CDP JP Guide 24-7-17

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Information Technology Institute

Career Development
ICT Careers Guide

CDP ICT Careers Guide 1

Cognitive Cognitive Computing and Artificial
Computing Intelligence Engineer
and Artificial
Job Description
A Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence Engineer main job is to pro-
Job Profiles gram computers to think. As a Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Engineer, you might work on one or more of the following sub-fields:
Cognitive Simulation:
Computers are used to test hypotheses about how the human mind works. For
instance, an engineer in this field might develop a program to simulate the way
the human brain recognizes a face. A comparison will then be drawn between
the computers ability to recognize a face and a humans ability to do the same.
Applied Artificial Intelligence or Advanced Information Processing:

A s defined by Dr. John

E. Kelly, an IBM Senior
Vice President, Cognitive
This is the area of developing smart systems. Some examples for smart sys-
tems are systems that can recognize a fingerprint for security purposes, recog-
nize voices, interpret information, solve problems, and speak in a human-like
Computing refers to systems voice.
that can learn, hypothesize,
and make recommendations Job Responsibilities
based on data. These sys-
tems can also interact with Builds intelligent systems that al- Participates in cutting-edge devel-
humans in a natural way. low the technology interact with opments in artificial intelligence
They are not directly pro- human in a very natural way and machine learning applications
grammed, but are able to (through human senses: sight,
learn from interacting with hearing, taste, smell, touch) Defines, designs and develops
humans as well as other client-focused cognitive solutions
components of their environ- Creates cutting-edge technologies leveraging Linguistics, Natural
ment. that can significantly enhance the Language Processing (NLP),
ability of different platforms and Computer Vision, Advanced Se-
This ability to think and find
systems to understand visual en- mantic Design, Information Ex-
patterns that humans will
vironments and interact with users traction, Information Retrieval,
normally take enormous time
in a natural way Probabilistic Decision Making, Im-
to find is beneficial in that it is
age Recognition, Deep Learning,
2 used in the fields of disease Develops solutions for real world, Machine Learning, Cognitive Sci-
prevention and treatment, large scale AI problems ence and Analytics
market studies, security sys-
tems and the like.1

ICT Careers Guide

Develops tools and assets to sup- Cooperates with various industry and functional teams to incorpo-
port advanced cognitive develop- rate cognitive and advanced analytics models and algorithms into
ment tasks solutions and offerings to end-users and clients
Works on algorithm optimization, Engages in project-spe-
and design and development with cific activities as part of
software engineers to implement product development, as
and productize the models and al- well as perform cognitive
gorithms research and develop- Major
ment (R&D) activities
in the Field

In order to pursue a career as a CC & AI En- Cognitive Computing and Artificial

gineer, an individual must have a Bachelors Intelligence Engineers could work
Degree in one of the following fields of study: for universities research centers,
Computer Science AI development companies, and the
growing numbers of large corpora-
tions that are maintaining in-house
Computer Engineering AI groups. The defense, electronics,
Communication Engineering computer, communications, and au-
Applied Statistics tomotive industries are all interested
in this field.
Quantitative discipline with specialization
in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, The following are the major employers
NLP, Cognitive Science etc. for engineers in Cognitive Computing
and Artificial Intelligence in Egypt :
In a nutshell, the field needs a strong background in program or
systems analysis, or fluency in several computer languages. IBM Microsoft Valeo
EMC2 Seeloz Vodafone
As a university student, try to gain practical experience by initiating
a CC and AI graduation project. This may help you break into the QtMatters Affectiva
field. MENA Commerce

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and
study CC and AI. The following are popular free online learning
websites that publish introductory and advanced courses in CC Average Market Salary in Egypt
and AI:
for a Cognitive Computing
Udacity: and Artificial Intelligence Engineer is:
MIT Free Courses: 8,000 EGP
Harvard Online Learning:

CDP ICT Careers Guide 3

Core Technical Skills

Probability Inferential and Linear Logic and

and Descriptive Algorithms Automated
Statistics Statistics Reasoning

Artificial Cognitive
Systems: Natural Language Neural Predictive
Intelligence: Machine Networks Modeling
Principles Knowledge- Learning Processing or
Based Artificial Computer Vision and Deep and
and Techniques Learning Analytics

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Operating Systems Fundamentals The commonly used language in the field is English.
CC & AI engineers need to possess very good English
Database Fundamentals
language skills.
Programming Basics
These are some useful language learning websites that
Configuration Management (e.g. Git and Mercurial) also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
and basics of Agile tools and concepts ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Presentation & Critical Thinking

Problem Solving & Innovative
Troubleshooting Thinking

Code of Conduct Team

4 and Corporate Management

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path Technical
Chief, Sr.
Machine Vision
Learning Engineer
Senior Tech Lead
Machine Learning
Learning and AI
and AI Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a CC & AI Engineer:

It gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the algorithms, computer vision and other cog-
nitive capabilities.
Mobility in workplace (e.g. one can often work anywhere if there is an internet connection,
even from home).
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills, not education levels.
All the needed skills and knowledge are available online, free of charge.
The position is in very high demand

Upon deciding to pursue a career in CC and AI, the following challenges need to be
taken into consideration:

The learning curve is very steep. In other words, learning the job is not easy and takes some
Continuous learning is a must, and the engineer has to have up-to-date knowledge in a very
quick pace as the AI domain knowledge area is evolving rapidly
CC and AI engineers need to be patient and dedicated since the programs they work on de-
veloping often take years
CC and AI engineers carry out research in teams, hence the need to be able to work well with
others to achieve results

CDP ICT Careers Guide 5

Data Big Data Administrator
Job Profiles Job Description
Big Data Administrators are responsible for a wide range
of functions related to the maintenance and upkeep of rel-
evant systems. Big Data Administrators handle both the
administration and management of distributed storage, as
well as, the processing of large data sets across clusters
of commodity hardware (ex: Hadoop Cluster running Ma-

D ata Analytics is the science of examining raw data pReduce.)

with the purpose of drawing conclusions on these
information, it includes utilizing an algorithmic or me- Job Responsibilities
chanical process to obtain insights. For instance, looking
for significant connections between each other by going Implements and adminis- Monitor cluster connectivity
through number of data sets. ters Hadoop environment and security.
and Hadoop ecosystem
Data analytics technologies and techniques are exten- Handling backups to the
sively applied in commercial industries to allow organi- Involves designing, capaci- metadata of the cluster and
zations to make more-enlightened business decisions by ty arrangement, set up, per- other Eco-system metadata
researchers and scientists to prove or falsify scientific formance fine-tuning, mon-
Data backup, recovery and
models, hypotheses, and/or theories. itoring, structure planning,
scaling out and administra-
As a term, data analytics mainly refers to a variety of tion of the cluster. The administrator works
applications, from basic business intelligence (BI), re- closely with infrastructure,
Involved in standard Sys-
porting and online analytical processing (OLAP) to nu- network, database, busi-
tem Admin work like creat-
merous structures of advanced analytics. ing new users in Hadoop,
ness intelligence and ap-
plication teams to ensure
Data analytics initiatives aids businesses grow their in- handling permissions, per-
business applications are
come, enhance operational efficiency, optimize market- forming upgrades.
highly available and per-
ing campaigns and customer service efforts, become In charge of installing, ad- forming within the agreed
utterly responsive to emerging market trends and win a ministering, and supporting upon service levels
competitive edge over competitors all with the optimum Windows and Linux oper-
Manage and analyze Ha-
purpose of elevating business performance. Leaning on ating systems in an enter-
doop log files.
the particular application, the data thats analyzed can prise environment.
include either new information or historical records that Collaborate with applica-
Implement security to se-
has been processed for real-time analytics uses. More- tion teams to install oper-
cure data and clusters.
over, it can be produced from a mix of both internal sys- ating system and Big Data
6 tems and external data sources. Maintain and control Ha- platform (ex: Hadoop,
doop infrastructure and Cassandra, and Kafka) up-
manage cluster job perfor- dates, patches, or version mances. upgrades.

ICT Careers Guide

A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject, a Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organiza-
er Science field. tion that uses computerized databases, in-
cluding organizations in the public, private and
non-profit sectors.
The following may be particularly useful: IT companies employ Big Data Administrators
Computer Science both to run their own systems and to work on
Computer Systems Engineering clientprojects.
Information Technology Posts are also required in small and medi-
Information Systems um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
companies store information related to their
employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
is essential if they want to have/maintain a
Professional Certification competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
pand the customer base or open new markets.
The following are the major employers for Big
Cloudera Certified Administrator for Data Administrators in Egypt:
Apache Hadoop (CCA-500) is one of the
most popular and important professional EMC2/ DELL Vodafone IBM
certificates for Big Data Administrators. Teradara Etisalat
Commercial International Bank (CIB)

Average Market Salary in Egypt

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head
start and study Big Data. The following are popular free
The average starting salaries for a Big Data
online learning websites that publish introductory and
Administrator in the Egyptian market can be
advanced courses in Big Data:
Coursera: 4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP
MIT Free Courses: With at least one years experience, salaries
Harvard Online Learning: can rise to between:
7,000 EGP to 10,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 7

Core Technical Skills
Distributed Sys- Deep understanding Master of Unix
& knowledge of
tems Administra- commands and
Operating System,
tion (Hadoop), Scheduling, Process Unix based File
Configuration of Management,Memo- System
Clusters ry & storage

NoSQL DB Admin-
istration, Monitoring
DB Availability Per- Knowledge of Shell
formance, Debug- Networking Scripting
ging Client/ Server

Non-Core Technical Skills

Knowledge of high degree configuration man-
agement and automation tools like Puppet or Language Skills
Chef for non-trivial installation.
The commonly used language in the field is English.
Knowledge of cluster monitoring tools like Am-
A Big Data Administrator needs to possess very good
bari, Ganglia, or Nagios.
English language skills.
A knowledge of OOP languages like Java, C++,
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Good knowledge of Apache HBase. ble through smart phones:
Cloud Computing Busuu:

Business Skills Presentation & Critical Thinking

Team Innovative
Management Thinking

Troubleshooting Code of Conduct and

8 Corporate Etiquette

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path Senior
Big Data
Junior Administrator
Big Data

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Big Data Administrator:

Almost all activities nowadays generate massive amounts of data; the demand for Big Data profes-
sionals is substantially increasing. This leads to better salary leverage for Big Data professionals.
There is significant shortage in available skilled labor in the Big Data field. This means a massive
amount of jobs is created compared to the available supply of Big Data professionals.
Almost all developing and reputable organizations consider Big Data operations as top priority.
More organizations are adopting Big Data and its entire associated job suite on almost daily basis.
Big Data experts are considered as core assets to their organizations.
The importance of Big Data jobs is being manifested and id being considered a core defense line
through combining machine learning, text mining and ontology modeling to synthesize integrated,
adaptive and smart security operations. This includes prediction, prevention and deterrence strat-
The importance of Big Data functions leads most organizations to invest in the development and
retention of their Big Data operatives.
Big data allows you to diversify your revenue streams. Analyzing big data can give you trend-data
that could help you come up with a completely new revenue stream.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Big Data Administrator, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in personal development
while working on multiple projects.
Hadoop is hard to maintain, and the big data environment is scalable.
Lack of monitoring and metrics: Aside from the web UI, Hadoop doesnt provide much in the way
of built-in monitoring, so its tempting to think this isnt as important. However, its critical to roll
out some solution for capturing Hadoops metrics as well as monitoring and alerting the general
OS and network health of the cluster. Tools like Ganglia and Nagios give you the ability to see the
health of the entire cluster in a single dashboard, and be alerted when a health value exceeds a
threshold, respectively.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 9

Data Big Data Developer
Job Profiles
Job Description
A Big Data Developer is responsible for designing, implementing, validating
and maintaining Big Data analytics solutions on Hadoop-based platforms using
different open source tools.

Translates complex functional and technical

Job Responsibilities requirements into detailed design
Create, configure, implement, opti- Test prototypes and oversee hando-
mize, document, and maintain cus- ver to operational teams
toms tailored jobs to ingest, enrich Loading data from different datasets
and distribute data in a MapR Ha- and deciding on which file format is
doop ecosystem efficient for a task. Hadoop devel-
Execute logging and error handling opers source large volumes of data
Conduct job & workflow scheduling from diverse data platforms into Ha-
doop platform.
Support MapReduce programs run-
ning on the Hadoop cluster Understanding the requirements of
input to output transformations as
Handle Pig Scripts, Hive tables and
they spend a lot of time in cleaning
views with joins on datasets using
data as per business requirements
various techniques.
using streaming APIs or user defined
Manage Hadoop-MapR folders, pro- functions.
cessing and storage components
Build distributed, reliable and scal-
Compare data across data storage able data pipelines to ingest and
locations: from files to Hive, to DB process data in real-time. Hadoop
Servers developer deals with fetching impres-
Manage and deploy NoSQL databas- sion streams, transaction behaviors,
es (Apache HBase) clusters clickstream data and other unstruc-
Perform analysis of vast data stores tured data.
and uncover insights Design and implement column family
10 Maintain security and data privacy of schemas of Hive and HBase within
Hadoop clusters HDFS.
Create scalable and high-perfor- Assign schemas and create Hive ta-
mance web services for data tracking bles.
Build new Hadoop clusters
ICT Careers Guide
A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject, a Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organization
er Science field. that uses computerized databases, including
organizations in the public, private and non-
for-profit sectors.
The following may be particularly useful: IT companies employ Big Data Developers
Computer Science both to run their own systems and to work on
Computer Systems Engineering client projects.
Information Technology Posts are also required in small and medi-
Information Systems um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
companies store information related to their
employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
is essential if they want to have/maintain a
Professional Certification competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
pand the customer base or open new markets.
The following are the major employers for Big
Cloudera: CCA Spark and Hadoop Data Developers in Egypt:
Developer (CCA175) EMC2/ DELL Vodafone IBM
Hortonworks: HDP Certified Developer Teradara Etisalat
Commercial International Bank (CIB)

Average Market Salary in Egypt

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head
start and study Big Data. The following are popular free The average starting salaries for a Big Data
online learning websites that publish introductory and Developer in the Egyptian market can be be-
advanced courses in Big Data: tween

Udacity: 4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

Edx: With at least one years experience, salaries
MIT Free Courses: can rise to between:
Harvard Online Learning: 7,000 EGP to 10,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 11

Core Technical Skills

Business Intelli- Pig & Hive (to Managing

Big Data ETL gence Con- NoSQL Data-
process, ana-
Projects Workflows cepts & Data bases (Apache
lyze and filter
Lifecycle Design Visualization HBase) for large
large datasets)
Tools datasets

Apache Spark Python/ R-Lan- Java Program- Linux Com-

(to build com- guage (to build Basic and
ming & Code mands for
plete Big Data models, data Advanced
Writing & Environment
applications) analytics and data Levels of SQL
visualization) Optimization Setup

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Oracle Administration (Oracle DBA) (including The commonly used language in the field is English.
System Backup, Recovery, Troubleshooting and A Big Data Developer needs to possess very good En-
Load Balancing) glish language skills.
Red Hat System Administration These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Oracle SQL and SQL Tuning (for optimizing que-
ble through smart phones:
ries and enhancing query retrieval performance)

Business Skills Presentation Critical Thinking

Team Innovative
Management Thinking

Communication Code of Conduct and

12 Corporate Etiquette

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
Big Data
Junior Developer
Big Data

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Big Developer:

Almost all activities nowadays generate massive amounts of data; the demand for Big Data
professionals is substantially increasing. This leads to better salary leverage for Big Data pro-
There is a significant shortage in the availability of skilled labor in the Big Data field. This
means a massive amount of jobs is created compared to the available supply of Big Data
Almost all developing and reputable organizations consider Big Data operations as a top priori-
ty. More organizations are adopting Big Data and its entire associated job suite on almost daily
basis. Big Data experts are considered as core assets to their organizations.
The importance of Big Data jobs is being manifested in it being considered a core defense
line through combining machine learning, text mining and ontology modeling to synthesize
integrated, adaptive and smart security operations. This includes prediction, prevention, and
deterrence strategies.
The importance of Big Data functions leads most organizations to invest in the development
and retention of their Big Data operatives.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Big Data Developer, the following challenges
need to be taken into consideration:

The work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in personal de-
velopment while working on multiple projects.
It is hard to obtain and guarantee the reliability of the data
It is hard to ensure data security
Interpreting the results of data analysis to the customers can be a tough job
Data variety, storage costs, and other key factors can make it difficult for enterprises to take
advantage of their accumulated data.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 13

Data Big Data Engineer
Job Profiles
Job Description
Big Data Engineers develop, maintain, test and evaluate big data solutions in organi-
zations. They build a robust, fault-tolerant data pipeline that cleans, transforms, and
aggregates unorganized and messy data into databases or data sources.
A big data engineer who builds large-scale data processing systems, is an expert
in data warehousing solutions and should be able to work with the latest (NoSQL)
database technologies.
The MIT describes the job of Big Data Engineers as: It is a technical job that requires
substantial expertise in a broad range of software development and programming
fields. These professionals have knowledge of data analysis, end-user requirements
analysis, and business requirements analysis to develop a clear understanding of
the business needs and to incorporate these needs into technical solutions. They
have a solid understanding of physical database design principles and the system
development lifecycle. These engineers must work well in a team environment.

