing the gross cross-sectional area of the idealized de-
The extracted design is straightened to simplify anal- sign strip as shown in Figs. 1.4-1 and 1.4-2.
ysis (Fig. 1.3-2b). The tributaries of each span of the
extracted design strip are adjusted to the maximum The stiffening of the slab due to the added thickness
width of the respective span on each side of the sup- of the column drops and drop panels are accounted
port line. The dimensions of the final design strip are for in the calculation through their section properties.
shown in Figs. 1.4-1 and 1.4-2a. In SFM adopted in this example, the added stiffness in
the slab immediately over the support is not included
For gravity design of the structure, the practice in in the analysis. However, the EFM of analysis allows
selection of boundary conditions of the extracted for the aforementioned increase in stiffness.
design strip is verbalized in ACI/IBC as follows. The
strip is modeled with one level of supports imme-
diately above and below the level under consider-
ation. The far ends of the supports are assumed fixed
against rotation.

The elevation of the idealized design strip and a three

dimensional view of it are shown in Figs. 1.4-2, 1.4-3.

FIGURE 1.4-3 View of the Design Strip (P473)


2.1 Concrete
fc, fck (28 day cylinder strength)2 = 40 MPa
Weight = 24 kN/m 3
FIGURE 1.4-1 Elastic Modulus 4700fc = 29725 MPa [ACI]
= 22* 103* [(fck +8)/ 10] 0.3 3 [EC2, TR-43]
= 35220 MPa
Creep coefficient = 2
Material factor, c = 1 [ACI]; 1.50 [EC2, TR-43]

The creep coefficient is used to estimate the long-

term deflection of the slab.

2.2 Nonprestressed (Passive) Reinforcement

fy = 460 MPa
Elastic Modulus = 200000 MPa
Material factor, c = 1 [ACI]; 1.15 EC2
Strength reduction factor (bending), = 0.9 [ACI];
= 1 [EC2, TR-43]

2 Wherecubestrengthisspecified,thefollowingconver-
FIGURE 1.4-2 3 EN1992-1-1:2004(E)Table3.1
6-6 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

TABLE 1.4-1 Section Property of the Design Strip (T157SI)

2.3 Prestressing (Figs 2.3-1 through 2.3-3) Wobble Coefficient of Friction (K) = 0.003 rad/m
Materiallow relaxation, seven wire ASTM 416 strand Anchor Set (Wedge Draw-in) = 6 mm
Nominal strand diameter = 13 mm Offset of strand to duct centroid (z) = 3 mm
Strand area = 99 mm2 Effective stress after all losses = 1100 MPa
Elastic Modulus = 200000 MPa
Ultimate strength of strand (fpu) = 1860 MPa 3 - LOADS
Material factor, c = 1 [ACI]; 1.15 [EC2, TR-43]
3.1 Selfweight
System Slab=(240/1000)* 2400* 9.81/1000
Unbonded System = 5.65 kN/m2
Angular coefficient of friction () = 0.07
Wobble coefficient of friction (K) = 0.003 rad/m 3.2 Superimposed Dead Load
Anchor set (wedge draw-in) = 6 mm Superimposed dead load = 2.00 kN/m2
Stressing force = 80% of specified ultimate strength Total Dead Load = SW + SDL = 7.65 kN/m2
Effective stress after all losses4 = 1200 MPa Span 1 DL = 7.65* 8.00 m = 61.20 kN/m
Span 2 DL = 7.65* 9.35 m = 71.53 kN/m
Bonded System Span 3 DL = 7.65* 10.60 m = 81.09 kN/m
Use flat ducts 20x80mm; 0.35 mm thick metal sheet Span 4 DL = 7.65* 10.35 m = 79.18 kN/m
housing up to five strands Added dead load due to column drop, drop panel and
Angular Coefficient of Friction () = 0.2 transverse beam:
Column drop DL (support 3)
4 For hand calculation, an effective stress of tendon is used. = 0.2*1.5*2400*9.81/1000 = 7.06 kN/m
The effective stress is the average stress along the length of Load extends 0.75 m on each side of support 3)
a tendon after all immediate and long-term losses. The value Drop panel DL (support 4) =.2*3.6*2400*9.81/1000
selected for effective stresses is a conservative estimate. = 16.95 kN/m (Load extends 1.8 m on each side of
When effective stress is used in design, the stressed support 4)
lengths of tendons are kept short, as it is described later in
Added beam depth (cantilever)
the calculations.
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-7

FIGURE 2.3-2 Plastic Flat Corrugated Duct

Grouted Tendon
FIGURE 2.3-1 Section View of an Unbonded Tendon

0.2*10.35*2400*9.81/1000 = 48.74 kN/m

(Load extends from 0.2 m left of support 5 to slab edge)

3.3 Live Load5 : 3 kN/m2

Span 1 LL = 3* 8 = 24 kN/m
Span 2 LL = 3* 9.35 = 28.05 kN/m
Span 3 LL = 3* 10.60 = 31.80 kN/m
Span 4 LL = 3* 10.35 = 31.05 kN/m
Cantilever LL = 3* 10.35 = 31.05 kN/m
LL/DL ratio = 3/7.65 = 0.39
< 0.75 Do not skip live load

Live load is generally skipped (patterned), in order

to maximize the design values. However, for two-way
floor systems, ACI 318-11 does not require live load
skipping ,6 provided the ratio of live to dead load does FIGURE 2.3-3
not exceed 0.75. In this example, as in most concrete
floor systems for residential and office buildings, the 4.1 Applicable Codes
ratio of live to dead load is less than 0.75. Hence, the The design is carried out according to each of the fol-
live load will not be skipped. lowing codes. Further, reference is made to the Commit-
tee Report TR-43, where appropriate.
The loading diagrams are shown in Fig. 3-1.
IBC-2009 (ACI 318-2011)
4 - DESIGN PARAMETERS EC2(EN 1992-1-1:2004)

5 Live load for residential floors is generally 2 kN/m2. For 4.2 Cover to Rebar and Prestressing Strands
commercial buildings it is somewhat more. Herein, conser- Minimum rebar cover = 20 mm top and bottom
vatively 3kN/m2 is assumed. Live load is generally reduced
based on the floor area it covers. Reduction of live load is Unbonded System
described in IBC 2012 (Chapter 16). In this design example, The slab is assumed to be in a non-corrosive envi-
live load is not reduced. ronment. Cover to its reinforcement is based on a
6 ACI 318-11 (13.7.6) 2-hour fire rating with the exterior spans considered
6-8 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

Allowable stresses in concrete are the same for bonded

and unbounded PT systems

For Sustained Load Condition

Compression = 0.45* fc = 0.45*40 = 18 MPa
Tension = 0.5* fc = 3.16 MPa

For Total Load Condition

Compression = 0.60* fc = 24 MPa
Tension = 0.5* fc = 3.16 MPa

For Initial Condition (at Tranfer of Prestressing)

Compression = 0.60* fci = 0.6* 30 = 18 MPa
Tension = 0.25* fc = 1.58 MPa

In ACI 318/IBC 2012 the allowable stresses for two-

way systems and one-way systems are different. The
values stated are for two-way systems. These values
may not be exceeded. Using ACI-318, two-way sys-
tems are deemed to be essentially crack-free when in
service. Cracking, if any is not of design significance.
B. Based on EC29
EC2 does not specify limiting allowable stresses in the
restrained. This requires a minimum cover of 20
strict sense of the word. There are stress thresholds
mm, using IBC-12. Hence, the CGS (Center of Grav-
that trigger crack control. These are the same for both
ity of Strand) of 13 mm strand is 27 mm from top
bonded and unbounded systems
and bottom fibers of concrete outline. The existing
concrete wall at one end of the design strip, and the
For Frequent Load Condition
down turned beam at the other end of it are consid-
ered adequate to provide restraint against in plane
Compression = 0.60* fck = 0.6* 40 = 24 MPa
expansion of the slab for fire resistivity. Hence, the
Tension (concrete) Ft = fct,eff = fctm10
end spans are considered restrained.7
Ft = 0.30* fck (2/3) = 0.30* 40(2/3)
= 3.51 MPa (Table 3.1, EC2)
Minimum strand cover = 20 mm
Tension (non-prestressed steel) = 0.80* fyk = 0.8*460
CGS. all spans = 27 mm
= 368 MPa
Bonded System Tension (prestressing steel) = 0.75* fpk
Minimum top and bottom rebar cover = 20 mm = 0.75* 1860 = 1395 MPa
For post-tensioning tendons: (Fig. 4.2-1)
Cover to duct = 20 mm For Quasi-permanent Load Condition
Distance to centroid of strand Compression = 0.45* fck = 0.45* 40 = 18 MPa
= 20 + 10 + 3 = 33 mm Tension (concrete) = 3.51 MPa
Where, 10mm is half duct diameter and z=3 mm same as frequent load combination
CGS. all spans = 33 mm
Unlike ACI 318/IBC, provisions in EC2 permit11 over-
4.3 Allowable Stresses riding the allowable hypothetical tension stress in
A. Based on ACI 318-11/IBC 20098 concrete, provided cracking is controlled not to ex-
ceed the selected design crack width.
7 In IBC-12, where a span is free to expand in its own
plane, it is considered unrestrained, and is required to have
a larger cover for fire resistivity than a span that is not free 9 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E),Section 7.2
to expand (restrained). IBC Table 720.1 10 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E), Section 7.3.2(4)
8 ACI 318-11, Sections 18.3 11 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E), Section 7.3.2(4)
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-9