Job Responsibilities
Gathers and process raw data at Build large-scale data processing
scale (including writing scripts, web systems
scraping, calling APIs, write SQL
Monitoring performance and ad-
queries etc.)
vising any necessary infrastructure
Design, construct, install, test and changes
maintain highly scalable data man-
Process unstructured data into a
agement systems
form suitable for analysis
Integrate new data management
To be proficient in designing effi-
technologies and software engi-
cient and robust ETL workflows
neering tools into existing struc-
tures Build high-performance algorithms,
prototypes, predictive models and
14 Build what the Big Data solutions
proof of concepts
architect has designed
Recommend ways to improve data
Develop, maintain, test and evalu-
reliability, efficiency, and quality
ate Big Data solutions within orga-
ICT Careers Guide
A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject. A Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organization
er Science field. that uses computerized databases, including
organizations in the public, private and non-
for-profit sectors.
The following may be particularly useful:
IT companies employ Big Data Engineers, both
Computer Science to run their own systems and to work on client
Computer Software/ Computer Systems Engineering projects.
Posts are also required in small and medi-
Information Technology
um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
companies store information related to their
Operational Research
employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
Entry without a degree is possible for those with good is essential if they want to have/maintain a
all-round IT skills. competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
pand the customer base or open new markets.
The following are the major employers for Big
Professional Certification Data Engineers in Egypt:

EMC2/ DELL Vodafone IBM

Cloudera Certified Data Engineer Teradara Etisalat
(DE575) Commercial International Bank (CIB)

Average Market Salary in Egypt

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head
start and study Big Data. The following are popular free The average starting salaries for a Big Data
online learning websites that publish introductory and Engineer in the Egyptian market can be be-
advanced courses in Big Data: tween

Udacity: 4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

Edx: With at least one years experience, salaries
MIT Free Courses: can rise to between:
Harvard Online Learning: 7,000 EGP to 10,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 15

Core Technical Skills

Distributed Data Data

Computing Warehousing Integration
Principles Solutions Tools (ETL)

Programming or Databases
Scripting Languages Basic and
(RDBMS) or
e.g. Java, Linux, Advanced Levels
C++, PHP, Ruby, of SQL
Phyton, or R

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Data Mining The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Big Data Engineer needs to possess very good En-
Machine Learning and Productive Analytics
glish language skills.
Querying Tools (Pig, Hive, and Impala)
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:
Business Skills Presentation
Under Enterprise Systems
& Communication Pressure
Team Troubleshooting

Business English Leadership

16 Writing & Team work

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path Big Data
Senior Big
Junior Big Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Big Data Engineer:

Almost all activities nowadays generate massive amounts of data; the demand for Big Data
professionals is substantially increasing. This leads to better salary leverage for Big Data pro-
There is significant shortage in available skilled labor in the Big Data field. This means a mas-
sive amount of jobs is created compared to the available supply of Big Data professionals.
Almost all developing and reputable organizations consider Big Data operations as top priority.
More organizations are adopting Big Data and its entire associated job suite on almost daily
basis. Big Data experts are considered as core assets to their organizations.
The importance of Big Data jobs is being manifested in it being considered a core defense
line through combining machine learning, text mining and ontology modeling to synthesize
integrated, adaptive and smart security operations. This includes prediction, prevention and
deterrence strategies.
The importance of Big Data functions leads most organizations to invest in the development
and retention of their Big Data operatives.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Big Data Engineer, the following challenges
need to be taken into consideration:

Work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in personal
development while working on multiple projects
Dealing with petabytes, or even exabytes, of data on a daily basis can be stressful
Determining the technique to solve big data problems

CDP ICT Careers Guide 17

Data Business Intelligence Analyst / Developer
Job Profiles
Job Description
A Business Intelligence Analyst / Developer is responsible for building reports
and dashboards to help inform decision-making by converting data into infor-
mation and facilitating insightful solutions to complex problems.

Job Responsibilities
Participates in business anal- Administers tests to guarantee
ysis activities to gather data for that intelligence matches re-
reports and dashboard require- quirements
Finds or observes existing and
Translates business require- prospective customers through
ments into specifications which exploiting business intelligence
are used to implement the re- tools
quired reports and dashboards
Blends present business intelli-
Transmits developed reports and gence or trend data to back rec-
dashboards to the operations ommendations for action
and support team
Keeps up-to-date business intel-
Provides support to ensure the ligence tools, databases, dash-
availability and performance of boards, systems, or procedures
developed reports and dash-
Ensures timely provision of busi-
ness intelligence information to
Aids users in writing specific re- consumers
Communicates information
about tools, reports, or metadata

ICT Careers Guide

A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject, a Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organiza-
er Science field. tion that uses computerized databases, in-
cluding organizations in the public, private and
non-profit sectors.
The following may be particularly useful: Posts are also required in small and medi-
Computer Science um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
Computer Software/ Computer Systems Engineering companies store information related to their
Electronics employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
Information Technology is essential if they want to have/maintain a
Mathematics competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
Operational Research pand the customer base or open new markets.
The following are the major employers for
Business Intelligence Analysts/Developers in
Professional Certification Intercom BBI IBM
ITS Linux-Plus
EMC2/ DELL Vodafone
Cloudera Certified Data Engineer (DE575)
Teradara Etisalat
Commercial International Bank (CIB)

Average Market Salary in Egypt

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head
start and study Big Data. The following are popular free The average starting salaries for a Business
online learning websites that publish introductory and Intelligence Analyst / Developer in the Egyp-
advanced courses in Big Data: tian market can be between

Udacity: 4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

Edx: With at least one years experience, salaries
MIT Free Courses: can rise to between:
Harvard Online Learning: 7,000 EGP to 10,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 19

Core Technical Skills
Programming or
Distributed Data Data Scripting Languag-
Computing Warehousing Integration es e.g. Java, Linux,
Principles Tools C++, PHP, Ruby,
ETL Python, or R

Databases Basic and

Data Modeling (RDBMS) or
Advanced Levels
NOSQL Data- of SQL

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Statistical analysis and modeling The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Business Intelligence Analyst/ Developer needs to
Data Mining possess very good English language skills.
Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics These are some useful language learning websites that
Querying Tools (Pig, Hive, and Impala) also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Work under
Business Skills Presentation
Enterprise Systems
& Communication
Time Problem Solving &
Management Troubleshooting

Business English Leadership

20 Writing & Team work

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path Big Data
Senior Big
Junior Big Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Business Intelligence Analyst / Developer:

Almost all activities nowadays generate massive amounts of data; the demand for Big Data
professionals is substantially increasing. This leads to better salary leverage for Big Data pro-
There is a significant shortage in the availability of skilled labor in the Big Data field. This
means a massive amount of jobs is created compared to the available supply of Big Data
Almost all developing and reputable organizations consider Big Data operations as a top priori-
ty. More organizations are adopting Big Data and its entire associated job suite on almost daily
basis. Big Data experts are considered as core assets to their organizations.
The importance of Big Data jobs is being manifested in it being considered a core defense
line through combining machine learning, text mining and ontology modeling to synthesize
integrated, adaptive and smart security operations. This includes prediction, prevention, and
deterrence strategies.
The importance of Big Data functions leads most organizations to invest in the development
and retention of their Big Data operatives.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Business Intelligence Analyst / Developer,

the following challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in personal
development while working on multiple projects
Dealing with petabytes, or even Exabyte, of data on a daily basis, can be stressful
Determining the technique to solve big data problems

CDP ICT Careers Guide 21

Data Data Integration Specialist
Job Profiles
Job Description
A Data Integration Specialist works as a member of the data warehouse team
to design/ build/ maintain integration solutions based on integration needs from
business users.

Job Responsibilities
Implements processes and log- Monitor and troubleshoot pro-
ic to extract, transform, and dis- duction data loads
tribute data across one or more
Uploads data into appropriate
data stores from a wide variety
databases in an accurate and
of sources
timely manner
Implement data file mapping,
Develops and documents the
transformation and loading
data audit, archiving, and resto-
solutions using proprietary soft-
ration processes
ware tool
Optimizes data integration plat-
forms to provide the best per-
formance under increasing data


ICT Careers Guide

A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject. A Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organiza-
er Science field. tion that uses computerized databases, in-
cluding organizations in the public, private and
The following may be particularly useful: non-profit sectors.
Computer Science Posts are also required in small and medi-
Computer Engineering um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
Information Technology companies store information related to their
Information Systems employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
is essential if they want to have/maintain a
Entry without a degree is possible for those with good
competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
all-round IT skills.
pand the customer base or open new markets.
The following are the major employers for Data
Integration Specialists in Egypt:
Professional Certification
Intercom Etisalat
Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate Teradata IBM
ICS DI PowerCenter Developer 9.x Linux-Plus CIB
IBM Certified Solution Developer Vodafone
IBM InfoSphere DataStage v11.5

Average Market Salary in Egypt

The following are popular free online learning websites
that publish introductory and advanced courses in Data The average starting salaries for a Data Inte-
Integration: gration Specialist in the Egyptian market can
be between
4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP
Edx: With at least one years experience, salaries
IBM: can rise to between:
7,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 23

Core Technical Skills
Data Relational /
Database and
Warehousing Multi-dimen-
Teradata Phys-
Concepts sional
ical Database
Design Databases

Strong ETL & ELT Structured,

Concepts (e.g. IBM
Procedural and
Infosphere DataSt-
Advanced Query
PowerCenter) Language

Non-Core Technical Skills

SQL Tuning (for optimizing queries and enhancing
query retrieval performance) Language Skills
Red Hat Systems Administration The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Data Integration Specialist needs to possess very
Bash Shell Scripting
good English language skills.
Big data is a plus
These are some useful language learning websites that
Scripting language (e.g. Python) also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:
Database Administration (Oracle DBA) including
System Backup, Recovery, Troubleshooting & Busuu:
Load Balancing DuoLingo:

Business Skills Presentation
Enterprise Systems
& Communication
Marketing Project
Management Management Concepts
Business English Writing
24 & Team work
Strong Problem Solving

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path DWH
Data Analyst
Management Supervisor
Senior Data Team Lead
Data Analyst

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Data Integration Specialist:

Display careful attention to detail and accuracy in work habits

Knowledge of data analysis techniques and strategies sufficient for analyzing data.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Data Integration Specialist, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Manage multiple customer projects simultaneously.

The work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in person-
al development while working on multiple projects.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 25

Data Data Scientist
Job Profiles
Job Description
A Data Scientist is responsible for building predictive and descriptive analytics
models and data analysis services to be used to mine an organizations data.
Occupants of this role also mine other unstructured data for knowledge and
information to enhance the business processes. In addition, Data Scientists
integrate and prepare large, varied datasets, architect specialized databases,
and computing environments, then communicate results.

Job Responsibilities

Models complex problems, dis- Enhancing data collection pro-

covers insights and finds oppor- cedures to include information
tunities through the use of sta- that is relevant for building ana-
tistical, algorithmic, mining and lytic systems
visualization techniques
Processing, cleansing, and ver-
Proposes innovative ways to ifying the integrity of data used
tackle problems by using data for analysis
mining approaches on existing
Designs and builds new data
set processes for modeling,
Communicate results and ideas data mining, and production
to key decision makers purposes
Validates findings using experi- Performs and interprets data
mental and iterative approaches studies and product experi-
ments on new uses for data
Communicates research results
to the organization by present-
ing assumptions and validation Develops prototypes, proof of
work in a an understandable concepts, algorithms, predictive
26 way models, and custom analysis

ICT Careers Guide

A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject. A Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organiza-
er Science field. tion that uses computerized databases, in-
cluding organizations in the public, private and
The following may be particularly useful: non-profit sectors.
Computer Science Posts are also required in small and medi-
Computer Software/ Computer Systems Engineering um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
Electronics companies store information related to their
Information Technology employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
Mathematics is essential if they want to have/maintain a
Operational Research competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
pand the customer base or open new markets.
Entry without a degree is possible for those with good
all-round IT skills. The following are the major employers for Data
Scientists in Egypt:

Professional Certification IBM Te r a d a t a

BBI Vodafone
Data Science Associate (EMCDSA) - E20-007 Data EMC2/DELL Etisalat
Science and Big Data Analytics Exam Commercial International Bank (CIB)
Data Scientist, Advanced Analytics Specialist Version
1.0 (EMCDS) - E20-065 Advanced Analytics Special-
ist Exam for Data Scientists
Average Market Salary in Egypt
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head
start and study Data Science track. The following are The average starting salaries for a Data Sci-
popular free online learning websites that publish intro- entist in the Egyptian market can be between
ductory and advanced courses in Data Science:
Udacity: 6,000 EGP to 7,000 EGP
Edx: With at least one years experience, salaries
MIT Free Courses: can rise to between:
Harvard Online Learning: 7,000 EGP to 10,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 27

Core Technical Skills
Machine Learning Business Statis- Data Visualiza-
Techniques & Algo- tics (e.g. Distribu- tion Tools (e.g.
Data Mining rithms (e.g. k-NN,
tions, Statistical
Algorithms Naive Bayes, SVM, D3.js, GGplot
Testing, Regres- etc.)
Decision Forests
etc.) sion etc.)

Basic and Ad- Scripting and Pro-

vanced Levels of gramming (Python,
SQL R Language to
build models, data
analytics and data

Non-Core Technical Skills

Advanced Programming skills Java Programming Language Skills
and Code Optimization
The commonly used language in the field is English.
Natural Language Processing
A Data Scientist needs to possess very good English
NoSQL Databases (e.g. MongoDB, Cassandra, language skills.
These are some useful language learning websites that
Another Query Languages (e.g. Hive, Pig) also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:
Common Data Science Toolkits (e.g. R, Weka,
NumPy, MatLab etc.) Busuu:

Business Skills Business Statistics Design and Architecture
Solving Principles Presentation
Data Mining
Concepts Ability to work
Communication Understanding of
28 & Presentation Businesses and
Skills Strategy

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Senior Data
Junior Data

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Data Scientist:

As the enormity of data is on the rise, we need to get valuable insights from it using profession-
als with appropriate data science skills.
Handle and Analyze extremely large datasets using cutting edge open source tools and so-
phisticated data analysis algorithms
Gain a Better Understanding of Your Customers as the customer behavior changes over time

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Data Scientist, the following challenges

need to be taken into consideration:

The work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in person-
al development while working on multiple projects.
Data from various sources of varying quality in various formats has to be ingested and
turned into a validated data set that can be analyzed.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 29

Data Data Warehouse Architect / Modeler
Job Profiles
Job Description
A Data Warehouse Modeler is responsible for developing, managing, and up-
dating data models, including the physical and logical models of data ware-
houses, data marts, staging areas, and operational data stores.