low the first threshold, no bonded reinforcement need

be added. If the hypothetical tension stresses exceed
the first threshold, but are less than the second, a
specified amount of bonded reinforcement must be pro-
vided. The hypothetical stresses are not permitted to
exceed the upper threshold.14 Grouted tendons can be
considered as bonded reinforcement, as it is explained
in greater detail in Section 7.4.

Tension (without bonded reinforcement)

For full panel15 = 0.3 fctm,fl
fctm,fl = larger of (1.6- h/1000) fctm or fctm16
= larger of (1.6 - 0.24) fctm or fctm
= larger of 1.36*fctm or fctm
fctm = 0.30* fck (2/3) (Table 3.1, EC2)
= 0.30* 40 (2/3) = 3.51 MPa
Allowable lower threshold = 0.3*1.36* 3.51
= 1.43 MPa

Tension (with bonded reinforcement)

For full panel = 0.9 fctm,fl
= 0.9*1.36* 3.51 = 4.30 MPa
FIGURE 4.2-1
Compression (support) = 0.3* fck = 0.3*40 = 12 MPa
For Initial Load Condition (Table 3.1; EC2) Compression (span) = 0.4* fck = 0.4*40 = 16 MPa
Tension (Unbonded) = fct,eff = fctm
0.30* fci (2/3) = 0.30* 30 (2/3) = 2.90 MPa For initial load condition17
Compression12 = 0.60* fci = 0.6*30 = 18 MPa Tension = 0.4 fctm
where fctm refers to strength at stressing
C. Based on TR-4313 Using Panel Width fctm = 0.30* fci (2/3) = 0.30* 30 (2/3) = 2.90 MPa
TR-43 Report provides two sets of allowable stress- Allowable tension stress = 0.4*2.90 = 1.16 Mpa
es. One is based on the traditional selection of de- Allowable compression stress = 0.40* fci = 12 Mpa
sign strips based on the full tributary and referred
to as full panel width, such as the one used in this 4.4 Crack Width Limitation
design example and commercial software. The other A. Based on ACI 318-11/IBC 2012
set of allowable stresses is based on narrower de- No explicit limit is imposed by the code for crack width
sign strips selected to more closely capture the local calculation and or its control for two-way floor sys-
behavior of a slab. The latter, referred to as design tems, since the designs are deemed to be essentially
strip approach is an option for processing solutions within the pre-cracking range of concrete.
obtained from Finite Element analyses. For practical
reasons, most engineers and automated commercial B. Based on EC2
software tools use the full panel width option of al- In EC2, the allowable crack width depends on whether
lowable stresses, in particular, since both options are the post-tensioning system used is bonded, or un-
deemed to result in the same design. bonded, and the load combination being considered.18

For flat slabs, allowable stresses are the same for both Prestressed members with bonded tendons:
bonded and unbonded systems, as well as for frequent 0.2 mm; to be checked for frequent load case.
and quasi-permanent load combinations.
14 The amount of bonded reinforcement to be added is ex-
There are two thresholds for hypothetical tension plained in Section 7.4 Minimum Reinforcement.
stresses. If the hypothetical tension stresses are be- 15 TR-43, 5.8.1 Table 3
12 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E), Section 16 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E),Eqn.3-23
13 TR-43 Second Edition, Table 4. For tensilestress, stress 17 TR-43 Second Edition, Table 5.
limit without bonded reinforcement is considered. 18 EN1992-1-1-2004 (E) Table 7.1N
6-10 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

Prestressed members with unbonded tendons: 0.3 deflections in EC2 are essentially the same as that of
mm; to be checked at quasi-permanent load case. ACI 318. The impact of vertical displacement on the
function of the installed members and the visual im-
C. Based on TR-43 pact on occupants determine the allowable values.
For both prestressed systems19 = 0.2 mm The following are suggested values:

4.5 Allowable Deflection Deflection subsequent to finishing of floors from Quasi-

A. Based on ACI 318-11/IBC 201220 permanent combination: L/250
In all major codes, the allowable deflection is tied Deflection subsequent to installation of construction
to (i) the impact of the vertical displacement on oc- that can be damaged from load combination Quasi-
cupants; (ii) the installed non-structural objects permanent: L/500.
such as partitions, glass, or floor covering; and (iii)
functional impairment, such as proper drainage. De- C. Based on TR-4322
tails of the allowable values, their measurement and TR-43 refers to EC2 for allowable deflections.
evaluation are given in reference [ADAPT TN292].
For perception of displacement by sensitive persons, In summary, the allowable deflection from the two
consensus is limit of L/250, where L is the deflection codes and the committee report are essentially the
span. It is important to note that this is the displace- same. Conservatively, it can be summarized as follows:
ment that can be observed by a viewer.
Quasi Permanent Load Combination
The allowable values are: Total deflection: L/250
Since in this design example carpet is assumed to be Deflection subsequent to installation of construction
placed directly on the finished floor, the applicable verti- that can be damaged: L/500
cal displacement is the total deflection subsequent to
the removal of forms. Brittle partitions are assumed to have been installed
60 days subsequent to date of casting the slab.
Total allowable deflection: L/240
The second deflection check is for potential damage
to non-structural brittle construction, such as parti- Actions due to dead and live loads are calculated by
tions, from displacement subsequent to installation a generic frame program, using the idealized frame di-
of such members. The value recommended by ACI- mensions shown in Fig. 5-1. The stiffness of each of the
318 is L/480. This is vertical displacement resulting spans is based on the second moment of area given in
from the full application of design live load together Table 1.3-1. At locations of the column drop, drop panel,
with the long-term deflection subsequent to the in- and transverse beam, the stiffness used includes the
stallation of construction likely to be damaged by de- local thickening of the slab.
flection. Such installations are application of plaster
on concrete masonry unit partitions or installation In Fig. 5-1 the column drop and drop panel are
of dry wall (gypsum boards). Raw framing or ma- shown centered about the mid-depth of the slab,
sonry units that are not finished are not considered since it is assumed that most frame programs used
to be subject to the deflection limitations. by consultants. The shortcoming becomes critical
when designing post-tensioned members, where the
Total deflection subsequent to finish on partitions to- eccentricity of tendons with respect to that of the
gether with application of live load: L/480 section is of central importance. Later in this design
Where, L is the length of deflection span. For this design example, it will be illustrated how to account for this
example, the partitions are assumed to have been in- shortcoming, and obtain correct values with due al-
stalled/finished 60 days after the floor is cast. lowance for eccentricities. The computer programs
ADAPT-PT or ADAPT-Builder, automatically account
B. Based on EC221 for the shift in the centroid of a column drop/panel
The interpretation and the magnitude of allowable below that of the slab., These computer programs do
19 TR-43 Second Edition, Section 5.8.3. not require an adjustment.
20 ACI 318-11, Section 18.3.5
21 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E), Section 7.4.1 22 TR-43 Second Edition, Section 5.8.4
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-11

For hand calculations, a simple frame analysis is used 6 - POST-TENSIONING

(Simple Frame MethodSFM). The simple frame
method of analysis lacks the specific features of the 6.1 Selection of Design Parameters
Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) as listed below: Unlike conventionally reinforced slabs, where given
geometry, boundary conditions, material properties
(i) Increased stiffness of slab over slab/support in- and loads result in a unique design, for post-ten-
terface is not accounted for. The stiffness of a slab sioned members in addition to the above a minimum
over its support is assumed to be the same as that at of two other input assumptions are required, before
the face of support; a design can be concluded. A common practice is (i)
to assume a level of precompression and (ii) target
(ii) Increased stiffness of the column within the slab, to balance a percentage of the structures dead load.
or within the column drop/panel is not accounted In this example, based on experience the level of pre-
for. In other words, the stiffness of a column is as- compression suggested is larger than the minimum
sumed constant over its entire analysis length. Note required by ACI-318 code (0.86 MPa). Other major
that the analysis length of a column extends to the building codes do not specify a minimum precom-
centroid of slab; and pression. Rather, they specify a minimum reinforce-
ment. Use the following assumption to initiate the
(iii) The analysis does not account for the two-way calculations.
action of the slab, as is implemented in the Equiva-
lent Frame Method. The stiffness of the structure is 1. Minimum average precompression = 1.00 MPa
strictly based on the cross-sectional geometry of the 2. Maximum average precompression = 2.00 MPa
design strip. 3. Target Balanced Loading = 60% of total dead load,
up to 80% where beneficial
The SFM is adequate when hand calculation is used
for design. The EFM is more accurate, but it is too The minimum precompression is used as the entry
complex for hand calculation in the environment of value (first trial) for design. The stipulation for a
a production oriented consulting office. It is impor- maximum precompression does not enter the hand
tant to note that the SFM provides a safe design, but calculation directly. It is stated as a guide for a not-
not necessarily the most economical alternative. The to-exceed upper value. In many instances, floor slabs
EFM generally leads to smaller column moments, that require more than the maximum value stated
when compared to the SFM. can be re-designed more economically.

Examples of the EFM in the literature are generally For deflection control the selfweight of the critical
limited to flat plates mostly without column drop or span is recommended to be balanced to a minimum
drop panel, and with uniform tributaries. The use
of computer programs with EFM formulation is the Table 5-1 Moments at Face-of-Support and Midspan
practical way for design of complex floor systems (T158SI)
with column drop, and/or drop panel, irregular trib-
utaries and non-uniform loads.

The moments calculated from the frame analysis refer

to the center line values. These are reduced to the face-
of-support using the static equilibrium of each span.
The computed moments from the analysis using Simple
Frame Method (SFM) are shown in Fig. 5-2 and Fig.5-3.
The values at each face-of-support and at midspan are
summarized in Table 5-1.

The critical design moments are not generally at

midspan. But, for hand calculation, the midspan is
selected. The approximation is acceptable when
spans and loads are relatively uniform.
6-12 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

of 60%. Non-critical spans need not be balanced to The effective stress assumed in a strand is based on
the same extent. the statistical analysis of common floor slab dimen-
sions for the following conditions (Fig. C6.1-1):
Effective stress in prestressing strand
For unbonded tendons: fse = 1200 MPa (i) Members have dimensions common in building
For bonded tendons: fse = 1100 MPa construction;

(ii) Tendons equal or less than 38 m long stressed at

one end. Tendons longer than 38m, but not exceeding
76m are stressed at both ends. Tendons longer than
76m are stressed at intermediate points to limit the
unstressed lengths to 38m for one-end stressing or
76m for two-end stressing, whichever is applicable;

(iii) Strands used are the commonly available 13 or

15 mm nominal diameter with industry common
friction coefficients as stated in material properties
section of this design example; and
(iv) Tendons are stressed to 0.8fpu.

For other conditions, a lower effective stress is as-

sumed, or tendons are stressed at intermediate
points. In the current design, the total length of the
tendon is 41 m. It is stressed at both ends. Detailed
stress loss calculations, not included herein, indicate
that the effective tendon stress is 1250 MPa for the
unbonded system and also larger than assumed for
the grouted system.

6.2 Selection of Post-Tensioning Tendon Force and

FIGURE 5-2 The prestressing force in each span will be chosen to
match a whole number of prestressing strands. The fol-
The design of a post-tensioned member can be based lowing values are used:
either on the effective force, or the tendon selec-
tion procedure. In the effective force procedure, the 1. The effective force along the length of each tendon
average stress in a tendon after all losses is used in is assumed to be constant. It is the average of force
design. In this case, the design concludes with the distribution along a tendon.
total effective post-tensioning force required at each
location. The total force arrived at the conclusion Unbonded tendons:
of design is then used to determine the number of Force per tendon = 1200* 99 mm2/1000
strands required, with due allowance for friction and = 118.8 119.0 kN/ tendon
long-term losses. This provides an expeditious and Use multiples of 119 kN when selecting the post-ten-
simple design procedure for hand calculations. In sioning forces for design.
the tendon selection procedure, the design is based
on the number of strands with due allowance for the Bonded tendons:
immediate and long-term losses. In the following, the Force per tendons = 1100* 99 mm2/1000
effective force method is used to initiate the design. = 108.9 109.0 kN/ tendon
Once the design force is determined, it is converted Use multiples of 109 kN when selecting the post-ten-
to the number of strands required. A graphical pre- sioning forces for design.
sentation of the preceeding assumptions is given in
Chapter 4, Fig 2. Tendon profiles are chosen to be simple parabola.
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-13

These produce a uniform upward force in each span.

For ease of calculation the tendon profile in each

span is chosen to be simple parabola from support
centerline to support centerline (Fig. C6.2-1). The
position of the low point is selected such as to gener-
ate a uniform upward force in each span. The rela-
tionship given in Fig. C6.2-1 defines the profile. For
exterior spans, where the tendon high points are not
generally at the same level, the resulting low point
will not be at midspan. For interior spans, where
tendon high points are the same, the low point will
coincide with midspan. Obviously, the chosen profile
is an approximation of the actual tendon layout used
in construction. Sharp changes in curvature associ-
ated with the simple parabola profile assumed are
impractical to achieve on site. The tendon profile at
construction is likely to be closer to reversed parabo-
la, for which the distribution of lateral tendon forces
will be somewhat different as discussed henceforth.
Tendon profiles in construction and the associated
tendon forces are closer to the diagrams shown in
Fig. C6.2-2 for two common cases.

FIGURE 6.2-2 Two Examples of Common

Tendon Profiles

FIGURE C6.2-1 FIGURE C6.2-3 View of Overhang at Right

End of Design Strip
For the beam/cantilever at the right end, the profile
selected is a straight line, due to short length of the sion and the associated cross-sectional area of each
overhang (Fig.C6.2-3). spans tributary. Then, adjust the number of strands
selected, based on the uplift they provide.
6.3 Selection of Number of Strands
Determine the initial selection of number of strands for Unbonded Tendon
each span based on the assumed average precompres- Span 1 Area = 8.0 m* 1000* 240 mm = 1.92e+6 mm2
6-14 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

TABLE 6.3-1 Tendon Selection Based on Minimum Precompression (T159SI)

Span 1 Force = 1.0 MPa* 1.92e+6/1000 = 1920 kN shows two examples of balanced loading for mem-
No. of Tendons = 1920/119.0 = 16.13; say 17 bers of uniform thickness.
Calculated values for other spans are shown in table
below Span 1
Refer to Fig C6.2-1 and Fig. 6.4-1
Bonded Tendon a = 12027 = 93 mm
Span 1 Area = 8.0 m* 1000* 240 mm = 1.92e+6 mm2 b = 21327 = 186 mm
Span 1 Force = 1.0 MPa* 1.92e+6/1000 = 1920 kN L = 9.00 m
No. of Tendons = 1920/109.0 = 17.61; say 18 c = {[93/186]0.5/[1 + (93/186)0.5]}* 9.00 = 3.73 m
Wb/tendon = 2 P*a/c2 = 119.0 kN* (2*93/1000)/3.732
It is noted that the number of strands required to = 119.0 kN/tendon* 0.013/m =1.59 kN/m/tendon
satisfy the same criterion differs between the un- For 20 tendons Wb = 1.59/ tendon* 20 tendons
bonded and bonded systems. Due to higher friction = 31.8 kN/m
losses, when using bonded systems, more strands % of DL Balanced = 31.8/ 61.20 = 52%
are generally needed to satisfy the in-service condi- (less than 60% target, but considered acceptable)
tion of design. For brevity, without compromising Balanced load reaction, left = 31.8 kN/m* 3.73
the process of calculation, in the following the same = 118.61 kN
number of strands is selected for both systems. Balanced load reaction, right= 31.8 kN/m* 5.27
= 167.59 kN
The number of strands in Table 6.3-1 is based on a
minimum precompression of 1.0 MPa at the midsec- The profiles of the first and last spans are chosen
tion of each span. The added cross-sectional area of such that the upward force on the structure due to the
column drops, drop panels and transverse beams tendon is uniform. This is done by choosing the loca-
are disregarded in the calculation of the force for
minimum precompression. The selected number of
tendons is chosen to avoid an overly complicated
tendon layout. Again, the precompression limit is
disregarded for the cantilever, since the large value
obtained is due to the depth of the beam having been
used in the calculations, as opposed to slab depth.