Job Responsibilities
Creates Creates conceptual, Checks business data object
logical, and physical models, for correctness and comprehen-
supporting model management siveness
activities on the enterprise level
Examines data-related system
Evaluates existing data models integration problems and offers
and physical databases for vari- suitable solutions
ances and discrepancies
Produces data models as per
Works on data governance/data company measures
management e.g. data quali-
Document the models & its
ty, data security, metadata and
mapping to the data sources
data retention
Orients system analysts, engi-
Introduces best practices for
neers, programmers and other
standard naming conventions
team members on project re-
and coding practices to guaran-
strictions, capacity, needs, per-
tee the stability of data models
formance standards, and inter-
Offers prospects for reapplying faces
the data model in new settings
Participates in the creation of
data quality standards and data
30 Implements back engineering
of data models from databases
and SQL scripts

ICT Careers Guide

A candidate can start this career
Qualifications with a degree in any subject. A Major
pre-entry postgraduate qualifica- Employers
tion is not essential but is likely to
in the Field
improve a candidates prospects if
their first degree is in the Comput- Opportunities can arise within any organiza-
er Science field. tion that uses computerized databases, in-
cluding organizations in the public, private and
The following may be particularly useful: non-profit sectors.
Computer Science Posts are also required in small and medi-
Information Systems um-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-scale
Computer Systems Engineering companies store information related to their
Biomedical Engineering employees, customers, suppliers etc. The data
Mathematics is essential if they want to have/maintain a
Operational Research competitive edge since the data is used to ex-
pand the customer base or open new markets.
Entry without a degree is possible for those with good
all-round IT skills. The following are the major employers for Data
Warehouse Modelers in Egypt:

Professional Certification EMC2/ DELL Vodafone IBM

Teradata Etisalat
Oracle PL/ SQL Developer Certified Associate Commercial International Bank (CIB)
Teradata Physical Design and Implementation
SAP Certified Application Professional Average Market Salary in Egypt
Enterprise Data Warehousing with SAP NetWeaver
Business Warehouse The average starting salaries for a Data Ware-
house Architect in the Egyptian market can be
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head
start and study Big Data. The following are popular free
online learning websites that publish introductory and
advanced courses in Big Data: 4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP
With at least one years experience, salaries
can rise to between:
Edx: 7,000 EGP to 10,000 EGP
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online Learning:

CDP ICT Careers Guide 31

Core Technical Skills

Data Relational / Developing, Vali- Teradata

Data Science
Warehousing Multi-dimensional dating, Publish- Database and
& Big Data
Architecture ing & Maintain- Teradata Phys-
Projects Databases
and Modeling ing Logical Data ical Database
Lifecycle Concepts
Techniques Models Design

Developing, Developing, Validat-

Managing Publishing, & ing, Publishing and
Data Modeling Maintaining Docu- Maintaining Physical
Metadata for
Tools mentation for Data Data Models and
Data Models
Models Physical Models
Tuning Performance
(table portioning &
Non-Core Technical Skills
Language Skills
Basic and Advanced Levels of SQL (for models
creation) The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Data Warehouse Architect / Modeler needs to possess
Database Administration (Oracle DBA) incl. Sys-
very good English language skills.
tem Backup, Recovery, Troubleshooting and Load
Balancing These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Red Hat Systems Administration
ble through smart phones:
Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Bash Shell Scripting DuoLingo:

Business Skills Presentation Enterprise Systems

& Communication
Marketing Project
Management Management Concepts

Business Report Leadership

32 Writing & Team work

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path DWH/ BI
Team Lead
Senior BI

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Data Warehouse Architect / Modeler:

It affords you lots of new business experiences throughout your career as you get exposed to
new businesses in new industries.

It could enhance your communication skills, as you communicate with both technical & busi-
ness teams to apply business requirements through multiple source systems

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Data Warehouse Architect / Modeler, the following
challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in personal
development while working on multiple projects.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 33

Digital Digital IC Design Engineer Job Profile
IC Design
Job Profiles
Job Description
Front-end design, verification and synthesis of digital designs, back-end
design or physical implementation including placement and routing (PnR)
and signing off.

Job Responsibilities

T he field of Integrated Circuit (IC) De-

sign is very promising in Egypt and
worldwide. The industry has become in-
Responsible for RTL coding and
modeling according to required
Analyzes logic synthesis and
synthesis report and resolve tim-
creasingly important with the rapid de- specifications. ing issues.
velopment of tablets and mobile devic- Writes RTL-level and gate-level Responsible for floor planning
es, as well as the continuous increase simulation test cases and resolv- and partitioning, physical syn-
of electronic components in cars and ing any issues. thesis, clock tree generation,
home appliances. routing, extraction, timing clo-
Develops complex test envi-
sure, DFT, signal integrity issues
Companies in the field aim to develop ronments using System Verilog
avoidance, analysis and repair,
smaller and more efficient circuits to through latest verification meth-
and manufacturing verification.
perform various functions. This can be odologies such as OVM and
seen in the continuous development of UVM, assertions, complex sys-
tem-level and test-benches.
mobile devices that are becoming digi-
tal support units now for users in many Develops and create Verification
of their daily activities. IPs along with behavioral DUTs
to ensure quality level of the VIP
A number of Egyptian companies have
been able to penetrate this field interna-
tionally and develop distinctive designs,
thus providing excellent job opportu-
nities for engineers and professionals
specialized in this field. In general, the
average salaries of young people work-
34 ing in this field is considered the highest
among all other engineering disciplines.

ICT Careers Guide

in the Field
Si-Ware System

Silicon Vision


Minimum B.Sc. degree in Electronics, ICPedia

Computer, Communication or Electrical
Engineering. Mentor Graphics


Average Market Salary in Egypt

The average starting salaries for a Digital IC Design

Engineer in the Egyptian market can be between

12,000 EGP and 14,000 EGP

With at least one years experience, salaries

can rise to between

14,000 EGP and 17,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 35

Core Technical Skills

RTL coding and Resolving Writing

modeling skills of gate-level SystemVerilog
digital blocks simulations assertions

Developing complex
Writing complex test environments
system-level Timing checks
and placement using SystemVerilog
test-benches in through latest veri-
& routing flow
Verilog fication methodolo-
gies (VMM & UVM)

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Operating Systems and Scripting Languages The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Digital IC Design Engineer needs to possess very
Computer Architecture
good English language skills.
Digital Signal Processing
These are some useful language learning websites that
Embedded Systems and Software also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Communication Critical Thinking

Marketing & Presentation
Principles Thinking

Business Report Code of Conduct

36 Writing and Corporate Etiquette

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Team Lead
Senior Digital IC
IC Design Design
Junior Engineer
IC Design

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Digital IC Design Engineer:

An innovative and creative job

A Digital IC Design Engineer gains a lot of knowledge and expertise in state-of-the-art tech-
nologies and fields
A Digital IC Design Engineer gets to work with international customers
A Digital IC Design Engineer works in entrepreneurial companies and environments and learns
what it takes to be an entrepreneur
A Digital IC Design Engineer is a high paying job that ensures high-level of self-satisfaction
and achievement

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Digital IC Design Engineer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

It requires continuous learning to master the ever-changing standards, tools and technol-
It is a stressful and competitive job with demanding business conditions

CDP ICT Careers Guide 37

Digital SEO Specialist
Job Profiles Job Description
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing discipline that tar-
gets increasing the visibility in unpaid (organic) search results. Simply, SEO
is a companys effort to appear first (or before its main competitors) on
consumers online search results. SEO, therefore, requires technical and
creative features to improve rankings and increase traffic.
Accordingly, SEO specialists identify strategies, techniques and tactics

D igital marketing is marketing

through digital technologies. It aims
at establishing the brand via specific,
to increase the number of visitors to a website and obtain a high-ranking
placement in the search results pages of search engines. A career in SEO
is a good choice for creative and analytical individuals with technical and
measurable communication method marketing skills.
that guarantees acquiring and retaining Those working in SEO may also be known as online marketers or digital
customers. Needless to say, companies account executives. This type of work may be referred to as content mar-
are steering their marketing activities keting or conversion rate optimization work.
towards more untraditional methods, or
rather digital methods. It is a promising Job Responsibilities
career for out-going people. It is always
interesting, changing, busy, and offers Program in HTML, CSS and Ja- Employ user experience (UX)
limitless prospects. vaScript to ensure the site is ac- and conversion rate optimiza-
cessible and easy to follow and tion methods to turn visitors into
One of the Egyptian companies1 pub-
ready for increased interaction more active users and to help
lished an insightful infographic in 2014 with visitors. This may involve improve website performance
that shows the bright future awaiting working on video and PDFs
digital marketing in Egypt. Two interest- Build an online community - to
ing pieces of information are as follows: Make technical recommenda- drive targeted and loyal traffic to
tions to developers a website
1. By 2019, the increase in social mar-
keting budgets will have doubled. Constantly check search terms, Use social media to distribute
rankings and analytics to moni- content and encourage more ex-
2. Egypt has more than 48 million inter- tor performance of client web- ternal sites to link to your content
net users, 27 million of which are Face- sites and offer recommendations - giving you more authority
book users. for improvement
Develop and integrate content
Digital marketing is trending internation- Engage with other businesses marketing strategies
ally. McKinley2 called our age post-dig- (affiliates) over link-building op-
38 ital. Jobs in this field are, and continue Monitor the algorithms set by the
portunities to bring in paid com-
search engines to keep up to
to be, promising. mission for driving customers to
date with changes
their websites

ICT Careers Guide
Qualifications Major
This area of work is open to all in the Field
graduates but a degree in a relat-
Many large and medium-sized businesses either
ed area such as IT, Business and
have specialized departments for marketing or out-
Technology or Marketing may be
source the process to specialized service providers.
particularly useful.
Opportunities exist within all sectors including the
Professional Certification In-house Brands company
Charity and voluntary organizations
Computing and software companies
A range of qualifications and certificates in SEO Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies
and digital marketing are essential. Financial services firms
- Adobe Creative Suite for online banner design Higher and further education providers
- Google AdWords for pay-per-click campaigns Home entertainment companies
- Google Analytics and Facebook Insights for web Automotive companies
analytics reporting Digital Marketing Agency
- Google Webmaster Tool
Average Market Salary in Egypt
In January 2017, PayScale.com1 reported a range
of $2,52,-$4.988 for Internet marketing specialists.
Many companies provide financial support to un- Salaries for SEO Specialists fell into a range of
dertake professional qualifications such as those $2,449 -$ 5.25 for the same percentile range, ac-
offered by the CIM. These include the following: cording to the same source.
- CAM Level 4 Diploma in Digital Marketing Average market salaries for SEO Specialist in the
- Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing Egyptian market are normally within the following
(Digital) ranges:
Entry Level: 2,500 EGP to 4,000 EGP
- Level 6 Diploma in Professional Marketing
(Digital) Intermediate: 3,500 EGP to 5,500 EGP
Senior Level: 5,500 EGP to 8,000 EGP
Experienced freelancers can command higher level
of pay than the mentioned rang of salaries.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 39

The following are popular free online Core Technical Skills
learning websites that publish introduc-
tory and advanced courses in digital
marketing: HTML coding, Proficiency in
Interest in SEO Javascript and Microsoft Office
and/or PHP (PHP: Hyper- and an excellent digital marketing text Preprocessor) knowledge of Excel
Coursera: Googles Understanding social
Edx: media platforms & how Some experience
algorithms and to use them to distrib-
MIT Free Courses: and knowledge
predict what ute content, gain more of web hosting
changes may be links & build successful
Harvard Online: campaigns

Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills
The commonly used language in the field is English.
Public Relations Concepts A SEO Specialist needs to possess very good English
Knowledge of how customers search, where they language skills.
search and why they purchase something online These are some useful language learning websites that
Marketing context also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Usability & User Experience ble through smart phones:
Digital Marketing Strategy Busuu:

Business Skills Communication Critical Thinking

Team Innovative
Management Thinking

Excellent communication skills Strong analytical skills for

40 to educate, inform, and mediate understanding ranking
across a number of algorithms
stakeholders in an organization

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
SEO Team Manager
Senior SEO
Junior SEO

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a SEO Specialist:

This job gives versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.

The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.
Mobility in workplace (e.g. employees can often work from anywhere there is an internet con-
nection, even from home).

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a SEO Specialist, the following challenges

need to be taken into consideration:

Digital marketing is becoming more complex in terms of the options of technology and
Hard to maintain work/ life balance: This is probably the biggest challenge.
Constant change: The speed of change is accelerating. The constant need to stay in-
formed and leave old tactics behind can be exhausting sometimes.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 41

Digital Social Media Specialist
Job Profiles
Job Description
Social Media Specialist job is a good choice for you if you are seeking a cre-
ative, dynamic, and interactive job.
As a Social Media Specialist, you will be responsible for attracting and commu-
nicating with the targeted users of networks as well as online virtual commu-
nities. Your aim will be to engage customers and to boost website traffic and
generate revenue using all the potentials of social media marketing.

Job Responsibilities
Design and develop content to Compile reports for management
communicate with the compa- showing results (ROI)
nys target customers
Demonstrate ability to map out a
Design, develop, and manage comprehensive marketing plan
published content (e.g. images,
Develop organizational elements
video, written) to communicate
in order to implement a proactive
with the companys target cus-
process for capturing happy, loy-
al customer online reviews
Monitor, listen and respond to
Engage in an ongoing learning
users while cultivating leads and
process to remain highly effec-
Establish a network of cross-pro-
Identify threats and opportunities
in user-generated content sur-
Oversee design (i.e. Facebook rounding the company and re-
timeline, cover and profile pic- port notable threats to the man-
tures, thumbnails, ads, landing agement
pages, Twitter profile, Blog etc.)
Monitor effective benchmarks
42 Manage efforts in building online and best practices for measuring
reviews and reputation, monitor the impact of social media cam-
online reviews and respond to paigns. Analyze, review, and re-
each review port on the effectiveness of cam-
paigns to maximize results
ICT Careers Guide
Qualifications Major
This area of work is open to all in the Field
graduates but a degree in a relat-
Many large and medium-sized businesses either
ed area such as IT, Business and
have specialized departments for marketing or out-
Technology or Marketing may be
source the process to specialized service providers.
particularly useful.
Opportunities exist within all sectors including the
In-house Brands company
Professional Certification
Charity and voluntary organizations
Computing and software companies
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies
There are free multiple learning resources to
get a head start and study Digital Marketing. Financial services firms
The following are popular free online learning Higher and further education providers
websites that publish introductory and ad- Home entertainment companies
vanced courses in digital marketing: Automotive companies Digital Marketing Agency Average Market Salary in Egypt
Udacity: In January 2017, PayScale.com1 reported a range
Coursera: of $2,52,-$4.988 monthly for Internet marketing
Edx: specialists. Salaries for Social Media Specialist fell
MIT Free Courses: into a range of $2,51-$4.77 monthly for the same percentile range, according to the same source.
Harvard Online: Average market monthly salaries for Social Media Specialist in the Egyptian market are normally with-
in the following ranges:
Junior Social Media 3,500 EGP
2,500 EGP to
Senior Social Media 3,500 EGP to 5,000 EGP
Social Media Team Leader: 5,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP


CDP ICT Careers Guide 43

Core Technical Skills

KPIs Analysis & Social Media Mobile

Techniques Marketing Marketing

Digital Content
SEO Basics Online Video Marketing

Non-Core Technical Skills

Language Skills
Analytical Skills & Data-Driven Thinking
Additional qualification in web design or The commonly used language in the field is English.
animation is a plus A Social Media Specialist needs to possess very good
English language skills.
Usability & User Experience These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Digital Marketing Strategy
ble through smart phones:
Graphic Design
Image Editing

Business Skills Communication Critical Thinking

& Writing
Team Innovative
Management Thinking

Organizational Customer Relationship

44 Skills Management

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Social Media Manager
Team Leader
Social Media

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Social Media Specialist:

This job gives versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.

The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.
Mobility in workplace (e.g. employees can often work from anywhere there is an internet con-
nection, even from home).