The tendon profile and force selected for unbonded ten-

dons is shown in Fig. 6.3-1

6.4 Calculation of Balanced Loads

Balanced loads are the forces that a tendon exerts to
its concrete container. It is generally broken down
to forces normal to the centerline of the member
(causing bending) and axial to it (causing uniform
precompression) and added moments at locations of
change in location of centroidal axis. Figure C6.2-2 FIGURE 6.3-1 Tendon Profile and Selected Force
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-15

FIGURE 6.4-1
tion of the tendon low point such that in each span
the profile is a continuous parabola (Fig. C6.2-1). Both
spans appear to be critical and will be designed for
maximum drape, in order to utilize the maximum
amount of balanced loading. If the low point of the
tendon is not selected at the location determined by FIGURE C6.4-1
c, two distinct parabolas result. Figure C6.2-2 illus-
trates the condition, where the low point is not at cen-
ter of a tendon span.

Span 2
Span 2 has 20 continuous strands and three short
strands (added tendons) that extend from span 3 to
span 2 and terminate at its right end. The balanced
load from each is calculated separately.
Continuous Tendons
a = 186 mm FIGURE C6.4-2
L = 10.0 m
end. Hence the vertical balanced loads of these ten-
For a symmetrical parabola of span L, drape a, dons will be downward, with a concentrated upward
and uniform force P, the force normal to L is given force at the dead end.
by 8P*a/L2.
a = 93 mm
Wb/ tendon = 8*P*a/ L2 = (8*119*186/1000) /102 c = 0.20* 10 = 2.00 m
= 1.77 kN/m Wb = (3* 119.0* 2* 93/1000)/2.02 16.60 kN/m
For 20 tendons Wb = 1.77* 20 tendons = 35.41 kN/m Concentrated force at dead end = 16.60* 2.0
% DL Balanced = 35.41/71.53 = 50% OK = 33.20 kN
Balanced load reaction: PT-induced Moments Due to Shift in Centroid
Left = 35.41 kN/m* 5m = 177.05 kN
Right = 35.41 kN/m* 5m = 177.05 kN Because the centroid of the design strip section is
shifted at the face of the column drop, drop panel
Added Tendons and the edge beam, there will be a moment due to
axial force from prestressing at each of these loca-
Increase in the number of strands from 20 to 23, from tions. These moments must be included in the bal-
the third span on, results in 3 strands from the third anced loading to obtain a complete and correct so-
span to terminate in the second span. The terminat- lution. The moments are simply the post-tensioning
ed three strands are dead-ended in the second span. force in the section multiplied by the shift in the sec-
The dead end is located at a distance 0.20*L from the tions centroid (see Fig. 6.4-2).
right support, at the centroid of the design strip (Fig.
C6.4-1). The tendons are assumed horizontal over Moment at Face of Column Drop
the support and concave downward toward the dead M = P* shift in centroid (e) = P* (Yt-Left-Yt-Right)
6-16 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

= 23* 119.0* (120-146)/1000 = -71.16 kN-m Right = 26.9* 4.35 = 117.02 kN

M = 23* 119.0* (146-143)/1000 = 8.21 kN-m Moment at drop panel face
Left of span
Span 3 M = 23* 119.0* (169-120)/1000 = 134.11 kN-m
a = 186 mm Right of span
L = 10.60 m M = 23* 119.0* (120-220)/1000 =-273.70 kN-m
Wb/ tendon = 8*P*a/ L2 = (8*119.0*186/1000)/10.602
= 1.58 kN/m Cantilever
For 23 tendons Wb = 1.58* 23 tendons = 36.34 kN/m Tendon is horizontal and straight. Hence no upward
% DL Balanced = 36.34/81.09 = 45% 50% OK force from tendon.
Balanced load reaction: Moment due to dead end anchored away from centroid:
Left = 36.34 kN/m* 5.3m = 192.60 kN M = 23* 119.0* (220-120)/1000 = 273.70 kN-m
Right = 36.34 kN/m* 5.3m = 192.60 kN
There is no vertical force over the length of the canti-
PT-induced Moments Due to Shift in Centroid lever from the tendon profile of that span. However,
Moment at face of left column drop: the eccentricity of the tendon at edge of the slab re-
M = P* shift in centroid sults in a constant moment over the entire length of
= 23* 119.0 kN* (143-120)/1000 the cantilever.
= 62.95 kN-m
Moment at face of right drop panel: The complete balanced loading consisting of up and
M = P* (Yt-Left-Yt-Rigth) down forces (part a of the figure) and the associated
= 23* 119.0* (120-169)/1000 = -134.11 kN-m moments (part b of the figure) are shown in Fig. 6.4-
Moment at centerline of right support: 4. In addition to the forces shown in the figure, there is
M = 23* 119.0* (169-169) 0 kN-m an axial compressive force that is shown in Fig. 6.3-1b.

Span 4 The actions shown in Fig. 6.4-3 represent the forces

Refer to Figure C6.2-1 from the simplified tendon profile assumed for hand
a = 120-27 = 93 mm calculation and shown in Fig. C6.4-2a. In construc-
b = 213-27 = 186 mm tion where unbonded system is uses, tendons in the
L = 10.50 m design strip under consideration will be banded over
C = {[93/186]0.5/[1 + (93/186)0.5]}* 10.5 = 4.35 m the support line. In the perpendicular direction, the
Wb/ tendon = 119.0 kN* (2* 93/1000)/4.352 tendons will be distributed uniformly. The profile
= 1.17 kN/m/tendon used for construction together with the one selected
For 23 tendons Wb = 1.17 kN/m/tendon* 23 tendons for hand calculation is shown in Fig. C6.4-2.
= 26.90 kN/m
% DL Balanced = (26.90/79.18)*100 = 34 % The forces exerted by a tendon to its container (con-
crete slab in this case) are always in static equilibri-
The dead load in the fourth span tends to produce um, regardless of the geometry of tendon and the con-
an upward lift on adjacent spans. Since the fourth figuration of the member that contains the tendon. To
span is next to a somewhat larger, more heavily load- guarantee a correct solution, it is critical to perform
ed third span, it is advantageous to design the fourth an equilibrium check for the balanced loads calculat-
span with a lower level of balanced loading and allow ed (Fig. 6.4-3) before proceeding to the next step.
its non-prestressing load to counteract the actions in
the adjoining longer span. For this reason, the level Equilibrium Check
of dead load balanced in the fourth span (34%) is Sum of forces in the vertical direction:
acceptable, even though it is well below the target Forces = -118.61 +(9*31.8)-167.59-
amount of 60% for the critical span. The above val- 177.05+(10*35.41)-(2*16.60)+33.20-177.05-
ues will be assumed for a first try. If the stress check 192.60+(10.6*36.34)-192.60-165.44+ (10.5*26.90)-
to follow will not be satisfactory the prestressing 117.02 = 0.006 kN 0 OK
force will be adjusted. Sum of moments about the third support:
M3rd Support = 118.61*19.0 +
Balanced Load Reaction (167.59+177.05)*10.0-33.20*2.0- 31.8*9.0*14.5-
Left = 26.90* 6.15 = 165.44 kN 35.41*102/2+16.60*22/2+36.34*10.62/2 +
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-17


FIGURE 6.5-1

the slab/support connections, are shown in Fig. 6.5-1.

These actions are obtained by applying the balanced
loads shown in Fig. 6.4-3 to the frame shown in Fig. 5 1.

Actions due to post-tensioning are calculated using a

standard frame program. The input geometry and
boundary conditions to the standard frame program
are the same as used for the dead and live loads.


7.1 Load Combinations

The following lists the recommended load combinations
of the building codes covered for serviceability limit
state (SLS).

FIGURE 6.4-3 Total load condition 1*DL + 1*LL + 1*PT
Sustained load condition 1*DL + 0.3*LL + 1*PT23
26.90*10.5*15.85-(192.60+ 165.44)*10.6-117.02*21.1-
71.16+8.21+134.11+62.95-134.11-273.70+273.70 =
0.46 0 kN-m OK 23 ACI-318 specifies a sustained load case, but does not
stipulate the fraction of live load to be considered sus-
6.5 Determination of Actions due to Balanced (Post- tained. It is left to the judgment of the design engineer to
Tensioning) Loads determine the applicable fraction. The fraction selected var-
The distributions of post-tensioning moments due to ies between 0.2 and 0.5. The most commonly used fraction
balanced loading, and the corresponding reactions at is 0.3, as it is adopted in this design example.
6-18 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

EC2, TR43 Total Load Combination

Frequent load condition 1*DL + 0.5*LL + 1*PT Stress limit in compression: 0.60* 40 = 24 MPa
Quasi-permanent load condition 1*DL + 0.3*LL + 1*PT Stress limit in tension: 0.5*40 = 3.16 MPa
MD + ML + MPT = (-901-347.40 + 425.80)
For serviceability, the actions from the balanced = -822.60 kN-m
loads due post-tensioning (PT) are used. The back-
ground for this is explained in detail in reference Bottom fiber
[Aalami, 1990]. = -822.60* 10002/1.525e+8-0.85 = -6.24 MPa Com-
pression < -24 MPa OK
7.2 Stress Check
For hand calculation, the critical locations for stress Top Fiber
check are selected based on engineering judgment. = 822.60*10002/2.446e+8-0.85 Mpa = 2.51 MPa
The selected locations may or may not coincide with Tension < 3.16 MPa OK
the locations of maximum stress levels. This will in-
troduce a certain degree of approximation in design, Sustained Load Combination
which reflects the common practice for hand calcula- Stress limit in compression: 0.45* 40 = 18 MPa
tions. Computer solutions generally calculate stress- Stress limit in tension: 0.5*40 = 3.16 MPa
es at multiple locations along a span, thus providing MD + 0.3 ML + MPT = (-901-0.3*347.40 + 425.80)
greater accuracy. For brevity, only three locations = -579.42 kN-m
will be selected for this design example. Point A is at
the face-of-support; Point B is at the face of the drop Bottom Fiber
panel; and point C is at the midspan (Fig. 7.2-1). = -579.42* 10002/1.525e+8-0.85 = -4.65 MPa Com-
pression< -18 MPa OK
Using the Moment diagrams of Fig. 5-2 and 5-3 as
guide, several critical locations are identified for the
stress check. These are shown as sections A, B and C
in Fig. 7.2-1.

= (MD + ML + MPT)/S + P/A
S = I/Yc

Where, MD, ML, and MPT are the moments across the
entire tributary of the design strip. S is the section FIGURE 7.2-1
modulus of the entire tributary; A is the cross-sec-
tional area of the entire tributary; I is the second
moment of area of the entire tributary; and Yc is the Top Fiber
distance of the centroid of the entire tributary to the = 579.42* 10002/2.446e+8-0.85 = 1.52 MPa Tension
farthest tension fiber of the entire tributary. < 3.16 MPa OK

The parameters for stress check at point A are: B. Based on EC2

Stop = 4.134e+10/169 = 2.446e+8 mm3 Stress checks are performed for the two load condi-
Sbot = 4.134e+10/271 = 1.525e+8 mm3 tions of frequent load and quasi-permanent loads.
A = 10.35* 1000* 240 + 3600* 200
= 3.204e+6 mm2 Frequent Load Condition
P/A = -2737*1000/3.204e+6 = -0.85 MPa = (MD +0.5 ML + MPT)/S + P/A

A. Based on ACI 318-11/IBC 2012 At Point A

Stress checks are performed for the two load condi- Stress Thresholds
tions of total load and sustained loads. Compression = 0.60* 40 = -24 Mpa
Tension = fctm = 3.51 MPa
At Point A MD + 0.5ML + MPT
= (-901-0.5*347.40 + 425.80)= -648.90 kN-m
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-19

Top Fiber The following illustrates the calculation of moments

= 648.90*10002/2.446e+8-0.85 = 1.80 MPa Ten- at interior of a span, such as point B for span under
sion < 3.51 MPa OK consideration.
Bottom Fiber
= -648.90* 10002/1.525e+8-0.85 =-5.10 MPa Com- Centerline moments and shears for DL, LL and PT
pression <-24 MPa OK obtained from frame analysis, along with the exter-
nally applied loads are shown below for the fourth
Quasi-permanent load condition: span. The calculation of the values at the face-of-sup-
= (MD +0.3 ML + MPT)/S + P/A port follows simple statics of the free-body diagram
shown below. In the following the calculation of mo-
At Point A ment at the face of drop panel in the fourth span is
Stress Thresholds detailed. Other locations follow a similar procedure
Compression = 0.45* 40 = -18 MPa (Fig. 7.2-2).
Tension = fctm =3.51 MPa
MD + 0.3ML + MPT Moment due to DL at the face of drop panel distance
= (-901-0.3*347.40 + 425.80) = -579.42 kN-m 1.80m from the fourth support

Top Fiber MDL = 388.16* 8.7-575.16-48.72*0.3*8.55-79.18*

= 579.42*10002/2.446e+8-0.85 = 1.52 MPa Tension 8.72/2 = -319.70 kN-m
< 3.51 MPa OK Moment due to LL
MLL = 146.19* 8.7-223.37-31.05* 8.72/2
Bottom Fiber = -126.60 kN-m
= -579.42* 10002/1.525e+8-0.85 = -4.65 MPa Com- Moment due to PT
pression <-18 MPa OK MPT = -126.80* 8.7 +459.17+ 26.90* 8.72/2-
273.70+134.11 = 234.45 kN-m
C. Based on TR-43
Frequent load condition: 7.3 Crack Width Control
= (MD +0.5 ML + MPT)/S + P/A A. Based on ACI 318-11/IBC 2012
ACI 318-11/IBC 2012 do not stipulate specific measures
At Point A to follow for crack control of slabs designed as two-way
Stress Limits systems. The limit imposed on tensile stresses keeps
Compression (support) = 0.3* fck = 0.3*40 = 12 MPa the slabs essentially crack free, when in service.
Tension (without bonded reinforcement)
= 0.3 fctm,fl = 0.3*1.36*3.51 = 1.43 MPa B. Based on EC2 and TR-4325
Tension (with bonded reinforcement) = 0.9 fctm,fl The allowable crack width for members reinforced
= 0.9*1.36*3.51 = 4.30 MPa with unbonded tendons (Quasi-permanent load
MD + 0.5ML + MPT = (-901-0.5*347.40 + 425.80) combination) is 0.3 mm, and for bonded tendon
= -648.90 kN-m (Frequent load combination) is 0.2 mm. Since in this
example the maximum computed tensile stress is
Top fiber within the threshold limit, crack width calculation is
= 648.90*10002/2.446e+8-0.85 MPa = 1.80 MPa not required. If the computed tensile stress exceeds
Tension > 1.43 MPa the threshold, EC2 recommends to limit the bar di-
but less than 4.30 MPa; hence bonded reinforce- ameter and bar spacing to the values given in Table
ment required.24 7.2N or 7.3N of EC2 to control the width of probable
cracks. The following example illustrates the point.
Bottom fiber
= -648.90* 10002/1.525e+8-0.85 = -5.10 MPa Com-
pression <-12 MPa OK EXAMPLE
To illustrate the procedure for crack control recom-
Other points are evaluated in a similar manner. The out- mended in EC2, as an example let the maximum tensile
come is listed in the following table (Table 7.2-1): stress exceed the threshold value by a large margin.
24 The required bonded reinforcement is calculated in Sec- 25EN 1992-1-1:2004(E) , Section 7.3.3, and TR-43 2nd
tion 7.4-Minimum Reinforcement Edition, Section 5.8.3
6-20 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

specify a minimum reinforcement for prestressed

members. These are:

Crack control, where potential of cracking

exists: Bonded reinforcement contributes in miti-
gating local cracks. The contribution of bonded re-
inforcement to crack control is gauged by the stress
it develops under service load. Change of stress in
bonded reinforcement from applied strain is a func-
tion of its modulus of elasticity and its cross-section-
al area. Hence, the area of reinforcement considered
available for crack control is (As + Aps), where Aps
is the area of bonded tendons. It is recognized that
both bonded and unbonded prestressing provide
precompression. While the physical presence of an
unbonded tendon may not contribute to crack con-
trol, the contribution through the precompression
it provides does. However, for code compliance and
conformance with practice, the contribution of un-
bonded tendons is not included in the aforemen-
tioned sum.