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Social Media Specialist, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Digital marketing is becoming more complex in terms of the options of technology and
Hard to maintain work/ life balance: This is probably the biggest challenge.
Constant change: The speed of change is accelerating. The constant need to stay in-
formed and leave old tactics behind can be exhausting sometimes.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 45

Digital Digital Ads Manager
Job Profiles
Job Description
As a digital marketing professional, or specialist, you will be responsible for
developing the strategy used in marketing a companys product online in the
field as social media, Web analytics, E-mail Marketing and Search Engine Op-
timization, among others. Digital Ads Managers put together various online pro-
motions and e-mailing campaigns to get your companys message out, as well
as perform consumer research to discover other ways of reaching customers
via the Internet.
Digital marketing professionals in positions of leadership, such as manager
or director, oversee Internet marketing campaigns from program management
to execution. They are usually required to provide clear direction to the other
members of the marketing team, such as copywriters, web designers and sales

Job Responsibilities

Design, build and maintain the Collaborate with internal teams

businesss social media pres- to create landing pages and op-
ence timize user experience
Measure and report the perfor- Utilize strong analytical ability to
mance of all digital marketing evaluate end-to-end customer
campaigns, and assess their experience across multiple chan-
progress against goals (ROI and nels and customer touchpoints
Instrument conversion points
Identify trends and insights, and and optimize user funnels
optimize spending performance
Collaborate with agencies and
based on them
other vendor partners
46 Brainstorm new and creative
Evaluate emerging technologies
growth strategies
Provide thought leadership and
Plan, execute, and measure ex-
perspective to be adopted where
periments and conversion tests
ICT Careers Guide
Qualifications Major
This area of work is open to all in the Field
graduates but a degree in a relat-
Many large and medium-sized businesses either
ed area such as IT, Business and
have specialized departments for marketing or out-
Technology or Marketing may be
source the process to specialized service providers.
particularly useful.
Opportunities exist within all sectors including the
Professional Certification In-house Brands company
Charity and voluntary organizations
Computing and software companies
Digital marketers often receive on-the-job training Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies
on digital marketing tools used by the company.
These vary but, for example, could include the fol- Financial services firms
lowing: Higher and further education providers
Google Analytics and Facebook Insights for web Home entertainment companies
analytics reporting Automotive companies
Adobe Creative Suite for online banner design Digital Marketing Agency

Google AdWords for pay-per-click campaigns

Average Market Salary in Egypt
MailChimp for e-mail marketing
In January 2017, PayScale.com1 reported a range
of $2,52,-$4.988 monthly for Internet marketing
specialists. Salaries for online marketing managers
Many companies provide financial support to un- fell into a range of $3.438-$7.735 for the same per-
dertake professional qualifications such as those centile range, according to the same source.
offered by the Chartered Institute of Marketing Average market salaries for Digital Ads Managers
(CIM). These include the following: in the Egyptian market are normally within the fol-
CAM Level 4 Diploma in Digital Marketing lowing ranges:
Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing (Digital) Entry Level: (0-3years) 3,500 EGP to 4,500 EGP

Level 6 Diploma in Professional Marketing (Digital) Senior Level: (3-6 years) 4,500 EGP to 6,000 EGP

Managerial Level: 6,000 EGP to 9,000 EGP

(6-9 years)

CDP ICT Careers Guide 47

The following are popular Core Technical Skills
free online learning web-
sites that publish introduc-
tory and advanced courses
Website analytics
in digital marketing: Optimizing
Good A/B and tools (e.g. Google experience landing pages multivariate Analytics, Net-In- digital marketing and user experiments sight, Omniture, funnels Web-Trends etc.)
Ad serving Setting up and HTML, CSS,
tools (e.g. optimizing Google and JavaScript
DART, Atlas AdWords cam- development
etc.) paigns and constraints
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online:
Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Digital Ads Manager needs to possess very good En-
Strong analytical skills and data-driven thinking glish language skills.
Additional qualification in web design or These are some useful language learning websites that
animation is a plus also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Adequate organizational skills ble through smart phones:
Wide knowledge of Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Pre- Busuu:
miere Pro, Audacity or other media editing software DuoLingo:

Communication Critical Thinking

Business Skills & Presentation
Team Innovative
Management Thinking

Customer Relationship Marketing

48 for Professional

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Senior Digital Manager
Ads Manager
Digital Ads

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Digital Ads Manager:

This job gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.
A Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.
Mobility in workplace, can often work from anywhere there is an internet connection, even from
Become an In-Demand Professional

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Digital Ads Manager, the following challenges
need to be taken into consideration:

Digital marketing is becoming more complex in terms of the options of technology and
Hard to maintain work/ life balance: This is probably the biggest challenge.
Constant change: The speed of change is accelerating. The constant need to stay in-
formed and leave old tactics behind can be exhausting sometimes.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 49

e-Learning e-Content Developer
Job Profiles

Job Description
An e-Content Developer is responsible for designing and creating digital
learning and education materials in various forms depending on the cli-
ents requirements and end-user context.
Work outputs of an e-Content Developer include stacks of learning solu-
tions including simulation products, audiovisual learning packages, and
written content using different scripting languages and tools.
e-Content Developers can engage in highly complex and advanced
G artner defines e-Learning as;
the use of internet technology
for learning outside of the class-
projects requiring cross-function team integration between technical and
creative teams along with the management.
room. e-learning suites are soft-
ware solutions that enable auto- Job Responsibilities
mation, administration and training
over the internet.1 An e-Content Developer builds online training areas known as Virtual
There seems to be universal agree- Learning Environments (VLEs). These contain the following:
ment that the worldwide e-learning Course materials
market will show fast and signifi- Learning activities and resources
cant growth over the next years. Interactive discussion and coursework areas
According to recent regional stud-
ies, the highest growth rate is in
Asia at 17.3%, followed by Eastern
Europe, Africa, and Latin America
at 16.9%, 15.2%, and 14.6%, re-
spectively. Accordingly, e-learning
jobs are expected to significantly
increase offering many graduates
lucrative job opportunities.2



ICT Careers Guide

An e-Content Developer may be involved in building a VLE from scratch or adapting an off-the-shelf product.
Accordingly, an e-Content Developer has the following responsibilities:
Talks with users to find out about their training Makes sure security measures are in place to
needs control access
Works with tutors, trainers or development Writes training support materials for users
teams to create online learning materials
Stays up-to-date with the latest design methods
Creates interactive multimedia e.g. video clips, and technologies
webcasts, audio clips, podcasts
Modifies content for use on other platforms,
such as mobile phones or tablets
After developing a VLE, an E-Content Developer may be em- Employers
ployed to maintain it. Tasks could include managing user ac- in the Field
counts, access permissions and learner records, overseeing
message boards and forums and updating content and develop- Egyptian e-Learning University
ing new training materials. (EELU)
El Motaheda Group
GNSE Group
Employers usually look for a higher education Average Market Salary in Egypt
qualification, such as a foundation degree. Rele-
vant subjects include Computing, Programming Starting salaries can be between
Dept., Teaching or Educational Technology.
2,500 EGP to 3,000 EGP
Professional Certification
With at least one years experience,
salaries can rise up to 3,500 EGP.
If a candidate has higher education
Senior e-Content Developers with
qualifications, most employers would
departmental responsibilities can
expect candidates to have a working
knowledge of professional web author-
ing software. Experience of designing
online learning materials, web design 6,000 EGP to 7,000 EGP
or programming would give a candi-
date a better chance to find a job. or more monthly.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 51

A candidate would be expected to keep up-to-date with changes to coding and
Core Technical Skills scripting languages used to create VLEs, such as the following:


Java Script XML PHP CSS JQuery

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Storyboard Writing The commonly used language in the field is English.
Learning Management System Administration An e-Content Developer needs to possess very good
English language skills.
Awareness of Higher Education Sectors
Web Authoring and Web Development Software These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Microsoft Office
ble through smart phones:
Web Development Standards and Accessibility
Issues Busuu:

Business Skills Communication Presentation

Organizational Multi-tasking

Attention to Time
52 Details Management

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Team Unit Manager
Junior Developer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an e-Content Developer:

e-content development is one of the strongly emerging freelance jobs. This means occupants
of this position can work on a part-time or freelance basis with great flexibility
Under certain conditions, developers can have the option to work from home
With increasing focus on education and development and the rapid adoption of MOOCs, there
is significant and growing demand for E-Content Developers

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an e-Content Developer, the following challenges

need to be taken into consideration:

Writing scripts is an exhausting and demanding task

Identifying and handling code errors can be very strenuous and time-consuming

CDP ICT Careers Guide 53

e-Learning Graphic Designer
Job Profiles

Job Description
e-Learning Graphic Designers create visual concepts, using computer
software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and cap-
tivate consumers through various applications such as websites, mobile
apps, and desktop apps. Their product is needed in e-learning content,
advertisements, books, magazines, posters, computer games, product
packaging, exhibitions and displays, corporate communications and cor-
porate identity i.e. giving organizations a visual brand.
An e-Learning Graphic Designer works with the client, instructional de-
signer, creative director or account manager and develops creative ideas
and concepts as well as identifies the appropriate media and style to
meet the clients objectives.

Job Responsibilities

Creates designs, concepts, Thinks creatively to produce

and sample layouts based on new ideas and concepts
the knowledge of layout prin-
Uses innovative ideas to rede-
ciples and aesthetic design
fine a design brief within the
constraints of cost and time
Designs / animates graphics
Produces rough sketches or
and layouts for product illus-
computer visuals to present to
trations, company logos, and
the client
Utilizes specialist computer
Estimates the time required to
software to produce designs
complete a task and provide
quotes for clients Executes a final layout with
54 exact specifications for type-
Develops design briefs that
faces, letter size and colors
suit clients purposes

ICT Careers Guide

Qualifications Major
Any design-based course will give Employers
a candidate a good grounding and in the Field
knowledge of design, art history and
printing techniques. Egyptian e-Learning University (EELU)
El Motaheda Group

Professional Certification GNSE Group

Average Market Salary in Egypt

A pre-entry postgraduate qualification
e-Learning Graphic Designers salaries
is not needed, but pre-entry experi-
vary widely depending on the sector of
ence is essential. If a candidate has
employment, location, experience and
higher education qualifications, most
reputation. The following are the average
employers would expect candidates to
salary range in Egypt:
have a working knowledge of profes-
sional web authoring software. Starting salaries for
junior e-Learning Graphic Designers
can be in the range of
Membership of professional bodies can
enhance a candidates knowledge by pro-
3,000 EGP to 4,000 EGP
viding access to useful resources, advice Once a Graphic Designer has gained some
and training. Relevant organizations in- experience, this can rise to
clude the following:
6,000 EGP
- Chartered Society of Designers (CSD)
- International Society of Typographic At a mid-level, an e-Learning Graphic
Designers (ISTD) Designer can expect to earn

6,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP

The following certifications are particularly
A freelance e-Learning Graphic Designer
important for e-Learning Graphic Design-
can earn anything between 200 EGP and
600 EGP a day with a good experience. The
- CIW Web Design Certification rate increases when an E-Learning Graphic
Designer has an impressive track record and
- Adobe Graphic Design and Illustration
Using Adobe Illustrator Certification

CDP ICT Careers Guide 55

Core Technical Skills

Design / Design and

Art of
Animation Animation
Techniques Concepts

Visual Arts Design / Animation

After Effects Composition, Software
Production, and (Photoshop, Illustrator,
Performance Adobe Animate CC,
Techniques InDesign etc.)

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Design for Web using Basic HTML and CSS The commonly used language in the field is English.
Photography Concepts An e-Learning Graphic Designer needs to possess very
good English language skills.
Storyboard Writing
These are some useful language learning websites that
Layout Conversion and Optimization also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
After Effects Basics ble through smart phones:

Visual Learning Concepts Busuu:


Time Creativity and Problem Solving

Business Skills Communication
& Presentation
Organizing, Planning, Social Media
& Prioritization Marketing

Conflict Resolution Coaching

56 & Negotiation

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
Team Unit Manager
Junior Designer
Successful designers may be in a position to apply for a Senior
Designer post after three to five years. In large design partner-
ships, it may be possible to be promoted from designer to man-
agement positions, such as Studio Manager or Creative Director.

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an e-Learning Graphic Designer:

Graphic design is an especially popular specialization and is considered to be a business

necessity for almost all organizations and businesses. This creates increasing demand for
Graphic Designers
Graphic Designers have significant opportunities to work as freelancers/ part-timers. Thus,
occupants of this position usually enjoy significant flexibility and can combine multiple jobs
Talented Graphic Designers are highly rewarded

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an e-Learning Graphic Designer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Evaluation of the work output is often subjective

The design process is highly iterative, thus very challenging to estimate in terms of time and cost
The graphic design field is extremely competitive and is not exclusive to certain academic or
educational backgrounds
The market is a moving target as design tools are constantly changing, so designers always need
to keep up-to-date with the latest software and computer technologies to remain competitive

CDP ICT Careers Guide 57

e-Learning Instructional Designer
Job Profiles

Job Description
The Association for Educational Communications and Technology
(AECT) defines instruction design as the theory and practice of design,
development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and
resources for learning (Reiser, 2002, p.1).
An Instructional Designer designs and develops learning and practicing
experiences. Instructional Designers mission is to facilitate the acqui-
sition of knowledge, skills and competencies for learners. Instructional
Designers goal is to achieve this in an effective and appealing manner
by creating the scenario for the e-content courses and storyboards to de-
scribe the final output of the content. Moreover, an Instructional Designer
engages in a research-based process of designing and implementing
instruction for better learning.

Job Responsibilities

Creates engaging learning Conducts instructional re-

activities and exercises com- search and analysis on
pelling course content that learners and learning con-
enhance knowledge transfer texts
and retention
Applies tested instructional
Works with subject matter design theories, practice and
experts (SMEs) to identify methods
target audiences training
Creates supporting material/
media (audio, video, simula-
States instructional end tions, role plays, games etc.)
goals and creates content
Decides on the criteria used
that matches them
58 to judge learners perfor-
Visualizes instructional mance and develops as-
graphics, the user interface sessment instruments
and the end product
Maintains projects documen-
tation and course folders
ICT Careers Guide
Employers usually look for a higher education qualification, such as a foundation
degree. Relevant subjects include Computing, Programming Dept., Teaching or
Educational Technology.
BSc of Education is a plus.

Professional Certification Employers
in the Field

Egyptian e-Learning University (EELU)

Accreditation from any of the international
professional bodies can enhance a can- El Motaheda Group
didates knowledge and career prospects. GNSE Group
Relevant certificates and training programs
include the following:
Average Market Salary in Egypt
e-Learning Instructional
Starting salaries for
Design Certificate (ASTD),
Instructional Designers
Association for Talent De-
can be in the range of
velopment (ATD)

2,500 EGP to 3,000 EGP

Learning Design and
Technology Certificate With at least one years experience, salaries
(Harvard Extension can rise up to
3,500 EGP
Senior Instructional Designers with depart-
mental responsibilities can earn

7,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 59

Core Technical Skills

Design Design and

Art of
Techniques, Tools, Animation
and Principles Concepts

Visual Arts Design / Animation

Composition, Software Fluid Web and
After Effects
Production, and (Photoshop, Illustrator, Liquid Design
Performance Adobe Animate CC,
Techniques InDesign etc.)

Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills
The commonly used language in the field is English.
Graphic Design An instructional Designer needs to possess very good
English language skills.
Content Development
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Communication Multi-Tasking Technical writing

& Presentation
Attention to Details Visualization

Analytical Leadership
60 Skills

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
Team Unit Manager
Junior Designer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an instructional Designer:

The surge in the perceived importance of education and development along with the emer-
gence of new education delivery platforms is generating significant demand for Instructional
Occupants of this job often have the space and freedom to express their creative potential
Instructional Designers have significant opportunities to work as freelancers/ part-timers.
Thus, occupants of this position usually enjoy significant flexibility and can combine multiple
jobs / accounts simultaneously

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an instructional Designer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Writing storyboards can be exhausting

Creative and design work usually requires high focus for long durations

CDP ICT Careers Guide 61

Embedded Embedded Software Engineer
Job Profiles
Job Description
Embedded Software Engineers hold a specialized role throughout the
software development cycle from planning and code writing to testing
and maintaining software.
Coding often involves highly specialized systems with specific require-
ments. Embedded Software Engineers also create documentation for
code, design and testing.

Job Responsibilities

E mbedded Systems are be-

coming increasingly import-
ant. The exponential increase
Embedded Software Engineers need to handle several complex tasks
and responsibilities. Their duties are related to research, design, de-
velopment, implementation, testing, debugging, modifying etc. to meet
in computing power, ubiquitous client requirements. The key responsibilities handled by an Embedded
connectivity and the convergence Software Engineer are given here in detail:
of technology have resulted in
hardware/ software systems be- Reads and analyzes prod- Analyzes and enhances the
ing embedded in everyday prod- uct requirements, hardware efficiency, stability and scal-
ucts and places (for example: it is data sheets and designs/ ability of system resources
expected that by 2020, the num- architects software for pro-
ber of embedded devices in the duction deployment Integrates and validates
world will be over 40 billion which new product designs
means 5-10 devices per person). Develops, codes, tests and
debugs software to ensure Supports software QA and
Industries that utilize Embedded optimizes I/O performance
Systems Engineers include de- various functionalities are
fense, robotics, communications, implemented as per require- Provides post-production
consumer electronics, and aero- ments support
nautics. Reviews code for perfor- Interfaces with hardware de-
It goes without saying that Em- mance and efficiency; im-
62 bedded Systems Engineers have sign and development
plements best practices for
excellent career prospects due to efficient development
the increasing integration of hard-
ware and software in applications.

ICT Careers Guide

A candidate can start this career with a de-
Qualifications gree in any subject, but the following may be Major
particularly useful: Employers
Electronics Engineering in the Field
Communication Engineering
Computer Engineering Valeo Elsewedy
Mechatronics Engineering Mentor Graphics ThirdWayv
Biomedical Engineering ATMEL eJad
Control Engineering Avelabs BioBusiness
Axxcelera Starkbits
Entry without a degree or Higher National Diploma (HND) is possi- Si-Ware Integreight
ble for those with good all-round IT skills.
Most Electrical and Computer Software Engineers are required
to have at least a Bachelors Degree according to the Bureau of Average Market Salary in Egypt
Labor Statistics (BLS). In response to the developing Embedded
Systems Engineering field, some schools offer certificates, Bach- reported in 2016 that
elor of Science (BSc), and Master of Science (MSs) programs, the median annual salary for an
specializing in Embedded Systems Engineering. These programs Embedded Systems Engineer was
might offer courses in computer architecture, real-time operating $77,858. The U.S. Bureau of Labor
systems, and the application of embedded systems. Statistics (BLS) reported that electri-
cal engineers earned a median an-
nual salary of $93,010 as of 2015,
while Systems Software Developers
earned a median wage of $105,570.

The average starting salaries for an

For networking, continuing education and professional certifica- Embedded Software Engineer in the
tion opportunities, Embedded Systems Engineers might turn to Egyptian market can be between:
professional organizations, such as the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Through IEEEs Computer Society, 4,000 EGP to 6,500 EGP
Embedded Systems Engineers can earn the Certified Software
Development Professional (CSDP) designation (
With at least one years experience,
Additionally, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) of- salaries can rise to between:
fers Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) and Certified
Associate in Project Management (CAPM) programs to enhance
computer engineers skills and improve opportunities for advance- 7,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP
ment (

CDP ICT Careers Guide 63

Core Technical Skills

Operating Systems, Abstract Data Type Embedded C Software Lifecycle:

Process Management, (ADT) and Primitive
C Programming, Specification, Design,
Memory Management, Data Types in the
File Systems, Input/ Programming Coding Implementation,
Most Common Integration, Debug,
Output Management
Programming Standards and
and Distributed and Maintenance
Languages Guidelines

Real-Time Operating
Testing Microcontrol- Communication
Systems RTOS
Strategies lers and its HW Protocols UART Multiprocessor (its role in embedded
(Methodologies) Peripherals AVR - SPI - I2C - LIN - Systems software development
- PIC - ARM CAN and how to port it for any

Non-Core Technical Skills

C++ Programming VHDL Hardware Description Lan- PCB Design
guage and FPGAs
Java Programming LTE
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Programming using Multi-Threading AUTOSTAR
Tooling and Scripting Languages
Socket Programming Architecture of an Embedded
Configuration Management Con- Linux System (building the
MATLAB and Simulink cepts and Tools (e.g. SVN) system, utilizing open source
components to implement
Business Skills system features and reduce
development costs, and port-
Presentation Critical Thinking ing it for any hardware)
Communication Innovative Artificial Intelligence Method-
ologies needed in the Robot-
ics field
Code of Conduct Team IOT Technologies, Architec-
64 tures, Standards, and Regu-
and Corporate Management
Etiquette lations

ICT Careers Guide

The commonly used language in the field is English. An Embedded Software Engineer
Language Skills needs to possess very good English language skills. The job also requires good German
language skills.These are some useful language learning websites that also have mobile
applications to make learning accessible through smart phones:

Career Path
Software Expert
Technical Path Software Expert
Software Pre-Expert
Embedded Specialist
Software Architect / Manager
Engineer Chief Director
Principal Engineer/
Software Engineer/ Software
Engineer Team Leader/ Manager/
Managerial Path Coordinator Project Program
Manager Manager

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an Embedded Software Engineer:

Availability of work opportunities on the international level

High demand for the job in light of technology development and adoption

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an Embedded Software Engineer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Work environment is fast-paced; this gives occupants less time to invest in personal develop-
ment while working on multiple projects.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 65

ERP SAP Controlling Consultant
Job Profiles

Job Description
SAP Controlling involves the analysis phase of the project, gap analysis
and solution design as well as application configuration and, later, key
user training for a given business industry.

Job Responsibilities

S AP stands for Systems, Appli-

cations, and Products in Data
Processing, and it is the largest Analyzes the clients current Documents settings and
Business Enterprise Solutions soft- business processes and draws up guidelines en-
ware company in the world. SAP is scenarios and suggests/ abling other consultants to
based in Waldorf, Germany. develops solutions to meet carry out changes or repairs
the business need
ERP stands for Enterprise Re- Provides controlling know-
source Planning. ERP empowers a Designs and implements how into identifying and re-
business to run effectively by plan- SAP technical solutions solving issues based on un-
ning its resources. The resources (including testing and UAT derstanding configuration
vary; they can be human or mate- Support) dependencies and interre-
rial. SAP ERP is a business enter- lationships between sepa-
prise solutions software. It incorpo- Detects integration issues rate functional modules of
rates various system functions to and develops solutions to SAP
remove the need to duplicate data them
entry. SAP ERP stores the busi- Ensures the maintenance
Explains processes to end of the usability and consis-
ness activities and functions that
users and business stake- tency of the business pro-
users perform in its database. This
holders cess and proposes the nec-
data assists in decision making in
the form of great numbers of stan- essary development
Offers guidance on tech-
dard reports. nical feasibility and appro-
SAP has business in 190 countries priateness of available pro-
66 posed solutions
all over the world. Thus, there are
limitless job opportunities for IT


ICT Careers Guide

Qualifications Major
A candidate can start this career with a degree in
any subject. A pre-entry postgraduate qualification in the Field
is not essential but is likely to improve a candi-
IBM Juhayna
dates prospects if their first degree is in the Busi-
ness Management filed. Relevant degrees include: Amiral Holdings Egyptian Steel
Labs Ideal Standards
Management Information System (MIS)
Edraky Mansour
Business Information Systems
Intercom Iman Group
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and ECC Nahdet Masr
study ERP_SAP. The following are popular free online learning Mahgoub Mobica
websites that publish introductory and advanced courses in ERP- Unilever
Arete Global Consulting Smart Consulting Solutions Enterprise Consultancy Services Asset Technology Group
Udacity: Procter & Gamble
Coursera: Oriental Weavers
Agile Business Solutions
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online Learning:
Average Market Salary in Egypt
The average starting salaries for an
ERP_SAP Controller in the Egyptian
Professional Certification market can start in the range of

4,000 EGP to 5,000 EGP

SAP Certified Application Associate - Management Ac- With at least one years experience,
counting (CO) with SAP ERP 6.0 or international accreditation (SAP
Certified Application Associate), sala-
ries can rise to be between

4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 67

Core Technical Skills

Business Overhead Cost SAP Cost

Managerial Processes in Accounting Accounting Case
Accounting Management Configuration Study

Experience and
Experience of Knowledge of knowledge of key
ERP platforms SAP design and integration points
and architecture roll-in between SAP

Non-Core Technical Skills

Language Skills
Enterprise Systems
SAP Overview The commonly used language in the field is English.
An ERP_SAP Controller Consultant needs to possess
very good English language skills.
Business Processes in MM
These are some useful language learning websites that
Business Processes in SD
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Business Processes in FI ble through smart phones:
Integration of Business Processes in SAP Busuu:
Technical problem solving DuoLingo:

Business Skills Presentation & Team Critical Thinking

Communication Management
Negotiation with the clients and Innovative
having knowledge of risk analytics, Thinking
service agreements and policies
Code of Conduct Knowledge of business case,
68 online marketing strategies and
and Corporate
financial terminologies like ROI
Etiquette (Return On Investment)

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
ERP_SAP Consultant
Controller Leader

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an ERP_SAP Controller consultant:

This job gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.
SAP Certified consultants will enjoy a special recognition with their employer and the prospec-
tive employers.
The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an ERP_SAP Controller consultant, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

An ERP_SAP Controller needs to stay updated with the latest technological advancement and
changes in the world of SAP development and adapting to these changes by self-training and
research work.
An ERP_SAP Controllers work might require in some instances extended working hours to
meet deadlines.
ERP_SAP knowledge and practices are customized according to the served industry.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 69

ERP SAP ABAP Developer
Job Profiles

Job Description
ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming and is
the programming language created by the software company SAP in
order to develop their various enterprise software program solutions
that are used in various business processes and departments. An ABAP
Developer is generally responsible for creating SAP modules using the
ABAP programming language and fine-tuning according to require-
ments. The SAP ABAP Developer performs all the steps of the software
development cycle i.e. planning, coding, implementation, testing, and
support. SAP ABAP Developers role is huge as they are the ones who
implement the ideas produced by analysts and consults and create the
actual programs for enterprises.

Job Responsibilities
Prepares the Technical Speci- Writes the code using ABAP
Besides coding and devel- fication (based on a Functional programming language on
oping an SAP module with Specification given by a func- the basis of the plan provided
the help of the programming tional consultant) by the clients and runs regu-
language, an ABAP Devel- lar tests on the usability of the
oper performs a number of SAP Scripts designing: Redi- code
other tasks, some of which rects the SAP data to other de-
are given below: vices e.g. printer, fax, mail Ensures that all programs are
completed on schedule as per
Smart forms designing: Redi- the clients requirements and
rects the SAP data to other de- allocates proper resources to
vices e.g. printer, fax, mail accomplish this
Consults with colleagues from Provides technical support to
other departments and those the end users by drawing up
working on particular SAP troubleshooting guidelines
modules such as SAP FI/ CO, and carrying out after-deliv-
MM, HR and BW to ensure a ery modifications. Training the
consistent experience to the end users and clients is also
various users on the clients carried out at this stage of the
side SAP ABAP software life cycle

ICT Careers Guide

Qualifications Major
A candidate can start this career with a degree in
any subject. A pre-entry postgraduate qualification in the Field
is not essential but is likely to improve a candidates
IBM Juhayna
prospects if their first degree is in the Information
Technology filed. Relevant degrees include: Amiral Holdings Egyptian Steel
Labs Ideal Standards
Computer Science Edraky Mansour
Computer Software CIC BMW
Information Technology Intercom Iman Group
Computer Systems Engineering ECC Nahdet Masr
Mahgoub Mobica
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and Unilever
study ERP_SAP. The following are popular free online learning
websites that publish introductory and advanced courses in ERP- Arete Global Consulting
SAP: Smart Consulting Solutions
Enterprise Consultancy Services Asset Technology Group
Procter & Gamble Oriental Weavers
Udacity: Agile Business Solutions
Edx: Average Market Salary in Egypt
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online Learning: The average starting salaries for an
ERP_SAP ABAP Developer in the
Egyptian market can be between

Professional Certification 3,500 EGP to 4,000 EGP

With at least one years experience,
or international accreditation (SAP
SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with Certified Application Associate), sala-
SAP NetWeaver 7.40 ries can rise to be between

5,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 71

Core Technical Skills

Introduction To Introduction
Programming to Oracle SQL
using C++ and PL/ SQL

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Enterprise Systems The commonly used language in the field is
SAP Overview & Navigation English.
A SAP ABAP developer needs to possess
SAP System Administration very good English language skills.
Business Processes in Procurement These are some useful language learning
Business Processes in Sales & Distribution websites that also have mobile applications
to make learning accessible through smart
Business Processes in Financial Accounting phones:
Business Processes in Management Accounting
Integration of Business Processes in SAP Workshop DuoLingo:

Business Skills Presentation & Team Critical Thinking

Communication Management
Negotiation with the clients and Innovative
having knowledge of risk analytics, Thinking
service agreements and policies
Code of Conduct Knowledge of business case,
72 online marketing strategies and
and Corporate
financial terminologies like ROI
Etiquette (Return On Investment)

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
SAP Consultant
SAP Development
ABAP Team Leader

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a SAP ABAP Developer:

This job gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.
SAP Certified consultants will enjoy a special recognition with their employer and the prospec-
tive employers.
The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a SAP ABAP Developer, the following challenges
need to be taken into consideration:

A SAP_ABAP Developer needs to stay updated with the latest technological advancement and
changes in the world of SAP development and adapting to these changes by self-training and
research work.
A SAP_ABAP Developers work might require in some instances extended working hours to
meet deadlines.
ERP_SAP knowledge and practices are customized according to the served industry.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 73

ERP SAP Financial Consultant
Job Profiles

Job Description
The SAP Financial Consultant provides the technical know-how to SAP
developments. His/ her role is essential at the early phases of a project
as s/he clarifies the technical solution required by the business. Later,
an SAP Financial Consultant is involved in guiding the process of devel-
opment to make sure that the project is run according to the technical
vision. Usually, the SAP Financial Consultant works with the SAP Devel-
opment Manager to outline the functionality and design a certain part of
work. This can involve handling various areas of work at the same time.