Ductility: One of reason ACI-318 specifies a

minimum bonded reinforcement over supports of
FIGURE 7.2-2 members reinforced with unbonded tendons is to
provide ductility at the location. Where unbonded
tendons are used, the required minimum area is
Given: computed hypothetical farthest fiber tensile provided through As only. Current ACI 318/IBC do
stress in concrete f = 30MPa not specify a minimum of non-stressed bonded re-
Required : reinforcement design for crack control inforcement in post-tensioned members reinforced
with bonded tendons.
Calculate stress in steel at location of maximum con-
crete stress: s = (f/Ec)*Es Use 16 mm bars (Area = 201 mm2; Diameter = 16 mm)
Where f is the hypothetical tensile stress in concrete for top and bottom, where required
under service condition d = 240- 20-16/2 =212 mm
s = (30/35220)*200000 = 170 MPa (this is a hypo-
thetical value) A. Based on ACI 318-11/IBC 201226
Crack spacing can be limited by either restricting the Unbonded Tendons
bar diameter and/or bar spacing. Use the maximum bar Supports
spacing from Table 7.3 N for the s of 170 MPa.
From Table: for 160 MPa-300 mm ACI 31827/IBC require a minimum area of passive
200 MPa-250 mm (non-stressed reinforcement to be placed over the
By interpolation, maximum spacing for 170 MPa is 287 supports, where unbonded tendons are used. The
mm. minimum area is expressed in terms of the cross-
Limit the spacing of reinforcement to 285 mm or less sectional geometry of the design strip, and the strip
(280 mm) in order to control cracking. Note that based orthogonal to it. Acf is the larger gross cross-sec-
on the magnitude of the computed tensile stress in tional area of the design strips in the two orthogo-
concrete the area of the required reinforcement is cal- nal directions for the support under consideration.
culated separately, Figure C7.4-1 illustrates the applicable locations to

7.4 Minimum Reinforcement 26 ACI 318-11, Section 18.9

There are several reasons why the building codes 27 ACI 318-11, Section 18.9.3
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-21

determine the cross-sectional areas. Line PP refers

to the section in the design strip direction and FF to
the section orthogonal to it.

AS = 0.00075* Acf
At section A (Fig. 7.2-1):
In direction of design strip:
AS = 0.00075* 0.5*(10600*240 +10500*240)
= 1899 mm2
In the orthogonal direction to the design strip the
spans adjacent to the support under consideration are
10.60 and 10.35 m. Hence,
AS = 0.00075* 0.5*(10600*240 +10350*240)
= 1886 mm2
As = 1899 mm2 applies
Number of bars = 1899/201 = 9.4
Use 10-16mm bars = 10* 201 mm2 = 2010 > 1899 mm2
provided top

The minimum passive reinforcement at midspan for

unbonded tendons depends on the value of comput- FIGURE C7.4-1 Illustration of Sections for Minimum
ed (hypothetical) tension at the bottom fiber. If the Rebar (P563)
hypothetical tension stress is less than 0.166 fc0.5,
based on ACI 318,28 no midspan minimum bottom
rebar is required. It is re-iterated that the computed
tensile stress is not permitted to exceed 0.5 fc0.5.

At Point C in Span
At midspan As = Nc/(0.5*fy) if hypothetical tensile
stress > 0.166*fc
where Nc is the total of tension force in the tensile zone
of the section
Computed hypothetical tensile stress: fct = 1.95MPa
Stress Limit = 0.166* 40 = 1.05 MPa
1.95 MPa > 1.05 MPa Minimum steel is required
Compressive stress at top: fc = 4.15 MPa
The relationships given in Fig. 7.4-1 will be used to deter- FIGURE 7.4-1 Distribution of Strain Over Section of
mine the force of tensile zone (Nc) Member
Depth of tension zone from bottom hypothetical tensile stresses. The minimum require-
= 1.95* 240/(1.95+4.15) = 77 mm ment is handled through the relationship between the
Nc = 77mm* 1.95 MPa* 10350/(2* 1000) cracking moment of a section and its nominal strength
= 777.03 kN in bending. This is handled in the strength check of the
As = 777.03*1000 /(0.5*460) = 3378 mm2 member.
Number of bars = 3378/ 201 =16.8
Use 17-16 mm bars = 17* 201 = 3417 > 3378 mm2 OK B. Based on EC229
EC2 specifies the same requirement for minimum
Bonded (Grouted) Tendons reinforcement at supports and spans, and also for
There is no requirements for minimum reinforcement both unbonded and bonded tendons. Two checks ap-
based on either geometry of the design strip, nor its ply. One is based on the cross-sectional geometry of

28 ACI318-11Section18.9.3.2 29 EN1992-1-1:2004(E),Section9.3.1&7.3.2
6-22 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

TABLE 7.2-1 Summary of Service Stress Checks (T160SI)

the design strip and its material properties and the Since in EC2 the minimum reinforcement is a func-
other on computed stresses. In the former, the mini- tion of (bt*d) cross-sectional area, at the face-of-
mum reinforcement applies to the combined contri- support the cross-sectional area including the drop
butions of stressed and non-stressed reinforcement. panel is used.
Hence, the participation of each is based according
to the strength it provides, the prestressing steel is Cross-sectional Area
accounted for with higher values. The reinforcement bt = 10350 mm
requirement for crack control is handled separately. Drop panel width = 3,600 mm
Drop panel depth below slab = 200 mm
Unbonded and Bonded Tendons Tributary cross-sectional area = 10,350*240 +
Supports 3,600*200 = 3.204*106 mm2
At section A (Fig. 7.2-1): fctm = 0.3*40(2/3)= 3.51 MPa
Asmin (0.26* fctm*bt*d/fyk) 0.0013* bt*d (i) Asmin = 0.26* fctm*bt* d/fyk
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-23

= 0.26* 3.51* 3.204*106/460 = 6,356 mm2 Required: Reinforcement for Crack Control
(ii) Asmin = 0.0013* bt* d s = fyk = 460 MPa
= 0.0013* 3.204* 106 = 4,165.2 mm2 k=1
Therefore, Asmin = 6,356 mm2 Depth of tension zone at bottom, using Fig. 7.4-1
Contribution of reinforcement from bonded Prestress- = 3.7*240/(3.7 + 5.2) = 100 mm
ing: Act = 100*10350=10.35e+5 mm2
Aps*(fpk/fyk) = 23* 99*1860/460 k c = 0.4* [1-( c /( k1 (h/h*) fct,eff)]
= 9207 mm2 > 6356 mm2 c = NED /bh = 1.10 MPa (average precompression)
Hence, no additional bonded reinforcement is required. h* = h = 240 mm
k 1 = 1.5 (since section is in compression)
At section C in span (Fig. 7.2-1) Criteria
bt = 10350 mm fct,eff = fctm = 0.3*(40)(2/3) = 3.51 MPa
(i) Asmin = 0.26* fctm*bt*d/fyk
= 0.26*3.51* 10350*212/460 = 4353 mm2 Design
(ii)Asmin = 0.0013*bt*d k c = 0.4* [1-( 1.10 /( 1.5 (240/240) 3.51)] = 0.32
= 0.0013*10350* 212 = 2852 mm2 Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act /s
Hence, Asmin = 4353 mm2 Asmin = 0.32* 1* 3.51* 10.35e+5 /460 = 2499 mm2
Contribution of reinforcement from bonded Prestressing:
Aps*(fpk/fyk) =
C. Based on TR-43
23* 99*1860/460 =9207 mm2 > 4353 mm2
If the hypothetical tensile stress calculated for a
Hence, no additional bonded reinforcement is required.
panel (design strip as used in this example) exceeds
the specified threshold given below, add non-pre-
Minimum Reinforcement for Crack Control
stressed rebar in addition to the prestressing to re-
sist Nc 32
In EC2 necessity of reinforcement for crack control is
triggered, where computed tensile stresses exceed a
(i) where unbonded tendons are used, and the hypo-
code-specified threshold.
thetical full tributary tensile stress exceeds 0.3 fctm,fl ;
At all the three locations selected for code compliance,
the hypothetical tensile stress of concrete is below the
(ii) where bonded tendons are used, and the hypo-
threshold for crack control. Hence, no crack control re-
thetical full tributary tensile stress exceeds 0.9 fctm,fl.
inforcement is required.
The amount of non-tensioned reinforcement de-
pends on the tensile force (Nc) developed in the ten-
EXAMPLE sile zone of the location being considered. The area
For demonstration of EC230 procedure for crack con- of (As + Aps) shall be adequate to resist Nc, where
trol, let the maximum hypothetical tensile stress Aps is the area of available bonded reinforcement.
in concrete exceed the threshold set in the code
(3.51MPa). Determine the required crack control re- Unbonded Tendons
inforcement for the section reinforced with unbond- TR43 specifies a minimum amount of non-prestressed
ed tendons.31 reinforcement over the supports. The required minimum
is based on both the cross-sectional geometry of the
Given design strip and the computed tensile stresses.
fb = 3.7 MPa (tension) at bottom
ft = -5.2 MPa (compression) at top At Support
Depth of section = 240 mm Based on Geometry33
Width of section = 10,350 mm Asmin = 0.00075 Acf
Acf = cross-sectional area of the design strip in direc-
30 EN 1992-1-1:2004(E), Section 7.3.2(3) tion of analysis
31 For members reinforced with grouted tendons, the cross-
sectional area of grouted tendons can be used to contribute 32 TR-43 2nd Edition, Section 5.8.1; Table 4
to the minimum required area for crack control. 33 TR-43 2nd Edition, Section 5.8.8
6-24 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