Job Responsibilities
Besides coding and developing an SAP module with the help of the programming language, an SAP Financial
Consultant performs a number of other tasks, some of which are given below:

Analyzes the clients current Documents settings and draws

business processes and sce- up guidelines enabling other
narios and suggests/ develops consultants to carry out chang-
solutions to meet the business es or repairs
Provides controlling know-how
Designs and implements SAP into identifying and resolving
technical-financial solutions issues based on understand-
(including testing and UAT ing configuration dependen-
Support) cies and interrelationships
between separate functional
Detects integration issues and modules of SAP
develops solutions to them
Ensures the maintenance of
Explains processes to end us- the usability and consistency
74 ers and business stakeholders of the business process and
proposes the necessary devel-
Offers guidance on technical
feasibility and appropriateness
of available proposed solutions

ICT Careers Guide

Qualifications Major
A candidate can start this career with a de-
gree in any subject. A pre-entry postgradu- in the Field
ate qualification is not essential but is likely
IBM Juhayna
to improve a candidates prospects if their
first degree is in the Business Management Amiral Holdings Egyptian Steel
filed. Relevant degrees include: Labs Ideal Standards
Edraky Mansour
Management Information System (MIS)
Intercom Iman Group
Business Information Systems
ECC Nahdet Masr
Mahgoub Mobica
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head Unilever
start and study ERP_SAP. The following are popular free
online learning websites that publish introductory and ad- Arete Global Consulting
vanced courses in ERP-SAP: Smart Consulting Solutions
Enterprise Consultancy Services Asset Technology Group
Procter & Gamble Oriental Weavers
Udacity: Agile Business Solutions
Edx: Average Market Salary in Egypt
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online: The average starting salaries for a SAP Fi-
nancial Consultant in the Egyptian market
can be between

Professional Certification 4,000 EGP to 5,000 EGP

With at least one years experience or interna-
tional accreditation (SAP Certified Application
SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Associate - Financial Accounting with ERP
Accounting with ERP 6.0 EhP6 6.0 EhP6), salaries can rise to be between

5,000 EGP to 7,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 75

Core Technical Skills

Business Parking
Financial Clearing,
Processes in Document and Documents
Accounting Payment
Financial Posting Control & Special
Master Data Differences &
Accounting General Ledger
Cash journal

Standard Overview of
Reports & Asset Closing Activi- SAP Financial
Drilldown Accounting ties & Financial Case study
Reporting Statements
Technical Skills
Enterprise Systems Language Skills
SAP Overview The commonly used language in the field is English.
A SAP Financial Consultant needs to possess very
good English language skills.
Business Processes in MM
These are some useful language learning websites
Business Processes in SD that also have mobile applications to make learning
accessible through smart phones:
Business Processes in CO
Integration of Business Processes in SAP Workshop

Business Skills Presentation & Team Financial Accounting

Communication Management
Introduction to Supply Innovative
Chain Management Thinking

Managerial Project Management


ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
SAP Consultant
SAP Consultant
Financial Team Leader

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a SAP Financial Consultant:

This job gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.
SAP Certified consultants will enjoy a special recognition with their employer and the prospec-
tive employers.
The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a SAP Financial Consultant, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

A SAP Financial Consultant needs to stay updated with the latest technological advancement
and changes in the world of SAP development and adapting to these changes by self-training
and research work.
A SAP Financial Consultants work might require in some instances extended working hours
to meet deadlines.
ERP_SAP knowledge and practices are customized according to the served industry.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 77

ERP SAP Material Management Consultant
Job Profiles

Job Description
A SAP MM Consultant operates within the material management module
of the SAP system. A SAP MM Consultants main responsibilities are to
support SAP integration, process design, assessment, prototype, config-
uration, and data modeling support. S/he also does strategic planning for
SAP data integration.
A SAP MM Consultant achieves the implementation, testing development,
maintenance, and improvement of software packages and applications by
exploiting software and associated development tools and environments.

Job Responsibilities
Besides coding and developing an SAP module with the help of the pro-
gramming language, SAP Material Management Consultant perform a
number of other tasks, some of which are given below:
Analyzes the clients current Documents settings and draws
business processes and sce- up guidelines enabling other
narios and suggests/ develops consultants to carry out chang-
solutions to meet the business es or repairs
Provides controlling know-how
Designs and implements SAP into identifying and resolving
material management solutions issues based on understanding
(including testing and UAT Sup- configuration dependencies and
port) interrelationships between sep-
arate functional modules of SAP
Detects integration issues and
develops solutions to them Ensures the maintenance of the
usability and consistency of the
78 Explains processes to end us- business process and proposes
ers and business stakeholders the necessary development
Offers guidance on technical
feasibility and appropriateness
of available proposed solutions
ICT Careers Guide
Qualifications Major
A candidate can start this career with a de-
gree in any subject. A pre-entry postgradu- in the Field
ate qualification is not essential but is likely
IBM Juhayna
to improve a candidates prospects if their
first degree is in the Business Management Amiral Holdings Egyptian Steel
filed. Relevant degrees include: Labs Ideal Standards
Edraky Mansour
Management Information System (MIS)
Intercom Iman Group
Business Information Systems
ECC Nahdet Masr
Mahgoub Mobica
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head Unilever
start and study ERP_SAP. The following are popular free
online learning websites that publish introductory and ad- Arete Global Consulting
vanced courses in ERP-SAP: Smart Consulting Solutions
Enterprise Consultancy Services Asset Technology Group
Procter & Gamble Oriental Weavers
Udacity: Agile Business Solutions
Edx: Average Market Salary in Egypt
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online: The average starting salaries for a SAP
Material Management Consultant in the
Egyptian market can be between

Professional Certification 4,000 EGP to 5,000 EGP

With at least one years experience or interna-
tional accreditation (SAP Certified Application
SAP Certified Application Associate - Associate - Procurement with SAP ERP 6.0)
Procurement with SAP ERP 6.0 salaries can rise to be between

5,000 EGP to 7,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 79

Core Technical Skills

Business Inventory
SAP Management
Processes in Purchasing
Procurement and Physical

Cross-Functional Procurement
Acco SAP Mate-
Customizing in of External
rial Management
SAP MM Services
Case Study

Non-Core Technical Skills

Enterprise Systems
Language Skills
SAP Overview & Navigation
The commonly used language in the field is English.
ABAP Development A SAP Material Management Consultant needs to
SAP System Administration possess very good English language skills.
Business Processes in sales and distribution These are some useful language learning websites
that also have mobile applications to make learning
Business Processes in Financial Accounting
accessible through smart phones:
Business Processes in Management Accounting Busuu:
Integration of Business Processes in SAP Workshop DuoLingo:

Business Skills Presentation & Team Financial Accounting

Communication Management
Introduction to Supply Innovative
Chain Management Thinking

Managerial Project Management


ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
SAP Management
Material Consultant
Management Team Leader

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a SAP Material Management Consultant:

This job gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.
SAP Certified consultants will enjoy a special recognition with their employer and the pro-
spective employers.
The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.
Mobility in workplace (i.e. an occupant can often work from anywhere there is an internet
connection, even from home).

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a SAP Material Management Consultant,

the following challenges need to be taken into consideration:

A SAP Material Management Consultant needs to stay updated with the latest technological
advancement and changes in the world of SAP development and adapting to these changes
by self-training and research work.
A SAP Material Management Consultants work might require in some instances extended
working hours to meet deadlines
ERP_SAP knowledge and practices are customized according to the served industry.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 81

ERP SAP Sales & Distribution Consultant
Job Profiles

Job Description
A SAP SD Consultant participates in the planning, development, mainte-
nance, and improvement of SAP applications and the functional aspects
of an SAP package. SAP SD Consultants work in project teams and use a
range of platforms of servers or clients. They deal with customers, IT team,
and staff to define requirements, evaluate options, and propose solutions
according to the nature of the business in question.

Job Responsibilities
Besides coding and developing an SAP module with the help of the pro-
gramming language, SAP Sales & Distribution Consultant perform a num-
ber of other tasks, some of which are given below:

Analyzes the clients current Documents settings and draws

business processes and sce- up guidelines enabling other
narios and suggests/ develops consultants to carry out chang-
solutions to meet the business es or repairs
Provides controlling know-how
Designs and implements SAP into identifying and resolving
material management solutions issues based on understanding
(including testing and UAT Sup- configuration dependencies and
port) interrelationships between sep-
arate functional modules of SAP
Detects integration issues and
develops solutions to them Ensures the maintenance of the
usability and consistency of the
Explains processes to end us- business process and proposes
ers and business stakeholders the necessary development
Offers guidance on technical
feasibility and appropriateness
of available proposed solutions

ICT Careers Guide

Qualifications Major
A candidate can start this career with a de-
gree in any subject. A pre-entry postgradu- in the Field
ate qualification is not essential but is likely
IBM Juhayna
to improve a candidates prospects if their
first degree is in the Business Management Amiral Holdings Egyptian Steel
filed. Relevant degrees include: Labs Ideal Standards
Edraky Mansour
Management Information System (MIS)
Intercom Iman Group
Business Information Systems
ECC Nahdet Masr
Mahgoub Mobica
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head Unilever
start and study ERP_SAP. The following are popular free
online learning websites that publish introductory and ad- Arete Global Consulting
vanced courses in ERP-SAP: Smart Consulting Solutions
Enterprise Consultancy Services Asset Technology Group
Procter & Gamble Oriental Weavers
Udacity: Agile Business Solutions
Edx: Average Market Salary in Egypt
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online: The average starting salaries for a SAP
Sales & Distribution Consultant in the
Egyptian market can be between

Professional Certification 4,000 EGP to 5,000 EGP

With at least one years experience or interna-
tional accreditation (SAP Certified Application
SAP Certified Application Associate - Associate - Procurement with SAP ERP 6.0),
Order Fulfillment with SAP ERP 6.0 salaries can rise to be between

5,000 EGP to 7,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 83

Core Technical Skills
Processes in
Sales and SAP Sales SAP Delivery SAP Billing

SAP Pricing Functional SAP SD Case
Customizing in study

Non-Core Technical Skills

Enterprise Systems
Language Skills
SAP Overview & Navigation
The commonly used language in the field is English.
ABAP Development A SAP Sales & Distribution Consultant needs to pos-
SAP System Administration sess very good English language skills.
Business Processes in Procurement These are some useful language learning websites
that also have mobile applications to make learning
Business Processes in Financial Accounting
accessible through smart phones:
Business Processes in Management Accounting Busuu:
Integration of Business Processes in SAP Workshop DuoLingo:

Business Skills Sales Fundamentals Leadership

Analytical Skills Problem


Team Work Project


ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
SAP Consultant
Sales &
SAP Distribution
Sales & Team Leader

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a SAP Sales & Distribution Consultant:

This job gives more versatile knowledge and skills in the IT domain.
SAP Certified consultants will enjoy a special recognition with their employer and the prospec-
tive employers.
The Job is designed to help you build your portfolio and get into your new career field quickly.
Pay is based on the knowledge and skills you have, not your education level.
Everything needed to learn is available online, free of charge.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a SAP Sales & Distribution, the following
challenges need to be taken into consideration:

A SAP Sales & Distribution Consultant needs to stay updated with the latest technological
advancement and changes in the world of SAP development and adapting to these changes
by self-training and research work.
A SAP Sales & Distribution Consultants work might require in some instances extended work-
ing hours to meet deadlines.
ERP_SAP knowledge and practices are customized according to the served industry.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 85

Gaming Game Designer
Job Profiles

Job Description
A game designer is responsible for constructing different computer-
ized and video games. Ideal candidates acquire effective problem
I n 2016, the global video games mar-
ket generated $91bn, with the mobile
sector making up the largest share
solving and time management skills to cater for this fast-paced work
environment. A game designer is expected to work hard and for long
hours around deadlines for game releases and updates. Passion
$40.6bn, PC accounted for $35.8bn,
about playing video games is a strong plus.
console $6.6bn, Esports $0.9bn, gam-
ing videos $4.4bn and VR $2.7bn. (Su-
perData, December 2016) Job Responsibilities
With an annual growth of 6.6%, the glob-
al games market will reach $118.6bn by Game Designing Level Designing
2019. (Newzoo, Apr 2016)
Create highly detailed de- Creates missions, levels
Game revenues of the top 25 public sign documents which and environment aspects.
companies generated $34.5 billion in contains a blueprint for It is important that every-
the first half of 2016, an increase of 22% the entire games design, thing evenly match with the
compared to the same period in 2015. gameplay and interface gameplay and storyline.
(Newzoo, Oct 2016)
Since the gaming industry is in rapid Writing
growth worldwide, ITI decided to estab- In charge of writing the
lish Egypts first System Development games story, dialogue,
& Gaming Center of Excellence (SD menu text, narrations and
& GCoE). The newly established cen- cut scenes
ter aims to raise technological aware-
ness of Electronic games development Mechanics Designing
amongst Egyptian youth to enrich the Designs the rules of the
Egyptian market whilst preserving the game and makes sure
Egyptian culture and identity. SD & that everything is balanced
GCoE works on enriching both nation- carefully. Sometimes the
al and international market players with level may be impossible to
86 talented game designers, game devel- pass or the main charac-
opers and game artists who are capable ter is too strong which can
of designing and implementing mobile, make the game less enjoy-
PC and Console VR games that are able to play
suitable for a diverse range of gamers.
ICT Careers Guide
There are no set educational requirements
Qualifications for this job. However, most video game de- Major
signers have a Bachelors degree in Comput- Employers
er Science or Computer Engineering. Having
in the Field
one or two years of some type of computer
programming experience is important.
There are also technical schools that offer
- Rayman legends
degrees in Game Design or other similar ma-
jors. Employers prefer candidates who have - The division
knowledge in multiple programming languag- Instinct games
es, but it is not mandatory. Ark survival evolved
Dungeon defender Cryptd
Major Employers Portfolio
Average Market Salary in Egypt
Employers are games developers and games publishers. Devel-
opment studios can be owned by a publisher or may be independent These figures are only a guide,
(known as indies) and business can be done internationally, nation- as actual rates of pay may vary,
ally or regionally depending on the employer.
Games are created in a variety of different forms and as well as A newly starting game designer
being used for PCs and games consoles, they can be commissioned could earn yearly around
by such diverse clients as:
- Educational institutions;
36,000 EGP
- Broadcasters; With experience, this could rise
- DVD and CD-ROM authoring companies;
- Information providers such as local and national government; 48,000 EGP
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs); A lead designer may earn up to
- Marketing and advertising agencies;
- Mobile phone companies; 55,000 EGP
Project work accounts for a considerable proportion of employment
in this field. Fixed-term contracts or freelance work may be available a year.
and you may need to consider working on a self-employed basis.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 87

Core Technical Skills
Understand the
Basic drawing capabilities and
Software Storytelling and 3D design benefits of different
packages skills for skills hardware including
games PCs, consoles &
mobile devices, as
well as the relevant
software technolo-
gies & techniques

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Understands who to market and monetize you game
The commonly used language in the field is English.
Understand how to manage a team of different back- A Game Designer needs to possess very good En-
ground such as artists and developers and how to glish language skills.
distribute the tasks
These are some useful language learning websites
Understanding of the market and target audience for that also have mobile applications to make learning
computer games accessible through smart phones:

Business Skills Excellent Communication Creativity

Excellent Presentation Problem
Skills Solving Skills

Team Work Ability to work in a team and

88 liaise with other professionals to
complete the complex games

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Senior Desiner
Game Desiner

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Game Designer:

The games development industry is fast-moving, with changing technology, software packag-
es and working methods, so an ability to manage your own learning and keep up to date with
technological developments is essential.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Game Designer, the following challenges need
to be taken into consideration:

Hard to maintain work/ life balance: this is probably the biggest challenge
Constant change: this fast growing industry requires an ongoing self-development process to
keep up with new technologies and tactics

CDP ICT Careers Guide 89

Gaming Game Developer
Job Profiles

Job Description
A game developer produces games for PCs, games consoles, mobile
phones and internet games.
Game developers work in game designing, game programming and art/
animation. and are likely to progress quickly in this fast-paced industry.
Games development involves the creation and production of games for
personal computers, games consoles, social/online games, arcade games,
tablets, mobile phones and other hand-held devices. A game developer is
usually concerned with either design (including art and animation) or pro-

Job Responsibilities

Developing designs or initial Quality testing games in a

concept designs for games systematic and thorough way
including game play to find problems or bugs and
recording precisely where the
Generating game scripts and problem was discovered
Solving complex technical
Creating the visual aspects of problems that occur within the
the game at the concept stage games production
Using 2d or 3d modelling and Write the game play logic
animation software, such as
Maya, at the production stage Make the UI interactions

Producing the audio features Write level editors

of the game, such as the
character voices, music and Write game technical design
90 sound effects documents

Programming the game using

programming languages such
as C++

ICT Careers Guide

You can become a games developer with
Qualifications any qualification but a relevant degree in one Major
of the following subjects may increase your Employers
in the Field
Computer Games Development or Design Ubisoft
Computer Science
- Rayman legends
Graphic Design
Interactive Media - The division
Multimedia Design Instinct games
Ark survival evolved
Professional Certification Dungeon defender Cryptd

Unity Certified Professional developer

Average Market Salary in Egypt
Major Employers Portfolio These figures are only a guide,
Employers are games developers and games publishers. Devel- as actual rates of pay may vary,
opment studios can be owned by a publisher or may be independent depending on the employer.
(known as indies) and business can be done internationally, nation- A newly starting game developer
ally or regionally could earn monthly around
Games are created in a variety of different forms and as well as
being used for PCs and games consoles, they can be commissioned
3,000 EGP
by such diverse clients as: With experience, this could rise
- Educational institutions; to

- Broadcasters; 5,000 EGP

- DVD and CD-ROM authoring companies;
A lead developer may earn up to
- Information providers such as local and national government;
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs); 6,000 EGP
- Marketing and advertising agencies;
per month.
- Mobile phone companies;
Project work accounts for a considerable proportion of employment
in this field. Fixed-term contracts or freelance work may be available
and you may need to consider working on a self-employed basis.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 91

Core Technical Skills
Understanding Mastering the Using Unreal
the basic AI
the unity editor development as- engine with
algorithms used
pect of the Unity both blueprints
in games
engine and C++

Understands the Understands the Understands Have solid

AI capabilities of architecture of the architecture understanding
the Unity Game online multiplay- of major game of game design
engine er games engines patterns

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Understands trigonometry, linear algebra, vector,
matrices and quaternions The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Game Developer needs to possess very good En-
Understanding newton physics, and how to make a glish language skills.
small 2D physics engine
These are some useful language learning websites
Understand the graphics pipeline and the rendering that also have mobile applications to make learning
techniques and the optimization methods accessible through smart phones:

Business Skills Excellent Communication Excellent Presentation Skills

Creativity Problem
Solving Skills

Ability to work in a team and

92 liaise with other professionals to
complete the complex games

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Lead Game
Senior Developer Developer
Junior Game
Game Developer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Game Developer:

The games development industry is fast-moving, with changing technology, software packag-
es and working methods, so an ability to manage your own learning and keep up to date with
technological developments is essential.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Game Developer, the following challenges need
to be taken into consideration:

Hard to maintain work/ life balance: this is probably the biggest challenge
Constant change: The speed of change is accelerating. The constant need to stay informed
and leave old tactics behind could be exhausting sometimes

CDP ICT Careers Guide 93

Gaming Unity Developer
Job Profiles

Job Description
A Unity Developer is responsible for building games for various target plat-
forms based on the Unity framework. Primary responsibilities include the
implementation of game functionality, as well as translating design ideas,
concepts, and requirements into a functional engaging game.