AS = 0.00075* 0.5*(10600*240 +10500*240)

= 1899 mm2

Based on Computed Stresses34

Refer to Fig. 7.4-2 where fcc is the concrete fiber stress
in compression; fct is the extreme concrete fiber stress
in tension.
Depth of tension zone: h-x = -fct*h/(fcc-fct)
fct = tensile stress = 1.80 MPa
fcc = compressive stress =-5.10 MPa
h-x = 1.80*440/(5.10+1.80) = 115 mm
As = Ft /(5*fyk /8)
Where Ft is the total tensile force over the tensile zone FIGURE 7.4-2 Stress Diagram
of the entire section
Ft = -fct* b* ( h-x )/2 Ft = -fct* b* ( h-x )/2 = 1.80*10350*115/(2*1000) =
= 1.80*10350*115/(2*1000) = 1071.23 kN 1071.23 kN
As = 1071.23*1000/(5*460/8) =3726 mm2 As = 1071.23*1000/(5*460/8) =3726 mm2
The applicable rebar for this condition is the calculated The applicable rebar for this case includes the contribu-
value less area of unbonded tendons. Hence tion of bonded tendons. Hence
As = 3726-23*99 = 1,449 mm2 Aps 23*99 = 2,277 mm2
Comparing (i) and (ii), As = 1,899 mm2 As required = 3,726-2,277 = 1,449 mm2
Use 10-16mm bars = 10* 201 mm2 Comparing (i) and (ii), As = 1,449 mm2 , since (i) is
= 2010 > 1,899 mm2 OK deemed satisfied
Use 10-16mm bars = 8* 201 mm2 = 1,608 > 1,449 mm2
At Span OK
At span bonded reinforcement is required if:
computed stress is greater than 0.3 fctm,fl = 1.43 MPa. At Span (Point C)
fct =calculated tensile stress = 1.36 MPa Since the calculated stress is within the threshold val-
Since the calculated tensile stress is less than 0.3fctm,fl, ue, no rebar needed
additional bonded reinforcement is not required. The minimum rebar required from different codes is
summarized in TABLE 7.4-1
Grouted Tendons
At support (Point A) TABLE 7.4-1 Summary of Minimum Rebar (mm2) (T161SI)
Based on Geometry-the same as in unbonded tendons.
Asmin = 1899 mm2
However, the area of grouted tendon counts toward the
Available reinforcement = 23* 99 = 2277 mm2
> 1899 mm2 OK

Based on Computed Stresses

Refer to Fig. 7.4-2 where fcc is the concrete fiber stress 7.5 Deflection Check
in compression; fct is the extreme concrete fiber stress Recognizing that (i) the accurate determination of
in tension. probable deflection is complex [TN292]; and (ii) once
fct = tensile stress = 1.80 MPa a value is determined, the judgment on its adequacy at
fcc = compressive stress =-5.10 MPa design time is subjective, and depends on unknown,
h-x = 1.80*440/(5.10+1.80) = 115 mm yet important, parameters such as age of concrete at
As = Ft /(5*fyk /8) time of installation of nonstructural members that
Where Ft is the total tensile force over the tensile zone are likely to be damaged from large displacement, in
of the entire section. common construction, deflection checks are generally
performed following a simplified procedure. A rigor-
34 TR-43 2nd Edition, Section 5.8.7
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-25

ous analysis is initiated, only where the parameters Load combination for long-term deflection, using a fac-
of design and applied loads are more reliably known. tor of 0.3 for sustained quasi-permanent live load:
In most cases, post-tensioned members are sized ac- (1.0*DL + 1.0*PT + 0.3*LL)*(1 + 2)
cording to recommended span/depth ratio proven to Long-term deflection: (1 + 2)*(3.4 + 0.3*2.1) = 12.1 mm
perform well in deflection.35 Deflection ratio = 12.1/(10.5*1000) = 1/867 < 1/250 OK

The simplified procedure includes: Instantaneous Deflection Due to Design Live Load
Live load deflection = 2.1 mm
(i) For visual and functional effects, total long-term Deflection ratio = 2.1/(10.5*1000) = 1/5000
deflection from the day supporting shutters are <1/480 or 1/500 OK
removed not to exceed a value that depending on
the code used varies between (span/250 EC2) and Deflection does not generally govern the design for
(span/240 USA). Camber can be used to offset the members dimensioned within the limits of the rec-
impact of displacement. ommended values in ACI 318 and balanced within
the recommended range, and when subject to load-
(ii) Immediate deflection under design live load ing common in building construction. For such cases,
not to exceed (span/500 for EC2/TR43 designs) or deflections are practically always within the permis-
(span/480 for USA).36 sible code values.

Both ACI 318/IBC and EC2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004(E)), 8 CODE CHECK FOR STRENGTH
tie the deflection adequacy to displacement subse-
quent to the installation of members that are likely to 8.1 Load Combinations
be damaged. This requires knowledge of construction ACI-318/IBC
schedule and release of structure for service. In the 1.2*DL + 1.6*LL + 1* Hyp
following the common design practice is followed. 1.4*DL + 1*HYP

For assessment of long-term displacement in the EC2

context of foregoing, ACI 318 recommends a multi- 1.35*DL + 1.5*LL + 1* Hyp
plier factor of 2.37
Deflections are calculated using a frame analysis pro- 1.35*DL + 1.5*LL + 0.9* Hyp
gram for each of the load cases: dead, live and post-
tensioning. Gross cross-sectional area and linear elas- For strength combination, the hyperstatic (Hyp) ac-
tic material relationship are used. Point C at the middle tions (secondary) from prestressing are used. The
of span 4 is selected for deflection check. The values for background for this is explained in detail in refer-
this point are: ence [Aalami, 1990].

Span 4 Deflection 8.2 Determination of Hyperstatic Actions

Dead Load 5.5 mm The hyperstatic moments are calculated from the reac-
Post-Tensioning -2.1 mm tions of the frame analysis under balanced loads from
Dead Load + PT 3.4 mm prestressing (Loads shown in Fig. 6.4-4). The reactions
Live Load Deflection 2.1 mm obtained from a standard frame analysis are shown in
Fig. 8.2-1a. The reactions shown cause the hyperstatic
Long-term Deflection moments in the frame shown in Fig. 8.2-1b.
Multiplier factor assumed for effects of creep and
shrinkage on long-term deflection = 238 The hyperstatic (secondary) reactions must be in
self-equilibrium, since the applied loading (balanced
loads) are in self-equilibrium.
35 TR-43 5.8.4; ADAPT-TN292
36 Both ACI 318 and EN 1992-1-1:2004(E) tie the deflection
Check the validity of the solution for static equilibrium
check for long-term values subsequent to installation of mem-
of the hyperstatic actions using the reactions shown
bers that are likely to be damaged from added deflection.
37 ACI 318-11 R9.5.2.5 in Fig. 8.2-1a:
38 ACI 318 multiplier factor Vertical Forces = -15.85 + 19.82 +0.42 + 5.529-9.924
6-26 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

= 0.005 0 OK
Moments about Support 1 = -82.44*2-17.73*2
+4.87*2 + 26.51*2 + 92.73*2 + 19.82*9 +0.42*19 +
5.529*29.6-9.924*40.1 = -0.05 kNm 0 OK

8.3 Calculation of Design Moments

The design moment (Mu) is the factored combination
of dead, live and hyperstatic moments.

Design moments are:
MU1 = 1.2* MD + 1.6* ML + 1.0* MHYP
MU2 = 1.4* MD + 1.0* MHYP

The second combination governs, when the values

from dead load are eight times or larger than live
loads. This is a rare condition.

By inspection, the second load combination does not FIGURE 8.2-1

govern, and will not be considered in the following.
conservative maximum stress for prestressing ten-
dons. For detailed application of the code-proposed
The factored moments for the codes considered are
formulas refer to TN179. Application of strain com-
listed in the following table.
patibility for the calculation of section capacity is the
accurate option (see TN178 for details), but its appli-
8.4 Strength Design (ULS) for Bending and Ductility
cation for hand calculation is not warranted in daily
The strength design for bending consists of two pro-
design work of a consulting office, unless a software
visions, namely
is used.
The design capacity (*Mn; R) shall exceed the
There are two justifications, why the simplified
demand. A combination of prestressing and non-
method for ULS design of post-tensioned sections in
stressed steel provides the design capacity.
daily design work are recommended. These are:
The ductility of the section in bending shall not be
(i) Unlike conventionally reinforced concrete, where
less than the limit set in the associated building code.
at each section along a member non-prestressed re-
The required ductility is deemed satisfied, if failure
inforcement must be provided to resist the design
of a section in bending is initiated in post-elastic re-
moment, in prestressed members this may not be
sponse of its reinforcement, as opposed to crushing
necessary, since prestressed members possess a
of concrete. For the codes covered in this example
this is achieved through the limitation imposed on
the depth of the compression zone (see Fig. C-8.4-1). TABLE 8.3-1 Design Moments (T162SI)
The depth of compression zone is generally limited
to 50% or less than the distance from the compres-
sion fiber to the farthest reinforcement (dr). Since
the concrete strain (ec) at crushing is assumed be-
tween 0.003 and 0.0035, the increase in steel strain
(es) will at minimum be equal to that of concrete at
the compression fiber. This will ensure extension of
steel beyond its yield point (proof stress) and hence
a ductile response.

For expeditious hand calculation, the flexural capac-

ity of a post-tensioned member in common build-
ing structures can be approximated by assuming a
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-27

base capacity along the entire length of prestressing

tendons (Fig. C- 8.4-2a,b). Non-stressed reinforce-
ment is needed at sections, where the moment de-
mand exceeds the base capacity of the section.

(ii) In conventionally reinforced concrete, the stress

used for rebar at ULS is a well-defined in the prin-
cipal building codes. For prestressed sections, how-
ever, the stress in tendon at ULS is oftentimes ex-
pressed in terms of an involved relationshiphence
the tendency to use a simplified, but conservative
scheme for everyday hand calculation. For repetitive
work, computer programs are recommended.
FIGURE C8.4-1 Distribution of Strain over Section
Using strain compatibility procedure39 the required re-
Since at both the face-of-support (section A) and mid-
inforcement for each of the three codes are calculated.
span (section C) the design capacity of the section
The outcome is as follows.
with prestressing alone exceeds 1.2*Mcr, no additional
rebar is required from this provision.
Cracking Moment Larger than Moment Capac-
ity: Where cracking moment of a section is likely to
In design situations like above, where the design is
exceed its design capacity in flexure, reinforcement
initiated by determination of whether a value is less
is added to raise the moment capacity. In such cases,
or more than a target, it is advisable to start the check
the contribution of each reinforcement is based on
using a simplified, but conservative procedure. If the
the strength it provides. If the minimum value is ex-
computed value is close to the target, design check
pressed in terms of cross-sectional area of reinforce-
can be followed with a more rigorous computation.
ment, the applicable value is (As + Aps* fpy/fy).
Table 8.4-1 Summary of Required Reinforcement for
Bonded (Grouted) Tendons
Strength Limit State (mm2) (T163SI)
ACI-31840/IBC requires that for members rein-
forced with bonded tendons the total amount of pre-
stressed and nonprestressed shall be adequate to
develop a factored load at least 1.2 times the crack-
ing load computed on the basis of the modulus of
rupture of the section. In practice, this is taken as
cracking moment of the section Mcr.

The necessity and amount of rebar is defined as a func-

tion of cracking moment of a section (Mcr). For Pre-
Assume the following:
stressed Members
Cover to strand CGS = 40 mm;
hence d = h (thickness)-40
Mcr = (fr + P/A)*S
Moment arm = 0.9d
Where, fr is the modulus of rupture defined41
Design force in strand = Aps* 1860 MPa; = 0.9
Fr = 0.625 fc = 0.625 40 = 3.95 MPa
At face-of-support, with 23 strands, 1860 MPa
P/A is the average precompression, and S the section
*Mn = 23* 99*0.9* 1860* (440-40)* 0.9/106 =
modulus. The Table 7.4-1 summarizes the leading values
1372.21 kNm
and the outcome.
The capacity is less than 1.2Mcr=1411 kNm for this
section. Rebar has to be added.
39 ADAPT-TN178
Design moment at midspan is calculated in a similar
40 ACI 318-11 Section
41 ACI 318-11 Section
6-28 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

TABLE 8.4-2 Cracking Moment Values and Parameters


TABLE 8.4-3 Envelope of Reinforcement for FIGURE C8.4-2 Demand and Capacity Moments (P500)
Serviceability (SLS) and Strength Conditions
(ULS) (mm2) (T165SI)

8.5 Punching Shear Check and Design

For moment capacity, the values obtained for a giv-
en section using different major building codes do
not vary substantially. But, for punching shear, the FIGURE C8.4-3
treatment and outcome differ significantly. Due to
the larger variation, the subject matter is treated in 9.1 Load Combinations
greater detail separately (Chapter 4, Section 4.11.6). The codes covered are not specific on the applicable
load combination at transfer of prestressing. The fol-
9 - CODE CHECK FOR INITIAL CONDITION lowing is the combination generally assumed among
practicing engineers;
At stressing (i) concrete is at low strength; (ii) pre-
stressing force is at its highest value; and (iii) live Load Case: 1.0*DL + 0*LL + 1.15*PT
load generally envisaged to be counteracted by Specification of this design example calls for tendons
prestressing is absent. As result, the stresses expe- to be stressed with concrete cylinder reaches 30 MPa.
rienced by a member can fall outside the envelope fci = 30 MPa43
of the limits envisaged for the in-service condition.
Hence, post-tensioned members are checked for 9.2 Stress Check
both tension and compression stresses at transfer of = (MD + 1.15*MPT)/S + 1.15*P/A
prestressing. Where computed compression stress- S = I/Yc
es exceed the allowable values, stressing is delayed
until either concrete gains adequate strength, or the Allowable Stresses
member is loaded. Where computed tension stresses Based on ACI 318-11; IBC 2009
are excessive, ACI/IBC42 suggest adding non-stressed
reinforcement to control cracking. 43 The value specified is on the high side. Most hardware
are designed to be stressed at 20MPa concrete cylinder
42 ACI 318-11; Section 18.4 strength or less.
Two-Way Floor Design Example 6-29

TABLE 9-1 Stresses at Transfer of Post-Tensioning


FIGURE 10-2 Layout Using ACI 318 Solution

Based on EC2
Tension = fcteff = 2.90 MPa
Compression = 0.60* 30 = -18 MPa

Based on TR-43
Tension = 0.4fctm = 1.16 MPa
Note: Section properties I, A, Stop, Sbot are the same Compression = 0.40* 30 = -12 MPa
as used for service condition stress check Ft and Fb are Farthest fiber stresses are calculated in a similar man-
allowa-ble stresses at top and bottom respectively ner with to service condition as outlined earlier. The out-
come is summarized in the following table.


The final tendon and reinforcement layout for the de-

sign strip at line B is shown in figures 10-1 and 10-2 for
unbonded tendons. Unbonded tendons are flexible and
lend themselves to swerving on plan as shown in the
figure. Bonded tendons are not as flexible. They are gen-
erally arranged along straight lines.


Aalami, B. O. (1990). Load BalancingA Compre-

hensive Solution to Post-Tensioning, ACI Structural
Journal, V. 87, No. 6, November/December, 1990, pp.

Aalami, B. O. (1989). Design of Post-Tensioned Floor

FIGURE 10-1 Slabs, Concrete International, ACI, June 1989, Vol.
11, No, 6, pp 59-67.

Tension = 0.25* 30 = 1.37 MPa ACI 318-11, (2011), Building Code Requirements for
Compression = 0.60* 30 = -18 MPa Structural Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary,
6-30 Design of Post Tensioned Buildings

American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hill, MI, 12 pp. (2005)

48331,, 2011.
ADAPT-TN178, (2010), Strain Compatibility for De- European Code EC2, (2004), Eurocode 2: Design
sign of Prestressed Sections, Redwood City, Califor- of Concrete StructuresPart 1-1 General rules and
nia,, 6 pp. (2010) rules for buildings, European Standard EN 1992-1-
ADAPT-TN292 (2009), Deflection of Concrete Floor
Systems for Serviceability, Redwood City, California, IBC 2009, International Building Code, Whittier, CA, 28 pp. (2009) 90601, www., 2009

ADAPT-TN179, (2005), Design of Post-Tensioned TR43, 2005, Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors Design
Members in Bending Using ACI 318-2002 Simplified Handbook, The Concrete Society.
Procedure, Redwood City, California, www.adapt-

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