Job Responsibilities

Build Unity Applications Design, build, and maintain

efficient, reusable, and reli-
Write Editor scripts able code
Build unity VR and AR expe- Ensure the best possible
riences performance, quality, and re-
sponsiveness of applications
Implement game functionality
as per communicated design Identify bottlenecks and bugs,
and devise solutions to ad-
Translate design specification
dress and mitigate these
into functional game


ICT Careers Guide

You can become a Unity developer with any
Qualifications qualification but a relevant degree in one of Major
the following subjects may increase your Employers
in the Field
Computer Games Development or Design Ubisoft
Computer Science
- Rayman legends
Graphic Design
Interactive Media - The division
Multimedia Design Instinct games
Ark survival evolved
Professional Certification Dungeon defender Cryptd

Unity Certified Professional developer

Average Market Salary in Egypt
Major Employers Portfolio These figures are only a guide,
Employers are games developers and games publishers. Devel- as actual rates of pay may vary,
opment studios can be owned by a publisher or may be independent depending on the employer.
(known as indies) and business can be done internationally, nation- A newly starting Unity developer
ally or regionally could earn monthly around
Games are created in a variety of different forms and as well as
being used for PCs and games consoles, they can be commissioned
3,000 EGP
by such diverse clients as: With experience, this could rise
- Educational institutions; to

- Broadcasters; 5,000 EGP

- DVD and CD-ROM authoring companies;
A lead developer may earn up to
- Information providers such as local and national government;
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs); 6,000 EGP
- Marketing and advertising agencies;
per month.
- Mobile phone companies;
Project work accounts for a considerable proportion of employment
in this field. Fixed-term contracts or freelance work may be available
and you may need to consider working on a self-employed basis.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 95

Core Technical Skills

Understanding Mastering the Make AR apps

development as- Unity
the unity editor with the vfuroia
pect of the Unity Development

Learn the meth- Designing 3D

Make applica-
ods to capture the scene & under-
tions compatible
body motion to standing the light-
with most VR
enhance the VR ing techniques
experience used with them

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Understands trigonometry, linear algebra, vector,
matrices and quaternions The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Unity Developer needs to possess very good En-
Understand the graphics pipeline and the rendering glish language skills.
techniques and the optimization methods
These are some useful language learning websites
that also have mobile applications to make learning
accessible through smart phones:

Business Skills Excellent Communication Excellent Presentation Skills

Creativity Problem
Solving Skills

Ability to work in a team and

96 liaise with other professionals to
complete the complex games

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Senior Unity
Junior Unity Developer
Unity Developer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Game Developer:

The games development industry is fast-moving, with changing technology, software packag-
es and working methods, so an ability to manage your own learning and keep up to date with
technological developments is essential.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Game Developer, the following challenges need
to be taken into consideration:

Hard to maintain work/ life balance: this is probably the biggest challenge
Constant change: The speed of change is accelerating. The constant need to stay informed
and leave old tactics behind could be exhausting sometimes

CDP ICT Careers Guide 97

Internet IoT Application Developer
of Things
Job Profiles
Job Description
An IoT Application Developer is a programmer who develops and
creates end user IoT applications on top of AEP (Application En-
ablement Platform) and sometimes on top of the IoT Edge Gateway.

IoT in Figures
It is expected that by 2020, the things connected will reach
26 to 28 billion connected devices. That is to say, they will in-
I f the internet as we know it today is the
internet of computers, the internet of
things can be seen as the network al-
crease 30 times compared to 0.9 billion in 2009. The revenue
yielded by this is expected to be around 1.25 Trillion $ distrib-
lowing people to remotely connect with, uted among IoT application providers, IoT development tools,
and control, other devises (i.e. things) IoT data analytics services, IoT Network traffic and IoT device
that are not computers. Most prominent- and gateway suppliers. In 2025, round 100 billion devices will
ly, the internet of things has applications be connected. In terms of money, this is worth 11$ trillion.
in medicine e.g. heart monitoring devic- The number of connected classic internet devises e.g. com-
es, civil defense e.g. devices used in puters will be around 7.3 billion compared to 26 billion con-
firefighting, everyday items e.g. smart nected things.
homes devices, to name but few. By 2020, some IoT processors will cost down to 1$. That
The IoT includes hardware i.e. devic- means IoT will be the norm, and every thing will be connect-
es, embedded software, communica- ed. Accordingly, IoT will be the default, and ghost devices will
tions facilities and information systems exist i.e. those that have the embedded system that connects
connected with the things. According to it to the network, but can be activated or not as per the con-
Gartners forecasts, almost all fields will sumers needs.
use IoT in the near future e.g. medicine, Source: Gartner Inc.1
factory automation, industrial robotics,
agriculture, automotive industry, civil
98 construction, and transportation.
IoT comes with challenges to those in
the IT field. Hacking, privacy invasion,
and surveillance issues are among the
threats occupying researchers.
ICT Careers Guide
Job Responsibilities Working closely with the IoT solution architect, the IoT Application Developer fulfills
the following list of responsibilities:
Communicates with the IoT solution architect Designs and develops simple an interactive
to understand the end user use cases user interface in IoT applications
Utilizes AEP to develop IoT application pages Builds a complete application covering all use
cases of the customer requirements
Utilizes AEP to communicate with IoT devices
(sensors and actuators)

You can enter this career with a degree in any in the Field
Qualifications subject, but the following may be particularly
The following are the major employers
Computer Science for engineers in Cognitive Computing
Computer Software and Artificial Intelligence in Egypt :

Information Technology SpimeSenseLabs

Computer Systems Engineering Cisco
Relevant Higher National Diploma (HND) subject areas include IBM
physical, mathematical and applied sciences. An HND in computer Ericsson
studies, software engineering or information technology in particu-
lar may increase your chances of entry. Average Market Salary in Egypt
Professional Certification The average starting salaries for
an IoT Application Developer in the
There are no professional certificates since the field is Egyptian market can be between
new. The only available specialized study is the 9-Month
Diploma, Information Technology Institute (ITI), IoT Track.
2,000 EGP to 4,000 EGP
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and
study IoT. The following are popular free online learning websites (depending on whether the company
that publish introductory and advanced courses in the field: is start-up, national or international).
Udacity: With at least one years experience,
Coursera: salaries can rise to between
MIT Free Courses: 3,000 EGP to 5,000 EGP
Harvard Online Learning:

CDP ICT Careers Guide 99

Core Technical Skills

IoT (Application
Protocols HTML 5 Javascript

SQL Linux Node.js. GUI / Look and

Feel Design

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Documentation Tools The commonly used language in the field is English.
An IoT Application Developer needs to possess very
good English language skills.
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Presentation Critical Thinking

Communication Innovative

Code of Conduct Corporate


ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
Senior IoT
Experienced Developer
(2-5 years)
Junior IoT IoT
End-to-End Application
Developer Developer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an IoT application developer:

Working in a niche area today that will turn to be very much

required/ needed in the near future.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an IoT application developer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Working in a continuously-evolving field is demanding since that

requires continuous follow up of the new technologies and their
configurations in each element of the value chain.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 101

Internet IoT Systems Integration Engineer
of Things
Job Profiles
Job Description
IoT Systems Integration Engineers are responsible for the assess-
ment, design, recording, and configuration of integration (middleware)
components, allowing new web portals and mobile applications to re-
use functionality provided by back-end data systems.
The engineer carrying out integration has to know different IoT system
constituents that cover the whole IoT value chain. This means devices
(e.g. sensors and actuators), wireless networking technologies (LoRa,
SigFox, ZigBee, etc.).

Job Responsibilities

Working closely with the IoT solution architect, the IoT Systems
Integration Engineer will be doing one or more of the following

Installs, configures and supports IoT systems with all their

system components

Details technical instructions, engineering plans, technical

designs, and other systems-integration-related documents

Develops and conducts testing plans and procedures based

upon system recommendations

Carries out end-to-end acceptance testing

Provides client with post-installation and integration support


ICT Careers Guide


You can enter this career with a degree in any

subject, but the following may be particularly
Computer Science
Computer Software
Information Technology Major
Computer Systems Engineering Employers
in the Field
Relevant Higher National Diploma (HND) subject areas include
physical, mathematical and applied sciences. An HND in com- The following are the major employers
puter studies, software engineering or information technology in for IoT systems integration engineers in
particular may increase your chances of entry. Egypt:

Professional Certification
There are no professional certificates since the field is
new. The only available specialized study is the 9-Month
Diploma, Information Technology Institute (ITI), IoT Track.
Average Market Salary in Egypt

The average starting salaries for IoT

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and System Integration Engineers in the
study IoT. The following are popular free online learning websites Egyptian market can be between
that publish introductory and advanced courses in the field:
Udacity: 3,000 EGP to 4,000 EGP
Edx: With at least one years experience,
MIT Free Courses: salaries can rise to between
Harvard Online Learning:

4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 103

Core Technical Skills

IoT Protocols IoT AEP Communica-

(HTTP, MQTT, (Application tion Application
CoAp, AMQP, Enablement Protocols (SNMP,
XMPP etc.) Platform) SMPP, ModBus

Troubleshooting HTML 5 Javascript

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Documentation Tools The commonly used language in the field is English.
An IoT Systems Integration Engineer needs to possess
Advanced Linux very good English language skills.
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills

Critical Thinking
Code of Conduct

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path The IoT End-To-End System Integration Engineer has the following career path:

Senior IoT IoT Solution
End-to-End Architect
IoT End-to- Systems
End Systems Integration
Integration Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an IoT application developer:

Working in a niche area today that will turn to be very much required/ needed in the
near future.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an IoT application developer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Working in a continuously-evolving field is demanding since that requires continuous

follow up of the new technologies and their configurations in each element of the
value chain.
As this is a new field, it is still not popular. So, people will not recognize it often and
may be resistant to the whole idea.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 105

Internet IoT End-to-End Architect
of Things
Job Profiles
Job Description
An End-To-End Architect is the designer who produces the design of
the end-to-end IoT solution taking care of the interfaces between dif-
ferent systems and system use cases. S/he is the mastermind behind
a working solution that fulfills customer requirements.

Job Responsibilities

Communicates with cus- Offers, presents, and ne-

tomers from different back- gotiates solutions
grounds on various levels
in the customer organiza- Drafts work plans and es-
tion and with different re- timates as they relate to
quirements that need to be systems integration work
met through the proposed tasks and team members
solutions Interfaces with various
Gathers and analyzes data team members such as
to establish system re- management, adminis-
quirements tration, legal, and support
staff on a regular basis
Studies new systems, tools
technologies existing in Drafts technical instruc-
mobility space tions, engineering plans,
technical designs, and oth-
Researches, evaluates, er systems-integration-re-
and recommends systems/ lated documents
based upon client needs
Devises, designs and com-
municates creative solu-

ICT Careers Guide

You can enter this career with a degree in any
subject, but the following may be particularly
Computer Science
Computer Software
Information Technology Major
Computer Systems Engineering Employers
in the Field
Relevant Higher National Diploma (HND) subject areas include
physical, mathematical and applied sciences. An HND in com- The following are the major employers
puter studies, software engineering or information technology in for IoT systems integration engineers in
particular may increase your chances of entry. Egypt:


Average Market Salary in Egypt

The average starting salaries for

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and an IoT End-To-End Architects in the
study IoT. The following are popular free online learning websites Egyptian market can be between
that publish introductory and advanced courses in the field:
Udacity: 3,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP
Edx: With at least one years experience,
MIT Free Courses: salaries can rise to between
Harvard Online Learning:

5,000 EGP to 7,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 107

Core Technical Skills

Communica- IoT AEP Structured (SQL like)

IoT Protocols
tion Application (Application & Non-structured
(HTTP, MQTT, Linux
Protocols (SNMP, Enablement (Mongo, Rides) data
SMPP, ModBus Platform) and engines, storage &
XMPP etc.)
etc.) their capabilities management

HTML 5 Javascript

Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills The commonly used language in the field is English.
An IoT end-to-end architect needs to possess very good
GUI / Look and Feel Design English language skills.

Documentation Tools These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Awareness of multiple business domains/ verticals ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Presentation Critical Thinking

Team & Communication
Management Thinking

Code of Conduct Corporate


ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
IoT Solution
Senior IoT Architect
Experienced Architect
IoT End-to-
End Architect

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as an IoT application developer:

Working in a niche area today that will turn to be very much

required/ needed in the near future.

Upon deciding to pursue a career as an IoT application developer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Working in a continuously-evolving field is demanding since that

requires continuous follow up of the new technologies and their
configurations in each element of the value chain.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 109

Mechatronics Mechatronics Engineer
Job Profiles

Job Description

M echatronic systems consist of electronic, mechanical, The main role of Mechatronics engineering is
and electric components/ syb-systems. The mechan- creating a simpler with more cost-effective and
ical system is originated to do a specific function (output), reliable systems
then the data is provided to the system (input) through Mechatronics engineers are typically responsi-
electric/ electronic sensors. Electric/Mechanical actuators ble for designing hybrid systems and can work
manage the output. The control sub-system is electronic. on the development of any product that requires
In order to increase their efficiency, computers are added mechanical components controlled by electron-
to these tri-partite systems. Then get integrated as a con- ics or computer programs.
trol factor into the system. 1
The definitions may show that Mechatronics is limited to Job Responsibilities
complicated systems in mega industries. However, taking
just one of the Egyptian companies 2 in the field as an
example, one discovers that in addition to e.g. bio-medical, Collaborates with Identifies opportu-
automotive & construction, robotics, prosthetic devices and mechanical and nities for improve-
irrigation; mechatronics is required in plumbing fire-fighting electrical engi- ment of existing
systems in many places, such as, mega shops and military neers and soft- designs and also
sites; ventilation, heating and air conditioning (HVAC) and ware developers, creates and im-
Building Management Systems (BMS); and sound proof- plements new
Designs, imple- designs and test
ing. Mechatronics application is required in many fields ments and tests
and it has an unlimited scope (Check the Major Employers them.
smart devices and
in Egypt section in the following job profiles). artificial intelli- Designs mecha-
Mechatronics is both a challenging and promising field. gence systems. tronic systems;
Engineering graduates who seek a job in this field need such as that given
to pursue their post-graduate studies and work for at least Designs proto- in the VDI 2206
two years to guarantee a good position in the market. types and produc- guideline and the
es files and docu- similar methodol-
Careers in mechatronics engineering are open to candi-
mentation for work ogies that can ap-
dates with a wide diversity of engineering backgrounds, for
pear in future.
110example, mechatronics, mechanical, and electrical engi-
neering, as well as, control and industrial engineering.

1 Hegde, G. S. (2010). Introduction to Mechatronics. Sudbury: Bartlett


ICT Careers Guide

The candidate in Mechatronics career must first earn an academic degree (bachelors
Qualifications degree) in mechatronics or a related discipline as a good start, but candidates usually
require advanced degrees (Masters degree) to gain deep experience with dynamic sys-
tems and deep knowledge in modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems, digital
signal processing, robots and artificial intelligence systems.

There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and Employers
study Mechatronics Engineering. The following are popular free
in the Field
online learning websites that publish introductory and advanced
courses in Mechatronics Engineer:
The following are the major employers
Udacity: for Mechatronics Engineer in Egypt :
Edx: Automotive Companies, such as,
MIT Free Courses: BMW, Mercedes, Nissan
Harvard Online Learning: Oilfield: R&D section in Schlum-
berger, Halliburton
Durable and consumer goods
companies: LG, P&G

Average Market Salary in Egypt

The average starting salaries for a
Mechatronics Engineer in the Egyp-
tian market can vary between:

5,000 EGP

8,000 EGP
monthly for the entry level.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 111

Core Technical Skills

Mechatronic sys- Modeling & Simula-

Mechatronic tems structure (the tion of Mechatron- Digital Modern Sensors
systems basic structure, ics Systems (ex. Control and DAS Systems
Designing modularization & Matlab, LabVeiw & Systems
hierarchization) SolidWorks)

V-model (The V
Artificial model was adopted
from software devel-
opment & adapted to
Techniques the requirements of

Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Mechatronics Engineer needs to possess very good
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) English language skills.
These are some useful language learning websites that
Digital Signal Processing
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Control Systems (Optimal and non-linear control) ble through smart phones:
Embedded Systems (Embedded C and RTOS)

Business Skills Presentation Technical Writting

Teamwork Skills
Analytical & problem
solving skills

Communication Project
112 Skills Management

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Junior Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Mechatronics Engineer:

Mechatronics engineers usually work with experts from different departments, so they
can gain huge technical knowledge from different domains in short time.
Highly-qualified candidates get very well-paid jobs

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Mechatronics Engineer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

A candidate needs a lot of studying (a Masters Degree at least) to guarantee a good

position in the market
This job requires a wide range of special skills that are in demand across many different
industry sectors.
The work of a mechatronics engineer can get quite stressful, as it involves a lot of multi-
tasking and comes with a very heavy workload.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 113

Mechatronics Model Based Design Engineer
Job Profiles

Job Description
As a Model Based Design Engineer, you will be responsible for creating
Model Based Design (MBD) processes and the development of these
processes. As long as, ensuring that, the MBD systems align with the
production launching objectives.

Job Responsibilities
Perform MBD activities management

Perform MBD knowledge management

Perform automatic code generation for

application software Simulink mod-
ules in several projects using MAT-
LAB Real-time embedded coder


ICT Careers Guide

Minimum B.Sc. degree, in Mechatronics, me-
chanical and electrical Engineering or equiv-
The candidate in Mechatronics career must
first earn an academic degree (bachelors de-
gree) in mechatronics or a related discipline
is a good start, but candidates usually require Major
advanced degrees (Masters degree) to gain
deep experience with dynamic systems and
deep knowledge in modelling and simulation of in the Field
a mechatronic systems, digital signal process-
ing, robots and artificial intelligence systems.
The following are the major employers
for Model Based Design in Egypt:
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start Automotive Companies, such as,
and study Model Based Design. The following are popular free BMW, Mercedes, Nissan
online learning websites that publish introductory and advanced
Valeo Egypt, AveLabs, Valeo Ger-
courses in Model Based Design:
many and Continental Germany
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online Learning: Average Market Salary in Egypt
The average starting salaries for a
Model Based Design Engineer in the
Egyptian market can vary between:

5,000 EGP

8,000 EGP
monthly for the entry level.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 115

Core Technical Skills

Design of Industrial
Matlab Package PID Controller
Control Systems Electronics

Modeling Elec- Modeling PID Controller

trical Systems some motors in Simulink
& Mechanical PID Controller,
like DC Servo
Systems The Classical Variations of
Three-Term PID Controller
Control Algo- Controller
DC Motor
rithm Modeling
Speed Control

Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills The commonly used language in the field is English.
A Model Based Design Engineer needs to possess very
Simulation programs like LabView and SolidWorks good English language skills.
These are some useful language learning websites that
Digital Signal Processing
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
C Programming and Java ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Presentation Technical Writting

Teamwork Skills
Analytical & problem
solving skills

Communication Project
116 Skills Management

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Model Based
Junior Design
Model Based Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Model Based Design Engineer:

Highly-qualified candidates get very well-paid jobs

The industry is used around the globe, and companies usually have more than one
branch in many countries, so a MBD Engineer gets plenty of travelling opportunities

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Model Based Design Engineer , the following
challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Huge knowledge in modeling to model any complex system

A candidate needs a lot of studying (a Masters Degree at least) to guarantee a good
position in the market

CDP ICT Careers Guide 117

Mechatronics System Engineer
Job Profiles

Job Description
System engineers carry out a variety of tasks. Their jobs require a combi-
nation of abilities, including system design and analysis as well as, com-
munication and business skills. They design and implement new sys-
tems, correct errors in current ones and improve performance through
the upgrades. The systems vary; they can be computer systems or
spacecraft, military, healthcare sector, transportation systems etc.

Job Responsibilities
Deals with project managers to understand sys-
tems and consults with customers to determine
their needs.

Implements new systems, corrects the existing er-

rors in the systems, and improves the performance
of the system through the upgrades.

Writes reports and documents explaining findings

and solutions


ICT Careers Guide

Minimum B.Sc. degree, in Mechatronics,
mechanical and electrical Engineering or
The candidate in Mechatronics career must
first earn an academic degree (bachelors
degree) in mechatronics or a related disci-
pline is a good start, but candidates usual- Major
ly require advanced degrees (Masters de- Employers
gree) to gain deep experience with dynamic in the Field
systems and deep knowledge in modelling
and simulation of a mechatronic systems,
digital signal processing, robots and artificial The following are the major employers
intelligence systems. for System Engineers in Egypt:
Automation Companies, such as,
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start Schneider Electric, ABB, Siemens.
and study Model Based Design. The following are popular free Honeywell and Valeo
online learning websites that publish introductory and advanced
courses in Model Based Design:
Edx: Average Market Salary in Egypt
MIT Free Courses:
Harvard Online Learning:
The average starting salaries for a
System Engineer in the Egyptian mar-
ket can vary between:

5,000 EGP

7,000 EGP
monthly for the entry level.

CDP ICT Careers Guide 119

Core Technical Skills
Modeling & Simula-
Implementation of Sampling and
Programmable tion of Mechatronics
a Digital Control quantization
Logic Controller Systems (for exam-
System in digital con-
(PLC) ple Matlab, LabVeiw
trol loops
& SolidWorks)

Digital control V-model (The V model

Artificial was adopted from
systems and Modern Intelligence software develop-
Real Time Em- Sensors ment & adapted to
bedded Control the requirements of
Systems mechatronics)

Language Skills
Non-Core Technical Skills The commonly used language in the field is English.
A System Engineer needs to possess very good English
Digital Signal Processing language skills.
Control Systems (Optimal and non-linear control) These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
Embedded Systems (Embedded C and RTOS) ble through smart phones:
Mechatronic systems structure (the basic structure, Busuu:
modularization and hierarchization). DuoLingo:

Business Skills Presentation Technical Writting

Teamwork Skills
Analytical & problem
solving skills

Communication Project
120 Skills Management

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Junior Engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a System Engineer:

Highly-qualified candidates get very well-paid jobs

The industry is used around the globe, and companies usually have more than one
branch in many countries, so a MBD Engineer gets plenty of travelling opportunities

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a System Engineer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

A candidate needs a lot of studying (a Masters Degree at least) to guarantee a good

position in the market

CDP ICT Careers Guide 121

Mobile Mobile Applications Developer
Job Description
Job Profiles
Mobile Applications Developers (MADs) work on transferring software
requirements into programming code, most MADs work on mastering
at least one computer language.
Though job titles for MADs might differ from one organization to anoth-
er, MADs usually write specifications, design, develop, test and main-
tain mobile applications for different mobile operating systems. A MAD
designs and builds the next generation of mobile applications.
MADs might work in public or private organizations of various sectors
and domains. Many MADs also choose to work for individual clients as
freelance MADs.

M obile is an integral part of our

daily life. The market is booming
locally and internationally. There is
A qualified MAD will be working with the engineers to develop and
maintain high-quality mobile applications.
an increasing need to scale up mo-
bile applications both in enterprise Job Responsibilities
and end-user mobile applications.
Technological advancement is con- Produces fully-functional Designs interfaces to im-
tributing to the evolution of the field. mobile applications while prove user experience
The potentials are enriching the apps writing clean code
and aiding developers to develop Liaises with product devel-
more sophisticated innovative appli- Supports the entire applica- opment team to plan new
cations. tion lifecycle (concept, de- features
Egypt has a lot of start-ups as it is fea- sign, test, release and sup-
port) Ensures new and legacy ap-
sible to start a business in the field.
plications meet quality stan-
Furthermore, there are small and
Gathers specific require- dards
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),
ments and suggests solu-
multinational companies and an am- Researches and suggests
ple of freelancing opportunities (e.g. new mobile products, appli-
through sites like Upwork). Writes unit and UI tests to cations and protocols
122Egyptian calibers are reputable lo- identify malfunctions
cally and internationally since they
are both efficient and affordable for Troubleshoots and debugs
recruiters. to optimize performance

ICT Careers Guide

In order to pursue a career as a MAD, an individual must have a Bachelors Degree in
Qualifications any discipline.
There are free multiple learning resources to get a head start and study mobile applica-
tions development. The following are popular free online learning websites that publish
introductory and advanced courses in the mobile applications development: Major
in the Field

The following are the major employers

for MADs in Egypt :

EME International
Vodafone International Services
Vodafone Egypt
NTG Clarity
Good News for Me

Average Market Salary in Egypt

for a MAD Engineer ranges

3,000 EGP

6,000 EGP
CDP ICT Careers Guide 123
Core Technical Skills

Web OOP Objective C iOS Java SE

Services Development

Android Swift HTML 5 JavaScript Tizen


Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

C++ The commonly used language in the field is English.
MADs need to possess very good English language
Design Patterns
These are some useful language learning websites that
Agile also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Communication Analytical Skills

Stress Innovative
Management Thinking

Attention to Problem
124 Details Solving

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Senior Leader

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a MAD:

Pay is based on the knowledge and skills, not education levels

All the needed skills and knowledge are available online, free of charge
Mobility in workplace (e.g. a MAD can often work from anywhere there is an internet connec-
tion, even from home)
The position of mobile developer is in very high demand

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a MAD, the following challenges need to be taken
into consideration:

Continuous learning is often required as the MAD has to have up-to-date knowledge with
technological advancements
MADs need to be multitaskers who are able to work on several projects simultaneously
MADs work might require in some instances extended working hours to meet deadlines
Mobile applications development is a desk job, hence some MADs tend to suffer from eye,
neck or back strain if they sit for long periods

CDP ICT Careers Guide 125

Wireless Wireless Communications Engineer
Job Profiles
Job Description
Wireless Communications Engineers are responsible for analyzing,
developing and maintaining wireless telecommunications capabilities
for various operations. Also they should be capable of working in diver-
sified telecommunications areas. In addition, having excellent hands
on experience on LTE, MIMO and Cognitive radio & spectrum sensing.

Job Responsibilities

W ireless communication market in Design and build custom ap- Monitor and analyze statis-
Egypt is growing everyday due plications. tical and drive test data to
to the global industrys move toward improve system performance
Design, plan, establish, and indicators such as dropped
wireless operations and the increase
optimize wireless networks. calls, blocked calls, origina-
of more reliable equipment every
day, which led the market to demand tion failures, handoff features.
Develop wireless network in-
new telecommunications careers to frastructures and make rec-
cater for such growth. Work could be ommendations on systems
with either vendors or operators. enhancements for optimiza-
In addition, the need for wireless en- tion.
gineers rises in embedded systems
development when the wireless pro- Develop software for wireless
tocols knowledge is vital and in the technology.
research and/or DSP implementation
of new wireless solutions or technol-


ICT Careers Guide


Minimum B.Sc. degree in Electrical

(Computer-Communication) Major
in the Field

The following are the major employers

of Wireless Communications Engineer
in Egypt:

Alkan Silicon Vision

Average Market Salary in Egypt

The average starting monthly sala-

ries for a Wireless Communications
Engineer in the Egyptian market can
be between

4,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

With at least one years experience,

monthly salaries can rise to between

5,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 127

Core Technical Skills

Wireless / Mobile LTE system devel-

network opment, integration,
administration and optimization

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Linux System Development The commonly used language in the field is English.
Candidates need to possess very good English lan-
Data Base Administration
guage skills.
MATLAB programming
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Presentation Skills

Teamwork Technical Report

128 writing

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path
Project Manager
Senior RF/
RF/Wireless engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Wireless Communications Engineer:

Very wide market

Increasing salary rates

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Wireless Communications Engineer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Most of the work is done by automatic tools

Slow carrier promotion

CDP ICT Careers Guide 129

Wireless Wireless Embedded Engineer
Job Profiles
Job Description
A wireless embedded engineer designs, develops and tests solutions
for wireless communication systems, embedded software and hard-
ware products. In addition to designing and developing the next-gen-
eration algorithms in the area of Self Organizing Networks, Wireless
Sensor Networks and other related networks.

Job Responsibilities

Design and Develop and test Develop software in various

solutions for wireless com- RTOS environment
munication systems, embed-
ded software and hardware

Implement communication
protocols using various tech-
nologies (TCP/IP, CANBus,
USB, Ethrnet)


ICT Careers Guide


Minimum B.Sc. degree in Electrical

(Computer-Communication) Major
in the Field

The following are the major employers of

Wireless Embedded Engineer in Egypt:


Average Market Salary in Egypt

The average starting monthly sala-

ries for a Wireless Embedded Engi-
neer in the Egyptian market can be

5,000 EGP to 6,000 EGP

With at least one years experience,

monthly salaries can rise to betwee

6,000 EGP to 8,000 EGP

CDP ICT Careers Guide 131

Core Technical Skills

Implement communi-
Embedded Develop
cation protocols using
Software software in
various technologies
development various RTOS

Non-Core Technical Skills Language Skills

Embedded Systems Fundamentals The commonly used language in the field is English.
Candidates need to possess very good English lan-
Programing principles / C
guage skills.
These are some useful language learning websites that
also have mobile applications to make learning accessi-
ble through smart phones:

Business Skills Presentation Skills

Teamwork Technical Report

132 writing

ICT Careers Guide

Career Path

Wireless engineer

Job Advantages and Challenges

There are numerous advantages for working as a Wireless Embedded Engineer:

Increasing market demand

Increasing salaries
Constant skills development

Upon deciding to pursue a career as a Wireless Embedded Engineer, the following

challenges need to be taken into consideration:

Long hours
Stressful work
High competition

CDP ICT Careers Guide 133

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